The Dalles Daily Chronic. Till: DAl.LKS, OKEOON TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. "Below is published a correct time card ot trains and boats which leave and ar rive at Tim Dalles. Travelers may trust j it, as The Ciinostct.K is kept fully in formed of revisions : I D. V. & A. N. 0. STEAMERS. Steamer Reculator troves every Mondav, Wed nesday mill Friday nt 7:3' a. in. Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 5:C0 p. m. OREGON P.All.WAY vt NAVIGATION CO. kail. Arrive. Leave. "0.1 We-t-bDUnd .. .4:lin.m, -!:,.Oii.m. 2o.2 East-bound 10.15 a.m. 10;'Jon.m. DALIES rAs.-EXor.n. No. 7 'Vest-bouud, leaves r.CO p.m. No. s East-bound, arrives 11 :55 a.m. All pussenser train? stop nt Union street, as trell as the depot. The Wool Grower Want Him. Ditch, Or., Jan. 2S, 1S97. Editop. Ciikoxiclk : In the Farmer and Stockman of Jan. 15, 1S97, I find a letter from Hon. Win. rvin:Bl presu.em oi me national ooi growers Association ; and as the cured bv HnU,8 Catarrh Cure, wool growers of Eastern Oregon are . F j. fciiasEY & Co. Props., Toledo, U. deep.y uiterested in the election of a j We the undersicned, have known F. United states senator, and one who will ; j. Chenev for thu-rtst 15 VCttr8 nnd be. represent their interests as well as the ! Heve ,,,, perfectlv honorable in all busi balance ot the interests of the state, I j neS transaction "and financialiv able to would respectfully ask that you repro-; carry 0Ilt aJly obligations made bv their dnce that portion of Mr. Lawrence's i flrtu. letter in relation to Hon. John H. Mitchell as a representative in the uUK, c((ea senate oi tne people of He s.iv as to senator Mitchell: T 1 If ... the the local politics of Oreaon but n a wool grower I share iu common with a nave no disposition to interfere in others an earnest desire that all the '. Etatea shall elect senators nnrf runr... : ser.tatives in congress wiio will be able ; and willing to stand up for "the mo-t i ample protection for the woo! indu'trv." Hon. John H. Mitchell is one o f th at kind. I served with him in .,! I served with him in i'nnrrtsa and know his abilitv, his tarnpstnes-of purpose and ins courage to stand up for Snre-Sintl ? -K-v 1 represents in the senate, and esueciallv i for the wool growers. His speech in the j senate at the last ses-ion was one of the ablest and most convincing speeches for ' YL:Tt"naV,rZ and his personal ibiluerice on all legis lation carry ureat weisht. I know whereof I speak. Yearn of experience give a senator great influence. ' This is not a good time to make chances, when anie men of experience are alreadv service. L.vwkence. President of the .National Wool firnn era' Association. Bellefontaine, O., Dec. '2o, 1S5Q. Jftidtre William Lawrence is a man of national reputation, nnd I presume no one will dispute hi- iniecritv and iionestv Ui IIUI IIIIH MTU' I riillllll i nleasee to haw. tM r,.,n,i.,...i : uutll,CU I LI , Wasco and Sherman conniL' 3 Z S how well Mr. Jones is representing their ! Interests in assisting the minority in I holding up the organization of the house ! ot representatives at Salem. Respectfully, W. H, H. Dltcb. Ihos of Olive OH. Besides being moro largely ueed medi cinally, it enters into various processes of cookingmucl. more extensively than it did. It is well known that good eccrs . fried in olive oil are mneh better flavored !y, is evinced in the foregoing fact. Th-ir than when any other kind of fat has i Digestive Cordial is the safest and bet been used. In massage, bathing, and ' remedy in cases of indigestion that r for numerous other other purposes, the ! know oi. A trial bottle can be bni use of this most natural, valuable food j through your druggists for the trifling