OK, Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE 1),VI,I,KS, OKKOOX Kx-onntor Hpenrs Dying. Pomona, Cnl., Feb. 5. From the aim pleet sort of n cut in tlio hand, ex-Stuto Senator Walter JJ. Spears, of Oregon is crying at me nouse ot his daughter in El Monte. He was traveling from San Francisco to Loa Angeles laat Wednea day night, and while undressing, slight ly cut a tinner on a broken brass button He thought no more about it until the next evening, when his finger and hand began to ache. On Saturday the pain had extended to the shoulder and the hand was badly swollen. Physicians were called, and on Sunday pronounced it a case of blood poisoning. Senator Spears has grown, steadily worse, and several physicians have been in attendance. He has beeu on the const for 23 years, and has children and grandchildren m Portland, San Jose and Los Angeles. He was a member of the California assembly 20 years ago Later he moved to Oregon, and was state Benntor two terms. He has consider able property in Northern Calitorniaand Oregon. tTniiMieao Kiivuy Visits Testis. Galveston, Tox., Feb, 5. Tom Hoshi, envoy extraordinary and minister pleni potentiarv from Japan to the United States, has arrived herq without a reti nue. When interviewed lie stated that Japan is extensively engaged in the manufacture of cotton goods. Japanese manufacturers prefer Egyptian and American cotton, and especially the staple grown in Texas, because it pos sesses length and strength and is prefer able for some lines of goods. Ho said that he had come South es pecially to investigate the cotton trade generally and'report to the government He is investigating aleo the question of freight on cotton, and during liia stay in New Orleans he called on the managers of the- Illinois Central and Southern Pa cine railways. Ihe former takes cotton to Seattle via the Great Northern rail way, where it is delivered to Japanese lines of steamers running from that port. lliiunu (joe. to Canton. Cleveland, 0., Feb. 5. Chairman Hanna left the eitv at 11 o'clock this morning for Canton, accompanied by John Addison Potter, of Hartford, just appointed private secretary to the pres ident-elect, and Bellamy Storrer, af Cincinnati, chosen, it is said, as minis ter to Rome. It is generally conceded the conference between Hanna and the president-elect at Canton the afternoon will be most important. The llenson House. Salem, Feb. o. The Benson house was called to order at the usual hour. After all preliminary routine was dis posed of the following bills were intro duced. David, prohibiting the forma tion of trusts; Lake, amending tlie code prescribing tiie duties of coroner ; Thom as, amending the code relating to the distribution of school funds. The house adjourned till 2:C0p. m. Monday. enliitt!ii Cannot liu Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tiie mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to ita normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; niuo cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Wo will givo One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. 'Sold by Druggists, 75c. fl-10 Iluniiu ut Clinton. Canton, Fob. 5. Chairman M. A. Hanna and Mr. Bellamy Storrer, of Cin cinnati, reached Canton this afternoon and are now at tho McKinloy home. J. Addison Porter, who was announced us a member of the party, has not reached here. This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cosh or stamps, a genorous sample will be mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon atrato tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY BKOTHEBS, CO Warreu St., Now York City. Hov. Johnlteid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to mo. I can emphasize his statemcht, "It is a posi tive euro for catarrh if used as directed." ltov. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor Central Pro. Church, Helena, Mont. I Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh mid contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. DROWNING. Tho Heroism of it Al'llnr tn i.lttlo Ulrl. Rescuing The brave work of n miller insavlngu little girl from drowning is described bv the Indianapolis Journal. The mill owner nntl his wife, itappenrs, haJ (rone to the city, lenvinjr an cir-lii-.Wii.'-old girl at home. With other e;,iiiic 1 she went down to the mill to play, and by some accident fell into the sluice which feeds the turbine wheel. The head miller heard a scream, and not knowing what had happened, ap piicu a brake and .stopped the macliin cry. Then he ran out, found the little girl just, disappearing under the water and in. he went after her. Then he found himself in a hard place. The water was eight feet deep and he was four feet below the top of the sluice, the sid'e of which were as smooth as n polished floor. The gir was unconscious. How was he to get iier out ; It took one hand to hoJd her head above water, and the other to keep him sell trom sinking. lie must try to throw her out, and this, by a gre effort, he did. But the rebound drove him under water and against the wheel. where he was in great danger of be ing; eaugat ami num. lie came up "gain, however, and now a new difli ctilty confronted him. How was he to get out himself? lie sank to the bot tom, gave an upward spring, and na he came up half-blinded, succeeded in catching the top of the sluice. Then by tlie greatest exertions, he drew him self out. The girl was still unconscious, but by vigorous measures was at last revived, PERSONNEL OF THE NAVY. Desertions from Uncle Sam's Ships Aro Few and l'ur ltntween. The report from Washington to the effect, that 4,000 bluejackets are needed to man the new vessels of the American navy about to go into commission n calls a, remark made by Admiral Bunco one day last summer, says the New lork Mail and Express. The North Atlantic squadron lay at anchor otV Stamen Island and Father Knickerbcek er and his country visitors were go ing down to quarantine daily to look at the splendid lighting snips. A re porter weait aboard the Hasship one morning and enjoyed a pie.uiuit chat with tlie galinnt admiral. Said he: "The type of man-of-war's-man of is-day is far different from the old time bluejacket. Desertions are almost unknown irom tiie navv now. Here is i vessel which cost in round numbers $2,000,000. The men consider it their ihome and they take an immense amount of pride in it. How many men ire. there ashore who can sleep a:ul cat in a house which cost as much money? Look about yon and note the faces of the bluejackets here." The sailormen in sight were certainly a nne-looKHig tot. JLne admiral sur veyed them admiringly and then said: "So far ns the personnel of the crew goes the vessels in Uio American navy are away ahead ot those of any foreign power." DISCREDITING THE HUMANITIES. The CoIIcko llotifjlit "Mags of tho Old Greek Duflors." It is charged, with a good deal of vigor and generality ot statement, tuat the college fills the mind with useles.-. knowledge and trains it in antiquated methods of thought and action, sa.s tlii- Forum. In the same breath it is added that the scientific school give. practical knowledge and that its train ing is vital. The comparison between the dead languages and tlie. modern i.s made always to the credit of the 'mod ern, i lie value, ot modern n:mory an i of economic science is made to appear greater than that of ancient history and of philosophy. Scientific studies ire lauded as by far the most precious The humanities are diFcrediftl. I re member hearing at a hotel table a con versation between two recent grodtiates of the scientific school of a rich mid famous university. "Mr. ," said one, "gave several thousand dollars for my use the officers wished to make of the money. And what do you think they did with it? Why, instead of buy - ng something useful, they spent it all n buying .same mugs of the old tlie..'