The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Till: DAI.l.KH, O UK (ION TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. It I Up to Ditte. It in reported that two weeks more will finish tlie work behiR done by Corey Brothers on tlie first ten miles of tlio railroad grade. Good. Then Astoriu will he ten miles Uolow is published n correct time card nearer civilization and Salem. saluiu ot trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust It, as Tin: Citnosioi.i: is kept fully in formed of revisions: . 1. A. N. O. STKAMKltS. Steamer Regulator leaves every Monday, Wed- nesuayanu many nc , :m a. in. Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday mid Satur dny at 6:S0 p. in. OREGON' RAUAVAY FAST MAIL. 3S' o.l Vet-b3und ...... Ko.2 Kast-bound it NAVIGATION" CO. Arrive. Leave. ..!;!" m. in. I:f0 ii.iii .10ilf.ii.iu. tOi' Statesman. The Salem Statesman understands the niceties of English, and says civili- zuion and Salem, instead of Salem and civilisation. The distinction is probably due to the fact that just now the legisla ture is both present and absent. FORGOT HIS NECKTIE. DALLKS VAiKNllKK. No. 7 West-bound, leaves No. S East-bound, arrives . 1:00 run .11:55 a. m All paseni?er traius stop at Union Street, ns weu as tauue)H)t. 1 K It S ) NA I. M KNT I ON, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. II. Dufur were in the city yesterday from Dufur, and at tended the hall last evemntr. Senators Michel! and Dufttrand Hen reseutative Huntingrori returned from Salem last nighc: byL will bo at their posts in Salem Mondrtyy "Hilly" Mansfleltfis home from Salem and will probably remain until Wednes dav. THE CHURCHES- Lutheran services will be held at the courthouse tomorrow as follows: Morn ing service at 11 ; Sunday school at 12:15; merman service at p. m.; evening service at 7 :S0. Services as usual at the Christian church tomorrow morning and evening. Preaching by the pastor, A. D. Skaggs. Subjact tor morning discourse, "The school of Christ, who is our leader, and what book should we use?" Evening discourse, "The last night of Israel in Egyptian bondage." A cordial welcome is extended to all. At the Congregational church, corner of Court nnd Fifth streets, services as follows. xU 11 a. in., and at 7:30 p. m. worship, and a sermon by the pastor, "W.C. Curtis. Sunday school immediately after the morning service. Young Peo ple's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. Topic, Our failures and our successes. All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordiallv invited. State op Ohio, City ok Toledo Lucas County. J s' Frank J. Chenev makes oath 'that he is the senior partner of the linn of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state afore--eaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be -cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscriber! in '.my presence, this 6th day of December, A'.D. 1S90. A. V. Glkaso:;, seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood nnd nine ti os surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. .1. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0. SSold by Druggists, 7oc. No. 3-11 ICmbtirruRsliif; Sttuiitlun of a Young Man Out West. In these days of cheap neckwear a man is poor indeed who cannot nfl'ord a largo collection o tics. Thcro is one youni man in this city, howovet, iys the Denver Times, who would have willingly paid live times the cost of a cravat, if necessary, a few days ago. lie. is a genius in his way, and, like mast of his tribe, requires a guardian. It. was on a bright, warm morniiiLr, not long since, that he sauntered from his home, just about shopping time, and in his absent-minded way wandered downtown. As he walked along Six teenth .street people gazed at'hini curi ously, and some were ill-bred enough to laugh. Their curiosity was lost upon lum, however, for he wa.s far away in reveries of the bright, happv times when editors accept everything that is ottered without even asking ambitious young authors to ruthlessly cut manu script "to satisfy our readers." lie wandered into a crowded drug store, and, elbowing his way through the throngs of well-lressed women, asked for his favorite phosphate, and then continued his stroll until he