The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 22, 1897, Image 4

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i A'. H .
Tbi Dalles Daily Chronic.
Miss Aimec Xowtfuth "pent yesterday
okeoon hi the city visiting ini'nds.
Representative vlttintincton. nftcr
j spending the Sabbath here, left for
i Salem this morninc
They liertl In mi Knrthly I'Aradlop at , Miss Nellie Butler returned in Port
Lift!1 Kny Morn. , land this morning, where she will re-
sume her duties in teaching.
That our young friends, Fred. Wilson Mrs. Ge0 c BlnkelV nnd her sisteri
and Ed. Witicnte, are enjoying their! Mrs. Wilkerson, whV hns been visiting
visit to Hawaii, can easily he gathered ! her, went to Portland Yesterday morn
Jrom the following paragraphs from a I
letter from Fred to his mother:
"Photograph number five is a view of
Mrs. Smith's cottace where we room.
Ed. is standing on the porch and our
room is the open door on the right.
Kumber six is a picture oi the "City of J day and returned today. They were
Mrs. R. F. Bnrrell, Mrs. H. A. Hocne
and Miss Burrell, of Portland, and Miss
Wallace of Ansonia, Conn., are visiting
Mrs. S. I.. Brooks.
Mr. Raymond Davis and wife came up
irom rortiand on the noon train fcatur
Peking," just as she was alnnit to leave
If you will look closely you will see
around the huts of some of the passen
gers, nlso around their necks, wreaths of
ilowers. These are lei, the 'aloka' or
love gifts which are given by their
inenus to people who are going away.
The Alameda left Thursday and took 1
guests at the home of Mr. S. French
Fred Drews came up from Portland
Saturday to visit relatives here, accom
panied by Myron Champlin, formerly of
Hond River, bnt now emploved bv the
O. R. & X. at Portland. They wp'nt to
Walla Walla last night to visit Ernest
Senators Dufnr and Mirlipll nrrivnri
away a cood many passengers. There , from Salem Saturday and left for the
was n great time at the wharf. The , scene of their arduous labors yesterdav
band was down in their white uniforns . afternoon. , Mr. Dnfur Ywas of the
and played till the steamer had turned , K,hKEff:irt
round and started for the ocean. Some , Michell thouchtit would meet by that
of the passengers were literally covered ' time.
with flowers and lets were flung to and
iro till :he air was full of flowers. Peo-
1)1(1 You Ever.
TrV Klnfrin Ttittnra nc n romorli' frv
jne on lue uuuk. wuiuu inrow nicKieb into , vonr (j-nnhlpc''
.-the water to see the little Kanaka bovs
, and get relief.
If not, get a bottle now
This medicine has been
flow fibout Your
job pWN0?
We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. We not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
"and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
51?roiitfe publisfyir 5o.
Dc.tnefi C.nnot be Curt
bv local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the car.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional ,
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
ditlon of the mucous lininc of the eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed von have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirelv closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever: nlneciuws out of ten are caused
! bv catarrh, which is nothing wit an in
! flamed condil ion of the mucous sur
We will srive One Hundred Dollars for
nnv case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, v
Sold by Druggists, oc.
.1 : it t i i . i i
nt 1 u" uuuru lo u,u 1 found to be peculiarlv adapted to the re-'
boon-bye to Mr. and Mrs. Thurston. A lie Bud cure o Fem(jIe c amt
great many were down to see them ofl. I exertinp a W01lderful d5rect inflncnce in ;
a estercav morninc i went to a native
church. It is a handsome brick build
Fr sale.
One hundred and sixty acres all plow
land; 130 acres under plow; good family
orchard. Four-room house and good
barn; running spring of water. One
and one-half miles from Goldendale,
Wnsh. Terms, $2000; one-half down
nrfr-nrros for the hn IftnCC ApplV
to George D.irch, corner Fifteenth and j
Pentland streets. The ualies. ur.; or
W. T. Darch. Goldendale, Wash.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
ST. I'AUt,
'HELENA an t
I giving strength and tone totheorcans.
If VOIl harp Tisb nf AnnpHtP. finctiiw.
ingwith two steeples, has a good pipe J Headache, Fainting Spells, or are.
organ played by a native woman. The , XervonS sieepness, Excitable, Melan-,
nauve cnoir snug en. uuimru luu cho)v or troubed
contributions were large, many Hawaii
or troubled with Dizzv Spells, .
