The Dalles Daily Chronicle Tin:, ORE(iu.v ; rEHSOXAT. MENTION. Hon. B. if.. Huntington returned from Salem today at noon. Mrs. Gene Giltuan of Heppner is a guest at the Smith French home. Judce Bennett is at Salem just to watch the dying tbroesof the legislature. Hon. M. A. Moodv and M. T. olan left for Mt. Hood last night. They will make the ascent of the mountain and come down ncain. THE CHURCHES- Lutheran services will be held at the courthouse tomorrow as follows: Morn ing service at 11 ; Sunday school atl2:15; eTenim: service at 7 :30. Trenching as usual at the Christian church tomorrow morning and evening by the pastor, A. D. Skagus. This will be the pastor's last appearance before' his congregation for some time, as he ! leaves Monday morning with his family I to join his wife, who is sojourning in Southern Oregon on account of failinc i heaith. , I At the Congregational church, corner . of Court rind Filth Btreets, services as j usual. At 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. wor- ship, and u sermon by the pastor, W. C. i Curtis. Sunday school immediately after the morning service. Meeting of the Youm: Peoule's Society of Christian Endeavor ct 6:30 p. m. All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. A Viciuu Measure. The Ciine dispensary law, passed by the lower house at Olvmpia Tnesdav, finds few supporters in this part of the 1 1,1 tlie neighborhood of the ranch yester moral vinevnr.l. Tt nlnae? neither the day. Then, too, the bodies were terri- piohibitionists nor the defenders of the ' liquor traffic. It is not fish, flesh nor ' fowl, and the people of the state will j spew it out of their mouths. Prohibitionists condemn the law be- j cause it makes the people of the state, ; through their public officers, assume all f the resnor.sibilitv for the evils of in. 1 temnerdiiee. The lari-e maioritv of! Eensible people condemn the law be cause it cuts off all revenue from the liquor traffic, at the same time that it confiscates millions of dollars' worth of property in the hands of citizens, who have been given no warning of such rash and unjust action on the part of our lawmakers. The proposed system is revolutionary, and calculated to arouse bitter strife and insurrection. As well might the state license incendiaries to apply the torch to all saloons, breweries and dis tilleries in the state. The liquor busi ness in this state has long been recog nized as a legitimate business by law, and the state has no right now ruth lessly to de3troy it or to assume to itself a monopolv of the business without full compensation to those whose business is thus ruined, and properly rendered al most worthless. If this bill should become a law it would be necessary in order to enforce it to employ a constabulary force larger than our present National Guard. There would be constant contentions, disturb ances and riots. The law would soon become like a dead mackerel on the sea Ehore by moonlicht. Walla Walla Union. II uw It ,Mny v Dune. well decided against Mrs. Nancv Ab ''Is there nuy sure way of pettingone s !bou,sda5mtbatshp wflg the .fe of wrttmss accepteu oy ttie magazines inquired the young man. "There is," answered the man who had been in the business of writing for a long time. "What is It?" "First acquire a reputation for some thing besides writing," answered the old timer. "It doesn't make much differ euce what it is ho long as tnere is noth-1 ing literary about it. Just get yourself known for almost anything from crime to philanthropy, and the magazines will be after everything you write." ISuckien'o Armt nalTe. The best salve in the world for cute, brunes, sores, nicera, salt rheum, fevei , eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all ecin eniptioD", and posi- tively cures piiea a nr nn nov rwinirnd Tnr- nirnlpa hnahnnH nnrl u-ifo irorn l'"e lielu at the COUHCl Chambers tn Said i u"J' -vw o ulvi JrfLt m "isftic. i . ?i . a S ill ' 1fitrict. 