The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 02, 1897, Image 4

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Tl DaBts Dtfly Chronicle.
Officer AVnrklnp on ltiirlurf; Trnln
Kol.lirry Cac.
Eosnnrr.c., Or., Feb. 1. The officers
working up ihe train-robbery case now (
liove some clews upon which theories
are based, but thev keen them closely i
guarded. The sugar-sack
mncl- fnnnri
on the trail has been identified as one
The general opinion is that the robbers
came to IJoseburc and the officers are
Ehadowingsnspected parties and collect
ing evidence sufficient for arrests. Those
Lest informed claim tiiat a surprise is in
Etore for the people of Koseburg at an
early date. There is further evidence to j
support the theory that at least one of
the robbers came from and returned to
The notorious Bob Hinman, who broke
jail here here several months ago, and
v j i ... ,. .... ,
had numerous ficbts with California and
, ,
Oregon orhcers. is supposed to have re-
turned here, and to be secreted in town,
The O. It. A- Tnke a Hand.
from Mr. Ltndsey's barn, and the i ' ,.t,;t,i,.- Thr.. ln which the bills are laid out. nnf.
ght before the robbery he tan a man j ib I10thin? in' p'real eomos which ; hich ,s the Jouncing place of the trav-
nfthphp.rn. K.. t:iw.wl TI,om 5s i.n simh l""r c " "I w'1'"! . -
! Uirned. Manv tons of it were con-
The 0. R. & N. Co. has at last come ; 5n:ed and thousands o: dollars fed to
from under oolitical cover. J. M. Long, i the roaring- fires of furnaces,
one of its attorney's, is now in Salem I I'.ut it was discovered that, the core
opposing Senator Mitchell and advocat- j aad skin of the apple cor.tained cela
inc th elecdon of Mr. Corbett, one of I tinous properties, as well as an acid,
its" directors and chief adviser of the ' wnioh- untl" conditions, wwil
management. .Mr. iong has been in
close conference with Simon, Bourne i
and Mr. Young, chairman of the Popn-1
list state committee. All of these gen- ,
tlemen are said to be working enercet- i
icailv tnetrther to assist the allied cor-'
porations in reiievinc the people from '
the iron cinws of monopoly, and elevate i
to the dignity of senator a disinterested :
representative of the toiling masses !
t-iiiizn uornett. aimon ana iong Dotn
being raiiroad attorneys, of course are
competent to direct our Populist brethren
in the line of reform Statesman.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
'Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and I
can cheerfully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but Eix bottles of Electric Bitters re
stored her health and renewed strength.
Prices 50 cents and ?1.00. Get a Bottle
at Blakelev and Houghton's Dru' Store.
Indian Imfine Hypocrisy.
- "Ugh! Much God and no Flour!" is
an old chief's characterization of a
sanctimonious Indian ageut w ho stole
the goods he was supposed to issue to
the tribe. It would be hard to give a
terser definition of self-deception or of
Thla Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, ca&h or stamps,
& cenerous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hey Fever Cure
(jy'6 (Jream iiaim) sumcieni to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
5C Warren St., New York City.
P.ev. JohnReid. Jr.. of Great Falls.Mont.,
rpTimm.-mlfifi T!!v'is Grpnrn Halm io me. T
can enmbasize his statement. "It is a noai- !
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." i
Eev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CtntralPrea.
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure" for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
CaOi lu Your Check.
All county warrants registered prior
to July 12, 1592, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Dse. 5,
1690. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer,
hare Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
Rtroys 1.50 worth of tram annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the moat effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For Eale by M. Z. Dnnnell,
Agent. febl-3m
Ward, Kerns fc IJobertsou have the
largest stock of timothy, wheat and
wild hay kept in the city, for sale,
Call and see it.
jan2o 2w
M. Crevreuil. beini? abant to leiyft thp
city, offers hie fine stock ot artificial i
flowers, plaute, etc., at greatly reduced
prices, itooma in Masonic build
dr. Guars
A .llilil I'in hir
One PHI for a Dour.
A m-jiement or toe ixmelt ich dxj u lot
ttJUL TtiK- r-ii' lplr wht ihe ;tm Ucli lu
psU iwular Thej- cum ilcwUclw. ttwblet. t!
