The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 03, 1897, Image 4

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    Tbt Dalles DtHy Ghronick.
thk dalles,
Great Northern nnd Northern raclflc
Sek to Control the Itoatl.
lORn, tiio, J. a special auie-
, , rt
Evening Post says that the Berlin com
mittee of holders of Oregon Railway &
Navigation Company 5 per cent bonds
have received a point bid of 45 from the
Northern Pacific and Great Korthorn
raihoad companies for all the stock of
the Railway ik Navigation Company
represented by them, the purchase price
to be pnyable July 1, with 3 per cent
The bid is conditional on its acceptance
by nl least -3, 000,000 of stock.
It is understood the Union Pnuifiic
will also become interested later in the
purchase. The committee recommended
acceptance to the bondholders.
Members of the old Oregon Railway &
Navigation Company in this city said
they knew an announcement had been
made by the Berlin committee, but what
that announcement was they did not
know, nntil they saw the above dispatch.
They pointed out that the $3,000,000
stock mentioned therein tiad not been
issued to the committee, and that that
ammocut wouid not he sufficient to con-
trol the company. The company, they
said, was doing business with the three
trnns-continental companies, vis: The
Northern Pacific, and the Great North
ern, and, of course, a management of the
company in harmony with those three
railroad corporations would be desirable.
Members of the Northern Pacific syn
dicate said today that they did not know
who were the purchasers of the large
block of securities of that comnnnv held
by the syndicate, which has been sold
by J. P. Morgan- They expect to close
up the u hole business of the svndicate
in two or three days. Thefmembers this
morning received notice from the man
ager calling upon them to tutu iti their
pro rata share of $100,000 shares of
Northern Pacific common and 5,000
shares of preferred stock.
A Cure for Lame Hack.
"My daughter, when recovering from
an attack of fever, wai a great sufferer
from pain in the back and hips," writes
Louden Grover, of SardiF, Ky. "After
nsmg quite a number of remedies with
out any benefit she tried one bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has
given entire relief." Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu
matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every,
of Wocdstcct, Mich., was badly afflicted
with rheumatism. His right leg was
Ewnllen the full length, causing him
.great suffering. He was advised to try
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first
ottle of it helped him considerably and
the second bottle effected a cure. The
2b aud 50 cent eizes are for sale by j
Filukeley & Houghton.
Save Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
Etroys $1.50 worth of yram annually.
Yi nfcelee r squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. Z. Drmnell,
-igeut. febl-3m
Catti in Your Check.
AH county warrants registered prior
to July 12, 1S92, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Dec. 5,
1690. C. L. Phillips,
Couuty Treasurer.
I have given Chamberlain's Oousjh
Remedy a fair teat and consider it oue of
the very best remedies for croup that I
have ever found. One dose has alwavs
been sufficient, although I use it freely.
Any cold my children contract yeilds
very readily to this medicine. I can
conscientiously recommend it for croup
and colds in children Geo. E. Wolff,
clerk of the Circuit Court, Femandina, j
FJa. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Teacher' Examination..
Notice is hereby given, that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all peraons who may.offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county f-chool auperin
tendent thereof, will hold a public ex
animation at the county court house in
TV. 11. . i. - . t. , . ... I
jjuueeciiy, oeginning eanesuav, rob- "
ruary 10, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Dated this 30th day of January, 1S97.
School Supt
A .lllld l ljVKir. One 1MII fur n Ttt.ttn.
A raaTe.nct oi the bonisij ecU di u VKWur for
Lil3 nmxr.pyi ragvlr "tit.t!ie tr'liix. Uci. to
mjutt iiinUr. l"bMrouni,U.-uliJj. bnglaec iw) ocitic.
Toyr i'itor mi nor uckou. T cmnnc- ru. wa
ill roii roii - irr., cr lull I. ix t''dftretj.
uia VU KCUW, Piiljiic'ptala.i'L
He Bad Been m Hoy nnd Hadn't Forgot
ten It.
