Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle. IHK DALLES, OKGUON BIDDING FOR A WHALE. How n Strniulrd Cetacean Knclntiil. Wns Sulit in A head whale drifted ashore recently sition nre woefully in the minority. An near .Bournemouth, on the south coast ' indignation meetinp was held here Sun of England, and thouch not very large, : day evening nnd on Monday several as whales go, it being only sixty feet j people from this place went to Carson to long, yet it threatened soon to become aj most inconvenient addition to the list of this seaside resort's attractions. At first nobody seemed to know what action to take, but finally some ingenious person suggested that the government receiver of wrecks was the proper official to rid the town of its gigantic nuisance. This view of the matter met with general approval, nnd the local coroner was es pecially glib in meeting the receiver's objections that by no manipulation of words could it be made out that a whale j The citizens of Reno generally regard was a wreck. After long argument the ' the fight as a good thing for the state, receiver yielded the point, but all he ! and are working to secure the attraction would do was to sell the cetacean derelict 1 at this place, for the advent of the sev nt auction. Ham fell heavily on the ap-J iral thousand straugers that may rea- pointed day, but that did not prevent Eome 509 people from gathering on a pier near which the poor creature lay. They came, however, more for the purpose of seeing who would make such a purchase than to take chances by bidding. After much entreat v the auctioneer elicited an r... r us c :.,.i:..:.i.,i ...i,i"" ... ............ . , . . turned pale as minute after minute passed and no competitor for his prize appeared. Meanwhile the auctioneer u, ; uiluim,; u,.oui..c uuuuu. that his hearers were m.ss.np the oppor-1 ...! U !...:.. f i.u.u o. a n eu.ue iu t o uiui Bargain, aim nnaiiy tne appeal, as .lutein iuivc uet-n c?.iei;ieu, n.iu lie usual effect on the feminine mind. This was proved bv a bid of G, which came from a handsomely dressed woman who had been watching the sale, und who could not by any possibility have had use for even one of the forty tons of meat and bone of which she risked becoming the owner. She escaped, however, for two scientific gentlemen came up just then, nnd one of them fiuallv secured tbe whale for 7. A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every, of Woodstock, Mich., was badly afllicted with rheumatism. His right leg was Ewollen the iull length, causing him great suffering. He was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first bottle of it helped him considerably and the second bottle effected a cure. The 25 and 50 cent sizes are for Eale by P.lakeley & Houghton. Datieets Hliould Uo lrj IXew Yokk, Feb. ;. The Young Worn bu'e Christian Temperence Union has sent to the executive committee of the national prohibition party the following appeal : "The Young Woman's Christian Tem perance Union stands for the principle of individual total abstinence and nation al sobriety. It believes that serving wines or liquors of any kind at the in augural ball has in the past been pro ductive of evil and has m the past been an imposing' ceremonial. ''The society therefore comes before you with it large repiesentation of young men nnd women, mostearuestly request ing that President-elect McKinley may be ushered into his solemn office by a sober people, without a taint of dishonor attaching to any nf the civic tuuetions relatiim to the occasion. "Believing we shall thus be helping to attain the righteousness which exalteth a nation, we remain yours for patriotism that guards public moralB and the in tegrity of the home. Francis J. Barnes and Associates." "Whisky War KuRes. Peohia, 111., Feb. 3. Prediction is made by some distillers here that the war being waged between the several distilling interest will be the hottest ever witnessed. One of them said : "It is a war of extermination, the sur vival of the fittest." The several interests have slashed prices until today the goods are $1 10, or only G cents over the government tax. This is less than the cost of production. The wur is a result of a failure to ronew the distillers' agreement in effect a year ago relating to capacity and prices. Further cuts are looked for dailv. Cu.li lu Yitur Cheeks. All county warrants registered prior to July 12, 1892, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceaseH after Dec. 5, 1890. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. DR. GUNH'S IMI'liOVKD IT tt. A .llild J'nihir. One IMll, for a Dnso. A lMU-rnsm vi the IxmeU ftarli dajr u DMrr f.ir tieiltr. 1t,t-re an. tnpply irbt the intern lackj tu it rvirular 'lliecum Hwi&cl.u. briblea 1 60 Flo i:nl cltiir thetAi npiailoo LtllD.-t.'nn i'urctLs. iuoyiwltber r'll" nur molten. '1'n rounncn tuu.-ws mil mall wrrii-l Ir. cir lull Uit li.r -"O, holiirtvry. Wiuia. DU. UVjXV.O UiCU. I.U., l'uiluicflfcj, I'o. ENTHUSIASM IN XKVADA. Profile Itejnlce Tlint thf FIRM I Com lug t Tlicm. Reno, New, Feb. 3. The prizefielit continues tlie chief topic of conversation in all communities in tin western part of the state. StrenorH ell'jrt." nre Wing mndn UL'iiinst the nrnnrisi'd hVlit itninc ! .-j, i i - ofl'in Nevudn, but the advocates of oppo- see what could be done to prevent the Corbett and Fitzismmons from meeting in this state. The press of the stnte, with one or two execeptions, is noncommittal on the sub ject, and ns the majority are, evidently in favor of the new law and a great many who do not believe in prizefighting yet want to be with the biggest crowd, and therefore give their bilent assent, Ihe reformers are finding it difficult to 'make any headway souable be expected to witness the great contest will in a measure advertise the slate's climate and the health-giving in which Nevada abounds. A Cure fur Lome Jtack. "My daughter, when recovering from nn nlnnlr nf fnvoi u.-nc n rrrniit anO'iirar from pain m the back and hips," writes Louden G rover, of Sardis, Ky. fter using quite a number of remedies with out anv benefit she tried one bottle of chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has n entiru rele, Chaniberlain.g paJn Bajm jg asQ cer,ain cure fop rhe. matism. gold by Blakeley & Houghton Ward, Kerns it Uobertson have the largest stock of timothy, wheat nnd wild hay kept in the city, for sale. Call and see it. jan25 2w POVCR OF A WOMAN'S VVOHD. It Overcame the Wrath of an TJnfeellnir l'ollceinun. The following- pretty story is taken from the New York Mail nnd Express, nnd is good ecougi: to 'stand by itself. He was only an Italian fn:i;-t ender. Ther was nothing about bim at all like ly to inspire the beholder with fechr.g. one way or another. He. was not ragged enough to call for especial sym pathy, nor unkempt enough to provoke disgust. Yet to the policeman on bis beat he was undoubtedly the object of considerable aversion. This was shown by the unrelenting vigor with which the fruit-.seller was pursued from cor ner to corner by the zealous guardian of the law. The other day, in a too hurried re spouse to the everlasting order to '"move on," the peddler's cart was upset, and his jeac!hes and cai-3 were .scat' tered over the ground and across the street car track. The enraged police man could barely restrain the impuLse to usr his club. "The dirty loafer!" he exclaimed. "He did it on uurpose just trying to excite sympathy:" "He has suc eded, then," said a soft voice at the orhcerV elbow, and a neat little woman stooped and began to gather up the scattered fruit. The officer's face reddened. He hesi tated a moment, and then he, too, joined in the work of restoration. .SUBSTITUTE FOR GLASS. Gelatinous Substance Spread on Galvan ized Iron Web. "The. first successful substitute for glass," says nn architect in the Wash ington Times, "is teetorhim, a gelatin ous coiniKvsition. It has