Mia c;riDionJtieiiun u?iiaritnrixraiMc.
loTwiIiier F'll'" nut mekoi. To cootinc nm. w
fill icail mbi1' tr rail t..r tf huJJeTerr.
Cfin. Vli. 11 Uii;. Ut' HO). (XI., P&iUddptui. !'.
i 1 .1
t use for apple cokes.
Thriving: Industry Created by Util
ization of Wasta Material.
Immense Quantities of "Apple Viite"
Couvertetl Into Various Artlcli
Which Have a Market
A new industry, hitherto but little
fn ,i : 4.. :,.,..t.,
j It is known a. the "apple waste" indus-
' ,rv-
I no as recMcss uuu i'.iruiiii;aui
i .....
thlnf as exce. or superfluity, for all
cau lx re-ueti.
1 he apple uastc indu.t a new oc-
cupation which demonstrates and
. .u ,.t,. . r .i ti, i
i)iUl" till' lUlUr Jk IWK UUU l.iv . .kr
dom of the modern philosopher. The
new industrv U an outgrowth of that
vast one of 'the evaporation of npnler .
j whoc product is called by crown.
dried apples.
In the preparation of the apple io
evaporation, the core is cut out neatly
' h tl,e kn5fe of the paring machine,
simultaneously with the partnc process,
1. " , , ... , ; ' .
i 1 be apple pulp is then sliced, treated to
j R Lr sxvam?, in order to main
j Tuin its fresh luie;aljd it is ready for
naciiinir. Formerly the cere
and par-
i is:" were shoveled tocether and
' escne alcoholic lermemaiioa. inc
1 1 evaporators, of southern Michigan hit
upon the discovery first, and imme
diately herran to prepare lor market the
immense amount of
"waste daily rath-
ered together. A number of young cirls
were cmnloyed at 30 cents a day. This
' heap labor made the expense rmnll.
The waste product was subjected to
ihe same steaming-and heat as in cvap
cration. and sulphurised to prevent dis
.Dloration from the atmc?pi:e:c.
The evaiMjrated waste was then
shipped to commission merchants.
Icily manufacturers recognized the
alue of its gelatinous properties, and
the wine merchants were convinced of
its fermenting- tendencies. A great de-
Tr.r.Tl 'nr ir ins rims o-"t(vl and the
eva-iorators have created from it an in -
.1, "tr.. ,,ni :n ci-p tn thei'- oricinat
uuitr equal -n sie io xnei. ori,n.a.
business in the preparation of the pulp,
South Water street commission mer-
chant alwavs have it on hand, and
quote it at about one cent per pound.
Jelly manufacturers buv it a! that price
hy the car load and use it exclusvely in
the nrenaration of the eheaner ieliies. ,
In the manufacture of jeilv, the skin
acd core of the apple is boiled down
t. S;-
IV it iJUli' cuii3i3it:ui-. it '""i
strained m immense collenders, ana
boiled a"aip with the addition of 75 tier
cent, g-lueose to 25 per cent, of the ap- j
i.le "wastt!." To ths colorless annle !
;,.l!r f1iAnr.Tit flnrnrs ?.nf! pnlnrinr-mat
ter are added, and the product is sold ;
in the form oi peach, currant, straw.-;
berry, apricot, or pineapple jelly
whichever ycu may call for. ;
In the manufacture of chainparne in i
France, imm.'W car loads of apple j
"waste" are us--J. Great ship leads of j
it are yearly taken in at Havre and dis-
tributed over the south of France. The '
"waste" is used with prajie juice to ex j
cite fermentation. It is alo largely
:;ed is. the preparation of cheap wine.;
..nd cider. However, it must be noted
that in the apple "waste" which is
hipr.-'d abroad a jrrea: deal of what
Is calicd apple "chops" finds its way.
Apple "chops" are the sliced, evaporat
ed apples, uot perfect enough for pack
ing. It would be almost impossible to
extract juice enough from the shin nnd
oore to warrant their use without the
"chops." In this country, where ap
ples are plentiful and very cheap, cide:
distillers use the whole fruit and do
not use "waste."
