The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 27, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
llelow is published n correct time ciutl
ot trains and bouts which leave and ar
rive tit Tlie Dalles. Travelers mny trust
it, as Tnu CuitoNict.K is kept fully in
formed of revisions :
Steamer Regulator leaves every Monday, Wed
nesday mill Friday at 7:30 ii. 111.
Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday ami Satur
day at 5:30 p. in.
tast mail. Arrive. Leave.
No.l Wct-b3iuid I:4"i a.m. 4:M a.m.
No.!! Kast-bound . .. .lU:ir a.m. IOj'.X) a.m.
No. T WeM-bound, leaves 1:00 p.m.
No. s East-bound, arrives 11:55 a.m.
All pascnj?or tialss stop at Union Street, as
well as the depot.
.lames Cummins' former AVI ft! Had a
San- Fuaxcisco, Jan. 2(5. .las. Cum-1
inius, an ujred capitalist, inininjr en
gineer and promoter of various enter
prises, died in Alameda recently. Cum
mins was married in Salt Lake City
twenty-eight years ago, and tiiree
months after his wedding his wife de
parted for San Francisco on a visit to
relatives. From that parting until a
few months ago husband and wife never
saw or heard from each other. Cum
mins' whereabouts became effectually
swallowed up in mystery, and Mrs.
Cummins, after the lapse of a few years,
during which she became convinced
that her husband must be dead, re
moved to Oroville, where she still re
sides. Some years later she discovered
her husband had secured a divorce
without her knowledge, whereupon she
married an undertaker named Sov
A few months ago she dreamt that her
former husband was about to return to
her; that lie would soon thereafter die,
and that iier husband, the undertaker,
would bury him. P.oniarknhle as this
may seem, the strange prophecy has
been fulfilled.
On ills deathbed Cummins produced
two keys, stating that they fitted his
safe-deposit box in Pueblo, Colo., in
which were $150,000 in United States
bonds, and his safe-deposit box in
Denver, which contained the balance of
his securities. He left $10,000 to Mrs.
Sovereign and the remainder of his
property, estimated at almost $1,000,000,
to their son, J. W. Cummins, who has
been made executor, and who has de
parted for Pueblo to take charge of
Water I'limiiKi at lliill'iiln.
Buffalo, X. Y., Jan. 2G. This city
was swept all night by a (iO-mile breeze,
which made the weather seem more
Eevere, although tiie cold moderated.
At. S a. m. today the thermometer was
12 deg. above. Buffalo is again experi
encing a water famine, owing to slush
ice in the Niagara river, which is sucked
in at inlet pier and clogs the pumps.
Another Cold Wnvu ''xpucted.
Washington, Jan. 20 Weather bu
reau advices show 20 to 30 degrees below
in the Northwest aud tlie freezing wea
ther extends to the Gulf coast. In the
middle and South Atlantic states indi
cations are the sun will aid materially
today am! tomorrow in mitigating the
effects of tliH cold blasts Jrom the west.
The high barometer out West is thought,
however, to presage another drop in
temperature later in the week.
31. Crevreuil, being about to leave the
city, offers his fine stock ol artificial
flowers, plants, etc., at greatly reduced
prices. Booms in Masonic build
ing. decJll-tf
Sherman' Nuccesior.
Chicago, Jan. 2C The Post's Wash
ington special says: Senator Sherman
said today : "My acceptance of tho
portfolio of secretary of etato was with
out any reservation or conditions.
Governor Bushnell has six weeks yet
before it will bo necessary to appoint
my successor in tho senate. There
seems to be a general desire that Hanna
should be selected for the eeat, und,
while I have no assurance on that point,
I believe Governor Bushnell will appoint
This Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or Btamps,
a k'enorous eamplo will bo mailed of tho
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fover Curo
(Ely'B Cream Palm) sufficient to demon
atrato tho groat merits of tho remedy.
CG Warren St., Now York City.
Hov. JohnHeid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Halm to me. I
can cmphasio his statement, "It is a posi
tive curo for catarrh if used as directed."
Itev. FranciH W. Poolo, Pastor Central Prea.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
curo for catarrh and contains no mercury
jior nny injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
1 Tito
Darky Thought That tho New Yorker
Win Very Inconsiderate.
