n Hi 4 1111: w ii nrrmfrit VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1897 NO 29 BATTLK IN PIXAK DEL KIO. The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated ior its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ABE TO I Greece to Prevent Landing of Troops in Crete. FOREIGN WARSHIPS ARE READY Their Commanders Ordered to Prevent Interference In Cretan Affairs by the Greeks. London-, Feb. 12. D. G. Metaxee, Greek charge d' affairs hero, called at the foreign office yesterday and pre sented a note expressly stating that the Greek government had decided to pre vent the Turkish troops from deburking in Crete by all the means in its power. TO ltKSTUAIN 1 HE GREEKS. Foreign AY'nrshliiH to Prevent Interfer ence by Greek Vessels. Constantinoplk, Feb. 12. News from Crete is growing more serious every day. It is understood several embassies re ceived dispatches that Heracklion is on fire. In official circles here, the only eolution of the Cretan difficulty is be lieved to be European occupation of tliac island. It is understood instructions have been sent to the .commanders of foreign warships to prevent by force if necessary any intervention by Greek warships. A WMININO TO OBBKOK.- Vienna Cabinet Bends King George an Admonition. New York, Feb. 12. A Herald spe cial from Viennp says : The Vienna cabinet has addressed a most serious warning to Greece. It is further learned from exclusive sources that the powers have informed Turkey that they cannot force Greece to with draw her fleet, but will leave Turkey a free hand. Anarchy is reigning in Athens. The ministry was only temporarily saved by embarklug in a mad enterprise. Eng land is accused of Becretly backing Greece to force Russia's hand. All the evening papers condemn in the strongest terms Greece'a action. Even the ultra liberal Tageblatt save: 'If King George is deaf to earnest re monstrances, his irapotenoy must be drastically brought home to him." TheNeueFrele PreBse warns Greece that if provoked Turkey would be justi fied in attacking Thessaly with disas trous consequences to Greece. The same journal publishes a ,telegrwua from, Constantinople showing that ,ch, whole of the Cretan trouble was fomented by , a Cretan committee at Athens, 'roost of w"om are .deputy Romans, and, Dr. ft8Kln, which has sent numerous emis saries t0 orete, honeycombing the island with seditious pamphlets... ' The majority of theCreUn population remains passive notwithstanding the ac tivity of the Greek agents. This last Greek coup was not entirely unexpected in diplomatic circles here, since repeated Buapicious inquiries have been ad dressed by the commanders of the Greek fleet to the commanders of the ships of other nations in Cretan waters as to what action would be taken in Cretan eventualities. Turn Clay Into Gold and Silver. St. Louis, Feb. 12. Benjamin Bra zelle, a scientist and inventor, well known among men of his class, claims to have discovered the key to electricity and the transmutation of clay into gold, silver and iron, and to have perfected hie diBcovery.to an extent that will revolu tionize the science of chemistry. Ilia demonstrations have been so satis factory as to enlist the incorporation of a company by a number of capitalists to put them into practical effect. The com pany has already started its plant at Fuirlawn, in St. Louis county. It will soon be completed and ready, its pro jectors assert, to turn out aluminum, gold, silver, iron and many other metals not known to science, all manufactured from common clay. By actual test, it is stated, Mr. Bra zelle changed silver to gold and gold in to silver. The transmutation, he . says, is an insignificant part of the discover ies he has made a mere nothing in comparison with the changing of clay into gold, silver, iron, calcium, alumi num, glacium and 15 other metals not known to science and whose qualities have not yet been determined by the discoverer. A Race With Death. Chicago, Feb. 12. Six men had a race with death on the lake last night and won by a hair's breadth. They were the crew of the big supply tug A. 0. Vanraalte. This tug carries supplies to the crib off Sixty-eighth street, and while returning to ber dock she sprang a leak while bucking a tremendous ice floe. Then ior three hours the six men. battled with tbe ice and faced death while they were trying to keep their boat afloat long enough to reach her dock, The tug managed to get into Calumet river, but the fire was dead. The men were up to their kness in water. In an swer tp signals of distress the fireboat Chicago responded and took the crew aihore. Dalles-Moru .Stage Leaves the .Umatilla house 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. DOUGLAS AliLKN, Prop. Prop us a line if you can't get Schilling's Best oi your grocer, or if you don't like it and can't get your money back. A Schilling ft Company San FrocUca Insurgents Undfr Nnnrl Defeat Colonel San Martlnas Guerillas. Cincinnati, Feb. 12. A Commercial Tribune special from Havana via Key West says: Major Frederico Nunez, the insurgent leader in Pinar del Rio and some of Col onel San Martinas' guerillas had a fight day before yesterday, west of Las Man gas on the military road. San Martinas had charge of a large convoy of ammu nition and provisions, going to San Cristobal. Nunez attacked the Spanish camp at midnight. It was on tbe edge of a vast field of dry grass. Nunez set this grass on fire and the wind drove