. : 1 I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The oi(i Republican Daily JSeiapnpei n M 'afco County. WEDNESDAY. - FEB. 17. 1S97 EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple Court, X. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. " COXTROL OF THE SEX ATE. It might be well for the Republi can contingent which refuses to or ganize the legislature to consider carefully what the result will be, and to realize to what extent they are tilnvinc into the hands of the Ponn- lists and Democrats. If a Iicpubli can senator is elected from Oregon the Republicans will have exactly" one-half the senate, and with the vice-president, who only votes in case of a tie, they will have control of that body. If no senator is elect ed from Oregon, the combination opposed to Republican i.leas will have one majority. 2so tariff legis lation can be enacted, and the Re publican party vill be powerless to carry out its theories. The majority of the legislature want Mitchell, and certainly a large ninjorm of the people want him. The onh question in the election of a senator is, shall the majority select the man for the position, or shall it permit the minority to do so? Oregon, after one of the hardest fought politica.1 battles it ever ex perienced, was carried for Republi can principles by a bare mnjont' of 2,000. The fruits of that victory are about to be snatched from the party by a few boss-ruled Republi cans. It is not only the interests of the state that are being jeopardized, but those of the nation. If the leaisla- uire aujuurnt wiuiuui eiccung a , United States senator, the part will not have control of the upper house of congress, and the blame for the state of affairs must rest entirely on Joe Simon nnd the small Kepublican contingent of the Oregon legislature that he controls. The Oregoniau and Simon are willing to ruin the party, state and national, in their insane desire to down Mitchell, and !) the assistance of a few traitors, they seem to be in a fair way to ac complish that purpose. 1 JUDICIAL FEAT. The hanging of Duestrow at St. Louis yesterday is, or was, in many respects a very strange affair. It is not at all surprising that a cold blooded murderer should be hanged for his crime, but it is something entirety new under the sun that a man with millions behind him should suffer the death penalt;1 in this coun try. When one thinks of the com bination necessary to bring about this result, it becomes more and more astonishing. With unlimited money he had the best of legal talent, and every step of the case was fought with bull dog pertinacity. The power of money was brought m to ; usaiai tue power oi sh 111 ami oi unci ligence. To accomplish the punish-1 nient of the murderer re qui red a jury , of twelve men, none of whom could ! , . ,, , , , . , be influenced by money or sophistry, j It required a judge of unimpenchable 1 integrity. It required a supreme ' court that recognized the fact that the possession of wealth was not an excuse for crime, and a governor who had the 20iuae to enforce the law against rich and poor alike. Missouri is a great state, and with all her greatness she can point with pride to her judiciary, her governor and her people as being the only combination in America that ever hanged a millionaire THE EUJTOU'S LOT. The lot of the editor of a country newspapers is anything but a happy one. The one feature most produc tive of annoyance is the coinmunica. tions. A newsy letter from any lo cality, or a well-written and not too long argument on some proposition, I even thonqh il is contrary to tnc editor's opinions, is always accepta- bio, and is gladly given space. The trouble is that so many with real, or fancied grievances, want to air them in the newspapers, and most of the time at the editor's expense. One half of such communications arc nn0nvmous, and the other ltatf ' request the editor not to ctve awav the names of the writers. If such communications are printed, the poor devil of an editor is immediately jumped on, and if they are not, the virtuous writers get indignant call the paper a truckling prejudiced affair, and the editor a fool. If he printed one-half the stuff- he rejects ho would be in the jail half the time and the hospital the other half, un less, indeed, he presided at a funeral. The only thing to be done is the thing ho does shove the sorehead communications into the waste bask et, and take the chances. Two remarkable things are noted in the dispatches yesterday. One was the successful occupation of the island of Crete by Greek troops, and the tacit approval of the powers. The other was the hanging of Dues trow, the 3'oung millionaire who two years ago murdered his wife and child in St. Louis. DuiiMih-w Cauniit he enroll bv local apiiJicntioiii:. ns thev cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. j There is only one way to cure deafness, J und that is by constitutional remedies. ! Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-' dition o; the mucous lininc of the Eus- j ! tnchian lube. When this tule is in-1 HmnerfpRt henriiii?. nml when it la en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restoredjjto its normal Ijiu lie uui.iiai destroyed for- in are caused ne but an in- condition, hearing will be ever; nine cases out oi ten hvr!itnrrh. chtih i nnmmc I.0!!.ii,inn of tllB miiemis stir faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused dv catarrh' that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. I. J. Cheney it Co.. Toledo. 0. Sold by Druggists, oa. 6-10 In the Ouecn'H Mall. Peopie otten wnte to Queen ictonn asking her to lend them small sums, and promising to repay her in install- ments. Sometime- they v.-rite savins' they are unable to pay her taxes, and j trusting that she-will allow the account j to stand over a bit. The presents the j queen receives by post form a curious collection. Thev are invariably re-! turned. Poets send her poems; trades men specimens of their wares; ladies, mittens, stocLinps and other articles of attire worked by themselves. When any member of the household i. ill medicine.