Tbe Dalles Daily Chronic. TIIK 1).Y1,I,KS, TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct tune card ot trains and bunts which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as Thk Cimo.Nicr.i: is kept fully in formed of revisions : 1). V. & A. N. O. STKAMKItS. Steamer Regulator leaves every Mondnv, Wed nesday niul Friday at 7:30 a. m. Arrives ovpry Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 5:b) p. ni. OKKCiON RAILWAY & NAVIGATION CO. FAST MAIL. Arrive. Leave. .. 1:45 a.m. 1:50 ii.m. 10:ir. a.m. 10:'.0u.tn. No.l West-bound. No.2 Knst-bound . n.vLLKs rAfsuNonu. No. 7 West-bound, leaves 1:00 p.m. No. S Knst-bound, arrives 11:.V a.m. All passonser trains stop at Union Street, as well as the dejxit. l'ENALTV OF lIKFAUr.TINO. Recorrtcr Lnh Out Throe Years lirUcnmriit mill 84000 Vine. Tiu- I'k.s'dletox, Jan. 'o. this morning George R. Lash, the defaulting city re corder, appeared before the court for the passing of sentence. Ilts counsel, Col onel J. H. Haley, made n etatement, asking leniency and the court imposed ti eentence of 3l-2 years in penitentiary, and a fine of ffOOO. Jud:e Lowell then instructed that the grand jury be brought, and delivered a charge to them, which demanded that tliov mnlri ii smirphini' invfistliMtinn tn discover others, if any were implicated, whether of high or low degree, and bring them to justice. The investigation will be most thorough, and the matter prob ably fully cleared up to the satisfaction of all the people and the court. FACTS AMOL'T THE "liLACK DEATH" lion- the Dread l)inea Germinates and Sjreal. New York, Jan. 25. Dr. Walter Wy xnan, surgeon-general of the marine hos pital service, has been making a study ox the "black death" or bubonic plague, now racing in India, the deadliest scourge that ever afflicted the earth. It has already been brought bv infected seamen to Marseilles. In an interview he says : "In general the disease is spread in the same manner as cholera, except that the cholera germ must enter the intestinal tract, while the germ of the plague may attack any part of the mucous membrane or be detected by even the minutest abrasion of the skin. While the germ is so virile and so easily taken into the system, it is one of the moat easily killed by disinfection. "In the experiments now being car ried on in the laboratory of the hospital Eervico, it is found that but one nathe- cnif'nrr:inim Hint is pnsilv ilpafrnvpd . , " ny lormamenyue gas is tue p.ague ( can empbasize fa statement, "It is a posi baccilus namely the staphylococcus ; tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." pveaenesaureus. One per cent ot quick-1 lime will also destroy it. "There are known to be two forms of i the disease. One is the fulminating j form called 'pestus major,' in which I - form the disease acts very quickly and is verv fatal. Tho other, pestus minor, in which the symptons are mild, tho patient not being confined to bed, whence this clas3 are called ambulant cases. "The period for incubation for the acute cases appears to be pretty well fixed at under ten days, while in the 'ambulant cases' the apparent period of incubation may be very much longer. In other words, ambulant cases may be afilicted for a period of ten to thirtv days before the symptoms have developed which call attention to the disease. The acute form of the infec tion mav cause mild attacks, while on the other hand the ambulant caseB may cause acute attacks, The ambulant cases are, therefore, the more to be dreaded." Installation of (r. fleppuer, Jan. 37th. For the above occasion, tickets will be Eold trom Tho Dalles to Ileppner and return at rate of $-j.30. A special through sleeper will bo attached to train No. 2 Tuesday night, the 20th inst. All those desiring reservation should make tho fact known to us not later than noon of that day. JC. E. Lytm:, j'22 5t " Agent. Something to Depend On. Mr, Jumes Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, III., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with LaGrippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Haety Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, und selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from the first doso, and half dozen dollar buttles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds Is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Blakeloy & . Houghton's Drug Store. (5) Two llnlluts at Olyiiiiiln. OliYM'iA, Wash., Jan.. L'o The four teenth joint ballot for eountor resulted as lollows: Turner, 27; Cline, .59 Squire, 7; W'lnsor, ;t; Daniels, 4 Rogers, 1; Denny, 2:2; T. J. Miller, 1 eight absent or paired. On the fifteenth ballot Turner h id 28 Cline 30, Squire 7, Windsor ii, Daniels 5, Rogers 1, Denny 22, Gerry 1. Rango 1, absent eight. Killed by a 1'ullliic Tree. Makqukttk, Mich., Jan. 25. Joe Martin, Jack Ford and Pat Donohuo wero returning to their lunibor camp in a blinding snow storm, when a treo fell on them, killing the first two outright Donohue was horribly mangled. Jtomire of Olnmeiit for Cnturrli that Contain .Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy tho sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions ftom reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the eood.you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O.. contains i no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle. fSold by Druirgists. 4. Fall of Seventy Degrees. Gutiihie, 0. T., Jan. 25. The worst blizzard for years raged here last night, the thermometer falling more than 70 degrees to midnight. In Texas tl e snowfall is the heaviest of tho season and the cold is intense. liuakleu'o Arincn nalye. The best salve in the world for cur , bruises, eores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to sive perfect, satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale ty Blakeloy and Houghton, drugirists. Sudden Change In Colorado. Dknvei:, Jan. 23. Thermometers reg istered S to 10 below zero this morning. The cold is severely felt on account of the sudden change. At some places the temperature dropped 70 degrees in 14 hiura. this Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stampa. a generous samplo will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fover Cure fElv's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon etrato tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 50 Warren St., New York City. Uev. JohnReid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Elv's Cream Balm to me. I ucv. irancis w. a'ooio, x-astor central l'res. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents, CARE OF- MATTRESSES. ,Iow to Wash Hoforo ruttinc Tli cm Away. The feather bed is, of course, a thin'.' of the pa.-:t. Ibisprobablynotlnmontt.l tii many quarters, n.s it is certainly ui1 healthful, dillictilt to care for, and not pleasant to sleep on. ifattresse. W.'inkets, pillows, and other articles of bedding', however, require much cure, to In? kept odorless and clean. The main enemies to mattresses art dust, damp and moth, and frequent brushing must be given them, for in an incredibly short time they will harbo dust nil along the edges and where the button is fixed. A loose cotton cover over the muttress, made to button neat ly at one end, also goes a long way toward keeping it clean. This can btj washed and ohanged as often as need be without much trouble or expense, it is very important to air all the bedding thoroughly. Every article should h" daily taken off and laid sejxirutely over a chair and a strong current of air should be allowed to circulate through the room before the clothes are re placed. The mattress should be turned daily and from end to end, (is this in sures it being worn more evenly, and not sinking in the middle. Blankets are a difliculty to ninny peo ple, mostly because they cannot make up their minds ns to how often they should be washed, nor how they should be treated. In many bouai , ; an washed only bnce a year; but somhow that does seem rather too taio a pro ceeding. On the other hand, it is really not necessary tolunv them washed more than twice a yen-: l itt they must have proper care in ti: interval in tlu- shape of airing, shaking, etc. A washing ma chine is very good for the purosc. (.specially an they should never bo rubbed by the hand. The water should be only lukewarm, and litth s tip well lathered in tho water i all that will be required. Wring the blankets very dry through a wringer, .shake them out and wash again in the same way, wring ing each time, until, they are quite clean. Do not rinse them, but pull them into ahape and hang them out In the tain, which in a great help to preserving n good color. Boston Globe. you rr2rxi: mm mfmm fwjp- mm xmw 1 NOTHIN BUT THE GENUINE CURED OF PARALYSIS Carlos F. Shepard, a Member of the Indianapolis Board of Trade, is About Once More. Case of Weighty Interest to Anyone Suffering With Nervous Complaints, for the Patient was Cured by " Feeding" the Nerves. This is a New Term in Medicine. From the News, One ef the best known men about the In ! dianapolis Board of Trade is Carlos F. Shcp ard, who for several years has been con nected with the house of II. E. Kinney, grain broker. Jlr. Shepard is n