The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 09, 1897, Image 4

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Killson Makes a Jinvr ami Valuable
o. uvery.
New Youk, Feb. S. Thomas A. Edl
Bon is about to give to world another
discovery i3 wonderful In Its way as the
fluroroseopo, by means of which ho puts
'the X rays to a practical use in revealing
the bony structure of the body.
"It was," said he, "the action of tho
X ray on crystals of platinocyanido of
barium which caused Roentgen to make
;tho original discovery. Immediately
afterwards discovered that tungstato of
calcium was more powerful and I con
structed a practical instrument for util
izing the crystals in connection with the
X ray. Tungstate of calcium is not suf
ficiently sensitive to transform tho
strange light discovered by Roentgen to
a light that would so illuminate the in
terior of tho human body as to render
its most delicate tissues visible, in other
words, to make it transpatent."
Mr. Edison set about to find a crystal
which would possess the quality. He
has discovered one. Its name he will
not vet reveal, saying lie is still experi
menting with it, and desires to exhaust
its possibilities before announcing it to I
the world.
By means of newly discovered crvstal
Edison will now disclose to the eyo of
burgeons organs and tissues that have
hitherto beeu seen only in the the dis
eectinc-room. It is probable that when
he perfects his new discovery the slight
est derangement ot the system will be
revealed to the doctor's sight.
In speaking of his work, Mr. EdiEon
said :
"hor the last six months 1 have been
experimenting for the production of
chemical crystals which should hare the
peculiar property of giving out light
when subjected to the action of that
mysterious force called provisionally the
X-ray or Roentgen. I have found one
chemical which is more sensitive to the
X ray than any heretofore known, but I
shall keep on trying until little hope is
left of finding any better.
"Should I succeed in finding just what
I am after, there is little doubt that the
fluoroscope will become an instrument
of great value to the surgeon, for bv it
lie will be able to make accurate diognn
sis of the internal organs.
There Is Mystery in Her Movements
Washixotox, Feb. S. Each day the
opinion becomes more general that Lill-
.-iuokalani, the dethroned queen of Ha
waii, is in Washinaton for political pur
poses. She has denied herself to all in
terviewers, and the cloak of secrecv Is
thrown about her every movement.
.Secretary Palmer said last night:
"Isow, I don't want you to under--stand
that I am voicing the sentiments
of her majesty when I say that this is
what I would like to see done by the
present or incoming administration. In
order that the people of the United
States may know Eoniethmg as to the
form of government existing in Hawaii,
I think it would be wise for the presi
dent to appoint three commissioners,
one from ouch of the big political parties
and one independent non-partisan, to
investigate into afluira in Hawaii and
report on the advisability of continuing
diplomatic relations with that govern
ment as it now exists. It is my judg
ment that some startling facts might bo
brousht to light; something that might
astonish the people cf this country."'
"Is it tho appointing of a tribunal or a
commission that the ex-queen seeks?"
was asked.
"I am giving my own views, not those
01 ttie queen,' lie said.
Deatiieat Cannot lie Cured
by local applications, hb they cannot
reach the diseased portion of tho ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Ens
tach ian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have n rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless tho inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restoredjto its normal
condition, hearing, will bo destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for ciiculars; free,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, 0.
gy Sold by Druggists, 75c. (Lin
TJds Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous suinplo will bo mailed of tho
most popular Catarrh und Hay Fever Curo
(Ely's Cream Balm) trafficient to deinou
strato tho great merits of tho remedy.
BG Wurrtu St., Now York City.
Hoy. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recoinniended Ely's Cream Balm to mo. I
can emphasize bin statement, "Jtisnposi.
tive curo for catarrh if used as directed."
Hey. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor Central Pre
Church, Ileleua, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
euro for catarrh nnd contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
Fire anil
A Ceaseless Strusslu llotwecn
Water in Antarctica.