Electric Bitters in tlip mprlinSnp vnn
ans throwing in dollars as easily as j neeiK HeaUh nnd Stren:th ttre r'an. ,
Americans no nicseis. me services
Wasco Warehouse Company
Save Your Grnln.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroy? fl.50 worth of cram annually.
Wnkelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom-
! icai noiton known. Price reduced to oU
cents. For sale by M. Z. Donuell,
Agent. febl-3in
TT i i n ti y-M
nickels. Tlie services .,,..!. Q t.. u,tl ...,. flHH.nmiarrfirS TOT I 10111 n-F .11 Vi-nrle
...... ..u x WU1U ui . centg and o oo at Blakelevd- Houchton. ;
Druggist. 3
get the drift of the speaker's remarks, I
did not stay it out. The Hawaiians are
the bsst ni'.tured people in the world, !
but when they talk they do it vehe-'
mently nnd with much gesticulation, i
The language is soft and musical and de- j
Jigmxul to listen to. ine letters are
mostly vowels, every one being pro
Bounced. "We went out riding Saturday. The
?oad was lovely and ths breeze made by
fast driving very acceptable. We went
Eome distance from town, up a road a
Crete Must lie Llburntiil.
Lo.vdo.v, Feb. 20. At the dinner of the '
Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds.
T4e Coin Pffig 6o.,
Through Tickets
Pork and Beef
"One thing is certain beyond all doubt,
and that is Crete must be liberated once
and for all from the Turkish control,'
concert or no concrt of the powers. The ,
pigmy power of Greece has done what
the powers were powerless to accom-'
Ehty and p.usseii ciubs at oxford this: Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, fn fL '
evenintr. John Morlev. M. P.. suid ? 3 """'"-Lrfctu,
lieaaquarters ior "Byers Best Pendle-'Fine Lard and sausages.
ton Flour.
good deal like that leadmcr f'oin Bake- . ,
. , . , . Did von ever stop to think what indi-
oven to Antelope. oa will remember . yn
. .. , , . gestiou reallv means? It means simnlv
n from vour trip or when 'went y. ...
" .-it .i u- that vour'stomach is tired. If our less
over Mutton mountcin.' I was thinking , ., , .
j u . f i- i r it ti ' are tired, we ride. The horse and the
todav what a foolish fellow is. He j t , , "
i , t i -c . . steam engine do the work. W hv not
Las stacks of monev and eoes East ot to ' . b , .,.
c T- ' i I give vour stomach a ride: that is, let
fiau Francisco everv vear. bv does ne .. , , . ' lc
. . tt i o'ti . something else do its work. Foods can
not co to Honolulu? I have not monev ! . .. ., , , , u
i. i v. .i r l .u- t j u " I be digested outside of the bodv. All
ns he has, but the first thing I do when , ... .
-r i . , . ,, . plants contain digestive principles
I go home will he to "save tip" so as to . . , .,, , ,.
v ,. - t i which wi do this. The Shaker Ditres
be able to come again. If and 1 . ..
do not come I will bf verv ranch disan- "'B"1"" "'P'"
pointed. It Is not that there is much to t
and is a preparation designed to rest the
stomach. The shakers themselves have
This Floor is manufactured expressly for family
use; eerysack is guaranteed to cive satisfaction.
We sell our coods lower than any house in the trade, and if vou don't think eo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
do. It is the reverse that is so pleasing. '
-4. - . . . , .i ; tnev have p uced 10 cent sample bottle I T.
m the quiet waves that lap the shore as . . " ' j
. ... . . ... on the mnrl:t. r-.nd it i- onul iliot mun
riuietlv as "pnpper" does his milk; not ..
like the billows that writhe and break at j S T11 nf Prov beneficial ,n
tc.-i. u.,i. i( . ... ! a vaPt majority of eases. Ail druggists
Keejf u. y
THE KIUST BATTLE is an interesting storr
nf ilie (ra-at jioliticnl strupcle ol ISM, its most
iir.jMirtiiii: events nnd the umnv issues- involved;
a lopicni ireatl'eon l!i-metal!isu as uttered by
eminent exponents, includinc the part taken br
Hon. v. J. llryan in the silver afriiation prior to
the Democratic National Convention, and dur
in? the campaign, the best examples- of his won-ri-rJul
oratory, the most nntewortliv Incidents of
his famous tour, a eaieful review of the political
tituation, n dinvsion of the election remriis
nnd the siguilieance the-eof, nnd the fumre
jiossibilities of lii-metallism as a politic il issue.
