The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 28, 1897, Image 4

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    Tht Dalles Deity Chronick.
Below is published a correct tune enrtl
01 trains ami bouts which lenve and ar
rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust
it, as The Chuonici.k is kept fully in
formed of revisions :
D. r. & A. N. O. STKAMKH3.
Steamer Regulator leaves every Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday nt ": n. m.
Arrives evtry Tuesday. Thursday mid Satur
day nt 5:S0 p. m.
'0.1 WO't-ODUlld ...
Ko.2 East-bound
Arrive, tonve.
...t:4." 4:50 a.m.
No. T West-bound, leaves . . .
No. s East-bound, arrives
1 :fo p.m.
11:51 a.m.
All passenger trains .".top at Union Street, as
well as the depot.
Klin Down by a Train.
South Nouwalk, Conn., Jan. 27.
Five men were killed this afternoon by a
freight train near East Norwalk station.
It is supposed that while walking upon
fvnnl Mint of intrini) frnn im trntir nf ttio
" -ri'-"
pvnT(B trim i rfnt v in trnnt nl t hp
The dead are; James Powers, section
foreman ; John Griffin, John Shea,
Spleen, and and unknown man. All
were instantly killed escapt Shea, who
survived live minutes.
The men were engaged under the di -
rection of Foreman Powers in work upon
the road bed, and stepped from one track
to avoid the approaching express, to an
other upon which the freight was bear
ing down.
Moreurv rrniiml Again.
Chicago, Jan. 2". The temperature
in Chicago registered 2 deg. below zero
at 11 a. m., a drop of 1 deg. since 2 a. in.,
when the highest point was readied.
The sigual service 3tates the tempera
ture will probably reinnin about zero
mark the rest of the week. A fine snow
is falling.
The work of relieving the destitute is
still being actively carried on and con
tributions of money, coal and provisions
are pouring in. Warehouses for the
distribution of supplies have been
opened in various parts of the city to
expediate the work.
lie Gave IliniHaU l'i'.
St. Louis, Jan. 27. A shabbily dressed
laboring man, about 35 years of age, en
tered the office of Chief of Detectives
Desmond at police headquarters and
Btated that he had come to give himself
up. He was escorted to an inner room,
and while talking to a detective the
stranger thrust a penknife blade into his
throat, severing the jugular vein and
died in a few minutes.
He toldDresmond his name was Jauits
Kelly, but refused to say where he lived.
He was 5 feet G inches tall, dark hair
ana blonde mustache.
Old 'Mile.
Old People who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whiskey nor other intoxi
cant, but acts as a tonic and alternative
It actd mildly on the stomach and bow-
eis, adding strength and giving tone to
tiio organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
Hitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old People find it just exact
ly what they need. Price fifty cents and
$1.00 per bottle a Blakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store; (5)
I'liuiKt Head in Hi lied.
M'Mi.v.nvillk, Or., Jan. 27. W
Smith, who lived about two miles
of Amity, was found dead in iiis
yesterday morning by neighbors.
death was the result of heart disease,
and the coroner's jury so found. The
old man had built the morning fire and
evidently returned to bed, ns the fire
was still burning in the stove when
those who found him entered the house.
Smith was u bachelor, and lived on a
little patch of ground for several years
past. He was about CO years of age", and
mi eccentric character.
M. Urovreuil, being about to leave the
city, oflera hid (itiu stock ot artificial
flowers, plante, etc., at greatly reduced
prices, ltoouis in Masonic build
ing. dec31-tf
Till I Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a genorouH eaniplo will be mailed of tho ;
moat iopular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure I
(Ely's Cream Balm) BnfScient to demon-'
fitrate tho great merits of tho remedy. I
50 "A'arren St., New York City, j
Itov. John Iteid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont.,
vp.,nininn,lfiil'a rirp.1111 ltnltn in tm T 1
can emphasize his statoiuont, "It is a post-'
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
2iev. Francis W. Poole, 1'astor Central Pre.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Halm is tho acknowledged
care for catarrh aud coutaius no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
Itpninrkaltle Siilu nf I1i,j-h.
For high prices no sale of hogs ever
j made in the United States, according to
reports, was equal to the one held last
week by stoekraiser Council of Will
iamsville, at the Illinois .State Fair
grounds, Springfield. The sale a con
fined to thoroughbred Poland China
stock, 40 head bringing over ten thou
sand dollars. The lowest price received
for a sincle animal was $110, and the
highest $750. This sale means a great
deal .for hog raisers. Home values at
public sales are also more satisfactory.