The antarctic is u continental land
unique in the world. Its desolate
bhores, rarely nppioachablo undermost
favorable conditions, r laved by an
ocean, the richest an the globe ill its
marine life, animal and vegetable, says
the Ladies' Home Journal. Seals and
whales in incredible numbers abound in
its waters, and countless sea birds
cover with nests and ugs the few fa
vored land spots which are free from
snow during the brief, comfortless sum
mer. It is a continent, where abounds
no land animal life, either mammals,
birds, insects, spiders or reptiles. Sn
mammal exists within GOO miles of its
borders. It. is also devoid of land vege
tation (except the lowest forms of cel
lular tissue, lichens, which have been
found in two places only), having- neith
or ferns, ilowcring plants, shrubs nor
Him-, however, nature disnlavs nwr
forces on a scale elsewhere unknown,
Over the millions of square miles of this
austral continent ceaselessly continues
a titanic st ruggle between the opposing
ancient elements of lire and water. Jn
vain the volcanoes pour forth, streams
of molten lava and shoot upward pil
lars of fire. Welcoming the lava as
a protecting, non-eondueling covering
of its lower strata of flowing glaciers,
the continental icecap resistlebsly ad
vances, certain that in time, when the
processes of erosion have lowered tlw
delation, of the volcanic craters, its
countless, tiny snow-flakes will quench
the apparently iniexlinguishable fires
that now shake from end to end the con
tinent of Antarctica.
A Singular Plipnorucnou Witnessed in tho
.Mountains of India.
One of those peculiar atmospheric
phenomena, circular rainbows, was ob
served in India by Lieut. Wheeloek
about the middle of August, says the
Chicago Journal. Mr. Wheeloek was
climbing a mountain spur at sunrise.
The ntmospheru was clear, but there
was a heavy fog hanging over the val
leys. As the sun rose a rainbow, round
as a circus ring, was seen m tno log
which all but obscured one of the beau
tiful lakes, which are so common in
India. Mr. Wheeloek is a trained
meteorologist, and was not. at. all aston
ished to see u circular rainbow, know
ing, as he did, the conditions under
which it was found. But what attracted
his attention in particular was the
presence of a bright spot in the exact
center of the circular "bow." This
spot was so intensely luminous that the
observer thought it might boa bush fire
some distance away, but this supposi
tion was soon dispelled by further de
elopments. Slowly and regularly, and
from all sides at once, the bright cen
ter spot became surrounded by circles
of radiating light, each containing all
of the primary colors, in fact, each
was a pertecr miniature circular rain
bow. This wonderful phenomenon last
ed for about two hours, or until the
sun had risen to such a height that the
reflection sank back against the moun
tain side. Mr. Wheeloek watched it
until it faded away, pronouncing it
. , , ... .....J
he had ever beheld.
The liedouins Were Jiiidly Frightened by
the Hull.
.limmy hit the ball, a slow one, and
simply sent, it out of sight. Away over
Hob Pot tit's head it, flew, as though
bound for t.he middle, of the Sahara,
says the bportsmuaivs -Magazine, iwo
hundred and fifty yards frouu the in
ileld squatted the liedouins, still chat
tering and g-esticulat ing like ei nzy men.
Whether or not they saw the ball com
ing i Know not, nut. mat one oi mem
will never forget his introduction to
the league baseball, however, I am cer
tain. It. struck him squarely upon the
top of his black head and then bounded
40 feet into the air.
The blow was, of course, a hard one.
but the terror it inspired was far
rrcu.ter than the shock. An unearthly
howl broke from hislipsasthe liedouin
followed the ball into the air and the
bedlams that instantly broke loose was
exceeded only by the scene in front of
our hotel that morning. Had the
sphinx herself charged into our midst
those white-robed desert, angels could
not have become more panic stricken,
and when, a few seconds later, Ned
Hanlon plunged into their demoralized
niiiKs after the. bull tliey lairiy liowJcd
it tlteir fright, and fled In every
direction like frightened children.
Within UO seconds there was not an'
Arab in sight, nnd it was fully ten min
utes before tbe-y plucked up courngoj
enough to steal around the edge of the,
farthest, sand-dune and take up their
lormer positions.