!: InfTers." Tt was evident that the study of the humanities had not seriously in fluenced the manners nor the linguistic tastes of the graduates in question. Have Your Grain, realize that each sntiirrol do Fow siroys $1.50 worth of grain annually Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm inator is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents! For sale by M. 'A, Donnell, Agent. febl-3m Ward Kerns & Robertson have the largest stock of timothy, wheat and wild hay kept in the city, for sale. Call and see it. jan25 2w Subscribe for Tin: Chhonicle. DR. GUM'S IMI'UOVED LIVER PILLS AmonniBntOl thahAw.IaAAfhHAV 1 1 ri.u juu.ri- In n. linn I'lll IV, r nnan neutu. lbM) illii qpply watt tbe i'in lacks to fnke it rvruUr. They cura lieuUcbu. brixhtoii tiio ea,nd clvar t ha Cora pinion better than i-ouatica. ueynvitlwr uriim ugr mckvii. To connno you. wa rill null Katuplx Inn., or full hoi tor '-Ac, hold meiy. mhtiu. mi. IJOiiAMIiO UUl). CO., I'hllaJolt'Wa, SAVED FROM M a .linn i-iitti j-lou Ibout Your JOB We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. ?f?roi)i;le Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, oli Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour use ; every We sell our oods lower than any can ana get our prices ana oe convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COUNT of the State of Oregon, for Wtueo County. Ernest Morgan, Plaintiff vs. Nettle Morgan, Defendant. To Nettle Morgan, the above named ilefenilnnt: In tho name of the State of Oregon, von nro lieieby required lo appear in the above entitled court and miMver the complaint filed against you la said court find cause, onorbeforu the lirst day of tho next regular term of the Circuit Court for Wnsi c countv. Orecon. follou-linr the expiration of six weeks' publication of tills summons, io-wit, Jionaay, tiiostn clay ot l CDru- nry. 1697, and you will take nofiee that if you fail to so appear and answer, for want theieof plMintlii'wIU take judgment against you for thu reuui pruytu jor in nis complaint, io-wii: A decree of divorce forever dissolving tho bonds of marriage heretofore aim now existing between pluintlll and defendant, and lor such other relief as may bo equitable and just. This summons is served upon vou bv publica tion thereof in 1 ho D.Ules Chuomcm:, ii weel;lv newiiaper of general circulation published n't The Dalles. Oreiron. bv older of Hon. W. I.. jjrmuimw, judge of the above named court. uateu ut Danes citv, or., Dee. ll, WK. ti. W. l'HHU'S. dec'.M-i Attorney for I'laintill'. Sheriffs Sale. Notice is herebv given that an execution ami ordt-r of sale was issued out cif tho Circuit Court of the Statoof Oregon for Whco County, on tho .urn mi)- oi iieceuiuer, isim, upon n judgment therein rendered on tho ''tut dav of Novi-mhtT. lhfifl, in favor of Kf.d 11. Dietzel. plalntill', and u list James 1-. Klllott and vi him Wil. ilo. fondants, which said execution and order of sale Is to me directed and rommanding mo to ell tho property hereinafter described, for the iiuposo of satisfying the judgment of tho plaint It 111 said cause for the sum of fJlO.10. with in le si ner terest thereon at leu per cent ir annum from tho'Jlst day of November. lb'JO: and tho further sum of attorney's fees; and tbo costs and ilsbursemeuts of said suit taxed at S15. Thorn. fore. Ill compliance with said execution unci oruer ot sale, l will ou Saturday. .lanuiiry .10, 1807, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. at the courthouse iiuot in r-miics uny, ntisco (;oiiiity, uregon, sell ui puoue auction, io me Highest oiuuer, lor cash in uami, tor mo purposo ot satisfying the judg ment above mentioned tbo following described amis and premises, to-wit: Slxtv-tlireo'CI) acres oil' thn oust, kl.lnnftlm North half of tho Southeast nuiirtnr of K.v "Ji In Township 1 North, Uango 16 East. W. M..com- meiiPiugntiirockHt u point on tho North lino oi me .