The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 25, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Dally Chronick
tjii: IIAI.l.KS,
Helmv is published u correct tunc caul
ot trains antl bouts which leavu nutl nv
rive at Tho Dalles. Travelers mav trust
it, as Tun GtiRONtcLK ia kept fully in
formed of revisions :
Stcnmcr Regulator Icnvos every Monday, Wort
liesuayiiml Friday at T.M a. m.
Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday nnd Satur
uny iu s:w . m.
fast mail. Arrive. Leave.
No.l Vct-bouiul IMS a.m. -I:W) a.ia
Ko.U East-bound 10:13 a.m. 10:20 u.m.
n.w.r.n.s i'A!
No. T West-bound, leaves 1:00 tun
No. S East-bound, arrives 11:53 a.m
All passenger tralrs stop at Union Street, as
well as tnouopor.
Judge BradsKtw is in Salem today, to
view tliu political-battle.
Mrs. Laura Smith, formerlv of this
city, is up from Portland visiting friends
Mt. Kd 31. Willifuiis' returned from r
two weeks' visit in ""Portland veaterdav.
Senators Michell and Ditfur and repre
seutntivo Misener went to Salem yester
day afternoon.
Constable Hill, who conveyed the in
sane man McCabe to the asylum, arrived
home last night.
3Irs. Nancy Blakenoy is visiting her
sons in this city. Her son, Mr. Hugh
iilaUeney is uown trom Wallula.
Mrs. E. J. Collins, who has been
threatened with typhoid fever, is much
better today. Miss Jessie Butler is im
proving slowly.
The Kelly-Wentz Wedding.
Miss Emma Wentz and Mr. J. H.
Kelly were united in marriage last
Thursday evening at 6 o'clock, by Kev.
Dr. Charles E. Locke, pastor of the
Taylor Etreet M. E. churcn. The mar
riage was solemnized at the residence of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wentz,
430 Jefferson street. The dainty sim
plicity of the floral appointments in the
home characterized this occasion as one
of the most charming home weddings of
the season. Palms, roses, carnations
and ferns were so arranged as to produce
an effective and artistic ensemble. Rev.
Dr. Locke, with the groom and his at
tendant, Mr. E. M. Cox, best man, were
followed by the bride, escorted by her
father and the two bridesmaids, Miss
.Anna Wentz and Miss Laura Thompson.
Becomingly gowned in white organdie
over white silk, the bride carried a bou-
. quet of exquisite loveliness, La France
roses with sprays of lillies of the valley.
A spray of this flower was nestled in her
coiffure. Miss Anna "Wentz, brides
maid, wore white mull, trimmings of
lace, and carried white carnations. An
-elaborate wedding supper followed con
gratulations. Many useful and hand
some presents were given the happy
couple. After a wedding trip through
San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will
be at home after February loth.
The guests present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Ad. Burckhardt, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Emig, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burkhardt,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Simmons, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Wentz, Miss Alma Schmidt
The Dalles; Miss Burckhardt, Miss Lena
Burckhardt, Miss Anna Burckhardt,
Miss Anna Wright, Miss Wentz, Miss
Lida Parrieh, Mr. J. B. Glover, Mr. H.
A. Heppner, Mr. F. O. Burckhardt, Mr.
C. Wontz. Mr. J. Wentz, .Mr. II. Wentz,
Master Otto Emig and Edmund Sim
mons. Oregonian.
Following is tho program for Miss
Griswold's entertainment Monday even
ing: VABT I.
a Klndes Traum K. S. Klein Op 8
b Deux I'olonulte l Chopin, Op to
Miss lieorsia Sampson.
Vocal Solo "Tlmeof Apple Mossom"
Mr. Chun. Clarke.
Heading "Evidence In Attachment Suit" ..
Mhs J. Montague Oriswold.
Piano Solo "Possum Hunt"
Miss Georgia feauipson.
Miss J. Montague Onswold,
fc"olo "Love's Old Sweet Sons"
Mr. Chas. Clarke.
Kccitatlon "Money Musk"
Mli J. M. (iriswold.
Piano Solo "II 1'enteroho"
Mlhs (ieorgla bumpBon.
"The Haven" JCtlyar Allan I'ue
weo "Itobwt o'Mncolu" . ..William 0. Jtryant
Miss J. M. Uilswold.
Piano Solo-"Am Genfer Seo" . . . Jlendal Op 1-39
Itec "Ihe Jxist Heir" (in costume).. That Ifoud
Miss Otibwold.
Tickets 50 cents; no extra charge for
reserved seats.
