VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1897 NO 30 DEPEW TO ENGLAND Is a Candidate for the Posi tion of Ambassador, BUT M'KIXLEY HAS NOT ASKED HIM The 1'owerH Aru Worked Up Over Oreeco's Action In Kegarri to Crete and Will Check Her. New Yokk, Feb. 13. "Tho mart who would say whether he would accept an office such as that of an ambassador to the court of St. James before it is offered to him is not fit to fill that or any other office," said Ohauncey M. Depew to a Mail and ExpresB reporter today. "It is not true that I have been pd the nosition of ambassador to offer- Eug- land," he said, "and I may add that I have not read one word of thiR Bubject from Canton. All I know is that ex Governor Morton has written to President-elect McKinley, proposing my name and suggesting that my selection would be agreeable to the Republicans of Now York state. Of course, huvinR received no intimation from Major Mc Kinley, I can say nothing further. As to my resigning the presidency of the Netv York Central, all I have to eay is that up to the present time, no such an idea has entered my mind." Russia's ltlaok Sea Fleet. New Yoiik, Feb. 13. A Herald dis patch from St. Petersburg sayB : Official assnraces have been given, in reply to anxious inquiries, that nothing offensive isi signified by the naval prep arations in the Black sea. The Russian government has issued a note to the powers with the object of in ducing them to bring coercive measures to bear upon the Cretans, it being their duty thus to net, as they have taken the power out of Turkey's hands. This is to show the Cretans that in the futuro they must realize that they have to reckon with the powers and they can not play tricks upon them as they have been in the habit of doing with Turkey, and that they will not in future be per mitted to threaten the peace of Europe periodically, as has been their custom in the past. Ku sia takes the lead in checking them, and aske the other powers to join her. Hunguriiui Premier Itlnmos Greece. Budapest, Feb. 13. In the diet today, Baron Banfly, the Hungariau premier, replying to Deputy Kossuth's inter pellation, declared that all the reports of a conference, at which the question of mobilization of the forces was considered, were utterly unfounded. The govern ment, he continued, was not in a posi tion to made a detailed statement re garding Crete, but he could say the re sponsibility for the distressful condition of affairs there undoubtedly rested with the secret Greek committees, who are agitating in a reckleBS manner." Another reaeon was that Turkey, without cause, had prevented the execution of promised reforms. Baron Banffy also Baid the course adopted by Greece was opposed to the counsels of all the great powers, who desired peace, and that the statu quo should not be disturbed in the East. A French View of It. P-utis, Feb. 13.-Tbe Gauloia, today, referring to the Cretan question, asserts that, when the' king of Greece was in fans last summer, be informed the French government that, being able no longer to resist the operations ofthe Greeks, and being aware of the un friendly disposition in Russia,. he was compelled to draw closer to Great Britain and Austria. Tho Gaulois alaodeclarea that a sens t on has been caused in diplomatic cir cles by the report that Emperor Will jam, of Germany, yesterday announced "is adhesion to the policy of France and "ussia in the East. This has, however, led the Ganloifl to warn Germany that franco will not lose sight of the ques t,on ' Alsace-Lorraine. Itelurorce lirltUu Fleet. T.VA''ErVA. Wand of Malta,- Feb. 13. ue British first-class gunboat Harrier. firat'da8H gunboat Drad, tfai third ciase gunboat 'Blaier jind,th'e.4b'rpedor POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its great leavening strength nud lienlUifulncss. Assures the food vgnlpst nlum mid all forms of adultsration common to the cheap brands. Royal ISakino Powder Co., New York. boat destroyer Ardent left today to rein force the British fleet in Cretan waters. The first-class battleship Ramillies will leave here Monday for the same place. 6ENATOK-ELISCT MASlN ILL. Severe Falntlug 'Spell, Itrouglit ou by Overwork. CmcAGO.Feb. 13. William E. Mason, United States senator-elect, was stiheken ill at his residence on Washington boule vard at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and for a time serious results were apprehended. A number of physicians were sum moned, and it wbb at first thought the seizure wbb ot an apoplectic nature. After working over the patient for some time, the doctors decided that it was not upoilexy, but a severe fainting spell, brought on from nervous strain andjover work. It has been for some time Mr. Ma son's intention to leave for the South to escape the importunities of politicians, and seek much needed rest, and as soon as he came out of his fainting spell it was decided to start at once. He ac cordingly made arrangements for his de parture, and at 4 o'clock in the after noon they left by the Illinois Central tor Now Orleans. Within two hours after he he had left, the rumor was current that lie had been taken ill u second time, and had died on the truin. The tram dispatcher of the Illinois Central sent a query, and within a short time the answer came that Mr. Mason was alive and resting comfort ably. A Sl'ANISH OUXKAOK. Request fur Facts About Indignities to LadioH on an American VoKsel. Washington, Feb. 13. Representa tive Curamings of New York, has offer ed a resolution requesting the president to giye the house any information con corning the incident of the stripping of two lady passengers on board of the steamer Olivette in the harbor of Ha vana by Spanish soldiers and detectives. The resolution recites that the alleged occurence was described in a New York paper. The resolution was referred to the committee on foreign affairs, and a report is expected next week; Mr. Cum mings said as to the resolution: "If an Englishwoman on an English vessel had been stripped by Spanish officials, as it has been alleged that an American woman was stripped, within fortyreight hours Morro castle would come down, or some apology would be made for it. I doubt if even Japan would have stood it. Furthermore, if the American government stands it, in my opinion it indictes a total loss of manhood and the keenest sympathy with savage inhumanity." Dalles-Moro Stage LeaveB the Umatilla house 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douglas