The Dalles My Chronicle. THK IIAI.I.KS, OHKIKI THE CHURCHES. Lutheran services will bo held at th courthouse tomorrow us follows: Morn inc service at 11 : Sunday school at 12:15 oyeniii service at 7:30. At tlio Congregational church, corner of Court mid Filth stieets, servicea as UBiial. At 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. wor ship, and a sermon by the pastor, W Curtia. Sunday echool im mediately after tho morning service. Meeting of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p. :n. Topic "From what does Christ save men," Titti 3: 1-17. (Consecration meeting), All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. A few months ago, Mr. Hyron Every of Wood'toc-V, Mich., was badly afllicted with rheumatism. Ilia right leg wa swollen tho tun length, causing mm great suffering. He was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first bottle of it helped him considerably and the second bottle eflectrd a cuie. The 2."i and 50 cent sizes are for sale by Wakeley iv Houghton. Harvard Cluli Concert. A most eniovable entertainment was given by tho Harvard Club for which Miss lifBo Elaine Hext whose power as an expressionist are well known was secured as tho special attraction "The Chariot Race," "The First Quarrel" and "The Curse Scene" from "Leah" were the most noteworthv among the heavier numbers. The statuesque posing in Grecian cos tumes a new feature of entertain ment especiallv commendable and received with ureat applause. Chicago Herald, 'Jet. 1, With the Hext Company at the Vosrt Monday night. I have given Chamberlain's Oousrl Remedy a fair test and consider it one of the very best, remedies for croup that have ever found. One dose has alwavs been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yeilds very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children Geo. E. Wolff, clerk of the Circuit Court, Fernandina, Fla. Sold by Blakc-ley & Houghton. Itlcli Strike in I.eaiivllle. Lkadville, Colo., Feb. "6 In the Jul Desperandum mine on Rock hill, at i depth of 657 feet, and in a drift 140 feet long, has been niado the richest strike in Leadville since 1SS0. The en tire face of the drift is a mass of hard -carbonate thick with chlorides of a great richness, while development shows that the ore body is of large dimensions Two averago samples, not specimen as says, show values of $400 and $450 per ton respectively. Ton years ago, Mof fatt and Smith spent !05,000 on this mine, finding nothing, and abnn doned it. Did you ever stop to think what indi gestion really means? It means simply that your stomach is tired. If our less are tired, we ride. The horse and the Etcatn engine do the work, whv not give your stomach a ride: that is, let something else do its work. Foods can bedige&ted outside of the body. All plants contain digestive principles which will do this. The Shaker Diges tive Cordial contain digestive principles and is a preparation designed to rest the stomach, The shakers themselves have sucli unbounded conGdenco in it that they have placed 10 cent sample bottles on the market, and it is said that even eo small a quantity proves beneficial in a vast majority of cases. All diuggista keep it. 9 Laxol is tho best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. . llil Von Kver. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to bo peculiarly adapted to the re lief and euro of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to tho organs. If you have Lo3 of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Steepness, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters in tho medicine yon need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents and $1.00 at BlakoIey& Houghton, Druggist. 3 Tills Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a geuerouB sample will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Orcam Balm) sufficient to demon. trato tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY niiOTJIEHS, CO Warren Ht., New York City. Hov. John Held, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely'fl Oream Halm to me 1 1 can cnipnasizo ins statement, "it is a posi tive euro for catarrh if used as directed." Itey. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor Central Fret. Church, Helena, Mont. ' Ely's Cream Balm is tbo acknowledged euro for catarrh and contuiun no mercury Bor any injurious drag. Prico, 50 cents. HONORABLES IN MAINE. Distinction Mario In Official Title by l'lno Tree .SI lit o IHIquot to. There ib a form of oflicinl etiquette in the correspondence which goes out from the secretary of state' ollico n'hieh is unlike that followed in ;u y of the New England states. Accoidiiifj to the rulings of the sceretary--and he is simply carrying; out the tmditionHof his predecessors since Maine became n state in ISL'u the judges of the supreme and superior courts, tiio members of t he governor's council, the senators, the heads of nil the departments and the mayors of Maine's cities have their mail addressed to them with tho word "Hon orable" prefixed to the name in even case, while the members of the house of representatives, the judges of the mu nicipal courts in the cities whose sal aries in some cases exceed that paid to the governor and all minor otlieeliold ers must content themselves with the term "esquire" following their names. As for the governor, lie is always ad dressed as "His Excellency." Other New England states Massa chusetts -and New Hampshire in partic ular are more liberal in the distribu tion of titles, for they prefix "Hon orable" to municipal judges, repre sentatives and aldermen in" the T.irious cities. It is probable that Maine is the only state where a municipal judge can be addressed verbally as "Your Honor," but is not entitled to the prefix of "The Honorable." There Is Nothing So Oooil. There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit bo may claim something else to be just as good. You want Dr. King's NTew Discovery because you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affec tions of Throat. Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Blakelev tioughtoirs Drug btore. Kegular size 50 cents and $1.00. ;3) HE SAID 'POKE AND BEANS. The Failure of a (ieorglu 31an to I'h.r Himself OiT us :i Ynukuc. Joe Cavan, who has had a whirlwind experience in the south and west, said to the crowd, in the presence of the Ivcw York Sun reporter, in thesameold place, the uptown hotel: "My advice to you all is, be natural. Do not try to deceive people with your :iuected talk or m vour clothes. You will be certain to show the cloven foot omewhere. I was at a dinner once in St. Louis. It was given by Gov. Marma- duke. Uefore we had given our orders. for at a western dinner every man has the privilege of 'nig what lie wants, the governor asked one of his guests where he hailed from. One was from Tennessee, one from Illinois, one from California. Tho east was not repre sented, so I handed in iny card from Vermont. Just then th" waiter passed the bill ot fare, and my ruling passion asserted itself. 'Poke and beans,' said 1, in my natural voice. Cavan, said tho governor of Mis souri, vehemently, 'you're from Georgv. No man from Vermont ever said "poke and beans," and your scheme, of pass- ng for a ankee, suh, is reprehensible, and will cost you the m inc.' "I have sailed under mv own colors ever since. A Ciiro for L.:u:ic ItaoU. ".My daughter, when recovering from 11 attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the back and hips," writes Louden Grover, of faardis, Ky. "After using quite a number, of remedied with out any benefit she tried ono bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlains Pain Halm is also a certain euro for rheu- mitism. feold by Blakelev & Iiouchton, found Ills Jleui'iiiKS. An amusing incident occurred in th't earing: of a collision ease in the ad miralty court before Sir Francis .Teuno and Trinity house assessors. A typical old salt, with only one eye, got along- (jtute satisfactorily witiVliis e.vaniina tion in ciuei, nut wus rat her non plussed when the opposing- counsel be g-an to cast some doubts upon his evi donee, the old tar got over tho first three or four questions fiifcly, but his wrath rose as tho oros.s-exam'iiiiitioii proceeded. At