The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Newspapei n Wasco County. FRIDAY. JAN. 29, 1S97 EASTERN OFFICE S30 to 234 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. GREATER TITAN THE PEOPLE. tary of the treasury. Mr. Gn"c is considered 03 man' as 0 gold demo- j crat; by others as an independent Republican. Mr. Gage has never attained any great prominence polit ically, and it strikes us his appoint ment is n mistake, judging only of the reports of Lis political status. Cleveland tried a mugwump, and the experiment was not a success.- You Get Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di rect from the manufacturer. v A Fifty-four fusionists voted fori George Turner for United States senator from "Washington yesterday. Ttiis being a clear majority, he will in all probability be elected, or has been elected today. Turner is a man- of some ability and much ego tism, lie is a dark, gloomy looking fellow, with a full lip. giving his face the appearance of an African. Of the whole lot of candidates it is safe to say the Washington legislature The stockmen of "Wasco count ore exceedingly sore over Mr. Jones' action in refusing to assist in organ izing the legislature. They are in terested in the election of a United States senator, of course, but only as ti means to an end. They want a joint memorial to congress asking the opcuiug of the Cascade Forest Re serve to pasturage, and they want it with an exceeding meat want. That was one of the things that caused J has selected the worst. them to battle so manfully for Mr. j Jones' election. He was one of i them. His interests secme.l to be their's; but they have been sadly disappointed. Mr. Jones will, no doubt, pursue the course he has entered upon to the end. There is no law to stop him ; 110 law to compel him to do those things he was elected to do. He is a law unto himself. We do not envy him, thouiih, on his return to his home among his former friends and ! neighbors. By every rule of honor and hon esty, ever representative who solicit ed the votes of the people is bound to accept the oflice to which thev The bill to license prize-fighting has passed both houses o." the Ne vada legislature, and only awaits the governor's signature to become a law. A Nevada paper says that if the governor pays any attentiou to public sentiment he will sign the bill, as 90 per cent of the people de sire the bill to become a law. It adds that "the moral weight of the churches will be against it; but that the moral weight of the churches in Nevada is a very light quantity." Wo better wheel mads than the Acme Bicycle Built in cur own factory by skilled workmen, using the best material and the most improved machinery. We havo no agonts Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted, bhipped anywhere for examination. "Tie Regulator Line" The Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. WRITE FOR ; Q-igr Ssaterestinq Acme Cyoio Cc, Elkhart, Ind, Wholesale. THROUGH Olines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED- ANHEUSER-BUSCH and TTOP GOLD BEER SSddSl8K.e.. Anheuser-E-ascli Malt Nutria e, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Wasco Warehouse Company EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route!SaturdaysatG:30a'm- rASSKNOl1!'