The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 01, 1897, Image 4

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    Tbi Dtlks Dtity Chnmick
Ddo to
Oar Troubled Social Conditions
Cflctla! CaoM.
Lieut. A. C. Totten. whose fondness
for astrological calculations and infer
ences is well known, declares that the
trouble with current affairs is not duti.
Queen Victoria frequently examines
her will. It is entrrossed on vellum.
quarto size, and is beautifully hct?nd.
' ,,-, -1 ; - 1 1 a Jn .
wnuc uitrpinir sear a mnsieu tree,
on his farm, in TieeehUrovcTex.. Satnp
son Gilder fquxid an iron pet v. Inch
I contained ..Jo J:iO in gold.
The Taxable wealth of the negro
population in the United States is over
S3CO.000.000. There are 23,402 negro
church bodies, with church property
to tne l csteti otctcs senate. Uie bieycie. valued at over $20,020,44. There are
The new woman, or the silver question, over 1.000 college-trained ministers and
but may be accurately traced to the 2.G7T.D77 church communicants. The
! census shows that there are nearly
i 4.000.000 communicants.
The pas engine, which in Europe
has now supplanted the steam engine
for moderate power, is being used in
France for ships. A new gar.hoat on
the Havrc-15mien-PnrL? line is loo feet
lone:, with seven feet draught, and at
tain a speed of seven knots.. The gas
is stored hi steel tubes under r. pres-
contortions of the heavenly bcxlies. He
says, according to Harper's Weekly.
That when too many of the planets get
cu the same side of the sun at the same
time it makes troubles for the earth,
and that now. for the first time in the
history of man. ail the planets, except
earth, are approaching coincident peri
helia, nnd within four or .five years wiil
be in Itee tugging away at the sun.
v.'hile earth, alone on the other side
of it, will hare an exceedingly hard
time, and will be the scene of all sort
of disasters and devilment. Earth will
pull through, he thinks, after sore
trials: after which he looks for "th"
literal rule of the returned Messiah."
and the v. i riding up of the confusions
now formulating, at Jerusalem, which
city, he believes, will cease to be trod
den by Gentiles, and will become the
center from which right rule and jus
tice are to spread over the earth.
I.isu:. Totten is familiar with both
the Bible and the hiirlicr mathematics,
and has a remarkable gift for stirring
them up together into concoctions that
give people bad dreams. lie 5s a very
disconcerting person and a chronic
"bear."' and his deliverances are well
adapted to make timid believers realize
on their investments and take to the
RENOUNCE CHRISTMAS. ., . ... -u.r .
J 1 he old gentlemen was r: mir the ivv 1
Mohammedan, Brahmins and Baddbteta . advice, no so niuch because the boy
.Deny tho Holiness of Christ. liecde ,t h bj,MBpc hp hatl more thnr.
1 hero ere millions upon millions of J hp klic,v what tQ lo with aEd th bov '
people m the world who will not cell-: mlht illst n ... ;. j
"Joshua," he so id. "be polite toevery- j
pacRing Go
brate C hr.slmas. and there arc other
mi!!iom to whom Christmas is objec
tionable, says the Sew York Herald.
Take the followers of Mol.iimined,
for instance. They are divided into
40 or 30 different sects, among which
are. the Sousay-rie-ych. There are
about 30,000 of them, and they believe
in transmigration of the soul. They
believe that men's souls pass after
death into the bodies of animals. For
tlem the stoey of the birth and life
of Christ has no charms.
Imu. there are tho Ih-uscs, who pro-. nderstnn' ez can't look back on the!
fess to have Knowledge that
. 1 - V. . 1 .1 - . i i
vi'jiieu viie orju wines, uui uic the ni"'hlx)-s or a euece'iS nr all
me Colombia
Pork and Beef
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THE
bn'iv. I?rnirm1ur vp ain't. tin million- I
aire, an' ye can't affonl to put on too
many important ways.
"Well, I ain't so sure 'bout that." was
the reply. "It secmstomethey'slotsof
people standin' round ready ter impose
on ve cf ve don't show some snunk."
"Ve hcv ter bear lots o' things in this Lard and SaUSageS.
life. But it's work ez counts. Remember
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave nnd arc due to amvc nt PortUm
LEAVE. 1 TROX JUNE 23, 1895.
