The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 01, 1897, Image 1

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    e I) c Hcttlei ijjg CQcotwlc,
NO 18
Ex-Congressman Wilson May
Take a Portfolio.
Mo, Thatcher I.aekrt Only Three
Votes or Being- Klected Utah
Casto.v, 0., Jon. 30. Major McKin-
l M Win a it tn'nrnincr. TT f1 had
lev pnsseu d-
several conferences of importance.
Hon. J. E. Wilson, of Iowa, left at
II :30 for his home. When at the station
be was reticent in his talk, but it was
not very difficult to infer from his talk
that be is more than a cabinet possi
bility, and may accept the agricultural
General Charles' H. Collis, of New
vnrt. had n conference with Major Me
Kinley this morning. When asked if
any talk had been made regarding caw
net matters, General Collis declined to
answer. He left with Senator Brown,
of Utah, for the East this afternoon.
Lieutenant-Governor Woodruff and
wife, of New York, who came here to
call on Maior McKinley. left tbiB even
ing for Cleveland, where Mr. Woodruff
exnect9 to see chairman Hanna. lo the
Associated Press reporter, Mr. Woodruff
s&id he had come to talk over the Jiew
York situation, and particularly to rec
ommend General Woodford for the navy
portfolio. Nothing of a definite nature
wwnB nnnnm -v1 IO ho OniH
Ex-Senator Saunders, of Helena,
Mont., also called on the president
Thatcher Lacked but Three Votes of
Being Chosen Senator.
Salt Lake, Jan. 30. This has been
an exciting day in the senatorial contest.
1'ive ballots were taken, being the forty
second ballot of the joint assembly with
out any choice. The assembly then
took a recess to 3 p. my, and were in
session for an hour . without balloting.
It was believed last night that there
would bo no decided change today, but,
contrary to expectations, Thatcher
started with an increase of five votes on
the first ballot (four of them being
Populists) and gathered strength on
each of the following ballots until he
had a total of twenty-eigbt votes, being
one more than the combined strength
of Henderson and .Rawlins, and within
three yotes of election, as there were
only sixty members voting.
The Tbacber forces kept their strength
compact and defeated several dilatory
motions before the recess was taken. At
that time the opposition was somewhat
disorganized, and it was tbe general
opinion that Thatcher would be elected
m the afternoon.
When the afternoon session was
called to order, the opposition to
Thatcher resorted to filibustering tactics,
to gain time, first claiming that tbe
adjournment was to noon on Monday,
and that tbe proceedings were irregular
and unlawful. Half a dozen motions to
adjourn and appeals from the decision
of the chair were broaght up and TOted
down on roll-calls.
Finally the opposition succeeded in
forcing an adjournment to Monday, due,
partly, it ie thought, to the misappre
hension of some members as to what
tbey were voting for. It is almost cer
tain a ballot this afternoon would hare
elected Thatcher.
All sorts of rumors are afloat tonight
as to what another day will bring forth.
Thatcher's men are making every effort
to hold their strength, while bis oppo
nents claim he has reached the limit,
and other elements will come into the
contest and defeat him Monday. More
than half bis increased strength, todiy
came from Rawlins and Henderson, the
Republicans voting for Mrs. Wells.
A rToral,l Urpurt Will He Presented
to the syndicate.
Dexvjsb, Jan. 30. A News Special
from Santa Fe says advices iaora Las
J-ruces state that President Edgertos,
head of the Scotch eyndicaU wblch.Js to
aam the B!0 Grande, near Tort Beldoo,
"as gone to London to present his final
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leavening strength aud
healthfulncss. Assures tbe food Renins! alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
encap Dranas.
Royal Eakino Powder Co., New York,
report to the capalists who are back of
the enterprise. The report is favorable,
the preliminary work has been finished,
and nil details carefully figured out.
The Atchison railroad has finished a
spur to the dam site, and a shipload of
Portland cement is about to be delivered.
With two possible exceptions, this is to
be tbe largest water-storage reservoir in
the world. It will cost nearly $2,000,000,
and will irrigate 200,000 acres of Rio
Grande valley land between Fort Seldon
and 1 Paso.