Sir to eight dollars per hundred seems
to be the rule for common stock hogs.
Senator l'alitier' l'ropliecy.
St. Louis, Jan. 2.7.- -A special to the
Republic from Washington says:
'The two wings of the two old parties
will, in niyjudenient, ho united in tite
nest campaign," said Senator Palmer
today. "The sound-money Democrats
and the sound-monev Republicans will
form one, and the silver Democrats and
silver Kepublicans will constitute an
other party."
"When the ofllcial harness is removed
from mo," he continued, "I wtll resume
f . it ,
tne practice oi law
at my home in
nr nt! 1 "
A Cure for I.ame ISnck.
".My daughter, when recovering from
an attack of fever, was a great sufferer
from fiain in the back and hips," writes
Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After
1 US1"K V" a nuuioer oi remeuies witn-
i t. ...
out, any oenenc sue tried one uottie oi
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has
given entire relief." Chauil-erlain's
Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu
matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Need to Stoop to No Tricks for the Scat
tering of l'ollen.
It lias come about thai the lowiy
plants, unable to secure their ends by
fair words, have had recourse to jruile
to tempt the insects by velvety tex
tures of rich color widely rpnad, by
exhaling' sweet and powLritii odor:-, by
offering1 nectar, and finally by deva.iinjr
artful appliances. hereby nr. insect
can be loaded with pollen without hi:;
Knowledge what time lie is imbibing
the seductive nectar. Some have ;;om
a Ftop lower, and because they could
not afford to produce so brilliant a cfk--play
as other plants, have set to work
to press the vulgar carrion-lovinr: flic:--into
their service by developing prtals
of a livid purple hue. and giving forth
a puriil odor. Taugh! Shall hearts
of cak and beech and ash -stoop to
such tricks?
The forest tree, says Good Words, lias
a hundred or a thousand years to live,
and exhibits no precocious anxiety to
produce fruit. At 13, 20 or 30 ytnrs
is time enough to think of such thing?;
and when the time comes the delicate
essential organs are protected merely
by a few simple green or yellow scales,
or by none at all. The pollen is lavish
ly produced, for the wind is not : r pre-1
else n vehicle of transmission as the 1
insret, and but a very small percentage j
cf the pollen grains will reach their
destination. This, however, is of little j
consequence, for an incipient seed needs
but one pollen grain to fertilize it, and
should a hundred fall upon it, 09 would
be superfluous.
I'nlionous Cooking Utensils.
The subjtvt of pure food has long been
a pet theme of legislators, and I admit
(hat the iliseiis-Mons on the subject luni
done a great deal of good. 1 believe.
however, that pure and wholesome men
tht' formation of chemical poisons in i
ouiitmry utensils, is there tiie same
untehfiilnesH in the kitchens of cheup
eatiii,' houses? I trust the day is not
far diBtant-v.'lu'ii rigorous laws will he
passed coinjH'llin? hoards of health to
inspect the eoohinr tilonsils of oxorv
estahlishmeut In which fond is served
to the public. My first inspection of
the kitchen of the restuuiuiits at the
i.ational capitol made me shudder. One
of the utensils which was in dnilv use
was so covered with wrdiRris; that the
original color of the metal could not be
seen. The utensil was a steam-heated
oyster stew pan. The hands even of the
colored attendant were stained green
from contact with the pan. 1 iiues
tioned the servant, and she told me that
1 was the first lierson to complain to !
her about the condition of the pan. She
went on to say that she "could not wash
the 'green stuff' oil" her hands." Twen
tieth Ceutury Cooking.
HtufTtnl Cucuni hera.
Cut the cucumber into halves and re
move the seeds. Uoll four tablespoons
fill of rice for 30 minutes; drain, aud add
i to it an equnl quant ity of chopped meat.
reel two tomato- , cut into halves nud
press out the set tls; cut them into small
pieces, nii.v with the-other ingredients;
ndd a half Uasoonful of suit mid a dash
of pepper. Place this mixture into the
r-uvity from w hich the seeds were taken;
put the halves together, bind the cucum
bers into .shape with a piece of twlui
" - "M"K l' nuu-nann
l'l ot water; bake slowly for onu hour,
basting four or five times. These mny
also lie lmkccl by stutling the mixturu
into the spaco from which the seeds
were taken, and baking in the halves.
lloston Glolx:.