"We call him the funny man becnuso
he was sad and serious, nnd said little
but gazed -right into our.soulsvjndr.iado
us toll hini just what was in our i. inds
at. the time, and then came oiu with
i-uuiv uiiuiui.-vm iuiii. muia &;.. ne."
I tion that cleared everv cloud awav.savs
..Hn?. . ... ' , .V,
p . u. ii 4- fcj o auk , iiw i j 11 iv
, then go off with ins at once nnd piny the
j l,Ul Willi 4 WUU itO 4(Jtinilt iilrtl
I and devoutededly. putting all otheV
i things aside. So we called him the fun
' ny man, meaning only that he was tlcf
I forcnt. from those others who thought
it incumlent on them to play the pain
ful mummer. The idea as opposed to
the real man. was what we meant, only
we were not acquainted with the
phrase. Those others, with their la
bored jests and clumsy contortions,
doubtless flattered themselves that
they were funny men; wc, who had to
sit through and applaud the painful
performance, knew better.
lie pulled up to n walk as coon as he
caught sight of us, and the deposit
crawled slowly along till it stopped just
opposite. I hen he leaned nis dun on
1 his hand and regarded us Jong and soul
fully, yet said never a word; while we
jigged up and down in the dust', grin
ning bashfully, but with expectation.
For you never knew exactly what the
man might say or do.
"You look bored," he remarked, nres-
I ently; "thoroughly bored. Or else let
me see: you're nor married, are you?"
He nskeu this in such sad earnestness
j that we hastened to assure him that wj.-
were not marrien. Though we felt he
ought to have known that much; we
had been intimate for some time.
They TV1U Be Trained for Domestic Serv
ants. There has just been founded at Cal
cutta an institution for the education
of monkeys, says an exchange.
A young monkey is taken, nnd be
fore him is placed a set of blocl:s on
which are painted in capitals the let
ters of the alphabet. These blocks are.
n. fact, exactly similar to thoac which
children play with in every civilized
- ... ...v.
used m nrecuselv The same wnv as if
, - - -
the monkey were u young specimen of j
the human nice. Tuere is one professor j
f- each monkey, and the monkey is!
taught by means of the block to .ipell j
certain words. If the word is "fruit,"
for example, the monkey, after having
been taught to arrange the blocks so
as to spell the word (quickly and with
out error, receives a bit of fruit is his
reward. The same exercise is repeated
with other words; and it is hojied that
in time the simians will learn how
to read and spell and understand Eng
lish, if they cannot speak it. An elTorl
will also be made, it is said, to educate
these beasts so that thev inav become
fairly ellicient domestic hervants. The
school is so young as yet. however, that
what it will accomplish is entirely a
matter c? speculation. Its "professors"
01 speculation, its protessors j
ni.s-.a-st- about their novel wo A ,
m to t.hmk that a new field of '
are enth
and see
usefulness will be oiR-ned nn for these !
flattering little beasts.
He Couldn't Spell Osawatomle Nor Could
tho Stcnogmpticr.
A short man, with red whiskers, j
shambling gait, and the remains of a '
jag, wanib-.-vd into the Midland the :
an apology for hl nonappearance.
"Kansas City, this date, 00," he mut
tered to the typewritist.
"I have that."
"Mv dear wife." w
"Very imjKirtant business will re
quire my presence in Osawatomie for a
few davs "
"Let's see," interrupted the artist.
How do you spell that Osawatomie?
"Sell it yourself. It'h your type
writer." "J can't"
"Can't 8iell Osajwatomie?" he asked
in disgust.
"Then I'll go to Fort Scott."
M. Crevreuil, being about to leave the
city, offers his fine stock ot nrtifioin.1
flowers, plants, etc., at greatly reduced j
Rooms in
Masonic build-
Thla I Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten centa, cash or stamps.
a Kenorous satnnlo will be mailed of tho
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon-
tatrate the great merits of tho remedy.
:iil' UHOTHEH8,
CC Warren St., New York City.