. U.VTES: or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. Until further notice, the! Steamer Regulator will leave J. HO IVtUlttC Jkl 1.LJ11.ICLJ I t MKl ' nesdnvs nnrl T?rirl.nVs at 7 0 ' TTp rimmT-tfiTS for Seed Graill Of all kinds. j a. m., and will leave Portland,' headquarters for Feed Grain Of all kinds. .... j "xjnnqN'.iotitnnci tnr w nil an 1 Tfnm ail lri-nz-u Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TMTl Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- "Tnn "FlmiT This Flour is manufactured expresBly for family LUXX X J U.1 . use . every suck is guaranteed to give satisfaction. One way 2 00 Round trip 3 00 The progressive ladies of Westfield, Ind., issued a ' Woman's Edition" of the Westfield News, hearinc date of April 3, IS9G. The uauer Is filled with matter of interest to women, and we notiee the LEAVE, j FSOM JUKE 23, 135. AP.HIVE. ' f OVEUL.YND EX-1 press, fcaleru, Kose- , I buijr, Ashland, Sue-1 s.oo i . n. FrancUe0i " jl0illvei Los AnpoIes.EU'aso, i I New Orlenns nnrt : i lt.a "3:10 A. M. Frei Rates Greatly educed. Shipments for Portland received at any time. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicited. For rates call ou or address We sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, und if you don't think so call and set our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wh9at. Barley and Oats. ') Ar IHoseburg and vsvVta-. Jt ..(1U0 P.M. W. C. ALLAWAY Gunoriil Afc'enf , , .. .. . ' interest to e.eeicu mm, ana as lar as noss.o.e , folIowIni. from a con,SDOtlden, which ! fv. wobn"fVV! carry out their wishes. Mr. Jones the editors printed, realism- that it i vt BiSUs!: i. t I - S3 V ' ! 1 I . .. . . i . .1 . Sundiiys 1 .3priugneiuana ' i ouuaays. ' " t Nntrnri . i ' THE DALLES. OREGON was eleutecl to the legislature, not j treats upon a matter of vital importance simph to go to Salem. By accept- j t0 tl,e'r st'x: "Tlie remedy for iug the noiuination he nrevented cron, colds and bronchitis that I have uen able to find is Ciiamberlain's Coii'di some other man going to the legisla- Bemedy Kor familv use it has no equal, ture, and performing the duty he ie-1 1 uiadly recommend it." 25 and 50 cent fuses to perform. That is a matter j bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, be can settle with his own conscience ; j .Notice special snimoi .Meeting. but it is safe to say that he will be much older before he is again nom inated for an oflice in Oregon. 'l-CO P M lllem nd way sta'tIons'10.CO A. 31 7-SOA'y' iCorv:illis and vay It 6:-J) P. 31 ,.m a. i.. st.,ti0Ils , f p r j3rc3Ilnuvi!!e jway sta tatioiij and; H S:35P.1I. i 1 Dally. fDany, except Sunday. The suits of the United States against Seufert and Taffe to condemn a right of way for a boat railway, are not being pushed very rapidly. The motions for new trials vere argued and submitted some time airo. hut i Notice is heruhV P ivpn In t no Inwl ! voters of school district Xo. 12, of Waco I . ...... r.- . l . . . .( DIKING OAr.S OK OGDEX KOCTE. PULUIAK IJCFFET SLEEPEUS AND .SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. EHST! county, state of Oregon, that a special i Through Ticket O&ce, 131 Third street, where' school meeting of the said district will ihI?u?h, tie5etii lJn voinu in the Eastern, beheld f. tir ii,.L. H-hnnl 11' 9?. :nd Europe can bo obtaintd at ! court street, on the 30th (lav of January, . J. U. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. ! Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets, i Rnnlrn rso 1S!7. at 2 o'clock in tlie nitfrtinnn nf s.iif! dav for the following objects: To determine wlnf, actiun said dis trict will take reiativu to voting a special school tax for the support of the public school of said district ; also to de termine what action the district will take relative to voting a tax to be used Judge Bellincer has not yet passed ! V! P",-" il, lnrt ,or"U !