Mils in wh eh to i-ook the food art- of ' uea," " "Y.'T . , " "ucss crtion, coldness of hands or feet, swelling of
. . . .i .i r i -. and recovery is well worth the telling. Mhefeetnnd limbs nuin in the liM.k ,1(
-mire .niportunee than the food nwli. (I was jnkcn sick said Mr. Shepard, t headache, dizz&
Only those Mho are familiar Mth the I "on the 17th of August, 1S95. As I had all , ness of will, rin "in' in the ear earlv deeiv"
ali'nir.s of large hiti-hens are awatv oi i along been of the opinion that I was made of nil forms of female weakness,' lcucorrhcel,'
Hi ..t.-i-nnl vl.-ilon,.,. n-iii,.i, ,.,: ' iron, you may well believe that it was hard , tardy or irrecular ncriods. sunnrPSsin, J
fi-"" ' ' ii-ivMi. i .a trt nntntnin ihA tlirtiiolit ililt I urn a i-- I
I LL 4Mzw4
1 .rtrZSHSlnA
Carlos F. Shepard, a Member of the
Indianapolis Board of Trade,
is About Once More.
Case of Weighty Bnisresf to Inyone Suffering With
Nervous Complaints, for the Patient was Cured
by "Feeding" the Nerves. This is i
New Term in Medicine.
Fron the Kewt,
Orm of th best known men about the In
dianapolis Board of Trade is Carlo, F. Shep-
rd, who for several years hits been con -
nected with the house of II. E. Kinney, grain
broker. Mr. Shepard is a bluff, V-'arty, old
, ,
gentleman ot nietuum neignt, graj-neauea
and with a mustache like a French veteran.
He is a man of verr decided views on all
subjects and is especially orthodox in poll-
tics and medicine. "Notwithstanding Ins firm-
ness in his convictions and the vigor with
which he maintains them he is a man of many
friends for manly men, even though some
times obstinate in their opinions, have the
force of character that win admiration and
, , ,
So a few momT.3 ago when the news came
to his old associates on the Board of Trade
that Mr. SheDanl bad received a stroko of
, . , ., .
ins tiays ot useiumess were over, nnu mat
perhnp?, his hours were numbered, the deep-
est sympathy went out to the smitten man been an active, enterprising man ami hi.-,
and his family. It seemed to all his friends ' many friends will rejoice that he has liter
nlmost impossible that this rugged old-man, ally been put upon his feet ncain. He ii
always so wholesomely hearty and cheerful, not only well-known locally hut to grain
always a picture of health for 1 shippers all over Indiana nnd Illinois.
HIS CHEEKS WERE LIKE THE HOSE ' Dr' WHHams' Pink Pills for Pale People
iv THP sxow i arL' au ""Ruling remedy for nil diseases nris-
, , V ., , ij"!-' froni a poor and watery condition of the
could have been so suddenly laid low. But blood, sueh as pale ami sallow complctfm
it was true and many weeks passed before I ccneral mucuhir weakness, loss of nmi,.m..'
his well-known form and UiuUIy face re -
lurneu to nis lonuer uusiness naunts. ms
o l,n..r,o iT.n
re-appearanee was made the occasion
be laid up for more than a day or two,
am oa year
old. and for 40 years un to
the timo of i t'.tack. I had not bad a d.iv'x
i sickness. Ine doctors who diagnosed my
! case saw at once that it was something seri
ous. They nt first said that it was lumbago
! then sciatic rheumatism. They finally
came to the conclusion they did not know
what was the matter with me. I experi
enced no pain, my head was clear, my ap
petite good, but I lost the use of myself from
my hips down. This was a hard stroke
J to an active man who has always had an
i easy going pair of legs. My brother-in-law,
I who is a physician, came from a neighbor
J ing city to see me. He pronounced myaf
i fliction to be locomotor ataxia. I am of the
opinion that he diagnosed the case correctly
for I was absolutely paralyzed from the
hips down. O
fore I laid beeun takincr Dr. William' Pint
T 11 i.'l
dayof hut OcfoW. I read nn article in U,"
Indianapolis xVcim and saw testimonials de-
crlbing cases cured that were similar to
not do me any harm and I began to take the
luiuu. xi auuuih iiic itjui wie reiiieuv COU1U
" Before I hemn taking them I eould not
tir a peg, but liad to be carried from place
to place. I liad not got far into the first box
when I felt that deliverance from my en
forced inaction had come. Before I finished
the second box I was able to walk alone
33. X7W. VAUSE,
And tho Most Complete nnd Latest Patterns and Deflitme in
'PiPTl?: Ml;F,:K ii"'.' PAI,?B
J. Vt . .iIAUliVo I'AlA lb used in
oi,m.i t i i
"7DM ,:u,ftlu" rinp iiyen. AgotiiB mr aiaHiiry liquid I'ainte. No c hem.
icol coiiibiiiation or soap mixture. A tirat-elasti article in ull colore. All orden
promptly attended to.
Store and Paint Shon corner Third ard Washington Bt., The Dalles, OrerM
Yon will find ono coupon
inside ea-h two ounce bag
and two ccupina inside each
Durham. Buy a tins of this
celebrated tobacco and read
tlto coupon which elves n
list of valuable presents and
how to go. them.
Indianapolis, Ind.
- 1 with the aid of a enne. About home I do
J jf f J
1 jit,ie sllpport to make my footing sure. '
"J aui still using Williams' Pink Pills. I
but I have reduced the dose to one after )
each meal. It seems that I have been able'
i to tir04v some discredit on the predictions of
I niy doctors thanks to the pills. They said 1
i could never walk again but here I tun, nml
j jiA T'J&S&VSk
not tw thevcive me anv sensations tlint
I am nwtire of. They merely cure aud that
s. t . . .
is quito enoucli lor me.
''Since I have been out I have been o
wnlkiujr advertisement for "Williams' Pink
; Pills. I suppose I have recommended them
' to at least a hundred persons. 'What ! You
t v.-aut to print nil this? Why, my dear sir,
ix iiuvci gtitu u ii:i:Miiiiiit;imiiiioii 10 uuy juo- .
prietary medicine before in my life. Per-
Imps it may not he a bad thing to do so this1
l never gave n recommendation to any pro-
'?.." . wl nelp. any sullerer to regain
health ami bodily activity."
i Carlos i. fahenard lias been a resident of
- Indianapolis for over twenty years. Hi liv
i ii -
at No. 720 East Ohio Street. He has nhrava
, depression of snirits. lack of nmbifi,,,, n.o
1 '
i m a. c l oros s or creen s e kness nnlt.ltntm,,
Ol.fll . 1 ! 1 . i C . ' '
i ulu "ear", suormess oi urei
menses, hysteria, paralysis, locomotor ataxia,
rheumatism, sciatica, all diseases deneinlin..
on vitiated humors in the blood, causing
scrofula, swelled glands, fever sores, rickets",
hip-joint diseases, hunchback, acquired de
formities, decayed bones, chronic erysipelas,
catarrh, consumption of the bowels ami lungs,
and also for invigorating the blood and svstem
when broken down by overwork", worry, dis
ease, excesses and indiscretions of living, re
covery from acute diseases, such as fevers, etc.,
loss ot vital powers, spermatorrhoea, early de
cay, premature old age. These pills are not a
purgative medicine. They contain notlu'nc
lint n I (I LA -11; . . o
They act directly on the blood, supplying ,0
the blood its life-giving qualities by assistinir
It to absorb oxygen, that great supporter of all
organic life. In this way the blood, becom.
incYbuiltuP.aml being supplied with its
lacking constituents, becomes rich and red
nourishes the various organs, stimulating
them to activity in the performance of their
functions, and thus to eliminate diseases from
the system.
won?6 Fi!Li0r? ranfactured by the Dr.
Williams Medic ne Company, Schenectady,
h. , and are sold only in boxes bearing the
firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 60 cents a
box, or six boxes for $2.50, and are never sol 1
in bulk. They may be had of all driicd"ts
or direct by mail from Dr. Williams'
Medicine Company. The price it which
these pills are sold makes a coarse of treat'
"ANGER. None but the best brands
nil nnr vnrl un.l i.... .
1 ."."" nut in
nth rtn . inl..
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
v.ln u immbv elven that uy V" '.v ..V.iV.
