The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 19, 1897, Image 4

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    Th Balks My Ctoniefe.
Adrertlrd Letter.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postofiice at The Dalles tin-'
called for Feb. IP, 1S97. Persons cas
ing for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Agnew, Winrield S Adams, F B
Anderson, G
aowman, riy
Blevins, Taylor
Connor, RossweH
Dodson, Sarah E
Evans, Silas
Gibson, Mary
Brahin. Hv
Gline, Chn's
CaniRhan, M
Ehrck, F
Gilliam. S R
Hammond. Clms E Hndson, L H
Hazen Sadie Johnson, Jno
iapius, R l.awtnn, Florence
Larsen, Dagnear Moore, S W
Martin, Mrs Dannie Meier, Louis
kelson, P Nash, W E
2eilsen. A 0 iell, Emma
Osborne, A J Olson, P
Push. John E Peares, Geo
Pofv. E '2 Pevev. Mrs Rose
Rhodes, L F.oy.'Chas
Eobertson.Mrs J W Sharp,
Small. Eliza J Ward, Emma
"Walker, E Warner, C A
Waeuer, C C
J. A. CnossEN, P. M.
Is it "overwork"' thai has filled this
country with nervous dyspeptics? that
takes the flesh eff their bones, the vital
ity from their blood, and makes tiiem
feeble, emaciated and inefficient? No.
It is bad cooking, over-eating of indi
cestibie stuff, and other health-destroying
The remedy is an artificially digested
food such as the Shaker Digestive Cord
ial. Instead of irritating the alredy in
flamed stomach the Cordial gives it a
chace to rest by nourishing the system
itself digesting the other food taken
with it. Is no; the idea rational? The
Cordial is palatable and relieves immedi
ately. No money risked to decide on its
value. A 10 cent trial bottle does thai.
. La::ol is the best medicine
lor cnii-
dreu. Dcctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
Price of a Leg.
It cot the city of :
warrant drawn on
f.nokane f 10,500 in a f
the general fund to ,'
, , . . T , .... ....
settle with Belle smith for tne minrv .
. 3 !
that she received on account of nesli
gence of city officials, she was a school-;
teacher, and was on her way to the
Hotel Spokane to attend the reception
tendered the Hon. John L. Wilson and
wife upon their return from
ti oivmpia, i
nited State' '
after his election to the C
senate. At snracue avenue she encoun- f
tered a sheet of ice that had accumulated
across the sidewalk. Sne fell and one
of her legs was broken between the knee j
and ankle. She was disabled and inca-'
.pacitated from following her usual voca-'
tion, and it is feared that amputation ;
uiav yet be necessarv in order to pre-'
She sued for $25,000 damages and was
awarded judgment for $10,590. The
city appealed the case to the supren.e
court, which sustained the judgment of
the superior court.
SiiiCe the accident the plaintiff has
been empkyed in the office of the Free
man s Labur Journal, ahe is rei2'
nszed bv all who her as an estimable,
laJy, and she was the recipient of many .
congratulations last Tuesday when it be-
came known that she had received her j
wairunts for the full amount of hei '
jnucmeiit 3gainst the city.
Fresh lot of Tiilamook butter just ur
rived at Maier & Benton's.
Suiiietliiu; to Kuow. j
It may be worth something to know
that the very best medicine for restoring'
the tired out nervous system to a healthy
vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine
is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone
to tlie nerve ceutres in the stomach,
gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys,
and uids tLese organs in throwing off
impurities in the blood. Electric Bit
ters improves the appetite, aids diges-;
tion and is pronounced by those who
have tried it as the very best blood puri-,
fier and nerve tonic. Trv it. Sold for
irtk-or !.00 per bottle at P.!akeley Jc
Houghton's Drug Store ,2
Tills Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
Btrate the great merits of the remedy.
5C "Warren St., New York City.
Her. John F.eid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont,,
recommended Eiy's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Bev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Prec
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
enre" for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
HucKlen'a Armca naive.
The best ealve in the world for cnte,
bnn;jft, sores, ulcera, eait rheum, fevei '
sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblaiut
corns, and all skin eruwtions, and nosi-
tively cures piiea, or no pay required J
It is "guaranteed to irive perfect fiatifcfao
tion. or nionev rumnoea, Pric 25 cents !
pe.r iox. ror sai uy iiiaueiey auu
Houghton. dnjL'ffist
Subscribe for Tub Uhkomcle.
j baldness a disease.