reached the otliee of tlie Times. Then some one asked him why he did not dress before coming on the street. He looked up in mild amazement, sought a mirror, and then made a rush for the nearest hab erdashery. Since then he has become possessor of a complete collection of ties, and when ho sees his sister wearing the choicest specimens, his hand in variably seeks his collar band to see if ho has again been neglectful. Beginning classes will be organized in the first primary departments of Union street and Academy Park schools on Monday, Jan. 23, 1S97. Children who are 0 years of age before May 1st may enter school at the above date. Parents and guardians are requested to send all beginners for the spring term on Mon day, so as to start with the new classes. John Gavin, Prin. Public School. To Contractor. The county court requests contractors to submit plans and estimates for a bridge across Hood river, at the town of Hood Riyer. Plans will be considered at the adjourned meeting to be held February 8th at 1 o'clock p. tn. The court reserves the right to reject any and all plans. If a plan is selected, bids will be asked for the building of the bridge. By order of the court. jan'J -k A. M. Kelhay, Clerk. liuckleirn Arnica mbItu. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped bunds, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It ia guaranteed to give perfect HatiBfac tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale tjy lilaheloy and Houghton, druggists. lulle-Mori St UK" Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. in Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douomh Allen, Prop. g A. CJUIU.KY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ARLINGTON, OREGON. Practices in thi State and Federal Courts ot Ou'koji mid WusmiiKtou. juir.M-.Jmo Food or III According to the arrricnHiirni .i., ment, X, per cent, of the food of hi,. owjs, crows ad blapkhir,ie i nlmalH and insects far , 1 1 ous to agriculture than the birds themselves. The corn ,nt, i. II . crows is mostly waste corn, plcfccd p in the fall anil !,. n..', 1 also found to be very useful to the .WHIPPING LITTLE GIRLS. An Effort Is Asked For to Abolish the l'rlvIlcKv in KiiKlaml. The authorized flogging of little girls is a piece of barbarism which low that the subject has been definite ly raised, will receive, we trust, no ountenanee from the home secretary, says the London Daily News. Mr. IMley says tliat girls in tlie elementary schools are caned, a bit of information which we commend to the immediate notice of Sir John Gorst. The public of London has outgrown the days of Mother lirownrigg, and Mother Urown rigg, as the Newgate "calendar" in forms us, wa.s not sustained by judge, jury, public opinion, or .'fa' Ketch in her theories and her practic o the castigation of girls. There wero philos ophers, to be sure, who approved of the whipping of girls. Locke approved of a mother who whipped her little daugh ter nine times in order to compel her to confess some error; and Johnson commended a mother who whipped her dnughtorintho interestof future truth fulness because tho girl had said she came in through one door, when in fact she had come in through another. But those were days when children wen; supposed to be born only that they might be birched as far as possible out of their share of original sin. Women were publicly flogged at the cart's tail in the days of I.c.-kf and of Johnson 'reo I'M1 Send your address to H. E. Iiucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the euro of Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to bo perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate tho fys tem. Regular size 25o. per box. Sold by Ulakeley & Houghton Druggiate. (4) itooa poison n DA tlarylir.OUU l'Ol.SON permanently cured In 10 to Si days. You ccn bo treated at homo f or Bunio prico under ea wo rim rau ty. If you prefer to come hero wo will coo tract U pay railroad farenmlliotelbllls.and BO Chine, If wo fall to euro. 1 f you Iibto takon liter cury, iodide iiotuHli, and ntlll liavo uchea and pilns, BIucous Vatclm in mouth, Horo Throat, 1'lmpleg, Copper Colored NpoU, Ulcer on eny part of tlio Vody, Hair or Kyelirow fullliis out, It ia tbis Kecoudury ISLOOU VOIKON wo Roarautco to euro. Wo solicit tlio moit obati Bate CUB6U and ciiullonirn tbu world for a cam wo cannot cure, 'i'lilo dlaeano lias always balUetl tlio Hklll of tho most eminent pliyil ciaiu. 