The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 26, 1897, Image 1

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    CTIjc walk HH l)romck
L. X
NO 13
it AL
111 :
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world cel
ebrated lor its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
Called to Meet on
March 15th.
Democrats Tell Chairman Jones
to Mlml His ltumness--They Will
Not Vote 'for Dubois.
SSf$MWTT,ATiEr.iiirA . .Tnn. 9iY nnncrnggmnn
Stnrtevant, of Crawford county,
will succeed Joseph Sibley in the
;jeongress, is in this city. He said
'? ho had called on President-elect
inley and that the latter said :
Sfiwill call a special session of con-
on murcn iocn, ana unless icnange
toind you may bo in Washington by
itltne. I desire to have my protect-
j&Byetein inaugurated immediately
my inauguration, and I want a
ure passed that will immediately
ulate business and give idle men
jngressman Stnrtevant said further
j no Pennsylvania man would be in
IcKinley cabinet.
Democrats Hpeak Plainly on
Senatorial Question.
lt Lake, Jan. 25. A special to the
ane from Boise sava:
Isresponse to a dispatch from Chair-
liJones, of the national Democratic
3 it tee, 1G of the 18 members of the
lature tonight signed the following
tch to Jones:
Inl nn Inn OT. TT T T."
Jrman. Washington: Referrinc tn
r telegram to Chairman McFee, re
ins to our legislative caucus, we
Id say we denounce the arbitary in-
Brence by federal authorities in local
are, as a violation of the constitution
tie United States and a crime against
institution. The Democratic party
uis state, having been ratified by an
rwhelming majority at the polls, the
ption of your suggestion to support
oibe would stultify our party and
bu in the estimation of our constit-
ts every Democrat elected by the
ority in the Idaho legislature. The
on of Secretary Walsh in seeking to
aside the entire machinery of our
) organization before the campaign
I now, la a most hich-hahded. un-
Rranted proceeding, aud unparalleled
the history of American politics.
"J. Rich.
JJhairmnn Democratic Legislative
'R. H. Johnson, Secretary. "
L's Well-Knowu Writer of Itoiuantlc
tew Yohk, Jan, 25.--The World this
morning Bays that Mrs. Hungerford,
who, according to a Dublin dispatch to
the Associated Prss, is dead, was known
to the literary world as "The Duchess."
Continuing, the World says :
" 'The Duchess' first became widely
know to the renders of light literature
through her novels 'Molly Brown, and
'Phyllis.' Pretty tales of the joys and
trials of lovers, told in a light, chatty
way, found favor on two continents, and
for many years the novels of 'The Duch
ess' have sold in many editions.
"Mrs. Hungerford lived at. St. Bren
don's, Brandon, County Cork. She
married when very young, and was early
left a widow with three small children
to care for. In 1883 she married Henry
Hungerford. of Cahirmore. Her first
novel, 'Phyllis,' was written to keep the
wolf from the door, It proved to be
popular, and was followed by others of
the like kind.
"Mrs. Hungerford was yery proud of
her Irish decent. She was the daughter
of the Iiev. Canon Hamilton, rector of
one of the oldest churches in Ireland,
and St. Faughan's cathedral in Ross,
County Cork. Her grandfather was
John Hamilton, of Beynglong, Dubyone.
"Mrs. Hungerford had a rare person
ality, and was a famous hostess. She
was very popular in literary circles.
The success of 'The Duchess' stories was
largely due to the humorous situations
and the bright, crisp dialogue. Though
past middle age, Mrs. Hungerford always
retained a bright, youthful appearance,
and was always of a. vivacious, cheerful
temperament. Her first successful novel
'Phyllis was the moat popular of her
works. More than 250,000 copies of it
were sold. While writing 'Phyllis,' Bhe
was jokingly introduced at a reception
as her grace, the duchess.' The nom de
plume was thus suggested and has always
been associated with her literary work."
A Cuban Expedition
, Bkipgkton, N. J., Jan. 25, It has just
leaked out that the aloop Acoata, which
has been missing from Port Norris for
some time, has eailed for Cuba with
arms and amunition for the insurgents.
She is expected to arrive there this week.
Baukera and Gambler Kxiled.
Havana. Jan. 25, via Key West. Gov
ernor Porrula has ordered over 100 bank
ers and gamblers of Havana province to
leave inside of 24 hours, under penalty
of being imprisoned.
When other tea is roasted
fresh in this country, like
Schilling's Best, some tea
will be as good.
Not now.
At grocers' in packages.
t Schilling & Company '? '
San Francisco 400
Government Mast Act Promptly In the
Cable Matter.
Washington, Jan. 25. "There is not
much time for the United States to avail
itself of the proffered concession of a
submarine cable between the coast of
California and Hawaii," said Francis P.
Hastings, charge d' affaires of tho Ha
waiian embassy in this city, "for that
offer only extends to May 1, 1897. It is
simply a question of expediency, and as
a monopoly of the proposed cable con
nection for a score of years would be
granted it does pot seem likely this coun
try will let such an opportunity slip.
On all sides there is nothing but com
mendation for the project, and it would
be $60,000 well invested for the United
States to meet Hawaii a little more than
half way on this proposition.
