The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 19, 1897, Image 1

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NO 34
el)c Dalles
Philippine Islands Revolt
Verging Upon a Collapse.
Spaiiloli Commander rrcpartnsr to Strike
A Decisive Itloir by Attacking
the Insurgent Stronghold.
New Yokk, Feb. 18. A dispatch to
the flerald from Manila says :
General La Chambre, who has occu
pied Santo Domingo, is now advancing
on Silling Cornell. and Manna ana will
Attack the rebel forces within three
davs. The number of troops employed
is not published. The batteries em
ployed are two Krnpp batteries of eight
centimeters, one battery of nine and two
mortars of fifteen centimeters. With
General La Chambre is General Marina,
who takes one battery of artillery of
eicht centimeters.
From all reports it would seem that if
the Spaniards are lucky enough to in
flict a decisive chastisement upon the
rebels in Cavite, the entire revolution
will collapse. The absence of the real
leader must tell upon the rebels, and all
their principal men are either in the
fortress here or have been Bhot bv the
authorities. Francisco Kojas, the mil
lionaire and friend of General Blanco;
Rizal, the doctor and idol of the Philip
pine Indians; Lund, the artist whose
picture won a gold medal at the Paris
exposition, and every other native or
half-caste of wealth or influence in the
Catipunan or inner circlee of conspiracy,
which the natives created for their own
purposes inside the lodges of Masonry,
into which tbe Spaniards confidently in
itiated them years ago, are in the toils of
the law and may be shot any day.
An immense amount of suffering has
been inflicted on their families by these
misguided men. In dozens of cases
large estates of those implicated have
been embargoed by the government, and
people formerly opulent are reduced to
poverty. Even some native Catholic
priests are among the prisoners, seven
at least having been tempted into the
The machinations ot the rebels eeem
to have permeated all quarters, and they
have taken in their withering grasp na
tives and half-breeds in every station of
life, from the millionaire property
owner, local governor, government clerk,
official doctor or professor in college, to
the most ignorant and poorest fisher
man and domestic servant in foreign or
Spanish employ. Indeed, it would be
difficult to find a parallel for such wide
spread treachery.
If the rebels on the island can get rid
of the Spaniards they can run the coun
try and pay no more taxes. Every one
will have plenty to eat, nothing to do
and pay no "cedula" or other tax to
anybody. This is the simple argument
which the agents use every where to beat
op recruits and get the peasants to join
tbeir ranks. Their ideas are largely
As an illustration of these delightful
tenets, the washerwomen, who have
mostly all turned rebels, walked off with
half the wardrobes of male and female
Manila, for every one uses white tropical
clothing the year round, and conse
quently for a time the rebels were the
best-dressed gentlemen in the Philip
pines, while their luckless customers
wre getting new clothes together.
faioliuion to Declare Vacant Seat! of
Salem, Feb. 18. In the Benson house
today Crawford introduced a resolution
declaring vacant the seals of those mem
wrs who have not qualified, thus pre
venting the enactment of certain leglela
t'on. After some discussion tbe resolu
tion was laid aside until afternoon. The
bouse then adjourned.
Tulrty-nve Came la.
Salem, Feb. 18.-Only 85 members
e present at today's joint convention.
if".6 we read from Representative
jodeon, Mitchell Vaugban saying they
It,"?t,U 111 nd PreMlng the hope
, tby would soon be able to be pre.
nt and "iualn until a United Btatei
Absolutely Pure.
una nil fornib of adulteration common to the
cneap Dmnas.
Eoyal Bakisc Powder Co., New Your
senator was electea. Joe convention
adjourned till noon tomorrow.
In the House.
Salem, Feb. 18. In the senate today
Brownell introduced by request a peti
tion for the passage of a law licensing
the practice of midwiferv. A number of
bills were reported and ordered en
grossed for the third reading. Among
them was Daly's bill abolishing the rail
road commission.
Harmon, of the committee on com
merce and navigation, reported a sub
stitute for Michell's bill relative to the
portage railway between The Dalles and
Celilo. The substitute Teduces the
amount of the appropriation asked for
fnm $195,000 to $130,000. There are al
so several other minor changes. The
substitute was referred to the committee
on railroads.
