IP Pi- f.t ' V . 8 6f The Dalles My Chronicle. Tilt: dalIjKS, or.Eciox BOLIVIA WILL OECLAKE WAK. Govrrumrnt 1 Actively 1'reparln Flpht Tern. Nnw Yohk, Feb. 16. A Herald dis- patch from Pumuuti says: A letter received by an official here from La Vat., Bolivia, states that the j that talk of a football club had really Bolivian concress will declare war upon ' been heard created the same, sort of an Peru. The letter also states that there atmosphere about the town that the is great aetivitv in militarv circles, the ' findin? of an old witch did in the old nrmv is beins placed on war footing, and 1 tla-vs of Salem. It was all true, how recruiting has been b.-un throughout the 1 tbe statement and the look. e j What iz more, a football team v.-.w republic. promptv orsreuized and all of the mem The general staff is studying the top- , bcrs worc bloomers." Even wor.e than ograpbyofthe Peruvian provinces of that, the new organization actually se Areqnlpa, Puno and Moquegna, and the leeted n plot of land back of the Fair Bolivian press has published doc-1 banks mansion- to practice upon, uments to plamlv show that this terri- cro was absolute defiance of all the torv is a part of Bolivia. 50cinl aml community ethics that could be compiled in the bluest book that The Bolivian eovernment has with- j cveSi Jobury heard of. It was , , " ... 1 posit iveJv av.-ful. It was almost as bad drawn its dip omatic representatives ' .,,.. , , . , t I V, . ' e . , , ' or if somebody had said that Boston from Asuncion, Paraguay, and the lot-; vas not classic or that tho univer95tv ter nation refuses to send a minister to ' at Burlington was incapable of giving Sucre. This tends to delay a solution of ; n .niident the very highest education, the boundary dipute between these j Gossip gre.w rife and the football girls countries. j laughed at it. They were not old fogies, ! they said. They knew a thintr or two Is it "overwork" thai has failed this ond were not, at aU nsliaE1..d of it As country with nervous dyspeptics? that , for the harm in bloomers, where was takes the flesh off their bones, the vital- : it? And as to the football and kicks. ity from their blood, and makes them ' why. there was nothing indelicate j feeble, emaciated and inefficient? No. I about that- 0ne of the girls whose j It is bad cooking, over-eating of indi- j f"her H,ves over at ?arn; said tllat Just 1 cestible stuff, and other health-destrov-! tbe.1?" -e came to the scnool.her father ! 7 , . I told her she was the hardest kicker he nip habits. . haf ever htfard of Whv then sboukl , The remedy is an artificially digested , they complain of her kicking a foot food such as the Shaker Digestive Cord- ball? ial. Instead of irritating the alredy in flamed stomach the Cordial gives it a chaee to rest by nourishing the system itself aud digesting the other food taken ! with it. Is not the idea rational? The Cordiai i; palatable and relieves immedi ately. No money risked to decide on its value. A 10 cent trial bottle does that. Laxol is the beat medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor OH. ECONO?HZE ON LIONS. Iron Holders Hail Caroltiliy I elt tho Pub lic 1'alie. "Going to start in business here?" re marked a man of sallow skin and sliepy eyes to a bririit-loohinif voting f.-ilov. vIIt sat besitie him m a CJottajr;' Urovs uventie fr Spear. sa;, o tnv- Chicago I'ost "Yes. I iiave dceiddd not to go to col lege," the prospective business man went on to say. "What would you ad vise me to do?" "Well, you know I am in the iron jnohliqg' business. We do all kinds of Jron work make those jockey hitching posts and iron fencing, cast-iron lions nnd eo forth. The business is all right liut just now I would advise a younc 3tmn to not to go into it. Strike some thin;r rtaple ixraethi;:g the proph have to h?v;. rain or shine, hard time or rr. -d tirr; v. or I: it for all it'.- v.ori.. n; gi-.v you a tip, im -ctiriir frnd. on, my businces. I hav 'the: the first tls'ng t&nt tho pnb lic bc;rk-.'; to corumine hi when hard ecvzuz is casi-:r?:i lions." Fresh lot of THhitnook butter just ar- rived at Maier & Benton's. Something to Ivtnivr. It may be worth something to know that thf very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, pmtly stimulates the Liverand Kidneys, 1 in throwing off: i p I l. Electric i.it-1 nnd aids these organs impurities in the blood ters improves the appetite, aids dige tion and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood puri fiei nnd nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50.