Itev. Francis W.Poole, Pastor Central Pre. 1
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
otlier, and asked for a type- I lhere are beds and beds, but none , Li the mime of the state of Oregon, vou are --.xcution and order of sale', and described i i CillCAtso
-.vntr's studio, says the Kansas City j is so comfortable, so resta.1. ,r so in- iX 'WZMMlB MX ! asuingtox
Journal. He lives in Kansas, not far t cresting as that which, the hur.te.-. ;"'i iji said court nnd cau-e, on or before trie So. one l north of range ten'. lo) east of Vviin ,,Ii,IjA,,EI,,,H,A
from Topeka, and had been here nt- iiahe.nnan, or plain campn--out mnltes : &KVf?,
tendimr the football -ames. Luck ' for hhnseif from the bourrhs of over- I ex "rVtlun of MSUf:'",5, ! en n' f H" . . ?. th the I Hoston AND all
had walketl on the same side of ' green trees in to forests of nn points East ami
the street with him in the matter C anadu, or any of th oth
of bets, and he panted to stay an-1 ing rvgions along theWhen. bonier, j J fW8SKffiV" K'5'fe5S cXZT&W
nt.hcr wrtk-. Mniihis wife i-vn.fitw linn ' Tnis iiio1i nf ennri tri,n, , A n.-oic. r .( v.r., r.,.... ;,:.,:.,.. .t . , J.. : ' '1' I"" ""iium since the 2sth I
...... , - - - - . --. - umuiwuc me "-j "i "CT-einiA-r, iB.ti: nnd the Intihur ,nm n xi i
home, so he was in search of a tvpe- of twigs form the spruce, cedar, hem- rei" ore. u,a 1,0)r P-xis'-ing f RO for attorneys fees; nnd the further Sum nf " ' C
writer to send home n letter to serve as lock or balsam, or all four,..r I other tif s",ne "y" .'2"'.: JV..Ior sueh ' IITA ta.ia Whcr with accruing In-
nev.dounjiei(i.ijr..orurcattaii8.Jiont.. ' i.,.i.,.1.i,i. t m .i, n .
tly's Cream Balm to me. 1 1 ..,i,.. n.i ii, i,,.
. ... tf , . .... . , ft,,,,, biiuti nii-nt? i men neie iiul
einphasizo hii statewont. "Jtisanoai. , ' ,. ... , . , , ..'
cure for catarrh if used as directed." ! 4U u uuln ""u" lo uc "cveiopcu. "
euro for catarrh and contains no mercury '
any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. I
Rules That Are Strictly Observed by the
President's family.
When the president and his wife drive
out, the president sits on the right
hand seat nnd his wife on the left, says
the Illustrated American.
If there are others in the carriage,!
. a. iici.u-i lollies or iiwciiien, uiev mui
.-it with their backs to thi i, -
,, n, ,,,
' iiw i'ii.i. vi.i7titii ito jii t- iJi.;i i
! she tried the experiment of placing
mother opposite the president nnd her -
self in ihe presidential landau, but the
peopic laughed at it so immoderately
.mu pro u to wmk mts. j msom ,as , eye nine cas,es 0Dt of ten nre cansed '
she was then) to be the maid, that it was i , ...... ... , .
pmli!v dropped. When the presi-, catarrh which is nothing but an in
dent's "wife drives alone, she cits in the; flaraed audition of the mucous sur-
right-hand corner the place of honor. ! faces.
The lady of the white house cannot j We will give One Hundred Dollars for
set foot with-it those splendid houses any case of Denfnee (caneed hy catarrh
in Wnshingtca whose liagrtaffs mark j that cannot be enred bv Hall's Catarrh'
the foreign cnibaw., or legation. She;Cnre Send for circulars ; free.
I'onm not gc-'.-unout me presucnt, ana
ras an embni -v cr Icruiion is technically
.1 par; of the country it represents, the
president could not go so mat she
never sees the inside of a diplomatic
house as long as she presides at the
executive mansion.- The president
dines only at cabinet houses, and his
wife cannot dine anvwhere without
him. President Arthur dined with Alma "0'- ""intm,
judges of the supreme court and with Samuel T. Howe, Defendnut.