Know tlio "SnmllMiriteen" ot tilfe.
Young men should not get tho idea
that to know tho "small graces of life"
is useless or frivolous. What wo call tho
"social graces" are very valuabln to a
young man. That i? the great trouble
with young fellows who aio uirnest;
they are too earnest, and upon ail occa
sions. They.can have. a high aim in life,
a lofty purpose, and yet not close them
selves up to all eocial pleasures or amen
ities. Girls feel uncomfortable, and par
donubly so, when thoy go to a concert or
any other form of entertainment with a
young man who constantly make mis
takes in little things. The small rules
and laws which must bo observed on all
social occasions are not to be frowned
down ; thoy aro important, and a voting
fellow makes a great mistake when he
considers them beneath him or unworthy
of his attention Edward W. Buk in
February Ladies' Home Journal.
Telephone Line to Fossil.
. Heller
HiiolWon Arincu rtnlve.
The beat salve iu tho world for cum,
briusos, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovei
eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains.,
corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfac
tion, or money nifunued. Price 25 cents
per box. For ealo by BJukcloy and
Houghton, druggists.
You'll be surprised when you try Hoo
Cake eoap, and wish We hud told you
sooner. It is mude by patented pro
The Gilliam County Telephone Com
pany tiled articles of incorporation at
Salem Saturday. The new corporation
will build and equip a telephone lino
from Arlington via Olex, Condon and
Mayville to Fossil and other points
Tho principal ofHco will be located a
Condon. The capital stock is $3000, to
be divided into sixty shares. V. W
Steiwer, Charles McKonzie and Charles
Prindee are the stockholders and pro
moters of the enterprise.
Something to Depend On.
Mr, James Jones, of the drug firm of
Jones & Son, Cowden, III., in speaking
of Dr. King's New Discoverv, says that
last winter his wife was attacked with
LaGrippe, and her case grew so serious
that physicians at Cowden and Pana
could do nothing for her. It seemed to
develop into Hastv Consumption. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, he took a bottle
ome, and to the surprise of all she be
an to get better from the first dose, and
half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is
guaranteed to do this good work. Try
t. Free trial bottles at Biakelev it
Houghton's Drug Store. (5)
of Elks I.iHlfje,
Or., .Tun. 27th.
If opinier,
For the above occasion, tickets will be
old from The Dalles to Heppner and
return at rate .of o.JO. A special
through sleeper will be attached to train
No. 2 Tuesday night, the 26th inst. All
those desiring reservation should make
the fact known to us not later than noon
of that dav. E. E. Lytlu,
j22 ot Agent.
F .
j w i lj a N T.
Leg Wins u
A fatal cycliiifr accident happened re
cently at Maison l.iUiitte. Two young
EirliBlimeii, V. "Morrb, the steeplechase
jockey, and J Davis, drat stableman in
the employ of L. Robert, the trainer,
had urranjred a bicycle match of six
kilometers from the .Mni.son Lafiittc rail
way bridge to the Croix do Noaillea and
back. They had almost completed the
race when Morris, who was a little
ahead, looked back to see how far Davis
was behind, and in. doing- bo hi! lell hi:
machine run against the curbstone. The
unfortunate- rider came to the ground
and broke his leg below the knee. Mor
ris, who was following close behind,
could not avoid his fallen opponent and
was thrown heavily to the ground,
where he remained insensible.
Disregarding both his own broken leg
antl his friend lying motionless on the
ground, Morris, in hi- anxiety to win
the race, mounted his bicycle and toon
reached the winning post, with one foot
on the pedal, the other hanging useless
on the opposite side. Davis was then
carried home, but he died during the
Latent from illllvlllc.
We recently purchased a bicycle.
The doctor Hays that with careful nurs
ing we will be out in six weeks.
We lost one leg in the war and tho
other running for congress. We are
still able, however, to piny a full baud.
There is only one gold bug in Blll
villo now, and lie's in a dime museum
under the direction of a silver manager.
There. Is no uso to run for coroner in
Blllville. The only time a man drops
dead here is when some one goes crazy
and pays him ten, dollars on account.
Money is so scarce in Billville that
we are compelled to run foroflicoon th
installment plan; but it looks like we'll
never be fully installed. Billville Banner.
A Census Kxporlouce.
In tho recent census of the county
of London, the weupler of a tenement
handed back n blank paper to the col
lector with a confused statement that
it didn't apply to her. "And where do
you live, then'.'" asked the bcmiiddled
enumerator after a long struggle to dis
entangle witness. "Where do I live?
