. I The Dalles Daily Ctoniele. The only Republican Daily yetctpapei Wanco County. ZZZZZZZZZ FEB. 1. 1597 MONDAY. ASTERS OFFICE 230 to SS-l Temple ; Court, X. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. THE BIG PAPERS. It is surprising to note the differ ence in the style of the newspapers of today from that of a few years ago. : can draw y for that length of time. The papers have grown steadily ' But lne question comes up as larger, until the limit has certainly to Aether the senate will stand it. "been reached in that direction, and Tliat bo1v j, yCCn jn seion twenty, the next change will perhaps be in tsvo tiavj. it can only draw pay for the line of a decrease lather than a eighteen more. Now if the legisla further increase. The editorial style j tu""re 5i10uld organize today, the house is also different. Instead of the couic raw pay for tbirty-tivc days, long dissertation on an v given sub-: while the senate could only be paid ject, one or more -paragraphs"' are for eighteen. Neither house can ad used, and 'he long-winded arguments ' journ without the other, hence the are left to the magazines. The boil-lSenate would have to sit out its time: ing down of editorials is undoubtedly but lt might yet get even by refus-. a good thing, and could it be folding to pass any bills. Then comes lowed by a boiling down of other j another proposition. The senate is Teading matter, it would be a further ' tuiy am legally organized. Under improvement. Instead, however. the constitution it cannot adjourn 1 what is saved m editorial expression , finally without the consent of the is more than counter balanced by the house, and as there is no house, the minute detail of scandal and crime, query is, can it adjourn at all? The Nicaragua canal is disposed of in a ten-line paragraph, and the com ing fight between a couple of prize fighters takes two columns. It is so in all other lines, and the big dailies Lave taken to padding out their dis- patches until it takes a reader hours to wade through what could be put in shape to be absorbed in ten or twenty miuutes. If the Loud bill would go further and raise the price of postage on newspapers, it might not be alto gether bad. If it served to reduce ! the size of the blanket sheets, itj would benefit the reading public, and curtail the expenses of the postal ! department. j 7jrr rn jfi Pjpvmto orr urrr J.JJi..Udl .J.J.(ji rtLK Mll... j ,. c i A tabulation Of the grO;S earnmjrs ; t ,oni- -..11 .in - .1 , for 1Js9C reported bj- 20o railroads,! -1., .. w i 1 .1 1 SUOWs a total tor tlie twelve month; , i-nn 1 o-n rnn r 1 .. 01 ir'4.io0,0UU a Sail! Of abOUt t,.v jit; . ,. , turee millions over the precedins w jear. .1 . i-i lne SilgUtH increased inileaire ,t , i -n 1 1 t ported for loOC U' these roads 1. . makes the earnings per mile abOUt -i , , , tie same for the two years, but Inst i -iii- 3 ear shOWs a considerable increase 111 the average per mile over 1894. In that , year the average gross receipts ' jier mile shuwu by the reports of 194 ; roads was 5.732. Last year the average was within a fraction of ! :f. rrr The question of how much profit ought to come ojt of such receipts j is torced by their very magnitude, j The figures are certainly large.! "When the public is navin SC.000 .1.. .. ujieiuung iue average mi.e oi t rauioati tracK in tue avernge year, it ' IS all the traffic ousrht tn bp pvtw-tprl to bear, The profits from such moss re ceipts should be large, as undoubt edly they would be if it were not for the school o ' firtn nnSncc rrV would rather wreck a railroad for the profits on its -reorganization" than manage it for the returns on its fair and legitimate business. The place to take the true ineas tire of u man is not the forum or the field, the market place or the atren I corner; but at his own fireside. ' There he lays aside his mask and vou . . , , , , , . ! ma judge whether he t imp or angel, king or cur, hero or humbuir. I care not what the world 8ays about him whether it crowns him with bays or j peiu uim wuu nati eggs; j never iglon ! d bis care what his reputation or rel may be. If his babies dread home-coming and his better half swallows her heart every time she lins tn net- him ftf Tn-n rlr.lln. tv uuuui um, he's a fraud of the first water, even i though he prays night and morn till he's black in the face, and howls hal lelujah till he shakes the eternal hills. But if his children rush to the front gate to preet him nnd Jove's own 1 1 r. 1 1 Iia a i . r M Nl,. .1 .'II t sunshine illumines the face of Ins wife when she heirs his footfall, you i may take it for granteil he's true cold, for his home's a heaven, and ) the humbug never gets that near the '"reat whitc throne of God. "Brann's ' Iconoclast. One-half the time of the lecisla- i tire session has been fooled away. and only eighteen days reman of the forty. Of course the legislature may j vet organize, and hold thirty-five ' ay5 rrom tunt (ate The members CATARRH LOCALmSEASE and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we postUre!? sate that this remedy does not contain mercury or acy otter injur ious drcr. Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most tiorcch cere for Kaial Catarrc, Coid in Head and Hay fever of all remedies. 1: opens anri cleanses the nasal pasiajes, aUays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pre lects the membrane from colds, restores the sense-! of taste and smell. Irice 51c at Drnirsriits or by niau. ELY UHOTHSES, 50 Warren Street. Ii'ew Vc:i Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of cn execution and order of sale ' duly is-ued by the Clert of the Circuit Court of the County of Wasco and state of orecon. dntec me .n cay 01 January, t?y.. 111 a certain action ia jhC justice Peace court for said county and state wherein Erick Nelson as jilAin'IS recor- ered fudctneu: aiainst Alexander Watt tor the sum of KvJA and costs and di-bureraents taxed at S13. on the nth day of October, liw. Notice is hereby riven that I will on Jlonday. the loth day of February, 1;3T. at hefroctdoorof the courthouse in Dalles City, In said countv, at - o'clock in the afternoon "of said day, .t;il at tiublic auction to the hichest bidder for cash. the followinr described property, to-wtt: Two -cres of land at the cascade locis. commencing at the northwest comer of the southeast quarter of section twelve in township two nV.h of I runze seven vast of Willame'te Meridian in re-.Oreson runnins thence south ten rods, east 1 thirty-two rod-, north fen rods, weat thirty- j two rods to place of bttrinni'-c. Taken .and levied upon as the prtipertv of the said 1 Alexander Watt, or o much thereof as may be neevisary to satisfy the said judcrnent in favor ' of Eric .Ncsou acalnn said Alexander Watt. with interest thereon, together with all costs ' and disbursement!, that bav. . or mav. wru . j .he'iff"t weeoWu:r,"oecon. UaKfl at Uulita Ut, Jun. e, lsa,. :auli-i ! -. A flTO.year old mLs in a Michigan town conceivrd the idt-a of discharrrliip' bcttu socinl Iu;'.cf. ot which s-he h-i h-ard htr jaother speak, i nd began by making a call upon a neighbor in ht next square. Wish sobr and dignified ruiea f-hein-nouuee-.l the nature of her visit, and wis. cordis!) grecied, after which the busy hostess .ent on with her housework. J. lie i-iwier souu i;.juv uii uvy iamu lha. WM no; lhe pro-per mode - procednte in a foinial ca)l and marked: "Now. Mrs. E . let's talk." i ''All right, Mat'cie. what shall we talk j about ?" responded the ne sghbor. ; Withe ut the apparent abatement of the effort to appear calm and dignified, , Maggie replied: ! "Oh. I don't care pie or cake!" De troit Xews. Take the First I lank. ; A certain Alabama register in chan- j eery takes first rani: as a lover of ab-' stract justice. Recently in stating an J account as master when the evidence tiiKwrd that a lurre quautity .f corn bargained to plaiiitilt had been lo.-t by the defendant's agent, whose duty ; it was to deliver it to ulaintiff. lie ret-! isu - r announced his decision as follows: i "Wbile- iwrhap. the law and the evi-1 deace are on the side of the pijintiJT. i think it would be uniun that me de- I fendant should lo.se all thus co.-u. I, therefore, charge the plaintiff with the corn." Do you know the mean- j ing of Schillings Best? It means tea co Ate baking powder flavoring extract toda indioke of oe UiU rA u maintained without extrav agance. se Tor sale by W. E. Kahler MX B1 kEST with a. bier Tl- Blnckwetl's Gennlno Bull f . . .. Xuiruuiu is in a class Dy coupon inside each two pons inside each fear onncc ba or B.'ackweN's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Bnriihnr of this, celebrated tohncco and read the coupon VnJoQelvtMOllstorvaluaDio presents uaauon wisciuicui. Wholesale. FMLtT LilQUOHS, tidines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anhenser-Bnsch Malt Nutrine. a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. 75 cts- 50 $3 Ladies' Cloaks. Eemember, all these goods -Jr-fmKlo it-tauje and fashionable, and nvnnrltPf1 in TliP T)nllo piOaCIieU in IDe Iaiies Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds COAL AND ICE, AT THE DALLES G01W1WISSI0H GO.'S STORE Corner Second and Washington Sts. BLAKELEY& 175 Second Street, .