The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 28, 1897, Image 1

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lip Chronicle,
NO 15
The absolutely pore
ROYAL the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world cel
ebrated for its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
An Italian Doctor Finds ' a
The Lt'clnlnture Adopts a Kesolutloii
Requiring Absent Members to
Ajipeur Today.
New Yokk, Jan. 27. The unusual in
terest taken by physicians and the pub
lic in the treatment of pulmonary tuber
culosis, or consumption, as it is com
monly called, will be increased by the
nplVfl flint n uimiim litio liaon AicnrsxraraA
winch, it is claimed, will prove the ab
solute cure for the disease in its stages,
and will greatly benefit patients and ar
rest the progress of the dieeaBe in its ad
vanced forms.
The serum is the discovery of Profes
sor Maria Glano of Genoa, Italy. A
small quantity was brought to this
country and physicians of St. Luke's
hospital began experimenting with it a
week ago. The serum iB obtained from
the blood of horses which have been in
oculated with tuberculosis germs in
email quantities and continued under
this treatment for several months. Its
effect is to produce in the blood of the
horses some quality of resistance to
death, which, when introduced into the
human system, austaine the resisting power.
The serum theory is therefore exactly
opposite to the theory of vaccination,
which introduces germs of the disease
itBelf into the system, and by producing
the disease in a mild form renders the
body impervious to its further attacks.
Suspidoui Deatu or a Xouth at James
town, N. Y.
Jamestown, N. Y., Jan. 27. It was
rumored that Spurgeon Young, 17 yeara
old, who died Sunday night, bad not
(lied from natural causes, but that, bis
death was caused from injuries received
while under hypnotic influence. Coro
ner Bowers heard the rumors and de
eded to investigate, IJe. .empaneled a
jury which viowed the remains this
morning and adjourned until tomorrow,
when it will meet to take evidence.
It is a well-known fact that Young
had repeatedly been under hypnotic in
fluencesnnd that while in that condi.
tion he had been placed with hit head
upon one chair and hjs heels, upon an
other, al jthe time Rearing, the; weighliof
a heavy man upon his stomach, and
oeing subjected to a great variety of ex
periments by thpso jrjip Jiave used Httje
judgment in the matter, so long as it af
forded them amusement.
Parke Davis, a Yale college student,
whose home is iu thia city; Daniel
Grandin and Charles E. Wood are
charged with getting Young in a hyp
notic state. It is said they could make
him do anything they wished while he
was under the power of any of them.
An Insurgent Hospital Fired aud Its
Inmateo Cremated.
Key West, Fla., Jan. 27. News from
Weyler's advance column tells of a brief
but sharp fight near El Jobo, west ot
Guines, in which Weyler's vanguard
was forced back. A stronger column
was pushed forward and the insurgents
driven back. A hospital that they were
guarding was destroyed, and the wound
ed insurgents, 23 in number, two physi
cians and a female nurse were killed.
This hospital was guarded by 200 in
surgents, under Captain Moragain, the
men being too sick to be moved. The
insurgents knew their danger, but they
determined to sell their lives dearly in
defense of their sick and wounded broth-ers-in-arms.
As one of the Weyler detachments
came near the town they were ambushed
and forced to retire, losing forty men
and one captain. Reinforements arrived,
and they came an hour later, and after
a desperate flght were about to retire
when another detachment of Spaniards,
attracted by the tiring, came up aud
drove the insurgents off in confusion.
The two combined forces then swept the
field, with a loss of 100 men, all told.
They set set fire to the dwellings and
hospital building, which was soon in
flames. Few of the wounded men were
rescued, and nearly all perished in the
Off for Cuarlefttou.
Washington, Jan. 27. - Admiral
Bunce expects to sail with lus squadron
February 22 for Hampton Roads, bound
for Charleston, which port will be block
aded as part' of the naval maneuvers of
the squadron. The squadron will be
largely reinforced before sailing or very
soon after the ships arrive off Charleston.
The big monitor Puritan, on her maiden
cruise, will leave New York Saturday
next to join the squadron. The marble
head will follow about the same time,
and the Terror will be ready by the 6th.
Altogether the demonstration, which
will laat about two weeke, promises to
be the most formidable in character un
dertaken by our navy since the war.
We can afford to have
you try all five flavors one
after another of Schilling's
Best tea, and get your
money back if you don't
like any.
Your tea -trade for the
next ten years is worth
A Schilling & Company ...
San Francisco
Revolution Adopted by the Menaon
Home Today.
Salem, Or., Jan. 27. The Benson
house managed to kill nearly half an
hour this morning by the reading of the
journal in full. Thirty-one were present
at the rollcall, but Misoner of Crook
withdrew immediately after. No oue
raised the point of no quornnii A
cigarette petition was read, and also one
from Washington county to abolish all
Crawford of Douglas here introduced
a resolution requiring the twenty-nine
unqualified members to appear and
qualify at noon on Thursday, January
28th. The eorgeant-at-arms was di
rected to serve the delinquent membeeB
each with a copy of the resolution.
In explaining the resolution, Craw
ford said his purposo was simply to ex
haust every remedy known to the con
stitution. If tbe members failed to ap
pear, then the bouse would have a basis
for future action. On rollcall the reso
lution was adopted. Ayes, 27 ; nays 1 ;
absent, 3.
