. r Til- .. f.4 ; Mil 5 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. J 27k only Republican Daily yewspapei Watco County. "WEDNESDAY. FEB. 3. 1S97 EASTERN OFFICE-230 to 234 Tcmple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent, - THE NICARAGUA CANAL. There is scarcelv a citizen on the PaciGc coast who does not want the Nicaragua canal built: but there are mam who do not want it built at the government expense unless the gov - crnment owns and controls it. The "bill before congress is one of the most gigantic steals ever attempted i on the government, not even except ing the magnificent theft of the Union and Central PaciGc railroads. There is a right way and a wrong way to build the canal. The one is for the government to build it and own it ; the other is for the govern ment to pay for it and let someone else own it. The first is right: the latter wrong. "v"c can well afford to tax ourselves to build the canal if the people are to get the benefits: tout we cannot afford to tax our selves if some few men at the head of a corporation are to receive all i the benefits, and levy a perpetual tax j at their own sweet wills on all the commerce of the country; in other words, levy a tax on the people on property they had already taxed themselves to pay for. It is really astonishinc how nice a supar coat can be put on a pill, when it is desired to have the people take it without gagging. In the canal hill it is nrnviflPfl th onvernmont is ' 1 to liave eight directors out ot eleven. and thus have direct control of the , .. . ouucting and operatiim of the canal: or, in other words, to be the practical 1 owner or it. I his is the sugar coat. It is provided with another wrapper c . : i ) i . n.i ui stui icaicr i.icciiurnmy. xne, bill provides for thp capitalization of the Maratitne Canal Companv of! Nicaragua. Half of this is to be ' Stock, half bonds. The bonds are to he guaranteed bv the United States , t government and placed 111 US CUS- I tody, to be delivered to the Alaratime ' Companj' as the construction of the canr.l is proceeded with. Of the stock 70,000,000 is to be given to the United States as a consideration of it placing its guarantee on the bonds. Of the balance of the stock & small amount is to be given to the ' Nicaragua government, and 7.000.-: 000 paid to the Maratime Canal Company for what it has already ex-. pended, n-hich is claimed to be 4. i 500,000. but uhich probablv will not ! ..." . nniount to one-fourth of that sum. Now, it will be seen nt a glance tbat the stock is watered to the ex-1 tent of 100 per cent. Half the sum. 100,000,000, is Water. The $100,- ' 000,000 bonds are counted upon to j furnish the necessary capital for con-! struction. Tlie stock authorized is' . . , .... , just so much over-capitnhzation, on "which the promoters would insist in ! nnprntinfr tlm nnnnl r-o,..,;. ! terest, and hence duuMin? the tolls "What will the Mara' i tne Canal I Company do with the bonds: We ' i remember the experience of the Pa- cific railroads, and we mav exnect a repetition of their unsavory methods. 'TM . "T 1 rr .1 1 . t , . uv xuuihu ruuua passeci uie uonas over to construction companies, and that is what the canal company will do. Then the government will have nothing to say about it. The 70,000,000 stock given the government is nothing less than n sugar-coated bribe; a waterinr of i StOCk, or Which the government gets the water, and on which the people will have to pay interest. The gov ernment builds the canal; gives half of it to the pjomoters of the scheme; charges tolls to meet the interest ou Hie full sum, and gives half the pro ceeds thereof to the Maratitne Cnnal ' Company. The Maritime Canal Company will, therefore get interest - - T. paid it on k 100,000,000 perpetually, while not investing a do ar of ts 1 ... f nn i0Wn' and th0 peop,c wil1 liavetbci interest to pay. pay. The wa3 to build the canal is to make a treat between this govern ment, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, then let this government put up the money ana omul it. Nicaragua, it ' nn,st be remembered, now holds tlyt the concessions given the Mara time Canal Co. have lapsed, and are no , lo"Scr biutli?' 5 beir-S tre' i some arrangement would have to be j made before anvthinsr at all could be done. Then we can have a canal on ! which the earnings would be regu - j lated by the actual cost, and we 1 would not have a perpetual tax to ' pay in the shape of interest on $100. - ' 000,000, all of which would go into the pockets of the gentlemen who compose the ilaratime Canal Com- pany. Now we know what the trouble with our monetary system is, for Mr. 1 Lyman Gage, who is to be our next i United States treasurer, told us. He says that it is owing to ''confusing , heterogeny, which needs simplifies-j tion." We have suspected that was j the cause for a long time, but hesi- j tated to make our opinion public. If l we can get rid of the heterogeny, we i will be all right. Its bactei ia are now being cultivated iu the hope j of finding a serum that will knock it Buud Election iitlce, school I)itrlrt j No. la. j Notice i? hereby given that a school j meeting of school district Xo. 12, of! Dalles City, Wnsco county, Orecou, to I be held at the council chambers in said 1 T . . . ii rr - K j . t r is97, there win be submitted to the lewi voters of said district thp nnpcr.inn nt" 1 contracting bonded debt of $20,00j).00, for 1 ! SgEtolt: j The vote to be ballol upon which shall! ' b e tlle r "Bonds Yes." and the words "Bonds No." Polls to be opened at 1 o'clock p. m.. aud remain Pn uniu ? :l0' P-.m . uv order o: t He board ot uirectors school district No. 12. of Dalles Citv. 'y, 1 u 'V0 PZ! "a.te 01 tuie?on; ! Dated this 2ua dav of Feb., A E. Jacob errv. 1 Dl6t"(:t i " Cierk. CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes, For your Protection remedy doe no: contain mercury or any omer injur ious urug. Ely's Cream Balm l acknowledged to be the most thor.n?h care for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens anii cleanse the nasal passages, aliays pain and inflammation, heals the tores, pro tne membrane from colds, restores the een.-ej cf ta?taand smell. Price JOc at Drnr?iJt8 ot bv mail. ELY UltOTHiatS. So Warren Street, Iew' York. Huckleu'c Arinca naive. . TJte best Eaive in ine world for cuts, , bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains orns, irnd all skin eruptions, and posi- "vely curs piies, or no pay required Il iE guaranteed to t:ive perfect satisfac tion. or monev reiunaed. Prifo l's pn tion. or monev refunaed. Price 25 cents per box. For saie ny Houghton, drnL'ist?. Biakelev and IMPORTED FLIES. lBeu Caught In tho Swmp. of Mexico The rerKrtBimX''L"m Laredo 4o the ' treasury department at Washington i Inakc cons:-int reJereiut- to om- of the i queerest articles of import brougrh' into this country. These are dried ..L-xican ies which are brought to the I'mted ' w m large quanuues to be used as food for pet singing birds. , These Hies live in the swamps in vari- 01)8 sections in Mexico, where thev are Ttne work I,0fl devo;e.their ,ivt's to tne ork. The flv catchers use a f-iiPen net, and make a large haul nt t - wry cast. The individual llv is called moscos. It Is .small and delicate, and its whole Ixidv n:is thp nrmpnrfitipo if tntvmg leen gilded.. . . ' 1 1 The flies when alive are beautiful -.nd ' harmless. There is a duty on these ' Mexican files, doubtless to encourage ' the home fly industry, but up to the j present time the moscos business has j not flourished in this country to any , mart:Hl (vtf . TJ, packed in barrels, and thev sell fnr ,' ni5, price. England' LarK.fU Orchard. uTTtSSiStS1 HSS Gloucester. It is 500 acres in extent, rnd in some .seasons yields itb owner. Lord Sudley, a profit of SM.OOO. The trees are chiefly apples and plums. Kapolecin't. Kevercoce. An old lady iu Brussels, who recently celebrated her 100th birthday, relates Ujat wLen Napoleon passed through her native villape of Fumay, in 1510, a peasant having fallen on his knees to ask a favor, the emperor said: "Get I -.111 T 7A . t . A Chicago Inter Ocean niirl noinr bnl ovArvt 4 r tin ft BLACKWELL'S j ; j j ! ( ; ', ' ; Ton will flJitl oue coupon inside each two ounce bag, nud two coupons Inside each four ounce ling of Blnck- ivell's Drrrhmu. Buy n ling of tills celebrated toliacco and rend tlir coupon which gives n Ktat of valuable pres ent and how to get them. Wholesale. 1 v uunnMivi vkf -,rir, x , CClines and Cigars. j ITHE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt . beverage, unequaled as a . . " STUBLING & WILLIAMS. 7 Cts. i J o y Ladies' Cloaks. Remember, all these goods iceable and iashionabJe, and proached in The Dalles. Leave your orders for Dressed Ciiiekens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds COAL AND ICE, AT THE DAIdtES G01HIWISSI0U GO.'S STORE Corner Second and Washington Sts. BLAKELEY El 175 Second Street -ABTISTS MATERIALS.-,. , "Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. When (he Train stops at THE DALIES, get off on the South Side . ... AT THE ...... fiEW COLtUJWBlfl HOTEIi. Tbls larpe and popular Home noes the principal hotel business $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Heals, 25 Certs .'.VrV "J-1 StaBe l,lne teavlnc The Dalle. fr all 111 thU ViofJlt 0rj,Bu Eatem lVUlMUton! Corner of front and Union hu. M TOOMEY, Propr "TUn U a ,idc in ",e leads on to fortune" The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture at CRANDALL Who are soiling those goods MICHELBACH BRICK. r infnilT 0 NO OTHER. V, CEC9 - BUSCH and BEER on draught and In Dottles. Nutrine. a non-alcoholic tonic. Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for 812.00. An elegant aEsortment of 1S96 styles just received, a part ot which roay be seen in show window. are latest made, warm, serv at prices never before ap- HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon J Men at itsf. ooa and Carpets & BURGET'S, out at greatlv-reduced rates . . UNIOi, RT. Drugs, Paints, Wail Paper, Glass. Etc. THE Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second St.. THE DALLES, - - OR. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZEE. IE UST ZLsT. H. M. Heall, Cubhicr. President. first national Bank, THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Banking BuEineee transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold c Kew York, San Francisco and Port on land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson-. J.vo. S. Schenck. i Ed. M. Wiluajib, Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Beajx. I FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENEKALBA.KKIXG BC5IXES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. ! Sight Exchange and Telegraphic ; Transfers sold on .ew York. Chicago. st. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points m Oregon and Washington. Collections madp nt ! orahle terms. LDOD ROISOH BSsSSfiP oocha: vurj, luuiao p I PMn,.Macousr SKtISS 1 x iiapte ' 1 any part out, it ia this SecoudryrotmWPr?b " SKKteSK ca&e we cannot cnr. ri v.i. w: "u ior SS5- American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs. 69 - TELEPHONES - 69 J. B- GOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Keeaidence, Tenth and Liberty Streeta B You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying- di rect from the manufacturer. A No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, usinj: the best material and the most improved machinery. We havo no agent; Sold direct from factory to th.. rider, fully wan-anted. Shipper anywhere for examination. J WRITE FOR Our Interesting OiFer Acme Cyclo Co., Elkhart, Ind. "Tk Replator Line" Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Until further notice, the Sfpninpr Tpcrnlntnr irill lonvo j The Dalles on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 7:30 a. m., and will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at G:30 a. m. j VASSENGEi: RATES: One way , $2 00 i Round trip 3 00 Frei Rates Greatly educed. ! Shipments for Portland received at any time. Shipments for wav landings must be delivered before o p. in. Live stock shipments solicited. For rates call on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General Agent THE DALLES. - OREGON D.R.&N. E M S T ! Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- 'Spokane Denvg Omaha Kansas City Hit- Minneapolis St. Paul Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMEK8 Leave orUn j Kery Five Days for jSAN FRANCISCO, CAL. j . ' Th",t V,U dtth'1 call on O. Jt S: Co.' Agent FreioD ana Passenger liv W, II. HUULBORT, Gen. Pm. Agt. Portland. Oregon E. M'JiEILL President aud Manaser New Schedule. Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4:45 a. in., and leaves 4 :50 a. m. Train ho. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 p. in., and leaves 10 :20 p. ra. ct traiu ho. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 : P; m., and west-bound train No. 7 leavH at 1 p. in. Train 23 and 24 will carry pweeng between The Dalles and UmatllU, i ng The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at The Dalles I p. m. dally, nec ng with train Not. 8 and 7 bom Portland. jg, E, Lvrw, Agent