The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THK DAI.I.KS, onuoux lMCltSONAT. 31KNTJON. Judge Bennett is attending court in lleppnur. A. 15. Lylu came up from Portland last night. The JIaccabee3 will give a grand ball the evening of March 17th. Judge and Mrs. Blakeley arrived home from Portland last night night. Our old townsman, F. P. Mnys.-'ls in tho city, coming up from Portland last night." Mr. C. W. Wntta of Albany, who was clerk of the joint legislative convention at Salem, is in the city. Mr. 11. G. Yoakum of Pendleton, ar rived here yesterday to visit hia old friend Win. Vanbibber. Mr. A. A. Jayne came down from Arl ington a few days ago, and is completing arrangements for locating here perma nently. AIAKUI121) At the residence of V. U. MoTIalev, in this city, Sunday Feb. 28th, bv Elder G. II. Burnett, Mr. Samuel II. Edmon sen to Miss Melissa J. McIIaley, both of this countv. I SO UN III this city, February 28th, to the wife of Charles B. Adams, a daughter. In this city, February 2Sth, to the wife of E. Jordan, a daughter. Card (if Titanic. llev. and Mrs. Goss take this oppor tunity for thanking their friends and acquaintances for the many courtesies and kindnesses shown them during their residence in The Dalles, and regret that time will not permit them to do so in person, their departure. being somewhat hurried, at the last, on account of the desire to commence work in the new field of labor, under Bishop Leonard, of Utah, with the beginnins of Lent. " J. N. T. Goss, E. E. Goss. Steamer fur Halt. We will sell the steamer "Wanna,'' thirty-five feet long, eisht foot beam, built in 1S93. All in good order. For full particulars apply to OltEUO.V LU.MHHlt Co., nich2.1md Viento, Or. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If yon suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Office in the Vogt block. " Allairs i limzll. New York, March 1. The Herald correspondent in Kio de Janeiro tele graphs that the treaty of extradition be tween the United States and Brazil will be signed this week. The appearance of strong bodies of the fanatic insurrectionists beyond the bor ders of Bahia has again caused anxiety in government uncles. These bands are reported to have in their possesion sev eral rapid-fire guns of the latest type. Tho Brazilian press is unanimous in opposing Japanese immigration. The number of Japanese who settled in 33 razil in 1S9G was much smaller than in ISO 3. Free Till- Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince yoji of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in tho cure of Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. Thoy are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to bo purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their actionbut by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tern. Itegular size 23c. per box. Sold by Blakeley k Houghton Druggists. (4) From Cripiiln Ureoli. After the big lire in Cripplo Creek, I took a very severe cold and tried many remedies without help, the cold only be coming moro settled. After using three small bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy, both the cough and cold left me, and in this high altitude it takes a meritorious coiiuh remedy to do any good. G. B. IIi:.m)hhko.v, editor Daily Advertiser. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Tills In Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, casli or stamps, a generous sample will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrli and Nay Foyer Curo (Ely's Cream Balm) mifllcient to dewon trato tho m-oat merits of tho remedy. ELY DHOTHEHS, CG Warren St., Kew York City. Itov. JolmUeM, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Ba'.m to mo. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive curo for catarrh if used an directed." Jtuv. Francin W. l'oole, Pastor Central Proa. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged curo for catarrh and contains no mercury aor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. Tho lrall nf C.ittdl.iino. Canka, March 1. The town of Candi amo has fallen into the hands of the in surgents. The Gieeks first took tho fortress of Viv'aros, which dominated the town, where tlwiv were 0000 Mussul mans. The beys, having appealed to Ti wfll: Pasha to get the sultan's protection for besieged Mussulmans, he replied that the sultan was powerless to insure it, and that they must look to tho powers. Thereupon the beys went to the English consulate to ask for assistance. The Admiral Instructed. Canka, March 1. The foreign admi rals have received from the ambassadois of their respective governments in Con stantinople a communication explaining the policv of the powers concerning Cretan autonomy and the withdrawal of tli 3 Greek forces from the island. MEN ON HORSEBACK. Four Whom Mr. (iosilntou Has Met More or Less I.ati'ly. "In a -big city," .said Mr. Gosling-ton, "you see all sorts of men on horseback. It is a common thing to see truckmen riding, mounted on one horse and it may be leading: another, going- to the haruess maker's, perhaps, or the liorse shoor's; riding