L.J to--. ..r fef r. IK-- The Dalles Daily Chronic. MK DALLES, OltKOOX Ori'pun Notes. Coyote limits arc growing yery popular in Eastern Oregon. The sheepmen of "Wallowa county are the latest to organ ize to rid that section of these pesky nnhnnls. One school district in Lane county, lo- Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, and alt kinds of MILL FEED :::i:rr;:-ut,Jo"iT.'. Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- trlct lias just Ueen organized and it is , fntl KM OUT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family ' use; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, and it you don't think so call and get our prices and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. desired to raise $500 fur the purpose of building a school house. The small amount of taxable property makes the high tax necessary. "Karl Sargent, the university student who is wanted in Eugene on a charge of burgl iry, is stiil at large. He was seen on the road leading to Pleasant Hill by Constable Sid Scott, but made good his escape. Several shots wore fired at him by the constable, but were not heeded by the fugitive. .KIUllV CAUGHT A COUtiAlt. A llrnvi! Union County Mnu I)lilny ti Cool lit lid unci AloiiktroUM Nurvo. Richard Kirby, who is considered one of the most daring hunters in Union county, while returning home recently was attacked by a tierce cougar and nearly devoured. Many great feats have been accom plished by the daring hunters and trap pers of this county. James Holcomh, a few years ago. killed twenty-seven elk in oue baud and lassoed a 900-pound sturgeon in the turbulent waters of the Snake. Pies Brown made himself famous not long since by lassoing and branding a huge deer. Six Snooter Bill had a terrible strug gle with u wild cat and her kittens and received some very bad injuries before extricating himself from the infuriated animal. But none so far have excelled the feat accomplished by liiuliard Kirby. He was riding along at his usual gait when suddenly a weird sound caught his ear. It was like that of a woman crying it distress. But no! He recognized it at once. It was the cry of a wary cougar. One moment and the beast had leaped to his side! What to do lie knew not, but quickly calling to his memory the feat of poor Fritz, the Prussian boy, who saved his life from a fierce wolf by seizing the animal in his embrace and carrying it home, Richard, quicker than thought, seized the cougar in his tight embrace and gallantly loped aw 'V to his lather's mansion. He shows a few bad scratches on his hands, but is as bright and jovial as ever, and says he would not take the world for his remarkable experience or give up his pet. Silver Sentinel. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER Dcilncm Cannot lie Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tho mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it fs en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- f tnu nrn nilistn by catarrh, which is nothing but nn in flamed condition -of the mucous sur- faces. I Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for j any case ot iJealnessfcauiVi! ny naiarrin that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 610 nn n Thn OnTiimfliQ DOMM n ii it i ii u in ruuAiuy uu., PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANUFACTOKEKSOK Fine Lard and Sausages. Successor to Curisnitm & Corson. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at tl-e o'd stand. I wouM be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to s-ny pa"t of town. SUMMONS. KtUriiNu A HOLIDAY. How Shall Wv Plun to Got from It All the Gouil it Can Give'.' What is sure to make it a red-letter h.