The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1897, Image 1

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    H)c Dnllco
NO 24
Bullets Whizzed Close to the
A rerlloiii ainrch to Havutin Another
Ainerlcnii NewRinpr Corresponrt
niit 'ArrcHtcti by Spaniards.
New Yokk, Feb. 7. A Koy West spe
cial to the World says :
As General Weyler was marching with
bis column just before entering Santa
Claru, His horse was shot from under
liim bv n Cuban sharpshooter. It is
is supposed the shot came from a distant
Throughout tho march from Eodas, the
captain-general waB assailed by missiles
of this kind, and several times barely es
caped being wounded. He is greatly
worried over it, and large scouting par
ties precede the advance of the Spanish
columns to capture the daring maraud
ers. A SpuniBli force of 5000 was ambushed
Wednesday night nenr Nazarene, just
west of Suntu Clara, where General
Weyler was then, and narrowly escaped
The SpanlardH Slake a Prisoner of Syl
vester Scovol.
Washington, Feb. 6. Consul-Gener-al
Lee today telegraphed the state de
partment from Havana:
"Sylvester Scovel, a World correspond
ent, was arrested yesterday at Tunas,
Santa Clara province."
Nkw York, Feb. 6. Sylvester Scovel
is the onlv New York correspondent
who has been for any length of time
with the Cuban army in the field. He
has had considerable success in eluding
tho vigilance of the Spanish troops and
getting his dispatches out of Cuba. He
is the son of Rey. Br. Scovel, president
of Wooster university. He is well edu
cated, und an all-around athlete.
Scovel was manager of the Cleveland
Athletic Club when the Cuban rebellion
broke out. In a spirit of adventure, he
determined to join the patriots, and in
October, 1893, he left Cleveland for
Cleveland, Feb. 6. Sylvester Scovel,
who, it iB stated, has been arrested by
the Spanish authorities, was a former
resident of Hub city, and went to Cuba
about a year and a half ago. He was on
Maceo'a staff, and was-intrusted by that
officer to carry important dispatches to
Gomez. He has also acted as a corre
spondent of several newspapers in the
United States. Twoor three times he
boldly left the Cuban army and entered
Havana, and finally caueed' suspicion to
be directed against him by the Span
iards. Some months ago, it is alleged,
General Weyler offered $10,000 reward
for the capture of Scovel.
In Cuban Prisons.
Havana, Feb. 6. Senor Eduardo
Arail, editor of El Pueblo, published at
Puerto PrincipB, in the province of the
same name, and correspondent of La
Discussion, who was charged with being
guilty of evolving newspaper articles
inimical to the government of Spain,
and who has been confined in the 'prison
in this city, will be embarked tomorrow
for the penal colony of Gnafarinas.
Eduardo Hernandez, Rafael Hernan
dez, Luis Casco and 43 others, charged
with political offenses, were placed in
jail here yesterday to await a disposition
of their cases by the governor-general
Abrea a siater of .Frarjclscoand Esperan
za Sanchez, who a few days ago. was cap
tured in the province of Pinar del Rio,
has been imprisoned In the Woman's
Refuge, to await the action on the part
of the governor-general. Andther prison
er confined by the order of the Spanish
authorities is Valentino Buia, who at
one time acted as executioner for the
M'onilnU filibustering Cane.
New Yomc, Feb. 0, When the cases
of Roloff, Luis and Triijillo, charged
with vlolntiug the neut.raji.ty laws, were
called for hearing before Coninissioner
Hholtds, United States Marshal MdCarty
asked that the action based on the dv
lendants alleged participation in the
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for Us great leavening strength aud
licnlthfulnesB. Assures the food Hcninst alinn
and ull forms of adultaiuclon common to Ue
enenp nrands.
Eoyal Bakino Powder Co., New York,
Woodall expedition be dismissed. This
ourse was taken in view of the fact that
indictments have been found against the
men named by the United States grand
jury at Baltimore, from which port the
Woodall sailed on her so-iv.lled
filibustering expedition. The com
missioner complied with the requestj
whereupon bench warrantB from the
Baltimore court were served upon the
accused Cubans. Counsel for Roloff,
Luis and Trujillo waived examination
upon the charges relative to the Horsa
expedition, aud the men were released
upon their own recognizance.
