Stye Walk Cljrottkk vol. x ?HJE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1897 - NO 32 ATONED FOR HIS CRIME rtKoinnw fliA Mill inn sriip. UUtjaii v m . Jlnrclerer, Hanged. HE MET DEATH WITHOUT A TREMOR lTrrlnits to tho Execution, However, He Broke Down and Sobbtncty Confessed His Guilt. Uxio.v, Mo., Feb. 16. Dr. Arthur Duestrow, the St. Louis millionaire, who on February 1C, 1894, shot and killed hia wife and child in a tit of drunken rne, in that city, was hanged in the courtyard of the county jail here, at 12:59 p. m. today. A.t 12:30 Sheriff Punchta entered tho jail to read the death warrant to Dues trow. The crowd all about was so dense it was almost impossible to get near the place. A rope fenced off a space about twenty fett wide and fifty feet lone. Here twenty-five deputies patrolled, keeping back the crowd. When the newspaper men attempted to enter the jail they were denied admis sion. The sheriff had promised that they might be present at the reading of the death warrant, but changed his mind at the last moment, The reporters were even denied admission within the ropes. The condemned man marched to the gallows without a tremor or a shade of fear passing over bis face. On the scaffold he said lie was General, Bran denburg, not DueBtrow, and that be did not kill Mrs. Duestrow, and was dying illegally. He died , of strangulation, 20 minutes after the drop tell. ADMITTED HIS GUILT. Duestrow Krnke Down Shortly Before Ills Execution. U.sio.v, Mo., Feb. 16. Not until this morning, when he arose after a fitful night's rest and saw the gallows upon which he was to die, did Arthur Dues trow, the condemned St. Louis mur derer, show any Bigns of realization of his fate. For tho first time since the crime was committed, three years agOf he fclied tearB. He put away all sembl ance of insanity and groaned : "I know I have got to die. I killed my wife and child, but it was not my fault. Something within me made me do it. I was not myself." These words were repeated again, his tears flowing fast and sobs occasionally checking his utterances. The condemned man had called him self General Brandenburg, of the United States army. This morning he wrote the following message to this attorney, Governor Charles P. Johnson : "Sr. Louis, Mo., Feb. 16. I am in a Predicament. Intercede with Governor otenhens for me immediately. I now need your advice. I was insane, but it did no good. I have nothing left but hope of forgiveness." ile signed "A. W. F. Brandenburg." The sheriff took the message but did not forward it. In a short time the condemned man regained his composure, talked with visitors and smiled. Small doses of whisky were given him from time to time to keep his courase ud. and he was much gratified. Duestrow baa not been visited by any sointual adviser, having announced that he would die without finch consultation. nilESTBOWh FIENDISH CBIMK. Killed HU wife aud Child in a Fit of Drunken Itge. St. Louis, Feb. 16. The crime lor which Arthur Duestrow met death on the scaffold today was committed on the. afternoon of February 13, 1894, at bis residence, 1704 South Campton avenue, 8 c'ty. On that day be had been drinking heavily. During the forenoon he had called at a livery stable and or dered a sleigh for the afternoon, stating t he intended taking hia wife and year-old son, Louis, slelghilding. A few minutes before 4 o'clock Due trovv arrived home and found tlie sleigh jwn ting him. The generally accepted version of tbe crime is tho testimony Riven by Katie HhIiu, a domestic in the "nestrow household. She said, ehe,ef peatrow at the door and asked bin if was going to take his wife riding. ni question angered Duestrow, and lie POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for Its great Iravcning strength and health fulness. Assures the food xgainst nlum nnd nil forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powdep. Co.,ifEW Your. ran upstairs to his wife's room, and, after some words, slapped her face. Mrs. Duestrow upbraided him for his conduct, which seems to have worked the murderer up to the point at which he could no longer restrain his demonia cal passion. The Hahn girl said she heard Mrs. Duestrow cry, "Don't shoot, Arthur; don't shoot." Three shots followed in rapid succession. The servant rushed upstairs and found Duestrow standing over bis wife's body, revolver in band, crying: "Good-bye, Tiny; are you dead?" At this point tbe man's fury seemed to be diverted to his child. Grabbing it up in his arms be held it againBt the wall and emptied the other two cham bers of the revolver into ita head. It died instantly. Duestrow then went to the police sta tion with the revolver in his band and surrendered. He was eobbing hysteri cal 1 v. "I have killed my wife," he cried, "but it waB an accident. I suppose they will say I am a murderer, but I am not. It was an accident." He tried to explain that the revolver was discharged while he was handling the weapon. On February 14th tho doctors removed the two bullets from Mrs. Duestrow's head, and it was thought she might recover, but on Feb ruary 17th she died, after having re gained consciousness. Duestrow, by the the terms of his father's will, would draw $6,606.66 a year as long as be lived. Duestrow's father, Louis Duestrow, died a few years prior to the murder, leaving an estate of $2,000,000. UNION IS COMl'LKTE. Annexation of Crete to Greece Prac tically Accomplished. Athens, Feb. 16. It is generally be lieved here that the Cretan feature of the Eastern question ib now a thing of tbe past, and the landing of the Greek trooDS at Crete is not likely to turn out a casus bell between Turkey and Greece. Tbe absolute decision of Greece to Dersist in" tbe occupation of Crete and protection of Christians on that island, in BDite of the attitude of the powers, is founded on the declaration of the Cretans that they are prepared to shed the last drop of tbelr blood in order to attain their national aspirations, to which they add that they will not be satisfied with anything short of an absolute union with Greece. These circumstances were communicated by Greece to the powers and the policy of the Greek government has been carried out in every point. An order of the minister of war, 31. Smolenitz. has