The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1897, Image 4

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    T& Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Atlnilrul llunce'ft fleet
Vnnnitt Itv
Chicago, Feb. 7. A special to
Tribune from Charleston, S.C., says
Admiral Bunco and tho ships of
North Atlantic squadron aro somewhere
out in the storm-tossed Atlantic. Up to
a latu hour, the lookout at Fort istimpter
had notmadeout any ships approaching
tho harbor, and uneasiness is fell
regadinj,' the safety of the ships of tho
squadron. The Clyde line steamer Co
manche arrived late this afternoon, after
a tempestuous trip from New York, hav
ing been blown out of her course and
driven by tho storm and delayed by the
fierce gale. Captain Pendleton said to
night he wishes never to be out in a
fierce gale on the Atlantic again. lie
saw no trace of the squadron on his way,
although if they had been on what is
known as the "Southern drill ground,"
he would have passed close to them.
The dispatch-boat, Fern, which arrived
yesterday, put out to sea this morning,
with the special dispatches and mail
from Washington for Admiral Bunce,
but stie could not find the ship today,
and returned.
Commander Clover, who has received
orders to join the North Atlantic squad
ron, reports that lie has seen nothing of
the missing ships.
Deutues Cannot bo Cured
by .local applications, as they caunot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of tho mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing,, and when it Jb en
tirely closed, Deafnesa is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restoredjto its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
.any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
'that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
"Sold by Untwists, 75c. 0-10
".Canadian RnprcseiitatlvoK; 3leet rulillc
3Ien at Washington.
"Washington, Feb. G. The two mem
bers of the Canadian parliament,
Messrs. Cartwright and Davies, who are
in Washington in tho interest of closer
tiade relations with the United States,
interviewed a number of public men to
day. They were escorted bv Repre
sentative Hitt, of Illinois, who intro
duced them to the leaders of both
houses. They had half an Iioui 'h talk
with Speaker Heed, which ended with a
remark by Sir Richard Cartwright that
it seemed to be the idea of the people
of each country that if they could build
a high tariff wall around their own do
mains, they could enrich themselves at
the expense of their neighbors.
Speaking for the new Canadian ad
ministration, he saiil it was his hope
that tho United States would see that
reciprocal arrangements would benefit
Old t'Jonlu.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate tho bowela and kidnoys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on tho stomach and uowele,
adding strength and giving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what they need. Price 50 cents and
$1 00 per bottlo nt Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Storo. " S
Save Your (iruiii.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of gnun annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is tho most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to H0
cents. For sale by 31. Z. Donnell,
Agent. febl-3m
Tills la Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
& generous Eamplo will bo mailed of tho
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Curo
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate tho groat merits of tho remedy.
CG Warren St., New York City.
Hov. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recoiimiouded Ely'u Cream Balm to mo. I
cau emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive curo for catarrh if used as directed."
ltev. Francis W, Poolo, Pastor Central Proa.
Church, Helena, Mont.
1 Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
curo for catarrh and coutaius no mercury
nor uuy jujurious drug. Price, CO cents.
Ho Cooltl Not
Fool Jonesey
with Ills
Three yountr men were seated nt a
table in a Market street restaurant. One
of them drew from his pocket and laid
upon the table u silver dollar, says the
Philadelphia Kccortf. Beside it he
placed a visiting- card, with a round
hole about a half inch in diameter
pierced through its center. Said ho:
"Sec the fat, white dollar? See the little
hole in the card? Bet you the eig-ars I
can push the big dollar through the
little hole." "I'll go you," said one of
his companions; "but, remember, you
aro to push that dollar through that
hole without enlnrging the hole."
"That's what," responded I he proposer
of the feat. Laying the dollar Hat on the
table, he held the card on edge just be
hind it. Then he produced a pencil
which he shoved through the hole in the
card until it touched tho edge of the
coin. "Pushing the dollai through the
hole, see?" "Here comes Jonesey, wild
the loser. "Lend me your dollar unit
your funny card and I'll get revenge.
