The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 01, 1897, Image 1

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NO 42
l)c Dnllco
Powers Demand Recall
Greek Forces.
Tlio Snltnn I'ropnriiiE to Invncle Tlies-siJy--Kurniunii
Onvornmonta II live
Tholr Kyes un CuUHtiiutlixiiilu.
London, Fob. 28. It ia stated liore to
Uny that there ia pood authority for be
lieving tho reanlt of tho conferences be
tween representatives of the great pow
ers at Constantinople and Atheii3 will be
the presentation of collective notes to
Turkey and Greece tomorrow. Greece
will ho allowed four days to recall her
land and aea forces from Crete.
It ia reported from Canea tbat Beyeral
insurgent leaders have sent to Vice-Admiral
Canevaro, of the Italian fleet, a
signed declaration thnt tbe Cretans will
'accept no solution of the pending quea
tion but political union with Greece.
Fighting continues between the insur
gents and Mussulmans near Retimo and
elsewhere. Tiie Christians besieged the
Turkish garrisons in the blockhouse at
31alta for several days.
Today a body of Turkish regulars and
irregulars left Canea with a convoy to
revictual the blockhouse. The insur
gents attacked the column and killed
several of the eBcort, whereupon the
Turkish battle-sbip Fuad opened fire
upon the insurgents with shells, and
continued firing until stopped by order
of tho foreign admirals. The convoy
wasfiually compelled to retire.
Absolutely Pure.
Celcbrntert for Its great leavening strength mid
lienlthfulness. Assures the fowl HP.iinst nimn
nud nil forms of adulteration common to the
uuuup onuius.
Royal Baking I'owdcr Co., New Yokk,
and on tho shores of the bay, inside the
bar, but late this evening the bodies had
net been recovered.
The parents of the unfortujpate lads
live here, and the untimely fate of the
young fellows has cast a gloom over the
of a
Upset )u the
Jtreaiur Off
the liny of
Tillamook, Or., Feb. 27, A terrible
accident occurred here today, whereby
three boys, Ernest Barnard, aged 15
Cecil Miller, aged 1G, and George Leasia,
aged 10, lost their lives.
Hie three boys were digcing clams
near the bar, and the tide was still
strongly on tne uub, when the young
fellows sighted the steamer Chllkat com
ing in over the bar. In a spirit of boy
i8h bravado, tliev determined to go out
and meet her. Tho tide wbb much
.stronger than the boys supposed, and
they were carried rapidly out end into
.!.. . .
oreaners, where their boat was un
set and threo of them drowned.
ilie following account of the disaster
was given by Captain Dunham, of the
'while steaming into tho bay today,
my attention was drawn to what seemed
to me to bo three lions. My wife, ghow
ever, insisted that they were human be
ings, and, on observing closer, I saw that
they were three boys clinging to a small
hoat, which had been upset in the surf.
Tho boat was iiiBido the bar, and near
tho shore, and the boys were clinging to
it and screaming at tiie top of their
voices for help. I whistled the sign of
distress to draw the attention of Hom
one on shore, and then turned the ship
about and went as near to the shore as
I dared, and lowered one of my boats.
By this time the breakers had washed
two of tho boys off, and I saw uo more
of them. There was a strong current
ut, anu the largest moy continued to
lng to the boat and drifted out of the
"By this time the steamer Elmore ar
rived at tho bar on hor way out. I told
the captain what had happened, and he
immediately crossed the bar and steamed
about, hunting for the boys, and especi
ally the one clinging to 'the boat, but he
Id not rind any of tbeni. I recrossed
the bar to tho ocean and looked about,
JJnt, being unable to find either of the
byo. I steamed off south, in tho direc
tion that I thought that the boy-clinging
to tho boat hud drifted. After goinu
nooiu a half a milo, I sighted tho boy
n thu boat, about a quarter of a mile
further eoiith. I steamed on toward
him aB rapidly as possible, but, when
about 300 feet away from him, an un
jiaimlly lurgu wave upset tho boat and
1116 "y throw Jlifi i,aiuia
8nk, and I saw him no more."
Alter steaming about for eomo time,
Je captain recrossed tho bar into tho
"arbor, and gave tho alarm. A large
number of men was soon on the beach,
Syndicate Anticipates Itestorutlon
High Tariff.
CnicAoo, Feb. 27. A Boston special
says :
One of the largest corners on wool ever
attempted in the'TJnited States exists at
present in this city, in anticipation ol
the restoration of a tariff on wool. The
existence oi the corner has been a well-
guarded secret for two weeks, but the
operations of the men and their agents
at London and Hamburg have become
so bold as to attract attention, and thus
the secret got out.
The steamer Columbian, which arriv'pd
yesterday, brought 8000 bales ot wool,
making a total oi 261,160 bales, which
has arrived In port during the present
month. A syndicate was recently
formed in this city to buy all the wool
offered in European markets, in antici
pation of u duty of ten per cent being
put on wool by congress at the extra
Bession, and the increased receipts are
thus accounted for.
Buyers have already purchased 15,000
bales of wool abroad, and will continue
to purchase the same up to the time of
the imposition of the duty, calculated at
11 cents a pound. The syndicate has
raised a pile of money, and only a few
days ago cabled $5,000,000 to its London
agents. It is calculated that 1,000,000
bales, or 500,000,000 pounds, of Austra
lian and South American wool, will be
brought to this country by the syndicate
witbin the time given.
BucKiou'n Arnica Halve.
