jbe Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY. FEB. 4. 1S97 TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct time card oi trains nnd bonts which leave and ar rive nt The Dalles. Travelers may trust it as The Chkoniclk is kept fully in formed of revisions : D. 1' A- A. X. O . STEAMERS, sicnracr KcpuIMor leaves every Monday, Wed ne(lnr mid Friday nt 7:30 n. m. uri'ves every Tucsdny, Thursday nnd Sntur day nt5:S0 1. m. . 0I5EGOX KAI1AVAY & NAVIGATION CO. fast mail. Arrive. Leave. vn iWct bound -J.M5 a.m. -4:50 H.in. .-o.2-Knst-bound ..... .10:15 n,ia. 10:20 n.tn. dalles rASsr.xonn. vn 7Ve.t-l)Ound, leaves 1:00 p.m. j,-0,'sEnt.t-bund, nrrlvcs : U:S5 a.m. l jin??cneer tratt-s stop nt Union Street, ns well ns the depot. AdvertUine Kates. , Per inch One inch or less in Daily..... U 50 Over two inches and under four inches...,. 1 00 Over four Inches and under twelve inches.. 73 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY ASD WEEKLY. One inch or less, per Inch ..2 50 Over one inch nnd under four inches 2 00 Over four inches nnd under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 Weather Forecast. Portland. Feb. 4, 1S97 Kob Kastei-.s Oregon Tonight rain; tomor row; fair. Pague. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kiindotn Observation and Local Events - of Lesser Magnitude. ' The Columbia rose a few inches yee terday. x Mrs. T. J. Seufert last week won the gold medal in ihe ladies bowling con test. It will be contestyosor again tW day. k chinook wind commemied blowing this morning, and has melteJKnearly all the snow. By morning it' will all be trone. J The Hood River Glacier notes the first wild flowers of the seaeon last week, one of C. Welds little girls bringing to the office a purple iris. John Edwards and a man named Eaton ouarreled over a came of cards at .Medford Monday night, and Edwards shot Eaton in the leg, inflicting a serious wound. Edwards escaped and is still at large. If the president extends the time on which payment may be made on for feited railroad lands, it will be but a ehort time until homestead applications will be again received on unclaimed tract b. The lower house of the Washington legislature yesterday, by a narrow ma jority, passed the bill to abolish capital punishment in the state of Washington, and to make the measure apply to tho&e now under sentence of death. Frank Wilhelm, an employe of Long ley's logging camp, near La Grande, was seriously and perhaps fatally injured yesterday by falling under a load of logs which ho was hauling, the load passing over and badly crushiug him. Mrs. J. L. Bradley, who lived at Dufur until about two years ago died at Junction City, in the Willamette valley, Monday, February let. Mrs. Bradley was the daughter of Mr. Henry Williams of 8-Mile. She leaves Bix email children. The Iroquois County News tells of the EmalleBt pair of horses on earth, which were on exhibition at Watseka last week. They are Arabians, owned by J. J. Ware, of Springfield, etand about 23 inches high, and weigh respectively 36 and 42 pounds. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect viBion that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Office in the Vogt block. AtOlympia yesterday Representative Warner continued bis testimony before thp 0ot.j.,i .......... relativT Vn h , B 7 . relative to the charges made against hm by Senator Squirt and Dr. Calhoun, of offering to sell his vote and that 0 ; twpntv nri,o. tu ! 4- r I twenty others. The testimony of War-' nenrnofo i 4 ner was ui a character highly damaging to Senator Kn i U'BU,J r trt ' iYiV u ","ou"m oroioer 0i ttieeauor mo iiiues-jaountalneer, was thrown " norse near his home in Crook t-ounty last week, bis bead coming in contact with a rock. When word was eent here he bad been unconscious for several hours, and it was feared he bad been fatally injured. An extra freight coining up this morn ing ran into a mud tlide near Bonne ville about 5 o'clock, derailing the en gine and a couple of cart, but fortunately injuring no one. The road was block- temporarily and the local due here m noon was annulled. The work of clearing the wreck 1b being pushed vig- orouslv and the road will be clear, it is thought, in time to let the passenger through tonight.' A Great Northern west-bound over land passenger train was wrecked near Wenatchee Snnday night, by the spread in? of the rails. The entire train left the track and some of the coaches went! oyer