not appeared in this country at, all, as yet, but is being introduced in Europe. "This gelatinous substance is given rigidity by being sprend on. a galvan ized iron web, which holds the sheet in any desired shape, but docs not ob struct the passage of light. It in trans lucent, but not transparent, and can tie mnined in such n manner as to exactly imitate stnined glass. "It cannot be broken nor softened by t je rays of the sun, but in ilexible nnd ensily bent into nny desired shape. When unstained it at first is yellow, but on exposure to the sun it turns white, at the same time becoming hard er nnd more durable. "Like glass, it is a poor conductor of heat. It is lighter than glass, and on this account is well adapted for roofs. Unless it can be made transparent it can never hope -to entirely supersede glass, but its cheapness and su periority to glnss in other d'rec tions nre securing for it extensive sales for factory windows, skylights for hot houses, roofing and like jiurjHises." This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stomps, a generous eamplo will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Curo (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate, tlio grout merits of tho remedy. ELY BIIOTHEHB, CO Warren St., New York City. Hov. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I cau cmplinsizo his statement, "It is a posi tive curo for catarrh if used ns directed." llov. Francis W. I'oolc, Pastor Central Free Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is Uo acknowledged . flowers, plants, etc., nt t'rently reduced curo for catarrh nnd coutnins no mercury prices. Rooms iu Masonic build nor any injurious drug, Price, 60 coats. ing. dec31-tf THE CUBANS WILL "WIN. An Insurgent Officer Talks of the War with Spain. ThP DciS iiess Interests In Thin country. Tf i,n i.nni. nf vinri.in hm tiio!" wnv about it Cuba would be free to morrow, unanimous The state is practically in favor of the independ - enee of the island from Spanish rule. 'pjie wur jUIh. practically destrovcd the tobacco and cigar industry of Key West, Tampa and Jacksonville, loclcinr! u thousands of dollars of capital in-1 vested in property fit only for tobacco manufacture in .some form, and throw ing out of employment thousands of men who arc unable to find employ ment in any other industry, and who) are in the muin unsuited for any other. "1 am using up my last bale of to bacco to-day." said a dealer to the Sun correspondent, "and shall have to close down my factory. 1 can't, get any to bacco. How many men will be thrown out of employment? A very large number, and when added to the otherr in this city and the state, will mal.V quite a small army whose means of Mibsistance have been destroyed by thr war in Cuba. But we nil. laborers and manufacturers, bear our losses cheer fully. We feel that it is necessary to make the. sacrifice that. Cuba may be free, und we feel certain that it will be." The Sun correspondent had tbe good fortune to meet three ofiicerK of the in- ' appear nd answer, or nthervie plead in said ellrrr,,,,. .,,.,,. ,vlin 1nvr ins primp nvrr I cause, the plaintilt, for want thereof, will apply surgxiu .linn, wno nae jus. come dcr j tnthecou.t for the rellei prayed for in the com- from Cuba upon a special mission. One plaint tiled herein, to-wit: That the boi.ds of nt- thr. ui.oi-o Pturlicl, fniv1vwr.il tTr i matrimony between plaititiiV and rtefeniiant be oi tlicm .poke l.ngiisii lanJj won. uv j dIstolvcd.