-,ot-iioN Beautiful i.. iiwir.Oiyl'TS, Irish Harps to 15c tho Vogue This .Season. I dav? 1 There is a fashion in musical instru- What is the very best way to spend it? , meats, so far as the English young- wom How shall we plan to get from it all that an is concerned which compels changes D ... .1 t ...... .1 j 1 .t. it can give? To make the verv most of ' :ls smiuen mm sweeping us uiuse which TX T1IK CIItCL'lT COl'ttT of the Suite of Or L egon for Wasco Countv. AlmuC. Howe, l'luintlu", vs. Pniuucl T. Howe, Defendant. To Samuel T. Howe, tlicnbove mimed defendant: In the niimcof the Mote of Oregon, you nre ; nercny required to appear niui answer tne com i iilnint Dial against von In the above entitled court ana cause, on or Dciore tne nrst nay oi me nest term of said court following the expiration oi tne time ptescriuea in tnu order lor tnu puo- i licimou oi mis summons, to-wit: un or u lore I the.Sthdny of February, lb37; and it yon fail so to ' uppear mia answer, or otherwise mead in said cause, the plalntitt, for want thereof, will apply to tne court lor tne reiici prayed lor in tne com- plaint llled herein, to-wit: That the bonds of , matrimony between plaiuliiV and defendant be i dissolved; that tiie pin In tilt' be awarded the i custody oi me minor cnnu mentioned in said j complaint, Hester A Howe; that defendant be barred of all light, title or Interest in the real I and personal property of phiintitl', and that plaintitV have and recover her costs and dis bursements made and expended in this suit, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. a single day, a holiday, a day that we are at liberty to spend as we like, may be something of a puzzle. It suggests the question what do you care most about doing with alt This summons is served unon vou bv imblicn- in. regard to the same voumr tion tnereor, by order of the lie - -1 I I . .1 f ....1.1 l 1 1. women s bonnets and hats, ui cours.; i (llltnfnntnii(.rKn.iwir.. ,.. h -k tal:e place all of them who have pretensions to be ing considered what is vaguely termed 'musical" reckon among their aeconi- :i, , plssliments the ability to piny the life is made, and just to be sure of what l,iano inul the.v do not disdain to de we care most to do with it is worth i vote the surplus of their musical ability thinkhi"- about. instruinenta-of a more portable kind. Most voung people, and in fact prettv ' For !l timu il v,'as tl,e banjo, then the much ail persons, have some favorite j mandolin, then, taking a flight up-.vr.rd nccunatioii or studv. or both in one. i W,L ueifjuuL-ii imu u on. w. I., llrad- hieh order bears the made and dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Octo ber SO, IMC. JOHX II. Cl!.YDf.EIlAU(!H, ttecSO i Attornev for I'lalntitl. SUMMONS. A Sliliiyurd ltiirnud. Glasgow, Feb. 4. Tho shipyard of the Fairfield Shipbuilding Company, Dover, near here, has been almost com pletely destroyed by fire. The damage is estimated at ?250,0ll0. Four thousand persons arc thrown out of employment. General Alfjur at Canton. Cantox, 0., Feb. 4. General Mixer reached here this morning for a short ierence with Major McKinley. He says the object of his visit is to say a few words for a friend. Ward, Kerns & Itohertson have the largest stock of limothy, wheat and wild hay kept in the city, for sale. Call and see it. jau23-2w An i:ilit-V)ur-(H(l Convict. Fhankkoue, Ky., Feb. 4 James 0. fcinjjleton, an 8-year-old colored boy, was received at tho penitentiary Wednes day morning to servo one year's sen tence. M. Crevreuil, being about to leave the city, ofHtre his fine stock of artificial flowers, plants, etc., at ureatlv reduced prices. liooniH in Masonic build K. decSl-tf Trouble lit .Toliaimitrtliurg. London, Feb. 4. The Globe this after noon says a rumor is current in the city that serious disturbances have taken place at Johannesburg. some special direction iii which they are strongly drawn, that lies outside of the daily necessary routine of work. For those who have ordinarily but lit tle leisure (and i:i this busy work-a-dny world this includes the majority), the indulgence of this private liking in a cnpital use for at least a part of the holiday. It may lead to important re sults or it may not the thimr we are most eager to do may be n mere amuse ment of which we soon tire, or it may be the thing that we were made to do, the real serious business of our lives, which circumstances have seemed to put beyond our