.cnr.Jors but as he had no wife the To Samuel T. Howc,the above named defendant:
wboie system was verv much simplified the mime of the Mate of Orcson, you nre
Ti ,,.ri.i.'.(V ,r,T. :f hereby required to nnpenr and answer the com-
ior him. Ihe presidents wife may, if ,,,,, m,'d nBajnst V0li m the above eutitled
she chooses, go to luncheons where court and cause, on or" before the first day of the
t!,n"n,i,nn-lmm ..,, i,ntl, nest term of said court followinc the expiration
tacre aic no gentlemen, oi ,o teas, both nf the time prescribed in the order for the pub
being regarded as stvicvlv informal: Mention of this summons, to-wit: On orb fore
nii rl-,. rhncor nf crivino- nHne bv nc- tb.e8thd.iy ot February, 1S97; aud if you fail so to
ou. tl.t (1-nger oi giingoiien. o ac apl?nr. mii nver.or otherwise plead in said
ceptinrr one invitation and declining an- cause, the phiinttR, for want thereof, will apply
-,,,..- 7i cn rrront thnt it ic lf1nm nr to the court for the rellci prayed for in the coni-
Other- IS SO great that it IS SUUOIU or 1)Ialnt tiIcd heroin, tn-wlt: Thut th hnr.rt nf
never risked.
he Thought the Case Required Heroic
Thev liad been married less than
ear when she noUced that her husban l Coun nmy Sem equitable. "!
staved c-t late at nights and when he This summons is served upon vou brpublica
did com home was apt to be noisy and
demonstrative, says the Detroit Free date of October 30, ISM, and was niRde and dnted
Prws. On his part William observed
.hat he could never find a knife to cm
a bite to cat. and that oven the familv; virp nut rom-Vi tlnl. liiv rji--- f
. on3 at such limes were lo,Utd up aaj j
1 the kev hidden.
I tr.. .n.i 1. i.. ,
-if 11111 uuibut muuiit itjluusc ill.-
not Ju a uondition t0 Talk, nnd when hl.
,vas sohur he did rot care ,0 refer to the
Bt he prew worge jnstead of better.
ti ,.., i ... i...
hour and found th ,. brnnantl,. I
1 1 .. -n. 1.1 .1 1
an assortment of all the cutlerv in the
ui;uil'u iiuu uu tuc uuic uiiucr int."
Louse, lvnives, scissors and razors al- first day of the next regular tenn of the Circuit
luringlv o,jen met his unsteady gnze. ' c"".rt '?r "'."f0 -'0IIUty. Oregon, following trie
m i m 1 ,1 T , expiration of six weeKs1 publication of this sum.
Moi-.Mary, he called, "w-w-wha: limns, to-wit, Mondav, theSth davof Februarv,
d-does t-lhis mean?" li9'i HI,d 'ou wi" ,,,l-c notice that If you foil
,.t. ,. , , . ,. ; t o "PIar and answer, for want thereof plaint-
Xt means, she answered, from the J ill will mke judgment against you for the relief
top of the staircase, "that ever since Vjayeil fur in his romplniut, to-wif A decree of
. ' , , . . . , . divorce forever dissolving the bonds of mar-
.oue been cutting up m this manner , riase heretofore nnd 'now existing buween
I've been afraid vou would do as von ;;Iu,intitrmid defendant, and for such other re-
. , , .,, '. , hefa inny be equitable and just,
threatened to do kill yourself with This summons is served upon vou by publico
some of thos- things." 1 ,lon thereof in The Dalles CiiRo.s-iCLE.a news-
"Y.i-vps Mni-v" i Juer of weekly publicaiiou and general circu-
1 V V es, .iar. I lution. nublished nt The limits. n.r. rvmn.,.
Nmv Vm hecinning to be mor
afra;,, lhct yoy von - 0 T lhought 1Yt
you eVery possible chance."