-or $1.00 per bottle at Ulakeley i Houghton's Drug Store. (2, Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyee examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will lietient you for life. Office in the Vogt block. Fur Salu One hnndred and aucty acres all plow ! i,i. iMO n,.,. i,..,ir c!. ! orchard. Four-rootn house and cood ' barn; running spring of water. One! and one-half miles from Goldendale, ash. Terms, 42000: one-half down and mortiiii'.'es for the balance. Apply to George Darch, corner Fifteenth and Pentland streuts. The Dalles, Or.; or W. T.Darch, Goldendale, Wash. fl)S.lin Muvn Vnur Griiln. Few realize that each squirrel de etroys $1.50 worth of irrain annually, Wnkelee'b Sqturroi und Gopher Exterm- inator is tlie most etiective and econom- icai poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell, Aefnt. . febl-3in I , Choice wheat, oat, timothy and bat-! ui hay for bale cheap at J. II. Cross' j tain feed and grocery Hore Phone 61. 10tf l)illK-.torii Htuce Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douai.Ab Aixe.v, Prop. FOOTBALL AND BLOOMERS. College tilrlx tin-tot Vermont Propriety Shocked the Village. One nfter another the staid old New England Jnstituti"s have fallen into innocuous desuetude, and now a Ver mont female seminary hat born in vaded by the bloomer and the football. St, .Tohnsbur" Vt., is eminentiy re spectable. So it was that the statement that a' member of the seminary's contingent had looked seriously unou bloomers and This was the burden of the son? of the football girls. There was no sonr: among: the townspeople, however; only lamentations and dire forebodincrs. 1 Despite all this, the rrirls have eon- i tinned to play ball in the Fairbanks I lot. and. so for as reported, not a sinzrle "" ln ie rear portion ri rne man- panjandmm of st John-bury has been broken, for tne girls are all pretty and they don't kick their foo bail in the. direction of aristocracy': Thus it is that the bloomer, the foot- tbjLavv,ttlm f Tle T""' frm " triumvirate which makes the average ermonter stand aghast. Knowing all this, there can be resized in a small de- grne the heroism displayed by the trirls who kicked the football around the Fairbanks lot. They fornml a regular eleven, nnd. of course, in a very deli cate way, they fought over the ball in regulation fashion. They play football at Tartar and the sport is not unknown at Wellesiey and Smith, but none of them can kick that ball any better than the St. Johnsburv.girls. X. Y. Herald. TINY LITTLE BRAINS. Thej- Are Scattered Throughout the Human Body. Dr. William A. Hammond, t.bv cele- j brated neurologist, says the ganglia, which runs like little threads of silk i throughout the body, are tiny little brains, largely made up of the same kind of gray matter that composes the thinking part of the' brain. While th sensitive ganglia send their little tend rils into every portion of the body, theio is an especially large amount of them about the heart, and, really, according to Dr. Hammond, the human heart actually thinks on account of it. When we are. frightened, the heart almost stops beating. How could it do it. unless it renllv thought? It would be impossible. The heart brains are the little cray ganglia, and they recognize the emo- "pUiAt 'i -""- ' J .I.T ",T 1 ! .,. 2" -r- , and thrills through the hean' mileh Dr' "a1"10"'1 calIs a pec- ondary brain. It is well known that the ancients believed different organs of the body to be p-osessed of mental at tributes, nnd this idea has been handed down to us in such expressions as n "brave heart," a "ncble heart," a "sple netic nature," and the like. Crossgrained people are said to have their spleens out of order, and the nn cients located ancer, resentment and impatience in the spleen An immense amount of grav matter ! tissue runs back of the stomach, and j or a heavy blow there will kill as tpiickly ns if the brain itself had lieen struck. Wherever the ganglia congregate is a tital spot, and. instead of thinking solely with the gray matter that is with- m our situiis, we tmnK m every iiii- portant organ and throughout every j txlies. ; prominent .unction within our bodies, j So says Dr. Hammond, and science ; seems to acT.t; with him. N. Y. Trib- une. This Ii Your Onnortunltr. On receipt of ten cents, cash or utampn, cennrnug sntnuTo will hn mniloil nf tlift mnat nnnnlnr P .tf.rrl, n,l TTov rnn ' (Ely's Cream llalnii baffieicut to demon- etrate the great merits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHEH8, CO Warren St., New York City, T . T , .