"According to the terms of the pro
posed concession power is given to take
and hold exclusive possession of the line
of cable between San Francisco and Hon
olulu, refusing any and all business in
the way of messages that might be pre
judicial to the interests of this govern
ment. With the vast and safe harbor of
Pearl river as a rendevous for its war
ships and the exclusive control of com
munication between Hawaii and the
outside world, the United States would
secure a vantage ground that would give
it practical control of the Pacific ocean.
"No suggestion has ever been made by
any private person or corporation to lay
such a cable with private capital and
without government subsidy. Uncer
tainty as to its financial success and the
indefinitenesa regarding the amount of
commercial business that would come to
it has always stood in the way of invest
ment by private capitalists.
"There is no reason why the govern
ment should not contract for carrying its
dispatches as well as its mails, and class
an ocean cable company within the cate
gory of the postoffice. In 1857 the Unit
ed States granted a subsidy of $70,000
per annum, as well as the use of two gov
ernment ships, to assist in laying a cable
from the coast of Ireland to the coast of
Newfoundland. This action was taken
at a time when the necessity for cable
communication waB hardly realized and
was in the nature of an experiment.
This whole cable line was to be outside
the domain of tho United States, and
practically beyond the control. Its
messages wore not to be transmitted
free, nor was it to have any advantages
from tho successful laying of the cable
through th6 aid bo granted. But it was
a necessity to stimulate the investment
of private capital, which has resulted in
spanning the Atlantic with 12 separate
cables between North America and Eu
rope and three separate cables between
South America and Europe.
"In all schemes for a cable crossing
the North Pacific the Hawaiian islands
have been considered as a necessary ob
jective t. resting point on the long
stretch of water to be traversed, and not
until the granting by the Hawaiian gov
ernment of exclusive landing rights to
an American company was the feasibility
of any other route seriously entertained."
Ola I'eonle.
Old People who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in' Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whiskey nor other intoxi
cant, but acts as a tonic and alternative.
It acts mildly on the stomach and bow
els, adding strength and giving tone to
the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions, Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old People find It just exact
ly what they need. Price fifty cents and
$1.00 per bottle a Blakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store. (5)
Prlmarr. Rm
anr-JUiUflU HtllKIlN
cnredhiifitoHdsri. You can bo treated at
home (or same price under tame guuraa
ty. If you prof or to come hera tra will mn.
traAttODllYmlrnadfarAanitlinalhlll . we foil to cure. If you bare taken mer
cury, fodlde potaatt, and atlll have aciiei and
)aini, nucoua i-atcnea in raoutu. Bore Throat.
utcera ou
va falilnv
'luiplea. Copper Colored Hou
njr part of thoody, Ualr or Kyeh
outnt Is tula Secondary DLO
e Kusrwte to cure, we solicit the moot
ate cases and enallenea tha world
caxo re cannot cure, tfnls dineaio boa alvari
battled tho skill of the moat eminent pliraU
clan J. 1600,000 capital behind our unconu
Subscribe for Tub Cukoniclk.
Our Great Sale, at discount of
Twenty Per Cent, for Cash,
Embraces, among other lines, tho following, which
deserve special mention:
Ladies', Childs' and Infants' Knit Underwear,
Men's Cotton and Wool Underwear,
We Discount
All Cash Bills
Per Cent.
Only a few more days of
this great Price-Cutting.
Feb. i st the last day.
A. m. WIIalalAXNIS GO.
Is due, in the majority of cases, to
imperfect action of the sebaceous
or oil glands. Deprived of its
proper nourishment, the hair be
comes harsh and brittle, the scalp
dry and scaly, and the roots choked
and lifeless in a hard, dry skin. The
purest, sweetest, and most effective
treatment is warm shampoos with
followed by light applications of
Cuticura (ointment), the great
skin cure.
They clear the scalp and hair of
crusts,' scales, and dandruff, allay
itching, soothe irritation, heal erup
tions, destroy microscopic insects
which feed on the hair, stimulate
the hair follicles, and supply the
roots with nourishment.
Sold throughout tho world, l'rlco, Coticuiu,
60c.; Soai'.'J&c.; Kkboi.vknt, 1. J'ottkk Dnuo
AND OlfKM. (JnnP , Hole l'roim.. Demon, U, H. A.
All ubout tho Ualr and Hltln," free.
WORN " Aches, and weaknesses, but still
OUT compelled to labor on." To all
WITH such uuderersCiitlcura Ant l-l'ftiu
PAINS I'lutcr U a irlcele Messing.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
aud warranted.
Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg,
the eye specialist, and liuve your eyea
examined free of pbarge. If you suffer
with headache or nervousness you un
doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
corrected, will benefit you for life.
Office, in the Vogt block.
New York Weekly Tribune
V m. BaBaBataaalafcViBaK?
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With the :lo6 of tho J'rcsiilontiiU CiimpniKii TUB TKIUUNE eecoKtilsses the
fact thul tlio American pcopltj uru now anxioiiH to tfivo tliuir attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will liuvu fur less epace and
proininonco, until another St:tt or National occasion dumnmla a renewal of the
fight for tlio principles for which TUB TIM HUN B has labored from its inception
to the pretent day, and won Ha victories
Every possible effort will bo put forth, and money freely spent, to make TUB
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a, National Family Newspaper, Interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. ilest.
Tribune Oflico, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to vou.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes
Traded ior Var rtiniti "Ronrm T.nvri firo.
Th Dallti, Or.
4 I . '