I mere v. as a sountl ot cutlerv bv ,
I night, mingled -with forcible thoucrn
unsteady words, and William has re-!
mained at home every evening up to!
Pleasures of the Couch 3Iado of Boughs '
n Cumpi in the 'Woods.
consists entirely of the "feathers" o:
the trees, the six-inch outshoots from
branches, with the plume end up, laid
against a prostrate two-inch,
so that the head may have a pillow.
As the twigs stand nearly erect the
bed is four or five inches deep, and u
blanket spread over it yields and
springs back as one rolls over it. The
Led. wide in proportion to the number
of persons to use it, and seven feet long.
is as fluffy as a haymow, and gives
forth a scent that sooathes and heals
one's senses nnd body..
But the. bough bed is getting less and.
less used. Hotels and fancy cottage
camps with spring beds nnd linen
sheets are, slowly superseding the old
style hunter's bed because of the dif
ficulty and lKithe.r of getting a new bed
every trip. It will be a long time, how
ever, before balsam lxnigh pillows ceasn
to lie used in even the most aristocratic
of hunters' lodges.
A Knap Shot.
A little child ofNMi not only leads, but
nmuses by original descriptions of or
dinary events. Says the Pittsburgh
Chronicle: A judge's little daughter,
w ho had attended her father's court for
th? first tin.-, was very much interested
in the proceedings. After her return
home ahe told her mother: "Pnpa made
n speech, and several other men made
, , T. , T7T
" ard lverns & Robertson have the
??B Bl0C 01 .l,,rtoU. wheat and
,m Kel)l tl,e city, for eale.
Call and see it.
jan25 2w
Deafnein Cannot he Cnrert
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus-
: tachian Tube. When this tube is in-
; . . , , ,. ,
. l namea yon nave a rumoiing eouno
,, I imnerfent hearine. and when it is en-
her tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
: unless the inflammation can be taken
j out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for -
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 7oc. 6-10
TS THE CIRCUIT CO CRT of the State os Or
jL egon for Wiuco County.
. matrimony between pluiutlfl" and defendant be
dissolved: that the nlnintifl" be awnrded thn
custody of the minor child mentioned in said
0$ '1
tt,.-iki ai t-i iiiut ucilliumu lv
piaimiii nave nnu recover ner costs ann ais
n 01
ursements made aud expended in this suit.
wiU-"-' " urcsB. 011 "clt-
ber CO, lsW.
Attorney for Plaintitl.
J -
! 1 for cVcounty! ,he a'atC f 0r
' Iraui J.ilcyeis. PlaintW',
1 Annie SI. Mayers, Defendant.
! To Annie M. Movers, tho nimt-P n..mi riBfnri
.. " '" .'"" ""B", .'"
iitiicuj ivnmrt.-u 10 nnpvur in me aDove entitled
1 ""?,,,a"f.w filed against
Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L. DradshHM , judge
. u' "e Uwe namwl court,
dccttM Attorney 'for Plai'mi'iT.
i TN THE CIRCPIT COl'RT of the State of
; -L Oregon, for V. a-co County.
Ernest Morgan, Plaintiff
Nettie Morgan, Defendant.
Ir..v ,T... ... ' . ....
iu eitie .uiiikuii, metionve named defendant:
----------- j .iH..u.tuniijuBi
f i ? hfS!!,!,-hISnCn tll,!lpon you b' PUblica-
tion thereof in The Delles CiiROXictE. a week I v
lieWsiatMr of Plifterill nlrf,nlnflr.r. ...,v.llri-,i '
The Dalles-, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L
Uriidshaw, judge of the above named court.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., Dec. HI, ISfM.
. . G. W. PHELPS.
deci,'l Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
.r ... uu vCuUu,. iiu oraer o: sale Issued out I are herebv noHfiMnr,0,lf0 luMlvcnt debtors
of the Crcuit Court of the Htateof Oregon for erlvvetiHU n. f.1? 'res:nt them to rooprop.