Mr. Edgerton had charge of the con
struction ot similar works in India, for
the English government, and when he
returns in April he will bring with him
a corps of engineers, who were engaged
in India with him.
Burned to a Crisp.
New York, Jan. 30. John Connors,
50 years old, met a shocking death on
the steamship East Central pier at At
lantic dock, Brooklyn. The vessel ar
rived last Tuesday from Brazil with her
boilers strained from the effects of a
storm. Connors was sent with others to
make repairs to the interior of one of
the boilers. Before beginning opera
tions the men lowered into tbe boiler a
charcoal furnace with whicb the iron
work was to be heated.
Connors climbed through the man
hole, the only means by which an en
trance to tbe boiler could be gained, and
was lowered to the bottom at 11 o'clock.
When the factory whistle announced
the noon hour one of the workmen
climbed to the top of the boiler and
shouted to Connors. There was no re
ply. A workman was lowered into the
boiler and Connors was found dead.
Tbe upper part of tbe man's body was
burned to a crisp. He had evidently
been overcome by the fumes and had
fallen on the furnace.
Detectlres Are Working- an tbe Case,
bat They Know Little.
Roskbubg, Or., Jan. 30.--Yesterday
the sheriff tracked one of the supposed
train robbers over the hill east of the
railroad into Gosser canyon. The man
bad gone north, evidently holding to the
fence as be went down the hill to the
creek. Tbe tracks then cross tbe creek,
finally turning and coming toward town,
where tbe trail was lost on tbe bard
ground. Tbe supposition is tbe robbers
are now In town.
Tbe officers are reticent as to tbe
theory tbey are working upon.but claim
tbey have a slight clue, which they will
not divulge. Several detectives are on
tbe case.
Many people today are fishing for val
uables in tbe email slough at tbe scene
of tbe hold-up. One man found one $20
and one t 10 gold piecs in a handful of
How can Schilling's Best
tea cost so little and be so
Easy. It is roasted every
day in San Francisco like
fresh coffee and peanuts.
Other tea is roasted once
a year in Japan, etc like
stale coffee and stale pea
nuts. A Schilling & Company
Sao Francisco
Dispatch From Mad i Id
Believed In .
Washington, Jan. 30. The Madrid
dispatch announcing the appointment of
Weyler's successor here as absolutely
authentic. A week ago Senor de Lome
communicated to Secretary Olney that
General 'Accarrago had been tendered
this position, but no definite action bad
been taken.
All American citizens now in prison
in Cuba as suspects will, with few ex
ceptions, be given their release some
time during the coming week. This in
formation, it is saiil, has also been con
veyed to the state department by Span-'
ish legation. The whole Competitor
crew, it is understood, is included in tbe
amnesty, and there is a possibility that
General Julio Sanguilly and Louis So
meillan may also be freed.
The state department has for some
time been conducting correspondence
with the Spanish authorities, negotiat
ing for the release of tbe imprisoned
American citizens. Tbe department has
impressed the .act upon the Spanish
government that if it would release tbe
imprisoned Americans, it would go a
long way toward allaying the leeling in
the United States against. Spanish rule
in Cuba. State department officials
nave been confident that they could per
suade tbe Spanish government to take
this view of , the situation, and it is said
they have succeeded ut last.
Senor de Lome is confined to his. room
with an attack of grip, and could not be
interviewed on tbe above subjects, but
it is generally understood that Senor
Azcarrago had consented to assume tbe
arduous role of Cuban pacificator, and it
is thought that this policy will greatly
simplify tbe entanglements with this
Dr. King's Mew llLcorerj for Cosuiup
tlon. This is the best medicine in the world
for all forms of Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed.
It will cure and not disappoint. It has
no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma,
Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe, Cold In the Head and Consump
tion. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to
take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is
always ve.l to take Dr. King's New Life
Pills in connection with Dr. King's New
Discovery, as they regulate and tone the
stomach and bowels. We guarantee per
fect satisfaction or return money Free
trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and
$1.00. (6;
Secretary Herbert Notified.
Washington, Jan.31. Secretary Her
bert was informed of the accident to the
Brooklyn in the following dispatch from
Captain Cook, dated Linewood, Pa. :
"Left League inland on account of the
ice jam. Struck on Schooner ledge.