reach, yet which per severance will enable u? to achieve. However that, may lie, there is no question about the pleasure of doing the thing one likis best. It may be riusic or historv, or football, or wood- carving, or what not there is certainly n very keen satisfaction in following one's own personal taste. And the chances are that if you are enough in earnest, something worth while will conic of it. Too much is made of the motive of making money. It is well to remember that there is another kind of satisfaction in good work, in every kind of employment, done for its own sake. It docs not make much diiYereiH,- what the work is. Any kind of useful or beautiful thing done, in the measure in which the heart is thrown into it. doing on''s very best for the snke of seeing it well dune, is good and satisfy ing. Time spent in this way is well spent. If there is nny such thing as a secret of happiness, it is surely this make others happy. And all good work is an antidote for selllshness. Not only that, but it is one of the surest, most lasting mid rightful sources of con tinual happiness. To talk about work as the best play the best resource for enjoying n holiday, seems on the surface a contradiction. Hut the best piny is not idleness merely. To be worth having, it must be some kind of activity, and to be really delightful, it must be something loved. To make, the most of a holiday, then, it its quite fair to do the very thing that you care for personally, however unimportant it may appear to somebody else. Something is due to the day itself lb it Thanksgiving day? Are we not more ready to give thanks in sincerity for ninterlnl blessings, for abundant food and rich dress, prospr rltv ":i the shape of money, houses and lands, than for better culture and rieh-r' gains in position of a "fashionable" instrument, dividing its claims with the violoncello. We are said to be now on the eve of another change. According to Music, tne instrument winch is to he in vogue court and answer the complaint (lied apiiiist this winter i the Irish barn whieli V'u in court nmI c'iue, on or before the um.cr in, iribn u.irp, y, niui lirst liy ,)f )(, m,xt repulllr ,crm of the clrcnlt iu.nii juuujf v.omeu uciongiiig to Uie court lor vi asco county, Oregon, following the v r TN THE CIHCTIT C'OCllT of the State of Ore X gon fur W asco County. Frank J. Meycis, iqamtlll', vs. Annie M. Meyers, Defendant. To Annie M. Meyers, the above named defend, nut: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are iiureuy rvquiieu 10 appear in tne nuovu entitled many young women belonging to the I Court for Wasco county, Oregon, follovvii ,-erv smartest societv are iid to be -'- exl'lrntion of six wccks' publication of this . ' l . u , 3 art . . IO "L moi.s, to-wit, Monday, the 8th dav of Fell :eadj industriously practicing. It i. 1S07, and you will take notice that if v not the large and rather unwieldy thing we are wont, to see in the street orches tras, but a beautifully finished and dee- orated little instrument, :;on:e 110 inch es in height, and about the weight of a banjo. It is, in fact, the article which tne minstrol hov slum' behind limi s sum. tuarv. nn full to so iirnKiir and answer, for want tlinrpnf" nlnint. ill will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for in his compltdnt, to-wit- A decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of mar riage heretofore and now existing bstween l'lntntill'mui defendant, and for such other re lief a-, limy be equitable and just. This, summons Is served upon vou by publica tion theieof in The Dalles ClinbsictE, a news- ueroi weekly punucirtlnn and general circu- Curers of BRAND UdH Dried Beef, Etc. TTnnin nil nisi EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nnd are duo to nrrivc nt I'ortUtnl. LKAVE. moM JUNK 23, 189o. OVERLAND EX-1 . i Salcin. Itosc Ashland, Sue I'ramcnto, Ogden.Snn f OVE iiress, kburg, : , - i I'ramcnto, Ogden.Snn ! S:50 I'. !.; i.