s MM m nJm . - : I Yon M.y An.wr It. I ' . . ' "' ' ' ' f ' ! 5 OPEfl for 9 BUSINESS I We wish to inform our customers that we now have our Departments in such shape that we can attend to the wants of all. Although our extensive improvements are not completed, we are so situated as to make it comfort able for our patrons. OPEN for BUSINESS I ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Ghronicie. FRIDAY. .... FEB. 19. 1897 TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct time card oi trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as The Chkonicle is kept fully in formed of revisions : D. P. & A. X. O. STEAMEKS. Steamer Regulator leaves every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 7:30 a. m. Arrives every Tuesday, Thurtday and Satur day at 5:00 p. in. OREGON' RAILWAY & NAVIGATION CO. FAfcx mail. Arrive. Leave. Xo.l Vet-b3und 4:4.' a.m. 4:K) n.ns. No.2- East-bound 10:13 a. in. 10:20 a.m. DALLES PAF SENGEK. No. T West-bound, leaves 1 :00 p.m. No. b Eust-bound, arrives U:&5 u.rn. All passenger traits stop at Union Street, as well as the depot. Advertising Kates. Per inch One inch or less In Daily .'..fl 50' Over two inches and under four inches 1 00 Over Jour Inches and under twelve inches.. 73 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch 2 50 Over one inch and under lour inches 2 00 Over lour inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches . 1 00 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kandoin Observation and T.ocl Eventi of Lesser Magnitude. The weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow is rain and colder. About a dozen members of the legisla ture are eick. They will have a speedy recovery after today. John Mclntyre wa6 examined by Dr. Hollieter and Recorder Phelps this morning as to his sanity, and was found to be insane. Vapor baths and massage treatment by Mine. DeGrey and young lady assist ant. Union Street Lodging House, rooms 9 and 10. febl9-2t. A full rehearsal of the "Dickens Party" will be held this (Friday) evening at the Christian church. All members of said party are urgently requested to attend. Mrs. J. E. Dean will meet all those who would like to take shorthand Jes tons, at the brick ecboolhouEe next Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Terms, 25 cents per lesson. 16-19 A man named Charles Mesplie has been been arrested at Pendleton, who is a versatile fellow. He ie charged with stealing a wagon, a bike and a dog, the stolen articles all belonging to different persons. A small hand bill received from Port land last night announces that there will be an opposition steamer on the river, commencing her run on tbe 22nd. The steamer is the Pilgrim, and the will car ry only passenger and fart freight. The farm bouse and barn of M. G. ylor, waa destroyed by Ore Wednea Jay night about 11 o'clock. Mr. Kay lor and children were at bone, her nua band being' In The Dalle. She waa awakened by amoke and at once taw that the house waa in flames beyond saving, and that the barn, some 200 feet I distant, was also on fire. She rushed to i the barn and released the horses. Everything else was destroyed by the fire. How it originated is not known. There is a small insuranceon the barn. Goldendale Sentinel. Dr. Sutherland has quite a rarity in ihe line of Indian basket work, in the shape of a purse. It is large enough to hold $20 in silver, is in the shape of a little barrel, with a lid that ties down, and handles by which it can be tied to a belt. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Office in the Vogt block. We import sugar to tbe value of $100, 000,000. yearly and export wheat to pay for it, and yet, here in Oregon the soil and climate are peculiarly adapted to growing sugar beets. Good times will come when we go to raising all our abso lute necessaries such as sugar, An advertisement in IiieXjhkonicle always accomplishes the desired result. A short time ago the bie cat, "Bob," wandered away from thefSnipes-Kiner-sly drugstore. After a few days absence a notice was inserted in this paper stat ing that he was wanted at home, and the next day "the catcarne back." A large number of hopyards around Gervais, in Marion county, reported as out of bearing, were Eimply let run wild last year, and are now being brought back into cultivation in the hope ot better prices ruling this year. One hundred and sixty-four bales of hops in the Brooks section, near Gervais, were sold this week. This sale cleans out all of the hops in that vicinity. Under the constitution it requires a joint resolution of both houses