Oh, I won't' do a thing- to Jonesey!" A
lengthy, cadaverous young fellow, with
a vacuous expression, drifted into the
vacant place at the table. "Jonesey,"
said the loser of the cigars, "here's a
big dollar and here's a little round hole
in a card. Bet you I can put the dollar
through the hole just as it is loser to
pay all four of our cheeks." "Done,"
said Jonesey. The other proceeded to
repeat the action of the first trickster.
'Hold on," drawled Jonesey, languidly,
"your contract is to 'put' the dollar
through the hole. I didn't bet you
couldn't 'push' it through the perfora
tion. You see, dear boy, I've been up
against, the game hitherto."
All of tho Work lo Dono by Ilnntl Some
of it la Iicautlful.
There are two jewelers in Chinatown,
but their establishments do not. re
semble the ordinary places known as
jewelry shops, says the New York
Times. The Chinese jeweler is a man
ufacturer an well as a shopkeeper. His
establishment is a tiny room up one
or two flights of stairs. The room in
one place is divided by an, openwork
iron partition, with an arch and aeoun
ter near the window, where the jeweler
stands at work. He is an elderly China
man, wearing glasses, and he works
over a tiny fire in the window. All his
work is done by hand, and some of it is
beautiful. There are heavy silver
bracelets which open with a hinge
and fasten with an odd little staple.
The fine raised pattern is cut out, every
bit of it, by hand. There are gold rings
made in the same way. There are fine
rings, made of 24-earat gold. Almost,
nothing is kept in stock. There may
chance to be a few rings and bracelets,
which 'are taken from a small safe.
Most of the goods are made to order.
When the manufacturer is asked the
price of a ring he weighs it before he.
answers. His scales consist of ,a slen
der stick of ivory, perhaps a third of a
yard long, covered with Chinese char
acters. At one end is a small brass plate
suspended from the stick by fine
threads and a very small weight, also
hanging by a threat, is moved along to
the balancing point by tho. jeweler as
be holds the little machine in his hand.
The front part of the- little shop is filled
with a stove, table, dishpan, dishes
as many tilings as can well be crowded
into it.
It I'llbi
tlio Wholo Untveroo for the Man
lleliliid It.
This is what, happens to the man be
hind the hat, says the Chicago Observer:
The preacher disappears until nothing
remains but a voice. And with the hat
standing up against the spot where the
voice is, and the modulated sentences
breaking against it, bow is attention
to be. fixed upon the sermon '? The
mind grows lax, the
of tlie sanctuary tend todistraction, the
hat fills the whole visible universe, and
involuntarily one's thoughts center
upon it.
It is tt wonderful construction. There
is a yellow rose trembling on a long
stem with every movement of the wear
er s head and one begins to calculate
the extent of its arc. There are bunches
of feathers, disposed, apparently, with a
view to preventing anything from be
ing heen between them whichever way
the hat is turned. And there urc .stal
actites of ribbon, upright and immov
able, which still further obscure the
Occasionally one gets a momentary
glimpse of the bend of the jwoaoherns
It is .stretched out in gesticulation, but
it seemii n mere detached fragment use
lessly beating the air. The preacher
himself has disappeared aa If he hud
never been. The only thing visible
when the hat is turned for a moment
is another hat of the same kind farther
DlKRt-ntnra In Itussln.
When M. I'obiediroit.eiV became the
head of the holy synod in Jlussin it
wits reckoned that the days of the dis
senters were numbered. Jle would t-oon
stamp them. out. In spite, however, of 1
bin ruthless policy, they have steadily
increased, until there are now about
K.aoo,ooo or tliem without reeltoniiifr the
old believers, who ure 18,000,000 stroni,'.
Ward Kerna & Kobertaon luve tlio
lar08t stock of timothy, wheat and
wild hay kept in tho citv, for pale.