without a saddle, and very likely without a blanket, but with a seat that many a more elaborately pro vided horseman ruig-htenvy. "You see occasionally a fireman on horseback', taking a horse to the horse shoer's. He rides always without a sad dle and almost invariably without a blanket. He wears a uniform, and he sits up straight, like a soldier he makes a pretty prim-looking- figure on 'horseback; he is almost certain to be a very good rider. "Yesterday 1 saw something T had never seen before a painter on horse back. You often see the painter's wagon, loaded with ladders and pots and cans of paint, and with two or three or more men in paint-covered overalls and jackets; but this was just the horse with a painter on his back. Wiiere he was going-, or what it all meant, I couldn't even imagine. "Later, yesterday, I met one mar. in the saddle. Walking- down Riverside drive after nightfall to g-st a little air and exercise before dinner, and wateh iug meanwhile the new moon hanging low over the river, I heard the hoof beats of a horse coming up nloujr the bridle path. Presently horse and rider came into view; man singing, horse keeping time with his hoofs; and so they disappeared. TESTING A VATCH. English Timepieces Tried as to Their Correctness mul Kejrulurlty. There has been watchmaking at Coventry as long- as there has been a watch trade in England, which is for the last 200 years or thereabouts, says the Jewelers' Beview. There used to be three cen teres of the English trade, these being Liverpool, Coventry and London; now there are practically but two, Coventry ami Birmingham. The test of a good watch is that it should obtain a Kew certificate, jind of tin watches that go to Kew 7j per cent, are from Coventry. At Kew no watch has yet succeeded in getting the hundred marks which signify perfection, but Coventry has come nearest, with DS, and is always well to the front. The Kew ti t is no light one. Tin; watch is tested in every position, and its rate registered, not only per day, but per hour; it is hung by its pendant, hung upside down, hung on each side, placed dial down and Lack down and at any number of angles, and to finish up it Ji is baked in an oven and frozen in an ice pail, rs'o wonder that, a watch with a Kew certificate is a comfort to its owner. When it is considered that it makes JS.000 vibrations an hour and must not Miry a second a week, while a quarter turn of its two time screws, meaning the millionth of an inch, will make n difference of 20 seconds .a day, the deli cacy of its adjustment will be appre ciated, as will also the risk of intrust ing its repair to any but. skillful hands. THE CARRIER PIGEON. An Explorer's H'lfo C'licon-d by tho fllos hiiko That It lirouglit, One day a wonderful bird tapped at the vindow of .Mis. Xansen's house at Christiana. Instantly the window was opened and the wife of the famous arctic explorer in another moment covered the little messenger with kisses and caresses, says the Philadelphia Times, Tlw carrier pigeon hud been away from the cottage JO long months, but it had not forgotten the way home. It brought a notf from Xuusen stating thatall was going on well with him and his expedi tion in the polar regions. Xaseu had fastened a message to a carrier pig-con and turned the bird loose. The frail courier darted out Into the blizardly air. It ilew like i.n arrow over 1,000 miles of frown . (- and then sped for ward over another 1 .otto miles of ocean and plains ami forests, and one morning entered tin- window of the w aitlng me tres -i and delivered the message which she had been awaiting' so nii.shiusly. We boast of human pluck, wigm-ity and en durance, but this loving little carrier pigeon, in ita homeward light, nlu-v an absence of .'10 months, accomplished a feat so wonderful that v.t can only giw ourselves up to tins amazement ami ad miration which must overwhelm every one when the marvelous story is told. .Mrs. .Nausea's pigeon lh one of the won ders of tin world. flow Ibout Your JOB We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. AVo not only tlesiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. fyropicje publisl?ii?$ j?o. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au thor forming the design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre sentation phite in silver, gold and blue; containing GOO pages and 32 full-page illustrations $1 75 In half-Morocco, marble edge 2 25 In full-Morocco, gilt edge , 2 75 M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed G-rain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, miL'lfId Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton "' 011 V This Flour is manufactured expressly for familv use; eery sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't think so call and get our pt ices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Astronomical Discoveries. That the best attainments are not the result, of chance was exempli'lied in the discovery of the planet Neptune, the lil'tieth anniversary of which event was recently celebrated in France. Tele scopes had long- swept the sky without discovering