A Valuable Proscription.
Editor Morrison of Wortbington, Ind.,
"Sun," write: "Yon have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and 1
Cin cheerfully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral sygtem tonic it has no equal."' Mrs.
Annie stehle, 202o Cottace Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Bitters re
stored her heaith and renewed strength.
Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottle
at Biakeley and Houghton's Drue Store.
" 6
A Cure fur Lauie ltncb.
.iiy uaugnter, wnen recovering t.-om
an attack of fever, was a preat sufferer
from pain in the back and hips," writes
.Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After
tising. quite a number of remedies with
out any benefit she tried one bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has
:given entire relief." Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu
matism. Sold by Biakeley & Houghton.
3Ir. lHt-clier Growing Weaker,
Stakiwud, Conn.. Jan. 31. There has
been no material change in the con
dition of Mrs. Henry Ward Beeciier,
who is cancel nusiy iti. RhehsJ a com
fortable day, though it is apparent she
is pradua'iiy urowiuc weaker. Her
friends, however, do not apprehend im
mediate death.
sure of It." atmospheres. The engine is
a two-cylinder one and is of 40 horse
Only 000 persons in 1.000.000,nccord
ing to medical authority, die from old
age. while 1.200 succumb to gout. 1S.
400 to measles. 2.70O to apoplexy. 7.000
to erysipelas. 7.000 to eon.-uratUion. AS,
000 to scarlet fever. 2i.C00 to whooping
cough. 30.000 to typhoid ami typhus and
7.C00 to rheumatism. The averages vary
according to locality, but these are con
sidered accurate as regards the popula- j
tion ot the globe as a whole.
There arc same horses working in
cities which have never been seen to
ne uoirn in tneir lives, mov continue
to work for years, and always sleep
standing: but their rest is said to be '
incomplete, and their joints and sin- j
ews stiilen. Young horses from the !
country are liable to refuse to lie down
when first placed in a stable in town. 1
and the habit may become continued
unless special pains are taken to pre
vent it.
do not belie"c in Christ. For then
Christmas hao no significance.
It is cicti.Uy disregarded by Bud
tihists, Japanese, Chinese. Brahmins
and Mohammedans. -"There is no God
but Allah." says the Mohammedans,
' and Johr.r..uied is 3Iis prophet." Mi
hammed's i -lei v.ers also have curious
notions in regard to the fate of the unbelievers-:
children. Some believe that
tiicso tirldrcn aet as the servants of
the faithful in Paradise, and Moham-
the little busy bee. He jes' keeps a-1
workin' an' a-workin" day in an' day out. .
A n' they 's mighty few bees I'm given t cr ,
.. i . , i .
God has j ytycs w;tj, Eattsfaetionan'bep'ir.tedcu'
mt tliej tt.r the neighbors cz a success; .in' ali
Curers of BRAND
: nrrss. Soloni. Roso. I
because they jes' keeps on a-workin' an'
"That's so, father. But there's one
trait of character 'bout the bee thctyou
ain't dwelt on."
"What's that?"
"Jle don't allow anybody ter sit down
on 'int." Detroit Free Press.
nil to
S:50 I
; 5:M A. M.
4 -CO r.
7. SO A
bnrc. Ashland. Sac-1
,1 ramcnto, ORrten.San !
l' 1 Fraticlseo, Molavc, fl,
' I New Orleans and
; I East J
Koseourg ana war hia-tions
'Via Woodburn fori I
. MtAnpel, Silvcrton,
i West solo, Browns- M
' villcSprlngficld and
I Natron I
, . Salcra nud way statJons!10.C0A 31
ri" CovallI and way CrJO v'v'
(stations j ' '
-'lOA. M.
M:-jo l-.M.
43 T.M.
jway stations.
and U 8:25P.M.
Dried Beef, Etc.
"IUtly. fDaiiy, execrit Sunday.
saying on one oc-'
mcd is recorded as
cnsion to h,s wite:
"If thou desirest I can make thee
hear 'iheir cries in hades."
Other Mohammedan authorities,
however, dissent from this view, an.l
one of tiiem boldly says: "I know that
Allah will no: torment those who have
not committed any sin."
IThe Glades Ranch,!
n 3 Anierlc
nPP nrfin tcre.v Cattle
The Finest
Is Adapta-
Of the St Initwr:, fommasslc aud Tormentor
raine. Three Choice KulU for sale or reat.
so sine Choice rows ana Metiers lor s aic.