The process of jelly-making in Chi
cago, especially of the eheajor kind, has
taken an immense stride forv.ard of
that the several large firms hen- em
ployed men and boys to go about the
streets nnd pick up discarded apple
cores. Also it was said that- they de
rive part of their supjdy from private j
trade with economical housekeepers,!
restaurant and pie factories. This is j
an error. The apple waste which is !
used comes exclusively from evajiora-.
tion factories, and is handled only by j
I'Oiuinibsion morchants. The market
alue rarely varies from one cent per
pound, and t-he employment of a force
of street gatherers would add an ex
traordinary expense, which would ren
der its use almost impossible, consider
ing the fact that tipples may be pur
chased at 50 cents per barrel.
The annle "waste" in pie factories
''nch -vear amounts to innumerable car j
loncls-. In tll(' r.eig'..borlioo of these!
J establishments lamilies are constantly !
Kept suppiietl with as mucii as iii.
can carry away. Among tne l'0
dibtnet-s, they have long ago discovered
v necessity and inventiveness, the !
uorth of the "waste." To them bread 1
..nd butter was once the daily ration; j animation at the county court house in
now bread and apple jam stays the , Dalles city, beginning Wednesday, Feb
pangs of hunger. Chicago Times-1 ruary 10, at 1 o'clock p. in.
Iiallek-Moro Stage
Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. in.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Douglas Allk.v, Prop.
j names writ
Evanescent Reputation., of Piwimo
Flitted on the Stnsr.
"Theatrical reputation is the most
i cvane.cont of nil
' -. . 1 . I. ..
1 glories of life," sadly
i netor, drawing: his lust
' VUM. tl'U UK UIU UVMUi , UiUt Hi; Ul I.
summer's overcoat around him a little dition of the mucous lining of the Ens
tighter, according to the .Vew York tacn:nn Xnbe. When this tube is in
Il?5?,ltl ... , . ' flamed von have a rumbling sound or
. i . i . i .
re.omieu me ugeui,
' "
4. .1 l r . 1 . 1
in an arauaicionce wim ine oni
ooros oi me. om uieaiers nuoiu ac
couutrv. You know tiiev have a wavjont ana mis inoe restored to us normal ,
of poMing up bills and lithographs in
that part of the theater
- ; t - -
, panics and stcr.t-.. that have leen at
.cl.,ar housC- c,,; this
i . 1 .
i done syr:.n:at; with an idea for
. , . , , ., , , f
! e"al Ptcr!al eaect, and then looks f
! ) V?- Dut core otten it is the
i f"enJi. of Postcr, who ? .aps up
a lu" lea-a .Prc- or a ,,",C;r!?11,
I he"11' r protesquc. the whole
timrs nightmarish jumble.
"ln the cider bill-roams will be seen '
pictures of bygone favorites of the 1
American stage of many per.-'oas who ,
were famous the other day and who tc- ',
day are quite forcottsn. They are
usually represented in their favorite
costume and part. Some of thrsc rer
the rage but a few years ajrc drew bir
alaries and had everything- their owr
way. There are women who actually
queened it over the whole country
made thousands and drank champagne
and wore a princess' diamonds. Why,
their very names are forgotten! I am
Lot an old-timer, though I'm familiar
with the stng-e. and I uii you Tie betn
actually startled suddenly to come
nn-c th0, ni.Tnr..c on htll-rnnrM
walls, and to be thus reminded what
: ' . , v .., -
they had been, and to be set to thinking
what had become of them:'
One Woman Made SS.200 with a Thrah
Icj: jlauhlne.
A woman thrasher is a novelty thn'
is, outside of the schoolhouse or houn.
And the one in question is a srenuin
thrasher of the golden rraiu of thei
nAv.n..A? .-...... : . . r j . .i T. I .- T . I I
nal. hhe came into one ot the .Minneap-
olis farm machinery houses the other
day to make her final payment on
: machine. This was startling and
marked her as a woman of business co-
. . , , n
i pacsty: .cr u:e man tno mai.c a iu..
j payment on a thrasher this sensrm :s re -
, yarded as an exceptionally rood man.