Following SuiiiioBud Instructions,
Ata. certain London hospital a patient
wan recenth fawnsome extractor malt, I
with instructions to talus n teaspoonful ,
twice a day, coinmciieingon the follow-1
Inff niorniiifr, and to report himself ut.(
the end of a fortnight. At tho expira-,
Hon of this time he returned, and said
to tho physician: "I'lenae, sir, am 1 to
go on tahiiif,' them insects you tfino,
meV" "Insect!!" said the astonished ,
physician, "what insect?" "Why,
them cockroaches, sir. 1 have tahen one
Jiiylit. mid morning in a teaspoon fill of,
the stlchy stuiT." Inquiry elicited that
tho cockroaches had not been dispensed,
but had ffot Into the jar durliiff the first
niujit of its stay in the patient's house. '
j-lou; Ibout Your
We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting' card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. , We not only desiie to keep bus,
but would prefer to bo rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have vour next order.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds.
TTfQ fl fin O TfOT0 friT TVrkllCiH fifCnTI H MAc
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts,
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
qvi "FlOUr n'9 F'onr 18 manufactured expressly for family
use; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our poods lower than any hofise in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and bo convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
-L Oregon, for Wasco Countv.
of the State of
Ernest Morgan, Plaintiff
Nettie MorKUu, Defendant,
To Xettie Morgan, tho above namoil defendant:
In tlie name of thoStatoof Oregon, von mu
lieieby required to appear in the above en 1 1 tied
court and answer the complaint filed niraintt
yon in said court nd cuina, on or before the
lir.t day f the next ri'Kul'ir term of tho Circuit
Couit for Wumo County, Oregon, following the
expiration of lx weeks' publication of this
Muninnti!, to-vit, .Monday, tho Mil day of rebru-
Ib'JT.and you will take nnfiee ihat if von
ijoii m ni u inuiir nun answer, iui an i ineieoj
nullum win iuko jungnieiu against you lot
relief prayed for in his cbmrilaint, to-wit:
A ucctee ol divorce totever dissolving
bonds of marriage heretofore mid now exi-tim
between ulainlltr mid defendant, and for such
other relief as may bo rquitiblo and just.
, This summons is served upon vou bv publica
I lion thereof in 'ilie D.'lles cuitoMCt.i;,"a weeklv
1 ncu'.ii aver of cultural circulation miblistiod a't
The Dalles, Oiegon, by order of Hon, . L.
Uradshaw, judge of tho above named court.
. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Dee. 1U, IWiii.
o. w. l'inaps.
dcciVi-i Attornov for Plaintiff.
Sheriff s Sale.
Notice is hereby Riven thnt an execution anil!
ornn1 ot sate was issiud out ol the circuit Court
of the State of ()ririm fnr Wiifcnn Pin ntv. mi 1lir
"f.Hl 1.I" i( lu.iinl.r lUlft ..,n-
theieln rendered on the 'Jlt.t dav of November.
If-'JO, in favor of Ko.d 11. Wetzel, plaintiir, and
against James F. Hlliott and William Wood, de
fendants, which Mild execution and order o(
sale is to mo directed and ommanding mo to
sell the propel tv hereinafter described, for tho
pittposo of satisfying the judim-nt of tho plaint
ill' In said cause tor thu sum of ?21C10, with in
teiest thereon at ten per cent per milium from
the2Ui day of November, lb'JOi and tho further
sum of t-lu attorney'. fees; and the costs and
dlbuiseuieiits of wild suit taxed at if 15. There
fore, in compliance with said execution and
order of sale, I will on
.Sutiinlay, .1 miliary :io, 18U7,
at tho hour of 1 o'clock p. in. nt tho courthouse
door in Jjalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, tell
at public auction, to the ulBhest. bidder, for cash
in hand, for thopurpnsuof natisfin(r the judg
ment above mentioned the following described
lands and premises, to-wit:
Sixty-three (03) acres oil' tho east sidoof the
North half of the Southeast quarter of Sec. HO la
Township 1 North, Uaugo li Jiast, W. M com
menting at u lock at u point on the North lino
of tho NW'iof the SVM of said Section 30:
, thence East to Kast linool said section; thenco
I South one-quarter mile; thente West to u point
duo.South of suit! rock (tho place of beginning);
; thenco North to tho place of beginning
i Dated this Iiuth daj of December, 18'jo.