-the d,ol,t .of S1-itl . .district: also what action the district on them. People who I will take for the erection or rental nf . . cniinnl 1 1 1 , 1 .1 .1 .....1 intr funds for the pavment of the same. i-Mieu cms lotti nav ot innunrv. la!J7. an opinion expect the boat railway completed in two or three years, can re-model their opinions, taking the length of time it takes to secure the right of "way as a basis of measurement. If it takes as long, in proportion to the amount accomplished, the road will not be completed befoie "A. D. 2000." Attkst : Omo.v Ivivnr.s'iw. Chairman Uu.i.-d uf Directors. E. JAcojiSEN, District Clerk. ianl4-10t To Ciiiuract um. V.A nTTT.T. mvtomv Pajsenser Dpot, foot of Jerlers'on street. Leave for OSWEGO, week davs, at 6:C0, T:'.0, 10:lo u a.; 12:13, i:, orJo, 0:''3, s:CV5 p. m. (and 11:S0 p. m. on Saturday only). Arrive at Portland at 7:10, S;30, U:-J5a, m.; 1:30,3:15, 6:3.3, . :oo, 9:10 p. ni. GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes , VIA Denver 75 cts' Minneapolis Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Leave for Sheridan, week days, it 4:00 p. ta. Arrive at Portland, 3:C0 a. m. Leave for AIP.LIE on 3(ondav, Wcduesdav nnd Fri'tiu-; at 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues dav, Thursday and Saturday atS:G5 p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7 3), 8:40, 10:loa. m.: V'.lo, l:t3,3::.6:i fi:4o p. m. Ar' rive at Portland at l'J:a3,&:S0, 10:CO 11;25 a. m 1:3, .",:lj, 5:10, ti:3.j, 7:5.5 p. m. P.. KOEIILEP., E. P. ROGEItS, 3Iauaser. Asst. G. F. i Pais. .!?t. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities The county court requnsts contractors to submit plans and estimates for a ' l.i.:. 1 tr l : ..I 1t-!. . . iiifOiiuuMuiMi mur, m me town 01 him un hnl'n nnDAK li.... t T I I Ti!.. ... " - nv;i uckii iiumi liiyer, fians will De cons tiejori THE in favor of a beat railway, alwav l.t.tne adjourned meeting to beheld' the Government eiiL'inoGis wnnr. tt try the experiment, and hence we hope that the preliminary work may j soon be completed and that the work ; of construction be beniin. ' janO -ltw M. Kklsay, Clerk. OCEAN STKA.MEIC8 Lenrn I'ortlanil Herv Five i)ays for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Vrtr full ilntdflc a.. r t . r .. . ti n ,i u. uii. s Agent ThD Dalles, or address W, II. HL'KLBCP.T, Gen. Pass. Ast Portland. Oregon I E. 31'NEILL President nud Slanacer. j New Schedule. ) Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :-lo i a. m and leaves 4:50 n. m. j Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :15 i p. in., and leaves 10:20 p. m. I Train No. 8 arrives at Th n-illaa 1 1 .zn p. in., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to 4.50. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $ 2.00. T "t 5 1 An elegant assortment of I i IrLT'Q 1890 atyleB just received, 1 -CI VAXlO VlUQllVJt a part ot which may be seen in ehow window. Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at m-ices never before ap proached in The Dalles. Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, COAL AND ICE, AT THE DALLES COf HHSSIOfl GO.'S STOUE Corner Second and Washington Sts. NPW YDRIf wrtQi n t i- , ,. reuniarv a:n at 1 o elGCK n. m. Ttie 1 Wlttll IIWIILU believing as we believe now, that a court reserves the riirht to rejGc' nnv and n.n,r- canal is preferable, we realize that it a!.i.,l)lans- if a 1,!;UI is ei-ctHl,' bids THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION- ... . , will be rHced for the buildiiie of the J ' "' "f"er oi tne court. ! 