The Dalles Daily Chronicle. wra. ttc'c! like to know. To h 1 with posterity, anyhow. If it don't ! ! t!ln m m if iiln Int St Inmn it lfit it '. 27k onv Eq.ntbhcan Dauv fttspapct n , ' 1 - ' I Counfy. ' tal:c 'l out on our J?""ve.stoncs. and , refuse to pay the bonds we issued to pay for 'em. It can write our cpi- TUESDAY, FEB. 2. 1S97 COXCERXIXG BOXDS. I taphs, but wbat do we care. We'll EASTERX OFFlCE-StOtoSSJTemph1 be de!ul and if thc-r kick We'11 Court, X. T. City. E. KATZ, Agent, 'haunt 'em. So will our bonds. j Thev wQn't die; they'll be loafing. I around ready for business, aud forci ble reminders to said posterity that , It is estimated that twenty billions , jts progenitors were alive once; that of dollars worth of bonds have been their ancestors were onto their job,1 issued in the past thirty years bj , th a creat bis: J. municipalities and corporations in thej Posterity will not forget us! No. United States. "We have suite bonds, indeed! It will lift its shackled, county bonds, city bonds, school , hands to the free skies, the only free "bonds, bonds for railroads and canals. thing we will leave it: and as it "bonis for deepening our rivers, for Lazes into the depths of the infinite building sewers, for furnishing water vault of heaven, it will, with stream-; and lfcht; bonds for hospitals, bonds j ing eyes regret our deaths. It will for everything under the sun. and be sorry that we are beyond its some thinss in total darkness. Everv ' reach. i city, town and hamlet has a bonded j But that won't affect the bonds: indebtedness of some kind, and still j they will be with them. Like the; our printing presses rattle merrily on, country newspaper, they "are here to ' Wholesale grinding out howls for posterity tojstav." The semi-annual installments BLACKWELLS 0 NO OTHER. ii i , vxfi- Vi SEE? DURHAM YV--Z,X ., I I -vr aey it jr.; 'K v IfS.iY Yon will find one coupon Inside each two ounce bag, and two couponc Inside each four ounce bag of Black- well's Durham. Buy a bag of tills celebrated tobecco and read tlir coupon which gives a Ut of valuable prr enU anil how to get them. Drugs, Paints, Wail Paper, Glass. Etc. You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di rect from the manufacturer. THE i ; Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. I 129 Second St.. THE DALLES, - - OR.; No better heel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, ush: the best material andthe most improved machinery. Wo have no Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped anywhere for examination. i J WRITE FOR pay. We are mortgaging the future; of interest will come around everv 1 en have wortzused it now bevonci re-! demption. "What matters it? Posterity will have the debts to meet. Why worry about thai? Posterity never did t . .i i ; uu.uu,us us- auu "u y"e " uoia' what we have done for : t . a.. -i iug. me goou wors go on ; let , would seare lbem tQ de,tb the debt increase, ever faster aud faster. Add interest to principal -i i .1. i - i -i f i i uuu i me uougasaa leiony j taken it out of their ffreat-irran(l- , until the whole country rises up. aud j cbiidren. We have sowed the cv-. lUKe 11 a a'vu,ut,ou "UDse u:iuie cr.vj clone. What will the harvest be? will be '-Repudiation.'- Money must There v.m be an eml. blU what? have some chance to be invested: it; Mnj it plca5e lbe court, there is must earn interest. The promise to!,, ;a day, every nibt. Our children and 1 our children's children will not forget' us never. Thev will use our names ! as a 'boogey" to frighten their child- witn. anu if tliev could realize them, it 1 Our an-1 ceslors sowed the wind ; we have s reaped the whirlwind. But we have- MMMMMmwmmmmmMmmmwmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmwmmmtmmmmmmMmwmMMMm CUines and Cigars. :the celebrated ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, ;lime, cement, Our Interesting Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, kd. Ci Tie Regulator tine" Dab Portland aM Astoria Navigation Co. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine. a non-alcoholic i pay of a whole com m unit v is better security for a loan than the promise of anv individual member of that It eoes bv default. ."beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. j WindOW-UlaSS and STUBLING & WILLIAMS.! Picture Moulding. THROUGH Our exchanges from Eastern Ore urging the construction of a por road around the C'e'ilo lapids. It would prove of inestimable beneS to me country east ol us. and one would think would get strong indorsement- from the local papers. community. Capital is not going to ?on (1 not SPem l be veiy activ risk the latter when it can get the former. Why then handicap capital ? When rf debt is already created it is of coi rse good business policy to fund it at a lower rate of interest; but to create new debt on bonds is folly. There is only one thing that can justify it, and sthat is where the debt is created for educational pur poses. There posterity gets all the benefit, and can afford to pay. In deed, it is cn'y right thai thev should. Butwhv should thej- be asked to-pa! for those things of which we get the j benefit? tace Buys a jrood BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to 84.50. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for SI 2.00. I hi. a- l :e nsr nsr. FreiDD ana Passenger Urb Ladies' Cloaks. J. S. SCHEKK. Presidsat. H. 31. Beau.. Cashier. Until further notice, the Stpflinor I-?nrrnlcjf -v will looi-o f lFSt JlatlOnal BaDK. 'The Dalles on Mondays, Wed- orecon inesda's and Fridays at 7 :S0 THE DALLES seen in show window. Politics are getting decidedly mixed. The Ponnlists of Idaho have elected a Democrat to the United': Eemember. all these goods are latest made, warm, serv States senate, and those of Washing iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap- ton have elected a free-silver Repub- piouciieu in uaiie licau or anvthincr else-to-net-otliee An elecant asrortment of 1 Rtlft Mrlnt i.,;t .,;M.J a part'ot which unv be A General Banking Business transacted j a. m., and will leave Portland JJratt or uaect. nn "nudnvs Thnrsriavs nnrl I man, to a like j)osition. , Ilouil Elt ctlou "utice, .School Illitrlrt It is time to call a halt. It is time I . I .o'.ice i ;iereiv given tr.nt a to commence the practice of the ( ni-eini" of -ciioul i:i,Trii:t Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. aiuraavs at u:u a. m. Sight and Telecraphic Exchanpe soJd on New York, San Francisco and "Port- ! I'ASSENokk bates: :and. One wav 2 00 itouna trip 3 CO DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jvo. S. Sche.nck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Beam. ?cnoo; J'. of most ritrid economy that lbe bonds i .ui,B?,Llt" ttase0 county, Orecon, to . , . , . , ce held at the council chambers in said may be met and retired. It will , district, on the iTth O.ay of February. take the country many years to "et ! 1397 th?re 'il'b; submitted to the leal , , . ., , voters oi said district the qneFtinn -of out Of debt; but until we do we can contracting bonded debt of e20.000.00, for have no national prosperity. Free rurPo pt paying the dent of the ., ... , . . , , district and Duiiain a new school house, stiver wiil not brin? it; free trade Tlie vote to be .ballot upon which shall will notbnnir it; nor will anvtLiuc'V Ihe ,wo,.'l! "Bonds Yef.-' and , . the words "Bonos No. ' Fo'.ls t" else. U e are mort'a.ced to our tit- ! t e opened at 1 c'docfc p. u., and remain most limit. "f"11 muil 4 o'clock, p.' in. By order nf the bo.trd of directors uf e talk of the national debt of a ; school district Xo. 1. of Dalle Civ. billion dollars. Wbv. mv ao connty, state oi uegon Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, ! Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, j Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, ! GOAL AND ICE, Frei Rates Greatly educed. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. j rKA.'.