) ltict.(?"n ?.? 'he 12th day of January' Sinth,-bL JWk 'rt, jrtihln three
c;r,".i."'" a'rectea and commanding me to I L. Store, in nTii ,,....''u' ul c oilice of J
sue property nereinaiter described to satisfv . inns mi-fni ,h, . ,'1 Oregon; and all tier
the sum of 19). wlthintcrwt thereat tin $ em,nre hweby
cent tr annum from Dec. 2. lS3fi. n i,i..., itl "I'L?. A" c".'e ""h me at once. DJ
tipona iudgmetit in the above named court in
favor of" Kobert-Mays and L. E, Crowe, partner"
doing busbies under the firm name of Mays &
Crowe, and against Geo. D. Armstrong and Sarah
k'on.nHUo,l5,J!,vc",ttnd -W'lered therein on
the 9th dav of NovemW. 14-.. T .! ii u-.Ji'
d'. the 10th duy of February, 1K7, at the hour
of 0 o'clock a. rn., sell ut the coutthouw dooMn
VllW; lnnW asco S0"'11'' State of Oregon.
Dallei City, Oregon, Jan. P.". nar.
J13SM Sheriff of WascJcouOregon.
and Headstones.
Before going elsewhere, call on
L. COMINI, The Dalles. Or .
For a Tombstone. Warranted
to stand for all time, regardless
of wind or weather.
-.-- ... , in eiU euuiiiy anu state, at
C-rt1C.SUtv"r,"' 'i" U,Jf hlgU(nt bldd 'T cash fa
nana, tne following described real estnre. in
U)t 13. In II lock ! In T
hrho PniumfiiQ Danlniii! ml
1IU UUlUllUia I uurviuy uu
Pork and Beef
or ,
j j c,nea rrp5
J-i&l U. tt-uu jo
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beefi Etc.
The Glades Ranch,
:DreBre3-A-S:"" JERSEYS
Of the St Lambert, fomninsslc nnd Tormentor j
mine. Three Choice Hull for ale or rent,
so some Choice Cows and Helfcrt for sale. j
Pine Ured Poland China Hogs.
White Plymouth liocl: Chiescns.
Address- MRS. A. R. BYRKETT, Prop.
JvSa-wam White salmon. Wash.
Tlnllnn Pitt nnH Mnm PtOiffl I 1T1Q
I ljQiluU ulli dliU UIUIU Oldl'D UIllU
w 3 it- a 1 1 v aI !...
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
t tt-: 1 1 : it . ..1 Trt...
b a. m. prompt.
Lesves Umatilla House. The DalleF,
TnesdavE, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at
S a. in. prompt.
Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, -10c
per 100 lbs ; small packages, 15 and 25c.
Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro,
$1.50; round trip, $2.50.
Agency at Umatilla House. The Dalles,
and at Williams Hotel Moro.
Bake Oyen aod Mitclie
THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprieto:
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of nn
execution and the order of sale Issued out ot the
Circuit Couit of the mate of Oregon for Wnico
Countr on the liith riav of .in.oin-v -
j decree and judgment made, rendered and en
I tervd theretofore therein in a suit wherein J. J
spencer was. plaintitl' and ilsnn p.. W'inai.t
'were defendant." 1 did dtiiv levv niwVi at d wl
j sell at the fn.nt d.jr of the" couniv canrtho i"e
in wanes t.ity, Wasco County, Orecou, on aatur-
Mn the afternoon' of in ii,.r' ,it ,.'mv',ii.. 7,........
my, tut-lain aav o. KHimm- iir- ... ...! 1.
to the highest bidder for r.;,Jh V,.iT:,H '
1 lutein? ,Ip.,.,iv-..i ,..i 1.,:..
i mm e.iimijfces OI S1I1C.
Da'td ut The Dulles Or., this I2th dav o! jn
ury, isor. " " ua 01 Ja
JanlWMl Sheria of WwcoVnn 'Sn.
The Dalles, Dec. fc, i59fl.
