The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 26, 1897, Image 1

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    el)c Dalles
j Cliratttdc.
NO 40
Eloquent Plea in Behalf of
the Prisoner.
Dehato Continued Throughout the Af.
ernoonPorelBn ICelatloiiM Com
mittee Askn Information.
Washington, Feb. 25. Tbo senate re
solutions were taken up promptly by the
senate today. The first resolution com
tog over from yeBterday wus that ot A.1-
leu asking the president to use effective
measures to protect American citizens
in Cuba and to that end Bend United
Slates warships to Cuban ports.
Allen said American citizens were
daily being arrested in Cuba and thrown
into prison without trial. It seemed to
be the disposition to punish every
American citizen in Cuba. It was a
story full of barbarity and atrocity.
Recently a lady had been taken by Span
ish officials and ber person searched.
Little girlB had been gathered up in Cu
ba and sold into the worBt conceivable
slavery. Spanish soldiers had taken in
fants by the heels and hacked them to
pieces and killed their parents. Such
actions were a blot on the civilization of
the age.
Tho Sanguilly resolution was then
brought directly before the senate.
Daniel of Virginia, a member of the com
mittee on foreign relations, followed
Morgan in support of the resolution.
"Few are aware," he said, "of the
enormity of this case. Sanguilly had
been held two years yesterday. Twice
he had been condemned to solitary im
prisonment in chains, on' military, un
sworn testimony. He had been treated
rigorously, harshly, brutally.
"Our representative in Cuba has been
arrogantly insulted by the Spanisli au
thorities," exclaimed Daniel, "and thiB
country has been insulted by the Span
ish authorities. I have, been told by
high Spanish authority that the presen
tation of the Sanguilly case was a dis
grace to the United States and to the
American flag. If the fleet of the United
States had been sent to redress that in
Bult it would have been sustained by
every citizen of tho United States."
There was intense excitement through
out the senate as Daniel's wordB rung
through the chamber.
"Why should congress remain su
pine?" he continued. "The time will
come when this inaction will make peo
ple hang their beads for being American
Daniel said enough diplomatic red
tape had been spun on this case to build
a cable from the United States to Spain,
and enongh ink spillpd for an ocean in
which to lay the' cable.
Morgan said the committee op foreign
relations pressed forward this protection
of American citizens as "fast as well
authenticated facts would permit. The
records ot atrocities against women and
little girls did not have that verification
warranting action by the committee.
It has brought forward a resolution for
the immediate release of Sanguilly, as
the facts in this case were well-established
beyond question.
Hoar inquired whether some time
should not be given the senators to ex
amine into tho Sanguilly report, as
tho subject involved grave interna
tional considerations.
Morgan felt speedy action essential.
He reviewed the circumstances jot San
guilly'a arrest, long confinement and
trials. He read, from treaties and point
ed out essential offenses against Sanguil
ly as being solitary confinement, without
opportunity to prepare .a defense; no
ball except a bond to pay the qpsts of his
wn prosecution ; .no trial within the
limited time as provided by the treaty j
the piling up of other charges of kidnap
'"B. irregularities of the several trials;
receiving hearsay and unsworn testi
mony. One of Sunguilly's chief witnesses,
Ulouni, he mid, had been shot jn the
Prison yard before, he could be heard
The trials had shown extreme hatred
existing against the United States, the
bpanlsh ocials,lo1dgl,ng Jp diatribe
against this country. Never lulthe' his
wry of jurisprudence was there-; case
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength aud
henlthfulncsR. Assures the food ngainst alum
and all forms of adulteration c6mrnon to the
cheap brands.
Royal Baking Powder Co., New York.
where there was less show of reason for
a conviction.
But the resolution was urged on still
higher grounds; namely, that the gov
ernment of Spain is utterly ignoring the
rights of this American citizen under
our treaties.
Citizens Fear Thslr Oorernment
I)sertel Thviii.
New York, Feb. 25. A special to the
Herald from Havana, via Key West,
says :
Americans are flocking in from the
country. The position of our citizens
is most critical. The rumor, whether
true or false, has gone abroad that the
American government would not inter
vene so long as the trade interests of the
country are not interfered with. Unless
something firm and decided and strongly
American is done by our government in
Washington, Americans are in danger
of their lives.
The murder of Ruiz and the demand
for the .release of Scott are the. sole
topics ot conversation. The government
and palace people hete have tried to
change the subject of conversation by
giving out news of an alleged skirmish
with Gomez, but the attempt was a
The amusement and the great hilarity
which were observed in the palace have
changed. Minister de Lome, always ac
curate as a news gatherer, has cabled the
captain-general that Lee will not be
recalled and his resignation is not ac
cepted, and that he may bo sustained.