Why, where should I live but in my
own 'ome?" "Well, where is your
homo?" "This is my 'ome, of course
it is." "But you said just now that you
didn'tsleep here last night." "No more
I did. I never slept a minute all night
long, and my 'usband Ml tell 'o tho
mmw " .TIiiihrilil Woriln
Subscribe for Tun Chhonicxk.
f Ilia
The highest claim for other
lobaccco ia ' Jxtjjt as
good as D it r h a ni . "
Every old smoker
ktiovs there is r.cne just
an Kood as
Jn& Macro J
You win find ono ectincri Misii7r
each tv;o oskcc l'tg,a::d two coupon-:
ri do each fovr c;iiir.c.
nagcl Ulackwdi'a Durham.
Buy a bag cf this cele
brated tobacco dthe
coupon which gives a list I
of valuable presents and iow
to gel tile in.
He Makes Some Reflections on the Benefits of the
Sport and Tells of its Dangers.
Yom Uie 2ress, Utica, iV. Y.
Tho Rev. Wra. P. F. Ferguson, whoso pic
ture we give above, will not be unfamiliar
by sixht to many readers. A yoiuis man, he
has still had an extended experience as I
foreign missionary, teacher, editor, lecturer
and pastor that has given him a wide ac
quaintance in many parts of the country.
Jn an interview a few days ago he said :
" In the early summer of '94 1 went upon
a tour through Canada on my wheel. My
route was from Utica to Capo Vincent thence
by steamer to Kingston, ana from there along
the north shore of the lake to Toronto and
around to Niagara Falls. I arrived at Cape
Vincent at 5 o'clock, having ridden against
a strong head wind all day.
"After ft delightful sail through the
Thousand Islands, I stepped on shore in
that quaint old city of Kingston. A slight
shower had fallen andthostreets were damp,
so that wisdom would have dictated that I,
lug-weary as I was, should have kept in
doors, but so anxious was I to see the old
city that I spent tho whole evening iu the
"Five o'clock the next morning brought
a very unwelcome discovery. I was lame
in both ankles and knees. The head wind
and the damp streets-had proved an unfor
tunate combination. I gave, however, little
thought to it, supposing it would wear offin
a fuw hours, and tho first (lush of sunlight
saw me speeding out the spleudid road that
lends toward Napanee.
"Night overtook meatalittle vlllagenear
Port Hope, but found me still lame. I rested
the next day, and the next, but it was too
late j tho mischief was done. I rode a good
many miles during the restof the season, but
never a day and seldom a mile without pain.
"The winter came and I put away my
wheel, saying ' now I shall get well,' but to
my disappointment I grew worse. Some
days my knees almost forbade walking and
my ankles would not permit mo to wear
shoes. At times I suffered severe pain, 60
severe as to mako study a practical impos
sibility, yet it must bo understood that
I concealed the condition of affairs as fur
us passible.
From being local tho trouble began to
spread slightly and my anxiety increased.
consulted two physicians and followed
their excellent advice, but without result.
Bo the winter paused. One day in March I
happened to take in my hand a newspaper
j in which a good deal of space was taken by
an article in relation to Dr. imams' J'nii:
Pills. I did not at that time know what
they were supposed to cure. I should
have paid no attention to the articlo had I
not caught the name of a lady whom 1
knew. Heading, 1 found that she, in similar
circumstances, iiad been greatly benciited
by the use of Pink Pills, and knowing lior
as I did I had no doubt of the truth of the
statement that she had authorized.
The first box was not gone before I saw
a change, ami the third had not been
finished before all signs of my rheumatic
troubles were gone to stay.
" I say 'gone to stay,' for though therr
has been every opportunity for a return oi
the trouble, 1 nave not felt the first twinge
of it. I have wheeled thousands of mil
and never before with so little discomfort.
I have had foiik; of the most sovere tests ol
strength and endurance, and have come
through them without an ache. .For ex
ample, one afternoon I rode seventy miles,
preached that night and made fifty miles of
the hardest kind of road before noon the
next day. Another instance was a ' Cen
tury run,' the last forty miles of which were
made in a downpour of rain through mud
and slush.