this shy outer planet; but when astronomers noticed how Uranus hastened in one part of iUs orbit arid moved with le.s rapidiay in another, they knew there must bean attracting body that held him in check, hcver rier, therefore, after minute calcula tions, wrote to the astronomer of the Merlin observatory, requesting him to point Jiis telescope to a particular spot in the sky on an evening indicated, and said: "You will see a planet which I have not seen, and which no human eye has ever seen, but which nevertheless must be on the spot." Xo one. would venture to call its discover' that night an act of chance. Youth's Companion. Facts About licllpscs. The maximum numberof eclipses that can take place within a period of a year is seven, and of these live are solar and two are lunar, anil the minimum number of eclipses is two, which must ,l.oth be solar. The year 1S97, the sec ond of the hie', semidecade of theXini teenth century, will present this mini mum number of eclipses, which, of ne cessity, must be solar and central, and will be annular. The first takes place on February Land the second on July SU. Both will be visible to some extent in this country. Albany Journal. dr. Giims IMl'KOVKQ KriL piixs A Allld I'M, hie. Ono Pill, lor u Dnao. A muM'n:utit of Ilia bowel each uty is ih' for Lenllli Thi-i pllla nupplir wlit tin- )hU iii lurks to mc rrtulif Tlmycuni lluailii liu, kiriciitun i'lo KeH 'tud clear tlnl'ii'iipl Kiwi UMiertlwi nwu.etics. "i Ijy U'jt ("'lix jiur pickrn, Ti ri.iiriiwu vun, u a mil mail r.iniilti fr nr full lux lor E.V. Si.Movcry. li(u. Ull. iiUii.-V.NIi.O MZU, i;u., I'ijilaaUi.Uu, fa. PlfflW THK KIUST BATTLK is mi intcreMliiR story of the great political .stniRKloof ISOO, its most Important events nnil tlio ninny issues involved; h loclcfll treatise on Ui-nictallism iim uttered by eminent exponents, including tho part taken by Hon. V. J. llrvan in the silver agitation prior to tho Democratic National Convention, and dur ing the campaign; tho best examples of his won- derail oratory, the most noteworthy incidents of his famous tour, u careful review of the political situation, n discussion of the election returns . and the significance thereof, and the future possibilities of JM-mctallism as a polltloil issue. I NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS. i ! Xotice is hereby given that bv author lily of ordinance Xo. 291, which passed I tho Common Council of Dalles C ruary G, 1S97, entitled "An ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for tho sale cf certain lots belonging to Dalles City," I will, on Saturday, the 13th dav of March, 1S97, sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder, all tho following lots and parts of lots in Gates Addition to Dalles City, Wasco County, Or., to-wit : The north 50 feet on" from lots 5 and (i jointly in block 18. North o0 feet oh" from lote 1 and '2 jointly in block IS. Xortli 50 feet off" ftom lots 1! and 4 jointly iu block 18, and lot 1 in block 1!). The reasonable valuo of said lot?, for less than which they will not be eold, has been fixed and determined by the Common Council of Dalles City a's fol lows to-wit: Tho north 50 feet ofT from lots 5 and 0 jointly in block 18, .200. North 130 feet oft" from lota 1 and 2 jointly in block IS, $G0. North 50 feet oil' from lots Jl and -1 jointly in block 18, $100. Lot 1 in block 19, .$200.' Each ono of theso lots will bo sold up on tho lot respectively and none of them shall be eold for a less sum than tho value thereof aB above stated. One-fourth of tlm trii 1 wl mi nun stf said lots shall bo paid in cash at the time of sale, and tho remainder in threo equal payments on or before one, two and three years from the date of said sale respectively, with interest on bucIi do ferred payments at tho rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually ; pro vided that payment may bo made" iu full at any timo at the option of tho pur chaser. Tho said sale will begin on tho Kith day of March at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m, of said day, and will continue from timo to timo until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated tnia 0th day of February, 1897. Gu.iiEUT V. l'jirju's, 110 Recorder of Dalles City. Subscribe for Tun Oiiko.viclk. BIDS WANTED. Wasco County, up to the Hour or i Wednesday. March o W . Hn of stone and other material, sua l used under such bridges. a wooden bridpes to inclu. e pier a, as show In specifications on hie witn uic fount v Clerk of Wasco Count . Thottnrt reserves the riht to reject "Bdilt I).dlc?, VVasco County, Or . this 7th day of February, A. I)., llui A. M. KBI.8AY, County Clerk. NOTICE OF ANNUALSCHOOL ELECTION. Notice is hereby given to the leeal voters of school district 2o. 12, Dalles Citv. Wasco county, State of Oregon, that the annual school election for said district will be held at the cilice of city recorder, on Court street, in a lie 1 a les, Oregon, to begin at the hour of J o clock in the afternoon and continue until l o'clock in the afternoon of eaid day. be ing the 8th day of March, A. I). 