-,' llev. John Ilei(h Jr of GreiitFalb, Mont.. retomn,oUded Lly's Cream Bahn to me. I can cmphnxize hid str.tement, "It in u poai. tive cure for catarrh if used ns directed." Kf v. French W. Poole, Pastor Central Prec ; r.iy s uream uaim is tuo acKnowieogea euro for catarrh and contains no mercurjr i nor any injurious druo. Price. 50 cents. ! .Subscribe for Tm: CmtoNiCLi:. I I . . I I inc. orr . i ' I i lit flow bout Yoiir JOB We have the facilities for doing all, kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a cataloauo, and we are after all the work we can do. Ve not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. $t?ro9ile publisfyir Qo. Wasco Warehouse Company tt i j. j? en rLVtt,U.qXL'dLT IfcJI'S lOT OtJea KJTTSLUL Of all klH(LS. 1 . , n -r, j- iiCdUU U.CU. UCJL O lUl JC Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds ' Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ; Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ' tOTl FlmiT Th5s FIt,nr Ia manufactured expressly for familv LULL J? 1UUI . use; everv eack ,8 gUllrauteed t0 give satisfaction. I ' We sell our soods lower than anv house in the trade, and if vou don't think so call nnd get 0ur prices and lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES : Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edes; portrait of the au thor forming the deign on cover; autograph preface; nintinilicent pre sentation nlate in silver, yold and blue; containing 600 pages and 32 full-page illustrations " In half-Morocco, marblt edge ' In full-Morocco, itt udce ' . BIDS WANTED. Notice is hereby ciwn that bids for a bridge across Hood river, at the town of I flood Eiver, will he received bv the -i,.. r.... f .1.,. c t ..... uiiiiii,, vm i ui iiic cuui; u wreuuii iiir w County, up to the hour of noon Wednesday. March 3, 1S97. Tho bridge , apa be 134 feet, will be 4 feet hiirh-: er than tbe present bridae, and within four feel of the same. Bids will bo re- ceived for a Howe truss, Smith truss, TinK-ntrinc nml n ntcvl liridirn P.,, la rn steel bridge to include proper abuttments oi stone anu oiner material, usually nseil under such bridges. Bide for woo'lun bridges to "include piers, as' show in specifications on lile with the County Clerk of Wasco County. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. i Dated at The Dalles, Wasco County, 0r" tliis 7th day of February, A. D., ll-td A. M. Kelbay, County Clerk, liund Kiectiuu Nutlet.., scUooi iiutrict No- l' Notice is hereby given that a school meetine of school district No. 12. of Dalles Citv, Wusco cotintv, Oregon, to be held at tho council chambers in said be held at the council chambers district, on the 27th Hay of February, lbU(, there will be submitted to the leual vuiurB ui sum uiairict ine question ot contraetincn hnndml dht nf fwin nn for the purpose of payintr the debt of the ' district and building a new school house. 8aitl lot8 sna'' ue t'aid in cash at' the i 'TI.a Air. I.h I..IU, .. ...1. 11 t ,ltinipnffialn anil Ilia .amAIHJn- t . I ,Ilie vote to bo by ballot.upon which shall o UIV wuriJH ".nanus 1 es." and tlie WOtdi "IlOnds Nn." Pnlla In ke opened at 1 o'clock p. m and remain open until -i o'cioctc, p, in. 11 v order nf the linarrl nf ilirofnm school district No. 12. of Dalles City, Wasco connty, state of Oregon. TVjt,.l fl.io ),,,', nl L..l. i n icn- " erk. JAC01ISE.V District Clerk Cu.ii iu Vuur check. ! All., . i . , ,.vUuuy -'". MfiBwrreu prior t0 gt.pt 13, 1892, will be paid at my - , u,"l - ,5 -lcr-'ai ceases auer feu. iU, ! 