-sj4oi mo Kid of said Section); thence Kust to Kast lino of said section; thetico soutn one-ouurier mile: thenco West tn n nninr nue souin oi said rook (tho place of beginning); thenco North to tho place otbeniniiliig. Dated this 30th da of December, WM. , . T. J. DK1VKK. jan2-5t-ll SherifTof YVneco Couuty, Or Notice of Final Settlement, Notico is hereby given tlint the uuderMgncd has tiled in tho olllco of tho Clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho 8Uto of Oregon for Wasco County his final account as asslgneo of A. A. Uoiiney, jinolvent debtor, mill said final account will bo hourd at tho Circuit Court room in tho court houso in Dalles City, Oregon, on Monday, tho S h day of lebruary, 1S'J7, nt tho hour of 10 n clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as counsel may bo heard. JtOllKUT MAYS, uw-SM Assignee of A. A. llonuey. Monuments and Headstones. Uefore koIiik olsewiiere. call on L. COMINI, The Dalies, Or., For a Tombstone. Warranted to stand for till time, regardless of wind or weather. ptWW publisf?ii? ?o. is manufactured expressly for familv eack is guaranteed to give satisfaction house in the trade, and if vou don't think so SUMMONS. TN THK CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore. X gon for Wasco County, h'rauk J. Meyeis, Platntln", vs. Annie M. Meyers, Defendant. To Annie M. Meyers, the above named defend. am: In tho name of the State of Oregon, vou are hereby required to appear in tlie above entitled court and answer tho complaint llled against you in said court and cause, on or before the llrst day of trie next regular term of the Circuit Court for W'nseo County, Oregon, following tlie expiration 01 six weeks' publication of this sum. mons, to-wit, Monday, tlie 8th day of February. lS97.nlld vou will take notice that If von full I to so appear and answer, for want thereof" plaint ill will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wlf A decree of divorce lorever dissolving tho bonds of mar rlago heretofore and now existing bitween I'laimiii anu ueienuant, and lor such other re. lief as may be equitable and just. .this summons is served upon vou bv publlca. lion thereof in The Dalles Ouko.nicli:, a news, paper of weekly publication and lrenerul .irr.ii. latum, published at The Halles. Vnco Countv, Oiegon, by order of Hon. W. L, Uradshaw, judge "j nn; ttuioi: ittiuiiu I'uuri. G, V. PHKI.PS, deci.M Attorney for I'laintill. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the' State of Or X egon for ttasco County. Alma O. Howe, l'lanitltr, vs. Hamuel T. Howe, Defendant. ToSaniuel T. Howe, the above namcddefeiidant: In tho namoof the Hate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear mid answer tho com plaint 11 Kd against you in tho above entitled court and cause, on or beforo tbo llrst day of tho next term of said court following the expiration of the tlmo prescribed in the order for the pub licatlon of this summons, to-wit: On orb fore thohthdsy of February, 16U7; and If you fall so to upiiear and answer, or otherwise plead in said ciurse, the plaintift, for want thereof, will apply to tbo court for tho reliet prayed for In tho com plaint llled herein, to-wit; That tho bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant bo dissolved; that tho plaintiff bo awarded tho custody of the minor child mentioned In said compliant, Hester A. Howe; that defenduut bo barred of all light, tltlo or interest iu the real lS.r"i,ial l,rnerty of plain tllf, ond that plalntill have und recover her conta and dis bursements made and expended in this suit, und for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. may seem equitable. tiou thereof ,Jy orderof U"lfo7. W. Tl a 1 shaw, Judge of said Court, which order bears tho date of October i, lbW, and was made and dated 'ii'wi.1'' Woscot-'ounty, Oregon, on Octo inis Sllmmnns lt anrvral iinr... t... i.i - s summons ber 18Ki. JOHN It. CRADLKlUUtW, Attorney for I'lalntltf. decM-i Sheriff's Sale. ..,VC0 ls ,1fr.1by Blvf n that "der and by vlr ,l.f m0' i' 1 execution and order of sale Issued out of tho Circuit Court of tho Htatoof Oregon f f usco County, dated the 12th day of January. 