-rilciSeo, Jlojiive, f I I.os Ange1us,El l'sn. 1 1 New urieaas aim 1 1 East .J , m . t Itoscburg nnd way t-tu- 5:o0 A. U (Inns ' f Vin Woodburn for n I Mt.Angel, Silverton, D,111. Ii West Solo, Drowns-J. except n viiie.Sprlngllold nnd Sunday--. vtr on i . in n m Salem and wny stations I " V ICorvnlliH nnd wnyl , ,:,!0 A. M. jtntlotiH j ,,..,, plcMIniivMle nnd t l: 1 M' wnv stations ( a rimvs. M:io P.m. except Smidayi, '10 .00 A. M t 6 :S0 p. m, t 8:2.5 P.M. The Glades Ranch,! Daily. (Dniiy, execjit Stinany. WHITE SALMON. WASH. ! ire Brefl -AS"- JERSEYS Of tlic St Ijunbcrt, Commiissle and Tormentor mine. Three Cluilee Hulls fur sale or rent, so some Cliofec Cows and Heifers for sale. Pure Dred l'oland China Hogs. White l'lymontii Kock Chickens. Address: MItS. A. It. IIVUKKTT, Drop. Jy'J.)-w;im White Salmon. Wash. Dalles City and Moro Stajre Line Leaves Williams Hotel, Mom, on Mondays, Wednesdays unil Fridays at i a. m. prompt. Leaves Umatilla House. The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsduys and Saturdays at 8 a. in. prompt. I-reiglit rates 1 tie miles tn Aioro, -luc per 100 lbs; small packaces, lo and 1'oc. Passenuer rates The Dalles to Moro, Sl.oU: round tnn. s'.oU. Aeencvnt Umatilla House, the uanep, and at Uliams Hotel Moro. DINING CAItS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN RUKFET Hl.EEl'EIlS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS AttRtl.eU to nil Through Trains. Through Ticket Oillec, 1S-1 Third street, where thiouch tickets to nil points in the Eastern St-ites, Canada and Europe can be obtained at louesi rates from ,l. 11. KIIiKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains nrrivo nt and depart Irom Grand Central Stntlon, Fifth mid Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of JcUcrson street. Leave for OSWEGO, week dnys, nt 0:00,7:20 10;i: a. m.; 12:15, 1:1.'), 5:2o, fi:i;. 8:0.. p. ffl (and 11:30 ii. in. on Saturday only). Arrive at Portland at 7:10, s;so, ll:2o n, in.; 1:30,3:15, 6:33 7:ai, 11:10 p. 111. ljavc for Sheridan, week days, it 4:30 p. m Arrive nt Portland, 9:30 n. m. l.-ave for AIKLIE on Monday, Wednesdar and Kri nv at'JMOn. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. tf DOUGLAS ALLEX, Prop. Bale Oven and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPER, - - Propriaioj utiiiiii lliui I I ... i - . ' : wl.oi, w-itl, i i i onion, piiuiisucu at 'i lie- Dalles. Wnseo Countv, vwien, with his father's sword crirded I Orecon. bv order of n.m. v. t.. iirmui,..,. i,i.;. on. he set forth on that bellicose cxpe- I uve named court. dition of which tlic bnllads tell us. The tone of the Iridh ham is said.to be particularly sweet, though a little thin. BESSIE'S GREAT She Felt Sorry SACRIFICE. This In Your Opportunity. On receillt of Ln oftnfK r null nr utnmna a (,-onorous enmplo will bo mailed of tho biilldinf,' up our own chnrnetei-i? and moat popular Catarrh and liny Fovor Cure i nvesv t tliene are worth more (Ely's Cream lialni) Knfficiont to demon- Is it Christmas? Do ve thinl: of it etruto tno great merits of the renfedy. ns a time of r,'if!s. of merry nmlcinR, of ELY BKOTIIEIIB, i.nusunl payety and .self-indulpence, or uu Muiruuoi., now iorKuity. (0 we care lirst for its hipdier menn- Ilov. JohnUeiil, Jr., of Great Fnlls, Mont., Infc'sv Do we mnUe it a time of pood recomuiouded Ely's Cream Halm to me. I will toward all, a time for earnest can enipliasizo his statement, "It is a posi- tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Kov. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre. Church, Ileleua, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh nnd contnins no mercury aor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. Subscribe ici Tin; Ciiiio.mci.e. thought and generous deeds to pro mote the welfare of those whom we love, first, but also, so fur ns we may, of all our human brothers and ulsters? Even on a holiday, and perhaps most on a holiday, when our time is free from ordinnry claims, a little honest discus sion with one's self of the very best uses nnd objects to which we can de ote n little of our time will not come amiss. Country Gentleman. i or u Uuby Who llml So Doll. THie stockings had