Curers of BRAND
For information, time cards, maps and ticket
cal on or write to '
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
ii5, Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortlaud Oregon
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and arc due to arrive at PortUcd.
ritoM rr.B. 10, 1S97.
i press, Snlem, Itose-
tire, Abhland. Sac-
.i.v, t. u ' I ramento, Ogilen.San !
j j-rancmoo,
i LosAncelcb
I Kew urlenus
Mojave, f
,E1 Paso.
Dried Beefi Etc.
Dalles City anfl Mora Sfap Line
is enough to Jook at
ocean, nnd then turn around and gaze at
the tropical trees that hide the land
scape. There is so much with a romantic
ichly and dcrab'y bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au
thor lorming the deign on cover; autouraph orefuce; mncnificent pre
sentation nlute in silver, gold and blue; cont'aininir COO paces nnd 3
hintorv of the islands Castor OH.
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in nlace of
In half-Morucco, marble edge. . . .
In full-Morocco, gilt edge
M. J. WOODCOCK. Agent, Wamic, Or.
tinge here. Th
is recent, yet full of interest. The
music i of a kinu peculiarlv us own. '
-r. , , . j They Took a Blcyclo from tho itider on
Every native can sine nnd play the I a IJot
guitar. If you are walking up the j The bicycle thief is inventive this
street in the evening and hear the sound , ear. A young man was practicing; cir
of music, you are perfectly welcome to ( cles in front of his house when two fd-
go m and listen, provided it is a Ha-1 "J" s.gpjr.-u on uie pavement tonumin-
v.aiian household. Their ideas of hos-
hini. One of them, Kays the New York
llenild, asked- how much the wheel
pitality are as wide as the sea, and they j
: ' : : .. i ; u r I
re lutiuu.jouB ju uii-crviug an iunus oi , WL'iphed 22 pounds,
politeness. I hate to think of the The wnallor of the two said that was
Swindling away of the kindly race, and j too lig'ht. and that he believed in wheels
yet their passing is ewilt. Instend of . 'veisrhing- at least 30 pounds. Also, he
400,000, as was once their number, there
i Leaves Williams Hotel, Moto, on
i Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridavs at
j S a. m. prompt.
Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles,
Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Satu'rdavs at
8 a. m. prompt.
Freicht rates The Dalles to Moro. 40c
... inn li ii ,
(O i i,c luu u?i tmaii pacKaues, lo and 1'oc.
tMssen-er rates The Dalles to Moro,
,1.50; round trip, ?2.50.
Agency nt Umatilla House. The Dalles.
uiiu ui i imams rioiei -Moro
I I East. .
"S:S0 A. M.'j0i'l"'l)UrE Rnd w"5" tn"
! f Via Woodburn fori
1 1 Mt.Ancel, Silvertou,
1 West scio, Browns-
1 ville.Spriiigneld and 1
1 I Natron
1:00 j jjJSalem and way stations
Sundaj-j. P.M.
wm EtatlonB.
'J:10A. M.
!4: 10 P.M.
'10. 15 A. M
t 6:20 P.M.
t 8:25P.M
Daily. t Daily, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Nutice it hereby civen that bids for a
bridire across Hood river, atthe town of
Hood River, will he received bv the
County Court of the State of Oregon for
asco County, up to the hour of noon
neanc.-uay, .uarcu o, 169
span will be 134 feet
er than the prese
four feet of the same. Bids will be re-, of March, 1897, sell at pub he auction, to ' THOMAS HAEPEE
if 'I'l: .,Howe. l!;"5E,,S'n,t1' t,ru9S' ! .highest bidder, all the followinc lo ts !
iiu.sniiitnuu a sieui uriuize. ciue on and liarfs r,f Inrc in a.i.i:.!
Notice i hureby iriven that by au'hor-
jjy oi oruinance o. 91, which
tliu frt... ....... ,-..,.