! That the lady in question had a busies
I head is further evidenced by the fart
I that she succeeied in "workinc thw-
nmnnr.(.rnf(S(.05l!iWicr-nOTt fnr Sf Sfl
j the amount of her fare home,
i She innocently told him that to pay
t her bill in full would take every epnt
- ------ ---- - .
sne nmi nun snp. nil iKi1 m!LPnn 1
mu i-n.
to ?et home. While the rraiaper pel -
l,.v demurred at receipt tne bill J
wim xcis uiscoum on, sue itjircn-
iously hiatod
hat it would cost nor- !
than $2.50 to send a collector after th" '
balance, and he tumbled to the situt-
tion as gracefully as possible. Mrs.'
Thrasher (or perhaps it is Miss .said J
that she had made S2.200 out of her ma-1
chine and had 1?7 stacks of groin zt s
finish this winter, which she nrowawd
encg- the fact thvt many raachines an.
beinir trken back on rr.or?if(; r'i - -
vearrno one can nMfsfu:v mnin.nir
1 . .
. . 16 1,01 auupieuiotnisnew;
ueiu tor woman s activity.
Oxide SuccwMfiSllv itroti
KflUmi with the Le of Electricity.
..... ... . : ... -
When Thomus Edison benn e.vperi
mvntinr with electricity as a means of
extractinir iron oxide from reck a
shiver ran through the spinal columns
of iron mine owners. Then t.hemattur
wtiK forgotten and the public heart!
nothing more about magnetic separat
ors, untH a few days apo, when the
neus came out that the method was
not only perfected, but that by it S.OG'i
tons of bessemw steel were b-iicg-turned
out every day nt Edison, N. J.
Mr. Edison has been developing- h!.
newest discovery quietly, and now his
Pinelting works and their nppurleuant
buildings cover many acres among the
Jersey mountains. The rock is blast
ed out of open quarries, 5.000 tons at. a
time, and carried by enormous electric
cram-? to rollers which crush th?
largest "bowlders as if they were lump
fiu?ar Afu,r Imssinr, through
a se-
rieti of these rollers the tine rock falls
taut 1 00 magnets, which extract the'
ore. sending it along to the furnaces al
most free from extraneous matte
From the furnaces the ore issues in
nuccets of besfiemer steel read v for the
Teacher' Kxauitnutlun.
Notice is hereby L'iven. thnt fnr tlip
purpose of making an examination of
al, pergone who mQV ofrur thcaiMlvea ag
candidates for teachers of the schools of
--. HUpurin-
tendent thereof, will hold a public ex-!
Dated this 30th day of January, 1697.
C. L. Giuieut,
School Supt.
Subscribe for The Chkonicle.
hv Irval nnnlirntinnp. ng thcv cannot
- ,,, fl,
.ui iuc-v..!
, inere is only one way to cure aea,
i and that is by constitutional remedies,
! Deafness is caused by an inflamed con -
.. . ,,onr5n ,, .,, ell.
, tirelv closed. Deafness is the result, and
t tirelv closed, Deafness is the result, and
- . . . .
unless the inflammation can be taken
condition, hearing will be destroyed for-J
ever; nine enses out of ten are caused
! by catarrh, which is nothing but an in-'
; flamed condition of the mucous snr-
' '
1 " llM
j " case of Deaf nes ( cane! ny catarrh
that cannot be curel by Hall's Catarrh
' Cure, send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, 0.
Sold by Diuggists, 7oc. 6-10
TX THE CIRCftT COIT.T o.' the State of Or
A. econ for Waoc iwnnty.
Almu C. Howe, I'laiusia,
I Vi. j
?amnel T. Howe, Defendant.
! ToSarauclT. Howe.tlie above named defendant: j
In the name of the state of Orecon, you are 1
i herebv required to appear end an-wer the com-1
' plaint til d azains! you In the above entitled I
court and cause, on or boforethe first day of the '
' next term of said court followiuc the expiration I
of the time prescribed in the order for the pub- j
lication ot this summons, to-wit uu or d lore
theSthdovof February. audit you fail so to
aplear and anwer. or otherwise plead in said !
