The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 18, 1897, Image 4

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The Danes My Chronic. ! THE AB01)E 0F genius.
A Unique Farm in Now York for .
Inventors. i
The I'nciflcatliin of Crete 1 Left to
Power. j
Constantinople, Feb. 17. The council
of ministers, as a result of the nil dav j
Eession yesterday, has decided to leave
the pacification of Crete to the powers, j
The council also decided to send Kar
nthndori Pasha to Crete as imperial high !
Everything Arranged for the Con- j
venlcnec of Those Engaged
In Scientific Keenrcli a I
Quer Institution. '
In the heart tf New York state, be-,
voad the reach of the merely curious,
yet open to all of n scientific turn of ,
mind, is the only inventors' farm in the i
world. There is doubtless no stranger j
commissioner to adopt military meas-j j,alloonsare '-raised," aerial schemes are!
tires on the Greek frontier, a previously
.. , . e i 1 T 1 1 (
intimaieu, to appoint aiarsmu r.uum
Pasha, who directed operations against
the insurgents of Zjitoun in lSOtt, to
command the Turkish troops at El
Assoda, and call out the first reserves of
the third army corps, now at Saloniea.
These measures, however, are for purely
defensive purposes in order to enable
the Turkish Government to be prepared
for all eventualities.
The sultan has informed the ambassa
dors of the powers that in view of the
npgressive attitude of Greece he has been
obliged to adopt measures required by
the situation. The sultan took occasion
to express his satisfaction at the lauding
of detachments of marines at Canea.
In spite of the peaceful outlook it is
known that the debarkation of Greek
forces at Crete coused a great sensation
at Yildiz Kiosk, and it required the me
of much tart on the part of the ambassa
dors to prevail upon the porte to accept
the situation.
Anti-Turkis manifestations are reprot- j
ed to have occured at Arta and Prevessa, '
Thessaly, shots having been fired and a
Turki-h frontier guard wonnded. It is j
hoped no timber troubla will occur, al- j
though Greek troop- are gathering near j
the frontier.
Placards have been found posted in
the mosques demanding the death of the
Ilrymi to VUit Mi4uuri.
J efferson Citv, Mo., Feb. 17. Will
iam Jennings Bryan will be in Jefferson
City Saturday morning. Mr. Bryan
will address the legislature Saturday
mornim: and then leave for the West.
He will he the guest of Governor
Stephens while in the citv.
A Chluumau Murtlereil.
hatched and air ships are born.
So far its the place at Frankfort,
Herkimer county. X. Y is surrounded
by fields and proves which give no Mig
gestion of city life, it is a farm, but its
products are. those- of which the or
dinary farmer knows nothing-. Tor
these products arc living machines, bal
loons, strange ships that in theory at
least dart through the air or skim the
ground like a bird.
Prof. Carl E. Myers, who has estab
lished, the unique farm, is like most
men of purely scientific mind in that. he
j most conservative in his ideas of
publicity, and is content to live in the
midst of wonders with his' assistants
and those xxho. from time to time, are
associated with him. If an inventor has
an idea that he will be able to overcome
the forces of nature and construct a
; mechanical bird, it will no longer be nec-
! essary for him to spend fortunes to;
j work out Iris, ideas or die without ae- j
! eomplishing his life's object. All he
needs to do will be to go to the inven-1
i tors' farm and find there willing hands ,
i r.nd fruitful brains, as well as all ap
pliances of this electrical arre to assist
Almost in the center of the bic farm
. is a modern country house, standing
I amid many smaller buildings, in wnich
j are to be found the materials for every
j form of experiment connected with
i aeronautics. The lower portion, of the
; 'arge house is given over to livinir
ioonis, while a third story and attic ex
tending the length of the building and
occupied by balloon apparatus, acees
j-lou flbout Your
job pRijnw
"We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we "
can do. AVe not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Gome in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare qualir of work. Let us
have your next order.
?f?ror)i;Ie publistyii ?o.
spent considerable time ... .-..