Pure Bred Poland China Ho?.
While Pivmouth Rnc'i ChicKcn?.
Address: MHi. A. K. HYKKETT, Prop.
Jr5-w3:a White Salmon. Wash.
Art of Flirtation
b lity.
The finest art of flirtation is adapta
bility, sa s Uppincott's. I do not mean
altogether to moid one's self af;er the
I mind or mcod of the object of one's
j i-olieitude, but as rapidly at poss!ble to
discover the broad lines of his or her
character and
the courage o
This Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, t,,
a generous sample will be mailed of the ..T ... ...
titierlff Had Grown Tired of Glrluj Him
Too Jluch rreedorn.
I was sitting v.-ith the sher:2 in front
of the town courthouse, when ne sud
denly stood up. shaded his eyea. with
his band and looked across the street
anc then called out:
"Ileah. yo" Is that yo. Jim?"
A -calored man. about o0 years old.
who was siouehing alongtbe other side.
came across the street and replied:
"Yes, Mars Uenfog, dis am me."
"And what ar yo' doing heah?"
"Iz2 jist walksn' oizi. sah. I dun
thought I'd tirap dov.u and tee my dar
"How did you get out.?"
".list made a hole through the back
wall, sah."
"Lock-a-beak, Jim." said the sheriff,
as he set vlown and picked up a stick
o whittle on, "I ain't gw ine to stand
thi.-. f usi,in ix mo'. This is uigh about
seven times you's brake out o' jail."
"Yes, sah, nigh 'bout seben times,
sah, but don't be hard oa me."
"You's got out by the doah, the win
dows, the floor, the ceiling and the
walls, and ju's put me to trouble '
and rhe county to expense. .Now, yo' i
can't go back Char' no mo'." J
"Please,' sah"' '
"No. sail, yo' can't do it. I've given !
j o' a fair nlijv.- and yo' can't exj)ct no '
mo. Yo' can jist take yourself oil." !
"But, Mars Uenfog. I'ze, dun bin put j
in jail on a hog case, an' Ize got to stay I
dar till de cotehouse meets:" proteste-i j
T.N THE CIRCUIT COfRT o! the State of Or-1
1 X epon for Wasco County. i
t Alma C. Howe, Plaintiff, f
vs. j
Samuel T. Howe, Defendant.
ToSamuelT. Howe.thenbovcnatned defendant- j
In the name of the state of Oreron, you are j
hereby required to appear and answer the com- j
plaint filtd acainst you in the above entitled j
court and cause, on or before the first day of the I
neit term of said court followinc the ciplrntion ,
of the time pieicnbed in the order for the pub- j
. licatiou of this summons, to-wit On or b .fore
theSthdsy of February, IsST: and if von Jail so to )
3&tt&anSi Moro Staire Line
to thecourt for the reliei prayed for in the com- '.UIUIVB UllJ UUU UiulU UlUu jjiuu
plaint filed herein, to-wit That the bor.ds of '
matrimony between plaintifi" and defendant be '
dissolved: that the plaintiff be awarded the i T n-ii- n.. i f.
custody of the minor child mentioned in said ! Leaves l.liam? Hotel. .Moro, on
complaint, Hester A. Howe- that defendant be ! Mondavs, Wednesdays and Fridavs at
barred of all tight, title or interest in the real , c m "nrnmnt
plaiutiif htve and recover her costs and dis-. Leaves Umatilla Honse. The Dalies.
aturdavs at
Attached to all Through Trains.
Thronch Ticket Olhco, 134 Third street, whete
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
:tes, Canada ana i.uror can DC obtained it
lowest rates from
J. B. KIRKLANI), Ticket Agent.
I All nbove tmins arrive at aud depart Ironi
j Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving street.
Patsccgcr Depot, foot of Jcflerson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, week davs, at 6:00. T;.
10:! j a. in.; 12:15, 1:45, 5:2;'i, 6:45, 8:03 p. m
(and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only). Arrive it
Portland at T:I0, S;30, 11:25 a, m.; 1:30,3:15, 6:3i
, , v.iu p. ui.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, Ht4:30p. bl
Arrive at Portland, 3:30 a. m.