Call and eeeit.
jaiiUo Uiv
flow Ibout Your
We have tho facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. "We not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Gome in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have 3'our next order.
oo Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, mSl X
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour
use; e cry
We sell our yoods lower than anv
. M 1 . .1 1
ciur unu get our prices unu r;o eunviucea.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
TN THE ClltCUir COUNT of the State of
J- Oregon, for Watco County.
Ernest Morgan, Plaintiff
Nettie Morgan, Defendant.
To Nettle Morgan, tno above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, vou .no
hereby reiiuired lo mipeur ill the above cntllkd
court and answer the complaint filed awin.vt
you in said court mid caus-e, on or before the
Hist day of the uext regular term of the Circuit
Court for Was' o County, Oregon, following tho
expiration of blx weeks publication of this
summons, to-wit, Monday, theMli dav of rebru
urv. Ih'JT, and you will rake nofieo that It jou
(ail to so appearand answer, for want thereof
plHintiil'will take judgment uguiust you for the
relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit:
A decieo of divorce forever dlssolviii',' the
bonds of mamage heretofore mm now exisllng
between plalntlit' and defendant, and for such
other relief as may bo equitable ami just.
ThisumTioiis is served upon vou bv publica
tion thereof in Tho D.illes CunoxiCLK, a wool. I v
ncw&i aper of general circulation published n't
The Dalles, Oregon, by- order of Hon. W. 1,.
Jirahliaw, jmlguof the iibovi-nuined court.
Dated at Dulles City, Or., Dec. K, 18fi.
dcc2.M Attorney for I'lulntilr".
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given lhat anc-xrculion and
ordtr of sale was issued out of the Circuit Court
of the Stutoof Oregon for Wasco Countv, on thu
IMtli day of i'ceeinber, RMM, upon a judgment
therein rendered on the "Jlstilay of November.
ISUG, inlavorof K-,d 11. Dietzel. plulntill", and
against James I Elliott and William Wood, de-
lendants, winch said execution and order of,
sale is to me directed and commanding me to
sen rue propel iv iiercinurtcr uvscriDoil, tor tne
imrpoooi sarisi viugine judgment or the, plaint
ill' in said cause for thu sum of ililiUO. with in
terest thereon nt ten ier cent per annum from
tlio'-'Jst day of November, 181)0; and the further
sum oi nw attorney s iocs; aim tlio costs and
uisijursements oi said suit taxed at 51 j. There.
ore, In compliance with said execution und
orueroi shic, 1 will on
Saturday, iTiimiury :!(. 1807,
at tho hour of 1 o'clock p, m. at tho courthouse
dcor in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell
.u luuiic nuuuon, to inu nrgnesc omuer, lor casi:
In hand, for thepurposoof satisfying tho judg.
at ii
in 1
merit above mentioned tho following described
miiius auu premises, io-wk;
Sixty-three ((13) acres oil" tho 'sldo of the
.North half of tho Southeast quarter of Sec. ::0 in
Township l North, Range 15 Kast, W. M., com
iiieiKlogntnrockat n point on tho North lino
of tho NN'Mof the SICK of said Section W.
theneo Kast to Kast llnu.ot said section; theiico
suuiii unu-qiiHrier mno; tueucc west to a point
duo South of said rock (tho place of be:
inenco.Nonn to tno pineoor boKlnnlng.
Dated tills aithdaj of December. lSW.
, .... T-J- divi:r.
Jan2-5t-ll Sheriil'of Wasco County, Or.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notico is hereby Riven that tho undersigned
lias uicd in tlio otllco of tho Clerk of tiro Circuit
Court of tho State of Oregon for Wiibco County
nls dual account us assignee of A. A. lloirney,
insolvent debtor, and said final account will bo
hoirdatthc Circuit Court room in tho court
house in Dalles City, Oregon, on Monday, tho
b h day of February, inn. ut tho hour of 10
o clock o. m or as soon thereafter us counsel
may bo heard, JtOHKRT .MAYS.