111 1 1
. ,-...1 :. n
at any rate, lie
had no conception of j
; his own ugliness, am. -
' irrcat pride; but when he saw the n
; "mood, and presently one came out and
( borrowed a pair of scissors Vhe nthe
nmerred nxrain. scarcely .-i-v - ,
hair remained on their heads, and tue.x
ns-ketl to have their pictures taken again.
The camera was to them a veritable
tree of knowledge. Golden Days.
! Sere to He.
I "I sec that thev caught the fellow who
! broke out of jail last week, saul tnc JO
boarder who was looking over nis pa
ier. '-Of course." said the Cheerful
Idiot. "A fellow who breaks out is sure
to be spotted." Indianapolis Journal.
Sleeping Cars'
Dining Cars '
Sleeping Car
young Through Tickets
ngtish , to
A Gentle ItchnB.
t ?. ctntprl that recently
....i..,.,fi.wi nipm-mnn in an En
UUUl-uv ........ . .... nilirARll
suburban parish reec.veu a- xsnivr.TOV
ous and unsolicited offer from ad JlA
member of his flock to her hear.
monev and hand." In reply the spinstt r . BOSTO!f ANn AMi
wa advised bv the unsentimental clem . roINTS EAST a,i south
; Lor heart to the Lord, her money .
to "the poor and her hand to the man
who asked for it.
For infonantion, time cards, rasps und ticket,
cnl ou or write to
Wasco Warehouse Company 'tis mh sgo.,
w. c,
The Dalles, Oregon
ijo, Morrison Cor
G. P. A..
Third. Portland Ore;on
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Pork and Bee!
The farm was especially selected for '
its natural advantages. There aTe
stretches of level ground, gently ris
ing slopes and strong declivities. Thus
it does not matter at what stage of work ,
the inventions may bo. a suitable grade i
can always be found on thv farm at '
which triais can be made. If it be an
s ancocver, b.L., reb. it. , ord has j air ship that has been constructed
been received of a mvsterions murder where there is a doubt as to the exact
case near Lilloet. A chinaman was I nature of its workings, it can be tested
fnnnd doad with his throat cut. The ! on slight grades, so that there will I '
provincial Dolice
are investigating the
Emperor to I'rince.
Beeli.v, Feb. 17.--Emperor William
Jhas .vritten a letter to Prince Hohenlohe
'the imperial chancellor, on the occasion
of the hitter's golden jubilee and has
sent a medal commemorative of his gol
deu wedding.
uiu, atii-s- t-t- i i r t n i . .
sones and wonderful devices for the XltJ&UU Ufcll' LtJI'S 1UI' itUlltJU OTtllU, aii KmCtS.
nnstruction of air ships. ,
eaaquarters tor sran3 bnorts, s?mTll feed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
Jloiir 's 'onr ,s manufactured expressly for family
use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our uoods lower than any house in the trade, and if yon don't tnink so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Train? leave and are due to arrive at Portland.
FROM FEB. 10, 1S97.
3s it "overwork" thai has filled this
'country with nervous dyspeptics? that
takes the flesh off their bones, the vital
ity from their blood, and makes them
feeble, emaciated and inefficient? 2Co.
be as slight a risk as possible to human
life or to the ship.
Close to the main house, in a jrlen, is
situated one of the most important fea
tures of the farm. This is the spot de
signed for the making of fabric for all
manner of flyinrr machines, and balloons.
On this half acre of jrround. which is
skirted by the higher ground and trees,
the fabric is stretched to receive the
coating of gasproof varnish. Tor this
application of varnish a special machine
has beer. Invented end constructed by
1'rof. Myers, so contrived as to supply
u complete coating of thick varnish and
then to remove the eoetiug with theex
ception of an exceedingly delicate film.
31 U
r.TPss. Snlem. Rose-
I burs, Ashland, Sac-
... a i . . i . . .. . .. i
S.tO I . 31. '.tnlorn f
'4:40 P.M.
Dried Beef. Etc.
Los Aneeles.El Paso,
! I Sew urleans and
' I. East j
i t "Itoeburs and war ta
viu A. -i..tirltiS . . I
1 ( Via Woodburn for) '
' -Mt.Ancci, btiverinn.
i vHle.Sprlngfleld and I f Sundays.
i -Natron .. j
5:10 A. M.