Tbe senate then adjourned.
Unusual And
IoTolnntary Feat
of an
Sax Francisco, Feb. 18. An acrobat
at the Orpheum fell forty feet from a
trapeze yesterday and crashed through
the big bass drum. Incidentally he
caused two women to faint, broke two
music stands, scared the wits out oi, but
did not kill, a fiddler, as he might have
done, and bruised himself slightly.
The acrobat is one of the Eenfe broth
ers, who perform a number of daring
feats on a high trapeze euspended in
front of the curtain over the orchestra.
Tlie trapeze are suspended at oppsite
sides of a horizontal, rectangular frame.
From one trapeze Juels Renfe hangs by
his feet, while his brother Jacques swings
from the other trapeze, with his back
turned to Jules. When Jacques has ob
tained sufficient impetus from bis swing
ing he lets go the trapeze bar and so
flies to the outstretched hands of hiB
They were performing this feat yes
terday evening, when, somehow or other
Jacques succeeded in getting only an in
secure hold of one hand. Jules could
not 'hold on, and made a straight drop.
Iianuu Hue Decided.
Cleveland, O., Feb. 18. It is defi
nitely settled Hanna will not go into
McKinley'e cabinet. Hanna announced
this morning that he ie determined to
remain in Ohio, He will contest the
legislature next winter for a full term in
tbe United States senate. In fact, Han
na's supporters have already organized
his campaign. Hope that Governor
Busbnell may appoint Hanna to fill the
unexpired term of Sherman has practi
cally been abandoned.
For Sale.
One hundred and sixty acres all plow
land ; 130 acres under plow ; good family
orchard. Four-room house and good
barn; running spring of water. One
and one-half miles from Goldendale,
Wash. Terms, (2000; one-half down
and mortgages for the balance. Applv
to George Darch, corner Fifteenth und
Pentland streets, The Dalles, Or.; or
VV. T. Darch, Goldendale, Wash.
The best possible terms
for anything new to you are:
Get of your grocer a pack
age of Schilling's Best tea.
He pays you your money
back if you don't like it.
A Schilling & Company
ban rranciico
Gomez Recedes Before Weyler's Con
tinued Advance.
Havana, via Key West, Feb. 18. If
official reports are correct, the insurgent
army under General Gomez has been di
vided into small corps and Gomez him
self is in full retreat before the continued
advance of Weyler.. Dispatches from
Clego de Aviel sav the insurgent com-mander-in
chief with 4000 men recrossed
the military line in the province of Puer
to Principe, extending from Jucaro to
Mor.on, and is going eastward through
Puerto Principi in the direction of the
capital of the province.
General Calixto de Garcia, Gomes' sec
ond in command, was reported four days
ago in tbe vicinity of Puerto Principe,
retreating towards tbe same point as
Gomez. Weyler arrived yesterday at
Sancti Spiritus, the most important
town in the eastern part of the province
of Santa Clara,' near the boundary of
Puerto Principe, in the territory where
the insurgent headquarters were recent
ly located. Weyler will push forward to
Moron, Clego de Aviel and Jucaro, thus
seemingly sweeping across the island
with a large force, and driving the enemy
before him. He expects to entrap Go
mez between two wings of the Spanish
column and force a decisive engagement
before the rains put an end to the mili
tary operations. The Cubans believe,
however, that Gomez will, as usual, slip
through the cordon before being com
pletely enveloped.
I have given Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a fair test and consider it one of
the very best remedies for croup that I
have ever found. One dose has always
been sufficient, although I use it freely.
Any cold my children contract yeilds
very readily to this medicine. I can
conscientiously recommend it for croup
and colds in children Geo. E. Wolff,
clerk of the Circuit Court, Fernandina,
Fla. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Transvaal Indemnity.
