The Dalles My Chronic. TUB 1IAL.I.KS, OUKtlON Jaokratililt l'eltn In llniuanil. All) KOK THE INSUKGKNTS. Let everyone who owns u gun and dog get out nnd kill several liundred jack- rabbits, for there is something "in it" : now. A fur dHMl,r frnm tho Knot hnu 1 im,p (n Wntlllln ufill ,,i?,r1. , In.!. ...,. Milium p " "'""ife General Rnlnir TIchiU h Mnnalrr txtir.imnn. oner: NewYouk, Fell. 122. The World this "We will buy nicelv haiuilul, cased . i.irtl-vnltlttt el'lno tkf . 1. . i morning snvs : j'"1 c..i3 i uu uuma cuuu -9 General lloloir. with r,n mpn. ST, nf ' opened or damaged, hnlf price. Must whom are Americans, and n bis: supply ber l'erfectl? l,r.v and fee from meat." of arms and ammunition, is said in Cu ban circles to have sailed from a point on the New-Jersey coast not for fromj Long Branch, for Cuba. It is said Gen-1 eral Holoff is in charge of the largest HIN j blistering expedition that has left this country during the present Cuban revo-' Union. I The Cubans have experienced so much difficulty with chartered steamers that Koloir decided to purchase one. Her i The sudden activitv of two or three men, who had nccepted the agency for the lit in in killing and skinning jack rabbits, aroused the curiosity of -other denizens of the sagebrush flats, and soon the secret leaked out. Now every able bodied man, woman and child in Wal hila has embarked in the jitckrabbit in dustry and "pop, pop, pop." crack their guns from early dawn until dark. Jack rabbit hides are beine shipped out nl- i i . i. . i i i it . rnn,nmnl,l nnl ,.. I.,,.l ,.o-.l.. "t UV Hie CliriUUU, 1111Q Wie V BWI1IR but report has it that she came from the i people Wl" goon have "10"e-v t0 burn neighborhood of Philadelphia and was j 1,1,1 Vou Ever, larger than any which has yet carried Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for men and arms to Cuba. 'l,r troubles? If not, get a bottle now The first intimation that General Pal-1 anH ?et relief. This medicine has been ma had of General RolofT's proposed de- j ftm"l! t0 be peculiarly adapted to the re parture was about 10 days ago. , lie: and cure of all Female. Complaints, "I received a letter," said General ' exerting a wonderful direct influence in Palma vesterdnv, "from President Cis-1 giving strength an d tone to the organs. peros, informim: me that General Roloff If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa- had spent a longer time in the United States than his furlough, nnd he must re turn to Cuba at once. General I'blofT walked into my office the next day to tell me he has received a similar com munication. 'I shall obey the order within a fortnight,' was the only com ment he made. His expedition was or ganized entirely independent of the junta." Dynamite has always been General KolofT's pet weapon. He had often said that the Cubans were foolish to use me chetes and bullets when dynamite would do the same work much more effectually with'iut endangering any Cuban lives. Seven tons of dynamite were a part of General KolofT's steamer. She- earried also 2000 rifles and 300,000 cartridges The 35 American were selected from jou vbout Your JOB pilfJlfQ? Wo have the facilities for doing of Job Printing, from a visiting all kinds card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. AVe not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Gome in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepness, Excitable, Mulau 1 choly or troubled with Dizzv Spells. j Electric Bitters in the medicine yon j j need. Health and Strength are guaran- i teed by its use. Large bottles only fifty j j cents and $1.00 at BlakeleyA- Houghton, ' Druggist. 3 I I j GRECG-nGrVTirtN PAINTING. I Process by Which Very Iteiunrkuble 1'or 1 trait- Were Doue. . j The remarkable series of jiortraits . I found in Egypt are described in the I Monthly illustrator and the methods , Jtieaaquart ers ior Seed Gram of ail kinds. i the old artist? employed. ; The method, , of these aneiem dayS . Headq uarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. 1 were totally different from those of the v w" ' present day and were evidently vastly mure uurauie. i-anei.s oi woou were X .