1807. C. L. PlIII.Lll'H, County Treasurer. pilffjlflQ? a "V .... CCU JT CL111 OI aii .EindS. and all kinds of mill feed THE HRST BATTLE Is an Interesting storv of the priMt political struggled! ISStj, ita most imnortntlt nvimls nnr! th Tnnnt-f-itiip.. lnvlrol n logical -realise on Hi-metallfsm as uttered by i eminent exponents, including the par: taken by I lion. . J. nryan in the silver agitation prior to I d-r(ui orator, the most noteworthv incidents of hi famous tour, a careful review o'f the political ! itllatiou, a rtijou.s;on of the election returns ! nntl ,V)?, l'ruitic;inee thereof, mid the future ' llbilitks ofiii.metallijma.n politic. lbaue.i M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or. NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS, Notice is hereby given that bv author iiy of ordinance No. 291. which nased M. u n., :i i iv.li- n:. , uuu,L4i-'u vjuuulii ui ui iilv . rnary 6, 1S97, entitled "An ordinance! entitled an ordinance to nrovide for the sale of certain lots belonging to Dalles ! Liity," l will, on Saturday, t in 13th Am- 'of March, 1897. sell nt public miction, t'n the highest bidder, all the following lots and nnrte nf Into in (intoo . ),:;.... Dalles City, Waaco County, Or., to-wit : ine nortn ow leet ou from lots 5 and 6 jointly in block IS. North I!0. feet off from lots 1 and' 2! jointly in block 18. "i North 50 feet off from lots 3 and 4 ' jointly iu block 18, and lot 1 in block 19. The reasonable value of sniil lna fn- ' losa than which they will not bo sold, I has been fised and determined by the j uuiiiMiuu wiuncu oi uanes Uity as to I U U I L nnrn JnUrttl .lows to-wit: y ''lint uLAUES KANCH j jointly in block 18, J200. ! North 30 feet off from lots 1 nnd 2 , jointly in block IS, 60. 1 . 'r,0.rt o0 feet off from lots S aud 4 ' lntly in block 18, f 100. k01.1 in bock W 200. taoli one of these lots will be sold up- n l.no .'0l reapectiveiy and none of thein " icsb sum man me value thereof as above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on anv of . ....... w. uu i citiaiiiuar in lliree equal paymonte on or before one, two nnd mruo years irom ine aate of said sale ' respectively, with interest on such de nn 1 --i"--""vi im.i--n.-3i uu Bucn ue I forred payments at the rate of 10 per ' of c?nt ,ner annum, payable annually ; pro-' 1 vided tnn.t payment may be made in full ' af HnJ' tue nt the option of the pur-1 : chn8(-r. I The said sale will begin on the 13th 'Jy of March at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, and will continue from time to time until all DO soia. Dated t-, ml, . GlUIKUT flO Recorder of Dalles City. J Advertife iu The Chkonicle. ' rnuMtei! r.AYONUl. , racta Abont the Yurw Tree ot w California- The the, cmoi: V1V v Fnnnil m 1X3 K ail ti jui urn w i ... I t hot. drv parts of the staie wu , rain Wis. Strange au it tag these tough, w4ry-teavefl ; long to the same order in boWn c-- ' t our beautiful byacietns, uij c vallev. tulips, end porously ecl-r: Mariposa lilies or buttcrtly nmver... . . charaet?ristically rcproscnted jr. "'' j parts of the state. Antiyetin.se... are tough and hard in tsxture ml ' sharp pointed leaves, often tcr:v..i:a in" in a tough thread, which jenff-? looseh- from the end. Others rr.' t- the ?;zr of large, but not p-accfttl t:-r. . often r.pchinr fulij- 0 feet above Vm "rasird, as ib the caw with ta" trt "vurea of tl:e ojave desert. grov?s which may be seen at any thaenrar tb rr.ilroad "between TUojave and Los Angeles. These, savs the san .-rancrsco taro.. icle le, are abrut theenly trers of anyi. un:l o:i tb" dsscrt" of California nntT! fou r.nn T-tc it- rn.-riich or, the Vr.r- r.-iuec to ilr.d th" pinon r.'nv grows he-e and th- on th- n-ciir.t-'n-. nsuail- fr.r below t!i- rert of li : r - trees. The fiovere cl tb .Sitrs v -!v grow in immense 1-aaehTS. eft? r much a inv.r or flvr fp"t !orr. time fc-'rf l-:'rt!e rtrr.ht at t'.i" ajie of a lny. lerfio" t"P. a.i 'r t?' " yuec.1'. b rpln;? d-wnv":.l v.i'h t1' weight rf fhe (Trr".r bunch ,-f f!v.e": vhieh usually oprr. in the rvenir.T. TUB coin! PaC'Kl so., PACKERS OF Po?k and Beef ! MAXCFACTUxthKi OK , pine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef. Etc. nlt- fill -- 1IT ru t Moro Staie Line Leaves Williams Hotel, Motu, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at i b a. m. prompt. I Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles, I Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at I S a. m. prompt. Frvichi ratesThe Dalles to Moro, 40c and at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN. Prop. l-?il rn IIttaii nw i WHK 111 Mil .1 Mil HI I 111111 iiiiuu iriiiii Mini ii i i itir. v"" wuu STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor a'aces leave Hake Oven for Antelope i i; V "u lTom A"t-'iope to Alit mree times a week. - r;nnn Hmcpc ,VT, HOI.SES AND AGO.NS. WHITE SALMON, WASH. nn Ti .... J America m n H ''"mo JERSEYS Club OftheSt 1-nmi.art iv,. ,,... ! j ralne. ThR : Choice u'V. Lcf L.r Address MR jra-w3m 5. A. P. iiVP.KETT.Prop N lilte Salmon. Wai aih. LOODpQISOM A SPEC! AfiTV t'rimarr.'SL lnl5to2jiat37Ymrnpla.eD I.I .1 1, l f i . TV. . - . '' Uf 11! cureain i.sm)- ,,.