" You should think I would recommend
them to others? Well, I have, and havi
had the pleasure of seeing very good rewdt..
in a number of instances. Yes, I should
feel that I was neglecting a duty if I failed
to suggest Pink Pills to any friend whom I
knew" to be sutlering from rheumatism.
win I'REsnvTKBiAN emmen in whites
UOI10, 01' which ukv. wm. vkhquson
" No, that is not the only disease thoy
cure. I personally know of a number ot
cures from other troubles, hut I have needed
them only for that, though it would be but
Mr to add that my general health has been
better this summer than ever before in my
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the
elements necessary to give new life and
richness to tho blood and rcstoro shattered
nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in
loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at CO
cents a box, or six boxes for $2.60, and may
be had of all druggists or directly by mail
from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Schenectady. N. Y.
And tho Most Complete nnd Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brande
of J. W. MASUKY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but tha
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Wasury Liquid Faints. No ohom-
col combination or soap mixture. A nm-ciass article in an colors, ah omen
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Bhoo oorner Third and Washington Sts The Dalles. Oreoi
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Ml'. I'Alll.
I1UI.KNA ami
Through Tickets
For information, time cards, maps ami tickets,
cal on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
Tho Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. C4. P. A.,
2o5, Jlotrifon Cor. Third. I'ortliind Oregon
18 I'iibos a Wiiok. 150 Papui-H a Year.
It stands first among ''weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety ami reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at tho low-
price o a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state nnd
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for tho accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special featured are a fine humor
page, oxhaustivo market reports, all the
latest fashioiid for women and a long
series of Htories by tho greatest living
American and Enulirih authors,
Cnnan Doylo, .loriimn K. Trroliie,
Stnulity AVi-jimm, -Mary K. Willdtis,
Anthony lloitu, Itrnt H nr to,
ltruiulnr J)lattliov, I'Ai:,
We offer this uneqiiuled newspaper and
Tho Dalles Twice-n Week Chronicle to
gether ono year for ifL'.OO. The regular
price of tho two papers is sfo.00.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
N'otico i.s lierchy Riven that liy virtue ot an
execution nnd tlx: order of miIo Is.Mii'd out o( the
Circuit Couit of tho rttiite of Oregon for Wusoo
County on tho lath day of January, 1M)7, upon a
tk'crco and judgment mnde, rendered and en
tered thcrutoioru therein iu a suit wherein J. J.
.Spencer was plniutill' and Wilson It. WIuuiih Mnrt. Wln.n.u 1. 1 u ... 1 1. . .. . . .1 1 ,f II...... .
,i ...i..,, iiti.iio, mr ,liv, .u. MuimiiKiuu
U',ir. llt.f'lKllllltltu. I illll rltll.. 1...... ii...... .....I ...II,
....u i u... .41. .J ... , J llIWt, VHl
sell at the front door of the county courtlioiibo
iu uuui-a , n iim.m Luuniy, uri'Kon, on ttilllir
day, the 13th day of February, IS'J7, at a o'clock
lit tint nfinMiiinn tit u.. t.l ...!. II. f
111 uit auwuiwwii in aitiu liUJf 111 IMIUIIU UUL'UUII
u lh"Vl MIVUIVI tn JJilillli Villi llll"
JowiiiK described real estate, described in said
Id. 1 .....I t 1 .1 ll 1
V.UVUUUII aim wiiiut iii Dine, nun iii'.Mjnueu us
follows, to-wit: lotH four ( 1), ilvo (5), six (0)
mid seven i7. In section No. six (ft) iu townnhip
No. ono fl), north of raiiKO ten H0)mistof Wili-
aineuc jieriunin in wasco county, OreRon, con
tnlnttiK 16?.71 acres of land, toKetlier with tho
tenements, hcleditaments and iipptirteniinccs
uivigumii uviiuiKiiiK, ur iii uny wise apperiaiu
inif, or so much thereof as shall be necessarv to
Rfitluf vtltn fimniMitu itnn utmn ..! r. !..u.
HOVJ.'Jj, together with interest thereon at tho
' " uiKui iwi vent iur iiiiiiuni kiiico iiiu aain
dny of December, 1890; and the further sum of
$100 for attorney's fees; and the further sum of
$ao costs in said suit, together with accruing in
terest and expenses of sale.