length ho could restrain the full gale of his indignation no longer, and, buttoning his jacket tight ly, he leaned over the rails of the wit ness box and cried: " beg your par don, but who might you be, mister?" The court roared with laughter, in which tho president and assessors heartily joined. The counsel replied: "Oh, I am against you." At this admis sion tho sailor seemed much relieved and remarked: "Oh, I sec! Now 1 know my bearings and must steer ac cordingly." London Telegraph. Kill- s II in. Ono hundred and ixty acres all plow ami; 180 acres under plow; good family irchard. Four-room houee and good i gooa I barn ; running spring of water. Ono and ono'half miles from Goldendalo, Wash. Terms, $2000; ono.half down ami mortgages for tho balance. Apply to (ieorge Darch, corner Fifteenth and lVnilantl streets, The Dalles, Or.: or W. T. Darch, Goldendalo, Wash. fbS-lm j-lou; fibout Your We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and wo arc after all the work we can do. We not only desiie to keep bus', but would prefer to bo rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Lot us have vour next order. ?f?rdii(;le publisf?ii?$ ?o. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES Richly and durably bound in English thor torniing tne design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre sentation plate in tilver, gold and blue; containing 600 pages and 32 tun-page illustrations In half-Morocco, marble edge In full-Morocco, gilt edge Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 5? iff Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour use; very We sell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, and if von don't think so all and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. BIDS WANTED. Notice iri herebv triven that bids for a bridge across Hood river, at tho town of Hood lliver. will bo received bv the County Court of the Statu of Orceon for jjbeco wunty. up to the hour of noon - .... Wednesday. March .'J, 1897. The bridne span will bo 134 feet, will be 4 feet high er than tho present bridge, and within four feet of tho same. IJids will bo re ceived for a Howe truss, Smith truss, ijowsmng ana a steel orluge. isius on steel bridge to include proper abuttments of stone and other material, usually used under such bridges. IJids for woo-ten bridges to include piers, as show in speciucations on nlo with tho County Clerk of Wasco County, Ilio Court reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Tho Dalles, Wasco County. Or., this 7th day of February, A. D 1897. 11-td A. M. Ki:i.say. Oountv Clerk. ISoial KUctioii Notice, No. IS. School IXntilct Notice is hereby given that a school meeting of school district No. 12. of Dalles Citv. Waeco county. Oreuon. to bo held at tho council chambers in said district, on tho 27th day of February, WJi, there will bo submitted to' tho legal voters of said district tho 'question of contracting a bonded debt of $20,000.00, for tho purpose ot paying tho debt of the district ami building a new school house. Tho vote to bo by ballot, upon which shall oo ino words "lionds Yes," and the words "Honda No." Polls to bo opened at 1 o'clbck n. in., and remain open until 4 o'clock, p. in. Jjy order ot tho board of directors of school district No. 12. of Dalles Citv. I Waeco county, slate of Oregon. Dated tins 2nU day of Fob,, A. D. 1807. K. J,C01ISKN, District Clerk. Cattt In Vour Check!, All county warrants registered prior to Sept. 13, 1892, will bo paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after Feb, 10, 1897. O. L. Piullii's, County Treasurer. JOB PRINTING? THE FIH8T 11ATTI.E is nn interesting story of tho great political struggle of 1MM, Its most important events and tlie many issues involved ; a logical treatise, on Ul-mctnlllsni as uttered by eminent exponents, including the nart taken by Hon. V. J. Ilryan in the silver agitation prior to we ucmocratle isntionn: convention, ana tun- inc tho camtiniirii: tho best examples of his won derful oratory, tho most noteworthy incidents of his famous tour, a careful review of tho politic.U 1 situation, a discussion of tho