A French Doctor Says It May Be
Contagion Scattered by Barbers
on Whose Implements the
Microbe Find 1-odp-menb
Now the real cause of baldness Las
been discovered, and a French derma-,
tologist, Dr. La bo u rand, suggests u '
remedy. By the use of this remedy, he
says, baldness can Ik prevented, and in ,
the next generation it may be unknown, i
Can the awful consequence of such a
discovery be imagined? Can people of (
this generation contemplate such a so
cial condition as a total lack of bald
ness? What will the ballet girido with- .
out that inspiring row of shining pates 1
just leyond the footlight? What will
the funny man do. deprived of his fund
of baldheaded jokes? Hair will grow
in vulgar abundance. '
It has been known for some time !
among medical men that baldness is a i
disease. It has. even been supposed to I
I be due to a specific microbe. In fact, j
j such an extraordinary amount of evj-
! dence in favor of the theory has been j
' accumulated that the idea is now gen-!
erally accepted. Dr. Labourand's in-
i vestiiration in the subject has been e.-1
' haustive and of such a conclusive na- j
ture as to add heavy reinforcements to '
the already existing microbic theory.
. He believes that the disease is con-
! tagious and that the cause of contagion
j and the spreading of microbes is due ,
to the barber's instruments. He pre- ;
' sents strong evidence in support of this
I According to Labourand the typical
diseased hair is found at the edge rf n
constantly enlarging bald spot. It is
the stump of what was once a long hair.
It is shaped like an interrogation point ;
it grows less in diameter toward the
! root, and has lost its color, beinr either
' srrav or white. Th
e normal phi, canai
i wanting a: tne root
no longer .bulbous and hollowed for the
papilla, but distorted in shape and
hardened. Within the root sac a little
bulb may be seen developing if eA-
nTT5nirT tinlrt tha nrrrr!T-STi rlncc Tt
k this which is said to be the cause of
the disease.
XU lilV LI V.1 ii J1UU till?. UUIU U. UU1LU1C
. , . ..
is full and clo.sed, and contains in its
cemer compact cinsIe of raiCrabes. a
culture of the smallest bacillus known,
As the microbe matures it may become
one one-hundredth of an inch in width.
Tn r.n,t v.n: .u:, i,..n. ..T:ni.,
is bent or slightly curved m shape, like
a comma, biunt a the ends ami slightly
KWO"el1 'n center. Each bulb con-'
tains millions of these bacilli, and to
them is attributed the cause of baldness. '
Tnvestir-ntinn shows that hr the Time '
the hsLif ;s dead and the 'root and j
rebaceous glands useless the microbe
which produced this eftect is gone.
Thus remedies applied to the bald spot i
n the hopo of making hair grow again j
are rain- For lhat glistening, white ;
roots, end the oily sacs are dried for-'
ever. j
However, the progress of baldness I
can bo imp-'Oed. This is accomplished
by disinfection of the skin at the edge
and in the neighborhood of the patch
by means of an effectual, microbe-de-stroyinrr
' If the microbe of baldness is an actual
,.. , , , .," .
the prevalence of the condition is due
lo con:a?ioili aK is the reasonable and
logical deduction, baldness can Ik- pre-
vented and th first stages of the dis-
ease arrested by intelligent treatment.
So, in time, baldness may disapjtear
from humanitv. Chicago Times-Herald.
of CatuinR
The Bivalve
t. - i-i i . .,.
It is not likely that the public will
read, or even see, the eJaborate report
cn tne oyster and the typiioiu quest ion
just issued by the local povernment .
board, and therefore we beir them not
to in; atarmea at tne eomment tnat are-
appearing in the press on the subject.
Beport does not arrant an alarmist
, -n , . , , i
dant lusufication for having raisetl the ,
only in this country but in France and
the United States, to be capable of
causinp. and to have actually caused,
typhoid fever. And the investigation
of the oyster beds on our coasts, carried
out by Dr. Bulstrode for the local gov
ernment board, nhows that in heveml
places oysters are exposed to the risk
of conveying the dis-as. They are
placed for fattening in shallow water
nar the fonrshore, and so close to sewer
outfalls as to be pretty constantly
bathwl by sewage. The uor.-t j.'.:.fvF in
rhis respict are Southend, Grimsby, '
Short-ham and th- Isle of Wiuht, On
the other hand. Whitstable and several
the danger can be removed without
difficulty. Now that the government
has pointed the way, it is for the local
authorities to carry out the necessary
reforms, and for oyster contnimen; to
insist that they are carried out. St.