-; pour in from all parts of the world, and at Christmas the queen is the recipient of some hundreds of Christmas cards, many cf them of the most ex pensive nature. N. Y. Tribune. Tin- Granite-1 Iiemt-ily. Mr. li. B. Cireeve. merchant of Chilhowie, Va., certifies that lie had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that mon could procure, tried all cough reiuedi he could hear of, but yot no relief; spent many nights siitiui: up in u chair; was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured bv the use of two bottles. t0 b(1'sine8i Rnd'8aV9 Dr K, ,fl Xjjft. D,s. covery is the grandest remedy ever iivtde, ; as it has done so much for him and aiso : Mothers in his community. Dr. King's Discovery Is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Cosumption. It don't faii. Tria, bottle free at Blakelev&Hou,hton's Dmt: pton. " 2 - CATARRH local'disease and is tho result ol colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection mo positively state that this remedy doa not contain mercury or any other injur ious drug. Ely's Cream Balm 19 acknowledged to be tho most thortoeh cure for Nad.-U Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remeuies. u opens aim cieanies me nasal palaces, allaya pain and Inilammation, beala the lore, pro? tects the membrane from co!d, restores the tentea ut taitcnnd smell, l'ricci 0c. at l)rnitriit or bv mail. ilLV UKOl'matS. fid Warren Bute:, New York. DR. GUNH'S uxraovED LIVER PILLS ol tbe bowe IIk. Pill fn. m llnmm aukeit Era n Tbe doi IwaJtti. ThM pill, supply wht the jiUro lacks to nd clAr tbeCiinDliiioo LtUfrtfun atmtnmtint refruLir. 1 her cum HAdAtfhH hnrhtn ih 'notlher criou nor tickttri. 'fu conntiM (ti win uun muj L141 ir ur iuii imjs kit ioc, DoiaeTeTV mtma. UU. I1USA.SKO JUt'U CO., I'uiidclpiut. fk. I BLACKWELLS I GENUINE VS l l-'J SEE DURHAM - -4 rCJ' Ton will llml one coupon Inside each two ounce lmgi and two coupons Inside each four ounce bag or Bluck well'a Durham. Buy a lnu; of this celebrated tobacco nnd read the coupon which gives a Jim of vuluuble ind ents and how to get tlicm. Wholesale. CUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER - HOP GOLD AnheTiser-Bnsch Malt "beverage, tineqnaled as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS. ' i T pTO j w-3e Ladies' Cloaks. Remember, all these goods ; lceaDje an(j fashionable, and . u,i mi -r-. 11 ; proached m The Dalles. ' Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds COAL AND ICE, THE DALLES GOIWfllSSIOJJ GO.'S STOflE Corner Second and Washington Sts. KiBLAKELEY St HOUGHTON ' A-ARTISTS MATERIALS. DBTCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side ... AT Tit r. HEW COIiUjVlBm HOTEL. This iiubc mill rwpu!fir House aces the principal hotel buMnes, una is iirepareu lo lurnlsli the Best Accommodations of am ' city, mid ut tne $i.oo per Day. - pirst Olllce fur all Stage I.ln lioliitN In JOmteru Oruon lu this llotol. Corner ol Front and Union Btt. l,.n 41,. yr 1 ne e s a til the OfdirS - leads on to The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-red tccd rate 6 MICHELBACH BRICK, . . UNION ST. ft LACKWEltsKUSIMM r mrniip AND NO OTHER. BUSCH and BEER and in Dottles. Nutrine. a non-alcoholic tonic. Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at 0. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. An elegant assortment of 1896 styles just received, a partot which may be seen in show window. are latest made, warm, serv- at prices never before ap- - AT The Dalles, Oregon low rate of . Qass Teals, 25 Cer?ts learlnp The Dalles for all unit Kanteru AValiliiKtoii, J. M. TOOMEY, Propr , . , , , . Of men which, taken at its looa jvvu fortune." Drugs, Paints, Wail Paper, Glass. Etc. Siiipes-Kmersly Drug 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ec. g- Xj IE3 nsr nsr. J. S. SCHENK. President. II. M. Beau, Cnsbier. first National Bank. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciienck. Ed. SI. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe. H. SI. Be all. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritAIISACT A GENE UAL BANKING BUSINE3 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and TeWrnnlm. Transfers sold on New York, Chieairo. St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in uregon ana Washington. Collections made at all nnints nn fav. orable terms. American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs. rOL'LTKY, K1SH and CAME IN SEASON. 69 TELEPHONES 69 J. b. GOIT, COUNTY SUliYEYOIt. Eecaulonce, Tenth and Liberty Streets Monuments and Headstones. Before boIiir elsewhere, call on I. COMINI. The Dalles. Or., ror a lomba one. Warranted to stand for all time, regardless of wind or weather. I UU UCt the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di rect from the manufacturer. No better wheel made than the 4c8Yie Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, using the best material and the most improved machinery. Wo havo no agenis Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped anywhere for examination. WRITE FOR Our interesting Offer Acmo Cycle Co., Elkhart. Ind. "Tbe Replator Line' Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Until further notice, the Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 7:30 a. m., and will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:30 a. m. l'ASSENGEi: KATES: One way $2 00 Round trip 3 00 Frei Rates Greatl educed: Shipments for Portland received it any time. Shipments for way landing must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicited. For rates call on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General A Knot THE DALLES. - OREGON D.R.&R EAST! GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes VIA Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN HTEAMEBH Leave J'ortU"4 Every Five ly for SAN FKANCISCO, OAL- For fllll Hnfolln Anil An f D X, Cn fl A CCIlt FreiDR and Passenger!! Tho Dalle, or address W, II. HUKLBURT, Gen. Yess.L Portland. Or)" E. M'HEILL President aud MnnaKer New Schedule, . Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalle 4: a. m., and leaves 4 :50 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:l p.m., and leaves 10:20 p.m. , ,,.,c Traiu No. 8 arrives at The DallMli- P. m., and west-bound train No. 7 MM at 1 p. tn. . Train 23 and 24 will carry Pfwoj" between The Dalles and Umatilla.!. ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and rivingatTheDalleilp. m. dajly.. necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 W Portland. E. E. Lvi . , A (rent. 1