election returns i and the slguifloanee thereof, and tho future , possibilities of Ui-metallism it it politic u issue. AND PRICES: Cloth, plain edges; portrait of tho au si io 2 25 2 75 M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or, is manufactured expressly for sack is guaranteed to givo satisfaction NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that by author- iiv of 1 ihu Onmnmn w -""ItD WILY i'Ull- ruary 0, 1897, entitled "An ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for tho Dalles City, Waeco County, Or., to-wi Tho north 50 feet off from lots jointly in block 18. North 30 feet ofl" from lots 1 and jointly in block 18. North 50 feet off from lots 3 and 4 jointly iu block 18, and lot 1 in block 19. Tho reasonable value of said lots, for less than which they will not bo sold. has ueon Used and determined by tho O r i i it - wuiiuuuii vytiuneu oi uanes uity as fol lows to-wit: The north 50 feet off from lots 5 and 0 juiuiiy in oiock io, ifzw. norm au teet olt from lots 1 and 2 jointly in oiock is, tw. iorth oi) leet oil from lots 3 and 4 joinuy in mock la, ?iuu. Lot 1 in block 19. 200. Each one of these lots will bo sold up on tho lot respectively and nono of them shall bo sold for a less sum than tho value thereof as abovo stated. One-foiirth of tho prico bid on anv of aaiu lots snail do paid in cash at tho nun- ui bale, anu uio remainder in three equai payments on or before one, two and throe years ftoni tho date of said sale respectively, with interest on such de ferred payments at the rate of 10 per T V . I, I'.iuuiu mutually ; pro. vided that payment may bo mado in full at any time at tho option of tho pur- lhe said salo will begin on tho 13th day of March at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, and Will continue from uiiiu ui umu tinui an oi said lots' shall uu euiu. Dated this 0th day of February, 1897. ,n Gll.UEHT W. PilKU'8, 110 Recorder of Dalles City. saio oi certain lots belonging to Dalles City," I will, on Saturday, tho 13th day Tup Pi nnrn Dnr., of March, 1897, sell at public auction, tb 1 H E UfLADES RANCH the highest bidder, all tho following lots ,,.,,,. and narts of lots in Gates AdiHiin,. r. WIU" hawuin. wash. . W 1 Subscribe for Tin: Ciikoniclk. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice la hereby given to tho Iwjl vntr of school district No. 1-Y' City, Wasco Conn ly, State o , ur that the annual .fc' , " V ":., ,.. u choo o iVo. on Court street, to begin at r.?n, r of 2 o'clock in the .. ternooti on ,.t tii 1 1 MO 111111 ll n ... .w i, ii-ot Mr.ndav. being tho first nay n LI If A T1 1R07. TlilsVet of hearimr tho annual report of the t-ltrk f,., .lutrtnt and the transaction ui business usual at alien in;o'"K- C0T . . Dated this loth day oi reormn .. - Okios Kishusia, Chairman Board Directors. Attest : IS. .mcoiiuen, District Uierit. 15.28 NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION. SCHOOL V,! !. I.nrnhv olvfttl tO tllO lOLM i i i- 'n in I in i'S it,tta rtr cpn nil i 1111111:1 iiw. ' - Citv, Wasco county, State of Oregon i,'t tiw. .i,imii:iI pnliool election for sau district will bo held at the city Marshal's oflice on the 8th day ol .i:irciit a. u. 1S97. This meeting is called for the pur- f oipptinif onii diiector to serve for" three years, and also electing a clerl; to servo for one year. Dated this 20th (lav oi ., w. Ohion Kinuksly, Chairman Hoard Directors. Attest: E. .lACoiisii.v, District Clerk. m 6oi M PACKERS OF Pofk and Beef MANUFACTUiiKliS UK Pin6 Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Dalles City and Moro Staje Line .Leaves Williams Hotel. Moio. on Mondaye, Wednesdays and Fridays at i n. 111. nromnt. Lenves Umatilla Ilouue. The Dalles. Tuesdays, Thvrsdays anil Saturdays at 8 a. m. prompt. ureight rates the Dalies to Moro. -!0c pertuuihs; small packages. Io ami 2oi: I'assenger rates the Da es to Moro. .?Uu; ronnil trip, SL',50. Agency at Umatilla House. Tho Dalles. aim at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS AI.IJCN. Prop. Bate Orai and Mitche STAGE LINE, THOMAS HABPEB," - - Proprietor Stages leave Hako Oven for Antoinm every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HOUSES AND WAGONS. - lire Brefl Aiiiorlcn Jersy Cattlo Club Adilreus: jy'i)-u-3m A. it. IIYIIKHTT. Pr,, White Salmon. Wash. DR. GUM'S IMl'liOVED LIVER PILLS KVi i!ify"nltller rlw ,'.'.'i"l'n" "trthn .Vtlci II iuni,lB irw,. or full ,, ,',', r."V"K7 f"u. " LODD POISON A SPECI AIT V WimwrSL cured In 16 tosiunya Yo.rnPK0r.n,aneo7 cury.ioUldn Tn, l.vii."' " .havotalieiiiiiiS: tflna. Mucous Viitcl eslnm".,,! H?Y0 he9 nl MiPiotUoUdf.TittiV UlcorsorJ note cage and i. ."n J?" kPPlltatloa, uarantr. , rloa. Add! uinDla PaoKioo Go Ml I til i JERSEYS riini bt,J'ttmb.SJt',Commahsl hiuI Tormentor mine. 'Iliri-o Uhoico Uh for snlo o-Vt-iit mi homo Clioh-o Covs un.l Heifers for -hi lb 1'0,,l,1(l Cnl1"1 "ok" C WllltO I'lvillOllt 1 llnnb I !l, lC...... D u eituionioatobati; Sawwooiuiuotciiro 'Ifti.y,'0 wo"fl rora wn mi ORTHERN PACIFIC RyT u s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car tT. I'Ain, MlNNKAI'OMs nuiari'ii FAKCIO IIANW I'OIIKS It(OICST()N WINNIPKO IIBf.KNA nn 1IUTTK TO Thitough Tickets UIIICAOb WAHH1NOTON I'lllLAnKLI'IlJA yuw YOKK HUSTON AN1 1MHNTH J3A8T mill HOCTH For inrormntio:i, lime cnrdH, mnps nmi tickets, ml on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Ditllcs, Oregon OR A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., iX, Morrison Cor. Thini. fortlnnil Orc?on EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. TrniiiH leitvonmi are duo to arrive nt Portland. fkom n:. 10, 1897. ARBIV. OVKHKANI) EX-1 press, Hiilcm, Uose-1 bun.', Ashland. Hue-1 S:fi0 I'. JI I rumen to, Ogdon.Siin ' 1 Friiiicitico, Jlojuvo, ( I.osAligclcs(KU'aKo, i I Now Orleans and I IKast J Hoiseburg nnd way hta- Hons fVia Woodbtiril fori I JIt.AiiKel, Silvertoii, ! West Selo, Urowns- ) vlllu,ijprlngllel(t and I (.Natron J S.ilem and way stations (Corvnllitt and wity) fstatlotiN j j.MuMliiivlllc a nd (way stations '3:10 A. JI. S:ao a. M, '1:10 P.M Hiilly except liundiij-s. 1:00 I'. JI. '.JO A. M. except Suutiays, 10.15 A.M I 0:20 P.M. f 8:a)P.lJ H:l.r, I. JI. Dally. (D.niy, except Sunday, DI.NINC OAKS ON OGDKN KOUTK. l'UI.I.MAN 11UFI-KT Sl.KKl'KItS AND SKCOND-OLASS SI.KKI'INO CABS Attached to all Through Trains. Tltroush Ticket Ollleo. 1.11 Tlilnl street, where tlirottdi tickets to all tiointi, in the Knstcrn St'ites, Canada and Knropo can bo obtained nt imirai rates irom J. 11. KIIIKIjANI), Ticket Agent. Ml abovo traiiiw arrivo at and detmrt irow (iraiid Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets. YAM1IU.1, DIVISION. Pan-eager Depot, foot of Jetlersoa street. Leave for OSWKdO, dallv, except Sunday, ot :-0 a. m i-j:i,v i i.i. s--'.v n;i5. 8:03 u. in., (anil U::i p. in. on Saturday only). Arrive at Portland at 7:10 mid S-.rjl n m.: and 1:30. 4:15, 0::j anil 7:5.1 p. in. I'ltve for Slicrldiin. u-pnk il.-ivs. 'it. li.TO I). IB. Ariivn at Portland, 'J-.'M a. m. U-ave for AIKI.I1-: on Monday, Wednesday anil KrMllV at 0:10 a. in. Arrlvn nf !irtliiml. TUfB- duv, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. in. Slltld.-lV trnlna Inr llfiW Vim Inm-n n H-i() A. HI. and 12! 15, 1:15, 3::!0, 6:2. OitiaudS 05 p. ru. Ar rive at Portland at 8:30, 10:00 a. in.; 1:30,1:15, 5:iu, 0:;!.), 7:55 p, m, It. KOKIII.KK, Jlanuiier. E. I'. KOOKKS, Asst. G. V. & Pass. Ant. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION- 18 1'aijes u Weak. 150 I'niiers Yer It etimds ilrstnmong 'weokly" paps'8 i size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a ilally at tho tow price o a weekly; and its vast, list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign couoi tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. ' It is splondidly illustrated, and among Ub Bpecial featurea( are a tine l'uraor page, exhaustive market reports, all to? latest fashioiid for women and a long series of stories by tho greatest living American and English authors, Ooiiaii Jioylo, Juroiuo K. Jerome, Hlunley Weymiui, Mory K. Wllhn, Aiitlmny lloiiu, Uret llurte, lllllldltr Allll tllnwa. Kin. We ofler this unequaled newspaper and The Dulles Twico-a-Week Clfronicle to gother one year for $;',0pf The regal' prico of the two piipers is $3.00,