i MAKKIRIK OPBfi for v v 9 BUSINESS! We wish to inform our customers that we now have our Departments in such shape that we can attend to the wants of all. Although our extensive improvements are not. completed, we are so situated as to make it comfort able for our patrons. OPEN for ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. BUSINESS 1 1 PEASE & MAYS. 5 The Dalles Djjjly Chronicle. WEDNESDAY. - - FEB. 17, 1897 TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct time card oi trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trnst it, as The Chronicle ie kept fully in formed of revisions : D. P. & A. X. O. STEAMERS. Steamer Regulutor leaves every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 7:30 a. m. Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday und Satur day at 5:30 p. in. OIIEGOX RAILWAY & NAVIGATION CO. fast mail. Arrive. Leave. Xo.l Wet-bDund 4:45 a.m. 4:50 a.m. No.2- East-bound 10:15 a.m. 10:20 a.m. DALLES I'AHSK.S'GEIi. No. 7 West-bound, leaves 1 :00 p.m. No. b Ea.st-bound, arrives 11:55 a.m. All passenger traicB stop at Union Street, at well a the depot. Advertising Kates. Per inch One inch or less in Daily II 50 Over two inches und under four inches 1 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 75 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY AXD WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch $2 50 Over one inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve Inches 1 00 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kaudoiu Observation and (Local Event of Li sher Magnitude. The Maccabees meet tonight at 7 :30. The weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow is fair. Bright sunshine and blue skies varied the monotony of the weather this morn ing. Just bear in mind the minstrel show. The date has not yet been fixed for it, but when it gets ripe it will be a daisy. Corbett arrived in Carson City yester day, and will at once begin training for the big fight which cornea off on March the 17th. The characters from Dickens to the number of about seventy will appear on the stage at the Vogt tho evenings of the 25th and 2Cth. Mre. Stephens has taken charge of the Jarley wax works for Thursday evening ieb. 25. Look for something of a very interesting nature. A railroad is to bo built from Boise City to the Seven Devils country, and a contract for grading twenty miles of the roadbed has been let. The only bills this legislature will pan will be tho bank bills it receives. Thev Pfes current without the approval o'f the governor or the people. Mrs. J. E. Dean will meet all those who would like to take shorthand les oe, at the brick echoolhouse next "iday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Terms, -o cents per lesgon. 15 10 A bill patterned after the North Caro una liquor bill passed the house in the Washington legislature yesterday, and thout will become a law. Tula WW put the entire sale of all intoxicat- ing liquors in the hands of officers ap pointed by the Etate. A special train from Chicago yester dav made the run to Denver, 1026 miles, in 1132 minutes, or at the rate of fifty four miles an hour. This run makes the record for the distance. And now there remains but two days to complete the forty days of legislative fasting at Salem. The whole state will gladly welcome the political Easter that terminates the lenten duys. It is said.that when Mjr. Fred W. Wil son applied for a marriage license this morning, that County Clerk Kelsay had him sign one of the moat complex affi davits ever prepared in this county. There will be a full rehearsal at the Schanno hall tonight for the minstrel Bhow. Professor Birgfeld will furnish the music. It is urgently requested that every member of the company be pres ent. A special came up "from Portland, ar riving about 1 :30 this afternoon. It brought President McNeil, Superintend ent O'Brien, Master Mechanic. Graham, Chief Engineer Kennedy, General Road Master Bolton and Claim Agent Hall. There are cakes and cakes for the en tertainment to be given by the men folks at the M. . church Friday night. Parrot's face was wreathed in smiles this morning, from which we judge his experiments are progressing favorably. Senator George Turner of Washington advocates the election of United States senators by popular vote'. He says : "I thiuk it would result in the election of better men to that high body." And every man who knows George Turner agrees with that gentleman for once. He speaks by card. The arrangements for the inaugura tion of President McKinley two weeks from next Thursday are rapidly nearing completion, and the indications are that in point of brilliancy and attractiveness, the ceremonies, the decorations and the festivities incident to inauguration week will be more lavish than on any like oc- j casion in our history. K. D. Gordon's oil well, in Looking Glass, Douglas county, has ended like the last net of a comedy, fcays the Riddle Mite, A sample of the product was1 sent to be testedj and the reply was re turned C. O. D. at a cost of $10. When opened, it suid the fluid contained co much per cent refined petroleum aud so much "lard oil," and advised the owner cot to continue operations. The woman's suffrage amendment to the constitution of the state of Nevada, was defeated in the assembly yesterday by u vote of 15 to 13. The legislature thinks it has done enough in the line of advancing civilization, in licensing prize fighting, and draws the line at equal suffrage. It is but just to add that-the Kansas legislature the citue day took similar action on the question. While Holmes Ferguson, of Enter prise, Whatcom county, was ramming