Jan2-5t-II SherliVof Waf co County, Or,
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby eivon that tho undesigned
has iliod la tho oillco of tho Cierk of tho Circuit
Court of tho Statu of Oregon for Wasco County
his llnal account as assignee of A. A. llouuey,
Insolvent debtor, and said account will bo
hotird at tho Clicult Court room In tho court
house in Dalles City, Oregon, on Mondav. tho
8th day c
"',?'"?H '' '
of February, 1SU7, nt tho hour of 10
ill., or lis soon thereafter ns pnniiwl
deew-l ' Asslgneoof A. A. lioniuly.
on H TTon H drvn oc
"-CttUO bUUCb.
I... iti,u.-ii ni.Mi..i, ........
Before Koiu eUeyvhero, call on .
L COMINI, The Dalles, Or,,
For a Tombstone. Warranted
to stand for all time, regnrdleba
of wind or weather.
and all kinds
TX TllK CIKCLHT COURT of the State of Ore
1. gon for v, nseo County.
Frank J. Meyeis, Plaintill,
Annio M. Meyers, Defendant.
To Annie M. Meyers, tho above named defend,
In the name of tho State of Oregon, von are
hereby requited to appear in tho above entitled
court anil answer tho complaint illed against
you in said court and cause, on or before tho
Hist day of the next regular term of thu Circuit
Court for Wasco County, Oregon, following the
I uxiiiratlon ol 'six weeits' publication of this sum
' . " '-'v "v n-uuiij
io'Ji, ana you wm tutu notice thnt if you lull
I ui so ii;uH'ar una answer. lor want tliureot plaint-
in win take judgment against you for the relief
prnjed for In his complnint, to-wit1 A decree of
uivorcu loiever dissolving tno bonds ol mar
riage heretofore and now existing b;twcen
I'iaintiil'aud defendant, and for sucii other le
lief in may be eouitablo and hist.
! This summons Is i.erved upon you bv publica
i lion thtieof in Tho Dalles Cnno.Nici.'n, a news
i paper of weekly publication and general cireu-
anion, puDUslieu at 'llu; Hades. Wasco County,
Oiegou, by older of lion. W. L. Uradshaw, judge
oi the above n jiuttl court.
(J, W. WIEM'S,
uecaa-I Attorney for I'laintill.
y.N TllK C1KCU1T COl'KT of the' State of Or-
jl. i-Kuii ior nseo wouiity,
Alma 0. Howe, Plain till",
"ainuel T. Howe, Defendant.
To Samuel T. Howe, tho above named defendant:
In tho iiamo of the t-tato of Oregon, vou are
1 ; ,u Vi1,'"" .lu "I'I'ear iiiiu answer tho com
plaint find against vou In thn nh.-iv,, ,..,n.i,..i
court ami cause, on or before tho first day of the
next term of said court following tho expiration
a. iiiuu mvKiiuw ui me oruer jor mu pub
lication of this mimmniiK. tn.u U- ,, n.i.'
thoMhUuyof tebtuary, 18'J7; ami If vou failso to
appear ana answer, or otherwise plead in said
cause, tho plaintitt, for want thereof, will applv
to tho court for tho reliei prayed for in tho com-
intuiii, men uurew, io-wii; mat the bonds of
matrluionybetvyeenplaliitlir and defendant bo
dissolved; that the plaintill' be i winded the
custody of tho minor child mentioned in said
complaint, ester A Howe; that defendant bo
barred of all light, title or interest in thu real
l",ia, l'.OT"11 lir"!'ef'J" of phiintlir, and that
jdalntlll huvu and recover her costs and dis
bursements miidu and expended in this butt,
and for such other and further relief as to tho
v uinj PVV.-JU UiJUUHMiU,
This buniiiions Is servid upon you bv publica
tlon thereof, bv nn nrnl n,,. if,,,, u' V
fclmw, iudgo of said Couit, which older bears the
n,,n1n,.0e,M.1).er1&y'i;,H,ldwis 'dounl dated
pi"") iscir . uivgou.ou Ucto
Attorney for Plaliitllf.
Sheriffs Sale.