-ARTISTS MATERIALS.-. Country and Mail Ordere will receive prompt attention. When tbe Train slops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side . ... AT THE flEW COLtUjWBlfl HOTELi. This mrse and popular House aw the principal hotel bushiest, and U prepared 10 iurnlsb the Bet Accommodations of tnv Uoum; in the city, and at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Heals, 25 Cepts Office for all Stage Llne leaving Tbe Dalle for all juilnu in Pattern OreCuu aud Jiatern M anlilnrtou, In tltlii Ilotel. Corner oj front and Union Bis. J. M. TOOMEY, Propr "Tiere is a tide in the afsnunwiici, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." J The poet unauestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Fiirnita and Carpets at CRANDALL tV BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatlv-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. . . TJNIC. BT. ustii. iou n uu vu7 r . It I llnil ma. ounce bag, ana two coo- - BUSCH and BEER on draught and in Dottles. Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to 84.50. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for SI 2.00. An elepant assortment of lS9o styleE just deceived, a part ot which may be seen in show window. are latest made, warm, serv at prices never before ap- HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 'Snipes-Kmersiy Drng j 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR i DOORS, i j WINDOWS, ! SHINGLES, i FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. O-XjEIsTIsr. J. S. SCHENK. lreiident. H. M. BEili, i Cashier. fiFSt JJatiODal BaDk. orecon THE DALLES A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and 'ort-' land. DIRECTORS. i D. P. Thokpho.v. Jso. S. Schikck. i i r r n.. - - . r. . t JUL. M lLl.IiXS, V30. l.. 1.IEEE. H. M. Beaix. ! FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GEXEKALBAXKING BCsIXEs Letters of Credit issued available in the ! Eastern States. i sight Exchange and Telegraphic ; Tranefers sold on Xew York. Chicaao, j at. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore ! gon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointe in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointe on fav orable terms. LP DP POISON ISsaflflilP SWSSBjSffiSm I caae we cannot cur p7,T.Vr wri baffled tESaklll' 2f th. aSS.tffi S ji?f "J."?" 1 Clans. 500,000 capTta? behfnS,?,n?,phy1, , UooatgnarantT. Absolut D7oofi.2nfnfonili' American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs. 69 TELEPHONES 69 J. B- GOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Reeeidence, Tenth and Liberty Street- B You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Arents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di rect from the manufacturer. No better '.heel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, using the best material and the most improved machinery. We hava no acent: Sold direct from factory to ihz rider, fully warranted. Shipped anywhere for examination. uiditc rrr" r if n i i l w Our Interesting OfFe Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind, Ik Regulator Line" The Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Until further notice, the Stpfimvr Ti porn 1 at nr will leava I The Dalles on Mondays, Wed- Inesdays and Fridays at 7:30 a. m., and will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at G:30 a. m. l'AS SENG Kit RATES: 1 One wav $2 00 i Round trip 3 00 Frei Rates' Greatly educed. I Shipments for Portland received at any time. Shipments for way landings j must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live ; stock shipments solicited. For rates call on or address ! W. C. ALLAWAY General Acent THE DALLES. - OREGON ERST! ! Choice oi Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Denver Omaha Kansas City Minneapolis 1 3 Da1 ' 8Tll Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCKAJi BTKAJrIttB Leave Portia Every Fire Day for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL- 'ull detalU call on O. B & Co.' Agent lna Dalits, or addreas W, li. IIUELBURT, Gen. Paw.Aft. Portland. OreT E. M'NEILL President aud Manaccr. New Schedule. Train No. 1 arrivea t The Dalles 4 . a.m., and leaves 4 :60 a. m. Train No. 2 arrivea at The Dallea 10:1 p.m., and leaves 10 -.20 p. m. . .t Traiu No. 8 arrivet at Tbe Oallee 11 P. m., and weat-bobnd train No. 7 l' at 1 p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry pMWf between The Dallea and Umatilla, !' ing TheDallee atlp.m.daUy andj riving at The Dallea lp, m. flatly, o nect ng with train No. 8 and 7fro Portland. E.E.Lrns, Freioo ana Passenger Liw