JJated at Tho Dalles, Or., tills 12th day of Jan
urj'i iS'J7
Janlfi St-ll SherilJ of Wasco County, Oregon.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ijotlco is hereby given that an execution and
".?r0J.s"J1 V'S Usue(l 0,1.t.,of 1,10 01rc't Court
SLlb0H8t0t0.o,..OrC8O.n ,or Wttsc0 Comity, on tho
afith day of December, im, upon a Judgment
therein rendered on the aistday of November
18W. in favor of Ko.d 11. Dictzel. phdutll nnd
yga nst James V. Klllott and Willhl.a V od, " ie
fendiints, which said execution and order of
sa p is to mo directed and commanding mo to
sell tho roiprty hereinafter deserlbcd, for tho
purpose i of satisfying the judgmentof tho plaint
111 In said cause for tho sum of faio.ll), with In
terest thereon at ten jer cent per milium from
theaist day of November, 18U0; a.ul the fufther
sum of U0 attorney's fees; and the costs und
disbursements of said suit taxed at f 15. There
fore, in compliance with said execution and
oiderof sale, 1 will on
Saturday, January 30. 1807,
!iLthV.!",Un of,L'c!!!ck ' at tliocourtliouso
doorli Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell
tit i.ubl o auction, to tho highest bidder, for cash
In hand, for tho purposo of satisfying the Juilg
jaentiibovo meiiiloned tho following described
hinds mid premises, to-win
Sixty-three (C:i) ueresotf tho east sldo of tho
North nnlf nr tint BnntliAout n un
lownshlpl North, Hango 15 Kast, W. M,, com-
; ' ?l " puun mi mo rtnrtu lino
of tho NWkjo : the . Blew of said bectlon ai;
BouUi onc-qimrter mllo; thouco West to u point
th.r.w m;Vi. ?.7iw . V,Bv Ul. uwHH(t;i
Dated this iiothdaj of December 18i.
Jun2-5t.l Bherlllof Watco County, Or.
Drugs, Paints,
Wail Paper,
Glass. Etc.
T7-' 1
129 Second St.,
J. 8. KCltKNK,
First National Baiill
A rlntinw, nanlrmn TIoii(ian 4.. .- v
- o. "uioaii
f-V !A - - J 1-1 1 I n . . Hi J.
i ...ill .ui i lj r....... ir.i.i u 1 1 t i . i t j .
Draft nr IlhopV Rajdi
Collections mnde nnd proceeds woafl
remitted on day of collection, jfef
Sicht and Tolegraphic Exchange
Kow York, San Francisco ani vmM$,
D. P. Thompson.
Ell. M. WlLIiIAM3,
H. M. Bk.u.l
Jno. B. SciuAll
Guo. A.Liiifll
.1.1.. iKrtai
Letters of Credit iHaued available inr
Eastern States. WM
Sight Exchange nnd TelepiA4
Trunnfnrs sold on New York. Chtaaa'!
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland &
Ron, Seattle Wash,, und various
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points onlt$$
orablo terms.
Dalles Cily anfl ffloro Staie
Leaves Williams. Hotel, Moiu, m$
Monthtys, Wednesdays and Fridaj!tM"
8 n. in. prompt.
T TT i.!ll tT Tl. n,tU&
ijciivua uni.miiii iiiuiKt;, j.un ubm)
Luesaiiys, TiivrHunya imo saturaaji
8 a. in. iirnnnit,.
Freight rates The Dalles to Jforo,
per 100 Iuh; small jmckiifres, loandSJ
Passenger rates Tho Dalles to Mora
.fl.00; round trip, !f2.50.
Agency at Umatilla House, The DalJ,
and at Williams Hotel, Moro.
U. 8. IMND Offici, In
ThkD.vij.ks, Dec. 7. 18ft.. iO
Complaint having been entered at Olios j
"J n.l.l V. ..Vl,.,V.l,lt HM.I.....V . -JB
.it, f..r nl.n,,.li..,l.w. l,r.nii,Kh,ia C nUT
13JI5. iluteii Mnrnh 111. 1R!I9. miou thoSVWKtEJ
SI, Township 4 Bouth Kango 13 E, In
('(lllMtv. (Ironrni, will. vlnw In the CaDWvl
of said entry, tho said parties "wherrtM
:ar at tnis ouico on mo i"Ta
moiled to iiimear i
Jjiniinrv. 1KD7. ,,(:' n'nlnnU- n. in., to resp
furnili testimony concerning said
dlC-i ' JAS. r. MOOBE, Beflitet
Stages leave Bake Ovon for AnUWjb
very day, and from Antelope to mm
choll three times a' week.
The Glades RancI
Fure Bred
Jerstty Cuttle
Of tho 8t. Lambert, Coininasslo mid TorB
mine. Thren llhnlno Hulls for MM Yfft
so somo ()hol6o Cows and Heifers for m
l'uro llred l'ohiiid China Hoks.
iiiiih nymouiii hook Viinunui;". -Aildrens:
MltS. A. K. hYKKKTT.Pia
Jy25-wam White Saluion,