tsssm UK m SSSI VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1897 NO 31 DE I.OMB AS AN OPTIMIST. ill 111 4 II 11 1 i-IK I mm 0tncie. ROYAL The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER R OYA L the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated tor its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKINO POWDtR CO., NEW YORK. V CRY HALT! Further Hostile Action by Greece to Be Prevented. BOLIVIA GRABS PERU'S TERRITORY Jloth Conmrle l'reparioe for War, but l'eru Is Afraid Chili Will Jump on Ber Too. Berlin-, Feb. 15. A eenii-official statement of the Cretnn question has been published here hb follows: "In reply to the representations of the ministers of all the great powers .at Athens to the Greek government yes terday, pointing out the danger to Eu ropean peaco from the attitude taken by Greece contrary to international law, M. Skouses, minister of foreign affairs, de clared Greece would occupy Crete. "In view of this fact the imperial gov ernment no longer considers it conso nant with its dignity to tako further diplomatic steps at Athens. After an exchange of views with the cabinets of other great powers the commander of the German warship Kaiserin Augusta, which will arrive at Canea within the next few days, had received instructions in conjunction with the commanders of the nayal forces, or other great powers assembled in Cretan waters to prevent any hostile act upon the part of Greece, and also to co-operate with them in every possible way with a view to re storing order and averting bloodshed." Owing to urgent state business .Em peror William today abandoned his proposed visit to Potsdam, where he is engaged to lunch with the hussara of the bodyguard. rRU AND JJOLIVIA. Iff TROUBLE. Both Countries Are Assuming Warlike Attitudes. New York, Feb. 15. A, special to the Herald from Panama, says: Advices of. an important nature in re lation to the growing trouble between Peru and Bolivia have been received here from a correspondent, in Cuzeo. According to these advlceB Bolivia has taken undisturbed possession of a por tion of the territory of Peru. This region is of great extent, and is included between the Madre de Dion and the Tulche rivers. The government of Bolivia has also jesued a decree ordering the construc tion of fortifications at the mouth of the inambari river, These are to serve as 8 barrier of defense to the military stations which Bolivia will at once estab Hah along the batik)) of the river. The Peruvian Press, according to the Uuco advices, declares that this action n the part of Bolivia is equivalent to a hostile invasion of the province of bandia, Carabaha and Paucartarajtt. 1 It declared that the" Peruvian foreign office has made an energetic protest against this occupation, but without avail. One influential paper in this connec tion Bays: "Matters of this serious character are not decided by protests. The only remedy in the power of the country is in adopting the same meas ures as those adopted by the usurpers. A strong detachment of troops sent to the border where the invasion has been made and a fleet of strong gunboats to patrol the rivers in the region would constitute a most effective protest ! against such aggression." The press of both Peru and Bolivia is filled with articles bristling with hostile notes. A declaration of war by Peru would not be a surprise here, but in official cir cles it is declared that that republic will not act, being well informed as to the attitude which Chile will assume in such an event. liUUNEl) A G AIM It LING-HOUSE. Citizens of an Illinois Town Employ "Keculutor" MetbudH. Chicago, Feb. 15. Citizens of Elm huret,, a" small town, 23 miles west of here, burned to the ground the large shed recently erected there by Barney Zachariah, the Chicago gambler, in which pool-selling, faro and roulette had been conducted for several days. Al most eyery day 400 or 500 gamblers from Chicago visited the resort. A few days ago the residents raided the poolroom, but could find no evi dence of,gambling. Six men, however, supposed to be connected with the "move ment, were arrested. During the night two watchmen were emploped to watch the place. Early yesterday morning a mob of indignant citizens attacked the building, and after driviug away the watchmen, set fire to the building. The gamblers saythey will reopen as soon as another house can be built. Baltic Fleet Cannot Go goath. New Yoke, Feb 15. A Herald dis patch from St. Petersburg says : The rumor published in England to the affect that the Russian Baltic fleet is to be sent south to the Mediterranean excites ridicule here, seeing the fleet is safely frozen in for some weeks to come. The Glasnost says Greec's "chauvin ism" must be quashed, otherwise all the small turbulent states will be up in arms. Cheap tea you think we mean trash; we don't we mean. Schilling's Best It is the cheapest tea in the United States. If you don't like it, your grocer will give your money back. It costs him nothing. A Schilling Company San FranciKO 428 Spanish Minister Fay Our Cuban Atti tude Is Altered. London, Feb. 15. A Times dispatch from Madrid says that the morning pa pers publish the most optimistic reports concerning the attitude of the United States government. It is stated that the Duko of Tetuan, Spanish minister for foreign affairs, has received u tele gram from Minister de Lome affirming that President Cleveland and Secretary of State Olney consider the Cuban re form scheme as ample and liberal as could be desired by the most exacting. This opinion, according to Minister de Lome, is shared by the chief public men of America, including President-elect McKinley. Minister