The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 30, 1897, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
The only republican Daily Xeicspapei
liYasco County.
that pari ot the state cast of the Cascades-
The money will all corue
back to the state, and it can be con-
- JAN. 30.1S97
There was quite a tinny in the
wheat niaiket at San Francisco yes-
EASTERX OFFlVE-SSOioSSi Temple tcrd"' )riccs tHmbli,,S ViAy; but
Court, X. Y. Citv. E. KATZ, Agent, they soon recovered and reached a
ST!- point almost equal to opening prices.
TWO OF 1 Kfp, l was ent,reb" a speculative fluctua-
. i tio market, crop reports having
Testerday George Turner was j nothing to do with it. The ci op re
elected senator from "Washington 1 ports from the southern hemisphere
and Dubois was defeated for re- j show a shortage and render certain
election in Idaho. Idaho is put one ' the contiuuatiou of good prices for
term ahead of Washington in thi? ' the coming crop of this country,
respect. Dubois and Turner are of '
the same class. Each came to the ! The Oregouian says that Mitchell
coast with a federal appointment in
his pocket. Each had been a carpet
! J Annrt lnf ?c n mnn nf wnmlorf 111
vitality and unlimited resources. A
baz politician in the South, appointed AcaA man with wonderful vitality is
to oflice there at the close of the war. certainly deserving of a place in the
and each had pull enough to cet an senate. Most of the other senators
appointment on the coast when they j"1 plam, every day dead men.
realized that the rcc.nstructiou of the
boutu would not let them rule into
You Get
Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers
and Middlemen "by baring di
rect from the m?.nufaihirer.
office. Dubois was appointed United
States marshal for Idaho; Turner
one of the territorial judges of Wash
ington. Each is dark skinned, black
eyed and and black haired : Dubois
looking like a Spaniard, Turner much
like a negro. Each traded off what
little political principles they had for
the sake of oflice, and each got a
United States senatorship.
The Populists of Washington dealt
themselves a body blow when they,
the great reformers, picked up this
political sbj-ster. Turner, and gave
him their indorsement. Better for1
Novel Utuinrsi limit I p by rm Enterpris
es Dcalvr lu Old Clothe.
Persons who are forced to underro
a suddea ehanpre of eloth-ng because
of the death of relatives, and who
haven't the ready money to buy out
ritrht an entire outfit of black for brif
ue, have found a welcome assistance
in their euiharrassKieat in a man whose
business is obscure, comparatively, and
of recent origin, but who has an aetive
The office of this man has a funereal
aspect, filled as it is with heaps of
somber garments, but its proprietor is
anything but rrrave. He was, until
lately, a dealer in old elothes, and was
dismayed at the amount of competi
tion. Everybody seemed to hint to be
dealinr: in that commodity.
A friend, short of cash, whose father
them had thev followed the lead of j ai.ed borrowed a mourning: outfit from
luej' elect- joan -phis transaction suggested to
thv dealer tht
inr dress as
their brethren in Idaho
eu a tarmer. iienry iieitteict. a man
of little education and small abilities,
but presumably honest, and a Popu
list from conviction, not from a de
sire to get oflice.
When the Populist pam takes up
such political mountebanks as Turner,
the honest men who have looked to
that party for a purification of the
political pool, with either return to
their first political love, or, failing in
that, take through the woods.
The situation at balotu is taking a
slight turn for the better. The indi
cations are now that, one of two
things will happen. Either the Ben
son house and a mjority of the sen
ate will meet and elect a senator
Tuesday, or the hold-outs will come
in Monday, the present organization
of the house will be set aside and a
full house organized. The Benson
men have intimated that they will
not object to this arrangement, and
it is possible that it may be made.
If it is not, it is quite certain that
the first proposition will be tried It
depends somewhat on whether Carter
or Brownell recover sulllciently to
take their places in the senate. f
idea of hirintroitt mourn-
i business. He tried it,
and soon found his peculiar trade well
He began to read drath notices in
the newspapers, and to iend his ap-ents
to visit those whom he considered were
not in extra goad circumstances. Seven
ajrents now net for him, beinp; paid in
commissions. Each has a rejrular cir
cuit of streets marked out for his can
The rrnces of 3In:mrncture Close .-"-tension
le Svcrtna-v.