- w i - If DealnrM Cannot he Cnrril . t o na ihev cannot dv local appiiinv'"'"1' rech the diseased portion of the ear. There is onlv one way to cure deafness, nnd that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Ens .,.!.. rr..u u'imn this tube is in tncuiuii mm.-. - flamed yon have n rumbling sound or nnd when it is en- tirelv closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be tnkon out and this tube restored to hs normal j ruiiiu nnriiiinn. henriiiir will be destroyed for ever; nine cuss out of ten are caused bv catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condilion of the mucous sur faces. We will cive One Hundred Dollars for nnv case of Deafness (caused by catarrh j that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrli Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney Co.. Toledo, 0. MF"Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10 For Sail-. TO One hundred and sixty acres all plow land; 130 acres under plow ; good family orchard. Four-room house and goon barn; running spring of water, une nnd one-half miles from Goldendale, Wash. Terms, ?2000; one-half down and mortgages for the balance. Applv to George Darch, corner Fifteenth and Pentland streets, The Dalles, Or.; or W. T. Darch. Goldendale, Wash. fbS-lm ORTHERN PACIFIC RY? Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I' A II I. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTI1 auoo GKAND FOtR8 CHOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA an JttJTTE Through Tickets Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. TfZZKeaaqtws for Bran. Shorts, the thousands of ap- ( asionaIiv they were formed bv clulnp w , . . ' -tieaaquarters ior "Jbyers Best Pendle ton Flour. save 1 niir urain. 1 Few realize that each squirrel de- j strovs $1.50 worth of urain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm- j inator is the most effective and econom- j ical poison known. Price reduced to HO cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell, j Agent. febl-Sm CHICAGO WASHINGTON r!llLAIEI.PHlA "i:iV YOltK ItOSTON AND AI.I. POINTS EAST una MOUTH For iiitormntIo:i, time curds. mnrs.nnrt tlnv,. inl nil nr wrltu to 1 I A. W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The D.iHm, Oregon OK D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 5j, Morrison Cor. Third. I'orttiiud Orejon Te Coiuiis Packino Co PACKERS OF Pofk mi Beef y gluing- tog-ether. were usuallv aboui 14 inches long- by 7 inches wide. The J artist used liquid wax instead of oil to; pucants tnut Dave come to the junta , three thicknesses of canvas irom all parts of the country in the last ! These panel three months. Several of them have served in military companies. "Yes," said General Pnlma, '.General UolofT has gone to Cuba and it is more than likely he has taken an expedition with him. If lie has done so, vou mav This Flour is manufactured expressly for familv use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction". depend upon it that the expedition is a oxide of iron. etc. "The colors werelaid large one. I know that General Roloffi has received large sums of money from J the junta during the past six months, i "What he did with it I do not know; I ' can only surmise. You are doubtless ' aware of the fact that no one connected ' with the junta ever gives any definite in-! formation about tiie starting of an expe- j dition." I mix the colors, which were made not ! We sell our eoods lower than nnv house in the trade, and if vmi ,lnn'i fhini- cn from vegetable, but from mineral sub- j call and get our prices and be convinced. stances, and were of marvelous bril-1XT. , . nancy and permanence blue pow- xiignest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. tiereu lapis lazuli, .green malachite, red A few month3 ago, Mr. Byron Every, ' -of WouUtoe-, Mich., was badly afllicted I with rheumatism. His right leg was swollen tiie full lenctli, causing him great suffering. Ho was advised to try Chamberlain'r Pain Halm. The first , bottle of it helped him considerably and the second bottle effected a -cure. The! 2o and 50 cent sizes are for sale bv .' J'lakeiey & Houghton. on in patches, somewhat after the fash ion of a mosaic, and afterwards blended with an instrument called the cestrum, which appears to have been a lancet shaped spatula, long-handled, with at one end a curved point, at the other a finely dentated edge. With the toothed edge the wax could be equalized and smoothed, while the point was used for placing high lights, marking lips, eye brows, etc. The final process, which gives the name encaustic to thi kind of paint ;ncr, was the burning in of the colors. This was done by the application of a heated surface to the panel, ' though Ceorg Ebers believes that in Egypt the heat of the sun was probably all that was needed to complete the artist's work. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK THE FIRST BATTLE MANCKACTCltKKb OK Fine Lard and Sausages, Curers of BRAND iisuoi, Dried Beef, Etc. Tiie French Admiral. j Paris, Feb. An unofficial dis- J patch received today from Admiral j Pottier. the commander of the French ; squadron off Cauea, states that the ad-j niirals have informed their respective governments tiiat anarchy continues to I increase in Crete nnd that they cannot any longer be answerable for the avoid-' mice of conflicts unless they are " author- ized to prevent the landing of all pro-! visions, ami th power, obtain the re-' call of the Greek troops and warships, j The admiral adds that during Sunday, in spite of the repeated prote-ts of the 1 commanders of the foreign fleets, the in-' eurgent outposts continued to advance, t and to engage in a fusillade with the Turkish outposts before Canea. AJter o.nt r.ltaliiin tliu l'.ritisli Anatri.,,, r:..-. ' ..... .......... . . . .. 1 1 j uuittiitii) .t 1 1 1 man and P.ussian ships opened fire, only ceased when the Greek flag lowered. HE WANTED STAMPS. STYLES AND PRICES: Kichly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au thor forming the design on cover; autograph oref-ce : magnificent pre sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; containing COO p:i.'s and full-page illustrations In half-.Morocco, marble edge' In full-Morocco, gilt edge M. TIIE Kill ST HATTI.E Is an interesting storv of the prom political strujrsleot ItCW, its mo-st imi.ortmit events nnd the i!imiyisuei involved; a logicHl mMtiic on Ill-metallism ns uttered by eminent exponents, including the part taken by Hon. . .1. llrr.m tit thn vllv.. U itSi Moro Staire Line ilnful oratory, the most nntewotthv incidents of ' J nuiu UlUU JJlllU hU famous tour, a careful review of the political I ituatioii, n discii'sion of the election remni!, ! iMSiWu Williams Hotel, Moio, on . . i Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at o m. nrouint. m Leaves Umatilla House. The D.tlles, Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at 8 a. in. prompt. Freight rates The Dalles to Morn. 4f),. per 100 lbs; email packages, 15 and 2jc. Passenger rales The Dalies to Moro, 1.50; round trip, .2.50. Agencv at Umatilla House. The Dalle?, and at Williams Hotel Moro. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave ami are due to arrive nt I'ortlmi FHOM fkii. 10, 1S97. OVEKI.AND EX-1 urc, Adhland, .Sac Salem, Rose- 'S:. 1'. M, 'S:S0 A. M, 3:10 A. JI. ally .' iidays. j I Daily exeei Sunday N:CO.I'. M.l 7:30 A. M. tlMo P. M.l r HE 1 I lUlllUIItU, w'&lil-ll.CUll , ! 1 Kranciseo, Mojnve, I l.os Angeleii.Ul l'aso, 1 I New urleans nnd (.East ... . J Hosuburc nnd way ta- tions 14:10 P.M. ( la wnouburu lorl I Mt.AiiKol, SUvertnn, West bcio, llrowiib-H exceot vllle.Siirlngtield mid Suiidayj. Xntron .... .... 1 1 alem and way stntionsl10.15A.M jCorvallis nnd wavl f G:J)1'.JI. (station!. " j pIcMinnville and S:25P.M (way stations. ... ARSIVI. Daily. (Daily, except Kuuday. DIKING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. 1'UI.l.MAN I1UFKET SI.EEl'EltS AND .SECOND-CLASS SLEEl'IKG CAP.S Attached to all Through Trains. $ 75 2 25 2 75 J. WOODCOCK. Agent, Wamic, Or. BIDS WANTED. Notice .is hereby uiven that bids for a bridge across Hood river, at the town of Hood Itiver, will be received bv the County Court of the State of Oreuon for u asco County, up to the hour of noon NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that bv author- i)y of ordinance No. 291, which p.-ed j the Common Council of Dalles City Feb-1 ruury b, lMh. enttt ed "An rmhn,.,,... W edne;day. Marcli B, 1697. The bridge , entitle.! an ordinance to provide f r he span will be 131 feet, will be 4 feet hiiih- sale of certain lots belonging to I) die" er than the present bridge, and within ' City," I will, on Saturday, the lHth lav i four leet of the same E.ds will bo re-! of March, 1897, sell nt pub ic auct o . o ! ceived for a Howe truss. Smth truss. : thn hi-l.t i,i,i,i.,r ..n,i. 0 i J;ul you everetop to think what indi yestlon really means? It means that your stomach is tired. If our are tired, we ride. The horse and the Bteam engine do the work. Wny not f-ivo your stomach a ride; that is, let something else do its work. Foods can be digested outside of the body. All plants contain digestive principles which wil! do this. The Shaker Diges tive Cordial contain digestive principles and h a preparation designed to rest the Ktomach, The ehakera themselves have euch unbounded confidence in it that they have placed 10 cent sample bottles on the market, nnd it is said that even so small a quantity proves beneficial in a vast majority of cases. All drugglBts beep it. 0 Laxol is the heat medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. ' fiubscrlbe for Tjih Ciiiio.sicLK. , Country 31erchant KnewHojv to Keep Up Ills Stock. "I obtained n peculiar, order from a Kentucky storekeeper," said a cignr -.alesman to a Washing-ton Star reporter. "I left the railroad to v ork .some in terior towns, and slopped at the coun try stores en route. At one of these places 1 found a man whom the com mercial agencies gave u good rating, and who acted as postmaster us well a' storekeeper. 1 handed him my card, and he said: " "Thar ain't but one thing- Unit yo' kin sell me." '"What is that?' 1 inquired. " 'Yo' kin sell me 'bout S3" wuth o' stamps, envelopes an' jwstnl kyards.' " 'Why, you can get thoni from the ' i yovormnent.' "No, 1 kuin't. Yo' see they won't creuu me. i nev tor sell fimis an nut i cor nnd1 cm on' people's bills, but th govern-1 1 i-td in' th' money. 'Taii.'t right, o' co.e. fer lion,, ri.oti.,,. Nod,., s... , ,..u! u. ' )?! M.fMLfrom ,ot 0 j I'm good, they orter knox' thet. But j .o. t. j Nr'u, Ii0 feet olK fr tf DOUGLAS ALLEN. Prop. Bate Orai and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor f,.n , , . Bowstring and a steel bridne. Bids on ' and i:rts nf W.'i., r.'.18 steel bridbe to include proper abuttments Dalles Citv, Countv Or to.wi of stone and other material usually The norih 50 feet ollWrom lots'o and (j u?ed under such bridges. Bids for joiutlv in block 18. wooden bridges to include niers. n , North ;!fi f..., nir , .... , show in specifications on file with the jointly in hlook IS. ' " County Clerk of Wasco County. : North 50 feot. nfr f,, i..., ....., GOOD HOTiSPS n-n win Through Ticket Ollinc, 134 Third street, where throtiKli tickets to nil points iu the Euslera Stiitts, C'minda and Europe can he obtained at lowest rules from , t J. 11. KIHKLAND, Ticket Agent. All nnnvo trains arrivo nt rnjd do;irt Irow Orand Central Station, Fifth nnd Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. PittfcenRcr Dejiot, foot of Juilerson street. I?nve for OSWKCiO. dnily, except Sunday, t ::v n. m.; 12:15, IA5, H:z fl; 13, 8,05 p. m., (nnd ll:;w p. in. on Hiiturdnv only). Arrive U Portland nt 7:10 mid b;S0 n in.; mid 1:S0, 4:15, ir.So and T :oop, m. I-enve for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. b. Arrive nt i'ortlmid, u. m. Leave for All'.LIK on Mondnv, Hiony nt'JUUn. m. Arrive tit I'orthmd, Tups dnv, rhurMliiy and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Sunday trains for OoWKGO leave at 8:40 a.m. and 12: 15, 1 : ij, 3:30, &:2.i 0:45 und 8 05 p. m. Ar- rlvcnt Portland nt 6:30, 10:00 n. m 5:10, ii:S5, 7:55 p. m. I, ,.-r,c.,r, .... ilauimer. K, Asst. U P. ROGEns, F. it Pass. Alt Stages leave Bako Oven for Antelope ' I .Voii n ' iJ-meiopCv 10 .Hit- ! , -4iwu uiicu nines a weeK. .