been gazetted, appoint ing Colonel Vassos, aide-de-camp to King George, commander ot the Greek army corps landed yesterday at Platonica, a short distance from Canea. After explaining that the action of You probably pay too much a month for tea; it. is probably not very good. Try Schillings Best. If you don't like it, your gro cer returns, your money. You may find unexpected pleasure and profit in it. A Scliillinp & Company !an rraiicisco 87? Greece is due to the fact that she is un able to any longer countenance the "lamentable situation of the Christians in Crete, to whom we are united by the tacred ties of religion." the order pro ceeds : "The government consequently has decided to occupy the island in the name of King George and raise his ring over the fortresses of which yon will take possession. All your action shall be accomplished in conformity with Greek laws, in the name cf King George and on the responsiblity of this govern ment. So soon a? you have landed yon will publish a proclamation announcing the occupation of the island by the Greek troops." This has been done, by Colonel Vassoa calling on the the Turks to surrender. The reservists, who have been called to colors, are rapidly registering at the different military centers. It is hoped, however, the most serious difficulty to be anticipated is the possible severance of diplomatic relations between Greece and Turkey. The annexation of Crete by Greece is fait accompli, and it is not thought likely the powers will do any thing further. Meanwhile diplomatic negotiations on the subject continue between the am bassadors at Constantinople, who, in turn are in constant communications with the porte. Reinforcements of men, arms and ammunition ar'e on the way from Greece to Crete; It is intimated that in due course the marines from foreign war ships will be recalled and Greece be al lowed to assume the administration of Crete, possibly under Fome restrictions. The. announcement that Prince Nich olas will start for Larissa, Theesaly, with a regiment torn arrow created the great est enthusiasm in military circles. King George and the royal family, with tbe government, are in the highest possible favor with the people, and Prince George is certain of receiving a grand welcome when he returns to Pireus with the torpedo flotilla. I have given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fair test and consider it one of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yeilds very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children Geo. E. Wolff, clerk of tho Circuit Court, Fernandina, Fia. Sold by Blakeloy & Houghton. Ileck Dropped Dead. Goldexdale, Wash., Feb. 16. Frank Castile, a stockman, stabbed John Beck at Cleveland, this morning, in an alter cation at a masquerade ball. Beck dropped dead. Cantile mrrendered to the sheriff today, and claims the act was committed in self-defense. A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every, of Woodstock, Mich., was badly afflicted with rheumatism. His ripht leg was swollen the full length, causing him great suffering. He was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first bottle of it helped him considerably and the second bottle effected a cure. The 25 aud 50 cent sizes are for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Mrs. Youngwife "Do you know, I can't get my husband to go to servico Sundays. I don't think he has been to church since we were married." Her Friend "That only shows how vindictive some men are." A Cure fur I. nine Hack. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the back aud hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After using quite a number of remedies with out any benefit she tried one bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. iJuckleu'a .Arisen ttmXjm, 'Die best salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi lively euros piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents Ker box. for Hale oy Blakeloy and looKhton, druggists. BOOK-KEEPING p. i;ninfiHu ui o firHctlcal; exi Klit ly Mall by nert Accountant exactly iu found in oUKhly qimllly you to take clmrge of mid kep u M.-t of bookh, ,The lilifbeat refereuto -fiirtiUlied, For terms nrid full Information wldrew L. D, HUNTER, A. O. U. W. Temple, Portland, Oregon. Cotton, Gloria, Don't Overlook Our MACKINTOSHES for Ladies, Men, Girls or Boys. Balance of Our Stock going at Special Prices. Cuticura Soap Purifies and Beautifies The Skin Scalp, Hair, and Nails By Restoring To Healthy Activity The Clogged, Irritated, Inflamed, or Sluggish Pores. This is the Secret of Its Wonderful Success. Bold throughout tlia world, I'ottkm Dnva U CilKX. C'oiik, Solo l'rcijM., Ilbatou. nr"AU boot tii lilooU, fJkio, ficalp, and Hair," fr0 Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatchmakertJeweler AD work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. I). OUHIKV, ' AllomcT uf Cwiiellor at Law, ARLINGTON, OKKGON, Practices In the State und Fedurul Courts of Orcgou aud Washington. janm-Sino Tsoap J rvr,.- AbWbbbbbbbbbbbI Just received, a now assortment of tho diftbront qualities; well mounted, newest designs in handles; at prices that will make them move. Ladies' and Gon Women's Rain Umbrellas from 75c up. If you anticipate buying a now Jacket or it will benefit you to buy at once at our prices. Do not forget this. A. M. WIIjX.I21.IHS CO. New York Weekly Tribune lfllBlllfeiEB&. bAbBbbWbK With the clone of tho PreHldentlal Cnmpaitni THE TRIHUNK recognizes the fact that tho American people are now unxlotiH to givo thulr uttmitiori to home mud huslnces interusts. To moot this condition, politics will Iihvo fur li'Ba gpaci and proiuincnco, until another Stuto or National occasion (lotnanda n renewal nt the fight for the principled for which TIIK TH1UUNK has labored from ltd inception to the present day. nil J won its Kreatest victories. Evorv posHihle efibrt will he put forth, and money freely spent, to inakTHK WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and iiidifmensahlo to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your name and addreaa Tribune Ofllco, New York City, airl a une win ne iimneii 10 you. .riL m. Z. 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