Uec-VI Assignee of A. A. Uonnuv.
JVCnn 11 TY1 PiJ ffg
Q J TTno J
Before koIhr elsewhere, .call on
L. COMINI. The Dalles, Or,,
For a Tombstone. Warranted
to Btand for all time, regardless
of wind or weather.
is manufactured expressly for family
sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
house in the trade, and if vou don't think so
TN Till! CIIiCUIT COURT of the State of Orc
X gon for V aseo Countv.
Krauk J. Mcyeis, l'lulutlll',
Annie M. Meyers, Defendant.
To Annie M. Meyers, the nbove named defend,
In the nnmn of tho State of Oregon, vou aie
hereby required to appear In thu above entitled
court and answer the complaint tiled against
you ia said court and cause, on or before the
ilrst day of trie next regular term of tho Circuit
Court for Wasco County, Oregon, following the
expiration of six wests' publication of this sum,
minis, to-wit.-Monduy, tho Mb dav of I'ebiuarv,
ISO", and you will lake willed that if vou fall
lo so appf ar and answer, for want thereof" plaint
ill will take judgment against yon for thu relief
prayed for in his comprint, to-wif A deercu of
divorce forever dissolving thu bonds of mar
Mage heretofore and now existing between
plalntlit' and defendant, and for such other re
lief as may be equitable and just.
This summons is served upon vou bv publica
tion thereof in Tho Dalles Clir.oxicr,'r:, a news
paper of weekly publication and general circu
lation, publtshcu at The Dalles. Wasco Countv,
Oregon, by order of lion. W. D. iiradshav,, judge
ol thu above named court.
G. V. I'HKM'S,
dcc'iJ-I Attorney fur l'lainilll.
TN T1IK CIRCUIT COURT of tho'Statoof Or
X egon for Wasco County.
Alma 0. Howe, l'laintlir,
Pnmuel T. Howe, Defendant.
To Samuel T. Howe, tho above named defendant:
In tho name of tho t-tnto of Oregon, vou aro
hereby required to appear and answer tlio com
plaint lllid against you in tho above entitled
court and cause, on or before the llrst dav of tho
next term of said eouit following the expiration
of tho timoprescibed in tho order for tho pub
Mention of this summons, to-wit: On orb'fore
thoSthdny of Fcbruaiy, I8U7; and if you fail so to
ap)ear Hint a.iswer, or otherwiso plead In said
cause, tho plalntill, or want thereof, will apply
to tho court for tho leliei prayed for in tho com.
plaint lllcd herein, to-wit: That tho bonds of
matrimony between plulntilT and defendant bo
dissolved; that tlio plainttlV bo awarded tho
custody of (no minor child mentioned in bald
complaint, Hester A.Howe; that defendant bo
barred of all right, title or interest In the real
a,.u! r,?,'.''?""1 I,rol'erty of plainllir, ami that
Plalntill havo and recover her costs and dis
bursements niado and expended in this suit,
and for such other und further relief as to tho
Court may seem equitable.
This summons ! served upon you by publica
Hon thereof, by order of tho Hon. W. I,. Urad
shaw, iudgo of said Couit, which order bears tho
date of Ocrpber SO, lhUO, and was mado and dated
i -ii lr y' co Coullt' Oregon, on Octo
ber SO, 1WG,
Attorney for I'lalntlll'.
Sheriff s Sale.
Notico is hereby given that under und by vir
tue oj mi execution mid order of salo Issue I o it
of tho C roult Court of tho Stotoof Oregon for
H"y ie 12th day of January.
