THE BEAN AUTOMATIC SPRAY PUMP. r Dress Goods Offerings. LARGE CONSIGNMENT WILSON HEATERS 33 l-32 V itl Yard Yard Colored : Dress low figure. GOODS MARKED IN PtIN FIGURES. 9 Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1S97 Weather Forecast. Portland, Jan. SO, 1S97. Foe Eastern Oregon Tonight and tomor row, fair and warxcer. Fague. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kuniloui Observation and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. Isaac Pitman, the father of short hand writing, died at Paris, January 22, ' in his 84th year. General Russell A. Alger has been se lected by President-elect McKinley for the position of secretary of war. The funeral of the late J. E. Graham took place this morning. Friendship Lodge, K. of P., attended in a body. The Salem Statesmen puts it this way : Today's amusements. Rump house, 9:30 a. m. ; Regular house, 10 :30 a.m. Miss Jessie Butler's condition shows slight improvement this morning, and hopeE are entertaiued of her recovery. T. T. Geer visited President-elect Mc Kinley on his way to Washington, and writes up his visit in today's Oregonian. Second street is in fine condition for sleighing and the eouttant jintrling of the bells shows that mWav of our people.. Rrt. inl'l.w. ... .it are takiug advantage of it. L. Rcrden & Co. have moved their trrccery and crockery store to the new Vogt block, next to H. Herbring's, where they will be pleased to see their old customers and cultivate new ones. The Salvation army have prepared an interesting program for this evening. They are illustrating their slum work as it is carried on in our large cities. An admission of ten cents will be charged at the door. Judge Crawford was waylaid in Grant's Pass last Saturday evening on hie way borne. Some one sprang out from be hind a tree and struck Mr. Crawford on the head with a weapon, fortunately not stunning him, and he managed to spring away from his assailant and run to his borne not far distant. Mr. Josepk Knebel showed us an or ange this morning grown by his brother m-law, Captain H. Anlauf, formerly 0( j, this city. The orange measured 14 inches in circumference one way, and 13! the other, and was grown in Ven tura county, California. Captain Anlauf now nag 30 acres of orange orchard. --. .... v uviuj ui waui;o uiuiliuu, Mra p v a,,, a i t. .i j -urs. u t. Baker died at Port and yes- tenlav i.. . , , L, ieruaj. bhe leaves two brothers, Ed- ward and k,Hp,ii, .,.i .. rard and Frederick Mack, and a half brother, Lucius Clark, all residing in Sherman county. Deceased resided bere for some time with her husband, moving to Portland about 18 months ago. She had been sick for quite a long time, and her death was not unexpected. Palmer aud Denham, two bnsiness uen of Baker City, went out hunting last week. While crossing the river, which was very much swollen by the 'ate thaw, Mr. Palmer lost hie footing WILL BUY" EVERY YARD In the House, sold regularly at 50c. will last for two weeks, and will be lent opportunity to "buy Dress Goods PEASE This store closes at 7 p. m. sharp. and fell head-foremost into the raging flood. But for the timely assistance ren dered him by Mr. Denham and two dogs, he would most certainly have drowned. The Cot vallisf Times eays that Dead river is the name of a slough that cuts across from one part of the Willamete river to another, among the islands near Booneville, and in the years gone by j there was a rapid curl-em from west to i east. Of late the water became sluggish in its movement, and a year ago ceased to move at all. This winter it runs quite rapidly from east to west. A French soldier, in uniform, attracted much attention to himself in Grant's Pass last week. - He deserted at Mada gascar on a ship bound for Australia, and two British officers paid his way to San Francisco, whence he tried the American plan of beating hie wav on trains to The Dalles, where he has a friend, Eays the Grant's Pass Courier. He could not talk English, and would have been in a bad way, had he found no other Frenchmen in Grant's Pass. The $500 subscribed for assisting in the purchase of a diamond drill for ex ploring our coal iields has been collected and turned over to T. T. Nicholas and his associates, who have ordered the drill and will have it here before long. As soon as it arrives it will be put in place and the work of prospecting will be pushed vigorously, until the ques tion is settled. That coal with paying veins will be discovered, is our firm con viction, and one which we hope to see speedily realized. Mr. A. J. Anderson, who lives on Chenowith creek, about three miles west of town, complains that a big sor rel horee came to bis place 6ome time ago and be wants the owner to call and get him. He realizes that horses are not worth advertising and certainly not worth feeding. The horse has four white feet, a white spot in face and the top of his nose is also white. He is branded J. C. on tho left ehoulder. If the owner will call and take him away, Mr. Anderson will be pleased to liaye him do so. Moro cam? very near being the scene of a tragedy last week. John Harris and his son had some business with J. C. Burkes, and went to his office. They