The best Balve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevex
sores, totter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively euros piles, or no -fray required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaC'
tion. or monev remnciea. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Humor That He May Abdicate.
Paius, Feb. 27. Reports are current
here and elsewhere in Europe today that
it the powers insist upon the Greek
tooops evacuating Crete, King George
will abdicate in favor of Crown Prince
Constantino, the Duke of Sparta, whose
wi(e, Princess Sophia, ia sister to Em--
peror William ot uermany.
A Greek Steamer Seized.
Canea, Feb. 27. The Greek steamer
Tysus, after landing provisions and am
munition at Platonica for the Greeks,
took on board 100 prisoners. She waB
stopped at Draponia by an Italian war
ship and taken to Suda bay.
They Consulted Over the Situation in
Washington, Feb. 27. Chairman
Hanna and party arrived at the Arling
ton hotel this mornine. Hanna went to
the capitol immediately and was in con
ference with the Republican senators.
He had an extended consultation with
Senator Hoar, chairman of the judiciary
committee, upon the senatorial eituation
in Oregon.
An effort is being made by Hanna, as
chairman of the national committee, to
secure the election of a Republican sena
tor from Oregon. The fact that the legis
lature never 6rganized raises the ques
tion as to the ability of those now Eitting f
at Salem to adjourn.
There has been considerable te'e
grnphic correspondence between Hanna
and the Republicans of Oregon, and it
may result in an agreement of the Re
publicans of tho legislature to elect a
Hoar indicated to Hanna his belief
that an appointment by the governor
would not be accepted by the senate.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proyen catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Oatarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Tojedo, Qv
Sflld by Druggists, ?5c. 7
Spanish" Opinion, of lkI.
We want your tea-trade
for the rest of your life.
Do you see now how we
can afford to say: "Get
every sort of Schilling s
Best of your grocer, and
get your money back on
what you don't like"?
Marquis tie ralmeroia HtiUfi a Scandal
ous Attack on Oonl t'oe.
New Yokk, Feb. 27. A d'fi'M'tch to
the Herald from Havana says :
The Marquis de Palmeroia madts' ii
scandaloua personal attack on General
Lee Wednesday night in the palace in
the presence of several newspaper cor
respondents which said that the release
of Scott had been demanded because he
was both arrested and kent in prison in
defiance of the law.
"Who told yout that?" shouted Gen
eral Palmeroia, the secretary of state.
"General Leo," replied a correspond
ent, calmly.
"General Lee is a liar, impostor and
rebel," shouted the little marquis with
an oath.
This incident is telegraphed merely to
show how the wind is blowing in the
palace, and to let you see what must be
the treatment and position of an ordi
nary citizen, when our consul-general is
reviled oponly by one of tbo heads of
the government here.
Cuth in Your Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Sept. 13, 1892, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Feb. 16.
1897. C. L. Phillii's,
County Treasurer.
So much talked
about just now
may be seen at
our Shoe Dept.
in all the popu
lar toes.
Gentlemen's Fair-Stitch, new point
toe, in Ox-blood, all sizes $3.00
Gentlemen's Goodyear Welt, in new
Dark Tan; most popular toe . $4.00
Gentlemen's Ox-blood, Goodyear
Welt; laced $4.50
Is the latest toe in Ladies' Footwear.
We show these styles in Chocolate,
cloth'top, laced, with silk-stitched
eyelets; also in Ox-blood, kid top.
These Shoes at $4.00
1 or
New York Weekly Tribune
Vesuvius Htuiipod tho Xiauntlena.
Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 27. The
Dauntless is makiug a reputation as a
runaway, triday afternoon the tug
steamed out of her dock carelessly and
started down tbo river. Near the Veeu
yius she put on a little spurt. Four
shrill blasts from the cruiser were heard,
but the tug did not mind. Then came
the signal, but' still the tug kept on,
this time being 500 yards down the
river. The Vesuvius squared around
abruptly, marines appearing on her
deck, and a hoarse hail came acroes: , '
"Stop, or we'll make you."
This was followed again by the per
emptory whistle blasts. Seeing that
Captain Plllsbury was in earnest and
tbat the Vesuvius was coming after him,
the Dnuntloss came about and went
gracefully back to hor anchorage.
A Schilling & Company:
San Francisco
COII 1lOlb it 'It inuutlon
XuiiKlit by Mull by
Kxnxrt Accountant
leal: uxuctlvaK found in
iiiimiios jiy course oi instructions mor
midily nitnuly you to take charge of nud
kct'iui sotof books. The highest reference
liiiiiUhiMl. J'or terms mul full informntlon
uduiejs L, D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W.
Temple, Portland, Oregon,
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
A. II. GUltl-KV.
Advertise in Tun Ciikokiolk.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
rruetiecs lit the State and Federal Courts ol
Oregon uud Washington. Jan'JJ-amo
Far me
and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With the ctoee of tho Presidential Campaign THE T It I HUNK recognizee tha
fact that tho American people aro now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To moet this condition, politics will have far loss space and
prominence, until another Stat or National occasion demands a renuwal of the
fight for tho principles for which TIIE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present dav, and won its irreatest victories.
WKkKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, intoreatinir.
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
VVrltn vour namo nnd addroHH nn u nnnful oani m...i - ur i i
Tribune Office, New York Citv. and a nainrl nnnv nf Tii v.u, vl. u!,i.i.'.'
une will be muiled to you. '
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THIS DALLES, OR.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded for TTov rnin 13
The Dalles, Or.