1S07, and to mo directed and commanding mo to
sell tho prm-crty hereinafter described to satisfy
tiro sum of J'JO, with interest
I ueut m annum from Deo. a, JbSC, u balance duo
T".''0" "J Kinent in tho above linmal cimrt n
iay.r oi nooert -Mays and D. K. Crowe, partners
doing business under thollrm uamo of Mays It
Crowe, and ognlnst Deo. D. Anlutronoand Surah
Arntronjf,slven mid rendered
i 'Jth day of November, 1890, 1 will
, tho loth day of February, lh7,
0 o'clock n. m., sell ut tho courthi
ICS Cllv. Ill SHliI nn,,t.. ...
tuereiu on
on Wednes-
sell ut tho courthouse door In
publio ouctfou.totho highest bidder for cash iri
hu id, t ho fqllovvlng described real estit,. . .iVJ
. . . "'. ""u state, at
'. u,?clc..,la u Thompson's Addition to
Va los city, in Wutco County, Stiitoof Oregon.
Hallos City, Oregon, Jan. ja 1897. v'fV15UU
T. .1 hlllliirii
Slierlfl'of Wasco County, dregon.
Tne coiumDia pacKi
Port and Beef
Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
The Glades Ranch,
: lire Bred
ileriM'V Cnttlo
Of tho St lrmbert, Coniniasslo and Tormentor
mine. Three Choice nuns ior rmv m
so some Choico Cows and Heifers for sale,
l'uio lircd Poland China Hogs.
White I'rymouth Hock ChleKoiH.
Address: M RS. A. R. 1! VR C RTT, I'ri.p.
jvavwsm White Salmon, Wash.
Dalles City and Mora Stage Line
Leaves Williams Hotel, nloro, on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
8 a. in. prompt.
Leavea Umatilla House. The Dalles,
Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at
8 a. m. prompt.
Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, -10c
per 100 lbs j small puukngea, lo und 2ou.
Passenuer rales The Dalles to Moro,
$1.50: round trin. 2.o0.
Acennvnt Umatilla House, inc Danes,
and at Williams Hotel Jloro.
THOMAS HARPER, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelont
every day, aim troni Antelope to Mtt
chell three times a week.
Notice of Slieriirs Sale.
iolleo is here h - irlv
v.iuuuuii ii nu uiu urucr oi sine isaueil out or the
Circuit Court of tho State of Orejruii for Wir-en
County on the h!th day of January, la!)7, upon a
decieo and judgment made, rendered am! en- uicreioiore inuicin in a suit wherein J. J.
nneneer was nlulntnr mwi wium, if vii..,..
i ml -Mary Vinan.s,hi.swife,aud.I.M. lluutiiunon
were defendants: I did duly levy upon and will
sell at the front door of the countv courthouse
i "' V es,.vVy5 "HM'0 ( 0"'ity. Oregon, on Satur-
1UV, the 111 h llHV or l olinnirv 1&H7 i,t
In the afternoon of said day, at public unction,
o llie highest bidder for cash in hand, the fol-
...... i.h mreiiuni i wu csiuie. uvscriueu m said
V..VV....U.I unu umih oi saie, turn ucerlljeil as
.., i V . V. . 1 . " F CO. live (S), six ((!)
...... i;,ui sccuoii ;o. six (ii) in township
M). Olio 111, north of runirn ten iininvini ivn(
amettc Meridian in Wasco Countv, Oregon, con
im,'i,"K "''i1 "c,r,L's of together with the
jiuiviiiuoiieniM aim appurtenances
thereunto bohim? Hi. nr i ...iL1, ... "V..
iiiK, or so much thereof us shall be necessary to
satisfv the iinirmiitK iln c.i.i V.:.i. A"
K Wlcr w,l.h trcst Hwrioii at tlio
.V .. W t4 YK"1 lwt annum s neo the'JSth
dny of December. Imi : und tho fnni,,.- ,
..H.ttor,'s(wa: t,IL' "ther sun if
JJO costs in said suit, toji-jtherwith accrul s in
terest and expenses of snlo. b
ury, 181)7. ' ' "l J""'
1'iiiuu ui ine i).i iios (ir . iU vitii .1,... i ..... sherlll of Wowcounw! Onron.