For aces, says the C'hirajro Chron
icle, thf Enrlir.h and Fr r.e'a controller
the manufacture of hairptata. and it i
only within the iast 20 yr-ars thct th"
iroods have been rrotl;"-:l in o:h?r
countries to cry extent. Th? ir.aebinery
i!.-;sd is of a delicate an:! Intricate ehur
ac:er. or tl;' rrice at which the ptusasv
sold nei-ru:tates the eheajcst HEtl use -trtpid
pror-rEs. whioi can only be prr
cured by aiuojnatienaelintcs. The wire
is made expressly for thv purpr:? art
"v.t ui in lnrjji' eoH&. vKeh are placd
in a r!cmp rr.r ri er.rri"! to flip jrr
tnrs li-i- k:::;?:r:';v'":"'. Tk'
machine cuts. be::c!a. and, by a deli
cate and inrtcntanous itcc, :. :. rjjftrr
ens the o'ii;ls. llnrnrr.ff rt f sill rpeet!.
it will turn out 120 hj.irpin every min
ute. To economize, it i. ;.,-ei-sorjr so
keep th" engine poinfr txr.y ." j;Jjbt.
The difiieult part of the v;r!: ii; in t?
i nnTne'ir.f. which is drne by '"pp'nr fbe
No better wheel mads than the
4cme Bicycle
Built in Odr own fuciwy by
skilled workmen, using the best
material ana the most improved
niachinferv. Wo hava no aranis
Sold direct from factory to the
rider, fully warranted. Shipped
anvwhere for examination.
OartnterestifBg Offer
Acme CyclD Co., Elkhart, lid.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THE-
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Train! leave and me due to nrrive at Portland.
FROM JCKE 23, 15.
, jireb, Salem, Roe-1
i ( burp,
-.!r t, i rnmento.
"Tie Replator Line'
i i r 1 .l..U
n wnoie&ctic-
DaHes, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
tllines and Cigats.
FreisHt end FassBiei Line
Anhetiser-Bnsch Malt Nntrine, a non-alcoholic
"beverage, uneqiialed as a tonic.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Until further notice, the
The Dalles on Mondays.. AVed-j -
nesdays and Fridays at 7:30 lEeadqUarterS for Seed Gram of all kinds.
a. m., and will leave Portland
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturda's at G:30 a. m.
One way . .
Round trip ,
$2 00
. 3 00
i:10 A. 31
'P. As'&Mlid, bac-!
rnmento, Ogilen.jan i
Franciseo, Mojave,
Los Aneeles.El Fasn, 1
1 1 Ncu- urlcmis and I
i (.East J
i. . ir JUojeburg and way sta-i
i.SJ A. Jl.jUons ,4;40 pM
I fVia Woodburn fori '
n-iir. ' Mt.Aneel, Silverton, :
('ri.f.f i ! West seto, Browns- except
sm,dava ! I viUe.sprlugfield und . I Sundays.
.fa i -r ;ale:n and way str.:ious'10.CO A. 31
-.i.v I . . r'....)H. enI1 i it '.'f I AT i
stations ( '
and r. 31.
Frei Hates Greatly educed.
Shipments for Portlnnd rpceived nt
anv time. Shipments for wav landings
i must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live
i stock shipments solicited. For rates call
on or address
I General Aeent'
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SiffiSa
Headquarters for "Byers Best Pendle-
inri TT'lrvnT This Floor is manufactured expressly for family
LUJLL JLUU.I. U5e; eerysack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our sroods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
i (way stations i
Dally. tDiUly, except auuday.
Wm w ml
Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at 0. F. Steph
ens.' Intermediate prices up to 4.50.
Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea
ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The
best Black Diagonal for 12.00.
; Ladies' Cloaks.
Attached to all Through Tiair.s.
Through Tictct Ofiice, Zi Third street, where i
throuch tickets to all points in the Eastern ,
Stittes, Canada and Europe can be obtained a:
lowest rates irom
J. B. KIKKUVND, Tictct Agent. I '
All above trainc arrive at and depart from i ,
Grand Central Station. Filth and Irving streets, j &pOKan8
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
An elepant assortment of
1S96 styles just receded,
a part ot which may be
seen in show window.
Paisenper -Depot, loot of Jetferson street.
i Minneapolis
Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv
iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap
proached in The Dalles.
Leave your orders for
Dressed Chickens, Fish,
Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs,
Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,
Snndav :rn!n for OS WY.C.Ct invent -. W. 1. -.'n ciw.iJuyi.jor
10:15 a.m.: 12:15. 1:13. 5:2. ('.:-! r. m. Ar. I . . . . "TT T' 4 n T T T v m ht rm -r -.4 . A.4
rive at Portland at :12:& S:a0.1O:CU 11 . m.; BAW i'KAJXUISCO. CAL. H h UUUHS MM SS N kTflUfc
Leave (or OSWEGO, week dnvs. at G:CO.7:!0.
10:10 a. n.: 12:15, 1M5. 5:25, O.-lo, s:0u y. m. T3QTn1
(and 11:00 p. ra. on saturdav only). Arrive at : Ta.-XXl
Portland at 7:10, s;3), 11:25 a, m.; 1:30,3:15, 6:45, j
7:55, 9:10 p. ra. ,
Leave for Sheridan, week days, -t 4:50 p. a.