It is bad cooking, over-eating of indi- j diiiicult to bc-measured bv instruments
iwstible stnfT, and other health-destroy-! One action of the attic of the big
in: habits.
The remedy is an artiGcially digested
food such as the Shaker Digestive Cord
ial. Instead of irritating the alredy in
flamed stomach the Cordial gives it a
chnce to rest by nourishing the system
itself and digesting the other food taken
with it. Is not the idea rational? The
Cordial i palatable aud relieves immedi
ately. No money risked to decide on its
value. A 10 cent trial bottle does that.
THE URST BATTLE is an interestins storv
of the prcat political stmjrste of liSii, its most .
important events aud the many issues involved: j
a Illicit .reatiseon Bi-meml!Wm as uttered bv
eminent estionents, including the part taken by
Hou. W. J. Bryan in the silver agitation prior to
the Democratic National Convention, and dur
mc: the campaign . the best exammes of his won
il-?rful oratory, the miyt nnteworthv incidents of
hi furaou tour, a. careful review of the political
tituulioit, a dl-cu.-lon of the election returns
aud the jisuiticance thereof, and the fimire
potbilitie of Bi-metaltism ua a politieil i;ane.
Dalles City and ffloro Siaie Line
j-ro i r Salem and way atationslr10.15A.M
-'Si' i (Corvallis nud war llf 6:20 P.M. a.m. ;smions (
v (JicJiinnrsiie a n df if i:r.ji.
, vay stations (J
M:I5 P.
Daily. ( Daily, except Suuday.
Attaciied to all Through Traius.
Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au
thor forming the de-ign on cover: autograph preface: magnificent pre
sentation plate in silver, gold and bine; containin-j 600 pages and 32
full-page illustrations. '
In half-Morocco, marble edge
In full-Morocco, gilt edge
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or.
house is a workshopeontainingall tools
necessary for the construction of ap
paratus from xx-ood, metal or textile, in
cluding lathes of x-arious and original
designs, steam engines, all classes of
xvood-xx-orkincr machinery and kindred
apparatus for making comparative
tests. This is the section in which is
constructed the material for the full
sized machines of the air after working
models have been tested. Another sec- ; Wasco Countv. up to the hour of noon rnary 6, 1S9, entitled "An ordinance
Leaves Williams Hotel, Motu, on
Mondavi. Wudnnailnx's iiifl Frlflnvc nt
- Kn m nmmnt " I Through Ticket Oihce, l."M Third street, wfcere
" i ' 1Ul I,roml,c- j throus-h ticket.-, to all points in the Eastern
Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles, I states. Canada and Eurof can be obtained at
rnpri.ix-a Tlivradava n,,rt .,,,.lo ' luwmi rules irom
b a. m. prompt.
Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, -10c
per iuo 10s; small packages, lo and 25c.
Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro,
S-i.ou; rounu trip, yi'.oU.
Agencvat Umatilla House, The Dalles, I
ana at uiiams rlotel Moro.
Notice is hereby L'iven that bids for a ; .
bridge ncross Hood river, at the town of . . Notice i hereby L'iven that by author
Hoed River, will be received h- the LV ' ordinance So. '-'91, which passed
rt r r r-. . . " r . i . . . Cn.. .. . :i r n.H. rt'. . n . I
I xjuuiuy x,oiiri ui ine aiaie oi uregon lor w"""""" uuuucu ui uuues ouy reo-
J. K. KIRKLAND. Ticket Azent.
All above traim- arrive nt aud depart troa'
Grand Ceatrnl station. Fifth nud Irving streets.
Passenger Depot, foot of Judcrson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, dallx-, except Sunday, at
T:-.n) n. in.: 12.15, 1:13, 5:23, 6:15, S C5 p. a..
(imri 11:30 j. m. on Saturday only). Arrive at
Portland nt 7:10 nud b;SD u.m.i and 1:30, 4:15.
6;35 and 7:53 p. m.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, it -1:00 p. a.
Arrive at Portland, 0:20 a. m.
tion of the attic is given over to space ; Wednesday, March 3, 1897. The b
ridge , entitled an ordinance to provide for the '
high-' sate of certain lots belonging to Dalles :
ithin City," I will, on Saturday, the 13th day i
Oven aud Mitchell
, Iwc for AlP.LIE on Monday, Wednesday and
uiy m a: w n. in. Arnx'o ut rortinnu, iur-
fhursday and Saturday nt 3:05 p. m.
nml mnohinerx- fnr th fH-nstrnption nf . Span Will Xi 1M ieet, Will be 4 feet h
...... . . . m n n rt 1
.... ... . ... mrwlnlc- return rt nf L- !nc r. t-r n tl M ' fciiuu mir iur;uill UllULL, mm IUIU1 w ' - t " wuiuu, iiic lOtll UUV ! mtTftir . r..MK
Laxol is the best medicine lor cbil- Eida will be re- of March, 1897, sell at public auction, to ' uaLAb UAHi'Lli, - - Proprietw
xv:nged apparatus worked by hand und j jjowstring and a steel bridge. Bids on ' and parts of lots in Gates Addition to f c,
ieet, gas veels projiied by screws or . ateel bridl,e to incnde proper abuttments Dalles City, Wasco Countv, Or., to-wit : I btag?s leav? ?ake 0ven Antelope
.serving to support other devices for I 0f cf0ne and other material, nsunllx- The north 50 feet off from lots 5 nrl fi . e.vefrv 9a' antl 'ro Antelope to Mit-
dren. Doctors recommend it in place oi
Castor Oil.
Sund.1V trains for n-IU'Fr.n lfnve nt SMOa.m.
and 12: lo, 1:15,3:30,5:25 6: 15 and 8 05 p. m. A;
rive at Portland at 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; 4:1.
5 10, 6:35, 7:53 p. ni.
Mauacer. Asst. (3. F. & Pass. Ajt.
!'iieil the Hume. !
Washington, Feb. 17. A hill to pro-. safe trial by their inventors. i u-ed
vide for the nse and occupation of the ! In the littU- buildings scattered over
reservoir sites reserved bv the geological ! the farm an.-located the gas engines and
. , tanks for practical experiments, the
eurvev v as passed in the house todav. . 1 , '..,,.-,
1 chemical chumbors anil sex erai iuruaceh
aud retorts. Somo of these last are so
know strange aim unusual tnat tueir ap
pearance suggests the la ooratory of i-ome
old-time alchemist rather than a Nine
teenth centurv xvorkshop. X. Y. Herald.
under ench bridcea.
SiimetlilUf; to Know.
at may ue xvuriu numBiuiiiu to kiiuw j
that the very best medicine for restoring
the tired out nervous system to a healthy
vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine
is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone
to the nerve centres in the aloiuach,
j;entJy stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, 1
and aids these organ3 in throwing off'
impurities in the blood. Klectrlc Bit
ters improves the appetite, aids diges
tion and is pronounced by those who
have tried it as the very heat blood purl-'
fier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for
50.-or$l.G0 per bottle at Rlakeley & '
Houghton's Drug Store. (2) j
I'ur Sal. '
Bids for jointly in block IS
woo'len bridges to include piers, as . orth ,i0 feet off from lote 1 and 2
.-how in specifications on tile with the jointly in block 18.
County Clerk of Wasco County. ' North 50 feet off from lots 3 and 4
The'Court reserves the right to reject , jointly ia block IS. and lot 1 in block 19.
any and all bid9. The reasonable value of said lot?, for
Dated at The Dalles, Wasco County, 1 less than which they will not bo sold,
Or., this 7th day of February, A. D., has been fixed nnd determined bv the
1S97. " . Coromun Council of Dalles City a's fol-
11-td A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk. lows to-wit:
" ' The north 50 feet off from lots 5 and C
IIiiijiI Election Notice, School District ' joint! V in block IS. $200.
No. North 30 feet off from
j chell three times a week.
Notice is hereby given that a school jointly in block IS, 60
Thia is lonr opportunity. meet nc of school d atr ct No. 12. of
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stomps, Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, to
a generous Eample will be mailed of the be held at the council chambers in said
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure district, on the 27th day of February,
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon- 1S97, there will be submitted to the legal
Btrate the great merits of the remedy. ' voters of said district the question of
ELY BROTHERS, contracting a bonded debt of sJ20.000.00,
North oO feet off from lots 3 and 4
jointly in block 18, f 100.