1&U7. and to n o illr.ti ,.nri IrA.To.wiir"1""1 tn -.-v. . tiiiMvat tlllVtlll 111 IU11 IMP Rent imp milium l,n.n n.w. . ii ' .i" '1" "-r cent ir annum from Dec. , im, n balatico diio uponaiudgmeiit in tho bovS"S court i? doing business under tho firm 'nomoof'.u iv T.i lavoroi Hooert Mavs and L. K. nrmm crowe, and against (ieo. I). Armstrongand Sarah - ttMt.iiiiihi ftiiun hull ii?iiiiiriii riiurniii (kin nln th mi, .i,,,.,7vr.;.....i"" ,i"?': . Yi "'H'v" m of 0 o'clock ii. m., eel at.thocourthimiolloor .i J13 5t-1 T. .1 lililinai Sheriff of Wasco Couuty, Oregon. public mictfon, to tho highest bidder for cash in h'?4 ' le nUT 1'!S.,etlljd fcal entile, to.wit U) 13, in Hlock ii lu Thompson's Addition to Pa los City, m Wasco County, State ot OreKo,,. Walloi City, Oregon, Jan. Vi. U!7. iiiii i irt iti L.tiii me Columbia po PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANUFACTUrtKKS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND i, Dried Beef, Etc. The Glades Ranch WIIITK SALMON. WASH. i nre Brefl Aninl'ICH .Ternoy Cuttlo Club Of the St Lambert, Commassirs and Torincutor so some Choice Cows and Heifers for sale, l'ute llred Poland China Hogs. White Plymouth Unek Chickens. Address: MUS. A. It. I1YKKKTT, Prop. Jt!3-w3m White Salmon. Wash. rnlni'. Three unoice jinn's im Dalles City anfl Moro Staae Line Lenvea Wil hunia Hotel. Motu, on Jlondave, Wedueadaya and Fridays at 8 n. in. prompt. Leaves Umntilln House. The Dalles Tuesdays. Thvrsdnys and Saturdays at 8 a. in. nrotunt. Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, -10c per 100 lbs; small packages, lo and 'ou lJassuii(;er rales the JJalies to Aioro S1.50: round trin. itt.oO. Agency nt Umatilla House, Thu Dalles and at Williams Hotel Aloro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Troj). Bake Oven and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAKPEE, - - Proprietot Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelont every tiay, anu from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. Notice of Slierill's Sale. JiOtiee is herein- iriven tlmt hv vlrtnn r .... execution and tho order of sale issued out of the Circuit Couit of the btato of Oregon for Wasco ( ounty on the l'Jtli day of January, 1&U7, uimn a '"" , juugiiitiii iiiime, reiiiiereu am: en tered theretofore therWn In u suit wherein J. J. hpeucer wnx plaintiff and Wilson It. Whmiin i lid Mary inaiis, his wlfe.mid.I. M. Hiuitingion eredefendauti: I did iliilv Iotv i,n .,.,.i...in fnnit doorof the' county courthouse .ln.. .1... ,o.l "i . , ..' I ".''lt) "II KIIIIU ... ..Milt.;.-, , ,i l . I, ft I. II 1 (tiiiiiv I irvixm .... uiij, uiu loin uny in X'euruarv. lh'.IT.llt n'l nnl- !!.,'); '. .Hr"0.,"7f, hill,(l '''', at public auction, to tho highest bidder for cash lu hand, the fol! lowing described re.il i.stnt... rl-nrihu,i i ..i.i execution ami order of sale, and described as V."' cvnuu six u,i in OWIISIUl .So. one ili. north of rumm t,. . im iime teMeriilian in Wasco Countv, Oregon, co -tHining ig:j.71 acres of land, togetlier with the tenements. hellltament i dh at mir ei inces i ieieuuio oeimiguig, or in any wise appertain lug, or so iiiuc i theimr i iii i. .' i ii ' lu "'"""'"s.'luc upon said writ, to-wit: inn nf'nt."ff,Lther w,,.h lnU;rC!it tlll;rer "t the Z?n !fnc,B",.I'r cent per annum sineo tlie '.'Sth tlOO for attor ni'v's f,.pa. nm ti... . ...,. ' :i ury;1w7?tThCl)Ullcs 0r't"fcUthdnyot Jan. Janlfi-5t.il siierlll of WmcoCouiu Notice of Slierilfs Sale. .t,lY ivlrtl,.. of ,n" execution and order of sain duly issued by the Clerk of the iV?rn"L?'9 sag Sirpiisw creil judgment against Alexander W tt lothn thf, 'M.?!! I will o,i Monday. the eour housV.n . ' ??.'