.,"iyc? is lier'Ji' Given that under and bvvlr
tuo of an execution and order of sale issued out
of tho c rcult Court of tho statu of Oregon fof
Wasco County, dated the 12th day of Jaiu,Vri
18U7, and to mo d rccted aud eomiiiaudliig n o o
jell tho pioperty herelualter described to s i Uf?
tho sum of Jfup, with interest thereon ,.t to i ,
cnt pr annum from Deo. mo, u balance ' Wo
SX2!i u,?B,""?J.'trtl1 vo luimcHl court u
fH or of Hobert Muys and U K. Crowe, partuers
doing but liens under thollrm liunioof'jlay T.t
Crowe, mid ugultist Ueo. D. Armstro ngaua SaJah
I;. Araistrong.Kiveiittiid rendered thereii o
tho on day of Niivember, 18U0, 1 will on Wediies
fo'v0,1"!11 d"y ' 1M7, U tho hour
Dalles City, la bald county and state, at
iiubllo auction, to tho highest bidder for c. ili ,
1-Ot 13, 1)1 11 lock l' In 1' ininiiiuini. l.l.ii.i,.. '. '
Dalles City, in Wuco Couaty State of 1 Urego i .
Dalles City, Oregon, Jan, vi. 18'J7. B
JlS-St-l SherllVof Wmco ConOregou.
The Columbia PacKi
PoFk and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
The Glades Ranch,
i nre Brefl
Jerupy Cattle
Of the St Lambert, Comminslc and Tormentor
ralne. Three Choice nulls wr sine or icm.
so some Choice Cows aim ueners lor ran.-.
1'uie ilred Poland China Hogs.
White Plymouth Kock Chickens;.
Address: MUS. A. It. 1IYIIKKTT, Prop,
jyij-wam White Salmon. Wash
Dalles City and Moro Stane Line
Leaves Wi hams Hotel, Moiu, on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
8 a. m. promnt.
Lenves Umatilla House, The Dalles,
Tuesdays, ThvredayB and Saturdays at
8 a. in. nromnt.
Freight rates The D.illea to Moro, 40c
tier 100 lbs; small nackaiies, lo and 25c
Pasbenger rates The Dalles to Moro,
$1.50: round trin. 2.50.
Afcrencviit UrnatillaHouso, llie uallep,
nnd at Williams Hotel -Moro.
THOMAS HAEPER, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelopt
every dav, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
Notice of Skiff's Sale.
Nolk'O is horpln- rrlvi-n Hint ! l.l,i.. nt ....
exicution and tho order of sale issued out Of the
Circuit Coutt of thu state of Oregon for Wasco
County on the Vth dav of .inmmri-. ts'iT ,i.,nn .,
uvuiix- aim juugiiieiu maue, rendered and en
tered theretolore theri'in in a suit wherein J. J
rtpeneer was plaintill and Wilson It. Winnns
I'lui.uuiy iiians,nis wtle.aiid.l. M. lluntinglon
were defendants-: I did ilniv lm-v ,, ,,,i ,ii.
i ii ii .i i . 1 "lu eouiiiy coiirtuouso
i , J., i ! " "!-e' ,i.ouuiy, uregojj, on Satur
luy, the 13th dav of Fc irimrv. imit .k nn-ni,.ni.
L .t H''il'.,tinal0l"i?t. 1,111,1 'J''y. 'it publiu auction,
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, thu fo)!
lowing described real estate, described in said
execution and order ot sale, imtl docrlbcd as
""'""i io-wii; ins lour ( i), live (5), six (CO
and i-cveii 17), in section No. six (0) in t wnslili,
No. one u ), north of range ten , lu) oast (f VI
ame te. Meridian In Wasco Countv. Orego n. Ik .
in wl c'mljL'r' '?Jli! th0 Itirther stun o
'tmVol;B.ttoni.r!,ees: 'l the further suin of
costs in said fault, together with
anses 61 sale. h "
Dated at The Dalles Or,
tills l'Jtli day of Jan.
Slierlil of Wascci'co'un'tv, Ongon
Notice of Slieritfs Sale.
S.ifl sKuiV.i'a'K'S,;?!'."!
n,, nMffoMVa
wiy.Jun. 8, i8!)7. iauia-i
estato om "ill,. 'J i .tu.u HhiiKUee of thu
liisolvent debtors. All SS.Af. t. . ft?,
agauibt both, or either of ii i , S
aro herebv imitHi .""A'i ,klvciit debtors
inoiHhs from tho ilatu here .V: 7",Z. " . ...!
ij. otory, m Dalles ntu VV...!. " "meu or j
Bonsow ii g them, or ein'V n'.' " Ul"1 W-
i mill Si
eneme.its. heleditaments m d" te uees
hereunto belonging, or in any wise upjirt' in
ing, or so much thereof as slial bo nee wiry o
: . yaM and Statu of 'Son?! , ei
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Compy,
Trains leave nnd arc duo to arrive at PorUtnt
FROM JUNE 23, 1895.
press, Baleiit, Hose-1
burg, Atihliuitl, 8nc-1
rnmcnto, Ogden.San 1
KnuiclRCO, Mojave, (
8:50 P.M.