de Lome is also reported to have paid : "The Cuban question may be con sidered dead, as far as the United States congress and public opinion in America ii concerned. The government is prud ently reserved upon the subject, but I am able to state that the reuort as indi cated above is approximately correct." News From Havana. Havana, Feb. 15. TLn Diario do la Mariana rejoices over the report that the Hon. Mr. Long, of Massachusetts, will be secretary of the navy at' Washington, and says that it is believed that be will assume a satisfactory attitude toward Spain and in opposition to intervention by the United StateB in Cuban affairs. The mayor has prohibited persons from paying visits to the cemeteries for the purpose of preventing as far as pos sible smallpox contagion. Payments to pensioners have been suspended for a few days. The Union Constitutional criticises the rescript of a New York newspaper and others for publishing accounts of Spanish cruelties, when .it is announced the plan of Cuban reforms finds ad mirers in all the centers of revolutionary action. The Reunion also criticises the United States senate for the motion in favor of Sylvester Scovel and pro nounces him to be an adventurer. It is announced that sugar cane is actually being ground in Havana, two plantations being worked In that prov ince. Iu the province of Matanzas, eighteen plantations are grinding, while in the province of Santa Clara eight plantations are said to be in operation. It is calculated that the total crop this year will reach 400,000 ions. General A. Rolas has assumed com mand of the Jucaro trocha. A Cure for Lnine JJack. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the back and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After UBing quite a number of remedies with out any benefit she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has i:iven entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Is it "overwork" that has filled this country with nervous dyspeptics? that takes the flesh off their bones, the vital ity from their blood, and makes them feeble, emaciated and inefficient? No. It is bad cooking, over-eating of indi gestible stuff, and other health-destroying habits. The remedy is an artificially digested food such as the Shaker Digestive Cord ial. Instead of irritating the alredy in flamed stomach the Cordial gives it a chace to rest by nourishing the system itself and digesting the other food taken with it. Is not the idea rational? The Cordial is palatable and relieyee immedi ately. No money risked to decide on its value. A 10 cent trial bottle does that. Laxol is thereat medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Have Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of cram annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm inator is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell, Agent. febl-3m DAMf lCEDIIIf! Taught by Mall by DUUfv'IVCLrinU KxpertAceowitaut uoinpfutu ui.tT practical; exactly as found In buj.iiu'1-s. My course of liiBtructions thor oughly quullly you to take cliarge of mid kuop n sec of books. The highest reference iuruifticd. for terms and full information uddrcw . p. HUNTER, A. O. V. w. 1 emple, Portland, Oregon. Cotton, Gloria, Mnar isaBiriicu.iiM Mohair, French Sateen, Just received, a now assortment of the clifleront qualities; well mounted, newest designs in handles; at prices that will make them movo. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Rain Umbrellas from 75o up. Don't Overlook Our MACKINTOSHES for Ladies, Men, Girls or Boys. Balance of Our Stock going at Special Prices. MISSES' and CHILDS' JA0KET3 and LONG CLOAKS. Still a few choice Garments left. You can have any of them At 50c on the Dollar. If you anticipate buying a new Jacket or Cape no.xt yoar, it will benefit you to buy at onco at our present closing prices. Do not forget this. , . A. INI. WILLIAMS CO. fSOAP Cuticura Soap Purifies and Beautifies , The Skin Scalp, Hair, and Nails By Restoring To Healthy Activity The Clogged, Irritated, Inflamed, or Sluggish Pores. This is the' Secret pf Its Wonderful Success. Bold throughout the world. 1'ottbr Dnco Ik Cukm. Cohp., Hole lro., Dostou. a-"All bout th Blood, Hkln, Hculp, and Jlalr," ttf Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatclimakerfJeweler All work promptly attended to, aud warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. II. GUIttiKY, 'Altcriey aid dusellor at Law,'. 'ARLINGTON, OREGON. ' ' '. Practices in ths 8 lute and Federal Courts of Oregon and Washington. Juu23-3mo New York Weekly Tribune EflBHSBHBrBv StflBBSIiaw -Kor.- Far me and Villagers, iron Fathers and Mothers, jroit Sons and Daughters, FOIt All the Family. With tho close of tho Presidential Campaign TIIIO TUIUUNK recognizee the fact that tho American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To incut this, condition, politics will have fur less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has Jaborud from its inceptioa to the present dav. und won its greatest victories Evorv possible effort will bo put forth, and money freely Hpent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newapuper, interesting, instructive, entertaining und indiHpeneable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your nam'e'and address on a postal card, Henri it to Geo. W. Heat. Tribune Ofllce, New York City, und a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to you. 2VL Z. DONNELL, PESCItfPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams fc Co., THE DALLES, OR. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Traded ior Hav. Grain, Ba,con, Lard, Ac. ROWfc &CO.. Thr DallM, Or. V