Lot 1 in block 19, 200.
Each one of these lote will be sold nn.
on the lot respectively and none of them
shall he sold for a lesa eum than the ,
value tnereoi as above stated.
IThe Glades Ranch,
18 rage tt Week. 150 Papers a Teat
CO Warren St., New York City. . for the purpose of paying the debt of the One-fourth of the price bid on any of 1
district ami nuuuing a new ectiool house. . piu in casnaiuie;
T.ev. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's C ream Balm
can emphasize h. statement
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed.
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
Km f T,ie vole t0 be bv ballot.upon which shall I t,me ,of Ba,e anl the remainder in three
''it iBa nosi " be the words "Bonds Yee." and I e?ual payments on or before one, two and
directed" ' r,ne words "Bond No." Polls to , three :eafa ir?m the date of aid sale
One hundred and sixty acres all plow
land ; 130 acres under plow ; good famiiy
orchard. Four-room home and good
barn ; running spring of water. One ; cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nnd one-half iiiiteH from Goldendale, nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
Wash, lerms, f.'Uiiu; one-nail down;
and mortgages for the balance. Applv '
to Guorue Darch. corner Fifteenth and ' I'JW'
Pentlund streets. The Dalles. Or.: or ! ?rt?-v6.
W. T. Darch, Goldendale, Wash.
1 nnpriPfl nt 1 nVlfu-t n. m nnii rwmatn 1 reSTeCtively, with interest On 8Uuh rlfi.
open until 4 o'clock, p. m. i ferred paymonts at the rate of 10 per'
Byordorofthe board of directors of . c?nt Pe,r anum, payable annually; pro.
school district No. 12. of Dalles Citv. v ueu u,u.1 paynieiu may oe maue iu full
Wasco countv, state of Oregon. at any timo at the option of the pur
n.. li.'o.h i?t i r ten- I eliaRAr.
UtUCU (IIC -ItU Uil Ul 1 UU. A . U. IQVt
. J.XCOI18E.V.
District Clerk.
l)ulle-.Uiru Stac
Leaves tho Umatilla house 8 a. m,
Tuesdayg, Thursdays and Saturdays.
DouoLAb Ajj.j:.v, Proj).
buir Ynur (iruli).
realize that each squirrel do-
?1.50 worth of cram annually. I v
aKeiee s cfjuirrei anu uopuer ixterm- ,
inator is the most effective and econom-! Al1 county warrants registered prior
i icui poison known. Price reduced to 30 , to Sept. 13, 1892, will be paid at my
cents. i?or sale uy M. Uonnell, , 0flice. Interest ceases after Feb. 16,
Agent. febl.3m hM- n. I.. P,..,.,..K
The said sale will begin on the 13th ' o
dav of March at the hour of 2 n'Mnoir n 1 enrr.
m. of said day, and will continue from I Vimii
iiw,c iu uiu uiuu uu ui eaiu tots snail I '
be sold.
Dated this 0th day of February, 1897.
Gilbert W. Phelps,
flO Recorder of Dalles City.
A 8PEGI ai"t v ir.5L
tracttOMf miTS? "? . Ueon. .
THS WlJ'ffaSS I 'e offer this i.neaaaled new
ftlchteni Tho Dailt8Twice.a Week Chr
rVX"W;EV.iured Knot. Ill.r-"? . . .
r lor y.'.uu. iu
It stands first among weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a dally at thelo
price o a weeklv: and its vast lutof
j subscribers, extending to every state and
j territory of the Union and foreign conn
I tries, will vouch for the acenracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and amp
Its special features are a fine buroof
I page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
' series of stories by the greatest livinf
I American and English authors,
t-onan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerora.
ermm, Marr K. WUW
Anthony Hope, Bret Urte,
Mrunrittr Matthew. Etc.
onicle t-
ont.Tt aShT,"?.rEyebro'wVra MIS fcc "cr "e ea
Subscribe for Thu Oukokiclk.
County Treasurer.
Advertise in The Cubonicle.
"wwdiiii, B HIKAnKyi