IJOX AllgeiCS.I'.l I'HSO, I
New Orleans and
Angeles, Kl Paso,
1 Knst J
HoseburB and way sta
tions ...
fVIn Wdodbtirn fori
I Mt.Angcl, Hllvurton,
1 West Sclo, Drowns-
vlllc,SprliigIlcld nnd
I. Natron J
Snlem and way stations
(Corviillls and way)
stations (
(MuMluuvillo audi
(way .stations, (
S:30 A. M,
'4:10 p.a,
t 0:20 P.3i,
t Siiap.jj,
1:00 P. Jl,
7:30 A. Mi
tlM.i P. M,
Dally. tDflU'i except Sunday,
Attached to till Through Trains.
Through Ticket Ofllcc, Ul Third street, whew'
tluough tickets to ull points in the Kaitera
Sttes, Ciuiadiuiud Kuropo can bo obtslnelit
lowest rates from '
.1. 11. KIKKLAND, TIcketAgent
All above trains nrrivo nt nnd depsrt irw '
anitid Central Station, Fifth nnd Irving atreefe..
Passenger Depot, foot of Jeflerson street.
Leave for OSWEOO, week days, nt 6:00.7 a., ii in i-.av fi!?A. r.-js u.iu r1
1111... .....u ... .... ' ... J li fllllVH II
fort nnd nt 7:10. 8:30. 11: '.) a. m.: . -
7:53,0:10 p. ill. ' '
I.eave for Sheridim, week dnys, 9t4:30p.m.
Arrive nt Portland, 9:30 u. m.
Kill !iy nt!): 10 n. m. Atrlvo at Portland, to
i,eavo lor .mw.ii'., on -uoniiav. n canpiiiv nj
ci.iv, inursuiiy nuu sitturuay lit i;u p. m.
Asst. O. F. tic Pass. At
Sleeping uars
Dining Gars
Sleeping Car
Through Tickets
ClIItlACO 10
For information, timo nnrds. maris and ticb
cMi on or write to
W. f!. AT.T.A WAY. Aeent,
The Dalles, Ote0
A. T). OMAWT.TnV A oat. 'R. P. A..
ucr; i i . mi. i j ii Mnn imxva
h m m m m m n m n
- " w m w -
1 Pniros n Week. 150 ropers
it chndo f n.nH fimoaL" V" til
... H.
in size, frequono' of publication
freslinoss. variotv nml reliability of
luuiH. xi is prncticaiiv a uauy v .
price o a weekly : and its vaei
. ... L 1111
RllllRl.pllinrD nvlnnillnn tn attnfV ptSlfi
territory of the Union and foreign c
triea, will vouch for the accuracy
fairneBa of he news columns.
in io umunuiuiv iiiuairttveu,
tvo cjicuim. mttiuree wro ",w
pK esuuuauvo raarKei reiJuiv,
uiunL niMiimn.1 mr wniiiHii itiiu
ui oiuiicb i?y nio jjivK.---
American and pgliflh authorB,
VollBIl Ititvln. iTnrimiB K.
... - . . ' wall
Aiitluuly llape,' ' Bret Ilarte.
Uruuilor Msltliew. JCto.
1IT nt . . . ..nnlr
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it a uiier liiih iinpnnumii iiunopr'
Kutner one year for f'-'.uu,
price of the two papers is 3,00.
4 l
ItClllOK U.lhlln
Sundav trains for OSWEGO lenve at 7:20,8-10
10:l."i a. in.: 12U5, 1:1.), IJ:30, 6:2." (1:45 p. m. At
rlvo at Portland nt 12:35, 8:30, 10:00 11;25 a. a
1:80, :::15, 5:10, 0:33, 7:55 p. m.
B .Mill
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I' B DAVIS Anlgnee.