A Wall street man tells this story:
"I was inukin the trip from New ();
lenns to Memphis in April by a Missis
sippi river steamboat. On 1 !it C r s! day
out from Now Orleans 1 felt thr in d of
the barber's services and l.-ai,.n that
the Memphis Belle was tiuism .ally
equipped I sought out that, nllice. ' I
found a. single barber in charge, a
rather pompous, tall person of color
with flowing1 Dundreary whiskers. lie
wa.s enframed in doing nothing: at all
witli that grace of execution peculiar to
the southern darky. 1 seated myself
in his chair and was soon wrapped in
thought, upon some business I had be
gun in Nou-Orlenns. The barber began
his work leisurely, the while carrying
on a one-sided How of talk to which I
replied in monosyllables.
"The day v. as warm and I was almost away under the soft splashes of
his brush when another eustoniet
entered. Be was a nervous, fidgety stirt
of man and as there were no newspa
pers in the. room he amusod himself in
looiiing at si few prims hung on the
walls, the attraction of which soon
palled upon him. Then he walked n
the dour and looked down the dcel.
where a "rotii) of roustabouts were en
gaged in the game, of craps. Figaro by this time completed th" lath "
ing of our side of my face and roused in
by turning my head around. I hit:
n:nted that life was abort, and I didn't
care about, passing too much of it. in 1)
big shaved. Be was evidently disguste,!
wit4t my taciturnity and replied with
great dignity, but. with no haste either
of speech or action; 'Cert'nly, sail, cer
.t'nl.y.' "The Stranger's curiosity had been
aroused by the gambling going on out
side, which was as usual uceninpanied
by the 'come sevens!' and shrieks of
'craps' which attend that game.
" 'What game is that, barber"." he
demanded of Dundreary. lie of tie1
whiskers made one or two artistic plays
of his brush ewer my chin and answered:
" 'I.ah, Oawd, mister, ain't yer ever
seen tliatgame? That's enms. Kvcrv-
body plays it 'round IhK country.'
"The stranger admitted he had seen
it played before in the wharves and
streets, but. said he had not discovered
any mental light from his observation.-.
A running e.ehangc of queries and es
planations followed between barber and
stranger, during which a not over keen
laor had begun its course down my
right cheek. Both parties to the col
loquy were getting interested and 1 was
getting bored.
"The nervous stranger appeared
somewhat obtuse, or, perhaps, the ver
nacular of the barber was inadequate
to convey the full meaning ot the
technical details of craps. At any rate,
be pressed for further information. My
face had by that time been cleared of
beard as to my chin and part, of my
cheek. Fifteen minutes had been con
sumed in the process and my patience
was becoming- threadbare.
"The barber had exhausted his powers
of description and, turning to the
stranger, he said:
" 'Well, sali, nf you really wants to
know how to shoot, craps 1 kin show
you,' and placing the razor on the shelf
he opened a drawer and withdrew a
pair of greasy-looking dice. Then he
stepped over to a table and began to
give a practical exposition of the mys
teries of the ganic. This was too much.
" 'Here!' f cried, raising myself in the
chair. 'Finish up this job before, you
get to crap shooting,'
" 'Certainly, sab,' ho replied to me
and turning to the stranger he added:
'One -minute an' I'M show you,''
"It only took. a few minutes to com
pletc his work on me, and as I put on
my coat he and the stranger proceeded
with the game. As I left, the room I
could hear him muttering- about the
'hurry otne people is in an' it is still
foil davs 'foro we. tret, to Memuhis ' "
Wonder. of u Cuvo Near Ch.ittauoiiRr.
That I'uzatt) Geologists.
"The most peculiar cave J ever saw,'
.said ii Chuttanoofra mini ton V.'n:diin;t
'on Star writer, "is on llacconn mom
nin, near Chattanooga, lt !:a vcw,
been explored, and no one really l.eo-..
whether or not there is much of u cave
The Indians have several legends con-
ernintr it, and it is reniarlctilile that u
)1K- has ever entered it. It was sup
posed hy the lndiiins to he haunted, and
there are some Rrucsonie tales told
about it. The only openinfr yet dis
covered is on top of tlie mountain. It
has heei.i sounded with a line of consiii
"rnlile length without tlndinga bottom
to the ehnmber through the roof of
which the opening exists. There is a
onatant roaring sound, like the wind
sometimes makes. It docs not seem
like water, and is undoubtedly caused
by air circulating in the Immense hob"1
in the mountain. There are no vol
canic indications, and the cave is a puz
zle to geologists."
Engllih l.awyer-i.
The difference between u counsel und
a quecn'ri conns. 1 or, in tlie event of
a king being on the throne, u K. ('. Is
that tho latter is supjaosed to be uble to
npiMinr us the sovereign's advocate.