91100,000 capital behind our uncoudl Uonal guaranty. Abaoi u to proof iont sealed oa application. Address COOK ItKMKUY CO 0? Miuioaio Xtiuvlv. UIUUAUU, IUmZ.. The highest claim for ether tcbaccoo ia "Jusit ns good aa Durham." Every eld smoker knows there ia none just as yood cs BlacLkwelfs BULL DURHAM Smoking fotiacco Jl. You vrili find ono coupci ijrido cacli two o'.ucc l).ig,niicl v., o cor poua ii.."1 do each fcur cunco oaf.; ci iJiaci:w cu'o J Jurliaiu. JJuy a hag cf thin cele brated tobacco and read ihc ' cotltioil vvllicii trivc'S n list of tluabic presents and 'low to get llicm. A CYCLING MINISTER'S EXPERIENCE, THE RESULTS OF LONG, HARD RIDING. FULLY 3,000 MILES ON HIS WHEEL He Makes Some Reflections on the Benefits of the Sport and Tells of its Dangers. Jflrotn Uie Press, Vlica, 1'. The Itev. Win. P. F. Ferguson, whose pic ture we give above, will not be imt'.ttnilmr by sight to many readers. A young man, lie lias still had an extended experience us foreign missionary, teacher, editor, lecturer and pa&tor that has given him a wide ac quaintance in many parts of the country. in ttu interview a few days ago lie said : " In the early summer of '94"I went upon a tour through Canada on my wheel. Aly route was from Utiea to Cape Vincent thcucc liystcamcrto Kingston, and from there alon" the north shore of the lake to Toronto and around to Niagara Falls. 1 arrived at Capo Vincent at 5 o'clock, having ridden against a strong head wind all day. "After a delightful sail through tho Thousand Islands, I stepped on shore in that quaint old city of Kingston. A slight shower had fallen and tho streets were damp, no that wisdom would have dictated that 1, leg-weary as I was, should have kept in doors, but so anxious was I to see the old city that I sput the whole evening in the streets. " Five o'clock the next morning brought a very unwelcome discovery. I was lame in both ankles and knees. The head wind and the damp streets had proyed an unfor tunate combination. I gave, however, little thought to it, supposing it would wear off in u few hours, and the first flush of sunlight haw mo speeding out the splendid road that leads toward Napanec. "Night overtook meat a little village near Port Hope, hut found me still lame. I rested the next day, and tlie next, but it was too Jate ; the mischief was done. I rode a good many miles during the rest of the season, but never a day and seldom a mile without pain. "The winter came and I put away my wheel, saying now I shall get well,' Uut to my disappointment I grew worse. Some days my knees almost forbade walking and my ankles would not permit me to wear shoes. At times I suffered severe pain, so severe as to mako study a practical impos sibility, yet it must be understood that I concealed the condition of affairs as far us possible. , , ... From being local tho trouble began to spr&ad slightly and my anxiety increased, "i consulted two physicians and followed their excellent advice, but without result. So the winter passed. One day in March I happened to take in my hand a newspaper j in which a good deal of space was taken by an article in relation to Dr. Williams' J'iiik l'ills. I did not at that time know what they were supposed to cure. I should have paid no attention to the article had I not caught the name of a lady whom J knew. Reading, 1 found that she, in similar circumstances, had been greatly benelitcd by the use of Pink Pills, and knowing licr us I'did I hud no doubt of the truth of the statement that she had authorized. The first box was not gone before I saw a change, and the tiiird hud not been finished before all signs of my rheumatic troubles were gone to stay. " I say 'gone to slay for though there has been every opportunity for a return oi thf trouble, 1 nave not felt the first twinai of it. 1 have wheeled thousands of mile nnd never before with so little discomfort. I have had Mime of the most severe tesls ot strength and endurance, and have conn through them without an ache. For ex ample, one afternoon I rode seventy miles, preached that night and made