blutT, Ifstrty, old gentleman of medium height, gray-headed and with a mustache like a French veteran. He is a man of very decided views on all i subjects and is especially orthodox in poll ' anj medicine. Notwithstanding his firm ness in his convictions and tho vigor with which ho maintains them ho isanian of many friends for manly men, even though some times obstinate in their opinions, have the force of character that win adaiiration and friendship. So a few months ago when the news came to his old associates on tho Board of Trade that Mr. Shepard had received a stroke of paralysis and that the probabilities were that liis days of usefulness were over, and that perhaps, his hours were numbered, tho deep est sympathy went out to tho smitten man and his iamily. It seemed to all his friends almost lmpo-isihle that this rugged old man, always so wholesomely hearty and cheerful, always a picture of health for HIS CHEEKS WEItB LIKE THE UOSE IN THE SNOW; could have been so suddenly laid low.1 But it was true and many weeks passed before his well-known form and kindly face re turned to his former business haunts. His rc-appcaranco was made the occasion of a hearty welcome and the story of his illness and recovery is well worth the telling. " I was taken sick," said Sir. fShepard. "on tho 17th of Aucrust. 1895. As I hud all alonK been of tho opinion that I was mado of 11 1. .1, 41. -1 l 1 . 1 iron, you may wen oeiicvc mm n was nuru for me to entertain the thought that I was to be laid up for more than a day or two. I am 58 yean old, and for 40 years up to the time of ihi.i attack, I had not had a day's sickness. The doctors who diagnosed my case saw at oaco that it was something seri ous. They at first said that it was lumbago then sciatic rheumatism. They finally came to the concluuon they did not know what was tho matter with mc. I experi enced no pain, ray head was clear, nyr ap petite good, but I lost tho use of myself from my hips down. This was a hard stroke to an active man who has always had an easy going pair of legs. My brother-in-law, who is a physician, camo from a neighbor ing city to see me. Ho pronounced my af fliction to be locomotor ataxia. I am of the opinion that ho diagnosed tho case correctly for I was absolutely paralyzed from the hips down. ' "Beftro he came, however, a day or so be fore I had begun takiugDr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pale People. That was on the 20th day of last October. I read an article in the Indianapolis JVVtpa and saw testimonials de scribing cases cured that were similar to mine. It struck me that the remedy could not do me any harm and I began to take the pills. " Before I began taking them I could not rtir a peg, but Tfiad to bo carried from place to place. I had not got far into the first box when I felt that deliverance from my en forced inaction hod come, licoro I finished the second box I was ablo to walk alone DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And tho Most Comoleto and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTKK ami I'AI'EK IIANUEK. None but the best brande of J, W. MASUUY'S PAINTS iifeed in all our work, and none but the moHt skilled workmen employed. AgentH for Masury Liquid Paints. No chom icel combination or eoap mixture. A Urst-clans aitbki in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store anil Paint Qhoo onrner Third aud Waahiugtcn 8ts., The Dalles, Oreot IS You will And ono coupon Insidu each two ounce bus r.ndtwocour.nno InsldocacU four ounce ba:ofttl.'ici:wcU'8 Durham. JCuy a taj; of tills celebrated tobacco aud read tho coupon which rjlves a lls.t of vcluiibto nresouts und how to jci them. Indianapolis, Ind. with the aid of a cane. About home I do not ue a cane now but when 1 como oat on the slippery pavements I feel that I need a little support to make my footing sure. " I am still using Williams' Pink Pills, but I have reduced the dose to one after each meal. It seems that I have been able to throw some discredit on the predictions of my doctors thanks to the pills. They said J could never walk again but here I am, and I think tho credit must be given to the pills. It is said the pills are stimulating, but I can not say that they give mc any sensations that I am aware of. They merely cure and that is unite enoiiL'h for mc. since 1 have been out I have been a walkinir advertisement for Williums' Pink Pills. I suppose I have recommended tliem to at least a hundred persons. What 1 You want to print all this? Why, my dear fir, I never gave a recommendation to any pro prietary medicine before in my life. Per haps it may not bo a bad thing to do fo tins time if it will help any Miflerer to regain liealtli and uouuy activity." Carlos r. Shepard has been a resident of Indianapolis for over twenty years. He-lives at No. 720 East Ohio Street. He has alwuyo been an active, enterprising man and his I many friends will rejoice that he has liter-1 any been put upon nis lect again, w vi not only well-known locally but to grain shippers all over Indiana and Illinois. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pcoplo arc an unfailing remedy for all dhcases aris ing from a poor and watery condition of the blood, such as pale and sallow complexion, general muscular weakness, loss of appetite, depression of spirits, lack of ambition, ana; mia, chlorosis or green fcickness, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath on slight ex ertion, coldness of hands or feet, swelling of the feet and limbs, pain in the back, nervous headache, dizziness, loss of memory, feeble ness of will, ringing in the ears, early decay, all forms of female weakness, leucorrlioj'a, tardy or irregular periods, suppression of menses, hysteria, paralysis, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, sciatica, all diseases depending on vitiated humors in the blood, causing scrofula, swelled glands, fever sores, rickets, hip-joint diseases, hunchback, acquired de formities, decayed bones, chronic erysipelas, catarrh, consumption of tho bowels and lungs, and also for invigorating the blood and system when broken down by overwork, worry, dis ease, excesses aud indiscretions of living, re covery from acute diseases, such as fevers,"etc., loss of vital powers, spermatorrhoea, early de cay, premature old age. These pills are not a purgative medicine. They contain nothing that could injure the most delicate system. They act directly on the blood, supplying to the blood its life-giving qualities by assisting it to absorb oxygen, that great supporter of all organic life. In this way tho blood, becom ing" built up" and being supplied with its lacking constituents, becomes rich and red, nourishes the various organs, stimulating them to activity ill the performance of their functions, and thus to eliminate diseases from the system. These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Mcdicino Company, Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.G0, and aro never sold in bulk. They may be had of all druggists, or direct by mall from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treat ment inexpensive compared with other remedies. nRTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car NT. I'AIH. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTI1 .'AI10 OKANO I'OitlCS OKOOKSTON WINNTI'KO IIKLKNA mill 1HJTTK TO Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PUILAHKLI'IIIA NEW YOltK HOSTON AND ALL VOINT8 EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, mnps and tickets, cul on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, OrcROii OK A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 253. MonUon Cor. Third, l'ortlond Oregon THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION- IS rages a Wok. 15C I'niiors n Your. It stands first among ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication aud freshness, varietv and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at tho low nrice o a weekly : and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairuesB of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashtond for women and a long series of stories by tho greatest living American and English authors, ('oiiiin Jloyli, .lornnio IC. lroni, Stauli'y Woyniin, Mary E. WltltltiH, Anthony lliint I! rot llarte, lirimtlfir Mnltliw, Etc. Wo offer this unequaled nowspapcrnnd Tho Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether one year for SL'.OO. The tegular price of tho two papers is $3.00. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. Notice is. hereby Riven that by virtue of nu exiciitlon mid tho order ot sale Issued out of tho Circuit Couit of tho htuto of Oregon for Wasco County on tho liith day of .lauuaiy, Is'JT, upon u deureo and luiltniii'iit mmle. remlcii'il mui ..n. I tered theretofore therein in a Milt wherein .1. J. Spencer was pliilntllV and Wilson 15. WlnaiiH i. nil .Mary u limns, ills wlfo.atid.I. M. Huntlnstou wero defendants: I did duly levy upon and will sell at tho front door of tho countv couithouso in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Satur day, tho 13th day of February, 16U7, at 'Z o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at public auction, to the highest