to adjourn the legislature. As there is no house re cognized by the senate, the question arises, "how will it adjourn?" As long as it is not getting paid the country will not bother itself about it, in fact, will be highly pleased if it continues tokeep Joe and Jonathan at Salem. One would think they would get tired of staying so near the pen. Charles Estes and William Merrill ! have found the den of a bear at Han son's ferry, in Okanogan county. It is ! supposed to be tbe winter quartera of I the big grizzly that has been of some 'expense to the stockmen. of that section by reducing their herds. Tbe bear is one of the largest of ita kind, and a measurement taken of tbe imprint of ita foot made in dry, loose soil Waa fourteen inches long and eleven inches across the heel. An effort ia to be made to capture bruin now, since bia winter borne baa been found. There waa a little scene enacted in the lobby of the Hotel Olympiad Joa after tbe fusion cancas had declared lor T timer oh Thursday night last, thai the papers, have given very ira perfectly .' After the reault of tbe caucus had be came known Judge Turner waa given an informal reception, and after the hand shaking made a speech to the crowd. He was followed by Frank Graves, Speaker Cline and others. At length there was a call for State Senator Plum mer, of Spokane, who 011 attempting to make a speech, was interrupted by J. V. Brown, who shouted: "How much did you get, Plummer7" It broke Plum mer's speech up. Brown wbb carried out, still demanding information as to Plummer's price. It is still unan swered. Colfax Gazette. A recent traveler in London states that in the douse of Fagin, of Dickens fame, the kitchen yet remains precisely as used by the celebrated Jew, The rocm in which he taught "Oliver Twist" and his friendsto piny the "little game" in which the "Merry old Gentleman" so delighted, has been somewhat altered by more recent occupants. One great charm of Dickens' books lies in tbe fact that most of the houses in which the scenes he so vividly portrays were enact ed, are still standing, many of them just as they were originally built, and can be readily found by the tourist along Fleet street. Tbe President's Daily ltwutlne. Ex-President Harriscn has written of "A Day With the President at His Desk" for tbe March Ladies Home Jour nal. The article is said to be singularly interesting in tbe detail with which it describes the wearisome routine of the president. It is said that General liar rieon, in this article, has delivered him self with great directnees and vigor, rel ative to tbe annoyances that are visited upon a chief executive by persistent office-seekers, and he suggests a unique plan by which the president's burdens in that directions could be greatly light ened, and he be enabled to devote more attention to more important matters. A feature of the article that will have a timely interest to those ambitious to serve the country under the incoming administration, describes very fully how the president makes appointments to office. "A Day With the President at His Desk" is unique in being the first time that the daily life of the president has been described by one who filled the exalted office. Articles upon the social and domestic life of the president by General Harrison will follow in success ive issues of the Journal. Program ot the Hen's Hoclul. Hymn Prayer Key. W. C. Curtis Address ot Welcome Rev. J, II. Wood Quartette, High School Hesitation ...lleorgo Knit-st Stewart Bolo ..... , I'rof , Landers Hesitation , Chun. CbHipbell Select Reading .. ...Civile Kiddell ibr. I-amicibtfff K. J. Collin John 1'urrott Recitation Walter Ucavis Euphonium Solo., ,.,.Uuy Miller AddreM,,, J. II. Cradlcbaugh Bolo Dr. Lannerberg Benediction i Remember' this comes off tonight at tbe M. 13. church at 8 o'clock, sharp. After tbe program, refreshments pre pared by the men will be served in the basement of the church. Admission 25 cents, including refreshments. The following letter written by a resi dent of E,tst Tennessee, shows the pos sibilities of the English language in the lino of questioning, Its recipient turned It over lo us to answer, but whether It was becauso tho information derived was too complex for any but an editor to give, or becauee he could not name the four or five good men, we do not even hazard a guess. The letter is as follows : to lh( Kegtsttr of the united tatts Land ojh'cr: Dear sir I am thinking of making a trip to tho stait of oregon in a short time and I want you to glv me n full description of that county first do you hav had winters 