been hung up and the little ones; gathered around the hearth to hear mamma tell the story of the Babe of Bethlehem, :;nys vhe ew York World. Their small faces expressed profound sym.putby when they heard how the Bon of God was lrorn in a stable, how lie lay on a bed of straw, how lie shivered in the cool December night and how His life was in danger from the wicked ilerod. Lit tle Be.ssio seemed tube particularly im pressed. She said nothing, but one could see that she was thinking hard. When, half im hour later,' mamma came to Bessie's bed to kiss her irood night, she. found the child pressing her doll to her liosom njid gazing at it with unutterable affection. As she stooped over the bed Bessie looked up and asked, earnestly: "Mamma, ain't God's baby got nny dolly?" "-Vo," replied the mother, smiline. Bcssiti looked at her doll again nnd hugged it. Then conflicting emotions rdiowed themsehes ou the little face. Mter a long silence the child raised her eyes, which hnd such an expression tw. those of the martyrs must hove worn at the stake, and said, firmly: "Take it to Him, iiiamma." Closing her eyes tight Bessie laid the doll in licr mother's hands and buried her face in the pillow to try to forget the great sner'lice nhc had made. dec'-B-t fi. w. piir.i.rs. Attorney for I'laiutin. SUMMONS. rN THE flliPflT COUIIT of the State of J- Oregon, for aco County, l.'meat JlorK.ui, 1'Iaintlll" vs. -Vettfe Moroni), Defendant. To XctPe Morgan, tne above named defendant: In the namo of tl.eBtateof Oregon, vou aie heieby icqulrul lo appear :n the above ciultlid coil it and nin-wcr the complaint filed asiiinst vou in tald court nnd CHiise, on or before the lirst day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court for Wasi i) County, Oregon, following the expiration of hlx weeks,' publication of this summons, to-wit, Monday, the Mb dav of Febru ary. lf.)7, mid you will lake noflee that it vou ," '.'!.." ,!l,m'V"r,'"1,'1 nnswer, for want thereof plMiiitill will take Judgment against von for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit. A decree of divorce fnmvi.p ilKwiivi,,,, bonds of marriage heretofore ami now existing between plalntilf and defendant, mid for such "'""'vivi as nniy oe equiiarjie ami just. Tills summons is server! mum vnu I,.- .,i.n tion thereof in 'lhe Dalles Ciikos'iclk, n wcvkl'y ncwsi ajer of general circulation published at ii i V.i r "V ! y. "ruer 01 ""ii. w. h. ...... i, juiiKu in uiu uuuve uameu court. Dated lit Dalies City, Or., Dec. ID, 1MIG. , .... , W. 1'IIKLI'S dec.'.vi Attoruev for I'litintilf. Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HOUSES AND WAGONS. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereoy given that bv virtue of nn execution and the older of .-ale IsMied out of the Circuit Couit of tiie htate of Oregon fur Vaco County on the li!tli day of January, 1)7, upon a decree and judgment made, rendered and en tered theretoiore therein In a suit wherein J. J. silencer was ,,l.iintlir and Wilson it. Winui, .ud Mary Vi inans, his wife.and.I. M. Huntington were defendants: I did duly levy upon and will sell al : the front . door of the county courthouve in Da les t.ity, Wnwo County, Oregon, on Satur ate, the 13th day of lebruary, i.v.17, at U o'clock in tlieiifternoon of said dav, at public unction lowing described real estate, described l. s,,i,i execution and order of sale, and de-crihed as , i,r-n.: ji n lour ril. lire s. . . tr. n nnlwV, 7,i' '"r""011 K'J- "IX (0) ill tOWl'lsl.ij, No. one '1, north of range leu .10) east of ll. lunette -Meridian In Wa-co County, Oregon, "0 -taillilig 1C;),71 acres of Imwl t...;n,. ., . Sundiiv trains for OSWEGO leave at 7-20, 8:10, 10:15a.m.; l'J'lfi, IMS, :i:H0, 5:2.- (M5 p. m. Ar rive at Portland at 12::!.), S::0, 10:00 ll;2j a. m.; 1:50, S:15, 5:10, 0:K.'i, 7:65 p. 111. It. KOEIILEK, .Maiiazer. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. G. F. i: Puss. Agt ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Elegent Tonirist TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. I'AIIL Ml.VNKAPOLIS 1HJLUTH I'AJtGO C.KAND FOltKS CUOOKSTON M'INNll'EC 1I13LK.VA nnd 1UJTTK in"S;!..'