is greatly extending. The value of good j sum or 10 cents. olive oil is beginning to be moro gener- The Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies ally recognizsd throughout the world the system with food already digested, than it formerly was. Hmimeut au- and at the same time aids the diue:ion thoritiee have experimented with it, and , uf other foods. It will almost instantly found it a potent agent for any defects ( relieve the ordinary symptoms ot indi of the excretory ducts, especially the ' gestion, and no suffer need to be told i skin. Eczf ma has rapidly disappeared what these are. (f upon a discontinuance of starch foods and a substitution of a diet of fresh and dried iruits, linik, eggs and olive oil. its beneficial etlects, when taken in con junction with a fruit diet, have fro quently been marked upon the nails, hair and scalp.quickly clearing the latter of scurt, and supplying to the Kebaceous ; glands the oily fiubstance which thev j eccrete when in a healtbv condition, and ' the absence ol which "is the cause of 1 debility of the hair, frequentlv ending ' In baldness. " 1 Old I'uiiiiln. Old People who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxi cant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acta mildly on the Htomach and bow els, udding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature In tho performance of the functions. Electric Hitters is un excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old People find it just exact ly what thev need. Price flftv cents nnd $1.00 per bottle a Ulakeley A Houghton's Drug Store. (5) I HUNTINGTON MAY K Siri'intSKllEO I Changes Exprctrcl In the Southern Pn- clllc .llnnnfinent. i Sa.n Fuancisco, Jan. 1'S. The I meeting of the stockholders annual nf the Southern Pacific Company wiil in held I in April, and it is rumored in r.. road ' circles tiiat the event will be ed In- several important changes in the ceneral oll'tees of the company. Rumors have it that there will be a change in the boaid of directors of the company, and that C. P. Huntington will be succeeded by Thomas H. Hubbard in the important office of president. There are some who profess to beliove that the rumors concerning a change of administration are without foundation and that the chances will not enme nearer a realization than have similar rumors in the past. In other quarters it is stated that Huntington's adminis tration during the past year has not met with the entire approval of the stock holders and that the Searles interests will join the Stanford and Crocker in terests in effecting a radical change of aft'airs iu the executive offices of the company. How's Thill We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward j foraI,v case of Catarrh that cannot be j West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. ; j Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whok i hii'c f,A n.,... i i ' "u"u- u"ui l lIle ",ooa ana ! I mut"0U8 aunaces of t,,e system. Price! ' iv. untin (iirpnfi.. Ilnn tia "C' Per bottle. Sold bv Dructrists. Testimonials free. 15 9 ' UKS. J1AKY r. ri.OOD IS UE.lTj ,v, .i . , . " lh" " ld"w th.T. 1'at" ,,nme sax Fuancisco Jan. L'S. Mrs. Marv Sax Fiiaxcisco Jan. L'S.