Notice ofjlieritfs Sale.
,1.8? iSftM1'1!0'!. on? f slo
I he
In tho
Mate wherein Krick Nelson us tah, wlJT
eml Judirment nffnlnsr ai.J....?, .'.i''l'!!
sum of t.-A.Hi H,uCtV" ,vr."V " or tno
jnvirinL- I.. i. ;r."r."y."J.
acres of land at Tfim ' .""ii ? ,u,wh. Two
rango seven east
i oust nf u-i ,..."':.V" I'.onuoi
.. .1..H41UUU .Mer (iian in
uerwutt.or so
Iiootssarv to fc,,tir,. . ' .'.u' us inuy bo
..d disbursements! IXyT1"
tail Han
I VIVliV Ul 1I1M ,1I fill I r f VtM.t A
Justico V.V, ' ..VH"" action
estate of JI. ler.dXo im I ' A!'i?.,H'0,n., 11,0
law vent debtors ah nJrLnu 1 -'",rlcson,
iKalnst both, or either lii5v,u? i'''''"'
ro hereby noUfl to iii. Vwlv?ut dcut,,"i
tons owli i tiVo, , L4 ...9r3',.'!l nd all per:
"n. uro hereby
Si Assignee,
J ' h S U.VVl
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trntns leave and arc duo to arrive nt I'ortUnd.
FBOM JUNE 23, 1893.
press, Salem, Itoso-1
bure. Ashland, Sac-1
i rnnionto, Ogden,8an I
Kraneisoo, Mojnvo, f
Iw Angeles, El I'rwn, i
8:W P.M.
I New urieniiH aim
I Kaxt
8:S0 A. St
Itoseburg and way sta
tions fVIn Woodburn fori
I Mt.Angol, Sllvcrtnu,
i West Solo, Drowns- )
vllle.dpringlleld and I
(.Natron J
galcni and way stations
t:40 P.m.
l:0O I'. JI.
7:30 A. M,
1 :'.DI'.J1.
8:2i P.M.
corviuus nna wnyi
Ktntlons j
McMluuvillc and
way stutlons t
Dally. tDuily, except Sunday.
Attaehcd to nil Through Trains.
Through Ticket Olllcc, 1!!4 Third street, whew
throuh tickets to. nil points In tho Kastcrn
St'ites, Canada and Europe can bo obtained at
lowest rates from
.1. 11. KIltKLANI), Ticket Agent
All abovo trains irrrlvo nt mid depart Iro'rri
Grand Central Station, Fifth nnd Irving streets,
Passenger Depot, foot of Jcricrsou street.
Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 0:00, 7:20
10:15 a. m.i l'JMO, 1:45, 6:85, 0:45, 8:05 p.V
(and ll:rx) p. in. on Saturday only). Arrive at
Portland at 7:10, 8;C0, 11:25 a, m.; 1:30,0:15,6:35
7:55, lull) p. in.
Lenvc for Shcridnn, week days, st 4:00 p. a
Arrive at Portland, 'J:80 a. ni.
Leave for AUILIE on Monday, Wednesday end
Hri-uv ut'JilOir. nr. Arrive ut Portland, Tun
dav, Thursday and Saturday nt 3:05 p. m.
Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7;20,8:W
10:15 n. in.: 12:15,1:45, a:W), 6:25 0:45 p. m. Ar!
rive at Portland at 12::i5, 8:30, 10:00 llj'25 a. m
l:D, ;i:ir, n:io, 0:35, 7:55 ji. in.
Munuucr. Asst. G. V. it Puss. Agt.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Through Tickets
For information, time curds, maps and tickets,
cul on or write to
W. C. ALLAWA'Y. Agent,
Tiro Dalles, Oregon
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