- that tlic' j,iaintn- b awarded the is a colonel, and looks it every inch, i custodv of the minor child mentioned in said TTr. t..;l. .complaint, Hester A Howe, that defendant be UL alt1, , . j barred of all tight, title nr interest in the real "noyler has untter his command m 'nnd personal property of plaintiff, and that thr. i1i-it1 fnllv 'nn nnn -nir.!, If i ;- I J'laintitf have and recover her costs and ills tlie lsia.m tuuj -UU.UUO men. it is ts- , uurselnents amli0 aua exiK!ndeit in this suit, timatcd that from 10,000 to 12,000 of them are laid up in the hospitals. The- remainder of them stick to the cities. When they sally forth it is in largi numbers. Are tliey afraid of tlie Cu bans?" The colonel shrugged hi. shoulders, and a comical smile agitated the stiff liairs of his mustache. "The idea of a Spaniard being afraid of a Cuban," said he, ironically. "X-o, it must not be that. Oh, uo: something else must keep then in the cities. The Cubans have fully 4;G00 armed mcu in the field, nnd fully 00.000 reserve? ready to up the ranks as fast as they are decimated by the enemy. We have plenty of men, if we could only equip them. It is estimated that wc have three men to every gun. "Evervarmed column has an unarmed , , column lonowmg it, anu wnenecr a soldier falls there is a mad scramble , ,. . for his wc'a)on. "Cien. Maximo Gomez commands thr eastern department. Gen. Antonio Mncco commands the western depart ment, comprising Las Vegas. Matnnas. Hnvann and Pinar del IJio. where th" principal operations arc to-day. Th" Maceos have a glorious record," raid the colonel. "There were- nine of thr brothers, of whom Gen. Antonio is the only survivor. All the otliers were killed in lwttle, fighting for the inde pendence of Cuba. This is a record of which n Spartan would have been proud. "What are our prospects to-day? We shall win. We can't fail. In the tor- , , . , b .. . ,, vade tlie provm-oe of MataruJfts at a., Thevwerekentoutof it. P.ut Clcn.MncCL bus gone further than that, so that Weyler has not only to drive us out of CamugiK'v and Matanzas. but out of Ti. - ,1 1, I ,1... S . . . r. , "Ihe industries of Cuba are para - lyzcd. The extent of the paralysis ma. Ihj inferred from the fact that it is es timated that not one bug of sugar will le sent out of the island this year. Last year Weyler ordered the planters to grind their cane. The insurgent.. were opposed to their doing so. Now be hns no power to command them to grind. There will be no sugar crop this year. All the tobacco that wns col lected bus been burned, and that which remained in the fields has been ruined. "The policy of the insurgents bar, .... w .... .............. been to destroy the sugar and tobacco t!States in order to cripple the revenues c. . . of Spuin 1 , n- . In n..liii-o tlioir iniL.lwnlloiil'l.. 1 lie are tired of Spanish extortion and tyr nny, ami pr.-fer death to further r.ub- lnission. The wnr U;gan 1'ebrunry LI. IbO.'j. We gained more in tho first six months of the war than we gained v the whole time of the ten-years' war. I When Spuin could not crus.'.i the war of I 1 Si:a, when it wns eonfim d to one prov I ince, in ten yenrs, with tlie sacrifice of L'110,000 men, how can she do so now, when we have the run of the islnnd ' from one end to the other? I "Then it should not be overlooked l that in the ten-years' war our men 1 numbered hardly more than 7,iK)0 with nrins; to-day we have more than 10,000 armed men, with 00,000 unarmed re ' serves. The men nre so eager to fight that they contend with each other for sinus." X. Y. Sun. M. Urevreuil, being about to leave the city, oiTers bis fine stock ot artificial i-iuur ue. j.iu ub eti. nc- nave uuu , Ult &iy ,he IIW.t rt,JUltr tcrm ()f ht. nrc1,t eastern department in our grip. It is ; Court for Was o county, Oregon, following the In innri. Mnimrnnt n' 1 1t, iwn iIptitI- "-'"I'lMtlun of six weeks' publie.Uiun of this tlie more .mpoitant o. tne tAoticp.x , summon-, to-wit.3Iuuday, the nth da v of l-ebnt-ments, and the inabilitv of the -Span- ; nrv. uot, ar.d you will lake uoflee that if you link tni.nlln(t mi v ;iivob t li..ri. iA niio f ' i '" " "I'l'enr mid answer, for want thereof inrtls to i ollect auj luxes tliti l it, oni c. yMMitt wiu tlIke judgment against vou for the the everei:t blows the insurgentr have I relief lirayed for in his complaint. to-wit: it- i i ! A decree of divoreo forever illssulrim. tlio DealnrM Cannot tic