a bullet into bis gun last week, the ram rod caught. Wright Ferguson attempted to pull the ramrod out, while his brother, Holmes, held the gun. Tho gun was discharged. Fortunately, the bullet went to pieces, but parts of it lodged in Wright Ferguson's hands and clothes, doing little damage, however. The new law passed by congress to prevent the Bale of intoxicating liquors to Indians is a stringent one. The mini mum fine is $100 and costs, and further provides that the offender shall be im prisoned until the fine and costs are paid. As the man who sells liquor to Indians is generally a hobo, and could not raise $100 in 100 years, the sentence would virtually be imprisonment for life. It may be some satisfaction to thdse who failed to pass the teachers' examin ation, to know that at all ttte other ex aminations .held in the state, the result was about the same as in this county, about, two-thirds of the applicants fail ing. In Umatilla county there were thirty-five applicants, and only eleven passed, and of six trying for first grade all failed. The examination was an ex ceptionally severe one. ThomaB Berk is a rancher, living out in the foothills which border the line between Mason and Thurston counties. Recently he took his gun and went back in the hills to see if he could find a bear tree. He was out all forenoon, and had about given up finding one, when he ran on a big hollow cedar stump that "showed signs." He built a fire and tried to smoke the beast out, but did not succeed. Cutting a pole, he got on top of the stump to see if he could not etir bruin out. In trying to get a firm foot hold on the stump he Blipped and went into the stump feet first. The hear started out, and at the same time pushed Tom out head first into a pile of brush, and before Berk could pull him self together the bear got away, says the Olympian. I'KKSONAr. MENTION. C. J. Hayes was up from Hood River last night. P. F. Peddicord of Emigrant Springs is in the city. County Commissioner Blowers came up from Hood River yesterday after noon. Mies Snell received word of the illness of her mother atOlcx, and left for home last night. , Mrs. Norton, who hasbeen visiting Mrs. G. C. Blakeley forvthe past few dayp, returned lo Portland today. Prof. J. S. Landers has "bin confined tj his room for the past twpSlajs, and it was feared it would have the fever. Hon. A. Sommerville it at the Uma tilla. He is on his way from California, where he has been for his health, to his home in Hay Creek. r Schilling's Best are, on the whole, the best coffee soda bakior powder flavoring extract! ana spice there are. That is as near as we can say. No your money back if you don't like them. For sale by W. E. Kahler By W. C. Curtis, pastor of the Con- n..tnnl .1.:. 1 T.I. Say of February, 1807, at the residence j J A CAR-LOAD OF and Ninth streets, Frederick William Wilson and Clara Belle Storv, both of The Dalles. The wedding was n very quiot one, there being besides members of the fam ilies of tho contracting parties, some half dozen friends. Many beautiful presents were mndo to the young cou ple, and) many times many good wishes were showered upon them. They wore married at 12 o'clock, and took tho car riage for tho depot, thus fooling many of their friends, who hnd congregated at tno Umatilla houso to congrntulato thorn. Tho train was half an hour late, but when it stopped, there was rice and old slippers enough on hand to almost swamp the train. Both the young folks nre well known to every citizen of Tho Dalles, and they start into married life with tho best wishes of the entire communitv. BUGGIES BUGGIES JUST RECEIVED at Drctfteri for ti Wcilrtltic- When Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilson ar rive in Portland this evening, they will need an introduction to their trunk fo they will not recognizo it without. The boys got hold of it, and when they got through with it, it was a beauty 6ure; presenting a tout ensemble calculated to bring a tremor of fear to the stoutest of bridegroom's heart. It was entirely too complicated for a brief newspaper de scription. One end of it supported a rubber over-shoe, an old gaiter, nnd a collection of old shoes. In front was an immense horse shoe, then there were railroad guides and folders, and a dozen glaring advertising cards proclaiming in incarnadine letters the merits of Bab bit's .Soap, Somebody's Potash, Corn Cure, Spavin Cure, Castoria and a dozen other patent medicine advertisements, and over the whole lot were strips and festoons of whito silk ribbons. The trunk had its bridal costume on, sure. Most KxpeliHlvo Hook. The most expensivo book ever pub lished in the world, says the Chicago Record, is the official history of tho war of the rebellion, which is now being is sued by the government of the United States, at a cost up to date of $2,324,328. Of this amount $1,184,291 has been paid for printing'and binding. Tho remain der was expended for salaries, rent, sta tionery and other contingent and miscel laneous expenses, and for the purchase of records from private individuals. It will require at least three years longer and an appropriation of perhapb $000,000 to complete the work, so that tho total cost will undoubtedly reach nearly $3, 000,000. It will consist of 112 volumes. Only 51,194 cooies have been sold for a total of $30,154. Itatea to the Ills Fight- The Southern Pacific Company have fixed a rate of $12.80 from Portland to Carson City and return for the bene fit of those who desiro to witness the big prizefight on March 17, between Corbett and Fitzsiinmons. This includes first class continuous passage, without sleep ing accommodations. No limit haa