fifty miles oi the hardest kind of road before noon the next day. Another instance was a ' On tury run,' the last forty miles of which were made in u downpour of rain through mud and slush. " You should think 1 would recommend them to others? Well, I have, and have had the pleasure of seeing very good resulis in a number of Instances. Yes, 1 should feel that I wa neglecting a duty if I failed to suggest Pink l'ills to any friend whom I knew to be suffering from rheumatism. J I jar THE rnESIlYTItBIAN CHURCH in whitks HOltO, OF WHICH 1U5V. WM. FliKflUSON IS PASTOR. " No, that is not the only disease they cure. I personally know of a number ol cures from other troubles, but I have needed them only for that, though it would be but fair to add that my general health has been better this summer than ever before in my life. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to tho blood and restore shattered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at 5tt cents a box, or six boxes for $.60, and may lie had of all druggists or directly by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady. N. Y. -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And tho Moat Comjilute and Latest Patterns and DcaiiHia in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. Nono but tho best branch of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and nono but thd fnoat skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A firat-claaa artiilo in ull colors. Ail order; promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts,f The Dalles, Oreeoi ORTHERN PACIFICRY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car TO hT. I'Alll. JIINNKAI'OMH IlUl.tlTII l'AII(H) ClUANI) 1'OUKH CJUOOKSTON WINNIPKO iii;i.i:n'a ami ItUTTK Through Tickets CIIIUAOO WAHH1NCSTON I'HlI.ADKkl'IMA NKW VOKK IIOHTOX AM AM. 1'OINTS ISA ST niut SOUTH For information, time cauls, maps ami tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon OK A. D. CHARLTON. Aeat. 0. P. A., 25.). MoiilMin t:or. Thlr.l. fortliiml Oregon THE- NEW YORK WORLD THRlCE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 riiec a AVuok. 150 Tiipurs n Year. It etands first among '"weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, vuriet and reliability of con tents. It ia practically n daily at the low price o n weekly ; and its vast hat of subscribers, extending to every atato nnd territory of the Union ami foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is snlondidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all tho latest fasliiond for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Coiiuii Doyln, Jurniiir 1C. .liiroine, Stanley AVuyiuun, Mui-y K. WUIdiiH, Anthony llouu, Itrol llarte, llrimilor Jllultliuw. ICte. We ofTer this nneqtmled newspaperand Tho Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether one year for ifL'.OO. Tho icgular price of the two papers is !?.'!. 00. Notice of 'Sheriffs Sale. Xotlce is hereby ulven Hint hv virtue of 1111 execution iiml tlio outer of sulo isMiul out of the circuit (.'ouit ot tlio titute oi Oie;;on for Wnseo County on the lath iluv of January. 1;)7. iinon a decree and Judgment made, tendered and en- ivitu iiivii'iuiuiu men-la ni hull wncrem .1. j. Hpeuoer was iduintlll' and Wilson It. Wiuaiih mill Mary Winans, his wifcmul.l. M. ItuntiiiKton wore defendants; I did dulv lew upon and will bell at tho front door of the county eotirthoun! in Dalles CitV. Wasco C'ountv.'OreL'Oii. on Sntnr. day, tlio lath day of February, lbU7, at 2 o'clock in uieaiiernoon oi Mini nay, at public auction, to tlio highest bidder for cash in baud, tho fol lowing described real ostatc. described In xalil execution and order of sale, and described as lolloivs, to-wit: Lots four ( I), five (5), six ((!) and teven (7), in section No, six (fi) in township No. one (1), north of range ten il())eastof Will amctte Meridian in Wasco County, Oregon, con- mining luo.d ucresoi lanti, logetncr uitli the tenements, lielcdltaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertain ing, or so much thereof ns ahull l m.r'i...iin. t satisfy i.the amounts due upon said writ, to-wit: ?1070.U."), together with interest thereon at the rate of eight ucr cent wr annum sImpi. tin. 