bidder for easli in hand, tho lol lowing deocribed real estate, described In said execution and order of sale, and described as iollows, to-wlt: Lots four (1), llvo (5), six (0) and seven (7), in section No. six () in township .No. ono ii), ninth of range ten (10) east of Will amette Meridian in Wasco Countv, Oregon, con taining 1(13,71 ucicsof land, together vlth tho tenements, heleditaraents and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wiso appertain ing, or so much thereof as shall bo necessary to sathfytthe amounts duo upon said writ, to-wit: 1107'J.yj, together with inteiest thereon at tho into of eight tx-r cent per annum slncu the asth I'ewsmber, 1MM; And the further sum of ?100 foi 'attorney's fees; and tho further sum of costs in said suit, together with accruing in terest and expenses of sale. Datedjit Tho Dalles Or., tills 12th day of Jan- Janlil flMl Sherllt of WuscoonVyort'gou. Sheriffs Sale.. Notice is hereby given that an execution and 5'!Vr tLf.b,.,Ic V'S out of 11)0 Circuit Court o ho Stale o; Oregon for Wasco County on ho 'J6th day of December, ib, upon a Judgment therein rendered on the 'Jlstday of Novei iber iW. In favor of Fo.d H. Dietzel. phd til and aga nst James F. Kljlott and William "voo. , e fenihiuts, which said execution und order of follir. lw I. ..1.-..- . " . . kiim r tin ...,....;.."" .'.";? ",u runner t.. osXVllvn,TouW,,h M'Ul Natunluy, January an, 1807, ISnor ?i?nU.i'io0.fi'i?'cJ)ok '' ut o courthouse l)rtllcs City, Wasco County, Oregon, tell at mibl c auction, to tho highest bidder, for cash n hand, for tho purposo of satisfying tUo Judg m:VV "'feo iM) acres on1 tho east'sldoof tho 2S,h,,,J Nor,.,, H""8 Kust.W.Sl .corn neiiclng a tu root at a point on tho No h o of tho NW4of the 8KK of said Hoe Ion W: theneo K.ut to Knit lino of said section: th"i co bouth one-quarter mile: thence Weit to i point i ., ., I."' vvl IllliU, in duo bouth of sitid rock (tho . ( uio iiiueu oi lHKllllllllg) ; PIhco of beginning. j of December, 18M. lui'nvu nurui 10 wie Dated this )thda Juii2-5Ml Bherlffof Wasco Comity, Or, t. J. imivh H. N niii saidcausoor tho sum of W1C.10, w th in .l'?? te" -'r cwit per annum fr, i iiiuiQL iiiiv iii ftiivp iiripr. lKir. nm tiw. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. -'(inersly Drug 129 Second St., ..A-f ' - WflBK J. B. BCHKNK, President. First Rational Bank THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Bueinesa transifisl, uratt or vjnecK. s Collections made and proceeds promKjS -nrnl.n.t .Inn ( ll.,il r'fif, C:..1.4- nnA Talmmnliin TiVnhi,nA..lI.nl7 Now York. Ran Franniflcn Rn.J PnSw! , nri, land. DIRECTORS, ii. i-. i iiiiuhhiin. iNii. n. nrnnii'iL hi). M. W1LLIAM8, UKO. A. LlIBlf hi. M. BKAIiL. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. rilANSAGT A GKKKUAL BANKING BUSIStP Ltnttorn of Orpdit iHRtied fivailablfl P Sieht Exchange and TelmapliS TranBferg sold on New York, Cbia?M at. i-ouis, ban Francisco, rortiana mtjKa lon, Seattle Wash,, and various poin in Oregon and Washington. m (Inllpntinnc mnrln tit. fill nnintn nnfirrf ... ... . DtSt , , 1 m orauio teruiH. m nn-. rt.'i- ..i hit rtt . TLSf 1 I '1 I lllll I I I I II 11 IHI II III I V I III I I Lt'.'-C iin n. 1. 1 1 u mm m i m n init imim Leaves V l liams Hotel. Jlow. Ui iVlntidiivs.. WiidiiAnrlnvH nnil Kridavifi -. " j ' s 8 a. in. nroiii'it. m 1- -rv .... -rw m T.ll-&i Tnpsilfivs. 'I'livrBiiiivH iiiirl fiiitnnlavsiM niit'i.ci i i. infill ii fri.it.au ilia 11. bw - '-f,i o a. in. nroinni. ' l. 'Pl. 7..11i, Mm and at Williams Hotel, Jloro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. NOTICE. U. S. IMNI) OFFICE, Till. Diirva llivi 7. 1S5C. bv liC.wls C. llVmioiFhmi nfrnllist William ffW en for abandoning ids houie.teud enWkj .t'yr. ii.i.i.., i...Ai. 7 taut . ... .I... ciU'l ipriU.i f ii.iti;ii J'J. iO'J.i U1MJ1I iiiv ""-.".: x i,.y iian i nuiiiii iiiiiiuu j.) j.. ... "- ii f.i kiiii, iiiii.r .I... u.iiii ...i.timi tini nprpnvius iiiriii-ii iumi ill, ill v f-nnniTiiiiiir miiu ur. ..I. ,i. ....... dlO-l ' JAB. F. JtOOHE, Register. Oven and I STAGE LINE, Rt nflflQ lanim Dnlra Htran viTv.ir nay. IIIIU lruill AUIV Vl'w cheli three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. Tun P.i nnrn DnMrtH i ri r. ti m urn iniiwiH; WUITK SALMON. WASH. r ore Bred Anierloa T Jersey tlnttle ,1 Club u Of the ( t i 'varment ho 8omo choice Cowh ana ueuew ior 1I....1 11-1 1 11 1. 1 11 . J.!!'." "H 101U1IU LilllllU HUK5. White lUymouth Book OlilokeiiH. Address: Mm. A. It. DVJlKKTT. l'rK : Jyir).w3m Wliito Salmon. " J. B. QOIT, COUNTY iSUBVEYOE. Roosidence, Tenth and Liberty flU! Snipes Bake ERSKi: