41! 4 H vLhromi:ic. r VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1897 NO 33 The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world eel- ebrated, lor its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKtMQ KWOtR CO., NEW YORK. W Ipjpll THEY WILL GO HOME Benson House Anxious to Ad journ the Legislature. MEMBERS ARE ALL TIRED OF IT The;- Accordingly Adopt a' Rcoolutlon to This Effect--TUirty-fllve In Joint Cooventloa Yesterday. Salem, Feb. 17. That it is the inten tion of the Benson house to adjourn next Friday night sine die was proven today by the adoption of a concurrent resolu tion to that effect. When the house convened today Craw ford introduced a resolution that the speaker appoint a committee of three to confer with the members who are stay ing out and ascertain their reason and the conditions on which they would come in. This resolution occasioned a pro tracted debate. Crawford, Jennings and Huntington favored the adoption of the resolution. Veness, Chapman, Brown, Thomas, Xosler, Lake, Gratke and Palm opposed it. The resolution was finally laid on the table. Thomas then introdubed a concurrent resolution that the house adjourn sine die on Friday at midnight. Hunting ton moved that the resolution be laid on the table. The motion was lost by a vote of eighteen to five. The resolu tion was then adopted. The house then adjourned till 11 a. in. tomorrow. THIKTV-F1VE IN JOINT SESSION. Conference of Member Announced for Thii Eveniug. Salem, Feb. 17. Thirty-five members attended today's joint convention. Hudson. Vaughan, Mitchell and Wag ner were still absent on account of ill ness. After the roll was called Representa tive Thomas moved that the convention proceed to ballot for Benator with the understanding that if forty-six members were not present no election would be declared. Chairman Brownell ruled that motion out of order. The chair then announced that there would be a conference of members at 8 o'clock tonight. The convention then adjourned till tomorrow at noon. Brief Heialon of tUe Senate. Salem, Feb. 17. In the Benate this morning Haseltine and Selling presented Petitions against the sale and .manu facture of cigarette. Reed offered a solution 'hat the chair appoint a com wttfceof three to examine aud correct ne journal. The resolution waa adopted ana the chair appointed as a committee Keed, Mlchell and Gener. The senate then adjourned. Will Fight the Trnst. New Yoek, Feb. 17. For several days reports have been current in Wall street that another competitor of the sugar trust, more formidable than the Arbuckle Brothers, was about to spring up in Brooklyn. The capitalist referred to iB Claus Doscher, who is reported to be worth $6,000,000, and was one of the organizers of the Brooklyn Refining Company, which sold out to the Ameri can Company at a handsome profit. ' Mr. Doscher since that time has prac tically been out of the sugar business, although one of his sons is active in the trade, and is a recognized expert. Ac cording to the report Mr. Doscher now wants to build up a business to leave to his sons. He owns two blocks of water front in Green Point, which is well adapted for refinery purposes. Mr. Doscher when seen confirmed the report that he intends to re-enter the business ot sugar manufacturing. Day's Doings In Congress. Washington, Feb. 17. The senate to day agreed to the resolutions asking in formation regarding the correspondence with Great Britain on the seal question and directing a suspension of the grant of special privileges in Yellowstone Park canyon. Allen of Nebraska, attacked the civil service system, alleging dismissal of men and woman in the postofiice at South Omaha, Neb., for having supported Bryan. Lodge called up and championed the conferance report on the immigration bill. Palmer and Carter opposed the ex clusion of Canadians. In the House. Washington, Feb. 17. The bouse to day agreed to a conference report on a hill fixing times and places for holding court in Utah, and refused to agree to a conference report which would have In creased the pension of the widow of Cap tain J. S. Paine from $20 to $30 a month. It agreed to report on the legislative appropriation bill and passed a bill to remove the political disabilities objec tion from Colonel William F. Sime, con gressman of the ante-bellum days. A Warning to the Greeks. Cane a, Feb. 17. There was a meeting of the commanders of foreign fleets to day on the Italian flagship. It was re- You know coffee is used fresh -roasted. Tea ought to be for the same reason the taste. Ours are the,; only tea firing works in the United States; Schilling's Best is always fresh-fired when it leaves our hands. A Schilling & Company gu Francisco tit solved to take steps toward bringing about a more peacful state of affairs in Crete. A joint note was drawn up and sent by Admiral Cauevaro, the Italian commander, who is in command of tho united fleets, to the Greek consul. The note informed the representatives of Greece that any attack upon Canea, Ro timo, Heraklion or Sitia would be re pelled by the warships of the foreign powers in Cretan waters' This step caused some alarm in Greek circles, but it is not believed to signify anything more Eeriousthan a warning to the Christians and Greeks to cease fight inc while the powers deliberate and come to some definite understanding re garding the future of Crete. It is still believed the powers will in some manner sanction the annexation ot Crete by Greece. General Fleasnnton Dead. Washington, Feb. 17. General Alfred Pleasanton, a distinguished cavalry com mander in the late war, died at Greason house at 3 o'clock this morning. General Pleasanton for several years lived almost, a hermit's life in Washing ton, not moving out of his apartments. He felt he had not been well treated by the government after his distinguished services in the war. His only attend ants were his private secretary, Mr. Murphy, and Henrietta Roane, a faith ful colored nurse, who were with him when he passed away. Chinese Murderer Hanged. San Quentin Prison, Cal., Feb. 17. Chun Sine was hanged here at 10:35 this morning. Death ensued in 12 minutes. The crime for which Chung was hanged was triple murder at Lundy, Mono county, eighteen months ago. He bad quarreled with other Chinese and decided to exterminate the enemies with an ax, killing two women and one man and attempting to kill another. I have given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fair test and consider it one of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yeilds very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children Geo. E. Wolff, clerk of the Circuit Court, Fern&ndina, Fla. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Wri'Stilin; Mutch Arranged. Paekeksdukg, W. Va., Feb. 17. Peter Schumacher, the Cleveland wrest ler, last Thursday published a challenge to wrestle any one at any weight. Mc Innerney, the New York champion, who is wintering here, has accepted. The match is to be for ifoOO a side. The ar ticles will soon be signed. A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every, of Woodstock, Mich., was badly afflicted with rheumatism. His right leg was swollen the full length, causing him great suffering. He was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first bottle of it helped him considerably and the second bottle effected a cure. The 25 and 50 cent sizes are for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Train Was Hitched. Butte, Mont., Feb. 17. Ozbert M. Hoggset, engineer, and E. E. Parker, brakeman, of a Great Northern freight train, were injured east of Butte by the ditching of their train. Both men were badly injured, and their injuries may prove fatal. A Cure for Lame Hack. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the back and hips," writeB Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After using quite a number of remedies with out any benefit 6he tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is aluo.a certain cure for rheu matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Huclclen'a Aruica Malv. 'Die best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, ealt rheum, fevej sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin eruption), and posi tively cures, piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale oy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. BOOK-KEEPING kp5 aSJmm uomplL-tu ui.tf jwctTcal; exactly as round In biulni'. My course of Instructions tbor ought)- qualify you to take cburge of und keep u sci of books. The highest reference f uruihed. For terms and full information udurus Lt O. HUNTER, A. O. U. W. Temple, Portland, Oregon. Cotton, Gloria, Mohair, French Sateen, Just received, a now assortment, of tho diftbront qualities; well mounted, newest designs in handles; at prices that will make them move. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Rain Umbrellas from 75c .up. Don't Overlook Our MACKINTOSHES for Ladies, Men, Girls or Boys. Balance of Our Stock going at Special Prices. MISSES' and CHILDS' JACKET3 and LONG- CLOAKS. Still a few choice Garments left. You can have any of them At 50o on the Dollar. If you anticipate buying a now Jacket or Capo noxt year, it will benefit you to buy at once at our presont closing prices. Do not forget this. A. XML WILLIAMS CO. I 1 VAX. T MOTHERS! MOTHERS!! To know that a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and a single appli cation of Cuticura (ointment), the great skin cure, will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure of the most tor turing and disfiguring of itching, burning, and scaly humors, and not to use them without a moment's delay is to fail in your duty. Cures made in childhood are speedy, econ omical, and permanent. Bold throughout tho world. I'ottkii Plica Nl CiiEM.Ciini'.i&olo l'rot , IJoaton, U. H, A. KF " All about Jiaby'i Bklo," mulled free. 5-1y' Fktn IJlemUhns nnd ImpIo baby rutins prevented by Cuticura H'mp. If tired, arliini;, iinrvoiin mother knew the comfort, strength, and vitality In Cutli-ur l'JnM-r. they mull never be without them. In every wity the Iuret, eweetcat, uud beat of plaster. 2ic.( b for 1. Harry Liebe, PBAOTIOAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warruutod. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. it. GUMMCy, , 'Attorney and Cooflsellor at Law, AilMNGTON, OKKGON. Practice! in the State and Federal Court of Oregon und WuKbtugton. JaniS-Sino New York Weekly Tribune -FOU- Far me and Villagers, von Fathers and Mothers, -FOIt- Sons and Daughters, ?AII the Family. With the close of tho Presidential Ciimpaign THE TKIHUNK eecogahea the fact that thu American people tiro now nnxioutt to k'ivo thuir attention to homo and buslneuH internals. To meet thin condition, politics will have fur loss space and prominence, until another State nr National Oceanian demands a renewal of the fight for the principled for which TIIK TitlJIINH has labored from its inception to the present day. am) won Its-greatest victories Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make TIIK WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a Notional Family Newspaper, IntereBtiug, Instructive, entertaining and Indispensable to eaeli member of the fatuity. We furnish "The Chroniole" and 1ST. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.76. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo, W. Best. Tribune Office, New York City, an'i a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to you. 7VL Z. DONNELL, $ESCSItTiori DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M, Williams & Co., Tins DALLES, OR. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Tradecuor Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROVE &CO The Dftllti, Or.