an embankment. No one was? Kiund, out three passengers were seri ously injured. Those who have heard Miss Jones and Miss SteyenB in their former concerts in, our city need not to be reminded thai they will have the opportunity of heari ing them Tuesday evening at the Con gregational church ; but those who hav'i never heard the young ladies cannot afford to miss the concert nest week. The pleasure of the pessimist is to as sure you there is no pleasure. The liar tells'you there is no truth and expects you to believe him. The hypocrite he wails the "universal lack of sincerity"--and is offended if you ask for evidence of his good faith. "Life is not worth ik ing," wails the sentimentalist and for gets to commit suicide. Count Browlaski, the famous Polish dwarf, was born in 1739, and vsited every court in Europe in the last century. When six years he was only 17 inches in height, though at SO years of age he grew to be 3 feet 3 inches. Ho had a bib ter, alio a dwarf, and so much smaller than himself that Ehe could stand erect under his arm. He was a man of varied and extensive accomplishments. There are rumors and rumors what will be done next by the house. Among' them one that a Fcheme for re-organira-tion has been broached, with Hon. B, S. Huntington, of this county, as speaker. Mr. Huntington would make an excel lent presiding officer and we hope the rumor may prove not without, substan tial foundation. The Benson house would certainly agree to any reasonable compromise. Notwithstanding"" The good sermons preached almost every day in the East "Oiegonian, Pendleton is having more than her share of that kind of crime in volving great moral turpitude. The other day it was the city recorder, who used the city funds for his own purposes, aud now from the East Oregonian we learn of a prominent Woodman solicit ing funds for a sick brother, and failing to turn them over. It is such things as these that makes man lose confidence in his fellow man. She was nervous and scared as she penetrated the city's purlieus. A freight train was being switched down there, and a loud-voiced switchman was giving instructions to another of bis craft. Switchmen have a language all there own, which is incomprehensible to the plain, every-day, nonrailroading citizen. Among other things they call a train "her" and "she," just as a sailor refers to a ship, and just as she neared the switchman, this is what he yelled : "Head her off, Jim ; 'cut her in two and send the head end up here." She fled from the murderous villain, and post poned her trip. Meanwhile tho other switchman obeyed orders. He cut the train in two and sent the head end back. Drill Sent tor. We stated some days ago that the mon ey subscribed for the diamond drill had been collected, turned over and the drill ordered. We were mietaken about the latter portion of the statement for the drill was not ordered until yesterday. Mr. Nicholas had been corresponding with dHTerent parties concerning prices, etc., and besides it took some little time to decide upon just what kind of a drill was needed. It is the intention now to buy two drills ; one a regular diamond, and the other simply a bit working on the diamond drill shaft, known as an ''adamantine." The latter is adapted to cutting tough rock that is not hard, and will facilitate the work. Un. Hoffman Saturday Afternoon. Mrs. Hoffman's work in New Jersey has been of the highest order. She is one of the ablest and keenest students of political and social problems we have 'today. She has delivered eight address " ci'8 of Orange and East ,T , . i "n Her d "f .l onake you h.nk, and her sincerity and honesty will command respect and , , , n esteem. Mrs. Quigley, Orange. Ti a- ji Mrs. Hoffman will give an address on Saturday, the 6tb, at the Congregational churuU at 2;30 o'clock, and will speak in ;itjje Vogt ope bgt opera bouse on Sunday evening next at 7 :30. What's money for? get good things. What's money-back To teT coffee! avorkw attracts r odaf sdsptcM? Goodr-Schilling's Best. 17 For tale by W. E. Kahler CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Propone Chang in th Charter Will Sell a Lot to Latheran Church. ft The regular meeting of the city council was held last night; present Mayor Menefee a.id Councilmen Nolan, Wood, Thompson-, Kuck, Champlin, dough and Johns. Minutes of last meeting rend and ap proved. Petition by the Lutheran church ask ing to purchase certain lots was re ceived, and