yet been fixed as to the life of such tickets, this being dependent on the program that Manager Stuart will set forth. The reduced fare !b ono und one-fifth rate over the Southern Pacific line and a one and one-half rate over the Virginia & Truckee road, w hich runs out of Reno to the Nevada state capital. How to Get u I'ulWlc OttU-ft. Many desirable offices aie within tho gift of the. new administration. Those who wish to know what placet) can be had and how to get them, can obtain this Information by sending 70 cents to Soule & Co., Washington, D. C, for the "U. S. BLUE BOOK," showing all gov ernment offices and salaries with Civil Service rules, sample examination ques tions, etc. Under present laws women stand an equal chance with men for posi tions that insure a comfortahfo income for life. The "Blue Book" giveH com plete instruction for office seekers of both sexes, and is besides a valuablo book of reference much in demand. JJeillculloli. The new church house of the disciples of Christ at Rufus, Or., will be dedicated on Sunday Feb. 28, 1897. The dedica tion sermon will he delivered at 11 a. in, by Elder A. D. Skuggs, assisted by other ministers. The music will be in charge of F. O. M. Can ley tho singing evange list, Parties coming from a distance will be entertained and are requested to report at the church, Saturday Feb, 27. Come and bring your friends. " '' "1 don't see any mistletoe hanging in the old-time place' said George, re proachfully. "Papa couldn't afford it this year," replied Grace, coyly j "but I'vogot the ribbon in my hair that I used to hang the mistletoe up with," George fell over himself, L MAYS & CROWE. Remember. We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO 561700! Bools, Stationery, 3 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,! AT Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Socond Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. iu Northern Grown Seeds. Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds iu Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, Seed Oats. Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed. Alfalfa Seed, Tirnothv Seed. Red Clover Seed, Miflot Seed. Crimson Clover Seed, Hlue Grass Seed. Whito Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed. Bee Supplies. Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cake. Hay, Grain, Feed and Grocer ica. Early Rose Potatoes. Poultry und Eggs bought and sold at J. H. GROSS' Feed and Grocery Store. Goods Sold ut Bedrock Prices for Cash, Store open from 7 a, in. to I) p, in. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. V (Buccessor to Clirlsuiuu Ai Coraon, "' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at tho old Hta:id. I would hi pleased to see all my formei iiatrons. Free delivery to an part of town. There have appeared in tho columns of this paper for several years the adver tisements of Ely'a Crouin Balm, 11 re medy for catarrh, cold In the head, und Hay Fever. It is with much pleasure that we can call the particular attention of our readers to tho fact that this ar ticle staudH very high among remedies, and particularly hiph as a catarrh medi cine. Ely Brothers, worn are informed, have hod long experience as druggists and pharmacists, and a remedy coming from such a source should have the con fidence of those desiring a reliable pre paration, Ono fact that should inspire confidence of their catarrh euro (Ely's Cream Balm) Is that they aro willing to have it put to test, and in order that every ono may try it they are now of fering a generous trial sine through the druggists, or will wail It on receipt of 10 cents. The full size is 50 cents per package, You need not hesitate to send to them lor the remedy. Their address Is 60 Wftrren street, New York City. Giant powder caps and fuse at Maier & Benton's, 1 Sheriffs Sale. lly virtue of mi execution, InkiioI out of tlio Circuit Court of thu ntuiuof ortifou fnrWWo Count)', In un uctton entitled J. . Wakeney vs. Andruw (Junior and Mary Giumcr, and to tuu directed unit delivered, 1 did mi llio Uttiduy of Feliriiary, lh'J7, luvy upon, mid will sell ut pul Ho miction, to tliu liUlitet bidder far cash lit linlid, Oil Monday. liu 1.1th diiyo .Muroti, IM7, lit o'clock p, 111. of mid dny, ut tho front door of tliu courthoiuu In Pulle City, In W'uk'O County, Oregon, tliu following dc(iribod pror erty, to-wlt' Coiiiiik.'111'Iiii; at tliu Northeast corner of tho Northwest quurtcr (NW!,) of tliu Northeast (iiiurter (.VKJi) of Houtlou seventeen (17 lu Towntdilii two ('.') North of Itungu thirteen 113) Kust of tho Willamette, ilerldliiu In tho Ktuto of OriKou: thencoHouth twenty-four uhnlu urn! kovunty link CM.70); ttionuolli 11 Northwesterly direction loiirteeu chains and koventy II11 (ll,7U)to tho Oregon luilwnv und N'uvlt'iitluU Compau) 'm Itallroad truck limit, tluincq westerly tiloiiK tliu north blilo of said railroad limit, to tliu uottu lino of suld Section boventeon (17): thence cast along suld feeotlou lino to tuo place of bcdli'illliKi or so inueh thereof us shall bo kullleleut to satisfy tliu sum of KUO.Yj, lew 12.70, onld 011 suld Judgment August u, Ibvo, with In terest thereon ut tliu rate, of 8 jkt cent per mi lium fruia Juno Mill, A. U it'JO, and I01.C8 UsnuiKCH und costs. Taken und luvkM upou as tho property of An drrw (liuiKcr and Mury UaiiKcr to sulMy sulit mnn of f(UJ.li5, (cut 2.70 paid oil suld Jiuliruicut, und lntorcit thereon, 111 fuvor of J. V, Hlakoney, mid IA1.CH duuiuge and costs, together WltM costs und uoorultiK cosli. 8 her I II' of Wusco County, statu of Ortgou. lly Uoukht KKM.Y, Deputy. Dated ut Pulled City, Oiigou, Feb. 11, 1607. Kb tat-it