a l)c Dalles HH Chronicle VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1897 NO 43 WAKI-IKE fKK PA RATIONS. VAL The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER RO.YAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world eel- 1 f m eorateci lor its ereat leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. s BOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. 9 (rovaWo bwbJj ! 1 HOUSE TO ORGANIZE Twenty-one Representatives Are Sworn in. ABSENTEES TO BE BROUGHT IN Utah KitportH a Volcuuo aft Having Urukou Out In the Middle of Ureut Suit Iiiike. The roll 21 mom- S.u,e.m, March 1. Tho house tempor ary organization wuh called to order at 11 :l!0 o'clock this morning. via culled, and the following bers answered present: Harkloy, Ilowaer, Bayer, Jones. Honrno, Maxwell, Bucknian, McAllister, Davis of Umatilla, Misuner, Davis of Multnomah Munkere Dustin, 0le, Emery, Povov, Gill, Svindseth, Guild, TJ'Ken. Hill, Hill moved that a committee of three bo appointed to inform the chief justice tbat the members were ready to be sworn in. Hill, Emery and Misener wefre appointed, and conducted Chief Justice Moore to the speaker's chair. Tho roll was again called, allowing 21 members present. Misener stated that ho had been sworn in. Tho other members subscribed to tho oath and were sworn in by Chief Justice Moore, A resolutiqn offered by Hill that the house take steps to bring-in absent mem bers was adopted. A resolution by l'ovoy that the speaker appoint assistant Eorgeanta-at arms, if necessary, to bring in the absentees, was adopted. U'Hen then read an opinion by C. E. S. Wood, of Portland, to the effect that tho organization has power to compel tho attendance of abenteeB. The speaker named as assistant Ber-geants-at-arms, J. J. Sturgill. L. H. Mc Mnliun, M. K. Cunningham, Frank Will iams, 0. D. Parmeter, J. E. Povey, D. H. Weyant, P. J. Cotton, John D. Duly. Jho speaker announced others would bo appointed if necessary. Tho house then adjourned to 3:30 p. m. tomorrow. VOLCANO IN OltKAT SALT LAKE. t Causes the Witters to Beeth and Hull. R.vir Lakh, March 1. What appears to be a genuine volcauo has' burst forth i tho Great Salt Lako a short distance south of Promontory station, on the Cen tral Piiciiic road. The phenomenon re cently appeared in the shape of a small cloud hovering ovor tho water about a ilo from shore. It gradually increased I" dimensions and shot up so high in tho air that it is now visible a great die tanco, and tho water in the vicinity bolls and seethB and the spiny is thrown in the air for hundreds of feet. The vol cano is situated in the Trig arm of the lake, ou the west side of a range of mountains and is distinctly visible from Brigham City. The phenomenon is accounted for by the fact that for six months there have been felt several slight shocks of earth quake in these regions, aud it is sup posed tho fire and lava which have been confined in the subterranean depths have how found an outlet and are spend ing their force. A number of people have witnessed the phenomenon, which causes, great anxiety in the vicinity. CMiMENCV IS DENIED. The Santa Fo Murderer Must I'ay the Death l'eualty. Washington, March 1. The president has refused to interfere further in tho case of the murderers at Santa Fe, N. M. February 20th he granted a Btay of the death sentence for thirty days, or until March 23d. Now, having investi gated tho case, he refuses a pardon, saying : "I am quite clear that these convicts are not entitled to executive clemency in any form. I believe the homicide of which they were convicted was a cold blooded and deliberate assassination, and that every consideration in favor of peace, good order and personal safety demands the execution of their sen tence." l'realtleiit Woodruff's Jilrtliduy. Salt Laki:, March 1. An immense crowd gathered at the tabernacle to wit ness the ceremonies and celebration of the 90th, birthday of President Woodruff, of the Mormon church. The venerable president received an ovation when he took the stand to deliver his address of welcome. Touching upon politics. Pres ident Woodruff said: "I want to say upon this occasion, be fore God, the angels and all men that are before me, that I never in ono in stance have known any leader of this church to attorapt to dictate tho affairs of state as a member of the church." At the conclusion of the exercises a reception was given, lasting an hour. The anniversary exercises were attended by several persons, who were baptized by President Woodruff, in Great Britain 30 years ago, when he was filling a mis- sioii to that country. Oaah In Viiu r checks. All county warrantB registered prior to Sept. 13, 1892, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after Feb. 10, 1897. ' C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. Good tea is extremely good you may not . know how good. ;"' Try Schillings Best; if you don't like it, your gro cer will pay your money back in full. A Schilling & Company San Francesco Onvorninent Arranging to Transport Troup to l'lorldu Const. Chicago, March 1. A special to the Tribune from Tallahassee, Fla., says: From an incautious word dropped by a prominent state otticial Here, it is as certained that the government has been making arrangements for some days