cae, the plaintlft, for want thereof, will apply
to the court for the rtdiei nraved for in the com-;
plaint riled herein, to-wit: That the boud of
matrimony between plufntifi' and defendant be
complaint, Hester A. Howe tnat defendant be
barred of all licht, title or interest in the real j
and ersonal property of plaintift. and that
plaintiB have and recover her costs aud di
re nnu recover ner cosis sua oi.-
nnd for sueh ntner and further relief n to the
Ui t liiCli IC UJilUV UUU IH'llUlll 111 tUl 3U11
nn-rtar. ri ,t . I.. V. i . nil
' Court may seem equitable.
inis summons is servea upon vou Dv puouca-
tion order of the Hon. W. L. Brad -
sbaw. iudce of said Court, which order bears the
date of October 30, ls'io, nnd was made and dated
nr Ilniles iMrv. snn nnmiir. flrwrnn. nn llnlfv
lr 00, 1:5C.
deccO i Attorney for 1'laiutiri.
N THE CIPrriT COCP.Tof the State of Ore-
1 son for w aseo County.
! '-"" - -",!!-"H"'111'
' i - i. . r in . i . . . .i
; Annie M. Jieyers, Defendant.
To Annie M. Meyers, the above named defend.
; ,
' In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are
; hereby required to appear in the above entitled
( vinaaVc and
hr.-t day of toe next reculur ierm of the Circuit
g of wel'L"Hmblil"
; iSToyt the sthVftbrSS":
i. uq you win tute nonce tnattt you fall
, V' al ?.u '" "om.iicwji jimiiu.
ill will take judement usain.-t you for the relief
prayed f.i- in his complnim, to-wit- A decree of ;
uivurce torever qhsoiviiic tne uonas ol mar
riace heretofore and now ejcistinir bitweeu
nlnintid'aud defendnut, and for such other rt-
. ,.. ... ,.,. ,J lc.
..... ( . .
This summons is served mou you by nublica
. " thwwrf in The Dalles CHr.o.victE, a new.- j
J frt0n. X)umtshei at The Dalles. Wasco County,
; urecou, py oraer oi nnu. . i-araasnaw.juage
of the above naratd
Attorney for l'lalntifl.
Oregon, for W.-co comnv.
1 Nettie Morcun, Defundaiit
I To Nettle Morpun, tne above named defendant
i 111 illt IIHIllf III III t M Tl JIT I ITOirnn fUI ll.l
tho .-late of Orecon, vou are
heieby required li.npirur :n the above en!itli
ciurt and an.-wer the comjlaint asainst
v.ill In Putirf hn.l ft.n.u K..f...A
1 rit day of the next ttsjular terra of the Circuit
((.unioras ououniy, urecon. lolluwins the
1 "Ommniis. to-wit, Monday, the th day of Kebru-
e.vpiratlun 01 six weeits publication of this
4 nrj-. ivj..
and you
will .ate nofiee that if you
md answer, for want thereof
to so aiipvar
bonds of marnaee heretofore anu now esisllnsr
between plaiutitl- and defendant, and for such
other relief o.s may be equitable and juat.
"r .... .-y . ........ t ...... ,
Ttlis summons is served utnn vnii he r.i,lUr.n. i
tion thereof in The unlles Cnno.vici.E.'a u-mL-ir i
newsi aper of general circulation published a't
The Dalles. Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L.
Ilradshaw, judge of the above named court.
Dated at Dalies Citv, Or.. Dec. K, l5
. , G. W. PHKLPS
decflS-i Attomer for I'laintitf.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice H hereby
at under and by vir-
land order of tale ij.iii nut
tue of nn execution
of the t ireuit Court of
Conn of the State of Oregon for
dated the 12th day of January.
! directed and commanding me to
va-co County,
kplt fh, Tl,fltTH' hdhtlr.uf.... HrM...U..I . .
nnu io me mrcciea nnn pnmmi.niann
ihL Vi.'
cent tr annum from Dec. 2. Is76. a balance Que
upona) the above named court in
favor of Ilobert Slays and L. E. Cmwe. partners
doing business under the firm name of Mays A
Crowe, and ui-alns! f,i. Ii. Armtitrr.n.. nn l- v.
h Armstrong, given end rendered therein 'on
the uth day of Sovember, l, I wi II on Wedues-1
day, the luth day of February, Irfrr, at the hour
(pubhc n.iothj'm
'KPfi 'SL.W.JP lo-wUt
tTIi il!' r.i . ir 1 ,1 r,i '.."." . AooiHon to
Dalle City, in aico County, otalcof Oregon.
