The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 09, 1897, Image 1

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    - t
i5J Cl)i oniclc.
NO 25
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world cel
ebrated lor its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
( 1
I 1
Warships Said to Be Bom
barding the City.
Greece Is Determined to Unite With
Crete Turkey Will Fight Be
fore Surrendering It.
Beulin, Feb. 8. A special from
Athens eays :
It ia rumored hero that foreign war
ships huvo begun bombarding Cauea,
island of Crete, No confirmation can
be obtained here. The German war
ship Kaiserin Augustine has been or
dered to proceed as soon as possible for
the island of Crete.
UlSJJUllvU 1IUU1 Ulillt;il JL'UDIVUU blllD
evening says the Christians about Canea
have hoisted the Greek flag, proclaimed
a union of that island with Greece and
invited the king of Greece to take pos
session of it.
Christians in Possession.
Athens, Fe'. 8. The announcement
that Prince George, second son of the
king of Greece, will command the tor
pedo fleet which. is now in readiness to
start for Crete to join the Greek squad
ron, has added strength to the rumors
that Greece will insist upon a union
with Crote. It is a well-knowp fact that
the Christians who are now in posses
sion of the whole island, with the ex
ception of Heraklion and Retimo, aro
only waiting a signal to proclaim a
union with that country.
The uprising in, Crete is looked upon
by many statesmen in this country as a
movement on the part of the sultan of
Turkey to draw the attention of Eng
land, France and Russia away from Con
stantinople. Greece, whose quarrel with
Turkey has been growing more serious
from day to day, has not' hesitated to
take advantage of the excesses of the
Turkish soldiers on tho island, and ia
sending .all .her naval forces there.
Should the sultan regard this move as a
challenge there would be presented com
plications which will quickly force the
hand of the powers in dealing with the
Turkish situation.
These fresh and unanticipated diffi
culties, the sultan is no doubt aware,
will put a Btrain upon the harmony be
tween the powers whichonly existed for
short time. The? sultan, therefore,
will naturally be only too glad to destroy
the unity of purpose among the powers
at the expense of a controversy with
The Grecian fijuadron on urriving at
Canea did not salute the Turkish squad
ron, Advices say. the Mussulmans are pre
paring for a maesacre at Retimo.
Representatives of some of the powers
have expressed-to the Greek government
surprise that it sent warships to Crete.
Three thousand people took part yes
terday evening in a manifestation in
front of the ministry of marine. There
were continued cries of "Long live
Crete;" "Long live the union." It is
thought possible that a ministerial crisis
will result from the manifestations.
The Location Has at Last Been Decided
Upon. '
Caisson, Nev., Feb. 8. Dan Stuart
will not be here until tomorrow, but it
can be stated that the Corbett-Fitzsim-mons
fight will take place in this city,
the information having been given to
the Associated Press by a man who has
authority to speak.
Already telegrams engaging hotel and
boarding-house- rooms have been re
ceived. Accommodations will be pro
vided for 5000 expected from east of the
Rocky mountains, as well as a larger
number looked for from the Pacific
coast states. The railroads and tele
graph companies have begun prepara
tions to bring in the crowds and handle
the press dispatches. Work on the pa
vilion where the fight will take place
will bo commenced as soon as Stuart ar
rives and designates the location.
A dispatch was received from Chi
cago this morning engaging a block of
100o seats from the Siler-Hogan special,
which will bring not only a Chicago
crowd, but a good part of the Eastern
When the fact became known that the
fight was to be at Carson, the people
were much pleased, as tbey expect :tbe
visitors will leave benind a large sum of
money in the aggregate, which will
greatly benefit the city.
Dr.' Tersln, of Paris, Has Departed for
New York, Feb. 8. The World's
Paris correspondence says :
At this moment the eyes, of Europe
are centered on a little steamer which
left .Marseilles a few days ago- bearing
Dr. Yersin, of the Pasteur institute, to
Bombay to fight the terrible bubonic
plague with serum which is possessed by
no other man. This is not the doctor's
first, experience -with the dread
"tschouma," as they call the disease in
the East. Dr. Roux, of the Pasteur in
stitute, Bays:
"Dr. YerBin went to Hong Kong to
study the peat apd continue his bacteri
ological studies at the Institute in Paris.
As soon as he was able to unite the ele
ments of serum antagonistic to tschouma
Tea sold loose gets stale.
Schilling's Best is in air
tight packages money
back tea at grocers'.
A Schilling & Company
dan rrancisco
ho departed tor Canton and Amoy. The
resnlt of his experiments have been that
of 27 cases treated by him in the fall of
1S95 he lost only two, or less than fif
teen per cent, whereas tho the usal mor
tality among the persons stricken is
eighty per cent and even higher in Bom
bay, where the serm has never been em
ployed. '
"The danger of the plague entering
Europe through Tonquin is great should
the disease ever gel beyond control
May Go Over Until the Next Con
Kress. Washington, Feb. 8. The senate
committee on interstate commerce today
considered the hill to prevent ticket
brokerage. Without coming to a de
cision the committee adjourned until
Wednesday, although the opinion . was
expressed it would be useless to report
the bill, because of the opposition, which
would prevent the paseace of any bill
this session.
The 'position of the railroads in the
last campaign was the basis of some op
position. In addition the alleged at
tempts by railroads to evade the inter
state commerce law was urged, especially
by Gorman, Chandler and Chilton. No
vote was taken, but there waB general
acquiescence in the opinion that, it
would be best to allow the bill to go
ever until the next congress; when, it
was suggested, the evils complained of
could be remedied by a general amend
ment to the interstate commerce law.