failed to come to an understanding. In fact, Mr. Burkes churns to have reasons to believe the elder Harris was going to u?e,a knife on him, and stepped to his desk for bis gum He was grappled by Harris Jr., while the old gent wrested , 'the gun from him and hammered him. ' ... , ... . , , , lt lover the head with it, and laying him; , . .... ' , , , I out. Jack will have a sore head for a, few days. Wasco News. 1IK1. S" In The Dalles, Saturday, Jan. 30th, KMrs. Emma Krauss, aged 71 years. Mrs. Krausa came here with her bus? tiiinri in lS(i:-t. nnd has been a resident of. jwateo county ever since. She leaveB four children-r-Mre. T. II. Johnston oil Dufur, Mrs, David Crelghton, Mrs, Ben Korten and Mr. George Krauss, all present living here. Funeral Tuesday, OP : Goods - .S9HL This sale an excei- at a very- r tf. & MAYS. For SiiiM'iiiinMi. . U e print by request the. following .-uyu uuu urn v .....Kuj.. .hu now before the legislature, which seriously affects the sheep business in this see- tion : Section 4s No person, company or corporation shall bring or cause to be urougnt, into mis state any sheep or band of sheep without fuel, and within .three months prior thereto, obtaining from a sheep inspector, duly appointed and qualified under this act, a certificate under the olficiul seal of euch inspector, to the effect that the said sheep, or band of sheep, have been personally inspected, by such inspector, and that all such sheep are sound and healthy, and free1 from scab or scabies,or other infectious or contagious direase, and no person, com pany or corporation shall move, or cause to be moved, any sheep or band of. sheep from one county in this state to another county without first, and within six months prior threto, obtaining such cer tificate as is above mentioned. It shall be the duty of any sheep inspector, upon request of any person, to visit ami inspect any baud of sheep within his county, or within live miles of the line ot the str.te, unless he has inspected such band of sheep within three months prior thereto, and if, at the time of such inspection, such sheep are healthy and free from scab or scabies and all infec tious and contagious diseases, ho shall issue to the owner or person in charge thereof a certificate to that effect; and if not healthy and free from scab and all contagious and infectious diseases, he shall revoke any certificate which may have beeu issued by him, and tho per son holding such certificate shall forth, with, on demand, deliver the same to such inspector. I'ood Hujijily of Muliuoa. One of the advantages which this country enjoys over most of its neigh bore lies in the fact that no power on earth can cut off ou supply of pro visions. If it bo true that a man can fight as long as lie has something to eat, we could continue a conflict for an in definite period. The human stomach, In the last analysis, is the moat im portant element of warfare, Stomach full, courage up hjgh water mark; At the school meeting this afternoon a stomacii empty, courage oozus out at the special tax of fi. mills w,ih levied. On fingers' tips. - motion ii;petitlor was drawn up and Russia pprhapa will compare favor- .b.lgned, .usklng tho directors to call a ably with us in this respect, but none of special meeting for tho purposo.of vt the other great Powers. Tho Hiberidn ing upon the bonding tho district for wheat belt is quito able to meet all j $20,000 to meet indebtedness, aud to possible demands on it, and tho now en-ct an eight-room biick nchool house railway which runs through it like u spinal column would furnish the oeces sary transportation. As to the rest of tho world, hardly a nation can supply its own needs. It looks to its neighbors even in ordinary times, and in time of war it would be in straits unless measures were taken, to keep the back door open for the Impor tation of what the commissariat calls for. Oddly enough it is the month which is sometimes apt to talk too much that inaugurates a war, and after Tp, unquestionably, tho most success ful nml perfect working 'Spraying Dovico yet inventeil. It is a universal testimony that more, a? well a? hotter, work cari bo accom plished with tho Bean Spray Pump than with any other pump on tho market. With this pump one man can charge tho receptable and leave it to direct tho nnrnv litst tvliirn it. in wnnlpit nml tlnia withenlrieient hoso pass from treo to j tree. The solution is delivered in a fino mist or spray, penetrating every nook ami cornor, thus doing better and more i effective work than ia possible bv any other method, and witli no waste what e.ver of solution. For further particulars see special cir cular or call upon or correspond with. mm I BENTON -AG I'" NT FOR- THE DALLES, ! it has been begun the mouths of the j troops must be tilled or the order will , p0()n bj) g,von tQ gtm.k am8 aml g0 0 ft . mat q r provendBP. jluurt' 1'iMty.j About thirty of the friends of Miss Peii arl Williams wero (jntertained at the cosy home of Mr. and Mrs. II. V. French, on Fourth treet, last night, and for sovcraikpurs enjoyed them selves to the fullcat&ttgnt. "Hearts" was the game of tho evening, the ecoie cards being in a heart shape, and the score indicated