-SACT A GEXEKA LBAKKING BUSINKS I AT THE DfibltES COlWJWISSIOJi GO.'S STORE Corner Second and Washington Sts. is a pitiful sum. We pay an amount equal tc it every year in interest. We raise a irreat ciy about having a deficit of fifty millions a year. It isn't spending money, it isn't cbjar money, it isn't enough for a boot black bill. What is fifty millions? Millions don't count; nothing less than billions goes. We are a creat country; we are an energetic thrifty, pushing, go-ahead people, the bosses of the universe and the salt of orea tton. We count money b billions; our unit of statement is a thous nd millions, and we owe twenty of them. That's al! right, jiosterity will have it to pay. Let's make it lively for! ' it while we are at it, and give it plenty. Let's make it forty billions. Dated this i'ua day of Feb., A. D. 1S9 x,. Jacobse.w D'strift Cierk. T' BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON Letters of Credit issued available in the ; Eastern States. 'Sight change and Telegraphic' Iransfers sold on New York. Chicaeo, fet. Louis, ft'an Francisco, Portland Ore I eon, Seattle Wash,, and various points j in Oregon and Washington. : Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. j atnpments lor Portland received a: any time. Shipments for way landings j must be delivered before 5 p. m. Lire stock shipments solicited. For rates call on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General Ascot THE DALLES. - OREGON 0.R.&H. 175 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon5 ELY'S CKEAM BALM g n posltlvecure. Appljr into the nouiJ. It U quickly absorUii. 60 cenw at Dnurcuta or by mail j iajap Kc br ma!!. XL? UHOTUEIIS, K Warren u, Sew Voik CI:t. -AETISTS MATERIALS.-A Cmntrv and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. When (lie Train sfop at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side .... AT THE .... HEW COLtUjWBlfl HOTELi. n enry, fodldo i)o;.u,'JiyHT0enuieri IF LOODpOISOH EH ST! GIVES THE fSffflSsSp Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VJA- Huckltii'u Aimc Salve. The best salve in the worid for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei aores, tatter, chapped hands, chilblains, eorne, and all skin eruntion1;. and iKJti- J'aper is cneap, so'is print- lively cures puts, or no pay required $1.00 ing; and posterity isn't here to look II is puarantewl to srive perfect patisfac-' out for itself. If it doesn't want to tion' .or mone-v rcit'n. rrice To cents j per txix. tor sale nv BJakeley and ll till- Holt i Comer o front and Union ats. be saddled vith a debt larger than it can wiggle with, wliy isn't it here to look after its interests? We're looking after ours. Jf it doesn't want to be a collective gang of meas. 1' bond slaves, why isn't it on hand to object : box. For Uoushton, druueist' A Curt- for l.ainu Hack. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a yreat sufferer from pain in the back and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis. Ky. "After "Who does it belong to, neinj quite a numbr of remedies with- anyhow? It don't belong to us; we ' out an benefit she tried one bottle of haven't strings on it, nnd if it don't t Cbatuberlain'i i Pain Ualm, and it has ,.i .t . i . . given entire re hef." ChamUrlain'e Jtke the way we treated ,t, what ilpaB B.! I.. 1. certain cure fSrL.n! to do about it.' That's I mathm. Sold by Blakeley ,!t Houghton. it going This larse and ix)pular House aoes the prlncipil hotel busIniM. per Day. - pirst Qlass Heals, 25 Cerjts OStir,. for all StaBe Line leaving Th Dallcn for all I. .. . V.' -ul"rn uruf.ii and Jiantero Mai.liliii.-tou. J. M. TOOMEY, Propr "Tiere is a tide in the ajsjjnenjMch, taken at its ffooa leadsjmjofortune." " The poot unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who are selling those goods out at greatlv-reduced rates MICHEI.BAOH BRIOK, . . rjmS PT. WSert Spokane Sira8tcDeaH Minneapolis 1 v'-vauu( 1 r,fB Denver Omaht Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs. 69 - TELEPHONES - 69 J. B- goit, COUNTY SURVEY0K. Reee.dence, Tenth and Liberty Streets OCEAN STKAMEKH Leare fortUn terv Ive Iaya for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. W, H. HUKtBUJtT, Gen. Pa8. Agt. Portland. Oregon t. M'NKILL President aud Jlanaeer New Schedule. Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4:45 a. in., and leaves 4:50 a. in. lrain o. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 P. a., and leaves 10 :20 p. m. i rain ko. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :W jn., and west-bound train No. 7 leave r i "t .7 na umauua, ief and w ,lly, coa Dnae t 1 P. a?, daily nec ng w,th train Nob. 8 and 7 in Portland. . E. L.YTUC, Agent.