I disposition, then, with bursements made nnd expended in this suit, ! Tnes,-5nve Thvrarinvs ind
- n rniiimrv l..-ii.- t,,-, and for such other and further relief a to the . lneMav-i tny.aays ana
i a military leader, turn i'mm mrm.i'i.M. S a. m. nrorunt.
the force of our friend, the enemy, ir, Thls summons is served upon you bv publica- Freieht rates The Dalles to Moro, -!0e !
ihat chnrsnci wl.ieh ma
one s own intelligence a:
With a little executive abil
Leave for AIRLIE oa Monday, Wcdnesder an4
Fri :ay nt t:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tnt.
' dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m.
Siuidav trains for OSWEGO leave at T'20,S:IO
10:15 a. m.: 12:15, 1:45. 3:30, 5:25 6:45 p. m. Ar
rive at Portland at 12::i5, S:30, 10:00 11;25 a. a.
1:S0, S:15, 5:10, 6:55, 7:55 p. m.
Mauacer. Asst. G. F. i Pass. Act
Lest p.eae , fhaWi judge 0 saiQ CollIti wh(ch otder the , per luo 10? , small pncKai.'es. lo ana -oc.
nd purpo'.. date of October CO. l?'j, nnd was made and dated j x-usseucer raies me uauea to .uoro,
in- -.n-i ' woues mty, asco county, Oregon, on ueto-' fi.uu : rouna trip, .o0.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
case tne otject be a man. jus: a tingt :
of judicious flattery, this can be accom- j
plished. sometimes, of course, we run
our heads against a stone wall; then !
something must go, and it is generally '
not ine wan. jldis is as latrumg a
process in the anental faculties as
.sta:!inc on tiptoe is to the muscles ' Frauk J. Meyeis. Plaintiff,
of the foot; but the mental exe-reise, ' Annie M. Meyer, Defendant,
like the athletic, has its advantages. ' To Annie M. Meyers, the above named
x he rider 01 one hobby has geuTal!y
r.nother in traintmr. if not in actual
ue; and the man who cannot mah-: cuurt and answer the complaint filed acainst c,
hnnstui interestmsr on either of thi
Acencv at Umatiila House. The Dalles, '
and at Williams Hotel Moro. ,
; TN THE CIRCCIT COURT of the State of Ore
1 JL con for v asco Count-.
ifiake Oven and
in me name o: tne siateot Oregon, you are j
subjects that most absorb his .own in
terests is nor worth on-'s solicitude,
and therefore proves not .';.mr. "Sur-
preftsed stupidities avail ttif inselves of '"'"Wl'r and imswer. for wan: thereof plaint-
i; .. . . in will take judgment against you for the relief
light," says Heine. Eut t!ti-re are few
peopie in the world, exrept those wli'
by iiucTue garrulousne?s gie ar ur
nwefr.Iv emphasized illustration of
irnvc;:v, i
Stases leave Bake Oven for AntPlnru
:: regular erm of the circuit every day, and from Antelope to Mit
.omity, orecon, foliowins the t chell three times a week.
you ia said court aud cause, oa or before the
nrs: aay ot tne next reg
Court for Wasco Coun
cj.'j.-n;i(ui oi six weest punucauon of this sum. i
minis, iit-wu, Jionoay, the?:h day of February.
i-.ii, aim you muiate notice that If von fail
i Tourist
prayed lor In hU comnlnint. trvwii- i iIpotp.. ,if
divorce loiever di.solvine tne bonds of mar-'
riace heretofore mid now esistinc between
t!uintiffaud defendant, and for such o:her re-1
iief as may be equitable and just. j
This summoui- is erved upon vou bv publica
tion thtreof in The Daita Curoxicl's.b ne-. !
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
:d wjil not, if taken in the i pwero: weesiy publication and penernl circu-
.,.lr ,1 puuiisi ea at .the l ane.-.-u.eo Coun
Notice if hereby civen that by virtue of an
.indulgence, prove entertaining from
one standpoint or another.
Orecur.. by order of H-m. W. L. Bradshaw , jud
dec2S-i Attorney for Plalniiff
: ?.?tcu,"" Rnd tne order of -ale is.-ued out oi the
Circuit Couit of the state nf Oregon for Wa.oo
- I ioun,' tbe day of Jnnucn . l587, upon a
decree cud iudcm.-n: made, ren'tien-d n.irt
, tered theretofore tbeMn in a suit wherein j'j
wncer wa plaintiff and ii,ou It. Mnai.s'
i mdMary V,inaIlh.hi.'.lllJ u i),,,!.,,,..!
J weje defendants: I did duly levy upon and will
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
you were arrested and ex -1
Supposed Customer Only Wanted to Light '
Ills I'ipe.
"Overcoat, la, suits, boots and Po.K g
shoes-at hah price best in town Sit ! Eruest Morpan, Plaictifi
you or treat you more goods for less ; v , ,, T- r , ,
IUOIH-V U tin h .tnr.t- T,,..v, .....! -"- JJhH",wcllunill. uvercoat. f?tr? Step rig.-.:
The barker in front of a State street
of the stale .
. ? i . ur t3c m "and. the fol-'
. dt-eribed real estate, descrioed in said ' Xi-rri-riU t;1.4.
tion and order o sale, and il-iW J 1 "OUgn TlCKCtS
most nonnlar fTntnrrTi
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon-! rinir,ed aad bound over and all that,
ctrate the great merits of the remedy. I u: I'm tired of the fussing. I ain't
T"T i rT rutii p 9 in i -, 1 J t , . .
x-i cr.uimr.B, ji: j uiuu u .::iu in k-uuu nam-j eiotiitng house was earning his moiu r
5G Warren St., New York City, age the jail. Yo'.s 'jjs. cut and come i and lie knew it, sevs the U.a-a-o Po.-t
T.ev.JohnEeid,Jr..ofGreatFalLs,Mont., ' kT'uck and uow l v'oli 1 aidl' U no ulo'- T,lt" c'umer he had tu:
recommended Eiy's Cream Halm to me. I JlBt tale .v'?lf off and don't come, and thin and only tolerably v. eil elu !
can emphasize las statement, '-It is a posi-1 baek IP my jail again ucless you want j A new overcoat was cspccialiv needed
i lowin
I esecu
. luituus. io-wu. ijts four (-li
and ewn 7 .in section No. sis
five !5 sir ffi I
'.f' in townshin i CHICACtn
"vtJ To Nettle Monran. tni Hhro rfof.,H t " "U..A '. J?Vr'a. ranpe ten U, feist of Wlif. I
" Z ' - aaeue jieridlan In Waico tmmir.iir,r J.; I " "".kia
in tne name oi tne state of Oreron. vnn n,f. Uinti-e ltTS ir ij ,.-.Z"
..t..4 ... - . . . -- - . - - - 4i'4, iukmujit nun in. . -
neieoy tequiied loaniear !n
tnu comiiiiiint
court and uns
the above entitled
li!ed asainat
live cure for catarrh if Used as directed."
Kev. Franch W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre.
Church, Helena, Mont.
to be hard u.-ed. It I find yo breakin"
in I'll shoot yo' shore's yo' bo'n."
i "Won't yo' try me once mo".'"
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged ' pleaded the prisoner,
enre for catarrh nnd contains no mercury So, sah! I've d rawed the line and
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. ncu. yos jlns lo an(1 ,akt. kL.e,
of yo'seif. I'm uAUu'
I fo I make yo turn in
' last hole in the wall."
The man "scattered" in a discour
! aged, dejected wa;., and as he was lost
rnamacf. h .-Trifi n. nnn ..... i ,-, i ..
. otfc ,V..7iiiV " ' 1" 4 u,:'':""n, uuu ior such
! JU i w "luiianie unu just
Cinli lu Your Check.
All county warrants registered prior
to July 12, 1S92, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Dec. 5,
1S9C. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
Sure Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of cram annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator ie the most effective and econom-!
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M, Z. Donnelly
Agent. febl-3m
Ward, Kerns k Kobertaon have the
largest stock of timothy, wheat and 1
wild hay kept in the city, for sale. ;
Call cud see it. ian25 2w I
M. Crevreuil, being about to leave the
city, offers h fine stock ot artificial
to sight down the street the sheriff
growled :
"Purr, a fellow who don't know when
he's being used like n bo'n gentleman."