Doth tire un.titlcd to wear wig eind
gown: but the gown of the latter is
silk, und the former is of "stuff." Tlie
queen's counsel can take only what
Is termed "leading business."
The Daiiy in Auitrullu.
Tho ox-eye daisy, which bothers
American, farmers, is now spreading In
tutiiiy agricultural districts in Austra
lia, lieing introduced with hayseed. It
causes damage to grass lands.
nun immmc
l Lite Sfv jeLl A-
mm mmyjh
Carlos F. Shepard, a Member of the
is About
Case of Weighty interest fo inyone Suffering With
Nervous Complaints, for ihe Patient was Cured
by " Feeding" the Nerves. This is a
New Term in Medicine.
From the Auj,
One of tho best known men about the In
dianapolis Board of Trade is Carlos F. Shep
ard, who for several years lias been con
nected -with the house of II. E. Kinney, grain
broker. Mr
Shepard is a blutV, V.'arty, old
gentleman of medium height, gray-headed
and with a mustache like a French veteran.
lie is a man of very decided views on all
...Mo.. nn.l f o.neeiallv orthodox in noil-
,. ,
tics and medicine. .Notwithstanding his iirm -
ness in his convictions and tlie vigor with
which he maintains them ho is a man of many
friends for manly men, even though some-
times obstinate in their opinions, have the
force of character that win admiration and
So a few months ago when the news came
to his old associates on the Hoard of Trade
that Jlr. Shepard had received a stroke of
paralysis and that the probabilities were that
his days of usefulness were over, and that
perhaps, his hours were numbered, the deep
est sympathy went out to the smitten man
nnd his iamily. It seemed to all ids friends
almost impossible that this rugged old man,
always so wholesomely hearty and cheerful,
always a picture of health for
could have been eo suddenly laid low. Hut
it was true and many weeks passed before
his well-known form and kindly face re
turned to his former business haunts. His
re-appearance was made tho occasion of a
hearty welcome and tho story of his illness
and recovery is well worth the telling.
"I was taken sick," said Mr. Shepard,
"on tho 17th of Aucust. 1S05. As I had all
along been of tho opinion that I was made of
iron, you may wen oeiiove that it was hard
for mo to entertain the thought that I was to
be laid up for more than a day or two. I
nm 58 yean old, and for 40 years up to
tho timo of 1 : -ttack, I had not had a day's
sickness. The doctors who diagnosed my
case saw at onco that it was something seri
ous. Tlicy at first said that it was lumbago
then 6ciatio rheumatism. They finally
came to the conclusion they did not know
what was the matter with me. I experi
enced no pain, my head was clear, my ap
petite good, but I lost tho use of myself from
my hips down. This was a hard stroke
to nn active man who has always had an
easy going pair of legs. Mr brother-in-law,
who is a physician, came from a neighbor
ing city to seo nie. Ho pronounced my af
fliction to be locomotor ataxia. I am or the
opinion that he diagnosed the case correctly
for I was absolutely paralyzed from the
hip down. ft
Beftro he came, however, a day or so be
foro I had begun taking Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People. That was on the 20th
day ofMast October. I read an articlo in tho
Indianapolis AVim and saw testimonials de
scribing cases cured that were similar to
mine. It struck mo that the remedy could
not do me any harm and I began to take the
" lleforo I began taking them I could not
utir a peg, but nail to be carried from place
to place. I liad not got far into the first box
when I felt that deliverance from my en
forced inaction had come. Deloro I finished
the second box I was able to walk alone
33- W. VAUSE,
And tho Mo.n Comtilete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
J. . AlAUIu'o I'AINIh used 111
mot pkllled workuuui oninloved. Aaunts
icol combination or toap inixtuie. A lirsUdusa utible in all colors." All or hi.'
promptly attended to.
Store aud Paint Bhou onraor Third apd
You will find ono coupon
lnsldo each two ounce, ba?
nuil two coupoau Inside each
foarouuee knofClackwcU's
Durham. I2uy a bag oi this tobacco cud road
tho coupon which gives a
list of valuable presents and
how to get ihcm.
Board of Trade,
Once More.
Indianapolis, Iml.
with tho aid of n cane. About home I do
not ue a cane now hut when I come out on
the slippery pavements I feel that I need a
little support to make my footing sure.