2 do yon bav any bad storms 3 dos the wind do any harm 4 dos the wind blow hard-nt any time 5 how much wheat do you make to the acor 6 how much corn 7 how much oats S how much of all kinds of cropB do yon make out thiro S please giv me the price of all kind of work 10 is thiro any gov erment land within your land deastrict 11 if so what for land is it 12 how fur from town 13 how fur from tho railroad 14 how much will it cost to enter a 160 acors of land 15 can a man get Imploy went at any tune 10 please giv me a full description of that country 17 please giv me tho nnmc of 4 or 5 good men A Great Company. The Hext Concert Company has been billed for this placo March 1. The com pany comes from tho East, consequent ly will remain here over night, leaving for Portland in the morning. Tho Chi cago Herald, speaking of Miss Hext says : "A most enjoyable entertainment was given by the Harvard c)ub for which Miss Eflio Elaine Hext whose powers as an'tixpressionist are well known was secured as the special attraction. "The Chariot Race," "Tho First Quar rel" and "Tho Curpe Scene" from "Leah" were tho most noteworthy among their heavier numbers. The statuesque posing in Grecian cos tumeE a new featureof entertainment was especially commendable and re ceived with great applause. The Thine Kntable. r A CAR-LOAD OF H 1 BUGGIES BUGGIES JUST RECEIVED at S Remember Wo have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO That entertainment at the M. E. church tonight, will be a success. Par rott has had his cake up at the electric light plant for two days, and this morn ing Mr. Biggs was in the back room of the land office splitting biscuits with the government ax, preparatory to introduc ing the ham. The clam chowder is al ready getting clammy, and everything is arranged for the occasion. To the young ladies we desire to state that if they will eat u piece of cake and put an other piece under their pillows to sleep j on, they will see their future husband about midnight, riding a green horee with red eyes. The horse will have a tail like an alligator and a mane made out of fourteen yards of red calico. The future husband can be recognized by his plug hat, red flannel bloomers and pink umbrella. If they eat two pieces, they will see anything there is to he seen. A pint of pepsin will prove a useful antiseptic. The l'aytous Coming. Senter Pay ton and his company are again on the road, at present showing in Southern Oregon. They will bo here about the first of March. This company was with us about two years ago, and all who heard them will be glad of the op portunity to again spend a few evenings with them. Mr. Pay ton has put on a new lot of plays, and has strengthened his company greatly since here, V Kit SON A I. MKNTIO N . Capt. J. W. Lewis arrived home from Salem lata night. Mr. Frank Lee, editor of the North west Pacific Farmer, came up from Port land lest night, returning 011 the local this afternoon. What are Schilling 's Best tea coffee soda. Imfciiiir nowder flavoring extracts and tpicci good for? Good for anybody who likes good things and doesn't want to pay for adulteration. J-'or (.ale by W. E. Kahler 5er)ooI Boos, Stationery, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, AT Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Northern Grown Seeds. Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Hulk Seed. Wheat, Seed Kye, Seed Oats. Seed Barley, Seed Com, Flax Seed. Alfalfa HaeA, Tlmothv Seed. Red Clover Seed, Millet Seed. Crimson Clover Seed, Blue Grass Seed. White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed. Itee Supplies. Fertilizer, Oil MealCako. Hay. Grain, Feed and Groceries, Early Hose Potatoes. Poultry und Egs hought and sold at J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store. Goods Sold at HeTlTock Prices for Cash. Store open from 7 a. 111. to 1) p. 111. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. (Huccmor to Chrimumi it Comm.) FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at tho old stand. I would b pUtmcd to see nil my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. pob Printing at This Office. the VOGT OPERA HOUSE Monday Evening:. March 1st. HEXT CONCERT COMPANY EFFIE ELAINE HEXT, A most Realistic Expressionist. A Great Variety of Readings from Modern Authors. Statuesque Posing in Grecian Costume. Forty-five Human Emotions Perfectly Expressed, REGINALD HEXT, It one of the Most Squlful Interpreters of the Great. Masters before tbe public TICKETS 75o and $1.00. Reserved seats now on sale at Snipes-Kiners-ly Drug Company, HCMrCAM.NBU.TNf 1 1