the recorder was instructed to draw up an ordinance in accordance with the prayer of the petition. Coun cil to meet tonight to consider the sane. A coinhTmitraTton was received from . Representative Huntington, suggesting changes in city charter. The recorder was instructed to communicate with Mr. Huntington recommending that the changes be as follows : "That the re corder be allowed five days in which to report ordinances to mayor. That a ma jority vote of tho council be sufficient to romove recorder or marshal from office. That the amount of license tax on sale of liquor in packages be left blank;" and also to state that the council deem the present manner of selecting recorder and marshal best. The proposed ordinance regulating the sale of liquor in bottles, was up, but its hearing was postponed until next regu lar meeting. On motion Mr. Nicholas was allowed the use of tho rockcrusher, that the en gineer of tho fire department take a re ceipt for same and that the samo be re turned in as good condition as when re ceived. Special committee on electric lights reported verbally that no further prop ositions had been .received from the Electric Licht Company. Reports of officers were read and placed on file, and claims per marshal's report, and, also officers salaries were al lowed and warrants oi (tared drawn for their payment. On motion the committee on health and police, were instructed to recom mend some plan for getting rid of a great surplus of worthless dog. The following claims we're allowed and warrants ordered dtuwn for the amounts : BILLS ALLOWED. C F Lauer, marshal' salary $75 00 Geo J Brown, engineer fire engine 75 00 J J Wiley, night watch 60 00 G W Phelps, recorder 50 00 C J Crandall, treasurer 20 00 J H Harper, lighting street lamps 39 45 Dalles City Water Works, water rent 32 00 Jim Like, labor 21 70 V Roase, " 8 20 W F Baesett, labor 3 20 Jim Hogan, " 1 80 J V Heeley, " 1 80 Wm Henzie, team work 10 50 California Restaurimt, meals 12 15 J P Mclnernv, mdEe 1 20 Gutta Percha Mfg Co, hose 40 00 Times Mountainer, printing 1 50 P F Burham, hauling 2 75 Gunning & Hockman, mdbe 1 SO D W Mann, hauling 50 Dalles Light Co, lights 29 00 L Rorden, mdse 1 95 Ward, Kerns & Robertson 1 00 Prinz & Nitschke, mdse 3 50 Mays & Crowe, mdse. .' 11 02 No further business appearing, coun cil adjourned to meet tonight. ONLY THIRTY-SIX TODAY. Huntington Declares He Will No Longer Meet With the Jlentou House. Thirty-six members of the legislature met at noon today in joint session. On roll call Huntington voted with them, and when the result of the ballot was announced, he rose, and in a brief speech declared that lie had voted with them for the last time; that he' would no longer meet with the Benson house, and that he proposed to do nothing until his party got together and organized the house legally. Hughes, or Washington, and McKin ley Mitchell were absent. Brown, Taylor, Crawford and Conn, went to Mitchell and asked to be re leased from their promises of support. Mitchell urged tbetn to stay until tomor row, and all but Crawford consented. The joint convention then adjourned to meet tomorrow at noon. Either Hughes or Crawford went to Mitchell yesterday and asked to be re leased from the promise to Bupport him, but were persuaded to stay until today. A Lucky Inventor. A email rotary engine of novel design has been invented by Grant Brambel, of Sleepy Eye, Minn., for patent of which H. F. Allen, of Loudon, president of an engineering syndicate, hae offered him 1,000,000. In the or dinary type of cylinder engines the steam enters at the end of the cylinder, is cut offandusedas an expansion from the cut off to the end of the stroke. The Brambel rotarry engine does away will) the crank motion and uses its own plunger for a cut-off. The engine li team tight and requires no ring pack ing. It can be either simple or com pound. It weighs lest and occupies only a fraction of the space of the old style engine. The working model weighed but twelve pounds and seven ounces, yet was of twenty-three actual horse-power. They Will Marry. Sheriff Matlock arrived from Heppner estorday, armed with a warrant for tho nest of u young man named Morgan, on of Heppner's mayor, Ho had telo raphed here concerning Morgan, and iDeputy Sheriff Kelley, had arrested, the young fellow belore Matlock arrived. He is charged with that offense as old as history ; as old and perhaps older than legandaty lore can bear witness to of