by gilt or scarlet hearts, as the player lost or won. Miss Virginia Marden and Mr. Victor Marden won tho least hearts, and consequently the head prizes, while Mr. John Weigel was pre sented with an immense pair of carpet slippeis as the tootiiwii--- after one ot tho most tempting o lunches was disposed of, the celebrated Comb band, under the leadership of Prof. Wlllyims, furnished some of the most enlivening music, which would have dono credit to a Chineso band, while the gue3ts gracefully tripped through tho intricate figures of the old fashioned Virginia reel, which caused much merriment, and put tho more modern "two-step" in tho shade. As the evening ended amid, much laughter and song, and the sleigh-bell? reminded them that the hour for depart ure had arrived, "Good night" was ro gretfully said. Bcu)i Ititunty. Senator Michell has introduced u bill providing for levying a tax on sheep ol not more than half u cent a head, and also a tax on other property, to make a sum equal to that raised from taxing the sheep, the whole to constitute n fund for paying a bounty for the killing of coyotes. Tho bill is u good one, with perhaps one easily-remedied feature. This is tho appointment of scalp inspect ors, As the scalps have to, bo presented to the county treasurer! it would perhaps bo better to have tho county clork,,or some other officer,- look after tho scalr.s, instead of having an officer In each pre cinct. It would prove the more econom ical plan. ' ricltool Meutini;, on the present academy grounds, and to have the tame completed by September 1898, The W. O. T. U, deb-gates to the woman's congress, held an enthusiastic temperance meeting at tho aid institute on Sunday afternoon, There wub a not able urray of speakers, ii(5iuUng Laura O, Chant, Mrs. Uarker, Roy. Anna Shaw and John G. Wooloy. The favor ite speaker of the evening was Olaru Hoffman. The mere mention of name of the noted Kansas city woman ynub ro. JUST RECEIVED at Remember. We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO 5el?ool Boos, Stationery, o MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, l I .AT. Jiacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Socond Street, New Vogt Block, Tho Dalles, Oregon. i Japanese XX. OIjyATT x GO. Props. Japanese Curios, Dishes, Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers, zsroTionsrs, etc., etc. 133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store. Call and See our Goods. ceived with applause. Tu argument, In manner, In voice, in skill, in wit and pathos, she is effective. She combines the imprcjslvnncsH of a statesmanlike view, with the earncHtncsH and tender ness of a woman's heart. In tho even ing Mrs. Hoffman delivered another ad dress on the "Problem Which Faces Uh." ft was a great Hpeech and will long bo remembered by the people who live in the elegant homes around Gar field Park. Advance. i'mcuilviicit, A lady was entertaining at dinner the other day quite informally mi old clergy man mid u few relatives. The children were allowed to come In with the des sert. On rising from tho table the lat ter stood aside to allow the white-haired priest to leave the room in advance, He, howover, pushing ihe youngsters through tho doorway, said, laughingly ; "Angels first !" Glancing next at the hontess, as if inviting Iter to precede him, he was met by a wave of the hand from the lat ter, who said with great promptness: "Sainto next!" Troy Times, What kind of tea tolfee baking powder flavoiniK i-x tract and flcc4 do you want? Your grocer pays your money back in full if you don't like Schilling's Best. 49 J-'or sale by V, K, Knhler fiulcrlho for Tin: Ciikqniumj. MAYS & CROWE. Bazaat, HiMiiuthluir to DeiM-nil On, Mr, James Jones, of thu drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowdon, III., In speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, sayH that last winter his wife was attacked with LnGrippe, and her case grow so serious that physicians at Cowdon and Panu could do nothing for her. It eueiued to develop Into HaHy Consumption. Hav Inu Dr, King's Now Dlrcovory In store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to got better from tho first doeo, and half dozun dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colda It guaranteed to do this good work. Try It. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Htore, (d) Tunuliuro' KxHiiilimtlim. Notice is hereby given, that for tho purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer thcmselvea aa candidates for teachers of thu schools of this county, tho county echoo) superin tendent thereof, will hold a publio ex. iimjnation at the county court house In D.tllouclty, beginning Wednesday, Feb ruary 10, lit I o'clock p. m. Dated this aoth day of January, 1S97, 0. li. Gu.injuT, School Supt. Iliickluii'n Ariuutt nulvtv The host siilyo in too world for cum, bruises, sores, ulcers, wilt vheuni, foyci aores, tetter, chapped bunds, chiblalnet corns, aud all skin eruptions, ami poof tlvely curen plieH, ov no pay r,'Hiiirad. It is guarautood to glvo perfect sntlshw. (ion, ov money refunded. Price t'5 conti per box, For sale ly Blakeley mud Houghton, druggists, Subscribe for Tun Cukw.viulk,