18 I'hcm a ff.oli. 150 IW a v,.r. i : ",l j ;u i p. in. It stands drat among '.weekly', papers bSSeSUlaffZ?. ,in size, frequency of publication and inpTlio Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and nr- iresnness, variety ami reliabilitv of eon-. riv" 1U 1Iie ""nes l p. m. dailv, con tents. It is practically a daily at the hw K, ,wlth train Sor and om ' price o a weekly ; and its vast list of j 1 rt,ami' E' " Lv't , subscribers, extending to every state and ' " ' i territory of the Union and foreigu coun-1 tries, will vouch for the accuracy and j JVCon! TY1 P.ntS fairness of its news columns. t It is splendidly illustrated, and among land TTpa r? Cnn ao Judge George Turner, after being nominated for senator at Olympia yesterday, made a speech, thanking the legislators for their support. His 1 political status is well set forth in the ' following quotation from his speech, in which he intimates that God is as lead BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS 175 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon its special features are a fine humor page exna isuve market reports, all the Before going elsewhere, call on latest fashiond lor women and u Inn.. ELY'S HRTIAir TtUlr I. n I series nf atnriaa !!,,.. l:..: I nflMINI Thn rinlln. n cenUatDra2citaorb7mAll!iwmniii ,l"" ' "-iIhIISII autliors, r , . . j-ui u xuuiusiuue. varranteu io suimi lor all time, regardless . -ARTISTS MATERIALS.-,'. Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. ----- Appiy imo iue oQiirus, x is quickly absorbec. CO SISTItirr Jiim in lin n "Irv-1 r-,4- riM.r nta At DmwliU nr hv nrnfl itm i n casuexplained when once'it m " rrt dentood that desire for odice is, and , , , f . , ew"' always has been, Turner's God. He, mU )l milM Ml j We offer this nnequaled newspapernnd said : "While I have been a Ileptib ! . 1 The I)alles Twice-a Week Chronicle to- lican in the past, I am now a member ! ' ge!I,cr I"e 'e'-r for The tegular i . ;X-.i .'' . M,W,IUI" niniooi urvKon. iiatnl "i o me iwo papers is S3.UU. ns lfirirr ni IllO itailnv of Jnniiiirv. l.v!)T. Iii ii frt.Vu. , I 1 11 of wind or weather. Of the Peoples party, and as long as Jl'o TtKilay of Jnnimry, 1W, in a certJin Vcllon T -i - 111 uic dinuce jvmco court for count v nnd J live I never expect to cast another tnte whml Krlc;. Ne,M) .,iM.JJ7tv: t i..., i.i: i ii , , i jihwiubiu iininst AK-Mtmlvr Watt lor the ltcptiuiicnn ballot, as long ns God ' s1"" ,''i..'oii.iel.,t.snii(iiii,ij1,rcmetst,,xe(J T t ?U, on the 17th ilay of octotK.-r, !:. Ueips 1I1C. 1 am not prepared to SHI- ..Noll'-eUlicrcbyKlvwi thntl will on Mon.lay, ..i. i- ... 'IC ! "l'y of Kljmiiry,lty7,iit Hiefroutilrwr of lender my ohi convictions in regard V,t:S0",rth,OUtt'"1 l'-xn': 'l'"- Me,uw.ttlt t .i . , . ... aoclccls in the afternoon of said ilav. toll at to the tariff, but J will never vote for pubiio auction to the insult bwiivr for i , . the folloivliij; (K'cribti! jirowrty, tcwlt Iwo lujwitu iiiiuer iiiu , r",rvv. '"it --vuu fommcne ns B LOOP POISDH A SPECS A LTV vywrSa. ' Aloxamler mt. or to much t Lyman J. Gage, president of the i ,Jriiu'SJ!al'iJ TirsiiNtttioiml Haul of Chicago, has been selected by Presidont-eloct Mc KiUley to fill the position of secre- U'lfll IlltKTflt l)ti....t. f...A.l.A. anil UUburnenients that ln. or may, nccrut. .... , ... ' J- 'J'lVKtt, n. i . n1Pe'" ' w a County, Ori-Koii. Dattil at Dulle C ty, Jnn. 8, 1'J7. Jauia-I ThU dleue baa alwari American Market, r 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs. roririty, vmn nmi came IN KKAHUN. 69 TELEPHONES 69 GEORGE RUCH .PIONEER GROCER Successor to Chrisman & Corson.f qtao, c " FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. I j II. ltOltKltXH, ATT0ENEY - AT - LAW. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. leads on io fortune" " " The poet unquestionably 7r7ferenn t dosing Out Sale of Furniture and.Carpefs at C RANDALL & BURGET'S Who are sellinR those goods out at 1 J 1 fTPwi7T u i nr at rtlv-rduced rate MICHELBAOH BP.IOK. . . UHIWf