At a meeting of the committee next
Wednesday the bill may be taken up
Two Hundred Butidinc In Canea Were
Canea, Island et Crete, Feb. 8. It is
officially announced that the fires hate
been quenched, yearly 200 buildings,
were destroyed and 5000 Christians have
fled. Of this unmber 2000 are on board
British warships. Greek warships have
taken off the remainder of the' Christian
refugees. In conclusion, the report says
tranquillity reigned in the town and vi
cinity and the Turkish troops through
out behaved in an orderly manner. No
excesses are reported on their part. It
is asserted that there has been no plun
dering. Sultnn's Request Declined'.
Bkhmn, Feb. 8. The Frankfort
Zeitung correspondent at Constantinople
telegraphs that Germany declined the
sultan's request to send officers and
financiers to recognifce their country as
being inopportune. France and Belgium,
the dispatch adds, also declined.
C&ptured an Arsenal.
Rome, Feb. 8. A dispatch from Canea
says Mussulmans at Heraklion, Crete,'
have attacked the arsenal and carried
off 2000 rifles.
Here is a diamond, here a piece of
charcoal. Both carbon; yet between
them stands the mightiest of magicians
Nature. The food on your table, and
your own body ; elementally the same;
yet between the two stands the digestion,
the arbiter of growth or decline, life or
We cannot make a diamond ; we can
not make flesh, blood and bone. No.
But by means of the Shaker Digestive
Cordial we can enable the stomach to
digest food which would otherwise fer
ment and poison the system. In all
forms of dyspepsia and incipient con
sumption, with weakness', loss of flesh,
thin blood, uervons prostration the Cor
dial ia the successful remedy. Taken
with food it relieves at once. It nour
ishes, and assists nature to nourish. A
trial bottle enong'o to show its merit
10 cents. 0
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
Hare Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys if 1. 00 worth of grain annually.
Wakelee's squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom
ical poispn known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell,
Agent. eblr3tn
BOOK- KEEPI N 6 kcew Lnt
UoiiipfL'tq una jirHOtloall exactly as found in
busings, ilv com 60 of lubtructlous thor
oughly (Uiillly you' to tako oburge of and
keep ii bci of book. The highest rofcreuco
'furuUlied. For terms und full Information
address L. D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W.
Temple, Portluud, Oregon,
At One-Half Regular Price.
WHY DO WE GIVE SUCH REDUCTIONS ? Becauso wo boliovo ; in
opening every season with tho newest and latest stocks. Kathor than carry"
' these goods over until next season wo will sell them at a loss. "
Child' Jackets .Worth
Childs' Jackets ,.. Worth
Childs' Jackets Worth
Childs' Jackets -. , '.Worth
Misses' Long Cloaks '. .Worth
Misses' Long Cloaks , Worth
Misses' Long Cloaks ? Worth
Kednced to $2.15 i
licenced to 2.50
Seduced to 2.75
Koducod to 3.00
Seduced to 2.75
Seduced to 3.50
Seducod to 4.00.
All Ladies' Jackets at Actual Cost.
Can You Afford to Overlook This ?
Special Values in Men's Underwear.
See Window for Display.
V&ft & i frliS tier nnr1c"i1r
skin and scalp dis-
all are speed
ily cured by
The cures daily effected by
iiipm nre simolv wonderful. No
other remedies are so pure, so
gentle, yet so speedily effective.
They are beyond all doubt the
greatest skin cures, blood purifiers,
and humor remedies of modern
times. Theyespecial-j
ly appeal to Mothers
worn out with the
nirea moies, aWpm
---o-w r
cation being often sufficient to per
mit rest and sleep, and point to a
speedy and permanent cure.
Bpeedv Cuke Theatment. Worm batba
with CuncmtA Soap, trentlo upjillcatloriii of
CuticuiiA (olritmi'Dt), mid mild doaea of Cirri
:uiu Kesoj.yjsnt (blood purifier).
Sold throughout the world. I'ottf.ii Dnua
and CiiEM.CoiiP., Sole Props., Boston, M.v.o.
"All about tho Bklu, Scalp, und Ilalr," free.
The inomeut tt 1j applied. Nothing
llko Qutlcum Anll-1'iiin llHtr
for pain, iiillainmii'.lori, aud weak.
Justautuncou aud Infallible.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted,
g A. 11. GVULKY,
' Attorney and Contisellor at Law,
Practical In the State and Federal CourU of
Oregon and Waihlngtou. Jun2a-3iuo
New York Weekly Tribune
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With tho close of tho IVueliletitiul Cainimin TIIK TUI1HJNK A'cotfnlzei the
fact that tho Ainoricun poop Id uro now tuixioui to kIvo tholr attention to homo aud
ImtjincigH intercuts. To moot thin condition, politlcn will hnvo fur less epacn and
prominence, until another State or National occhhIoh doinunib it renewal of the
htfor the principle for which Til 10 THUIUXK Iiuh lahoruil from its inception
to tho present (lav. and won its trroateat victories
Every poBHlblo i'h"ort will bo ptil forth, and money freoly spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TKIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, Interesting,
instructive, ontertuininj; and indiapeneable to each meinour of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name nnd address on a noHtal card. Rend It to Geo. W. Heat.
Tribune Oiilco, New York City, arvJ a sample copy of The Now York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to you.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded or Hfl,v, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &o.
The Dalit, Or.