it right on San Martinas' camp. The Spanish rushed out to save their supplies, not suspect inc a raid, whereupon the insurgents, with cries of "Viva Cuba libre," dashed in, dealing daath right and left. The Spaniards offered a stout resist ance, but after some sharp fighting, broke and fled, leaving all their train of supplies and pack horses to the in surgents. Twenty of the Spaniards and eleven Cubans were killed. The latter however, lost Captain Medoro, one of the boldest ecouts in Maceo's old army. Mirandi, less than five miles from Ha vana, was raided by the insurgents last night, and ten houses wero burned. The small Spanish garrison withdrew, after firing a few rounds. The insur gents looted the stores and escaped. No casualities were reported. I have given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fair test and consider it one of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yeilds very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children Geo. E. Wolff, clerk of the Circuit Court, Fernaudina, Fla. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. AUTONOMY NOT WANTED. 420 Gomez Agalu Defines the Attitude of the Insurgents. New Yokk, Feb. 12. A Herald dis patch from the district of Sancti Spiri tus, Santa Clara province, Cuba, gives the following statements signed by General Maximo Gomez: "The enemies of Cuba have circulated in the United States the rumor that I am dispofed to accept autonomy as a basis of settlement or solution of the present war. "The constitution of Cuba absolutely establishes in its articles that peace is to negotiated only on the basis ot of abso lute independence of Spain. It is to ob tain independence that we have been fighting for two years, and will continue to fight until victory is ours. "All the statements which have been heretofor, or may be in future published to the effect that we are willing to accept any other solution instead of independ ence should be regarded as false." A Cure for Lame liack. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the buck and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After using quite u number of remedies with out any benefit' she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Place MeUenua Will Fill. New Yokk, Feb. 12. The Times' Washington special says : There is, good Republican authority for tbe assertion that Judge McKeuna of California, who has been selected for secretary of the interior in McKinley's cabinet, will be shifted from that posi tion to the office of attorney-general and that a new man will be chosen fpr the interior portfolio. The gentleman who gives this inor' mation is well known, is prominently identified with Mr. McKinley, and 1b taking a leading part in the arrange ments for his inauguration.. BOOK-KEEPING Kxpert Accountant Complete una practical; exactly us found lu business. My course of instructlouH tlior (tiiKl)ly quail I y you to tako charge of and fcet'iia tciof books, Tlio highest reference MiriiMicd. For. terms and full information wiarOn L. D. HUNTER. A, O. ,U. W. u, i or .nil lulllJ1'1 land, Oregon, Subscribe for The Chronicle. At One-Half Regular Price. WHY DO WE GIVE SUCH REDUCTIONS ? Because wo boliovo in opening every season with the nowest and latest stocks. Kathor than carry these goods over until next season wo will soil them at a loss. Child' Jackets Worth $4.25 Childs' Jackets , Worth 5.00 Childs' Jackets Worth 5.50 Childs' Jackets Worth 0.00 Misses' Long Cloaks Worth 5.50 Misses' Long Cloaks .". Worth 7.00 Misses' Long Cloaks Worth 8.00 Reduced to $2.15 Reduced to 2.50 Reduced to 2.75 Reducod to 3.00 Reduced to 2.75 Reduced to 3.50 Reducod to 4.00 All Ladies' Jackets at Actual Cost. Can You Afford to Overlook This ? See Window for New Arrivals in Manhattan Shirts. A. Iff. WIImXiIAKS A CO. Mi Cuticura tttiCUR Soap flfllh Purifies fSlJAP and Beautifies The Skin Scalp, Hair, and Nails By Restoring To Heajthy Activity The Clogged, Irritated, Inflamed, or Sluggish Pores. This is the Secret of Its Wonderful Success, Sold throughout the world. I'oTTKn Pnco & Ciikm, Com-,, riolo l'rop., JSo.iou. -"AII about the Blood, Bktu, ticalp, and Hair," (tee Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatchraakertJeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. J). QVULXY, 'Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 'ARLINGTON, ORE09N. Practice In the State and Federal Court of Orogon and Washlngtou, Jan23-3ino! New York Weekly Trbune -fun Far me and Villagers, KOlt Fathers and Mothers, VOK Sons and Daughters, KOlt All the Family. Witli the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE ecognlset the fact that tlio American people are now anxious to tflve thulr attention to home and business Interests. To meet thin condition, politics will have far loss space and prominence, until another Stute or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from Its inception to the present clay, and won its greatest victories. Every posnlble effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Beat. Tribune Office, New York City, ur1 a sample copy ot The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to you. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PESClPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & CoM THE DALLES, OR. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Tyadecuor Hav. grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE 8l CO., The Dalles, Or.