- E.Ftood, widow of James C. Flood, tl e te multi-millionaire and bonanza king, ,,; , . . . . , . . . . la ' m?la i,ere al her ri-'"ece on California and Mason streets, after an illness lasting only two duvs. Three IW only were at her bedside when , she died. Thev were the attetuiiiii; physician, Dr. J. F. .Morse and her two children James L. Flood and Cora ane Flood it . . , eafhofJames C Flood oecured uarvl 1SS9 at thf fir ind mi. 1 uary i,, a. cue CTrantl .iot. 1 The deafl on Febr tieitieliiur', Ciermany, to which country the millionaire had irone the previous October in search of health. i Lonf provious to his journey aero: the ocean, Flood had m.ide deeds to bis ! wife and two children unveying to them proper iv vaiue.t at. iio,UUU,UUU. The re mainder he bequeathed to them under a " Aa8n.t 28, 18S7. i'-eii th senntn. Caisson, Xev., Jan. 2S. The glove contest bill parsed the senate bv a vot j ot 9 to 0, and only svants the ) signnture to be it law. governor Wo know of but one community in the world where dyspepsia i- practically un known, and that is theaiiakersof Moui.t Lebanan, X. Y. These good peupit have been studying the subject of diges tion fur more than a hundred vears, and that thev understand it nrottv ttiorou-di. Laxol is tho best medicine for chii- Castor Oil. M. Crevreuil, being about to leave the city, offers bis fine stock ol artificial flowers, plants, etc., at greatly reduced prices. Rooms in Masonic build ing. dec31-tf Ward Kerns & l'ob,irt -'have the lnreil 8touk of til"otl,-v. a wild ha-v ke'n in tt,e cit-v- (or ixib' and see 't( J ln-5 ThU Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of teu cent6, cash or stamps, a generous sainp'.e will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fover Cure (Ely's Cream lialm) sufficient to demon- trato tho great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHEHB, CO Warren St., Now York City. Uov. John Pieid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recomnieuded Ely's Cream Halm to me. I oau emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for caturrh if used as directed." liov. Francis W, Poole, Pastor Central Pre. Church, Helena, Mont Of Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged iro for catarrh and contains no mercury ! nor any injurious drug, euro rice, CO cents. I D ii ii in " n n r u rfA V Z v , j ' ILL 9, . J1 i I ' BUT . 1 IU ! CURED OF Carlos F. Shepard, a Member of the Indianapolis Board of Trade, is About Once More. I Gase of Weighty Interest to Anyone Suffering With Nervous Complaints, for the Patient was Cured by "Feeding" the Serves. This is a New Term in Medicine. Fran the iVctrj, Indianapolis, Inci. One of the best known men about the In- with the aid of a cane. Abont home I do dianapolis Board of Trade is Carlos F. Shop- n.; TJJrVlTl t'T h "1"? T , r , . , , . the slippery pavements I feel that I neeu n ard, who for several ycari been con-1 jj... SI1pport t0 lnakt. n,y footinc sure, nected with the house of II. E. lunner, grain " I am still using AVilliams' Pink Pills. lirnker. Afr. Slinnnnl is n lihitT. K iartv. old ,. , -i . i AA,i,i gentleman of medium height, gray-headed ; nnd with a mustache like a French veteran, ' He is a man of verr decidetl views on nil bj ad is especiallv onhodox in poli - 7 j- - . '-.l - i- r . tlcs and nle(iicine. Notwithanuintr his firm- nnd with a mustache like a l rench veteran. ness in his convictions and the visor with which he maintains thern he is a man of many friends fjr manly men, even though some- times obstinate in their opinions, have the force of charaoter that win noiairafion and fri.,rUi,; So a few months ago when the news came to his old associates on the Board of Trade that Mr. Shepard had received a stroke of nflrfilrais nnn thnf fhn nrahnhiliti Tcnrr tlinf r. 1 . ms 'lays oi useiuiness were over, ami taat , perhaps, his hours were numbered, the deep- at r'o. 720 East Ohio Street. He has alws'yri est sympathy went out to the smitten man , been an active, enterprising man end his and his family. It seemed to ell his friends , many friends will rejoice that lie has lite r almost impossible that this rugged old man, ally been put upon his feet again. He is always so wholesomely