L S DAVIS. Assignee.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
duly" lliuedV'thClerk Uol0,'Lfl?.d ordcr
the'countv o Vatr'H l.he Crcuit Court of
oi sma any
cr of lHhnBM.'Msd ir"3rty, tQ-w t. Iwo
of section twelve "n ,oVi
t.;iy"wotril?ofl?ctt.n '
and levied 'uJn" ,SL S"
and disburbemo u th J " "h all cosu
fhnfnl ....I .-ihiiiai U1U 1 r n, Lh
ii,ur mny, aceru I
is ;mi i;
ue .ill nav oi Januarv l'i? i 7. rfc. ua'eu
nthe Jus'tiee Peaco euurl' r'tn"1" HC,lon
tale u-horein i-.Vi" t"1?." ior fl'd County and
u,fe' Alexande'T I
at lis. on the 17th day of (,l?0Ker,rf,!,l's Jteu ' Va&, exhaustive market reports oil the
tbeiSth 'Mbloni for women and a long
KW? ! ' ' 6t0rie8 bytUe neatest living
public aucdortSX'H:! r. sell at i American and Encliaii aathors,
EAST and SOUTH via
M The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
' Trains leave nnd nre duo to arrive nt I'ortUaa.
LEAVE. 1 TBOM JUNE 23, 1895.
1 press, Snlctn, Rose-'
I burg, Ashland, Sac-1
' I ("V r, I ... n .. I
S:50 I',
I IIlllll'lllU, lUUIl,OUU
M,.S Priiiiclsoii. Motavc. f
I Los AnRL'lcs.KI Paso, i
! I New Orleans nnd I
I lEaft J
. , iRoscburg and way eta
s:80 A. Ji-itions
N:40 p.m.
I f Via oodburn fori
I I Mt.Anpel, Silverton,
U West Sclo, Browns-
' ' vllle, Springfield and I
(.Muroii , )
...m t. -t Salem and way stations
I 1-VS (CorvallU and wnyj
10.00 A.H
11:45 P.M
way stntions.
Pally. tDaily, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where
throueh tickets to all jiolnts in the Kastem
.t-tes, Canada and EuroK! can be obtained tt
lowest rates from
J. Ji. KIRKLANI), TicketAgcat
A!l above trains arrive nt nnd depart from
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving street.
Passenger DeiKit, foot of Jedersou street.
I Leave for OSWEGO, week days, Rt 6:00, 7-M
I 10:15 a. ru.; 12:15, 1M5, 5:25, 6:45, 8:05 p. a'
(and ll:0 p. m. on Saturday only). Arrive at
I Portland at 7:10, S;30, 11:25 a.m.; 1:30,3:15, 6K
! 7:55,l:10p. in. '
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at -1:30 p. m.
Arrive at Portland, 9:150 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on .Monday, Wednesdav and
Frl'iay at 9: 10 a.m. Arrive nt Portland, Tues
day, Thursday aud Saturday at 3:05 p. m.
i Sunday trains ior OSWEGO leave at 720, 8:10,
jo.ia. m.: 12:15, 1:15,3:30, 6:25 G: p. m! a,.
rive at Portland at 12:35, 8:30. 10:00 11:25 a. m -
1:30, 3:15, 5-10, 6:35, 7:55 p. m.
Manager. . Asst. G. F. A: Pass. Act
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
TO i:and FORKS
Through Tickets
i time cards, maps and tickets,
!. ALLAWAY. Agent,
Tne Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
55. ilorrlson Cor. Third. Portland Orefon
T HE j
18 Pages a Week. ISO Paper a Veer.
It stands first among 'weekly' papen
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the loir
price o a weekly ; and its'vaet list ef
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the -accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a fine humor
Uoyle Jerome K. Jerome,
Anthony Hope, Bret Uarte,
JVe ofll,r tbiB unequaled newspaperand
ri,eDailesTwice-a.Veek Chronicle to-
year for rJ.00. The regular
i "uuuwauii. ItJt, UMAlSliV, PaUa- Pa.