The double-bottom compartment utider
tbe engine and firerooms full of water.
Leak in bilge, but kept clear by pump
ing. Safely moored to ice pier.
' Here is a diamond, here a piece of
charcoal. Both carbon; yet between
them stands the mightiest ot magicians
Nature. The food on your table, and
your own body's elementally the same;
yet between the two stands the digestion,
tbe arbiter of growth or decline, life or
We cannot make a diamond ; we can
not make flesh, blood and bone. No.
But by means of tbe Sbaker Digestive
Cordial we can enable tbe stomach to
digest food which would otherwise fer
ment and poison the system. In all
forms of dyspepsia and incipient con
sumption, with weakness, loss of flesh,
thin blood, nervons prostration the Cor
dial is the successful remedy. Taken
with food it relieves at once. It nour
ishes, and assists nature to nourish. A
trial bottle enough to show its merit
10 cents. 6
Laxol is tbe best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
Affect Many Hanks. (
Colfax, Wash., Jan. 31. Tbe Pull-
mau State bank has commenced an ac
tion here which has a bearing on every
bank in the state, It applied for a tem
porary injunction in tbe superior court
to restrain' County Treasurer. Manring
from collecting tbe fall amountof taxes
on tbe capital stock. The bank claims
the capital is not all paid up. Applica
tion had been previously made to the
board of equalization apd refused.
1 ::"f- L (g) 1
8 ? . 5
2 ( f Watch this Space ?
L J1 Is
5 ' Dress Goods Items 2
z i ? . in next issue. 5
5 : - 2
Face, Head, Ears, and Body
Terribly Affected. Hair
Came Out. Thinks
But for the Wonderful Curo
at a Cost of $0.25,
Made by tiro
When I was thirteen years old I hepan to
have soro cyea anil eaw, anil from my earn a
humor niircail. I doctored with live uifforcnt
skilful doctors, but they did not do mo any
prood. Hy this tlmo It had koiio all over my
head, face, and hody. Nobody thought I
would live, and would not hut tor Cuticuha
Hkmcdies. My disease was Eczema. No
doctor could tfcll mo what It was, they were
at a loss to know. My hair all tamo out at
that time, hut now it fa o thick I can hardly
comb it. I am sixteen year old. weigh i:w
pounds and am perfectly well, it has hcen
one year since I took Cimru'.A.nmlum per.
fectly satisfied that Kczeiua Id never trouble
mo again. I took four boxo ot CimuuitA,
live cakes of .Cuticuua So Ai. and three bot
Cut) ton, X. V., Uox29.
The cure dally made by Cuticuua Iti'.Mn
riiEs.Vitonish physicians, druggists, and uiomj
who have lost faith and lioie. .Mi .statement
is inaclo regarding them not justified by the
strongest evidence. They are the most spi'f dy.
economical, ami infallible skin cures, blood
purifiers, and humor remedies of modern
6PKrnT Cunis Tii!atsiknt. Worm hntln
with C'UTICUKA Boap, gentle applications of v
TicuitA (ointment), and mild dostsof G'uticuiia
Hbsolvknt (blood purifier).
Bold ihrougbout the world. PoTTrn Piiua J.
Cut. Colli"., Hole I'rops., Uo.lon, U. 8. A.
KT" How to Curo Skin Dlieaeci," mailed frr-ft.
Cntlcura Antl-Faln riattor.
Harry Liebe,
WatchmakerT Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
g A. if. aVllLXY,,
Attomey 'ani Cousellor at Law,
Practices In the State aud Federal Courts of
Oregou uud WtMiiiugtou, JwiSJ-amu
New York Weekly Tribune
With the cloao of thu Presidential CiimBifn THE TRIBUNE recognizes the
fact that the American pooplu ure now hiixIouh to trfvo their attention to home and
business interoHtH. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and
prominence, until nnother State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present day, and won its (greatest victories.
Everv possible effort will bo put forth, and tuonoy freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Ohroniole" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1:75.
Write yonr name and address
Tribune Office, New York City, uai u sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to you,
Opp. A. JVI. WilliamH & Co.,
Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes
Tradedor gy. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best.
The Dallti, Or.