Ilioniclc VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1897 NO 22 BANNA GIVES OP HOPE No Longer Expects to Suc ceed Sherman. BUS HX ELL WILL APPOINT JONES lie Will Then Ite a Candidate fur tho Office for the Full Term, Jones Staying Out. ft rvEi.Axn. O.. Feb. 4. It can be stated on unquestionable autbority that Mr. Hanna baa practically abandoned all hope of securing an appointment as United States senator to succeed Sher man. A gentleman who stands as dose to Hanna as any person in Cleveland said today there was no doubt Governor Bushnell would appoint Lieutenat-Gov-eraor Jones to fill the unexpired term of Senator Sherman, and that at the next eessiou of the legislature, which con venes in January, 1898, Governor Bush nell would himself be a candidate for a foil term. It is further stated on the same au tbority that the lieutenant-governor has agreed not to be a candidate for a full term in opposition to Bushnell, and the fight is between Bushnell and Hanna The gentleman who gave this infor mation and whose knowledge of the sub ject cannot be doubted, Baid the fight between Hanna and Senator Foraker would now be carried on to the bitter end, and would, he said, not be by any means confined to state politics. The report that Hanna is being strong ly urged to accept the postmaster-gener alship in McKinley's cabinet ib also verified, but thus far, it is slated, he has steadily declined to enter the cabinet in any capacity. SIGNED ItV THE QUEEN. MR POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its cicnt lenrcnlnc utrenpth mid hcnlthfulncss. Assures the food ogninst nluu and nil forms of adulteration common to ire cheap brands. Royal Baking: Towdek Co., New York. l'rojiosed Cuban Keforms Kecelve Itoyiil Sanction. Madrid, Feb. 4. The queen regent today signed a plan for reforms in Cuba The test of the document will be pub hahed on Saturday. The scheme in cludes numerous and elaborate decrees and will occupy several pages of the of ficial gazette. It is understood the reformB consist chiefly in the creation of an assembly to be called the council of admiration, com posed of 35 members, of whom 21 are to be elected by the people and eix by dif lerent corporations. The remainder will he one magistrate, one university pro fessor, one archbishop and five former senators or deputies. The council of administration is cm powered, firstly, to prepare a budget: secondly, to examine into the fitness of officials appoiuted ; third, they may make a tariff, subject to the condition that Spanish imports will have the advantage over the general tariff. The governor-general will represent the home government, and have tbe right to nominate officials who shall be Cubans, or Spanish who have resided two years in Cuba. Nevertheless he may freely nominate high functionaries, such as magistrates, perfects, etc. Other decrees concern the organiza tion of provisional municipalities which ore to be liberally representative. Tbe municipal councils general will be em powered to elect their president and have exclusive control of the public edu cation. According to another decree the gov ernment reserves to itself extraordinary powers in the event of any disturbance of the public order, and Cuba will con tinue to elect senators and deputies to the corteB as at present. Altogether the reforms are much broader in the direction of decentralisa tion than those granted to Porto Riqo. The powers of the governor-general are much extended, while the council of ad ministration ia fairly representative of all parties and interests. The Spanish governmenUwill continue to vote the budgets and treaties for the colonies. Spanish products, according to the re form Fcltfme, will be allowed a rebate- of 40 per cunt of the Cuban tariff compared with other imports. KBMOVJCU BY THE CKKHIDKNT. Colonel Croftoa Arbitrarily lUlltvetf of lilt Comuiaad. Washington, Feb. 4. Colonel Robert S. Crofton, Fifteenth infantry, was arbitrarily relieved by the president. Jt has been the desire of the war depart ment that this officer should leave the active service, and efforts have been made during the past two years to attain this end. First, through imitations to Colonel Crofton, that his (retirement would be granted if applied for, and this failing, through that law which obliges officers to retire if fonnd physically unfit for service by the medical board. This last course was adopted about nine months ago, but without sucess, the board finding the officer in good condi tian physically. Finally recourse has been taken to the law which permits the president to re move an officer arbitrarily when he shall have reached 62 years