189 . The meeting is called for the purpose of electing one director for said district, to serve for the term of three years, and one clerk, to serve for the term of one year. Said election to be by ballot, and the polls will remain open from 2 o clock p. m. until 0 p. m. of said 8th day of March, A. D. 1S97. Dated this 20th day of leb., 1Mb. Okio.v Kixkusia-, Chairman Hoard Directors. Attest: E. J.coiisi;s-, District Clerk. TAB GOlUIUfilB PacRlDQ GO J PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANUFACTUKKK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curcrsof BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Dalles City and Moro Stage Line Leaves Williams Hotel, Moio, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at S a. m. prompt. Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at 8 a. in. prompt. Freight rates Tho Dalles to Moro, -10c per 100 lbs; small packages, 15 and 25c. Passenger rales Tho Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, $2.50. Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalles, and at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN. Prop. M I STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEB, - - Proprioto; Stages leave Hake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelopo to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HOUSES AND WAGONS. The Glades Ranch, WHITI! SALMON. WASH. riire Bred -! Aninrlcit Iiilmy (Juttlu (Jluli ?Ji!w. st,1Ml'l,ml!?.ft'IComm"Mlo ""'I Tormentor rJ 'J.1;., ' .'i'";0 L 10l;0 Hills for Mile or rout. I are Jiml I'oluiHt (Jlilim Hork ' White l'lyiuoutli Hook Chickens. -'-"' Whlto Salmon. Wiim. RLDDOpoiSON Huvu Your Ornliu ' w realizo that each euuirrol .in s troys uo worth of irau , , akelee'8 Sq.urrel and Gopher Bin,,: Ms ill. Oven Mitcliell jlORTHERN p' PACIFIC RY. n A n s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Oars Sleeping Car ST. I'Alfh MINNKAl'OLIS FA !(!() TO OIIANI I'OHKa CltOOKSTON WINNIl'KO IIKI.KXA mi ItUTTK Through Tickets TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON lMHI.AIlKI.lMI IA yuw rtntK ItOSTON AS1) AI.Ij VOINTS EAST anil HOUT1I lror inrorrantton, time cards, inapd ami tlckeU, cal oa or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oreson OK A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., Morrlsou Cor. Third, t'ortlmiil Oregon . EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route of Tin: Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at I'ortland. FKOM FEB. 10. 1S97. ARRIVE. OVKIUiAND KX-1 riress, Salem, Hose-1 burg, Ashland, Sac-1 ramento, Ogden,Sau ! Kraaciseo. Jlolave. f S:50 1. M. HLos Angeles, Kl I'aso, i New urleans ami I J: 10 A. M. 1 least. 1 3:S A. M. Kobeburg and way sta-j lions fVia Woodburn fori I .MtAngel, Silvertoii, i West Scio, Hrowns- ville,SprlUBtl(ild and I. Natron J Salcni and way stations (Corvallis mid way) . stations MeMiiinvillc and (way .stations j 1:10 P.M Daily except hundays. except Suudayi. 10.15 A. M t 6:'J0l'.M, t S:25P.M 1:00 1'. 7:0 A. tl:i: 1'. JI. Daily. tDany, except Sunday. DINING. OAKS ON OGDKN UOUTE. I'UI.liMAN HUPKKT HI.KKl'KItS AND SKCOND-CI.ASS SI.KKI'INti CARS Attaclicd to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Oillce, 181 Third street, where tliiouuli tickets to all points in the Kastern Stitcs, CiMiada and Kuropo can he obtained it lowest rates from J. It. K I It K LAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart Iron' (iiaml Central Station, l'lfth mid Irving btreets. YAJIHU.I. DIVISION, l'.ttsenger Depot, foot of Je!lerm strecu Leave for OSWICCiO, dailv, except 7:-JU a. m.; l'.';15, 1:13, 3:'2.'i, fi:l5, 8:00 p. a.; (and ll::vj i. m. on Saturday only). Arrive t I'ortland at 7:10 and 8::'.U a in.: and 1:30, 4:15. it::.", .'mil 7'.v. ,. ,n Leave for Sheridan, weoU days, ut ):S0p.m. An ho at I'ortland, U::W a. m U-ave for AIUI.1K on Monday, Wednesdayand KrMay at 0: Kl a. in. Anlve at I'ortland, TUW dav, Tlinr.sday and Saturday at 3;(B p. m. Sunday trains for OSWKGO leave at 8:10 a. a. and 12! 16, l : to, :j:so, h-.'Xi i: 15 and 8 05 p. m. Ar rive at i'ortland at H::w, I0:oo u. in.; 1:30, l:w. 5:10, fi:!V, 7:5.") p. m. 1J. KOKIILKK, K. 1. ROQKBS, Mam:i;er. Asst. G. I- V I'ass. Aet. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. . IK I'Hifcn a Wenlc. lflO l'apurs a Veif It etunda first among 'weekly" pape" in Eize, frequency of publication and freshness, variety ami reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the Iff price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of tho Union mid foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a line l'umor page, exhaustive market reports, all latest fashions for women and " l0U series of stories by tho greatest living American and Enalish authors, Cmmii I)iy, .Feioino K. .lei'"'"' Stanley Wuyitinu, Mary K. WtlW Anthony Hope, llrot llitrtu, Itiaiiiliir aiultliuw. I5tc. , Wo ofier this nnequaled nowfipaperaoa The Dalles Twico-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for ffL'.OG. Tliu regulr pricu of tho two papers is ifS.00. SURE CURE FOR PiLtS na '"" i'ln.l. Illimjlu ur l-roirudluu l'll!"IJ!';".'Zb. tw. iJrjni.u ur wll. lU.HOANKO, I'ial"'"