Cured by local applications, .as they cannot rnnnli h i1isfno(d tmrtion of the par. , g onh, om wnv ,0 ,cnrc deaf neBS, , Umt .g uol)StitntionBi remedies. ! ! Deafness is caused bv an inflamed con- j the mucous lining of the Ens- Itachinn Tube. When this tube is in- j flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, nnd when it Is en- - , tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and ! unless the inflammation can he taken ! out and this tube restored to its normnl ! condition, bearing will be destroyed for-, ivnr! nine cases out oi ton are uuureu . ,...,, fi,: i,. ;. w" ' " V" " "I flmed -'on(lUion of tbe mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnes (canst! hy catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hitll'r Catarrh Cure. Send for eiicul;ir; free. F. .1. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, Toe. 0-10 SUMMONS. T THE CIUCUIT COIT.T of the State of Or JL epoii for Vncr, Countv. Alma C. Howe, I'lallltitr, vs. .anmuel T. Howe, Defendant. To Samuel T. Howe, the above nnmed defendant: In the name of the .-"tale of Orceon, you nre hereby required to appear mid answer the com plaint lil d ncalnst you iu the above entitled court and cause, on or before the first day of the next term of said court follnwine the expiration nf the time meriberi in the onierfor the pub lication of this summons, to-wlf on nr u lore thnSthilv-nf Koh-iutrv. lsT- nnd If vnn full so to j and for such other and further relief a to the ('niirt niflv seem ennitHlile. j This summons is served upon you bv publica tion thereof, bv order of the Hon. W. I.. Ilrad- shaw, judge nf said Court, which order bears the date of October."), ls!?C, nnd was made and dated nt Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Octo ber SO, johx h . cradi.eb.u';h, deeOO i Attorney for I'lalntitl. SUMMONS. IN THE CIHCTIT OOCItT of the State of Ore gon for w nseo County. Frank J. Mej'eis. Plalntlrt, vs. Annie M. Meyers, Defendant. I To Annie 31. 3Ieyers, the above named defend. i ant: ' In the name of the Stnte of Oregon, you nre hetebv reunited to otine.ir in the above entitled eonrt nnii answer the pomTilnlnt tiled niriiinst i V " In said court and cause, on or before the . tlrst day of tne next regular 'erm of the Circuit Court for wntcn countv, Oregon, following the . expiration of six weeks' publication of this sum. nioi.s, to-vit, ilondav, the Sth Any of K'bruarv, iWt, anrt you ill take notice that if vou fail I t( so eppcar and answer, for want thereof plaint- ; in win uiKe juugmeiii ngdinsi you ior ine renei jirayeil for m his eoniplnint, to-wif A decree of ' (livoref torever dissolving the bonds of mnr ' riage heretofore and now existing bitween i nlnintill'iind defendant, and for snch other re- lief a- may be equitable and Just, i rill- summons is served upon you by publlea . lion thereof in The Dalles Cuiio.nicle, u news imrerof weekly publication nnd general circu i latlon, published at The Dulles. Waeo County, ' Orejfon, by order of Hon. W. L. lirndshau Judge oi tne arxive namwi eouri. (J. W. PHELPS. dec2M Attorney for PlnintilT. SUMMONS. X the cinnriT roritT of the fctatc of UK-'on,jur Unco L'ouut). I Lmest Jiorgan, Pluiutit! i vs. Nettie Jiorgno, Defendant. J To Nettle Morgan, tne .ib'ive named defendant: In the name of the Mate of Oreeon. vou ate i heieby teqnireil to appear :n the above entitled court and answer tlie complaint filed against you in Miio court Mill cmi-e. on or oelore the I bonds o! wnrnage heretofore mm now existing j between plaintilt' and defendant, and for such other relief as may Lo equitable and just. This summons is served upon vou bv pi noon vou hv niilitlrn. ncwsi aper 01 general circulation publl&lied ut liradshnw, judge of tlie above named court. ine iaiirs, viregou, oy oruer 01 non. i . L.. iiatea at Dimes city, or., Dec. iu, l-w.. G. W. PHELPS. decSM Attorney for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is herebv civen that under nrt l.v vi-. Hie of nn execution and order of sale i-sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of iirwnn for watco County, dated the lith day of Jan uarv ! IR17. and to nie directed mm einnmnniiti,, "mi , tf'f ty hereinafter described to satisfy . ,no sum of wlth interest theteon at ten kt I cent pir annum from Dec. lbSU, a balance due upon n lodgment iu the above named court iu favor of Kobert Mays mid L. E. Crowe, partner i... D ......