Jnies Gazette
Dullek-.Moru htace
leaves the Umatilla house 8 a.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdavs.
Douglas A'aen, i'rop.
other fainou lwH are bevond suspi- The vote to be by ballot.upon which ehnll ua,e.01 6ale' ana tne remainder in three
cion.whlleathir-'r'-.-wlRonlvtheorit- be the worde "Bondi Yes." and clual payments on or before one, two and
icall - open ...hnw. But "the most he word. ..Bonds- No." Polls to ! lh d e of sai d sale
..omfortiTin. ,,int hmni.t mir hv the I'ened at 1 o'clock p. in., and rema n I respective!.. , with interest on such de
comforting point brouirht out by ope unli 4 0.cock, p. m. 1 ferred payments at the rate of 10 per
report In that vtn in the worst cases R.. f ,-arrH A, tnr. nt cent per annum, navable annuallv? nm.
j-lou; bout Your
"We have the facilities for doing all kind?
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. AVe not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Gome in
and compare our prices with that of an
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
ropiqle publisfyii ?o.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headciuar ters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. :
J. j A X. m
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
-r"T J , r -j--.
XXUfctUtjUfcirLtjrb IOI JXUllfcJa Orr&m, Ell iJIinaS.
Hfifl.d mi a.rt.firs for Bran. Shorts
Headquarters for "Byers Best;; Pendle
ton Flour.
We sell our soods lower than any house in the trade, and it you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Itichly and dr.rabiv bound in English Cloth, piain edges; portrait of the au
thor forming the design on cover; autotraph nreface: innirnifk-ent pre
sentation nlate in silver, gold and blue; containing 600 pVges and 32
full-page illustrations "
In half-Morocco, marble edge
Iu full-Morocco, gilt edge
Notice is hereby civen that bids for a '
bridge across Hood river, at the town of
Hoed River, will be received by the
County Court of the State of Oreubn for
Wasco" Countv. tin to the hour of noon
Wednesday. March 3, 1S97. The bridge
span will be 334 feet, will be 4 feet high-
' . iij :.i.:
foHr fein of lhe same Bids wi rf.
ceived for a Howe truss, Smith truss,
Bowstring and a steel bridge. Bids on
steel bridge to include proper abuttments
oi ione auu outer material, usually
under such bridges. Bids for
woo-ien bridges to include piers, as
Countv Clerk of asco Countv.
n.," , ";!;; .
Dated at The Dalles, Wasco County,
Or., this 7th day of Februarv, A. D.,
11 td A. M. Kklkav, County Clerk.
JSoml flection Notice, School District
No. ta.
Notice is herebv given that a school
meeting of school district No. 12, of
Dalles Citv, Wasco countv, Oregon, to
he held at'the council chambers in said
rllatrint nn ll,o Hot. ( fl, .o...
1897( there w, Babmltted t0 the e-R
voter? of said district the question of
contracting a bonded debt of f 20,000.00,
for the purpose of paying the debt of the .
district and building a new school house.
school district No. 12, of Dalles Citv. '
Wasco conntv, state of Oregon.
Dated this "nri dav of Full . A. n. 1K17
E. Jacobsen, 1
District Cierk. i
Caah iu Your check.
All county warrants registered prior
j to Sept. 13, 1892, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Feb, 10,
189". C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
j y .
and ail kinds
This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
use; eerysack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
THE fIP.T BATTLE is an interesting storv
o the sivm political struscleo! 15. its most
iiDjioriant events and the manr Issues involved
a loici-l realise on Bi-nietallfsni a. uttered by
cmlin-ni estonent-!, including the part taken bv
Hon. W. J. Bryan in the silver nriiction prior to
the Democratic National Convention, and dur
in the campaign, the best examples oi his won-d-rriui
oratorj-. the most nntewortnv incidents o(
h- iamous tour, a careiul review of the political
situation, a discus-ion of the elc-tion relurns
and the sipuiheance thereof, and the
possibilities of Bl-raetallism us a politic tl i-sae.
fl 7oj
o :?$1.50; round trip, $2.50.