.! V. 'Vntdpor of 2 o'clock in n, ,"!u.co"'y.. t tuiblic auc timi t ... , i".. ".'.'"V. u'. ell at tho following described pro ttcrts oi mini ut 'i Two mosmm l'adSb.lrScmentsfth"thavCt, ?,rmH"h."li. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. h0u'YSlJ tl'oniidersUned estate of M. Hem V Icso T Tl";0 ,f tho iikolvent debtors ai 1. 1 A' M0"1 r cson, i niriy-two rods, north ten tot U V,.t AicAituucr att. or so urns owing them or nlMnr ;,V . ' ' Hml " I ler- "ffiaSSSr"--ro"e,ky u 8 PAV18, Assignee. EAST and SOUTH Vk The Shasta Route OF THK Southern Pacific Comp'y, Trains leave mid arc duo to nrrivo nt. 1'ortUnd. I.KAVE. FltOM JUNK 23, 1895. A!5RtV, OVKKLAND KX-l Ercxs, Balom, Hose-1 urg, Ashland, Sac-1 riimento, Ogden.San ! S:50 P. M iTanomeo, nioinve, i Uih Angeles.Kl Paso -4:10A. M. New orleaiiH and ( East Iloseburg and way kta Hons r ,. S-.S0 A. M. M P.M. fVIn Woodburn fori I Mt.Augel, Silvcrton, J VVnat Hnln. RrnU'iia. Dally except Sundays'. 1:00 1'. M, 7:30 A. M, (1:13 1". M. vllle,Sirlngilcld and f (, Natron .... , J Salem and way stations except Sundayi. 10.00 A.M (Corvuiiis una wity (.stations I jMoMlunvlllo nndj (way statlona ) t tm l'.M, 8:25P.M. Dally. tlbniy, except Sunday. k DINING OAKS ON OGDEN KOUTE. PULLMAN 11UFFKT SLEEPEltS AND HECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Olllce, 131 Third Btreet. where through tickets to nil points Jn tho Eastern St-itcs, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. 11. KIUKLANI), Ticket Agent All above trains nrrivo nt and depart Irom Grand Central Station, Fifth nnd Irving streeU. Y AMU ILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot ot Juttcrson street. Leave for OSWEGO, week days, nt 6:00,7:3). io:i3 a. iu.; 12:15, IMS, fiiari, 0:ir, 8:05 p. m. (and 11 :.. m. on Saturduy only). Arrive at l'ortlaiid at 7:10, 8;30, 11:25 u, in.; 1:30,3:10,6:35, 7:35, 1):U p. m. liivc for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p.m. Arrive at Portland, 0:30 n. m. Leave for AIKLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Kri'iiy nt 0:10 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tu. dav, Thursday nnd Saturday nt 3:03 p. in. Similar trains for OSWEGO lenro nt 7:20,8:). 10:15a.m.: 12:15, 1:15, 3:30, &:25 0:45 p. ra. At rlvo at Portland ut 12:35, 8:30, 10:00 11;25 a. m.: 1:80, 3:15, 5:10, ei.'o5, 7:55 p. m. It. KOEHLEK, Manager. E. P. ROGEUS, Asst. G. F. i Pass. Agt. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Toui:ist Sleeping Oars Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. I'AIIL, MINNEAPOLIS DUMITH I'AltGO JO KAN1 roiiKS CUOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and 1SIJTTE Through Tickets CHICAGO WAHII1NC1TON l'lllLADKI.l'HIA NEW VOKK IUIHTON ANI AI.li POINTS EAST mill SOUTH For information, timn pnrrls. mnriNHnd ticket). cal ou or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. G. P. A., 255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'lmes u Week. 160 Pajiera Vr' It BtttndB firat among '"weekly" paper' in Hiise, frequency of publication ano freshness, variety and reliability of con' tente. It is practically a daily at the low prico o a weekly: and ita vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coon trieB, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor pago, exhaustive market reports, all tbe latest fashiona for women and a long aeries of atorlea by the greatest living American and English authora, vonaii Doyie, Jorome K. Jerome, Htiiley Weyman, Mry X. WUUIM. Anthony Hnue, Jiret Unrte, rHiiitr Multliewi, Etc. We ofl'or this uneaualed newspaper and The Dalles Tlvlce-a-'Week Chronicle to gether one year for $!i.00. Tlie regoli' price of the two papers is $3.00. rr.z-:t-rmmwmmWLMm want m hhkkbv.