!'lc!'V, "mmrtenances . ...... ni.uiiKHiH, ,,r 111 anv wise aimertain. .'S'.ff -V.' mmh thereof as shall be neelLarv o Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that under nnd by vir J'.P execution mid order of tale issued out ..1 uiuvjirciiit toon ot tne Htateof Oregon for 1W mid to me directed and comnmndiiig me to sell tho property hereinafter described to satlsfv the sum of W, with interest thereon nt ten ,r cent w annum from Dee. , lb-G, 11 balance due SSJi u,?Klmci,tMJn 1,10 bovo named court : in iT,r,,."' ?.teH.?d -V- E- partner" Crowe, and against Geo. D. Aruifitrong and Sarah kJti "!',ro"?,J?lvu,,J,na roiiderwi therein on tho'Jtll davol Novenihor. ISful 1 ..,111 .. ,iT..'.,..u" Ch.Ii In Vour check. All county warrants refiatered prior to July U, 18U2, will lie paid at my omce. interest ceases after Dec. 5, iriAn ' U. L. FjiiLLira, County Treasurer. DR. GUM'S IMI'IIOVKO LIVER PILLS f n Bill ' . . bealib. VttffH dI h ranulv slut h Z..,ZZTT7;tJ7Z. f it reKuUr Tlwy cur IIdcbe,.briblii tbe lieyne tlior pi-i nur meknn. To cowucyJu, Si rill lOAll XArnnlM friui r full u, . i-.1 T ' " " mm uu. ilua,uiiio UE&Zb: PhuidXhS: 5K A .11 . l-'l.v J dv; tho 10 th day of February, U97, at tuohoiir Dalles City, Jn sa d countv nmi ... U 1 inn l$W ' wsc0 County Stale c I Orego . Dallei City, Oregon, Jan. 1J, 17. J13-SI.I si.criirof WateoiSyi'Sn. riiini iiii ntnmiiiTL itnn m,..,. ..1,1 .li'.V ofM c'K'i I cent H.T nniium since the "Sth "S!1?3 '! farther iuni 0 Jl'o en ...w" . " .,'l,:..',"l",;r "im. "I erest n.l nv ""'ur '"'crulug In- urjlisuV.lt Ti'C I)nllC!i 0r,,'tllis 1-t" dn' ot Jll Janir,.,-,t.il sherlfl of WascoomUyl'Sn. ASSIG-NEE'S NOTICE. sonsowh.VMlcm " ThMf 0,,,,, W1H) Su ';t y lhe Dalles. Dee. h. lsiia L S DAVIS, Assignee. 0-1 Monuments and Headstones. Before golnR elsewhere, call on L. GOMINI. The Dalles. Or., or a lomba one. Warranted to atund for all time, regardless of wind or weather. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. duly" &4'oiX7M "'IK u' s"10 thc'county of -ami 1 s V, nPA0"" Court tho 7th day of Ja miry iwr"i ?f 0rcB('". l"ted Intl.. '.1 ' ";''"""Ji ISUl, 111 u Certain .,.(,... rtutS Vhcln Erlck ffin'W f" cred Judgment H17ti I nut 4 1.1... s pia nritt rccov. the courthouse iu ZV.' fIJt, ''.''I'" frontdoor of tmblio Ruction to 1 0 Zu?L ffl,- . the following icMribSl m Sr't .)IU,ller .ir t,,s1'. cres of l,f t the S,, ' "'.wit i 'I wo at tne northwest corner oi thTV!i ,luino,,cll,l' of section twelve In f tn of.",lt,hcast mrtor range seven east df ivm1"11''!' two north of (ireS.,,,; ru "nVi.g ti...i,Pn,L'J,.n.0.lt0. Mla i thirty.two r" a" lior tKii i!iu ,uu r.ods! c")1 two roils to p ace of iJ i1 ' iwcat rl5" nnd levied 111.011 ,h , 'i'ken Through Tiekets C1IIUA!0 WASIllNdTON l'HlI.ADKLI'IHA yew YoiiK liOHTON AM) ALL 1'OIXTS EAST unil SOUTH UlsburseinellirZi t amirot wcoonvVJ'&J For Information, lime curds, maps and ticket, cal on or write to W. C. ALLA'WAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon OK A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 1 l'ntcs a Week. 150 Papers a Ver. It stands first among ''weekly" papera in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly : and its vast liBt of subscribers, extendiritr to every state and territory of the Uniou and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the nccnracv and fuirness of its news columns. It is splondidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a tine humor pafe, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashioiid for women and a lonf series of stories by the greatest living American and Koglish authors, "imii Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome. Hlauliiy wymn, Mary K. WHklni. Aiitliony lioim, ret Urte, rHii(U,r MHttliew, Bto. Wo ofler this unequaled iiewepaperand Tho Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether one year for $2.00. The regulw Price of the two papers is $3.00. MSE0ffU REfoh PI LKf PR . BO -a amI'J 'iiVli0 tSf"-"ro ilHl -J?