D l)c udlcs HH CI)roniclc. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUAR 4, 1891 NO 21 OVAL The absolutely pure MAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated lor its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. m " hotmi. Minna powder CO., new YORK. V (royal c w aa A PLACE FOR M'KENNA The California Man Gets the Interior Portfolio. TROUBLE IN CRETE RECOMMENCED IT IS UNOFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED I Jutl r? McKenna Ha Received No Offi cial Notification--Warner of Mis souri to lie First Assistant. St. Louis, Feb. 3. A speeial to the Globe-Deiiiocrat from Canton Bays : Judge McKenna, of San Francisco, has accepted the portfolio of secretary of of tbe interior in President McKinley's cabinet. Judge McKenna's first assistant will probably be Major Warner, of Kansas City. This information was given by the president-elect to a delegation who called to urge tbe appointment of Judge William Warner. NOl OFFICIALLY NOTIFIED. McKenna lias Received No SpecUlc Offer From. Cuuton. San Fbancisco, Feb. 3. Judge Joseph McKenna was this morning shown a dispatch from Canton by an AssopiaU Press representative, the dispatch stat ing it was positively known that Mc Kinley had tendered him a cabinet place. McKenna was asked: "Have you-accepted?" In reply he said he did not doubt the correctness of the statement attributed to McKinley except as far as it was said that he (McKenna) would be appointed to succeed Juetiue Field on tbe United States supreme bench. Judge McKenna added, however, thataB yet a direct offer for a specific cabinet place had not been made to him by Majjr McKinley, and until euch tender had been made official etiquette sealed his lips. ''The first in timation must come from the president elect to me," he said. On the other hand it is known among the friends of the McKenna family that they expect to reside permanently in Washington after the next few months. It is said the only hitch lies in the fact tbat it is not vet decided which of two portfolios McKenna will Lave, whether the attorney-generalship or the secre taryship of the interior. Prominent Greek Killed in a Recent Disturbance. New Yoek, Feb. 3. A dispatch to the Herald from Constantinople, says: ihe ambassadors have received news of a fresh disturbance having broken out in Crete during which a notable Greek was assassinated and that these troubles' have reached Hetimo. A second tele gram stated that the revolutionary move inent has alto declared itself at Canea and that complete anarchy reigns every where. Major Boro, former commander-in chief of police of Cyprus, who is to form the first three companies ot gen d'armie in Crete, has left Constantinople for Crete. The Greek population desires that Oecumemca, Patriarch Antbymos VII, shall give in his resignation. This he refuses to do. In order to avoid all insti gation by Mcnaignor Germanos.Jtbe me tropolitan of Heraklion, Patriarch Anythmos will use his constitutional power to change half of the members of the holy synod. In consequence of this difference an anti-patriarchal demon- rstration took place yesterday in several churches of Galata and Stamboul. It is feared that on the occasion of the ses sion of Thursday the demonstration will be renewed. The police are fully cognizant of every fact. In ecclesiastical and political cir cles it is believed that the retirement of tbe patriarch is only a question of a few days. FIGHT MAY GO TO WYOMING. Gage About Ready to Retire. Chicago, Feb. 3. Lyman J. Gage, the next secretary of the treasury, ex pects to hand in hlsresiKiiation as presi dent of the Firot National bank within lour days. He stated yesterday that the d rectors will meet this week to select bis succeseor. Mr.(Gage will leave Chi cago about the middle of the month for Washington. 0 wi spn(j Mmal l00k,ng up rt ,10tuc- H wi" K to Ulu Point Comfort for a time. Tbe "Glore Contest" Bill Reported to tbe Legislature, Chkyenne, Wyo., Feb. 3. The lower bouse of the assembly, sitting in com mittee of tbe whole yesterday, reported for passage a bill designed to take tbe Corbett-Fitzsimmon8 fight from Nevada. Last week a bill with this object in view was covertly introduced, but noth ing was said, fearing too much publicity. Tbe promoters intended to work quietly until tbev .bad secured the governor's be used, and no reference is made to the cost of admission. Cheyenne has the advantage of three competing railroads, the managers of which promise to give the lowest rate that has ever been extended to an event of the kind. Accommodations for 10,000 people could easily be arranged, while Denver, only l'JO miies away, could take care of any overflow to an unlimited number. The bill will be placed on its passage this afternoon, and will be passed with out a single protest, while tho senate will push it along to a third reading without a moment's delay, eavo such as are required to e.-tablish the bill as a law when it comes forth with the emer gency clause attached. Many legislators think they will have their pains for reward, owing to the be lief that Nevada will withdraw the bill stipulating for $1 admission. to iiimr fossil turtles. signature, which it was understood would be forthcoming at the proper time. Reports from Nevada led the leg islators to press the bill. It is now going through with a rush, in the hope tbat tbe contest may yet be thrown in this direction. The bill provides that nothing less than five-ounce gloves can Are you willing to try a new tea at our expense ? Your grocer will sell you a package of Schilling's Best, and return your money in full if you don't like it. Prices low, but enough. A Schilling & Company mo rrancisco 417 Colonel Ilrooki Heads an Expedition to California. Chicago, Feb. 3. Colonel T. W. Brooks and party will start from Pomona, Cal., this week for Inyo county, Cal., on an expedition sent by the Field Columbian museum, of Chicago, to get fossil remains of turtles for the Field Columbian museum and for Chicago university. Colonel Brooks found the fossil re mains several years ago, but never re vealed his discovery until recently. He says the expedition will cost over $700, and that he will send to Chicago soon tbe most remarkable fossil turtles ever known. Colonel Brooks declined to tell the exact locality of these fossil remains, but he says it is close to the Nevada state line, and that tbe locality is full of wonderful fossil remains ot fish. Didn't Know It Was Loaded. CnicAGO, Feb. 3. Lillian Hohcan, 17 years old, was shot and killed last night by her sweetheart, Joseph Cronin, who was handling a double-barrel shotgun which he did not know was loaded. He snapped one barrel at her, and although she urged him to put it down, he still pointed it at her. She tried to push the gun aside, when Cronin said : "Look out; I'm going to shoot" and pulled tho trigger of the second barrel. A heavy load of buckshot struck the girl in the abdomen, and nearly tore her body asun der. Cronin is now nearly insane with grief. I have given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fair test and consider it one of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been suflicieut, although I UEe it freely. Any cold my children contract yeilds very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children Geo. E. Wolff, clerk of the Circuit Court, Fernandina, Fla. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Rutter to Leuve Friday. San Fka.vcisco, Feb. 3, Preparations for the extradition of Butler are being hurried, and should the so-called mur derer be extradited before next Friday at noon, be will leave on the steamship Monowai for Sydney, and in that event the same steamer will probably bring back next April the account of his trial, and, in the event of bis conviction, of his ezecution. The detectives have visited the steam er and the forward 'tween decks hve been measured. It was found possible to build a room large and comfortable enough to accomodate Butler, and should he be extradited the quarters walled by heavy six-inch planking will be put up in less than six hours. Butler will be provided with a comfortable bed, and will live on tbe best the ship provides during his voyage to the Antipodes. Should he not get away on the Mono wai be will remain in the city and coun ty jail until the Alameda sails, one month from now. A Vlubl Freorlitloa. Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters, and I cin cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Htehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, could not oat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and" weary, but nix bottles of Electric Bitters re stored her health and renewed strength. Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottle at Blakeley and Houghton's Drag Store. Special Attractions in our Dress Goods Departm't. Good, seasonable, stylish weaves; goods which will be just as de sirable in the Spring as they have ben during the Fall and Winter, will be offered you at very attractive prices. Large Range, 35c Goods, I New Brocade Mohair, Full 30 inches wide, and a good value To close at 20c yard. Offered now at 50c yard. Reg. 50c and 60c values, New Scotch Mixture, New Plaids and Mixtures, Special price, 30c yard. New Biocndi'SMohair. Kicht Up-to-IMte uoodt, which made their first appearance Inst Fall and sold readily at 75c yard . Rough Effects; vory natty; regular $1.00 goods To close at 70c yard. A. HE. WILLIAMS & CO. COVERED WITH HUfllO face, Head, Ears, and Body Terribly Affected. Hair Came Out. Thinks SHE WOULD HAVE DIED But for tlio "Wonderful Cure at a Cost of $0.25, Mnde by tli-o CUTICURA REMEDIES When I was thirteen years old I began to have sore eyes and ears, and from my ears a humor spread. I doetorcd with five different slciirul doctors, hut they did not do mo any uooil. lly this tlmo it had nono nil over my head, face, and body.. Nobody thought 1 would live, and would not hut tor CimouitA Itr.MEOiK.-i. Jly diseaso van Eczema. No doctor could tell mo what It was, they wero at a loss to know. My hair all cair.o out. at that time, hut now It Is so thick I can hardly comli it. I am sixteen years old. veif;li l.iO pounds ami am jicrfectly t. It baa been ono yearslnco 1 took Cunet i a. ami am ier. fectly satisfied that Eczema will r.uer trouble me again. I took four boxes of Cuthjuiia, fivo cakes of CuTicnitA.So.ti', nnd three bot tles Of CUTICUKA KlUW.VKST. r Silas IKKAN M HANDEL, Clayton, N. V., Box 20. The mrcs daily made by Cuticihia Hume niEsastonlshphysiciaiis.drui'Bists.andthoso who have loBt lalth and hope. No statement is mado regarding them not Justified by I ho strongest ovidenet). Theyarothemostseeiy. economical, ami Infallible- bkln cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times. Speeijt Cvnr. Tiieatmkst. Warm baths with Cuticuxia Hoap, Kontlo a)illiutlons of C.e TictrnA (ointment), nnd mild doses of Cuticuiia UE80l.Vf.NT (blood purifier). Sold throughout tlio world, I'orrrn Drtua k ClIEM. Com-., Solo Props., lloutoti, U.S.A. flow to Curo Skin Diseases," mailed free. KillsPainmaMmute Outicura Antl Falti Fluster. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmake ri Jeweler AH work promptly attejded to, a id wurruiiU!. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. I, OUItl.KV, ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law, , AKMNOTON, OUEfiON. Practice in the State and Federal Courts of Oregon uud Washington, JunaiUmo V New York Weekly Tribune -Kim Far me and Villagers, KOIt Fathers and Mothers, KOlt Sons and Daughters, roit All the Family. With tho close of tho Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people itre now uuxious to tfivtt thulr attention to home aud business interests. To meet thin condition, politics will have far less c pace and prominence, until another State or National oeeauion deiiiatula a renewal of the light for the principles for which TH li TIUMUNIO haa labored from ita inception to tiie present (lav. ana won us urouloHt victories. Every poRHiblo effort will he put forth, ami money freely spent, to ma WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, inu instructive, entertaining uiul indispensable to each member of the family, make TIIE interesting. We furnish "The Ohroniole" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your name and address on a postal curd, sond it to Geo. W. Beat. Tribune Ofiice, New York City, air u sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will bo mulled to you. JVL Z. DONNELL, PESClPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes TfmJor V Grain, Bacon, Lard, &a ' , ROWE&CO., TheDallesvOr,