- .1 '.I.. doing business under the linn name of Mays A Crowe, and against (ieo. D. Armstrong and Sarah L. Armstrong, given und rendered therein on the uth day of Nocmber, JMG, I will on Wednes day, the luth day of February, HM, at the hour Of 1U o'clock u. in., fell at the notirrhmiki. rlnnr u. Danes city, in said county and state, hi it v. muni; iiiiuuou, in me jugnesx uiaaer lor cash in "'I'?; 1 1C 'flying described real estate, to- vit ft,3,,1.,,'.1!1Vck..1- 1". Thompson's Addition to Uiuay:tt,sr:r)f0re-"- Monuments and Headstones. Before Koing elsewhere, call on L. COMINI, The Dalles, Or., For a Tombstone. Warranted to stand for all time, regardless of wind or weather. He colli PacKi no uo PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANTFACTl'KKKbOK I , and SatLSagSS. 1H0 J-iai U , A n O AND ClTO OT " n - UlllCIO J Dried Beef, Etc. The Glades Ranch, VniTE SALMON. WASH. r nre Brefl AinerU-H JiTM-v Cuttle Clttli Of the at l.nmbert, rommtissio and Tormentor mine. Three Choice llulH for sale or rent, so some Choiee Cbws and Heifers for sale. I'nto Hred I'olaud China Hss White Plymouth Hock Chit'uenv Addrew M Hs- A. 1!. BYKKKTT, Prop, jv-j-wsm White salmon. Wash. Dalles City and Mora Stance Line Leaves Williams Hotel, Moio, on JUondnys, Wednesdays and Fridays at S n. in. prompt. Leaves Umatilla House. The Dalles, Tuesdavs, Thvrsduys nnd Saturdays at S a. m. prompt. Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c per 100 lbs; small packages, l." nnd 2oc. Passenger rates The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, $2.50. Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalles, nnd at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Bake Orai aid Mi' STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, ' - Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HOIiSES AXD WAGONS. Mice of Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby given that br virtue of an execution and tlie order of sale issued out of the Circuit Coutt of the state of Oregon fur Wasco County on the f.'th day of January, lsa:, upon n decree and Judgment made, rendered and en tered theretofore thernin in a suit wherein J. J, Spencer was plaintiff and iUou P.. Wiunns i nd Mary Winiins. his wife.and.l. M. Huntington were defendants. 1 did dttlv lew upon and wilt sell at the front door of the countv courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, on eatlir dny. the 13th day o Februarv, l;ir, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at punlic auction, j lowing de-ciibed real estate, described in -aid in me iiiKiiesi uuiuer ior can in tianu, the 101 execution and order of sale, and de-cribed its ioiiovvs, io-wu; iiots lour I), five (d:, sl d) and seven 7,, in section No. six in townsliiii No. one '1, north of range ten .10; east of Will, amette Meridian in Wasco County, Oregon, con taining li,.j.74 ncrtiof bu d. together with the tenement-, heledltamcnts and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in nnv wl-e appertain ing, or so much thereof as shall be ni-ees-ary to satisfy the amounts due upon said writ, to-wit: ?lu.9.yj, together with Interest thereon nt the rate OI eight tier cent imr nniinm .nm ,1... iui. IV11 1)tt,'-,'"1". 18S.5; nnd the further sunt of ! JKW for attoruev's fs: and the further si f casts in said suit, together with ueeriiini. i. i ititni nun u.ii,iises oi sine. i tinted at Ihe l);i!lt-t O- rl.u i-iti. .1.... r T. J. DltlVEK Janir.Mt-il sheriil of Wasco County, Origan. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned estate of M. Hendricson ana L. A. Heudricson insolvent debtors ah i7 I h ' VTlon ' against boti. or i.ltlmr J ."Aih T.. ' h ,,.n;m', 1 "fp hereby notified to present them to me 1 r.m erly verified, as l.v lni- r,;, ,ui!i . ..m I1."'!" J L. Storv. in imiiJ Vt n.i tt,.e...1,lt?."' J- f "jV''l'K '"''. or cither of them arc heiebv : notilied to cttle with ine at onee m-itoj ' I - The Dalles, Dec. t, IVJ0.' L S DAVIS, Assignee. Notice of Slierill's Sale. Bv virion nf nn du issued "b? the"cierV , "r'L"?.'.1 or1er.of the C anity oviico anrt SiPA0"" Co,,rt of r tedatDi lisiBio EAST and SOUTH via ;The Shasta Route OF THE" i Southern Pacific Comp'y, Trains leave and nre duo to arrive nt Portland. I.KAVK. KllOM JUNK 23, 1895. ARRtV. OVKUI.AND EX-1 press, Snlem, Rose-1 liurp, Ashland, Snc-1 , . m rumemo, ugni-n.sun ; :50 1'. il.A Krnnclsco, Mnjnve, ( I Ix)sAtifieles,Kll'so, 4.10 A. U, I .now uni'ium mm IKnxt j itoseburc and way sta 'i:S0 A. M, tions t:iO P.m. fVm Woodnurn tori I Mt.Anccl, SHverton, nun j west Selo. iirowns-s excfpt n ville.sjiiringHcld nnd I Daily except Sundgyi. 10.00 AM. I Oiaoi'.M, t 8:25P.M. ""." ' (.Natron ., m ISalem nnd wny stations i.S , Vi K'orviillis id way I ,:oo A. JstHtloilS j ., .. v ! (McMlnnvlllo nnd t :' 'J1- (way stations ( Daily. tI'U''i except timidity, DINING OAKS ON OGDEN KOUTE. i'tJI.lJIAN I1UKKKT S1.EKPEKS AND SKCOND-CI.AS8 SLEEPING CARS Attnclted to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Olllec, EU Third street, where through tickets to all oInts in the Eastern Stites, Caniida and Europe win be obtained at lowest rates from 1 Tl T.-TIM.-T IVH Tlnl.n. I . ' All above trains nrrive nt nnd dcpnrt Irow j Grand Central Station, Fifth nnd Irving street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Patscngcr Depot, foot of Jcderson street. .envc for OSWKOO, week days, nt (1:00, 7:20, .15 a. m.: 12:15, l:-i.'., 5:'Jj, 6: l."i, 8:lV5 n. m 10 (and ll::p. m. on sjaturdny only). Arrive at rortiano at :ju, n, m., i:m,:io, n:3o, 7.55.11:10 p. m. Leave for Sheridan, week days, Ht 4:S0 p.m. Arrive nt Portland, ":: a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Slonday, Wednesday and Vri 'iiv at 9:40 a. m. Arrive nt Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Stindav trains for 03WI2GO leave nt 7'20,8:tt, 10:15 n. ill.: 12:15, 1:15. n::,fi:25 0:-(5 p. m. Ar rive at Portland at 12:M,8:S0, 10:00 11;25 a. m.; 1:30, ;5:15, 5:10, fi:Si, 7:55 p. ni. It. KOKHLEK, . E. V. ROGERS, Jlunager. Asst. G. F. !: Pass. Act ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Elegent Toninst Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. 1'AIIL MINNEAPOLIS nuniTit GXCANU KOKK8 CKOOKSTON WINNIVEG 1IELK.A and JtlJTTK TO Through Tickets CHICAC.O T WASUISOTOS 1M11I.A DKLI'HIA NKW' VOICK ItOSTON ANI A LI. l'OINTS KA ST ami KODTU For information, tune cards, maps and ticket, eul on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON. Asat. G. P. A., 255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 1'oBe u Week. 106 Papers a Ver It etandE first among ''weekly" paper! in Eize, frequency of publication and freslniBBB, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at tbe low price o a weekly; and its vast lietof subscribers, extending to every state and territory of tbe Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It Ib splendidly Illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashion for womeu and a long series of stories by the greatest llvinf American and English authors, Ciuiun Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome. Stumpy Weymmi, Mary K. VHW"1' Anthony Homo, Bret Mtrte, Itiunder Matthew, Ktc. llnpnnulart nocrnlinnerflB'1 (Tho Dalles Twice-a-Week Chrpnicle to- gother one year for $2.00. The regtilw j prito of the two pupers is 3.00. SURE CURE for PILE iwim, ;iiiii.airr.!wruJ.?p lu."l-! ."k?.Lr.x;fu";iW!1ii. rkmky. M. uV....iir. .(.lltui. Cirullr. teul iii c. TsT7iirrr.'ui ux. J'w