The following bills were introduced:
Hogue, to amend code; Hopew relative
to taxation of sheep; Hudson, byre
quest, relative to election of rqad super
visors; David, to amend game law;
Gratke, to exempt Astoria firemen;
Benson, to amend code; Crawford, reg
ulating railroad freights, Jennings, io:
collection of fees; Marsh, to amend
code; Palm, to amend code; Thomas, to
amend Portland charter; Conn, exempt
homesteads from judicial sale; Brown,
to amend code; Merrill, to abolish com
missions and relative to feeB.
Fatal Fight lu Kentucky.
Albany. Ky., Jan. 27. David Hoff
man and W. J. Leonard, of Campbells
ville, who have juBt returned from the
Cumberland mountains, state that Tues
day, in Morgan county, Tenn., a mob of
men went to the farmhouse of Mr. Gage
to chastise his son for immoral conduct.
Young Gage had a friend in the mob,
John Porter, who, after they arrived in
the yard, declared they should not touch
Gage. A fight followed, in which John
Porter was stabbed and killed. When
Porter fell young Gage ran out of the
bouse with a revolver in each hand, fir
ing at the members of the mob, who ran.
One of them, whose name ia not learned,
fell mortally wounded. The bodies ol
the dead men were left lying on the
porch all night.
We know of but one community iu the
world where dyspepsia is practically un
known, and that is theSnakerBof Mount
Lebanan, N. Y. Thess good people
have been studying the subject of diges
tion for more than a hundred years, and
that they understand it pretty thorough
ly, is evinced In the foregoing fact. Their
Digestive Cordial is the safest nnd best
remedy in cases of indigestion that we
know of. A trial bottle can be had
through your druggists for the trifling
sum of 10 cents.
The Shaker DigeeUve Cordial supplies
the system with food already digested,
and at the same time aids the digestion
of other foods. It will almost instantly
relieve the ordinary symptoms ot indi
gestion, and no suffer need to be told
what these are. (o)
Laxol is the beet medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.,
Furnulted Hall for All.
Nkw York, Jan. 27. Abraham I. Elk
ins today appeared in court at the gener
al sessions with power of attorney for
Herbert B. Seeley, Theodore Rich and
James H. Phippa, indicted yesterday on
a charge of conspiring to procure inde
cent exposure on tbe part of Little Egypt
add 'Minnie Benwood, who ifigured at the
recent dinner at Sherry's and pleaded
not guilty. He took the privilege of
withdrawing his plea, and furnished bail
in tbe sum o((500 for each defendant.
British Wartulni Cuming-.
Washington, Jan. 27. News has
reached here that the admirality of Lou
don has given inetructious for the Hot
spur, coast-defense vessel, and the Mon
arch, third-class battle-ship, to be com
missioned at an early date for service to
'Bermuda. As there are at present more
British armored vessels on the North
Atlantic station than the West Indian
Squad run, this action of tbe admirality
is taken to mean the British government
means to make a considerable incease
iii 'its strength in North American
Our Great Sale, at discount of
Twenty Per Cent, for Cash,
Embraces, among othor lines, the following, which
deserve special mention:
Ladies', Childs' and Infants' Knit Underwear,
Men's Cotton and Wool Underwear,
We Discount
All Cash Bills
Per Cent.
Only a few more days of
this great Price-Cutting.
Feb. ist the last day.
Is due, in the majority of cases, to
imperfect action of the sebaceous
or oil glands. Depiived of its
proper nourishment, the hair be
comes harsh and brittle, the scalp
dry and scaly, and the roots choked
and lifeless in a hard, dry skin. The
purest, sweetest,, and most effective
treatment is warm shampoos with
followed by light applications of
Cuticura (ointment), the great
.skin 'cure.
They clear the scalp and hair of
crusts,' scales, and dandruff, allay
itching, soothe irritation, heaUrup
tions, destroy microscopic insects
which feed on the hair, stimulate
the hair follicles, and supply the
roots with nourishment.
Sold tlironehout tho world. Price, Cotici'KA,
00c; HonV.-ytC.; UBHIO.VKNT,!. l'OTTBM PllUU
andChem. Coup , folo 1'ron... Ilouton, U, 8. A.
All about tho llulr ami Sklo," free.
WORN '"Acliwj and weaknesses, but still
OUT compelled to labor on." To r.U
WITH ucl1 BUftercrsOutlcur AntM'Aln
PAINS 1'lMter is a priceleM Molding.
Harry Liebe,
AH work promptly attended to,
nil warranted.
Do not fail lo call on Dr. Lannerberg
tbe eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined free of charge, II yon auffer
with Headache or nervousness you nn
doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
corrected, will benefit you .for life.
Office in the Vogt block,
New York Weekly Tribune
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With tho close of tho' Presidential Campaign THK TKIDUNK recognizee tbe
flint that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To moot thisi condition, politics will have far less space and
prominence, until another Statu or National occasion demands a renewal of the
light for the principles for which TilK Tit I HUNK has labored from its inception
to the present day, nnd won its greatest victories.
Everv possible 'effort will be prit forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TKIDUNK pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each mem her of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best.
Tribune Oflico, New York City, utri a suinplo copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mulled to you.
Opp. A. M, Williams & Co.,
Lumber, Building. Material and Boxes
Traded or Hay. Grain, Blacon, Lard, Ac.
The Dallei, Or.