The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 18, 1897, Image 3

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    carrying out any enterpriseof this char
acter in which they mayfacomo Inter
ested. Tho time-tablejlchediile of pns
eenger and freight rato, etc., will bo ru
ranged on thts returnof tho promoters
to Moro this week trom Antelope. Tito
plan will be to leW Tho Dell s aud An
telope both on morning of the same
day trl-weekly at first, connecting at
Moro, completig each through trip in
twonty-four hurs traveling time. The
passenger wll have tho bsnefit of n
night's rest in .Moro, and tho, expense of
tho whole trp, including tnenls and lodg
ing need not exceed $0.25. Moro Observer.
t r
OPBJi for
We wish to inform our customers that we now
have our Departments in such shape that we can
attend to the wants of all.
Although our extensive improvements are not
completed, we are so situated as to make it comfort
able for our patrons.
OPEN for
The Dalles Djjily Chronicle.
FF-B. IS. 1897
Below is published a correct time card
01 trains and boats which leave and ar
rive at The Dalles. Travelers may tmst
it, as Tiie Cheonicle is kept fully in
formed of revielonB :
D. P. & A. X. 0. STEAMERS.
Steamer Regulator leaves every Monday, Wed
nesday aiid Friday at 7:30 a, m.
Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day ut 5:30 p. m.
faw mail. Arrive. Leave.
Xo.l West-bound 4:45 a.m. 4:50 n.m.
So.2 East-bound 10:15 a.m. 10:20 a.m.
No. 7 West-bound, leaves 1 :00 p.m.
No. 8 East-bound, arrives 11:55 a.m.
All passenger trolDs stop at Union Street, as
well as the depot.
AdvertlHinc Kates.
Per inch
One Inch or less In Dally f 1 50
Over two inches and under four inches 1 00
Over four Inches and under twelve Inches.. 75
Over twelve Inches 50
One inch or less, per inch 12 50
Over one inch and under four Inches 2 00
Over four Inches and under Involve Inches.. 1 50
Over twelve inches 1 00
Kaniiom Observations and Local Events
of Lesser Magnitude.
Forecast Tonight and Friday, rain
and warmer.
License to marry was Issued today to
William H. Arbuckle and Mary Miller.
There will be rehearsal at Schanno'a
hall tonight by those taking part in the
minstrel ehow.
"Evenings with Dickens" entertain
ment, evenings of 25th and 20th inet.
Cut thiB out and paste in your bat.
The special with the O. R. & N.
officials went to Heppner yesterday, ar
riving here on its return this morning.
The favorite resort of Dickens, "The
Old Curiosity Shop," in London, is now
being torn down to make room for more
modern buildings.
Mr. F. W. Wilson's trunk got into the
uregonianall right. There ie no deny
ing the fact that it was worthy of spe
cial mention in the columns of the city
The state school superintendent pQt
O? a hard examination for teachers this
quarter. At Baker City there were
fourteen applicants and only three
kfe'gs are down to
quarter and niarrlai
ug more numerous.
eldee these. somti othei- indications of
spring's approach.
Tomorrow afternoon at 1:30, the
senior class of The Dalles High School
will give a number of rhetorical exer
cises at the brick school bouse. Au in
vitation is extended to all to attend.
The 11th grade (graduating clan) will
furnish the rhetorled exerciW at the
Wish school department tomorrow, be
wo dozen lor a
icenses are get-
are, be-
B 1
ginning at 2 p. m. Similar exercises
will be held in all the various rooms.
Mrs. J. . Dean will meet all those
who would like to take shorthand les
sons, at the brick school Louse next
Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Terms,
25 cents per lesson. 1519
A few such days as today will assist
materially in putting trie roads south of
us in passable condition. For some
time they have been a thing of terror to
those who were compelled to pass over
The regular meeting of the Oregon
legislature, any and all houses, will take
place at the Vogt Tuesday night. Feb.
23d, at 8 o'clock. This is going to be an
occasion that will be long remembered,
and if yon miss it you will always have
something to regret.
Monday being the anniversary ot the
birth of the father of this country, no
school will be held on 'that day. Of
course the school children are all
mourning because this is so, but as they
can't help it, they will submit as cheer
fully as possible.
Tuesday evening Feb. 23d, the follow
ing program will be given at the Congre
gational church: First, song. Debate,
"Eesolved, That Washington as a Mili
tary Leader Was Superior to Napoleon."
The affirmative will be supported by
Walter Reavie, Violet Kent, Ann Mann
and Charles Campbell ; the negative by
Edward Baldwin, Elizabeth Bonn, Clyde
Riddell and Martha Schooling. Closing
J. L. Kelley has three carloads of cat
tle and Mr. Willard of La Grande two
of cattle and one of hogs, which will all
be Bhipped in the morning to Omaha.
Thera has been an unusual demand for
cattle this winter, and the country has
been pretty well stripped of them.
Those mentioned are being taken back
as feeders, and will help use up some of
the cheap corn of Nebraska before they
are killed.
The Salvation Army band was out
this afternoon with a banner containing
an enlarged photograph of hie eatauic
majesty, the devil. The original photo
graph is from a selection owned by
Jonathan Bourne, and is s.iid to be true
to nature. Whether the 'army has
switched, or whether the winged picture
of the master of sheol is only to show
the gentleman, who Is to be given his
duo, is one of the tbing3 we know not.
The' man with the big drum seemed to
be immensely proud ot the banner and
cast affectionate glances at the photo,
In a lecture before the winter school
for the farmers at the agricultural col
lege at Pullman last Friday, Professor
O. V. Piper, of the college, announced
that the experiments made with ground
squirrels at.tbe experiment station last
year had resulted in the discovery of a
disease which it is thought can be intro
duced successfully among the animals in
their native state and pronlses to solve
the sqslrrel problem. The dlsessegerms
were secured first from srjecjen of dis
eased squirrels sent to the" station dur
ing the summer fross the western part
of the county, where the disease killed
the animals off by the thousands in
June and July.
A Water Haul.
Our reporter took in tho East End
this morning, ausual, and found
even that generallypbusy part of town
stagnant. The warehouses are doing
but little, just waiting for the wool sea
son to commence. The stockyards had
five carloads stock of cattle for shipment,
and that was all ; Joe Worsley was
good natured as usual; Murcbie was
running buggies out on the sidewalk to
give his place the appearance of busi
ness ; Collins was smiling a retrospective
smile as he thought of Fred Wilson's
trunk; Skibbe was taking a sun bath;
Saltmarshe, ditto ; Justice Filloon was
sitting on the small of his back with his
feet on the stovepipe.. At the depot
Ross was checking up papers, and Miss
Enright demureily cogitating on railroad
officials, special cars, cattle trains and
other evidences of approaching spring.
Ed. Howell was insisting that he did not
ornament the trunk yesterday, and that
a certain pretty, 3-oung lady who
answers to the name of May did. At
Pease & Mays the work of remodeling
was going on, the immense store being
still littered up, but doing business as
usual, and so the weary scribe drifted
home as. barren of items as a Polled
Angus steer of horns, and hence tbie
Be Kills Cats In the l'ulplt.
The announcement that the Rev. W.
L. Laufman, assisted by Dr. C. E.
Miller, would kill two cats in the pulpit
of the Metbodift church at Cadillac,
Mich., to illustrate Laufrnan's sermon
on tobacco, was sufficient to pack the
church. Prominent on the pulpit were
packages (of fin ecu t and plug chewing
tobacco. Holding alott a pound plug of
tobacco, he assured his hearers that it
contained enough grains of nicotiue to
kill 200 men. Then the cats were
brought up by Dr. Miller. An assistant
held them while the doctor administered
the nicotine. The first one died in a
minute and a halt, while the attendant
held it, and three drops of nicotine were
i placed on its tongue, iiie nexr. cat, a
'large one, was administered .only two
drops, the purpose being to illustrue
the sickness and spasms which tbe firet
dose of tobacco creates. A second dose
of two drops and in a minute and a
quarter the cat was dead. The Rev.
