The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 30, 1897, Image 1

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- A
NO 17
al)c Dalles
The absolutely pure
ROYAL1 the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world eel-
a i
ebrated lor its crreat
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
Nevada Enacts a Law Li
censing Prize-fighting.
Then They Fougbt to a Finish vrith
Guns, Without Color or
Legal Authority.
Caisson, Nev., Jan. 29. Carson, and
it is safe to say, nearly the whole of the
western portion of Nevada, ia all excite
ment, and all one can hear on the streets
is talk of the probabilities of Corbett
and Fitzsimmons coming to Nevada to
settle the world's championship. Gov
ernor Sadler was interviewed, but de
clined to say anything further than that
the bill had not reached him yet, and
that he supposed it had been enrolled in
The matter of location between Reno
and Carson is still a cause of considera
ble speculation, taking it for grauted
that the contest will come to some point
in Nevada. The Carson people claim
they have many more advantages than
Mr. Wheelock and A. Livingston, a
local business man, to whom a good deal
of credit in passing the bill is due, went
out to Shaw's hot springs yesterday, and
it is conjectured that they were looking
that place over with a view to making it
the training quarters for one of the prin
cipals. Corbett and Fitzsimmons ill
be notified of the action taken today,
and they will probably start for the
coast in a day or two.
posed plan of reorganization and to the
conferees abandoning the house amend
ment, requiring the reorganization to
relinquish all claims to land grants un
earned July 6, 1890.
Bacon Presents Feace Resolutions In
the Senate.
W Asn i ngton, J an . 29. Senator Bacon ,
of Georgia, presented in the senate to
day resolutions declaring that the
United States desires to maintain peace
with all the world and favoring inter
national arbitration for the settlement
all differences with any other nation,
where they fail to adjust a diplomatic
The resolutions declare that the
United States avows this method of
avoiding war as its future policy and
nviles all civilized nations to make
corresponding declarations. The reso
lutions were referred to the committee
on foreign relatious. "
In the House.
Wahungton, Jan, 29. The house has
oeeneiiKBged all day in a discussion of
J , conference report of the eenftte 1)111
J? definfc the rights of the purchasers of
Atlantic & PaciBc railroad under
"""gage foreclosure. Considerable op.
Position was developed to the report,
aing out of objections to the pro-
Army Appointments.
Washington, Jan. 29. The president
today sent the senate the following
nominations : Lieutenant-Colonel S. T.
Cushing, assistant commissary, to be
colonel and assistant commissary gen
eral of subsistence; Captain H. B.
Osgood, commissary of subsistence, to
be major and commissary of sabsist
ence; Captain T. H. Carter, Sixth
cavalry, to be major and assistant adjutant-general
; Captain T. H. Barry,
First infantry, to be major and assistant
adjutant-general ; Captain J. L. Bullis,
twenty-fourth infautry, to be major and
paymaster; First Lieutenant George B.
Davis, Fourth infantry, to be captain
and commissary of subsistence; S. H.
Bell, of Pennsylvania, to be post
Canal lilll to tie Forced.
Washington, Jan. 29. Morgan, in
charge of the Nicaragua canal bill, today
endeavored to have Tuesday next at 5
p. m., fixed as the time for a vote.
Turple objected. Morgan then an
nounced that he would press the bill to
a conclusion on Monday.
To Vote on Conference Bill.
Washington, Jan. 29. The- Eenate
will vote on the International mone
tary conference bill at 4 o'clock this
Talks Without a Tongue.
New Yoek, Jan. 29. Henry Cbeno
with, of Brooklyn, has recovered from a
surgical operation in which his tongue
was removed. The case attacted atten
tion by reason of the fact that he now
talks almost as well as before he lost
his tongue. He had a cancer and the
physicians decided the only way to save
Chenowith's life was to cut out his
For some time after the operation he
was compelled to take liquid food by a
tube, but as his mouth healed he dis
carded the tube and now can eat better
and talk better than be did for two years
previous to the removal of his tongue.
Local physicians say Chenowith's recov
ery is one of the wonderful triumphs of
modern eurgry.
The best way to buy any
thing is to borrow it first.
Get a package of Schil
ling's Best tea of your
grocer. He pays you your
money back if you don't
like it.
That's our way of lending.
A Schilling & Company
San Francisco
The l'rofessor Reports Great Progress
Toward Its l'erlection.
Washington, Jan. 29. The report of
Professor Langley, secretary of the
Smithsonian institution, just submitted
to the; board of regents, contains the
following about his flying machine:
"The writer has, during the intervals
of his official duties, continued to ex
periment in this manner until he has
reached a measure of success which
seems to justify him in, making the
statement here that mechanical flights
have now been attained.
"On May 26th lust a mechanism built
chiefly of steel and driven by a steam
engine made two flights of over half a
mile. Since that time the result has
been nearly doubled. In each case
there was no support from gas. The
machine was 1,000 or more times heavier
than the air in which it was lunde to
move. Dr. Alexander Graham Bell wit
nessed the first of these, and communi
cated the statement of results to the
academv of France.