011 the 27th day of February, ach one of these ols will be sold up mSaea i Stt fata,ly burned Their ,our cl,,1(5ren. aI1 1697, there will be submitted to the legal ;.n ,e.lot respectivelv and none of them It is guaranteed to tion. or money retunaea. Price 2o cents tit hox. Fnr nv RlaUeler and Houghton, druggists. " 1 ThU l Tour Opportunity. I On receipt of ten ccnte, cash or stomps, a generous eamplo will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon- etraxe the great nierita of the renredy. ELY BKOTHERB, 50 Warren St., New Tork City. T.ev. John Held, Jr., of Great Folia, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me, I can emphasize his statement, "It iB a posi. tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Itev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre. Church, Helena, Mont Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains uo mercury aor auy injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. Shr Ch tic lit "Ma. where do they pour wine into those mnehines7" said a small boy to hia mother who was examining a lot of , typewriters ' pour wine "Why, Johnnv, tbpy don't into them, what put that your head".'" "They d put ! notion in wine in them, too," Johnny replied, "for I heard Pa tell Mr. Jones he blowed in $lo pouring wine into a typewriter last night." "ItseemsT was mistaken," said the mother, "but, Johnny, he won't do it again, not soon"' Illgh Price l'rcvall. The Enterprise, of Wallowa county, says from present indications the man who has cattle to sell nest spring will have no difficulty in disposing of them ! at a good price. A number of outside buyers have been around to see what can be got hold of in the cattle line, and local buyers are offering $13 for yearling steers and U lor L'-year-ohls. 'inese are better prices than have prevailed in that section for several years. Probably the WnrV of Indians, Winona, Minn.. Feb. 19. A sextuple tracedy was revealed one mile from here todav on the ranch of Rev. Thomas Spicer. The horribly mutilated bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Spicer, their daughter, Mrs. William Rouse, with her 1-year-old twin boys and the aged MrE. Waldron, wife of the postmaster, were found scattered about the ranch, and there is as yet no positive clew to the oerpetrators of the horrible crime. The appearances about the ranch, the condition of the bodies and the circum stances led to the supposition that the murder was comitted by Indians, and , this suspicion was in part started from the known fact that one Indian was seen . and clubs. bly mutilated with axes which fact is taken to at least pnrtly corroborate the suspicion. rne standing Kock Indian reserva- tiou is not far away, and when the Indi- ans from there get away irom sicht and manage to get hold of whisky, there is sure to be trouble, li the murders were committed by Indians, the murderers are undoubtedly now back among the reservation Indians. There is great excitement here over i the tragedy Ancient Japanese Lair. San Fhakcisco, Feb. 19. Oriental ad vices per steamship China state that the remaines of the late dowager empress of Japan were buried in great state at Ky oto. Considerable difficulty was found in making theproper arrangements for transporting the body to Kyoto. An cient custom required that three oxen, harnessed one after the other, should draw the funeral car. The one between i the shafts must have black and white , 1 spots on the body, a white star on the i forehead and white stockings on all four legs. The one immediately in front of the shafts must have a dun skin with black flecks, and the leader must be pure blac&. Much search was required J to find ttie first of these three, but at :ast ne was lounu in a remote place in the country, ,and the funeral arrange ments were then carried out. An an cient law provides imperatively that the oxen drawing tiie funeral car of one ot the royal family must be marked in the manner described. .MUtrts, Nut Wlte. an Fkancisco, Feb. 19. Judge sea- Capitalist Thomas L. Quackenbush, by virtue of a contract marriage. He found from the evidence that while the couple had lived together, the cohabitation had not been accompanied by such a mutual assumption of martial duties and respon sibilities as the law required to consti tute a marriage under section 52 of the nriminal entle. I his hnriini' of the onnrf I disp05es of Mrg Abbott's suit for main-1 tenance, and also ner suit to set nnd nluo hfr