"I am still using Williams' rink Pills,
t 1 have reduced the dose to one alter
A.inh iiia'M 1 tannic tlint I linA nliln
v a. k 01.1,1110 Lttttb it i j iniv
to throw some discredit on the predictions of
my doctors thaiiKs to the puis, iheysanl 1
could never walk again but here I am, and
J.!""15 ,, cre. DlllSt be given to i the pills.
n is &am tticptlis arc stimulating, nut 1 can-
1 ,10tsay that they give me any sensations that
I am aware of. They merely cure ami that
I is mute enough lor me
i .. w ...... . , i.
Sinec I nave been out I have been a
walking advertisement for Williams' Pink
Pills. I suppose I have recommended them
to at least n hundred persons. "What ! You
want to print all this? Why, my dear sir
1 never gave a recommendation to any pro
prietary medicine before in my life. J'.-r-haps
it may not be a bad thing to do so this
time if it will help any sufferer to regain
health and bodily activity."
! Carlos T. Shepard has been a resident of
1 Indianapolis for over twenty years. He jive 1 !
I at No. 7l'0 East Ohio Street. He has always
been an active, enterprising man and his 1
I many friends will rejoice that he has liter-!
I ally been put upon Ids feet again. Ho i;i ,
not only well-known locally but to graiu
1 shippers all over Indiana and" Illinois.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People I
I art- an uniuiiing reineuy lor an diseases ari.
i fWnil ft linn I mill tifitnr nAtwtiitnn '
! ldood. such as nale and sallmv rnnil.lnvinT.
1 '.1 ..1 : . . v 1 muscular weakness, loss of nnnetlin.
depression of spirits, lack of ambition, ante
mia, chlorosis or green sickness, palpitation
of the heart, shortness of breath on slight ex
ertion, coldness of hands or feet, swelling of
the feet aud limbs, pain in the back, nervous
headache, dizziness, loss of meinorv, feeble
ness of will, ringing in the ears, early decav,
all forms of female weakness, leiicorrhum.
tardy or irregular periods, suppression of
menses, hysteria, paralysis, locomotor ataxia,
rheumatism, sciatica, all diseases depending
on vitiated humors in the blood, causing
scrofula, swelled glands, fever sores, rickets,
hip-joint diseases, hunchback, acquired de
formities, decayed bones, chronic erysipelas,
catarrh, consumption of the bowels and lungs
and also forinvigoratingthe blood and system
when broken down by overwork, worrv, dLs
ease, excesses and indiscretions of living, re
coveryfrom acute diseases, such as fevers, etc.
loss of vital powers, spermatorrhoea, early de
cay, premature old age. These pills are not a
purgative medicine. They contain nothing
that could injure the most delicate svstem.
Ihey act d rectly on the blood, supplying to
the bipod its life-giving qualities by assisting
it to absorb oxygen, that great supporter of all
organic life. In this way the blood, becom.
ing "built up." and being supplied with its
lacking constituents, becomes rich and red
nourishes tho various organs, stimulating
them to activity 111 the performance of their
lunctions, and thus to eliminate diseases from
the system.
ivTii-ese flils uT? manufactured by the Dr.
illiams' Medic no Company, Schenectady,
r.. and are sold only in boxes bearing the
firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 60 cents a
'..r.8;0"8 for W a,nd,arc never sold
in bulk. They may be had of all druggets
Sf.,d'.rcct '' ra I"ni Dr. Willfiu s''
iueuicuie company. ibe prico at
these pills are sold makes a course of treat,
meat lnexpenslvo compared with othex
IIANUKR. None but the best brand,
nil inn- u-.irL 1.... .1. .
for Manri-,i u,.iu m ..1... .
Woahmptco Sts The Dallas, (Win
Notice of Sheriffs Sale,
execution nml the.) n woU Hit sM.e
Circuit foil ti u , ' i . ls07.Ul.otl a
S o.. the r th .lay oUmm,, ' e,"
tlecree ami ju.iffinciii - ,u j
1 teK.t theretofore therein V In. It. Wlimii
sSSSSSSiWaii raper,
' J,V .oi (ft y W Or, oatur
illfloiranror'orn v.. .iimii nnri i ill riiiiuv: iv... ..v.
nil, or so muen iiicicoi . ... :. if .
; tlsfv-thc amounts due upon said writ, to-w t.
?' S IS rent per innuin since the Wth
tiiiTon.-,. tnirel ier wltU lllteresi uien.u,. ... ... v
a-Vof 1-eeen.ber. ISM; and io
100 lor torue v ees; . . .... ... -.
j M coH hi .-nld Milt, tojretlier Willi iicernin, i..
,cTt Tb'o iwl or-;, this 12th day of Jan-
11 ry, ls.h.