-v and rdndd"" " , i0'y b,oelJ ,18' o"l 'hi block lii ! aS 2 Dalles Wasco County, ! ffw?,', I Or this ah day of l-ebruary, A. D., , has been fised and det.r ' ned ,J t h A. M. Ki:i.say, Countv Clerk Common Council of Dalles City a's fol- The Glades Ranch, NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 J'uufit, a Wuelc. 150 I'lipers a Ver Mmnlv ' m taU'P nr n kynTl iu W I Police is hereby given that a school Joi'ill.v sin pl , ofllee an' no woj ter frit none. I'll hev ! meetini: of school district No. 1" of : Nortl' ir lea. to buy 'em onlevhars. ; Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon," to l5"tly 1 lotb 1 and 2 1 lots 3 and -i ! Alter beconunir convinced of the man's solvency, 1 old him a line of iiniiips, stamped envelop's i.ncJ pi;., ml cards, to be shipped with a bill of ;':.r-." !0 feet off from block IS. SCO. 50 feet off from block IS. 100. Lot 1 in block 19. 200. I Lach one of these lots will be sold up on the lot respectively and none of them shall be sold for a lets sum than the value thereof as above stated. One.fourth of the price bid on anv of said lots ahull -be paid in cash at'the time of sale, and the remainder in three equal payments on or u(nra . , three years from tho date of said sale respectively, with interest on such de- most ponular Catarrh and Hav Fever Ouro U,." " 'x ".':,0C.K' V-m- . '...Y" F"" .W,,H 1U ".ie rat0 or 10 per (Ely's Uream Balm) snfflc ent to demon. , ' ... ' l"" uu,,,u UI mreciors oil i"vuinnnuH y; pro- It&olhteS& TZy0 , school dlatrlctxNo. 12 of Dalles City, vWed Py,ent made fnPfnll ELY nnOTHPTiR Wasco county, state of Oregon. i at any time at the option of the pur- "ly.liltAP .. . Dntfil Mii 9ni rhit. nf !."... A T 1 cot Chaser. ' " u warren Bt.. New York C tv. ' lou" i pi. u )ivuue,t District Clerk. he held at tho conned chambers in sniii district, on the 27th day of February, 1807, there will be submitted to the legal voters of said district the question of contractiii; a bonded debt of $20,000.00, nir mo purpose ot paying the clout of the ....... ! district and building a new school house. The vote to bo by ballot, upon which shall This m Your opportunity. i h,e 1,10 .wo"l "Bonds Yes." and On receiptof ten ccut6, cash or stamps, Se "rj5 , W"T"N' I'0"8 -l a genoroui satnplo will bo mailed of the I,.e.1,?.n??, 1 1 , c,.ock P m- ro"lln WIllTi: SALMON. WASH. urn Prpii .n,;'::;",., oiuh ujiiijjii; Jl-MUin White SahnonwSh. Hov. JohnBeid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recoinnifiuded Ely's Cream Balm to me. I , can euiphasizo his statement, "It isu posi-1 tive cure for catarrh if ued its directed." ! Hev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Free Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contnins no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. Cntli lit Vour clieoka. All county warrants registered prior to Sept. 13, 1892, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Feb. 10, 1897. O.'L. Phillips, County .Treasurer, The eaid sale will Win day of .March at the hour of 2 o'clock n. in. of said day, and will continue from IwBold 10 U" WU f 8a,fl 0ta 8hf,U Dated this 0th day of Februarv, 1697. nn Giliikut W. Phelps, HO Recorder of Dalles City. Advertise in Tk Chboniclk. U IU It stands first iimonir 'weoklv" pap in size, frequency of publication and , I freshness, variety and reliability of con tents, it is practically a daily at theloff price o a weekly; and its vast listol subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union nnd foreign conn tries, will vouch for tho accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among' Us special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the luteHt fashions for women and a long I series of stories by the greatest living American mid English authors, miiiii Oi.yic, Jerome K. Jeroui. Ktwiley Wyion, Mttry K. WHM. LOODpoisOH cured in 15 toK4n?&?iPW Sr. ,,.ou,ac potiisif. Tin.r., ifYUlJUfCn'er ' " V,,H unequaiea new-pnj'1 " ff&Sn'SiS ethw 0,,c ywr for$S.00. The wgohv SSti two papers is 3.00. pw.S?4 ' Botha enry,