snif to Kf nairlft i the deeds by which Quackenbush re cently conveyed a million dollars' worth of property to his daughter. Gasoline Lamp Exploded. Cleveland, Feb. 19. The familv of Jacob Circles, at 603 almost wiped out Canal street, was : of existence tuis J sust. Jacob and morning by a holocau unuer u years ot age, received burne. , Albert Jerno and Joseph Jerga, hoard ere, were also badlv burned. Circles mistook a gnsoline lamp for a ! kerosene lamp. There was a terrific ex-' plosion when he upplted a match. AH tj,e familv are iu the hospital. The f . : oth d th children '""ner anu mottit-r aim tnret ciuiuren i uic u "IK 1 A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every, of WoodatocV, Mich., was badiy afflicted with rheumatism. His right leg was swollen the full length, causing him great suffering. He was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first ,.i i...i.i i.:... t.i...i.i.. t UULLin f J 1 1L IICU 11111J LUUDIUCiaUI, UlllI the second bottle effected a enre. Tliele' 25 and 50 cent sizes are for sale by ( 1897. Blukeley & Houghton. 1 flow Ibout Your job "We have the facilities of Job Printing, from catalosue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Gome in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. ropiqle publisfyii ?o. Wasco Warehouse Company . Headauarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. ' Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. -rj j -ni-ano -fX-n TPz-kllrl r-nQTYi 11 1 JTL681QQ UctibGiS IOi JXOH6Q. JT1 cxlllj ail iUHClS. - J?. -DQ Qy, -x and all kinds XlCCtUL Udl LCI O 1U1 XDI Xilt Oi-LUI bO, of mill PEED s Headquarters for "Byers' Best' Pendle - ton Flour. This Flour use: everv We sell our eckxIs lower than anv house in the trade, and if von don't ttiink so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Richly and durab'y bound in Entrlish Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au thor forming the design on cover; autocraph preface ; niaguificent pre sentation plate in silver, gold aud blue; containing COO pages and 32 full-page illustrations In half-Morocco, niarbieedge In full-jiorocco, gilt edge 2 7 M. J. WOODCOCK. Agant, Wamic, Or. BIDS WANTED. Notice is hereby civen that bids for a bridge across Hood river, at the town of i Hood River, will be received by the j County Court of the State of Oreirbn for ' Wasco County, up to the hour of noon Wednesday. March 3, 1897. The bridge span will be 134 feet, will be 4 feet lush er than the present bridce, and within ; four feet of the same. Bids will be re- ceived for a Howe truss, Smith truss, llowfetring and a steel bridge. Bids on i steel bridye to include proper abuttments ' of etone and other material, usually used under such bridges. Bids for j wooden bridges to include piers, as in specifications on file with the The Court reserves the right to reject anu " I'lUS. uatea at Jtie uaues, v asco uounty, Or., this 7th day of February, A. D., 1S97. 1 1-td A. M. Kelsav, County Clerk. lioml Election Notice, School Dlntrlct No- is. Notice is liProhr fivpn Hint snhnol meeting of school Dalles City, Wasco ... " " district No. 12, of countv. Orecon. to voters of said district the question of ' contracting a bonded debt of 20,000.00 ' . for the purpose of paying the debt of the! , iliotrl.l onil linililini, n unhnnl l,n,,cu The vote t0 uv ballot.iinon which ahali be the words "Bonds Yes." and the words "Bonds No." Polls to be opened at 1 o'clock n. m and remain nwn nnill j nUnxt iv m By order of the board of directors of ' c?nt Pe,r ati"U. payable annually; pro school district No. 12, of DalleB City, ' Vlded tl,a,t payment may be made in full Wasco county, state of Oregon. Dated this 2nd day of Feb., A. D.1S97 E. Jacousk.v, District Clerk. Caili iu Your Clieckd. All county warrants registered prior to Sept. IS, 1892, will be paid at my Interest ceases after Feb. 1G, C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. piifHW for doing a visiting all kinds card to a is manufactured expressly for family sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. THE FIRST BATTLE is an interesting story nf the creat political strtiffcle nl 198, its most important events and the many issues involved: a logicftl 'realise on Bi-metnlUsm us uttered by emiuent exwnients, includitic the part taken by Hon. W J. llryan in the silver ngltutioa prior to the Democratic National Convention, and dur inr the campaign: the best examples oi his won-d-riul oratory, the most notewortbv incidents of hi- famous tour, a careiul review of the political j situation, c dicu'hion of the election returns and the sipuiticance thereof, and the in 'lire ! possibilities, of lli-inetallism as u iMjlitleil issue. 