Dallte City, Oregon, Jan. 12. 1;'J7.
J13-5I-1 Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
and Headstones.
Before going elsewhere, call on
L COMINI, The Dalles, Or.,
For a Tombstone. Warranted
to stand for all time, regardless
of wind or weather.
I llJ
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
The Glades Ranch,
rnre Brefl
Jersey Cuttl
Of the St 1 jmbert. rommassic and Tormcutor ,
raine, Thrw Choice Balls, for sale or rent.
so some Choire Cows and Ileifer? for sale.
Pure Ured roland China Hecs.
U'kt.n Ii-ti,rttirl, tinnir f'hirsens. i
Addrtsv MRa. A. R. IIYRKETT. Prnp.
jri-Wom White salmon. ash.
j . J TUT CU T-inn
Ijllf 8D0 Moro Ul36 LiUU
j T pflrpa tl ii'.m Mote . .MOto.
1 " ' . '
I m r l it l . 1 I T7': ,1
I -Mondays, ueanesaajfe uuu rriu
I S t. III. prompt.
T T ..., ti t)io n,ii.o
1 Leaves Umatilla House. The Dalles,
I Tnesdnrs. Thvrsdavs and Saturdays at
c m nrnm-it " i
I : . '
Freicht rates The Dalles tn Moro, -10c '
per 100 lbs; small packages, lo and 2oc.
Passencer rates The Dalles to Moro,
$1.50; round trip, $2.50. I
Acencv at Umatilla House, The Dalles, '
and at Williams Hotel Moro.
;Bake Oven aid Mitchell
- - Proprietor
- , , ,
lea ?ake ?veD,for Antelopt
every uu , uuu irom -i-meiope io .uu-
, cneil lUrCC limes a WCeK
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby Riven that bv virtue of an
execution and the order of -ale iued out of the
Circuit Conit of the .-tare of Oreson for Wasco
County on the hith day of Jauuary. 1-87, upon a
decree and judement roude, rendered and en
tervd theretofore ther.-in in a suit wherein J. J.
ileneer was plaintitl' and Wilson U. Lilians
i tidMary- V. inans.his wife.and.l. M. Huntinstnn
were defendant; I did dulv lew upon and wilt
sell at the front door of the countv courthoue
is i
tate of 1 V1 v.Mscfu-ounty. urwron, on.-atur-
day. the loth day of Februarv. lite, at -J o'clock
I in the afternoon of said dav, ut public unction,
i to the hlchest bidder fur ea.-h in hand, the fol
I Jowl nc de-cribed real estate. deeril In n((t
I execution nnd order of sale, ani decribed as
, lollons, to-wit: Lots four 4;. five ,'S . sis rr.)
' "a uv . in section No six (6, in township
' -w "
. -0-' north of rarijre tea lo, east of Will
V i .
iflian ill W'BiCO ( lilinlv f1r..n ......
l11IIlic Um ,i acres OI lRrs.1. trii'.?h..i" ui.1i
jenementi. neiedttnuientj- and appu'ttnanees
"""' uviukiiik. or in any wise apjwrtain-
",ulu as snuli he necessarv to
i?" "m0",,,5,d"e, uJK,n "id writ, to-wit:
Vi , ,,"tt'er with interest thereon at the
5 i r c'Sl ter cent ier annum since the 25th
..tvviuTO.j.j,; anaine lurther sum of
) for attorney t fees: and the further sum o!
COSti ill said suit, tocether with ..l., i..
I If 1 intl "Jnse of sale,
, V1, ' Bt Th-' 1,alk's "r., this 12
JanlMt-ll Sherifl of Wasco County, Oregon.
T f riltt'in
Administrator's Sale.
.Notice is herebv given that the undersigned
irn,,1?Ur,"ce 0,,an ord wade by the ilonorable
County Court of the state of Oregon for Wo
County, on the 2d day of NovembeF. l"4. w -ill on
Monday, the 2ath day oi DeceraU-r, lVw. uin the
XnrnZ? !", we following de
west Quarter of u.ti,, .v,....." with-
' 'out south of range thirteen i,t nf Vhiven, 111
I cue meridian. ifVuanVr"VrnUii!2
taining li ncres. , uret,on, con-
.1.1. n-.t. ...
l" -"i oay 01 .NovemU-r. lsv,.