Changed His Time.
Havana, tea. o. Havana money
brokers today waited on the colonial
treasurer for the purpose of informally
discussing the question of paper cur
rency. The treasurer recently called to
his office all all the money brokers of
this city esteemed responsible, owing to
their speculations, for the depreciation
of the paper currency, which was at 26
per cent discount on gold. They were
warned that if within forty-eight hours
the paper currency was not quoted at
the silver rate, or at a small discount,
the matter would be placed" before the
captain-general. At a meeting subse
quently held the brokers decided to pe
tition the government to allow them to
carry on a legitimate business. They
claimed they were not responsible for
the depreciation, and that, if they were
compelled to adopt lower rates, it would
close their offices. The treasurer, as
shown at today's conference, has en
tirely .changed his opiniou in regard to
the alleged hurtful practices of the
money brokers. He stated that they
are now in no way blamed for the de
preciation of the bills, and agreed to
grant them better facilities for their
operations. He also said that the
change would be made in the monetary
situation, in accordance with the de
mands of the public.
Tliroe Friends Seized.
Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 6. The
steamer Three Friends was seized and
libeled upon her return today from a
towing trip down the coast. The libel
charges piracy ; that aHotcbkissgun was
mounted upon the bow of the steamer and
was fired at a Spanish gunboat at the
mouth of the San Juan river, while en
deavoring to land an expedition. The
persons named in the libel are John
O'Brien, W. T. Lewis, John Dunn,
August Arnau, Michael Walsh and
Ralph D. Payne. Judge Locke fixed the
bond at $5000, which was immediately
furnished, and the boat was released,
upon the special provision that a deputy
marshal should be placed on board and
have authority to take charge of the
boat in case an attempt be made at auy
lime to violate the law.
M. Crevreuil, being abouQo leave the
city, offers hia fine stock ot artificial
flowers, plants, etc., at greatly reduced
prices. Rooms in Masonic build
ng. decSl-tf
More comfort and pleas
ure from teatrySSctwg,s
No risk if you' don't like
it, the grocer returns your
money in full.
A Schilling & Company
Aimed at General Miles.
Washington, Feb 6. The Post says
that the resolution passed by the senate
today on the request of Senator Allen,
relative tb presents to army officers, is
directed against Nelson A. Miles. Sen
ator Allen is said to have copies of a letter
circulated by an organization, which is
raising a fund for the purchase of a res
idence for General Miles in Washington.
The letter states that among other con
spicuous services of General Miles, bis
influence operated largely in having the
regular army sent to subdue the riots at
Chicago. Tho cost of the residence is
stated by the letter to be $50,000. Mr.
Allen takes exception to .that feature re
lating to the Chicago riots,
Till wan Is Emphatic.
Washington, Feb. 6, Senator Till
man, of South Carolina, said today with
considerable emphasis that if McKlnley
is going to be inaugurated in March the
vote of South Carolina would have to bo
counted next week. He asserted that
opposition to counting the vote had be
hind it a scheme to reduce Sonrhern rep
resentation in congress and in the elect
oral college, and declared that if the Re
publicans intended to make an attack
upon South Carolina's state constitution,
it must be done in some other manner
than by endeavoring to prevent the
count of her vote for Bryan.
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given, that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools - of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof, will hold a public ex
amination at the county court house in
Dalles city, beginning Wednesday, Feb
ruary 10, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Dated this 30th day of January, 1897.
C. L. Gilueet,
School Supt.
The Competitor Papers.
Washington, Feb. 6. The resolution
passed by the senate today relative to
the capture of the Competitor by a Span
ish warbhip was introduced by Senator
Morgan June 3 1896, and calls upon the
president for information regarding the
capture. Since that time the president
has transmitted to congress part of the
correspondence relative to tho Competi
tor and the prisoners.
Here is a diamond, here a piece of
charcoal. Both carbon; yet between
them stands the mightiest ot magicians
Nature. The food on your table, and
your own body; elementally the same;
yet between the two stands tho digestion,
the arbiter of growth or decline, life or
We cannot make a diamond ; we can
not make fleish, blood and bone. No.