Turner is Elected V. S. Senator from
Olympia, Wash., Jan. 29. Only one
ballot was taken in the joint session of
the legislature today and George Turner
was declared elected United States sen
ator to succeed Watson O. Squire. Tur
ner received the full vote of last night's
caucus, but the bolters, with two excep
tions, voted for G. H. Westcott, ex
mayor of Blaine. Williams voted for
The return was : Turner, GS; Denny,
(Rep.) 25; Westcott, 14; Squire, 1;
Kreitz, 1.
Before the election could be announced,
Williams attempted to trick the legisla
ture by moving an adjournment. He
was yelled down by excited friends of
Turner, and Yeend asked that Williams
be allowed to retire. He did so.
Judge Turner was sent for and made
an eloquent address.
Broker Left Uis Wife to Elope With
Ills Typewriter.
Palatka, Fla., Jan. 29. Hugo Ben
edik and a pretty brunette named Mad
eline Elder, oi Indianapolis, were two
of the principals in a sensational affair
in Justice Cox's court yesterday. Ben
edix was engaged as a stock-broker in
New York three years ago, and Madeline
Elder was employed as his typewriter.
The two eloped, going to Indianapolis,
where they remained until three months
ago, although Mrs. Benedix was search
ing for them.
Yesterday they were confronted by the
deserted wife, who made an attack on
Miss Elder, and would have injured her
eeverely if the sheriff had not interferred.
Benedix and Mibb Elder were held in
bonds of $500 each.
Wheat Made a Break.
Chicago, Jan. 29. In the wheat pit
today the last hour was the most sensa
tional in months. On a break from 75 to
73, several big houses sold great lines of
wheat. The trade was stampeded.
Everybody tried to sell. Bid line went
oyer for New York account. It was con
tended in the pit that a big baker line
was thrown by several houses.
After the break some bouses doing big
Eelling were the best buyers until the
May price got oyer the 74 cents again.
It was a whip-saw Jor hundreds in the
trade. New York added to the force of
the rally, reporting 800,000 bushels sold
for export.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Oiio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
75c per bottle. Sold by Druggists,
Tehimioiiiali free. 1.5.9
Want, Kerns & Robertson have the
largest stock of timothy, wheat and
wild hay kept in the city, for sale,
Call and see it. jau25 2w
Our Great Sale, at discount of
Twenty Per Cent, for Cash,
Embraces, among other linos, the following, which
deserve special mention:
Ladies', Childs' and Infants'. Knit Underwear,
Men's Cotton and Wool Underwear,
We Discount
All Cash Bills
Per Cent.
Only, a few more days of
this great Price-Cutting.
Feb. i st the last day.
Face, Head, Ears, and Body
Terribly Affected. Hair
Came Out. Thinks
But for tho Wonderful Cure
at a Cost of $0.25,
Made by tbo
When I was thirteen years old I hepan to
have soro eyes ami ears, and from my ears a
humor spread. I doctored with llvodllfereiit
skilful doctors, but they did not do mo any
cood. lly this time it bad cono all over my
head, face, and body. Nobody thouuht I
would live, and would not but for Cuticuka
Hemkuies. My (liseaeo was Eczema. No
doctor could tell me what it was, they were
at a loss to know. My hair all caino out ut
that time, hut now it lso thick 1 can hardly
comb It. I am sixteen years old, welh VM
pounds and am irfectly well. H tin: been
one year since I took I'inii'i l.A.andam per.
fectly satisfied that Eczema will mivor trouble
meauain. I took four boxes of Cuticuka,
live cakes of Cin icuuA ROAi', and threo bot
tles of CUTICUKA Ku.-oi.vent.
Clayton, N. V., Box 2J.
The cures dally mado by Cuticoba. Kf.mi
l)ii'.sastoijlshiihysiciaiis,driigBi8ts,anl those
who have lost faith and hope. No statement
isinadorejjanllin; them not Justified by the
strongest evidence. They are the most speedy,
economical, and Infallible skin cures, blood
purifiers, and humor remedies of modem
Bpeeiit Cone Treatment, Worm births
with Cuticoha Soap, uentle applications of Ui
TicmiA (ointment), and mild doses of CUTICUHA
Kksolvknt (blood purifier).
Sold throughout the world, Potteh DllUO
Cue. Com-., Holo Props., Boston, U. b.A.
now to Cure Skin Diseases," walled tree
Kills F ain in a Minute
Cutlcum Aiitl 1'aln Plaster.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
g A. It. UVHI.KY,
' Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Practices in the State and Federal Courts of
Oregon aud Washington, JunJ-3mo
New York Weekly Tribune
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
Willi the close of tho Presidential Cimi)ttiii T 1 1 15 TRIBUNE recotfnlzeH the
fuct thai tho American people urn now hiixIouh to give thuir attention to home and
business interoutH. To meut thiH condition, politico will have far less bmiw and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
fight for the principle for which Til 15 THlfilJNH has labored from its inception
to the present day, and won ita greatest victories.
Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indiapensablo to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on postal card. Hand it to Geo. W. Heat,
Tribune Ofllco, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to you.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes
Traded ior Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
The Dalles, Or,
n AM