--.-." H"iuiauenrn ..SWiroundoraameEuAiTS! ! iSchX1?''? I yXuVdee plJIa'it"' yoj.havotSm ' lWZ! mp , yuccas, or CiKtrsh rayons. v are most cctacam - i n rir-.?jC l)ii.ll.-; ! Bis if Ban, . ; per iuu ins; small paeka-.-es. lo and 25c. ' 'r i Pasaencer rales The Dalles to Moro, o Z -tl.oO; round trip, $2.50. Agency at Umatilla House. The Dallns. i . - so some Choice Cow and Hclfw. for tai N hlte Plvrnouth h,v'.- fhi5.... . . . - jui'.(.- , R N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. I s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car tsT. PAH 1, ailNNEAI'OLIS DUM'TH KAliGI) GICAND FOItKS CKOOKSTOX AriNNiri:r. HELENA an 11TJTTE TO j fhPOUqh Tickets j 70 CHICAGO WASHINGTON lMHtATJEtrUXA yRW YOItK I ItOSTON ANT AT.L 1'OINTS EAST and SOUTH For lnlormr.tioH, time cardt., maphaail tlckwi, cut on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Apent, The Dalles, Oregon OR A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P, A.. 2m, Mj.-risoa Cor. Third. I'ortlaud Ore;on EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. ! Trains leave and are due to arrive at I'ortUad. raoM feb. 10. 1S9T. A REIVE. f OVERLAND EX--! I nrcsa. sulem. Rose-1 burc, Ashland, Sac- v. vi ji r ' J ramento, Ogden.San i s.oo i . 3i. ; FraucisC0i jiojnvc, ( j Los Angeles, El Paso, , I New Orleans nnd I 3.10 A. 31. ! (.East J v -n r Koseburg Hiid way f-tu-l S.iU a. Ji..tins 'N-.-tO r.M. ' fvia Woodburn fori n IIr 1 Mt.Angel, Sllverton, ,) -West scio, Browns- ) except S li- ' ' ville,3prtngiield and Sundays. -uuu"- I Natron j ' i-iy i -f Salem and way statiousj10.15 A.J1 -a v'm jCorvallls and wuyJ if Gt'JOI'.M. 'M A Jl- (stations j p m (McMinnville a ndj If S:05P.M. ti.to 1..M., way stllUon!l j , Daily. fDauri except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. rULLMAN J5UFEET SLEEl'ERS AND SECOND-CLASS bLEEl'ING CARS Attached to nil Through Trains. Through Ticket Olhcc, 131 Third street, where through ticket to all joints In the Eastern Sttes, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. U. KIRK-LAND, Ticket Agent. All nbove trains arrive at and depnrt lron Grand Central Station. Fifth nnd Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pa5Ciiger Depot, loot of Juderson street. Leave for OSWEGO, dallv, except Sunday, st T:J0 a. in.: 12:15, 1:13, 5:'J.', C:tj, 8-.05 p. ta., (and 1I::X) p. m. on J-nturdav only). Arrive at Portland nt 7:10 nnd &;20 n ru.; and 1.30, 1:13, 0.3a and 7:35 p. m. Invo for Sheridan, week days, at -1:30 p. a. Arrive nt Portland, 9:!W a. m U'ave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and rrlmy ntJ:4n8. in. Arrive at Portland, Tum dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. iu. Sunday trains, for OSWEGO leave nt 8:10 a. ta. and 12: 15, 1: 13, 3:30, 5:23 CM5 and 8 05 p. m. Ai nvent Portland at S:SU, 10:00 a.m.; 1:30, -lift 5 10, 0:33, 7:53 p. m. P.. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Mauaeer. Asst. G. . & Pass. Act. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IK J'acoK a Week. 156 Taper a Ver. It stands Orat among 'weekly" papers in size, frequeucy of publication and freshness, variety aud reliability of cod tente. It is practically a daily at the low I lirii-H n n iruni-i.. . : oo lint nf ; ' .7 .. " ' . "uu " cuuscriuers, extendiuK,to every state sou territory of the Union and foreign coon. triee, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly Illustrated, and amoap Us special features ,are a fine humor 1 page, exhaustive market reports, all tbe latest fashions for women and a long ; 8e"s of stories by the greatest living i American and English authors, (,'ouau Ih.iii, r - r .lommc. ' , , uiud w-- h'U-y U'eymau, Mary E. W.UW"' Mry . Antluiny Hour. Bret Harte, ",a",'.',r . W flr this unequaled newspaperand The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle (o- .00. The regniar is 13.00, SURE CURE ron PILf f