1 75 o NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby jriven that by au'hor i:y if ordinance No. 291, which parsed the Common Council of Dalies Citv Feb ruary 6, 1S97, entitled "An ordinance j entiiiea an ordinance to provide for ttie sale of certain iots beloneiuc to Dalles City," I will, on Saturday, the 13th day of March, 1897, seli at public aucion, to the highest bidder, all the following lots aud parts of lots in Gates Addition to Dalles City, Wasco County, Or., to-wit: The north 50 feet off from lots 5 and G jointly in block 18. North 30 feet off from lots 1 and 2 jointly in block 18. North 50 feet off ftom lots S and 4 jointly iu block 18, and lot 1 in block 19. lhe reasonable value of Pillfl Into tnr . less tiinn which thev will not hi- sold . has been fixed and "determined bv the ! Common Council of Dalles City a fol- lows to-wit : The north 50 feet off from lots 5 and 0 . jointly in block 18, 200. North 30 feet off from lots 1 and 2 i jointly in block 18, ?00. V.l, RO 1 n i . . r'",'lli 'f 'ru,u 10 o anu i ' l0,.n,,-v '." Wpck lB.flOO. : , " r r u,Aa ine u",c "ove siaieu. Kne,'fo"rth Lthe I)rlce b n any of &ald 'OtS 3 1) U 1 1 be Dld In CRplinttllH I time of sale, and the remainder in three 1 I eual Payn"'e or before one, two and i ; ",ree -f9 fr?m the date of said eale jelivBiy, witn interest on such de i lerrea payments at the rate of 10 ner i ' ut any time at the ontion of th i.ur ; tuneni . The eaid sale will becln on thn lKth ' (lav of March at the hour I rv f Qoirl rlnt ,1 ...111 , a . , . . j "tn .u,i,tuuc iium l mu Ini niu l i.... De POld. Dated tiiis llth day of February, 1897. GiLtiuitT W. Phelps, f!0 Recorder of Dallee'cily. Advertise ,n T Ou.oc. I Cannot lie Cured !bv local applications, as they cannot . .. ,i ,i nnriinn ot tne .' nnot dies. reacn tne uisenscM r ,.,.. i There is only one way to cure e . , v,.. n.ritnt onal remedies , ana iiihv is . , hv an intlanieo can dition of the mucous linwc of he hu itachinn Tube. When this tube K in : Hamed von have a rumbling sound or , n,,,l when it is en- imperiecs. , , tirelv closed, Deafness is the result, and ! unless the inflammation can be tafcen out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed for-, ever; nine cus out of ten are caused bv catarrh, which is nothing but an id- j flamed condition oi the mucous ' We will give One Hundred Dollars :or I nnv case of Deafnes (caused ty catarrh) ' that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh i Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. .1 . Chexky & Co.. Toledo, 0. l nri!r.friats. 75;'. 6-10 Tiir Sale. One hundred and sbuy acres all plow land; 130 acres under plow; good fain il orchard. Four-room house and good barn; running spring of water. One and one-half mile from boldendale. Wash. Terms, ?l:twu; oue-nau . and mortcnees for the balance. A pp. "n i. ri(twnth and to ijeoree jjurun, """",; Pentland streets. The Dalles. Or.; or W. T. Darch. Goldendale, ash. fbS-lm ive Ymir Grain. Few realise that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of :raiii annnnlly. boWB Sonirrel and Gopher Esterm- j inator is the most effective and cconom I ifjii noii-on known. Price reduced to JO .'cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell, Acent. febl-3m me comma PACKERS OF iUAp nrjfl KPPj MAXCFACTCKhK: Of' IFine Lard and sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef. Etc. Dalles City anfl Mora Stage Line Leaves William? Hotel, Mow, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at i 8 n. m. promjit. " j Leoves Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdavs, Thvrsdays and Saturdavs at S a. m. prompt. " Freicbt rates-The Dalles to Moro, 40c I l'"r 100 lbs ; small packages, 15 aud 2oc. ( P.isseneer ra'es The Dalles to Mnrn. i ?l.o0; round trip, ?2.50. ! Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalles, and at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN. Prop. Bake Ora and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. The Glades Ranch, WHITE SALMON, WASH. ire Brefl -? JERSEYS Of the St Lamtwrt, Comraainle and Tormentor rainc. Thrw Choice JlalU for nu or rent fO some Chnifp Pfm. nrt iT. . "... "' hi.e ltrtd Poland China H.1' ,U,B' White Vlyrnouth Kock Chickent. r-?VSm JU:a- A I':;.i5.VKKKTT, Prop ! J w3m Wblttf Salmon. v LODDpQISOH prczer to come here Koimik. Boebati nrjy P1IDI, I iimnlM ....7 wuuiu, nore Tlirn I P,?..VOpuer Colorrt f,i orii eat. t''i becoudurv Uf 1 IffSSJS I MSfMntSnS5tS52JI0hri4 (op &CsSS I Packing Go His it Bacon, B Bl ; ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s i p ilman , ruiim Elegent Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car Tourist 8T. PA lit. MINN IS ATOMS Dt'Ll'TII VAHOO CKAND FORKS CKOOKSTON WIXJUt'EO HELENA an HCTTE TO , ThPOUqh Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON rHII.AIII'HIA "EW YORK ItOSTON ASD AM. I'OINTS KAST mid 90CTH For Information, time curds, maps end ticket, cnl on or write to W. C. ALLATS'AY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon OR A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 35, Morrli-on Cor. Third. Portland Ore?o n EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route j OF THE i Southern Pacific Comp'y. TrRiiib leave Rnd nre due to nrnve at I'ortlsad. I LEAVE. FltOM FEU. 10, 1S97 , f OVERLAND EX--) 1 press, Salem, Rose- 1 I burg, Afchland, Sac-1 p f J rnmento, ORden.Sau ! i i LosAuceles, . ........ -"j" 'I 'aso, '3:10 A. It. l I New Orleans i I East I aud . . IKoseburc and way sta-i i.uu a. Ji.,Uonh l.1;M r.M. 1 f Via Woodburn fori n,, ; l Mt. Angel, Silverton, H West Sclo. Browns- except tr,t,rt,,. : 1 ville.sprlngneld and I Sunflayi. '- 1 Natron J "4:00 P.M. 7:30 A. M. ialem and way stations; 10.15A.M 6:-J0I'.JI. 6:25P.M Corvallis HUd way; stations ( (- i t iMcMiunville and) U.U I.M., WBJ. Btations Daily. f Daily, except tiundny. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. Pl'LUUX BUrFET SLEEPERS AND .SECOND-CLASS cLEEI'ING CAES Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticlct 0thce,13l Third street, where throuch tickets to all points in the Eaitera I lowest rat Jbimm 5 Dl "" i J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agsnt ' AH above trains arrive at and dejmrt iroiri uranQ ce!Itrm &tnuo"' nim ,,nQ lnwe 6'ra YAMHILL DIVISION. I'aki-encer DejKit, foot of Jetlerio!i strccL Ieave for OSWEGO, dailv, except Sunday, at :-V a. in.: 12.15, l:t5, o:Z, S:t6 p. (and 11:30 p. m. on i-nturduy only). Arrive t Portland ut 7:10 and s;S0 a.m.; and 1:30, J:w. 0:3o and T:S5 ji. ru. Ijave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. o Arrive at Portland, J:30 a. iu I-ave for AIP.LIE ou Jlonday, Wednesdsyaaii Friday at 0:40 a. in. Arrive at Portland, Tufs dav, Thursday and Saturday ut 3:05 p. m. Sunday trains for OaWEGO leave at 8:10 a. m. and 12:15, 1 :45, 3:30, 5:25 0:45 and 8 05 p. m. St rive at Portland ut S:30, 10:00 a. in.; 1:30,4:15, 510,C:S5,T:55p. m. R. KOEHLEU, E. P. KOGEP.S, iluuacer. Asst. G. K. d: Pass. Ast NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 Paces a Week. ISO Pper S It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication nd freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; aud its vast list of eubscribere, extending to every state an territory of the Union and foreign coon tries, will vouch for the accuracy an fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and amoK Us special features are a fine buroor page, exhaustive market reports, all tb latest fashions for women aud a lt ! series of stories by the greatest livlo American and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jeroru Stanley Weyuian. Mmry Wllk' Anthony Hope, Bret Harte, Itratidttr Matthew, Ktc. We offer this uneqnaled newspaper The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether one year for fli.OO. The regular . price of the two papers is 3.p0. SUR E CURE for PILES . - mm,. a tiu cure. i.iruii w,1;,