of age. Colonel Crofton passed that milestone last month, a-nl the law baa been appli ed in his case. This is a most unusual proceeding, the last instance of forced retirement being in tbe case of General Carr, who was forced out to permit tbe promotion of officers below him in rank. Colonel Crofton was in commaud of the Fifteenth infantry wile it was Bta tioned at Fort Sheridan, near Chicago, and was held responsible for many in cidents in tbe history of the occupation of that point that furnished matter for the courts, colonel Urotton naa a war record. He became a colonel of tbe Fifteenth infantry in October, 1886, and is now stationed at Fort Bayard, N. M WEVLKIl I-KIGllXKNBIJ. VENKZUKLANS AKB DISl'tKASEI Frequent ltulds lu Havana Province Have Alarmed film. -A special to the from Key West Cincinnati, Feb. 4.' Commercial Tribune says : It is rumored in Havana tonight that General Weyler will return to Havana soon, as the frequent raids made in Ha vana province have alarmed hiin. It is no 6ecret in Havina that the Spanish official are uneasy over the ap pearance of General Rivera in that prov ince, and the possibility of his striking a blow at the capital itself has greatly alarmed them. all. Maiquis Ahumada has consequently been in close touch with Weyler. General Rivera had a skirmish with a troop of Colonel de Lome's cavalry 50 miles northwest of Havana Tuesday, and defeated tbe Spaniards. No details have been allowed to escape, and tbe censor ship has been increased the past fort night. Gob llecllued the Honor. Canton, 0., Feb. 4. It is believed here that Judge Nathan Goff was ten dered the attorney-generalship two weeks ago, but hesitated to accept on account on bis wife's health, which led to bis final declination. Mr. Grocer: we can't get along without you. Here are thousands of people who want good tea, and tons of Schilling's Best for them. Will you say to your customers for us: "Here is a tea that I am sure of. I'll give your money back if you don't like it" ? Form of Itoundary- Treaty la not Satin factory. St. Louis, Feb. 4. A Republic speci al from Caracas, Venezuela, says : The signing of the Gniuna boundary fraty in Washington by Minister Andrade,of Venezuela, lira provok d bi -ter comments in the Caracas press. Tbe today declare it means a United States protectorate, and unanimously decry the form in which the treaty is progressing toward ratification. A bitter debate in congress when the convention is pre sented to that body for ratification, is loreshadowed. It is not doubted, however, that President Crespo will, eventually be able to make the national legislature do his bidding in the mater of acceptance. United States Minister Thomas has bad two conferences with Senor Rojas, min ister of foreign affairs, and a cabinet meeting was held at tbe executive mansion. A Schilling & Company San Francisco it! An Iowa Bank Fall. Washington, Feb. 4. The controller of the currency has received a telegram from Griswold, la., announcing the fail ure ot the First National bank of that place. The capital stock is $50,000. At the last report, on December 17, the the total liabilities were $80,000; sur plus, $10,000; total assets, including bonds, were given at $147,000. Murder at Quito. New York, Feb. 4. The correspond ent of the Herald at Guayaquil, Ecua dor, wires that Colonel Niscolaa Locoes, chief of artillery, stationed at Quito was shot in tbe breast and instantly killed by Colonel Enruque Mariot, a delegate to tbe nutidnal congress. Tbey had quarreled, but tbe cause is not known. I'orter Accept It. Washington, Feb. 4. The Connecti cut delegation this morning received a telegram from J. Addison Porter, of Hartford, dated Canton, formally advis ing them tuat he bad been offered the position of private secretary by McKiu ley, and had accepted. ConRlderatlou Postponed. Washington, Feb. 4. Consideration of the 'senate bill for an international monetary conference was postponed to day by the house committee on coinage until Saturday, when several members who have plans for bringing about a conference will be heard. I have given Chamberlain's Oouh Remedy a fair test and consider it oue of the very best, remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, although. I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yeildB very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children Geo. E. Wolff, clerk of the Circuit Court, Fernandina Fla. Sold by Blakelev & Houghton. Will lie Iteconintltted. Washington, Feb. 4. At the request of several aenators, Mr. Lodge agreed to allow the immigration bill to be recom mitted for modifications in tbe age und illiteracy provisions, and moved that the senate disagree to tho conference re port. . A Vuluabltt l'recrlutlou. Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bittere, and I can cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen eral system tonic it has no equal." Mre. Anuie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, bad a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but b!x bottles of Electric Bittere re stored ber health and renewed strength, Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottle at Blakeley and Houghton's Drug Store. (6) Hmall Hllli Iaied. Washington. Feb. 4. The senate to day passed several minor bills, then con sidered the District of Columbia appro priation bill. A Cure for Lame liack. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the back and hips," writes Louden Groyer, of Bardie, Ky. "After u6iiK qoit. a number of remedies with out any benefit she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Special Attractions in our Dress G-oods Departm't. Good, seasonable, stylish weaves; goods which will be just as de sirable in the Spring as they have been daring the Pall and Winter, will be offered yon at very attractive prices. Large Range, 35c Goods, New Brocade Mohair, Full 30 inches wide, and a good value. To close at 20c yard. Offered now at 50c yard. Keg. 50c and 60c values, New Scotch Mixture, New Plaids and Mixtures, Special price, 30c yard. New BrocadeJMolmir. Right Up-to-D.tu cooda, which made their first appearance last Fall. and sold readilv at 75c vard Rough Effects; very natty; regular $1.00 goods To close at 70c yard. A. IKE. WILLI ATMS A CO COVERED WITH HUH1QR Face, Head, Ears, and Body Terribly AfFectcd. Hair Came Out. Thinks SHE WOULD HAVE DIED But for the Wonderful Cure at a Cost of $0.25, Made by tiro CUTICURA REMEDIES When I was thirteen years old 1 lt(?nn to have soro eyes and ears, and Irom my ears u humor spread. I doctored with rhutlilfcront skilful doctors, but they did not do mo any cood. (y this time it bad conn all over my head, face, and body. Nobody thought 1 would live, and would not but for GUTicur.A. Hkmedieb. My disease, w;is Kezenia. No doctor could tell ino what It was, they wcro at a los to know. My hair all eamo mit ut thattimc.lmtnow It Is ho thick I can hardly comb It. I am sixteen yearn old. ueltjh 130 potiudg and am perfectly welt It has been imo year since I took Crriri l a, and am i;r. lectly satisfied that KczemU win never troublo me again. I tool: four boxes of Cl'Tl;uis, five cakes of Cii iicuha Soai-, and ihreo bot tles of CUTICUltA Kn'OI.VKST. Miss IKHAN (I HANDEL, Cla)ton,N. Y., 110x23. Tho cure dally made by Oi-ncintA Hkmi: miss astonish physicians, druggists, mid those who have lost faith and hope. No statement smadurei;arilln them not .instilled by thu strongest evidence. They are tho inostHpeedy. economical, mid infallible skin ciiies.bloftd purifiers, and humor leinedlej of modern times. Bphkot CunK Treatment. Warm butlis with C'UTlcuiiA Hoap, f utl applications of 'u ticuiia (ointment), and mild dotn-aof Cutjcuiu ltEsoi.VF.NT (blood purifier). Bold ihroutdiout the world. I'onTn T)nug ClIEM.C'oiU'., Hole I'rops., Do.Ion, L. B. A. t7T" now to Curo Skin Dlieahcn," malltd free New York Weekly Tribune -FOll Far me and Villagers. FOll Fathers and Mothers, FOll Sons and Daughters, KOlt All the Family. KillsPaiE nam LI, Cutlcura Antl l'ftlii I'l niter. I Harry Liebe, Watchmaker PRACTICAL Jeweler All work promptly attended to, mid warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. II. GUHliKY, Altai auiCwllor at Law, AHMNGTON, QKKQOK, Practice lu the State and Federal Courts of Oregon and Washington. janZJ-Umo With thu close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people uro now uiixioun to (five their attention to home and business interests. To meet thin condition, politico will have far less space und prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which TUB TIU1WNB hug luborud from its inception to the present day. and won its irreatest victories. Everv possible elTort will bo put forth, and money freely Hpont, to mako Till! WEEKLY TKIBUNE pre-eminently Ft National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write vour name and address on a postal card. Rend it to Geo. W. Best. Tribune Ofllce, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trlb nne will be mailed to you, T 7VL Z. DONNELL, PESCIPTIOTI DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M, Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR. Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes Tradedtor Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE &CO The Dallei, Or.