Allen, Prop. Grocers, who will give your mopeyback (without grumbling) if you don't like Schilling 's Bestir, are help ing us.' i ' ' It is good business for all concerned. A Schilling k Corapioy . AVI S4 FfMClKO f ' j 437 MODJBSKA'S .CONDITION SERIOUS. Suffering From an Aggravated Cane of Appendlcltl. San Francisco, Feb. 13. Mine. Mod jeska will not be able to act agntn this year. She has concelled all her engage ments, and her company is now in pro ess of disbandment. The telegram which reached this city yesterday an nouncing that the actress would not be able to play for several days was supple-, mented this morning by another die patch, in which it was announced that the sickness of Modjeska was so serious that she would be unable to, act again this season. Her company has, thcTfore, been disbanded, and as soon as the physicians consider it advisable, the actress will be removed to her home at Modjeska station, near PaEidena. Mme. Modjeska was taken ill Thurs day with what was supposed to be an attack of colic. She became seriously ill, and her physician feared appendictis. She improved slightly, however, and no operation was performed. It is stated that Mme. Modjeska had not sufficient ly recovered from her late illness to stand the strain of acting, and when she caught cold, serious results followed.' She is suffering from an aggravated case of appendicitis, but her physicians de cided tonight to avoid an operation as long as possible. They say there is no immediate danger, and that she will probably recover. The Grandest Itemedy. Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant Oi Chilhowie, Va., certifies that he had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief ; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured by the use of two bottles. For past three years has been tendin to busines, and says Dr. King's New Dis covery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also forothere in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Cosumptlon. It don't fail. Trial bottle free at Blakel-ey &Hougbton's Drugstore. (2) New Minister to Denmark. Tekhe Haute, Feb. 13. Information is received from Boston that Dr. Holmes, of the Baptist church of this citv, will be appointed minister to Denmark. Dr. Holmes has seen Mr. McKinley, and is said to have been assured of the appoint ment. He is a native of Denmark. A Cure for Lntue Hack. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was .a great sufferer from pain in the back and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After using quite a number of remedies with out any benefit she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a' certain cure for rheu matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Is it "overwork" that has filled this country with nervous dyspeptics? that takes the flesh off their bones, the vital ity from their blood, and makes them feeble', emaciated and inefficient? No. It is bad cooking, over-eating of indi gestible stuff, and other health-destroying habits. The remedy is an artificially digested food such as the Shaker Digestive Cord ial. Instead of irritating the alredy - in flamed stomach tho Cordial gives it a chace to rest by nourishing the system itself and digesting the other food taken with it. Is not the idea rational? The Cordial is palatable and relieves immedi ately. No money risked to decide on its value. A 10 cent trial bottle does that. Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren.' Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Have Your Grain. Few realize, that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm inator is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M.' Z. Donne) I, Agent. febl-3m BOOK-KEEPING Kxpfrt AcccfnuUnMt Complete ana practical; exactly a found In business. My courno oi 1 instruction trior- nufchly qualify you to take charge of and keeui set of book. -The bigbenfreferenco niral-htil. For terms and full luforinutlon uddKNii L. D. HUNTER, A. 0. U. W. '1 i-mple, I'tirtUind, Oregon. , T Subscribe for Thk Ohkonicmc." Cotton, Gloria, Don't Overlook Our MACKINTOSHES for Ladies, Men, Girls or Boys. Balance of Our Stock going at Special Prices. Cuticura Soap Purifies and Beautifies 1 ' The Skin Scalp, Hair, and Nails By Restoring To Healthy Activity The Clogged, Irritated, Inflamed, or Sluggish Pores. This is the Secret of Its Wonderful Success. Bold throughout the world. I'otter Dnuo U Cukh. Coup., tfolo J'rcp., Domon. "AII bout Um Ulood, EklOf.ticulp, and lUtr'free Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL r All work promptly attended to, and- warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. J. GUKLBY, " Attorney aid Coiuellcr at Law, ' 'ARLINGTON OREGON. Practice In the State and Federal Court of OregouaadiWaabiBfton. . . Jan2J-3uio Watchmake Jeweler Just received, a new assortment of the difl'erent. qualities; well mounted, newest designs in handles; at prices that will make them. move. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Rain Umbrellas from 75c up. If. you anticipate buying a now Jacket or it will benefit rou to buy at, once at. our prices. Do not forget this. A. IW. WIIiImIAIMIS go. New York Weekly Tribune With the cIoho of tho Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognize the fact thai the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet thin condition, politics will have far lest) space antl prominence, until -another Statu or National occasion demands n renewal of the light for the principles for wfcieh THE TRIBUNE lias labored from Its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Everv possible effort will he put forth, and money froolv spent, to make TUB WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaiuiiiK and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. JDT1 Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, aci u sample copy of The New York Weekly Trlb une will be mailed to. you. 7VL Z. DONNELL, TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. f. Williams & Co,, Lumber, Building Material ajid Boxea Traded tor H.y. Grain, Baqpn, IrfUtf, Ac. ROWE & CO.. Mohair, French Sateen, MISSES' and CHILDS' JACKET3 and LONG CLOAKS. Still a few choice Garments left. You can have any of them At 50c on the Dollar. Capo next year, present closing FOK- Far me and Villagers, KOIt Fathers and Mothers, I'Oll Sons and Daughters. roit All the Family. -T-r- AND PERFUMERY. THE DAIiLES, OR. (('"" If'Ji-'t . The Dallti, Or. fc 2' 5 4