Hundreds of telegrams have poured in
on Consul-General Lee trom all quarters
of the globe, congratulating him on the
stand he has taken, those from the
United States promising patriotic action
in congress, liven at tuts critical mo
ment, and with many heavy cares and
responsibilities which the admiration
should share weighing upon him. Gen
eral Lee views the situation from a calm,
dispassionate standpoint, and ho ex
presses the hope that the situation
created by the murder of Ruiz and his
own determination not to submit to an
other similar atrocity should not be ex
ploited by partisan advocates of any
particular policy toward the island of
Did you ever stop to think what indi
gestion really means? It means simply
that your stomach is tired. If our legs
are tired, we ride. The "horse and the
steam engine do the' work. Why not
give your stomach a ride; that is, let
something else do its work. Foods can
be digested outside of the body. All
plants contain digestive principles
which will do this. The Shaker Diges-
tive Cordial contain digestive principle
and is a preparation designed to rest the
stomach, The shakers themselves have
such unbounded confidence .in it that
they have placed 10 cent sample bottles
on the market, and it is said that even,
so small a quantity proves beneficial in
a vast majority of cases. All druggists
keep it. 9
LUCOl Is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
"Actions speak louder
than words" ask your gro
cer if we really:mean jnoney
back if you don't like Schil
hng s Best tea.
ASMUnfGipaby -:
Spaniard! Claim to Doubt Legality of
Ruts' Citizenship.
New York, Feb. 25. A World special
from Madrid says :
The Spanish authorities doubt the le
gality of Dr. lloiz' American citizenship.
Nevertheless, they have ordered an im
mediate official inquiry with a view of
punishing severely all concerned in the
affair if it is proven that they failed in
their duty. Some time must elapse be
fore the matter can be sifted.
The only cablegram the government
here has received from the authorities in
Havana in response to an inquiry rela
tive to the Ruiz case reports that he was
arrested for complicity in the detention
of a railway train by the rebel chief
Aranguren, and that he died of conges
tion of the brain in the prison at Guan
abacoa on the night of February 17th.
The next day, the dispatch says, Con-sul-Ceneral
Lee, accompanied by a sur
geon, was allowed to see and exanine
the body, but not until February 21st
did he lodge a formal complaint that he
had noticed contusions on Dr. Ruiz'
head, possibly arising from blows and
causing death by congestion.
CanoTaa Will Inresticate.
New York, Feb. 25. A Herald special
from Madrid says :
Premier Canovas in an interview with
certain member of the press touching
the death of Ruiz, stated that the Span
ish government in order to be in a posi
tion to reply to the friendly note for in
formation of the United States govern
ment, has cabled General Ahunda for
full particulars.
DaantleHi May Clear.
Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 25. Judge
Locke, in the United States court here,
has overruled the demurrer of the gov
ernment in the case of W. A. Bisbee vs.
Captain Kilgore and the collector of the
port, asking for an injunction to restrain
tbem from interfering with the clearing
of the Dauntless. The government is
given ten days to attend.
Judge Locke took occasion to say that
the secretary of the treasury was going
too far in requiring a vessel-owner to
swear that he would not carry arms,
men or munitions of war, as according
to law he can carry any one of them,
the combination of them making it un
lawful. 1 here Is Nothing So Good.
There is nothing just as good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim there is
anything better, but in order to make
more profit he may claim something else
to be just as good. You want Dr. King's
New Discovery because you know it to
be safe and reliable, aud guaranteed to
do good or money refunded, For Coughs,
Colds, Consumption and for all affec
tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there
is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New
Discovery. Trial bottle free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size
50 cents and $1.00. ,3)
Slapped by a Stripling;.
New York, Feb 25. The Herald cor
respondent in Bogota says that the Span
ish minister, Baron de Barre,was slapped
and otherwise insulted bySenor Morales
on board a railroad train. Morales, who
is a very young man, is a relative of Don
Flacide Morales, who was killed in the
streets of Bogota a year ago. A dispute
had arisen between Don Placide and
some Spanish residents over the Cuban
question. Finally a group of Cataloni
ans led by Rosendo Pach, attacked Don
Placide, and killed him.
The insult to the Spanish minister has
caused a great sensation in the capital.
Senor Morales has been imprisoned.
The feeling against the Spanish in Bo
gota is very bitter,
Bucklea'a Artnca salve,
'Die best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion , or money refunded. Price 26 cent
per box. For sal Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druKtcists.
Coini'Mo ni.d practical; exactly a found In
buxliii;. My course of iiutruotloni thor
ouKhly qualify you to take charge of und
ktepafcet of book.' The hlghent reference
furulnhed.. For (era) and full information
adorou L. D. HUNTER, A. O. V. W.
Temple, Portland, Qiajro. :.
So much talked
about just now
may be seen at
our Shoe Dept.
in all the popu
lar toes.
Gentlemen's Fair-Stitoh, new point
toe, in Ox-blood, all sizes $3.00
Gentlemen's Goodyear Welt, in new
Dark Tan; most popular toe $4.00
Gentlemen's Ox-blood, Goodyear
Welt; laced $4.60
Is the latest toe in Ladies' Footwear.
We show these styles in Chocolate,
cloth-top, laced, with silk-stitched
eyelets; also in Ox-blood, kid top.
These Shoes at $4.00
A. hi. wiiii.iAms a co.
Only Cure
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Attone? and Counsellor at Law,
Practice in tha SUte and Federal Court of
uregon ana waiungioB. ju-iuu-
New York
Weekly Tribune
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With the clone of tho Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognises tha
fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present day, and won its greatest victories.
'Every possible effort will he put forth, and inonoy freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family NewHiiapor, interesting,
instructive, entertaining und indispensable to each member of the family,
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a postal rard. seud it to Geo. W. Best.
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une will be mailed to you.
Opp. A. M. Williams- Co., THE DALLES, OR.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded tor Hfty; Grain, :ac6u,I ard, &c.
I" . V ( . i i i
Thelfcdlw, Or.