Laufman announced that on next Bun
day )ie would kill some more cats to
ehow the effect of alcohol, and also have
on exhibition the stomach of a
A new stage linewill be Inaugurated
Monday, March 1st,
In and out of Mor
connecting with
forming an entire;
sadly needed,
with Antelope,
new Hue Mw
D. Bolder Are
abundantly qu
Btalopa. .
JeS'Moro line,
new route long ana
ing The Dalles
promoters of this
as Allen and L.
well-known citizens,
for successfully
l'oretgn Crop Notes.
France The young crops are now re
ported to be under a thick covering of
snow, which assures ntlrquntc protection
to tho plants. Some seeding was done
before tho snow came, and farmers are
said to be preparing to sow freely in tho
Argentina Crop news is not more
favorable, and peoplo take even gloomier
views as to tho Santa Fe harvest. Mail
advices received yesterday mention that
the crops in tho south of Buonos Ayrcs
were suffering from drouth, and the
cable of Saturday reported drouth to be
causing much damage to corn.
Uruguay Mail advices still roport
swarms of locusts, and the outlook for
tho corn crop must bo considered
Chili Crop prospects aro again re
ported to be quite favorable.
India Fair rains reported in tho Pun
juub, where the moisture will be of much
use, by enabling growers to continue
seeding. Condition of standing crops
fair to good in Central provinces, Behar,
and Northwest provinces, except in -Bun-delkband
districts. In the affected dis
tricts of Bombay, the crops are suffering
from want of rain. This report is from
the last telegram of the viceroy.
Russia A recent report to the Daily
News from Obessa more than confirmed
the bad accounts of crop conditions in
many of the Southern governments
mentioned in our last. The report re
ferred to states that oyer 2,000,000
acres of winter. wheat have been de
stroyed in Pondolia and BeBsaradia, and
the same conditions, only less wide
spread and disastrous, obtain through
out the majority of the Southern govern
ments. This is certainly the most pessi
mistic report we have yet seen, though
otherB have been pretty bad. On the
other hand, our correspondent at
Theodosta wrote la6t week that the out
look was pretty satisfactory in his dis
trict, though nothing could be said as to
wide areas of the Steppe.
It's All in tho Cooking-.
The following is a list of contributors
to the men's social, to bo given in the
church tomorrow evening. JiiBt size up
these cakes. "Yum, yum," ain't they
Cakes A. Peterson, D. Parrish, F.
Hilton, W. Harper, George Obarr, Fred
Fisher, Chas. Johnson, John Parrot, W.
S. Chipp, R. B. Hood, Simeon Bolton,
Joe Burger, J. Hardwisk, Smith French.
Sandwiches Wm. Sylvester, Charles
Stephens, W. H. Biggs, J. T. Reynolds,
E. J. Collins. Miscellaneous contribu-
tious from the following: Chas. John
son, Hans Hansen, Jim Simonson, W.
A. Kirby, W. A. Johnston, W. E.
Kahler, J. H. Cross, Ed. Hill, W. H.
Arbuckle. Names of other contributors
will appear on the program tomorrow.
Please bear in mind that Frank
Laughhn is to make our clam chowder.
I'EitsoNAr. "mkntion.
V. C. Brock is down from Wasco.
Mr. L. Mclntyre. a wool buyer from
Oregou City, Is at the Umatilla.
Malcolm McLnnnon, a prominent
sheepman irom Yulcinm, is in the city.
Mr. A. S. Berger and family of Pen
dleton arrived hero yesterday, to remain
Profescor Lander, who has been quite
sick, resumed his duties in the school
room this morning.
Sam Monahnn, who has been in the
hospital ut Portland lor some time, ar
rived home yesterday much improved
in health.
Do not fall to cull on Dr, Lanncrberg,
the eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined freo of charge, If you suffer
with headache or nervousness you un
doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
corrected, will benefit you for life.
Office In tho Vogt block.
Fresh lot of Tillamook butter just ar
rived at Maier it Ben ton 'e.
Schilling's Best are, on
the whole, the best
tea baklnr powder
coffea flavoring extracts
aoda and iplcw
there are. That is as near
as we capsay. tyo your
money back if you don't
like them.
For sale by
W, E. Kahler
Wo have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Jefyool Bools, Stationery,
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Stroet,
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Northern Grown Seeds.
Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk.
Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, Send Oats.
Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed.
Alfalfa Seed, TImothv Seed,
Red Clover Seed, Millet Seed.
Qrlmson Clover Seed, Blue Gruss Seed.
White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed.
Bee Supplies, Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cuke.
Hay. Grain, Feed and Groceries.
Early Rose Potatoes.
Poultry and Ejrejti bought and sold nt
J. H. GROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
GooiIh Sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash.
Store open from 7 a. in. to 0 p. in.
Bucuoxkor to ChrlMium it Comon,)
Again in bueiiiesH at tho old ctaml. I would bw pleased to
nee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
llcaluta (Jaiiiiot ho tlurttil
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tho diseased portion of the cur.
There Is only one way to euro deafness,
and that is by constitutional romedh'e",
Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con
dition of tho mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube, When this tube la .in
flamed you havo n rumbling fiound or
imperfect hearing, and when It la en
tirely closed, Deafness is tho result, and
unless the inflammation can bo taken
out and this tube restoredgto Us normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed for
ever; niuecass out of ten are canned
by catarrh, which is nothing but art In
flamed condition of the mucom uur
faces, Wo will fjlyo One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by eatarri)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cnr Bend for circulars: free.
F, J. Chknkv & Co., Toledo, O.
jMfiold by Druggists, 75o. 0-10
w ! 1 ' , " 1
Giant powder capi and fuse at Maler
& Bentop'i,
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue ot nn execution, IMiN out of tho
Circuit Court ol tliu Htitto of Ortvtiu fur Wnsco
County, In mi uotlou entitled J. v. lllnkenoy v.
Andruw (limner und Miirv (Jiiiit.Tr, miicI to mo
directed and delivered, 1 did on tliu lltlt rtuy o(
February. Ih'JJ, luvy upon, ami will toll at uub
lliimiullon. to tho )il'lii't bliUlur for cunh In
lnind, im Momlity, the IMli diiyof M-rcti, WSl,
nt 2 o'clock p. in. ot Milil day, nt tho front door
of the coiirtlioiuo In Dnllw City, In Wuhvu
County, Oregon, tho following duicrlbcd ro j
cfty towit
UoiiiinertoIiiK ot tho Nortbwut corner o( tho
Northweat ouiirtiir (NW'i) of thu Nortlioatt
quarter (NKh) ' "Wtlou evuiitw-ii (171 In
Township two '!) North of Itanso thirteen (13)
Kiut of tno WllUinetto Mcrldlnn In thu Btitte o
OroKOiii thoiico tioiiili twent (four clnln on f
seventy llnkn ('J 1.70): thciicoluu Northwester 1
direction fourteen cIihIiih uml kuvonty Uuly
(11,70) to thu Oregon Kallwuv and .Vuvl ntlou
Company'! Kullroml truck limit, theiivu westerly
uioiiKtho north kUIo of mild Mllioud limit, to
thu north Hue of mid Hectton koveuteuit (17):
thence enkt uluiig null! KOtlou lino to the placo
of iK'glunliiKI or to much thereof tu tlinll bo
kunlciuut to mlUfy tho turn ot WM. icn :.70,
paid on uld JudKuiont August ! 1MX, with In
tercut thereon at tho rate of a per cent . per mi.
mini from June ltb, A, D IM, und M.6a
damage and covta.
Tukuu mid leWl mn h tho projxirty of An
drnv (lunger and Mury (lunger to katUly aald
um of t&!ti.M, leva 2.;o tiuld on aald. Judgment,
und Ihtorett thereon, m favor ot J. V. Uluktmyy,
and 51,uj dumnge und conta, touethev with.
Bherlll' of Wavco County, state of Orrguu,
Hy ltoiiT Kli.Y, Pcputy. ,. ,
Dated at Da lea City, Ott'Oii, tee, Y8 u