Bat by means of the Shaker Digestive
Cordial we can enable the stomach to
digest food which would otherwise fer
ment and poison the system. In all
forms of dyspepsia and incipient con
sumption, with weakness, loss of flesh,
thin blood, nervous prostration the Cor
dial is the successful remedy. Taken
with food it relieves at once. It nour
ishes, and assists nature to nourish. A
triul bottle-enough to show its merit
10 cents. 6
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil. I
Dashed Into a Funeral.
Alameda, Cal., Feb. 7.Shortly after
4 o'clock this afternoon, a broad-gauge
local train dashed around an abrupt
curve near Buena Vista avenue into a
funeral procession, which was crossing
the track. The engine just missed the
hearse and struck the back immediately
behind it, ia which were five of the
mourners. The vehicle was completely
wrecked, but its occupants fortunately
escaped with a few nasty cuts and bruises
Herbert Crowe, the driver of the back,
was thrown between bis horaes and was
seriously kicked by one of them.
A Cure for Lima Vack.
"My daughter, when recovering from
an attack of fever, was a great sufferer
from pain in the back and hips," writes
Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After
using quite a niimber of remedies with
out any benefit she trjed one bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and 'it has
given entire relief." Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu
matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton,'
Subscribe for The Chronicle,
WHY DO WE GIVE SUCH REDUCTION'S ? Bccauso wo bolievo in
opening every season with tho newest and latest stocks. Kathor than carry
these goods over until next season wo will soil them at ;i loss.
Childs' Jackets
Childs' Jackets
Childs' Jackets
Childs' Jackets ,
Misses' Long Cloaks
Misses' Long Cloaks
Misses' Long Cloaks
All Ladies Jackets at Actual Cost.
Can You Afford to Overlook This ?
r- fas m-f a as a awwwa
IWalllt UIIUi-'WUI
skin and scalp dis-
eases,torturing and
'all are speed
ily cured by
I The cures 'daily effected by
them are simply wonderful. No
other remedies are so pure, so
gentle, yet so speedily effective.
They are beyond all doubt the
greatest skin cures, blood purifiers,
and humor remedies of modern
times. They.especial
ly appeal to Mothers
worn out with the-
care of Skin-tor-
tured Babies, amA
single apnli-' V'rm'rMjfcnJte
cation being often sufficient to per
mit rest and sleep, and point to a
speedy and permanent cure.
BreKDV Cun Thkatment. Warm butfcn
with Curicuii Soap, liuntlo applications of
CuTlcmiA (ointment), und mild ilonen 0 Curl
run Uesolvbnt (blood purltler).
Bold throughout tho world. Porrnn Duuo
AMD CnnM. Corp., Solo 1'rop., Hot ton, Mas.
'All about the Bkiu, Sculp, and Hair," tree.
The moment It U applied. Nothing
like Cutlt-urti Anll.l'aln llnitr
for pain, Inllamimtlon, and weak
uvt, iDstanlancouit and Infallible.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
aud warranted.
AttorneT and CoaMellor at Law,
Practical In tlia BUto und Federal Courti of
Oregon and WtMblngtou. Jau'l-aino
I a. V U
At One-Half Regular
; Worth
Special Values in Men's Underwear.
See Window for Display.
New York Weekly Tribune
With the closet of tho Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognise the
fact thai tho American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet thin condition, politic will huvo fur km e pace and
prominence, until another Stutu or National Oceanian riuiiiumh n renuwnl of the
light for the principles for which THE TltlUUNK hay labored from its inception
to the present (lav, and won its greatest victories
Everv noRRlbln effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THK
WEEKLY'TIUHUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining und indisponeable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.76.
Wrlta your name and address
Tribune Office, New York City, aci a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mulled to vou.
Opp. A, M. Williams & Co.,
Lumber, Building' Material and Boxe
Traded ior Hav: fominBaflon. iar4, &C.
Reduced to $2.15
Reduced to 2.50
Reduced to 2.75
Reducod to 3.00
Reduced to 2.75
Roduced to 3.50
Roduced to 4.00
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers.
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
on n postal card, semi it to Geo. W. Beat.
The D&Um, Or.