Arrive at Portland, y:20 a. m.
Eansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Citie
Leave for AIKLIE on 3Iont!av, Wedutdav and
Fri- ay at !-(&. m. Arrive at Portland, Tuts
dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m.
STEAMEKS Li-nvo J'ortlaud
Every Five Day for
1:30, S:15. 5:10, C:35, 7:55 p. ra
ilauaser. Asst. (j. F. A Paai. As
puis mi a
on o rn.
is h.rc rlsnt
stant aii-i Pt-r-fitl :
a ' i.r'Xiiifr "
most cgp-
Notice of SlierilTs Sale.
For full details call ou O. R i Co. s Acent
Tha Dalles, or address
W, 11. HL'IILBCP.T, Gen. Pass. Air:
Portland, Oreson
E. H'NEILL President aud Jlnnau'cr.
ew Schedule.
Train No. 1 arrives ot The Dalles 4 :-io !
otiee is herel)y Riven that by virtue of an I a. m., and leaves 4 :50 a. m.
ex'.cutlon and th." oider of sale i.-Mied out of the . Train o arri vpp nt Thr n-illpe in .1
County on tne 12th day of January. 1;D7. uin u 1 P- ul- antI leaves 10:20 p. in.
decree and imminent made, rendered and en- j Tram No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55
Corner Second and Washington Sts.
- w ftv. lit WIIV .litbl.a J k i - . I . . . T ' . ' ' . w.
. , , . I as tfa pmr s?.i:st 1 1 nl st.ntHv rijic.'t:j ' wrwi tceretoiure tuor.-in in a suit wherein J. J. n ni and west-bonnd trAin Vn : lMVp
...w.w J"enn tne inm: ."rvp r : "Ifrt poll.-!:. .dJIury V. im.... hi w Ife.andJ. ifH n 81 1 p. m
ie r r en t cause? :t'.!- ' were aeieiuiant-: l did duly levy upon and will
sen a. iiiu ironi uuor 01 me county couctnnu
ty in the aennte in favor of recozni
tion of the house, anl the program
suggested will be carried out.
The s!ic!;" -' r.-
Jot fiostasfti
iti Dalles fity, Wase 1 County, Orecon, on satur
! day, the 13th day oi Febiunry, 1U7, at 2 o clock
ELVS CHE AM BAX.M is n poaltlvecurn.
Apply into the nostrils. It U quickly absorbed. W
cents at Dmsciit or by mall ; samples l&c by malL
ELY BR0T11EHS, 6 Warrco Bt., Kew York City.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale
Uate.1 nt Ihe Dj.ics Or., this 12th (lay o' Jan i
unr. If7
T. J. driver, , xor a Jombstone. Warranted
to stand for all time, regardless
jar.l v ll fherie of Wasco County, Orfjro'n.
The senatorial muddles in so many
states emphasize the necessity of
electing our senators by popular vote.
Under the ptesent system legislation
is held up, and at least half the time
through political manipulation the
man the people want is set aside, and
the man they do not want is elected.
There is no more reason for eIoctin'
a senator by the legislature than
there would be for electing all our
state ofiicers the same way. The ,
people are abundantly able to elect j
their own senators, and the quicker
the chause is made the better. Now . Kv virp "t execution and order m miv
. , . dui vui by the rierfc i.f the Circuit Miirti)f
everything else is set aside, while at c tiuuiy of w .-. aud atatu of uncut), aau.ii
, he .th dny of Juuniiry, U-.I7, in u evrtum iu'ti-ir.
an expense of thousands of dollars a iu ,bc J'i '. court for nid county and
, titate when In EncK .Nehon as mlu'ii: tecox
uin the legislatme wrangles over i ertjiideniont ucuinti AM-xaiukr watt tur :-u-
. . . w i hwu J"-iJ fd com mid disburenients ttxe-u
the election ot a senator, whom the ut.?i3;,'nhM'b!ny of "rioter, io.
, , ."" e nereov jrncn timi I Mjn on .11 mtav. r.ny pane: tnc tx. :y Ji. Irur JCvV!ljrii"n rTi
people WOllld be. and are, better !M5lnluyof rbr.)Bry.lv7.,it itcfr..i:t r f ont, it ia tlua becoutlwrj JULUOU il6lat)5
' , . ' ' the ciairthiius iii Jir.lle city, in aid oiu:iti . at wecuarautcctocBre. Vowhcltthoitobtl.
qualified to elect. 'Soolook In thu nftwi.xm of !.aid day, eli at jaf,cusoa end cliaUtnctM the world fo a
'.""i11:, o thf hitrtiMU bidder i..r cash, Smflmi7,t,cu,r"- 't'ois uistajo haa always
1 , the folluwini; deortb.i nvj SI"fUti,?on X3?i.l,t Uact iVlVj-s?