. ..I.. in nt (111
execution nml order of Mle. ' '' nsf
to Inns, to-wn i." " v" ..a,.i;.
it m
thereunto betousing.or in nt y wise n
Hit;, or so much thereof as shnll be "f'r A'
ui',f y'thc amount due upon a Id writ. twiU.
l079ft"i. tocether with interest tborcon ih i it
tite of ' clphi Jr rent per f f''0' ft
clHvof December. ISM; and lie further s o
ur-v,5v)7, t. J. nnivER.
J.nilG-.")t-ii Sherlil of Wasco County. Orison.
Sheriff's Sale.
Xotico is hereby Riven that an excel on and
order of snle ivh.n halted out of the l ireuit t ourt
of the State of Orcstcm for Wn.-eo Comity, on the
ith day of Heecmber. 1'.V., upon a judement
Ihereiu tendered on the tilsjt duy o Noyt-mber.
1MW, in favor of Kb d II. 1 e tze . plaintill. id
apilnst JanicF. Elliott ami llllum Wood. de
fendants, which .-aid ex!iitiou and order of
sale is to me directed ami omiiiamlliis me to
sell the propertv hereiUMfterdescrlled, for the
purpose of satisfvinc the jmlsiivnl ; of the Plaint
Itrin said cause for the sum of f JIL..10, with in
terest thereon at ten tier cent per iinmim from
thcClst dav of November, li'X; ami the further
sum of J1U attorney's fees, and the costs ami
disbursements of said ult taxed at $lu. There
fore, In compliance with said execution and
orderofsnle, I Mill gu
Saturilny, Jununry no. 1807,
at the hour of 1 o'clruk p. in. at the courthouse
dcor in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell
at public auction, to the nlchest bidder, for cash
in hand, for the putpoc of satisfyinu the judg
ment above mentioned the following described
lands and premises, to-wit; , , ,
Sixtv-three(tVi) acres oil' the east side of the
North'half of the southeast quarter of j-ec. SO In
Township 1 North, I'.ange lo Kast. W. M com-
menclopata rnesai a ponu on uiu.unu iuiu
of the NW'4of the SKW of said Section SO;
thence East to East line oi said section; thence
South one-ouarter mile; thence West to a point
due South of said rock (the place of beginning
thence North to the place of ben limine.
Dattd this Suth da of December, MM.
jaii2-ot-It Sheriffof Wasco County, Or.
i "T TTVrir' TnTVrT7l"M"m
JLiJ.XU.Jl.', I- "j Jy. jP-N JL
' " '
y p - - j
A 1 IT fl flW-lr 1 5i C C 9i Yi fl
"uv vv o CCU.U.
Miirntici llni, M,nrv
i i i : w ill ill i ii v
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Through Tickets
For information ..,,. . . .
cal on or write To Kn,u raPua ticket,
: write to
w. c.
The Dalles, Oregon
A. D
?a9"aRLTON. Ant. G. P. A..
-. -.utr ion tor. Third. Portland OrWnn
feveu ,7), in t of Wil -
Drugs, Paints,
Wail Paper,
Glass. Etc.
lipes-'nersly Drug Co,
129 Second St.,
ii. M. ukali,
First Rational Batik.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Cheek.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dar of collection.
Sight aud Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Kew York, San Francisco anc! Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck.
En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe.
H. M. Bkai.l,
Dales City and Moro Staje Line
Leaves Williams Hotel, .Moro, on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
8 p. m. proiutit.
Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles,
Tuesdays, Thvraduys aud Saturdays at
8 a. in. prompt.
Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c
per 100 lbs ; small packapep, 15 and 25c.
Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro,
?1.50; round trip, $2.50.
Ajsencv at Umatilla House, The Dalles,
nnd at Williams Hotel Moro.
Bale Oven and Mitchell
THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietoz
Stnnp.o li'fivc Ttiilrn Hvnr, (nr Antolnne
every day, and from Antelope to Mit-
enuii inree nines a week.
The Glades Ranch,
Of the St bimbert, Commiifcslo nnd Tormentor
mine. Three Choice Dulls for wile or rent,
so some Choice Cow and Heifer for sale.
1 uie Hred l'olimd China Hogs.
W hite I'lymouth llock. Chickens.
Address: MltS. A. R. HVUKKTT, 1'rop.
jy-j-wjm white Salmon, Wush.
Recsidence, Tenth and Liberty Streeti
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
'kui iiixcnange and TelegraRbic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
bt. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Waah,, and various point
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.