having loved not wisely, but too well. As the matter stands now, he is a father without having attended any wedding ceremonies, but will go back now that ho has to, and give tho girl and the little one tho right to bear his nnmo. Tho land slide at Bonneville, rather delayed his wedding tour with tho sheriff, but he will havo it just tho same. , l'ulilic Intitllntlo!i. Tho following is tho program to la rendered at the Good Templars hall next Saturday evening, in connection with the installation of officers : Solo--"Wnrrlor Hold" Archie Burnett Essay W. 1). Hnrper Duct-"You Can't Piny In My BncU Yard".. Tho Misses IaiwIs Address Hew A. 1). Sknggs Solo ".My Lady's Bower". ..Miss Ethel DemliiK Mrs. Hoffman will probably be present and favor tho lodge with an address on temperance. Admission free. . fKKSONAL StlCNTION. T. H. JohnBton of Dufur is In th'e city.- C. C. Hobart is up from the Cascade Locks. Mr. Charles Fraeer, tho barber, is dangerously ill with pneumonia. Miss Mary Lay is confined to her bed with what, it is rtuired, will prove to be pneumonia. Wnntnd. Position as housekeeper, by n middle aged lady ; widower's family preferred. Vonld go into the country. Addresser call Union Street Lodging House, Room No. 9. 4-d3t-wl Here is a diamond, here a pieco of charcoal. Both carbon ; yet between them stands the mightiest of magicians Nature. Tho food on your table, and your own body; elementally the same; yet between the two stands the digestion, the arbiter of growth or decline, life or death. We cannot make a diamond.; we can not make flesh, blood aud bone. No. But by means of tho Shaker Digestive Cordial we can enable tho stomach to digest food which would otherwise fer ment and poison the system. In all forms of dyspepsia and incipient con sumption, with weakness, loss of flesh, thin blood, nervons prostration the Cor dial is tho successful remedy. Taken with food it relieves at once. It nour ishes, and assists naturo to nourish. A trial bottle enough to show its merit 10 centB. 0 Laxol is tho best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. IlHlleti-Moro Stage Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douolas Allii.v, Prop. THE BEAN AUTOMATIC SPRAY PUMP. Is, unquestionably, the most success ful and perfect working Spraying Device yet invented. It is a unsversai testimony that more, as well as better, work can be accom plished with the Bean Spray Pump than with uny other pump on the market. With this pump one man can charge the receptable and leave it to direct the spray just where it is wanted, and thus with sufficient hose pass from tree to tree. The solution is delivered fn a fine mist or spray, penetrating every nook and cornor, thus doing better and more effective work than is possible by any other method, and with no wasto what eAer of solution. For further particulars tee special cir cular or call upon or correspond with. MAIER & BENTON AGENT FOR t THE DALLES, j LARGE CONSIGNMENT HEATERS JUST RECEIVED at MAYS & CROWE. Remember. We have strictly Pirst-olass FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET BATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o" m?I! Lk feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- "fnn TlmiT ThisFlour is manufactured expressly for family tVJXX X XUU.Z.. H0. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell otir goods lower than any house in the trade, uud if you don't think so call and get our prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. 5el70ol BooKs, Stationery, o MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ! AT Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER- Again In business at the old stand. I would bo pleased to sue all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town, Northern Grown Seeds. Fresh Garden and Grass Heeds in Bulk, Seed Wheat, Seed Kye, Seed Oats. Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed. Alfalfa HoeA, Timothy Heed, Ited Clover Seed, Millet Seed. J. H. CROSS' Feed Goods Hold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Store open from 7 tjob Printing Kuccthfcor to ClirlHiuun Jb Corson.) ' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Crimson Clover Seed, Blue Grass Seed. White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed, iteo Supplies, Fertilizer), Oil Meal Cuke, Hay, Grain, Feed and Grocorles, Karly Hose Potatoes, Poultry and Kggs bought and sold at and Grocery Store. a. in, to 0 p. in. at This Office.