Sherlll of Wasco County, Orison.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereM-given that an execution and
ordtr of -ale was'issued out of the Circuit t ourt
ot the Statu of Oregon for rtfco I ounty. on t Me
2Bth day of l.ecember, lv.W, upon a Judgmeiit
I herein rendeied on the 2ttd.iy of -Noyejuher.
1S90, in favor of K.'.d II. Die tr.v . pi'ilntill. and
iigalnxt lames F. Klllott and William Wood, de
fendants, which said exrcntlon anil order ot
sale is to me directed aud ((anmandliig nie to
sell the iitopcrtv hereinafter described, for the
purpose of satisfying the Judgment of the i.lalnt
ill" In said cause for the sum of WIO.IO, with In
terest thereon at ten per cent per annum f 10111
theUlst ilav of November, WW: and the further
sum of ?10 attorney's fees and the co-tsand
disbursements of said suit taxed at ?l.i. There
fore, In compliance with said execution and
order of sale, 1 will on
.Saturday, .limitary .'111. 1HD7,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. at the courthouse
door In alU City. Wasco (.ounty, Oregon, sell
at public auction, to the hlglie-u bidder, for ca.h
in hand,-for the purpose of satisfying the Judg
ment above mentioned the following described
lands and premises, to-wii:
b-ixtv-ihreo(03) acres oil' the east side of the
Norlh'half of the Poutheat quarter of Hec. : in
Township 1 North, Itange l." Eat. W. M., com
mencing at a rock at a point on the North line
of the NWof the Si'.;; of said .Section SO;
thence East to East line of said section; thence
South one-quarter mile; thence West to a point
due South ..f snid rock (the place of beginning);
thence North to tlie plnce of beginning.
Dated this 30th daj of December, ls'JO.
T. J. llKIVF.U.
Jan2-3t-it ShcrilVof Wasco County, Or.
Window-Glass and
Picture Moulding.
HI. G-LEIsriT,
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
ThPough Tiekets
A!o?5rtte i3' ,,mocul. t"na ticket,,
-OK- ThODaIlwiOfW!l
A' 9iHA?tLT0!f A8t- G. 1. A.
W. Morr Uou Cor. Thlnl. l'ortlai.,1 oVecon
O n a .
raE VMKE por Pil Pc
miu nu
ll... kli..i.t..
Qiu'.'J'Si'l'.' i"'"iru liui Pi... .T.rr vr
amcttcMcruiian in ---" V""';-,,..,. 1.1, the
tuinlni? 1C3T1 acres of and, togetner '' l"M
iniv. OM-iron. con-.
nereniiH. ' 'V. V, ,,presarv to
una., I'u.
Drugs, Paints,
i m n
Glass. Etc.
Snipes-'Cnersly Drug Co,
139 Second St.,
.1. S. KC1IE.VK.
II. 31. 11KALL,
ppst National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted 011 day of collection.
iSiplit and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenc.
Ed. M. Williamb, Geo. A. Likbk.
H. M. Bkai.l.
Dalles City and Moro Staje Line
Leaves Williams Hotel, M010, on
Moudiiys, Wednesdays and Fridays at
8 a. in. prompt.
Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles,
Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at
8 a. m. prompt.
Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c
per 100 11)?; small pnuknges, 15 and 25c.
Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro,
$1.50; round trip, $2.50.,
Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalle?,
and at Williams Hotel Moro.
Bale Orai and Mitchell
THOMAS HAKPER, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times u week.
1 he GtADES Ranch,
lire Brefl
Im-MW Cultlo
Of tho St Lambert, Coinmasslc and Tormentor
mine. Three choice Hulls for sale or rent,
so some (Jholco Cowh and Heifers for sale.
1 lire Bred Poland China Hogs.
Will to Plymouth Kock Chickens.
AddresM: MItS. A. It. 1IYHKETT, Prop.
Jvii-WJin white Salmon. Wash.
J. B' G0IT'
Recsidence, Tenth and Liberty Streets
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exnlinntara ntwl TalonrnnhlO
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
bt. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
con, Seattle Wash,, and various poinU
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. 1
A 1
i'liynlc. n Pill far 11 note.. .
A nilVUnunl l l.
uo hoff la Meh day 11 um:tv
tiSi Kill?,?" h"'lljloiliMteMUn ii-iuti
'in vum iteaiincuii, prwu
1III..1H.1.T1 Lllarlll.n ftlM
l ir !ili,n"!!!,,.i,,'.f full iHiifor BW), M.IeJ'