Detroit Free Press.
j tie looked along the line displayed,
j took note of prices, and at seemed
j ovcrH'.-.u:xJecl by the barker and
!.l!"n tl in " tlirt . r . t
'" "uv oi or. , Tnis summons is served upon you bv pubUca-
1 ne barker watched him. m-slim ft. i tion thereof in The Dnllen Cmtosiri r ,c7i-i..
; c-r Irm scraps of guaranty nnd fras-! Th"r.0,nS
yo' to .'icuttrr be-; menL-, of rcoommendation. The shabby. ' Bradsbow. judee of the above named court. '
and stop ui) that thin man had been "worked off ii... "' wiy, ur., u. is, iK6
I street," and was at last clearh within I
the door. Tliere he took a filled pip.
fromitis left-hand pocket, amatch from '
his right-hand pocket, and stand-'
ing u here Uie recess and the dress.-! i
dummies protecteti him from the wind,
hereunto taluncin n- in ' . """V'-0 ,
. juu in snia court ntia caiue, on or before the mp. or so much thereof as shaU b- niCVr "r
"Ld,ay Xl thv ue'' "L1" ' -tra of ,he lnls'y tbe "mount due u win ml it tlli)
Court U,r as- o county. Oreson. followinc the HKSM, tosethcr with interest th.V. t
expiration of six weeS' pubiieaiion of" thi- rate of eirht per cn wr rnn
siimrnoiis. to-uit. Monday, the h day of febru- d'V of Decemlir and thcn-th Tith
' ?7 J537''""1 " wi" 'te "oilce that if vou W for attorney's lees: arid the fu-ther i
pibintie will take judgment asalnst you for the . West nnd expenses ol e in-
rtlief prayed for In his complaint, to-wif bated at The Dalk-s o" thij i-ih rt... ,
A decree of divorce forever dissoivin? the . "ry, 1:37. this uth day of Jan
herifl of Wasco Cou'ntj i On con.
For information, time cards, map and tickea,
eal on or write to
W. C. ALLAAVAY. Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
i5. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Administrator's Sale.
. Notice is hereby
uiuaer ior cash in hnrt. th ' , '
lighted his pipe, buttoned bis f raved ' tuei?f "." execution and
overeonr nni nr. y. urc mcua i,uun i
uvi.rioai aim pa,seU on. NVascoCountr. dated
hand, tbe following de
Notice is hereby tfven that under and br vlr. ' fo ffl ol l0,l W'T-two in tmvnshJ,. '
e of mi eiepnt on nnri ni ... !" . ""' uin oi ranee thirteen nf i, n-,V.." i
Ilrolletl 1'urtrldBt; on Toant.
Partridge broiled makes a delightful '
caurxe at a luncheon served on delicate .
Mjunres of toast bread. After prepar- i
ing the bird with great nicety, divide
and fintton it ti-ith n ,..t, !,.. :.. i
. . . ...... ,4,v, ti. l , wiji m
melted butter, and broil o i-r a i-l-jr
fl- ,:.i , ne
U)lin.-UUIN. IiatK. KIlltK hnnd rln.i- ' Iclfi. aUU tO ITie OlrM-tfii nnrl rai.m..fll
ai jjr.ut uchi jn town," resumed the . cem IJ annum from I)c. le, a balance due, anu looKetl for fresh victims.
........ y, ao.c ,rjiucu out eiie mc-rldliin. In w.; "c "Ulttm.
.Vin?JLwJeo' prison for talnins lS acres umy, uregon, con-
iv i-.auHy oi Januarv. . nti fKi. m ...
Jiu UBV OI iOTOnKj, 10-.-
A Lecond of Loruljardr
An old Lombard legend tells the storv
18 I'aEe a Week. 106 Papers !
It etande firet among ''weekly" paper
in eize, frequency of tmblleation and
.? uor j z
norjs.y..i , feefaness, variety and reliability of con-
: tente. It is DractloalU- n ,i;u. tha low
lire. Serve with mushrooms prepared , ;f!,,T1:. afrter. rjon :ts beii
as follows: Take a pint of muuiroom?, ! VT , m nv aoaiari ar. killed the
the . . . "vkjhu-u tne nonor ol be-
. tinner-in-iaw, and married the
iSot satislied with thus
- . - m j mm ymw
hheofev2"d,? ..... WllOfi. eubscrlbere, extending to every tate and
i a chieftain who asked the hand of a r To SZCl , I? 7 if e??l' liyh at the hour un duly apf. nd the ai:fU??ml,?I,!d ' lcrruor-v 01 the Union and foreign coun
hbor's daughter. I'tn :ts beini Pc! d8 will vouch for the accuracy anc
fiiL-wl V.:. 1. .... '' ; Tin til is nnnr r.n eV... .ft. V T. . . at r " . wvn, VII TnThf,Tia h . "
and part; them neatlv, removinif
. . - mrr mil- fitt..