"' j Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalles,
J. WOODCOCK. Agent, Wamic, Or. UIul at Williams Hotel Moro.
Notice is hereby srlven that bv author
i:y oi ordinance No
the Common Council o
ruary 6. 1897, entitled
entitled an ordinance to provide for the
sale of certain iots belonging to Dalles )
Oitv " T -ill r.n ".i... io.ui"
0f March, 1597, sell at public auction, tb
the highest bidder, all the follow ing lots
and parts of lots in Gates Addition to
uaues i-.ity, asco Lountv, Or., to-wit :
The north 50 feet off from lots 5 and G
, iiuhijuuicc
jointly in diock lb. j
. North 30 teet off from lots 1 and 2;
.North oO feet off nom lots 3 and 4
imn.U. ; hlnnt- ir .,t i. i :".,,.,??..
The reasonable value of said Intc tn'r
less than which thev will not be sold.
hub meu ana oHiermined Ov the
The north 50 feet off from lots 5 and C
jointlv in block IS, i200
North 30 feet off from
lots 1 and 2
jointly in Wock JS, W). ,
. r,0.nh. fet3t ofr f'"0'" lots 3 and 4 ;
jointly in block 16.100. j
t01,1 in Mock J.9, 200.
! JaCll OOC Of these lotfi will llf cnlrl nr..
on the Jot respectively and none of them
l1" be sold for a less sum than the
va'ue thereof as above stated.
One-fourth of the price bid on anv of
lots snail oe paid in cash at the
Vlae that payment may be made in fml
arJ.v t,rae at the option of the pur-
, The said sale will begin on the 13th
aa " art:," at the hour ol 2 o'clock p.
uay ui .uuruu Ul llie nour Ol O ClOCk O,
m.of said day, and will continue fro ,
. obju uo; , uuu will cuntinud irmn
lilic iu nine uiini uu 01 huiu lots snail
1 hn hold.
Dated tuis Dth day of Februarv. 1897.
Giluekt W. Phelps, ,
nu .Recorder 01 Dallee City.
Advertise in Tut Cubonicle.
Sto.wyUDC,, of DaHes City aefHTHE Glades Ranch
. 1 I VS It
THE NAMfc ur (
An Irl.h CIrWm.n Kepu.lUt" It In
Tavorof thc-O AIorchor.
Eneland has done many wrongs o
Ireland, but one of the ,
ha onlv lust come to light. It seems,
r i A- rM,h that we have stolon i
?aVS liUHUUH - r
n- Thfimns Arthur
MacMiirrouch ,
Murnhv. rector of Kilternan. has deter
:.J,i rt imrc hack the ancient tannly
deter -
- m i i u n t .
trom ine -wi" ..,...
O'Morchoe and substituted for it a !...
i Enclish counterfeit in the shape o. i
. t:..V. ntlpiem mm:-
nropcrtv. ile now auuui , ,
the press he has for and on behalf of jElegdlt
himelf. his children and descendants;
renounced, relinquished and abandon
-mv said newer or Anglicized, but TOUTlSt
hitherto always by me used, name ol
Murphv. and that instead thoreot he
icvives bis ancient and true name ot
O'Morchoe. Lour may lie me
...... -.1 -f t,;e lrst nmn-
1 loice m tne recoei. w - i
s crtv! Probablv when once they rcal
! izethat they are only Anglicized O'Mor
I wc shall have the whole of the
great M-irphv family throughout the
United Kingdom, to say nothing of the
colonies anil the United States, follow
in" the lead of Rev. Thomas Arthur
MacMurrourh. There is an humble
article of diet (also Anglicized) which
1 have heard spoken of as a 'murphy."
Ought we to call that an O'Morchoe,
Wheat from Gras. (
Mr. Fabre claimed that after 16 year i
,' of cultivation he secured a variety o.
wheat from a ronton grass, tne
I "Ae-ilops Ovata." which grows aouit- .
I daatlv all over the south of Europr.
I Others, however, claim he was mif-
taken, and that the flowers oi the J
plants in his experiments were hybrid-!
ir.ed with whrct.
me coiumDia FscKingGo..
POKk 3T)G B66T
MAXUFAcrrrii-t-.s or
- Fine Lard and sausages.
(hirers of BRAND
Dried Beef. Etc.
Dalles City anfl Moro Stane Lin
Leaves Wi'liains Hotel. Moio, on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
S i. in. prompt.
Lesves Umatilla House. The Dalles,
Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at
S a. m. prompt.