Senator "Uichell's bill fnr n nnrtnen "ef of " theCusmde Uickn. coiumcticini; SonairairfntS' Ahi?P V;l tma our uncccdl.
OCHUIUI -UlCllCUa UUI ICir a portage ... fle nnrthwu. t uunumt ."PP.if???!1"11. Ainu uiotiroofHtonttslodnn
r..orl t, s., ... ri:i 1.. of seetlun twelve In townshiu two ii!.rth .,f Br&"f,JS,,ft .S"WS..ill' CO
t " v"b"" , rHKf uveii tint of W illamerte Metidlan in r ' "wt
to nas. It will ave Fasiom fiwnnn :l'.uuu: runn'"K luvutv outu ten .au, east
"' "'"-" t- J-ian-ru urcgon thtny-two rod., north ten ro.1f, wet thirty-.
hundreds of thousands of dnlki twa. J.,10 law ?l tfgiiininc. Tuten
Train 23 and 24 will carrx Dr.sspnfFPrB
! between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav-
inc The Dalles at 1 p. m. dailv and ar-
in the afternoon of said day, at public auction, riVlliB at The Dalles 1 p. m. dailv. con
to the hichest bidder for cash in hand, the fol- riectiiiL' with tnin ra R on.t '
lovrintr described real estate, described in I . W1U1 tram -01- . na ' "OOl
execution and order o: sale, nn l described bs ' ""lane. ,. J. LVTLE,
lollovvs, to-uit: four ;-t). live (5), six (.:) Acent
and even 7;, in stcrion No. six (fi) in townsliip
No. one l., north of range ten ilu) east of Wilf.
ameite Meriaian In Wasco Countv. Oregon, con-
talnit-e lbu.71 acres of land, together with the TiTrwi ii w-i on n
tenemunta. helelitameuta and appurtenances -LV1 1 IT! 11 Tfl HTi T.S
thereunto beluncing, or in nuy wise apjrtain-1
ins. or so much thereof as shall be necessary to f
S'.lliif?". the nmoutits due uiHin said writ, lo-wit. iQriji Hoo H 0rV do
JlW-l-o, t.wther with interest therein at the ' CXXXU. XlCCtUb LOHGS.
rite of eight percent JM.T annum since the 2hth I
l v of P.eember. !;: mid the further um of !,, .
.jii.-ttorne s fees: and the further sum of before goinK elsewhere, call on
?i CO.-its in said suit, teselhor with accruing In. I
terest and exprme of sale. , PnMIWI Tho Rnll fi
ll., uumiiii, iiic uanca. ui..
175 Second Street - The Dalles, Oregon
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
of wind or weather.
American Market,
tlary ilLuOO 1'uiso.V nermV.n.Xri. i
S 5r:-S5i"fS ! 74 Second Street.
gf.ty.lfyr.rprc V n;inoow in. I TTI ' 2. T-s i
.S? ,n --uSah i.toiwu38 'Fruit Prorlnrp
.'-'.!il9VPtl1h' n" '-'H hue aches dci i
Butter, Eggs.
ISuccessor to Cbrlsrnau i Corso'n.
.1. i-- . rr i
phts, US ecru on
vhile the boat rnilwnv it! hpitm r.nn ! AlexenUer Watt, or no much thcrcoj s nmy be
mit tut uuai rauwaj IS ueillg con uMaryto hatiHy ihvtum judgment ittMvor
btlllOtet find mnrn thnn llint it tvill i 'fot -e lurninut titiu Aiexunuur witt, ,iu Jiuv
buubiiu, ami moie limn that, It Will J with Interest thuroon, togother with .ill costs ' m ,
prove an itnj)ortant factor in causing ' u,ld dI,blr'ttm,l ,lmt ,,ov -ffifS" I
the development of the resources of x ,. , ... vT--. lT7 U'T "''"JiSlS '
Cnli Jii Vuur Chocks.
All county wnrrunts repUered prior
12, 1802, will bo paid at my
Intereet ceases after Dec. 5,
C. L. Pmixii's,
County Treaeurer.
Oillce next door to the First
Tliv Hallu, Okboh.
National Haul: '
1 1 T"T. . ....
-LJiJtlv whicht iaken at ts pt
leads ontojorhmc"
The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the
UosiDj Oflt Sale of Furniture and Carpet
Who are se!llnK these KOOds out at areatly-reduced rat-
iiurlriLUAOH BRICK, .