past to forward the quick transportation of the federal troops through Florida in case of "necessity." The story is that the railroads have been asked to com municate wiih Northern lines aud have special trains ready at a moments no tice to transport government troops to all points on the seacoast. It is also stated that the Washington authorities have been in communication with the state officers in regard to calling out the state troops if necessarv, and to pro vide for their quick transportation to points needed. It is understood this has been going on very quietly for the past week, and that all arrangements have been com pleted, so that at a moment's notice troops could be thrown into Tampa, Key West, St. Augustine and other coast towns and Jacksonville. At St. Augus tine, it is said, the troops have been warned to be in instant readiness for movement. The guns at the fort there have been put in working condition and the troops have been practicing with them constantly for the past week or so. Several torpedoes have been placed in the outer harbor at Key West, St. Au gustine and Tampa bay. The state troops' officers have been worked up over the reports of being called up for duty, and several have sent their volun tary offers to the governor. The state troops are composed of twenty com panies of about 100 men each, and four batteries. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science haB nroven catarrh A,o be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the murket. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly ou the blood aud mucous surfaces of the svstem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it failB to cure. Send for circulars and testmonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. "Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 WEYL,12U TO STEI DOWN. C37 Spanish Captain-General is Keportvd to Uuve ICuslRuud. New Yokk, March 1. A dispatch to the Herald from Havana says : It is learned on the very highest au thority that Captain-General Weyler has forwarded his resignation to the Spanish government at Madrid. Tho captain-general, it is said, will leave the island as soon as possible, probably in about three weeks. This decisive step General Weyler de termined to take as soon as he heard of the releasa of Julio Sanguilly. Tho captain-general said he would resign if the crown interfered with his policy with re gard to prisoners, especially Americans, and he wa9 incensed beyond measure at being ignored in the negotiations carried on by tho Spanish government in the case of the notable captive. Sanguilly, was released on Friday. It is reported that General Ramon Blaucoy Aronas, the Marquis of Peiia Plata, may be appoiuted to succeed Gen eral Weyler. llucKlen'o Ariuvu nulve. The best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin eruptions, and posi tively euros piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money rofuiuteu. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeloy and Houghton, drumdsta. Dfini iECDINH TaiiBht hy Mall l.y 0lJUI-LLrlllU Expert Accountant complete1 umTpiHotlcnl; exactly na found in bus My courno of lnsti actions thor- iiutj.i.y nun'fly you to tiiVe charge of iind l;ivp ii Mit of books. Tho highest reference tuiuMied, For tonus nnd full Information mlilies-s L. D. HUNTER, A. O, U. W. 'iemple, 1'tutliiuil, Oregon. Advertise in The Chkoniclk. When a man puts ou a bad-fitting Col lar, the Recording Angel makes haste to sharpen his pencil. TOON BRAND' Best 3 for 50c Collar on Earth. These will fit' .;And wear well, too. NEW SPRING STYLES open and on sale. Cuffs, 25c pair. New Line "Club House" Ties, 15 and 25c. Just been opened. H" 1 Kj A. XIX. WILLIAMS t CO. Only Pjjpp for Pimples is C I I PI TPH aliULLl U. Soap Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL ! 1 naker Jeweler All worl: promptly attended to, nnd warruutod. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. J. (JUUMiV, 'Attorney and Counsellor at Law, A1U.JNGTOX, OKKGOK. Practices In the State mid Federal Courts of Oregon ami Wtuliiugtou. jan'iJ-umo New York Weekly Tribune Far me and Villagers, I'Oll Fathers and Mothers, FOU Sons and Daughters, ion All the Family. With the dose of the Presidential Campaign THE TItlHUNE recognizes tha fact that tho American people are now anxious to "ivu their attention to homo and business interests. To meet thin condition, politic will have far less space and prominence, until another Statu or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for tho principle) for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day. and won its irreateut victories. Everv possible effort will bo put forth, and money freely spoilt, to make THE WEEKLY TiUBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We famish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1,75. IV Write your name and address on a postal card, semi it to Geo. V. liest, Tribune Office, New York City, an i a sample copy of The Now York Weekly Trib une will bo mailed to von. 7l. Z. DONNELL, PESCftfPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. O'pj). A. M. Williams it Co., THIO DALLES, OK. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Traded for Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., The Dalles, Or.