Freight ratesThe Dalles to Moro, -JOc
per 100 lbs; small packers, io and 25c.
PrfSSfllPr TA'fa Thf rtnliMC tn t..r
in that by author-' rv i r 1 IT' 1
JMi's.resiiJjaie Oreo im Mitcfae
d "An ordinance
ProDrieto: 1
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antoinn 1
I U u'' aP from ADtfe,opfc to Mit-
uiicji mice times a weet.
m Brefl
Jerk-.v Cattle
?ilhe SVPirat?lt- Commassic and Tormentor
raine. Three Cho ee liulu i,,- .'
so some Choice Cow and iHpI u.r. r..",JKUl"
jr-wlm M,:" Al ":VBKCTT. Prop,
....v , iiwuum r.oeK I'nierptiK
1 ooebai
. Iodide po08Mrtfy?nbSI!a ne2
"ry. louiao potashTInd ri TCI ?et.
. nt
1 mm tia
fe we cannot cure iKr.W wd for m
lute nr.M,r. .ri ""?a
i - pnllmail
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Through Tickets
For iiifonsiitSon. nine cards, taapi tml Uekett,
cnl oa or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Ia!les, Oregoo
. or.
A. P. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
2S&, llorrijoa Cor. Third. Portland Oresoa
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
! Southern Pacific Comp'y.
' Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portltai
LEAVE. ! FROM FEB. 10. 1697. AEBIVE.
! press, Salem, Rose-'
I burc, Ashland, Sac-1
i v ) raia'ento, Ogdeu.San !
Los Angeles.EIl'aso, j
. New Orleans nud I
'3:10 A. 31.
!(.East . .
:3) A.
MjiuacuuiK auu nu
tinm .j.m p v
Woodburn fori
1 Mt.Anirel. Silverton. 1
, West iclo, Browns-V except
ville.iprlugrield and Suadayi.
VNatron J ,
l:CO P.M.
7:30 A. M.
H i P. M.
:aiem ana way staoonsriu.ia a.ji
(Corvallls and way) l CrJOP.M.
(Stations i j
picMinnville a n d If S:SP.JI.
(way stations. . . . ) '
Dally. fDany, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Throuch Ticket Oillee, 131 Third 6treet. where
thruueb tieUets to ull joints in the Eastera
Sutes, Canada and Euroje can be obtained :
lowest rates Zroin
J. B. KIEKLAND, Ticket Agent
All ubove trains arrive at uad depart lron
Grand Central itatlou. Fifth and Irving strecu
Patsenger Dejot, loot o Jettenxm utrcet.
Leave lor OSWEGO, dailv, except Sunday,
T:-.D a. ui.; 12.15, y.-Zi, i:0J p.
(hikI ll:a0 p. in. on caturdav onlv) Anive al
IVrtland at 7:10 and s;K) a.m.; undl:30, 1:15,
O.S5and 7:55 p. in.
U-ave for Sheridan, week days, st4:39p.B
Arrive at Portland, 9:U0 a. la
Leave for AIP.LIE on Mondnv, Wednesday a4
Fri.iny at 9: 19 a.m. Arrive at Portland, lurt
dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. ra.
Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 8:40 a. n.
and 12: 15, 1:43, S:S0, 5:25 CM5andS 05 p. m. Ar
rive at Portland at b:'M, 10:e0 u. in.; l:S),4:Ui
5 10,6:33,7.55 ji. m.
Manager. Asst. G. F. i Pass. Art
18 I'BBen a Week. 150 Taper Ver.
It stands first among ''weekly" paper!
in size, frequency of publication and
fresbnese, variety and reliability of con-
J tents. It ie practically a daily at the low
pricti 0 a weekly ; and its vast ll Ol
...i m . , .
'""rioerB, extending to every tsiaic
territory of the Union and foreign coon-
I tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is eplendidlv illustrated, and amoK
ills special features are a fine humor
I n&L'f. (ivllniislii'n ronnrla. all tb'
latest faeliioiii for women and a IodJ
series of stories by the greatest liv
American and English authors,
Cuuau Uoyie, Jerome K. Jerom.
Stanley U ej man, Mary E. Wllk'
Anthony IJope, Bret tfarte,
llruiidi-r Malili.u. K.
We offer thi nnfnnnled newSD8per1'
"uim u"rr- -
The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to-
Kether one year for llf.OO. The regoW
0f two papers is 93.00.