I'll, vuiu
ruarv 0
are only now about 40,000."
mentioned that he once came in first
in a ten-mile race and rode a wheel
weighing 3S pounds. At this the larger
of the strangers laughed derisivelv, nnd
"What do you know nbout wheels?"
"Why, I've ridden more wheels than
you ever saw," replied the other.
"I don't believe you can ride at all."
"I'll iK't you five dollars I win. Let me
I won't hurt
a cure. The i
are for sale by 1 He could ride all right Tie wobbled
! slowly on the wheel for a tdiort. distance,
' fcnd then swished around the corner and
A few inontho ago, Mr. Byron Every,
of Woodstock, Mich., was badlv afflicted
with rheumatism. His right leg wns!
ewollen the full length, causing him ,
great suffering. He was advised to try I
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first
fcottle of it helped him considerablv and bhow him on your wheel
me second uottie eiiected
zzo and oU cent sizes
Tilakeiev & Houghton.
rSSa"&x Bake Oven and Mitchell
i o 1807. The bridge entitled an ordinance to provide for the ! -
it, wi 1 be 4 feet high- sale of certain lots belonging to Dalle ! STAGE LINE,
nt bridce, and within City," I will, on Saturdav, the 13th dav j
IIP. Rlris trill lia ru. ,,f f ..l, ion- l. 1 ! " . mrr-., . .
.EE, - - Proprieto;
et..l l.r!H. ...I ..: V. ' A," "nice auuiuori 10 .
woo.len bridges o include piers, as , North 30 feet off from lots 1 nnd "J
show in specifications on file with the jointlv in block 18 " i
ConntyCiwis of Wttsco County. Nor'th 50 feet off from lots 3 and 4 GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS
f c$ t,rswnht e tK !f0?wd
Or., this ,th day of February, A. D., has been fised nn.l Ti.n, . l,i T...60.,dJ
. r , ; Common Council of Dalles Citv afol- Tun H . r-
A. M. Kklsay, County Clerk. lowsm-wir- w) a.ioi-. nr i nnEP Dnuflii
. . The nor h 50 feet off from lots 5 and G ".r"
. ..x. oaiv.uuj, WASH.
" fJW
I wns away like the wind.
"You'd better run after that fellow,"
This la Vonr Opportunity. injd the stranoer: "I don't knmv liinj."
On receipt of ten cents, cash or (damps, The owner of the wheel set, off. but
Uorui Kicctiou sitic, school uj.trict , jointly in block 18, $200
I ! . Aorth 30 feet off from lots 1 and 2
I Notice is herebr civp n flint n cfVirnl : jointly in block 18. S00.
: meeting of fcchobl district No. 12. of . r,".rt'1 50 feet off from lots 3 and 4 i
xaiies vjiiv, ii asco county, Oregon, to juiu,j ' "iuck io, fiuu.
, be held at the council chambers in said 1;ot 1 in hlock 19, $200.
. district, on the 27th dm- nf F..iii-nar.- i Each one of these lots will hn snli r.
1 1897, there will be submitted to the legal 1 .n the lot respectively and none of them
voters of said district the question of j 6n?11 Ve oltl for a losH 8um tl)an the
. contracting a bonded debt of $20,000.00, ! va'ne t,iereof as above stated.
ior tne purpose ot paying the debt of the I "e;ourin oi tne price hid on anv of
Throush Tlekct Olhcc, 134 Third street, where
through tickcis to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe cuu be obtained t
lowest tateilrom
J. 1J. KIRKIjANI), Ticket Agent
All above train arrive at and depart iroc
Grand Central Station, fifth r.ud Irving street
PaK-eiifier Depot, foot of Jeilerson btrcet.
Leave for OSWEGO, dailv, except Sunday, t
;.V a. in.; 12:15, 1:15, 6:-, C:45, & 05 p. m..
(uuU ll:S0p. in. on Saturdav oulv). Arrive a:
I'ortlaud at 7:10 and S:S0 a m.; and 1:30, 4:15,
C.35 and 7:55 p. in.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, it 4:30 p. m.
Arrive at I'ortlaud, y;30 a. in
Leave for AIItLIE on Jlondav, Wednesday and
t rifim- at 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tn
dav, Thurkday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m.
Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 8:10 a. ra.
and 12!1S, l: j, 3:30, 5:Si C:-I5 and 8 05 p. m. Ar
rive nt Portland at 8:30, 10:00 u. ra.; 1:80,4:15,
5:lO,C:s.j,7:55p. ra.