hearty and cheerful, not only well-known locally hut to grain always a picture of health for shippers all over Indiana and'lllinois. HIS CHEEKS WEItn LIKE THE ROSE ' Dr- Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People IN' THE SNOW could have been so suddenly laid low. ,a,a laY iillt js. PjfH bcfore kindly face re- it was true anu many weeK his well-known form and 1; turned to his former business liaunts. Ills re-appearance was made the occasion ot a hearty wckome and the story of Ins illness j. was "on the 17 along been loiln rrtll Y.ltTT- ,i-rtll lull i.rt Iinf ,f linvl . '."i i. . ...w . - ,..4. ii in imiu came to the conclusion they aid not know ' wha: was the matter with me. I espen- ;"., ..... -, , - , my hips down. This was a hard stroke to an active man who has always had an , - I . .- --f--- y . ...., ! rrora a neighbor-, pronounced my of. tasia. 1 nm ot the , intr citv to see me. lie diction to bp locomotor ataxia. nninlnn tlmt ho ,lin(mncl !, M nnt for I was absolutely paralyzed from the ! nips nnwn. !l Before he came, however, n riav or n lw. 1 rtir to wh forced the second box I was able to walk alone for me to entertain the thought that I was to menses, hysteria, paralysis, locomotor ataxia be laid up for more than a day or two. I j rheumatism, sciatica, nil diseases depe nm oa year oM and for 40 years up to on vi'tiated humors in the blood, cr-.ti.-ing i the time of . uck, I had not had a day's scrofula, swelled glands, fever tore rickets ' sickness. 'i.,e doctors who diagnosed my hip-joint diseases? hunchback, aeni ir.-d il, case saw atorice was something sen-. formities, decayed bones, chronic emiM-Im i pus. They at first said tliat it was lumbago catarrh, consumption of the howels and Inn" ! then sciatic mnimatism. They finally and aio foriuvicroratintrtlie hlood nml ?m Vhan'c?V,n 'a,k'nPrPP''-Williams' Pink them to activity in the performance of t , off Pills for Pale People. That was on the 20th functions, and thus to eliminate disease fro day of last October. I read an article in the the system. "Itasca iroai IndianapoUi Sties and saw testimonials de- Th'ese Pills are manufactured bv the Dr scribing r cases cured that were similar to Williams' Medicine Company Sclfenemdv mine. It struck me that the remedy could X. Y., and are sold onlv in hlk Tl earhe 1. not do me any harm and I began to take the firm's'trade mark and wrapper, at CO cent- Pl!!sf,.r. t v r .J '9r six for 2.60Iand are never ,! ! wwic uccnu wifwim iiirrni x i uuiu iiiil in iniiir. i tiAr rv rt i.a .11 j . a peg. but Iiad to lie "carried from nlace or direct hV mii r u,t,.uu KK5Fw- i Place. I had not cot far into the firt Imit i Aflfr.inB nnmr,o fru" V -' :n I felt that deliverance from mv en. ih 11. ,riiA'.u ,"c. vl at .w1"1''' : it. v.i ' - t,.:. v i 't , , V" - ""i" u course 01 treat. IMH1.11UM ,.mt , v. j .a i . wuiuii: 1 1 1 1 i 1 . 1 r 1 1 fiit-ui intiTiwnBiti, .am n ...... . 1 3D- X7 VAUSE, DEALKK IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. I'KACTJCAL PAINTEK an.. PAPEK J. . MA'iUKl Js PAIai.S used in f"0"' "killed vyorkmcn employed. Agents lcH W"bination or soap mixture. A firat i"ul"i'J I Store and Paint Shoo corner Third rd -Si Von will flntl one coupon lMldc ea.'h two ounce bas nndtwocou"-nis lnsldecach fourouucebjorClocItwell's Durham. Cuy a bn? of thU celebrated tobacco and read tha coupon which rives n list of valimbls presents and ho?, to B2t thorn. 1 r-i( - PARALYSIS "t 1 nave rettuceu the nose to one Utl r i.'.i iiieai. ii atreuis mill A nave lifru ix: throwsome discredit n f he predicts : my doctors thanks to the pills. Thev sni i j my doctors thanks to the pills. Theysni i 1 . could never walk ugain but here I am, ', ! MKe nnm be given to the p-: , It ii said the pills are stimulatinir, hut I c:iu- not Kiy ,ia tf,ey give me anv seiisation . i!.. - ' I nm aware of. Thev mere. is finite euough lor m ! " Since I liave been out I have been whlknicf advertisement for Williams' 1 Pills. T suppose I have recommended tln:n 1 Ti- : . to t least a hundred persons. What ! You , ; want to print nil this V hy, my dear Mr. 1 1 never gave a recommendation to anv p:-- iprictary medicine before in my life." r - ; Imps it may not be a bad thing to doo time if it will help any sufferer to regain i,..ui, i,.,.i:i. . carios r. Shenard has been n rcsrinVnr nf Indiananolis for over twentv vp.irv. Tli-liv. j ing from a poor and watery condition of tin u iu mi uiuunni-- renieuy iur ail diseases nr;. blood, such as pale and sallow compb-riVn. 1 funeral muscular weakness, loss of npp. ti'e, iWrer-sion of snirim. Innt f nmbiti..', I , niia, chlorosis or green sickness, palpitation of the heart, shorines-s of breath cm siH-t -v , ertion. coldness of hands or feet, swpfli'n. ',, . I ! , , w.,. iiinii. or irrpmiinp rrw ,rui:r i.. ... ; . . . when broken down bv overwork, worry di" case, excesses and indiscretions of livin- " iuvw-i uuni uuuie uueases.suen as levers c tr iusjui viiiii iiowers, spermatorrhoea, euriv 1 - cay, premature old age. The.-e pills are no ' a purgative medicine. They contain" ".iiiuu llillliu ine IIIOSI llllll!llp They act directly on the blood, supnlvin- d the blood its life-giving qualities bvYeiiln.. ! it tn ni snri, n ,Vr" OV fc' c "1 I'O-l'-T 01 III! In this, way the blood. Iir-ocm. ing "built ti I ""b "i'i'in:u wiin its i mf hiiilr tin " n,nl I.Ain., ...1.1 . ' iuri,lu .. . . ' iai-jkiim- tuusiuueiiia. necomes rich nn ment inexnensim remedies. othu II ANGER. None but the best brands nil our u-nrl i,i 1.... .u. for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem - clasa artisle in all colors. All orden ordert Washington fits,, The Dalles, Oreoi Notice of Sheriff's Sale. that by virtue of an ' In Dalles rity. Www . n. inty, Orwon. on .awr rtav. the 13!h day nl rebruar , . lJ . ni - ' olll,..1, ."XX V-Anntv-OrLiron. con tSn m" I n ol tendTwSthcr U the ' ! S hclwUtanient. and mpurtmucc thereunto belotisiiiB, or hi . " - , : ine. or so much thereof n shall be to!wit" ' tisfvlttic amounts due upon lwf , f. .rminto belotisiiiB, or in any wiem WOM, twether with in "",V""s th 1 '..ttV. ,r milium since MnYneeen l 20 and the further es! MOO for attorney's fees: and "" i.M post, in aid suit, tosether with ace r.v-137- t. j. nr.iVER, JanliVSt-tl Sherlfl of Wasco County, Ongon. Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby ctven that an cxecut on n ml order of sale was issued out of toe t Ircult I ourt oftheStateof Orc;ion for Wco Ouinty, on the M.K rfn,- nt limwi.ilwr. 1'.I. IlKOU II JUdSIlK'Ht , (herein icndeml on the Jl't djy of Noji'nbf ;; t in favor of Fed II. flU; ; el; plaint!!!, and 1 ucalnst Jame-1'. Elliott nnd William Wood, de-, , feiidants, which s,iid exeeation and order t! , ' ate Is to me dliected and ommandinp uie to I sell the property ucteinniicruesenucu. puriwe of sathfylnc the jtidsm"nt ol the plaint ilVin said c.uisc or the sninm ?Jlo.l(), with in 1 tiet tliereon a: ten er cent per nnnuin from ' the 21st riav of NovemK-r, W. and lae lurtner sumoi Jhiotionieys fees: and the costs and ' disbursements of Mid suit taxed at Jl . There i fore, In eoniiiliance with said execution and orderof sale, 1 will ou Saturday. January 30. 