London, Feb. 18. The secretary of
state for the colonies Joseph Chamber
lain, announced in house of commons
today that an official telegram had been
received from the British agent at Pre
toria, capital of the Transvaal, on Tues
day, conveying a bill of idemnity pre
seted by the Transvaal asa result of the
Jameson raid. The bill is divided into
two heads. The first asks for the pay
ment of 677,93S 30s 3d as a material
charge, and under the second head the
Transvaal asks for 1,000,000 for moral
and intellectual damage. Mr. Chamber-
ain further said that the foregoing de
mands did not include the legitimate
private claims which may be advanced.
The telegram of the British agent also
savs that the idemnity is to be paid by
the British government, "or caused to
be paid bv them," apparently suggest
ing that the government compel the
Chartered British South African Com
pany to pay it or in default that the
government must foot the bill.
A Cure for Ltiue ISack.
"My daughter, when recovering from
an attack of fever, was a great sufferer
from pain in the back and hips," writes
Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After
using quite a number of remedies with
out any benefit she tried one bottle of
Chain berlain'8 Pain Balm, and it has
given entire reiiei.' uuamrxsnain s
Pain Balm is also a certain cure lor rheu
matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Kyle Was Elected.
Pierce, S. D., Feb. 18". On the sena
torial ballot today, the Republicans in
the house voted almost solidly for Kyle.
The Republicans of the senate began at
once to change to Kyle. Before the re
sult was announced enough changes had
been made to giye Kyle 65 votes, three
more than necessary. With the solid
Republican vote and a few Populists
who stayed by him, Kyle secured enough
votes to pull him through.
Wave Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom
ical poUou known. Price reduced to 30
cent. For sale by M. Z, Donnell,
Agent. febl-3m
BOOK-KEEPING JCrt Accountant
cuiuilt'Ui ii ujiructlcal; exactly hi found In
lmiiuv. My courM) of Instructions ttior
ouKtily qunllly you to take charge of and
keep a feet of book. The highest reference
lurulshcU. J'or terms mid full information
uddrewi L. D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W.
J emple, Portland, Oregon.
Hats of All Kinds.
Good Stylish Shapes in Fedoras, in Tan,
Regular $3.40 Hat, Sale Price $1.50.
See Our Special
50c, $ 1 .00 and $1.50 lines
Original Cost not considered. See Window.
To know that a warm bath with
Cuticura Soap and a single appli
cation of Cuticura (ointment), the
great skin cure, will afford instant
relief, permit rest and sleep, and
point to a speedy, permanent, and
economical cure of the most tor
turing and disfiguring of itching,
burning, and scaly humors, and not
to use them without a moment's
delay is to fail in your duty. Cures
made in childhood are speedy, econ
omical, and permanent.
Bold throughout the worM. J'ottkh Pmjo
as i) Ciiex.oui'.tftolo I'ropH , lio.ion, Ii, 8. ,.
.Ml about Uaby'ti riklo," mailed free,
my llly'4 SUIn lilf nilnlica end MranJo
baby Maine prevented hy Cuticum Soap.
If tlrrd, nrliini;, uurvmia
itioIIit fcnuw Ihu rorafort,
etrcuith, und vitality In Cut l urn
I'liiKt-i. thy would never ho
without them. In ovtry wuy tuo
purett, u'culct, nnd beV of
pl&stvie. Sic, b lot (1.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
g A. Ii. OVULKY,
'Attar am Conisellor at Law,
Practice in the State and Federal Court of
Ortsgou and Wavhinyton. JaiUSMirao
To Commence Monday.
General Clearance Sale.
Goino- at Less
New York Weekly Tribune
w kv '"'BiiHiHiifliiiEZZ
With the dose of the Presidential Campaign TIII3 TKIHUNK A'cotftilsea the
fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to homeftud
InieineeH interests. To meet thia condition, politics will have far less space and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
light for the principles for which THE TKUJUNK has lahorml from its inceptiou
to the present day, and won its greatest victories.
Everv possible effort will bo put forth, nnd money freely spent, to make TIIK
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and 1ST. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.76.
Write your name and address
Tribune Office, New York City, arrl a
une win oe mbiicu 10 you.
Opp. A. M, Williams & Co.,
Lumber, Building
Traded tor Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, Ac.
than Half Price.
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
on a nostal card, send it to Geo. W. Best.
sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
Material and Boxes
The Dalits, Or,