Jianaeer; Asst U. f . , Pahs. Ast
18 faces u Week. 150 Taper
hite I'lymouth Hock Chickens.
A. P.. BYP.KETT, Prop.
bite Salmon. Wash.
generous tampie wm oe nimiea oi tne tj,e hort stranger must have Iwen a "'strict and building a new echool house. , ?."m ,ai,a" " Pi"d in cash at the,
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fover Cure u b t, t u Then when the ' ?l ,e yote t0 be bV ballot.npon which shall tune of sale, and the remainder in three
(Ely's Cream Balm, i mffieient to demon. ' c bJ lJ stroSr aL had i1 the ,WOrde "Bon Ve." and lfflual payment on or before one, two and
strato tho great inentB of the remedy. "Lr came ,mnK ini- tun,cr also Had the wor()g ..Bondg Q Po8 tQ three yeare from the date of said eale .
ELY BROTHERS, tom" be opened at 1 o'clock n. m.. and rfimn!n respectively, with interest on a.
A Kelioolboy on Homer.
CO Warren St., New York City.
Tev. JohnReid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommeuded tiy's Cream Balm to me. I to the authorship of the Odvsiev was
can emphasize las statement, "It is a poBU 1 Kivt.n the other day bv a British chool
trve cure for catarrh if used as directed." ; i,m- wi,n tt.. i -i .i .
ISev. Francis W.Poole, Pastor CeatralPrea. ' Z v' T E- , that writ-
Church, Helena, Mont. inp was not invented when Homer
,,. , n A ' . . .. . , . . comi'OMJd his jioems. He, must theit).
Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknovrledired 1 fore hav. llvi . .a
.i. .a ,.4: .. : h-"
open until 4 o'clock, p. m. ferred payments at the rate of 10 perl
uiuui ui me uuuru oi uirectorfi oi wtv "", i'vuie annuan' : nro
ity, ! v,ueu lUtt.1 Payment may be made in f
An c,. .i... .i - ' y uruurui in
A "I." 7 ,,B school district o. 12. of Dalles niie
asco county, state of Oregon. : at an' time at the option of the pur
Dated this 2nd rinv nf Kuli a n itor chaser. '
' - I fni i i .... I BBI
Jacoiisen, ' , jam Baie win begin on the 13th m
nor any injurious drug. Price, SO cents.
Subscribe for Tut Chkosicle.
Own Uubyloii.
'JVo wealtJhy Hebrtnvfi of Bagdad now
own all that remains of the ancient
town of Ihibvlon.
Caili in Vour Check
All county warrants registered prior
to Sept. IS, 1692, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Feb. 10,
1897. 0. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
curedlnl5to35dafa wn'?lanontl
i&TJii 'er to come hero in in . "T
uAvuiiMSA, -- ui ueBui on me toll) I jDoebawe if wnii. . roaa,arandbotibiiiiv
District Clerk. . day of March at the hour of 2 o'clock p. 5SSSM&B SS$W.&&
!?' ?L8,,d iayV?.,,tl..w " continue from JSSlSJZ
It etands flretamone '"weeklv" paper
in size, frequency of publication nod
freehness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state nd
territory of the Union and foreign cono
tries, will vouch for the accuracy wd
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and anioni
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashion a for women and a 1ob
series of stories by the greatest lWiof
American and English authors,
Couau Doyle, Jerome K. Jeroru.
Stanley Wejiuu, Mary E. WUW
Anthony Hope, Bret Uerte,
We offer this unequaled newspaper d
nVfZWZA"y V1" pfiliiS 1 Tl' Diles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to-
,""ij a" Ul a,u ,ot8 snail . FPV.hUdf.MaiV uicer. oZ Bet!
I mm k H IS
Dated thin fli.h rim. nr ri ??jrnarantee
. .v lOVI, WWCIIMI nnd
LiII.HPltT W Pnxino CUCttananiin.
mZX&.TZWmIi'i ute Dnf,u -"r?
tociTr".5.!l""u roisoS price of the two
h. ill' Boat obati.
ier one year for $2.00. The regow
papers is f 3.00.
Advertise in Tue Cuko.vicle.
tfws. Ulumul ttf mil MM. MMaAJi&itib aiM