180., nt the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. at the courthouse door in Dalle City, W asco County. Oregon, sell nt public-auction, to the hi?het bidder, for cash in hand, for the juirpoieof Mitlnfylnc the JitdS; nient above mentioned the following described lands and premises, to-wir: North'half of the Southeast outirter of ?ec. 3 in i TownsTiipl Norlh, Uanpo U Kat. V M com-, .minii. nfr o 1,-irt nt it tvntu mi thn Nnrth line of the NW'j.of the St1 of said Section W): thence East lo Eat Hue oi said section: thence Smith iiim-niinrter mile: thence West to a point ! due south of iiii rock (the place of besinning): ' thence North to the plsee of beginning. i Dated this Mth dnj of December. l;i. I T. J. DKlVEU. 3an:-."it-li Shcrill'of V.'iuco County, Or. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIEE BEIGK, FIRE CLAY, rr -r-n ff-n M"i-irT-ii.rT, " l -' lVl Pi VvHjlvj Hj i y 5 xt- t s-h i . W IT) fl D",IX7'-r-T Pi C 1 9 71 H VV L"U-U-VJ VV VJiaa ClJJ.lL Picture Moulding. 03 R JZTTZZT Rfc U ORTWTPW w nLHiA! f PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car , Ele 3gent ! rn j. i TotU71St hT, l-Atri. MINNKAI'OLIS DL'LL'TH KAIlOO GUANO FOUKS CUOOKSTON WINNIPEG II K LENA and III'TTE TO Through Tickets ....... . . . I WASHINGTON I 1'UII.ADEI.PUIA NEW YORK HOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH caf mloMmU'to' ,,,nccu"ls. Ind tickeu, W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, -op- The UM Oregon D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 5. Morr lion Cor. Third. 1'ottland Or, I ecuYlon mid the order of ;a ejucu Circuit Coutt of ttu ;stfOl ""J; , ,,,,,, t , emmty on the l;-'t h day id Jan ur ','',, CI1. decree and J ml t; I n e n t I" " V 1 1 w h e r vl n J. J. tered thcretofoie here! n In a si U wm rt I spencer wa plait till ir?,1 i , ntiliK'nn ! , d Mary Winalis ,. h s vife.nnd j M- l nu k ! 1 a .iniirF ftrJ'i.'ifTPAN-KO'B WIL iii,Jl,1''lii nndclMr Drugs, Paints, Wail Paper, Glass. Etc. T3 n IT' 1 T n smpes-'vnersiy mi Ui, 129 Second St.. THE DALLES, - - OR J. S. ?CHF.NIC. l'resident. H. JI. flEAO. Cashier, First National Bank. THE DALLES OREQOK A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Siht and TQlegraphic Exchange Bold on ?Cew York, San Francisco an Port land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. ScnEHci Kn. M. Wilmamb, Geo. A. Likbk. H. M. Beaix. Dalles City and loro Stage Li Leaves Williamf Hotel, Moro, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at S n. m. prompt. Leiu-es Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdays, Tiivrsdaya and Saturdays at S a. m. prompt. Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, -We per 100 lbs; small package?, lonndSoo. Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro, vl.o0; round trip, $2.50. Agencv at Umatilla House, The Dalle?, and at Williams Hotel Morn. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. kk Oven and Mitck STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprieto: Stages leave Dake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Autelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HOUSES AND WAGONS. The Glades Ranch, WHITE SALMON. WASH. . ure Bred Of the St Lambert, Commiissic and Tormentot wine. Three Clioice Hulls for iiile otr! so some Choice Cows und Heifers for sale. i'uiu Bred Poland China Hogs. hite Plymouth llock Chickens. Addre,),: Mas. A. It. HYKKKTT, 1'rnp.. Jr25-w3m White rialinon, Wnib. COUNTY SURVEYOR Reesulence, Tenth and Liberty Streeti FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. ntANSACT A GKNEKAL BANKING BU8INW Letters of Credit issued available in ik Eastern States. fcight Exchange and TelegrapbK Transfers sold on New York, Chic! St. Louis, San Francieco. Portland Off Kon, Seattle Wash,, and various poinU in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on if orable terms. on. GUftrs ' JUrilOVKD LIVER liyiTc. One PHI fw DJJJ of t ho bowel Meh djr M ueoSM I MkH