'Nti, dny of December, 18Dd; and the further sum of i.uu ior Muoniey s ices; anil tne lurthyr sum of ?i0 costs in Mid suit, together with accruing in terest and expenses of sale. Dated at Tho Dalles Or., tills l'.'th day ot Juii. II ry, 1807. Jnnlfi.M-U Sherlll of Wasco County', Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. ?Cntlf'(. Ik ImrAlu ivti.n.i tlmf .... i prdtT of sale was issued out of tho Circuit Court of the Htatuof Onvnn InrU'm, i,.,. .... .i: 'Jfitli day of December, lwiii. iinun rn,i,.,,i... Iherein rendered on tho liistifay of November. lb'Ju, in favor of Ko.d II. Dlctzel. plalutifl', and inrn 1 1 1 k t .limn.s l.v Wlll,t i u-iii . n..." 1'"."' fendants, which said execution and order of .... ",u '"'eeieu niii eomniaiuiliig mo to sellthu property liereinafter described, for the terest thereon at ten per cent per annum from the'.'lstdav of November, li; and tlio further Slim of Sill iittnrtiov'u f..u. . ...i . i. .. ." ". dUbu riements of sd suU tx'edlt 0!Th"re! onleroisale V'wlil on w,w uxwll Sutunlny. Jitnuiiiy :io. ihot. Ill lllO hiilir nf 1 n'nlnnl.' . ..i door !ii WailcS Ut, XyTcH-'.;" Wy&Tl at imbl o auction, to the higliest bi.ider, for cash in hand, for tlio purpose of satisfying tho judg inent above mentioned tho following described IJlllfll Illlil flFJtllllLJAiJ tf mill Hlxtv.tliri'n fi'.:n minai ,ir ,i.i,.ii... North half of the Routheast ouarter of Hec. 30 In 'township t North, Hango IS Knst, W. M., coi ineucliig ata rockat n i.olnt on tho North line of the NWof tho SICK of said Section au; I II Oil CO VAlht tl Filwt linn tf Houth oiie-fjuarter miloi theneo West tn a point uiv.i una .,iii uii) in 4'weiuuur, invii. Jim8-St.ll Sherlfl of nd'o Couutyjcir. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. Soipes-'taly Drug k 129 Second St., THE DALLES., - - OR .1. S. SOHKKK, 1'rcsidcut. H. M. IlEAU, Castries piFst Rational Bank. THE DALLES OREQ0N A General Banking Business transact! DepoaitB received, BUDjeut to Sight Draft or Cheek. Collections miuie and proceeds prompty uu uut ui uuiieeiiuu. Sipiit and Tolegraphic Exchange golden New Yorfe, Han Francisco ani Portland. direotoks. D. V. Thomphon. Jno. 6. ficnisct El). M. WlIiLIAMH, iiKO. A. LlKBI. H. M. Bkai.i.. FRENCH & CO 1 BANKERS. Tit ANSACT A GENERAL HANKING BU8INES Letters of Credit issued available in ih Eustern States. Siplit Exchange and Telegraphx TranHfora sold on Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San FranciBco, Portland On (roil, Seattle Wash,, and various poin'j in Oregon and Washington. Collections made nt ail points on hv orahle terms. Dalles City and ffloro Stain li Leaves Williams Hotel, Moio, ci londavh, Wednesdays and Fridays it 8 ii. m. promiit. Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles. Tuesdays, ThvrsdnyH and Saturdays il 8 a. in. prompt. Freight rates Tlie Dalles toMoro, A per 100 lbs; small puukuges, 15 unci 25t PasBeiiger rates Tho 'Dalies (oMoro, $1.50; round trip, !f2.50.s Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalle, and at Williams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. NOTICE. 17. S. Land Offick, Tiik Dam.ks, Dec. 7, 1W. I Complaint having been entered at thlsolfi by Uwis tj. Jieimeghan against William ort eu for abaudoulug ills homestead ento'1 i:0, dated March lu, IStc.', upon the 8Wi wctl IW, Township -I South llungc lit E, in WiJ County, Oregon, with a view to tho caiicelliuoi of said entry, the said parties are hereby ma; moned to appear at this ottleo on the ifJth aar January, 1SU7, at '2 o'clock p. in., to respond furnih testimony concerning said alW nhandoniiicut. dlti-i JAB. F. MOORE, Reflitei. Bake Oven and Mi n STAGE LINE, THOMAS HARPER, - - Propria Stages leave Bako Oven for Anteloj overv (n.v. nm frnm Antnlnno tO choll tlireo times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. The Glades Ranch, WIIITK HA&MON. WAflU. i ure Mi' Jersey Cuttle Ulub J Of tho 8t Lnmbert, Coininnssic and Tormesj" ralue. Three Cliolco Dulls for sale o"" ............. r I ...... . ..... a j ttY Sflie. on Boino iiiioieo uows aim jiuiii l'jjte Hrl rolanil Chlnu Hogs. White Plymouth Hock Chickens. Address; MIttf. A. It. HYKKKTT, VtK ir-o-WJm WJiHo Salmon. " J. B. QOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Reesidence, Tenth nud Liberty Strt