I Administrator of tho esia m .,,. .
don. detJeW te,8t of Wl'iV'
i o A-St-1
ASSI&'N"r1."r7!'Q "MniTiTTn
-ta-oc'-LV-r-'l JiLi 5 JS V HUE.
' v .. , t ' !
Klvcn th' the undersienm .
has wn ,i,ri;:"l i??1 theunderi?ned .
uu o,M lienJK and'T Tfkon1
, i"l?'nebJ?-. All persons harine Jruim.' I
1 ?" "V r". Y?"j, 01 saia insolvent 6eht. il
ate herebv nntlfiMt tX '. lu 'oivciit debtors. ' " "" uuiumue.
IW&&yMtl1 Matures are a fine humor
S'S? S ITA 'f-tive market reports, .11
i,w. C, ltl.
L e IAVIS, Assignee.
Noliee of Fioal Seltlemtnl.
SotlM. 1. r, v '
ha tiled.
Ka tit$ &Z$ '
t"d &Vb? ftftjW 1
hC0H "Jr- x'i . ? W: Hon 5
comity cmirthouH. in Dalle Citv nir i tUe '
fixed ut the iilace anil thV. ii. Hh!t V.rt'Kn wan
M the hour of 2 o-SESkV m Sift? Bn
hear i.f lT '' . tho time for tt.,'
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
: Traln leave and arc due to nmve at rortltaa.
most Jcsr. 23, 1S95.
1 r.rrss. .snlcm. lf)5C- '
I burc, Akhland, Sac-
-'.10A. JL
New Orleans and I
; (,Eat . J
. r Koseburg and way Ma
c:S0 A. ..tions . .. . .
f Via Woodburn lor")
Tlniir ' ' Mt.Aneel, Sllverton,
Daily . sc(o Browns- S
4 r.M.
CXCCIU 1 Cnrlni-finl.l an I C.V
Sunday--, v KS rv :r ' ouuu t v salcm and way statlousfMO.dOAm
i":X t i (Corvallls and M-ay j if 6:U0 p v"
,;J0 A. -M. .statiotis j '
MM3 r.M.
nndj f S:25P.J.
Dally. tDuiir, except Sunday.
Attauncd to all Through Trains.
i Throueh Ticket Ofllec, 134 Third street, whet
! throueh tickets to nil jwluts in the Eastern
Stttcs Canada nnd iiurope enn be obtained it
luwot raies irom
J. H. KIRKL.NP. Ticket Awnt
A,t above train nrrive nt and depart Irom
. (;-u
jrand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets.
I'aisenccr Depot, foot of Jederson street.
Iave for OSWEGO, week day?, at 6:00,
0.1-'a. m.; 12:15, 1M5, 5:'Jo, 6:45, S:C6 p. el
(mid 11:S0 p. m. on Saturday only). Arrive tt
Portland at 7:10, y.30, 11:25 a, m.; l:30,S:15,6iJl
7:55,0.10 p. m.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. a,
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Ieave for AIRLIE on Monday, Weduesdav ia4
Kriiav at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tn
dav, Thutday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m.
Asst. G. F. i- Pass. At
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
bT. J'AllL.
Through Tickets
For information, tune cards, maps, and Ucfceti,
cal on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dalles, Oregos
A. D. CHARLTON. Aeat. G. P. A.,
255. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oreion
18 I'Bgea a Week. 1&6 Papers a
It ptands firet among 'weekly" papen
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territory of th TTnlr.n anA lnretrn caw
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f-t. , . ,0r . e accurac-
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latest fashions for women and a loa
series of stories by the greatest HiK
American and English authors,
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We n-er this uneqaaled newepaperd
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Price of the two paper ie 3.00.
fiimHnr rrfllnt In? 02 Pfjfl Ipnrp nt TVt cm
l.v at I loTlSa. m.: 12:15, 1:45. 3:0, 5:2.5 6:45 p. ra!
; rive at Portland .at 12:3., 8:30. 10:00 U;25 a. b.;
o.iv, it ,-', , :m u. ui.