htatKs; as tliey are pared drop into wa- ' , , "--'
ter. to which l,a lwen added some ! f La.,t'r.a,V
flowers, nlanlB, etc., nt greatly reduced .' lemon juice to preserve their color I?Uch ,,e had the Hku11 ot wife's fa
nrices. HonmB Musnnin ! h i. T. . . . ' thcr mount..! In .
Masonic build
DR. CUfiffS
! When ali are pr.-,;nred take them from , n,0U",eJ in gold as a drinking cup,
the water, drain well, and put them ' , " lKW unuer influence
into a saucepan with three ounces of i i , '"- n spouse to appear I
i . . , ( IJClOrO th nscnnil.ln1 .... , . I
jjcan uuner, wnue jiepptT and salt to , , at. nis :
taste and tlie juice of half a lemon. 1 'iUhH drInk to h's health out of the '
t-over Uiem closely nnd s miner for "f 7. Out
cream nhout
xlTi&W c.i, I ar?K-tnoUfiecl!l?ri '-MM S debt 1 '" T" ' 't8 Dew-lamn8.
wficitfd1' ' ' nilVV? 1 11 i8 8endidly illaetrated, and
oSSSS-0. lllTSi&W11' eM 'eaturea are a fine
av....r, .......T. J. DRIVER, ony owing them, or e th,.?- anl Vf ' Page, exhaUBlive market
4 uj bico county, uregon. " nea toeIe with m.;zrut ",e neieuy
j 1' S DAVIS, Assignee.
! Monuments
minutes; then s.ft in a desscrtKiHMmfui fJ'T, V'as ,,er huhVnd'.s secret but tnost j D-Cl HeadStOneS.
ilnn. n It..,. , ..w,.v4i, IICIIJV. rslll inirtwl i .
. tivui, uuu t icii miitr cream nuout . , ... ,u
A .llllll i'llthIC
DMI1C. JIW PiU KlpPtT tUt ttW lKBi lalu to
Ctnn I'll! far it Tinea
ids ormru cb atj u hku
for I
TtwrniM MauiIu K.
ind elrtr thaCtmipiof ton. tatter tinn mamics.
bernailiwr t."il ant aiekeu. To cunnnoTuo,ws
mi! ut lr or (uU hox fnr S, holl errtT.
ru. illi. iiUa"iEO &UU. Cu, I'EUKic'.saJa. Pfc
four tablespoonfuls will be sufficient:
add a little rated nutmef,', nnd serve
ot, garnished with pursley. Lndies'
Home Journal.
Subscribe for The Cuko.vicle.
fl rnn.
..piracy w men eventually resulted in the
king her husband's asaassiuution.
Uatlea-Moro Bts
Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m.
Tuendaye, Thursdays and Saturdaye.
Douglas Allex, Prop.
Before going eleewhere, call on
COMINI, The Dalles, Or.,
For a Tombstone. Warranted
to stand for all time, regardleaB
of wind or weather.
latest fashion for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American aud English authora,
Conan Uoyle, Jeroaa K. Jerome,
"tanlry Weyman, Mary E. WilkiMi
Anthony Uope, Bret tiarte,
"" Matthew, Ktc.
We offer this uneanalnd nwaranerand
The Dalles Twice.a. Week Chronicle to-
l'ftta . . .. .
thMS?;S' 0nl. and that , " year ,or '-00- To 'ealV
tho ff?h5?P,'PS'rt, madt a..d P"ce of the two nni, eq
nsed at the place and tho i if! C1,JV 'C8fn, xrai - ,
t the hour 0 2 o-c 2k ,f m 1 Match, im7 , " '
. Notice
ni tiled
N'oiice of Fioal Stllbenf.
S. In tn MiS "U'ned '
bU tinal accoGnt i ii th r. ' B4co County, . "a
br an otdtff
icreu on
Administrator. P?SWIIJI 9&lmffSS